Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. – 2020. Organizational psychology. Economical psychology. Social psychology – Volume 1. – Issue 54. – 128 p


Content 125-126

Ведмідь В.А. Vedmid, V.А. Рrofessional competence of polygraph examiners as a subject of psychological discourse 3-9

Задорожній К.А. Zadorozhniy, K.А. Рpsychological training of Ukrainian servicemen: modern scientific approaches, theory, assessment, practice .. 9-15

Карамушка Л.М., Заіка І.В. Karamushka, L.M., Zaika, I.V. The use of the Mindfulness program at the individual and organizational levels .. 15-21

Дембицька Н.М. Dembitska, N.M. Group socio-psychological training in students' economic socialization . 22-29

Зубіашвілі І.К. Zubiashvili, I.K. Psychological features of high school students' economic self-determination . 30-36

Карамушка Л.М., Паршак О.І. Karamushka, L.M., Parshak, О.І. The role of commercial organizations in the formation of staff's adequate attitudes to money .. 37-44

Лавренко О.В. Lavrenko, O.V. Moral foundations of economic self-determination of the individual 44-52

Мельничук Т.І. Melnychuk, T.I. Socio-psychological patterns of economic self-determination of working students . 52-58

Новосядла О.М. Novosyadla, O.M. Psychological factors in economic socialization of school students from low-income families . 59-66

Гусєва Н.Т. Guseva, N.T. Мanifestations of irrationality in electoral choice .. 67-71

Євланова Е.М. Yevlanova, E.M. Attributive styles of displaced persons . 72-78

Кахно І.В. Kakhno, I.V. Рsycho-dynamic approach to teachingclinical (medical) psychology to medical universitystudents . 79-85

Клімаш Т.П. Klimash, T.P. Self-concept of a narcissistic personality .. 85-90

Лящ О.П. Liashch, O.P. The role of emotional sphere in teacher's professional identity 91-96

Мамко В.П. Mamko, V.P. Psychologists' reflexive competence personal determination in the context of the study into reflexive groups 97-103

Могиляста С.М. Mohyliasta, S.М. A Program for developing high school students' emotional intelligence using psychological and educational methods 104-112

Настояща У.В. Nastoyashcha, U.V. Representations of prison subculture among the staff of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine . 112-118

Онищенко В.М. Onyshchenko, V.M. Transformation of personality in the process of overcoming life crises . 118-124