Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2019. Vol. I. - Issue 52


Content 142-143

Карамушка Л.М. Karamushka, L. M. Effects of social tension in educational organizations . 3-10

Карамушка Л.М., Креденцер О.В., Терещенко К.В., Івкін В.М., Лагодзінська В.І., Ковальчук О.С. Karamushka, L.M., Kredentser, O.V., Tereshchenko, K.V., Ivkin, V.М., Lagodzinska, V.І., Kovalchuk, О.S. Educational organization social tension psychological factors: main types and research methods 10-18

Панченко О.А., Кабанцева А.В., Сердюк І.О. Panchenko, O.A., Kabantseva, A.V., Serdyuk, I.O. Paradoxes of understanding the socialization and personal development of professional drivers . 19-24

Соломка Т.М. Solomka, T.M. Individual style formation strategies in the process of employee self-design 24-28

Черевичний С.В. Cherevychny, S.V. Decision-making by the commander in a situation of uncertainty and ambiguity 29-34

Дембицька Н.М., Рябовол Т.А., Голяка С.Г. Dembitska, N.M., Ryabovol, T.I., Goliaka, S.G. Softization of student's personal property in conditions of economy virtualization . 35-39

Зубіашвілі І.К. Zubiashvili, I. K. Monetary culture as a component of the economic culture of the individual 40-45

Лавренко О.В. Lavrenko, O.V. Spiritual and material principles in the economic consciousness of students 45-55

Мельничук Т.І. Melnychuk, T.I. Socio-psychological features of students' economic self-determination in the field of employment in conditions of social change 55-61

Філончук З.В. Filonchuk, Z.V. Formation of financial culture of school students in the context of new ukrainian school reform 61-68

Бриль М.М. Bryl, M.M. Metaforicalassociative cards as an instrument of psychology of professional self-determination 69-76

Кабанцева А.В. Kabantseva, A.V. Socialization of children with emotional disorders 76-82

Назар М.М. Nazar, M.M. Formation of agency by means of internet trainings . 82-86

Панченко О.А. Panchenko, O.A. Socialization of the individual in the conditions of information turbulence . 87-93

Примачок Л.Л. Primachok, L.L. Psychological principles of studying the process of professional development of the individual 93-99

Пустовий О.М. Pustovy, O.M. Investigation of the motivational factors behind group cohesion in the military unit 99-104

Сліпушко Г.М. Slipushko, G.M. Overcoming negative gender stereotypes about servicewomen . 104-110

Стасько О.Г., Зольникова С.В. Stasko, O.G., Zolnikova, S.V. Conditional values from the perspective of depth psychology . 110-115

Сулятицький І.В., Островський І.П., Островська К.О. Sulyatytsky,I.V., Ostrovski,I.P., OstrovskaK.O. Some aspects of social adaptation of ATO veterans 116-122

Терещенко К.В. Tereschenko, K.V. Personal tolerance: an interdisciplinary approach 123-128

Чаплак Я.В., Собкова С.І., Собков Ю.В. Chaplak, Ya.V., Sobkova, S.I., Sovkov, Yu.V. Manipulative imitative activity as a criterion for defining a crisis society 128-135

Шаумян О.Г. Shaumyan, O.G. Socialandpsychologicalworkwithconvicts 135-141