Content 109-110
Дунець Л. М., Павліченко А. П. Dunets, L. M., Pavlichenko, A. P. Features of professional communication of future police officers 3-8
Карамушка Л. М., Вознюк А. В. Karamushka, L. M., Voznyuk, A. V. Psychological analysis of managing education districts as innovative organizations 8-15
Карамушка Л. М., Креденцер О. В., Терещенко К. В. Karamushka, L. M., Kredentser, O. V., Tereshchenko, K. V. Tools for researching staff's mental health 15-22
Клочко А. О. Klochko, A. O. Personal characteristics of educational organization managers: relationship with innovative management styles . 22-29
Лагодзінська В. І. Lagodzinska, V. I. Creativity as an important determinant of mental health of educational staff: a theoretical analysis of the problem 29-36
Лагодзінський В. В. Lagodzinsky, V. V. Theoretical analysis of the concept of emotional leadership . 36-43
Примачок Л. Л. Prymachok, L. L. Comparative study into professional competence of physical rehabilitation specialists with different work experience 43-54
Рутина Ю. В. Rutyna, Yu. V. The content and structure of the training program "Professional Self-Actualization of Civil Servants" 54-63
Шаумян О. Г. Shaumyan, O. H. A study into information security manager's personality 63-68
Дембицька Н. М. Dembytska, N. M. The development of comprehensive school students' entrepreneurship and personal property values during their economic socialization . 69-76
Карамушка Л. М., Креденцер О. В. Karamushka, L. M., Kredentser, O. V. Training "Teaching Staff's Entrepreneurial Activity Development Psychological Training": structure, content and use 76-84
Грейліх О. О. Greilich, О. O. Features of communicative orientation of preschool children’s speech training 85-89
Малоголова О. О. Maloholova, O. O. Internet addiction and its impact on adolescents 89-95
Overchuk, V. A. Overchuk, V. A. Socio-psychological support for people with disability as a condition of their successful social integration . 95-100
Орловська О. А. Orlovska, O. A. Combatants’ family adaptation psychological factors 100-105
Максименко С. Д., Карамушка Л. М., Терещенко К. В. Maksymenko, S. D., Karamushka, L. M., Tereshchenko, K. V. International Scientific-Practical Conference “Proactive Tolerance as a Road to Peace” (September 13–14, 2019, Uzhgorod) 106-107