Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. – 2020. Organizational psychology. Economical psychology. Social psychology – Volume 1. – Issue 57. – 98 p


Content 125-126

Балахтар К. С. Balakhtar, K.S. The relationship between creativity and information competence of future socionomic professionals (illustrated by an example of social work and English language students) 3-12

Карамушка Л. М. Karamushka, L. M. The impact of coping strategies on psychological health components of the staff of educational organizations 12-21

Карамушка Л. М., Креденцер О. В., Терещенко К. В., Лагодзінська В. І., Ковальчук О. С., Івкін В. М. Karamushka, L. M., Kredentser, O. V., Tereshchenko, K. V., Lagodzinska, V. I., Kovalchuk, O. S., Ivkin, V. M. An empirical study on the structural components of the psychological health of the staff of educational organizations 22-31

Клибанівська Т. М. Klybanivska, T. M. High school students' professional self-determination and professional development 32-38

Клочко А. О. Klochko, A. O. Educational organization manager categories according to managers' attitudes to change: relationship with personal, organizational-professional and socio-demographic characteristics 39-45

Лагодзінська В. І. Lagodzinska, V. I. The role of creativity in promoting psychological health of staff of educational organizations: a theoretical analysis of the problem 45-50

Пастух Л. В. Pastukh, L. V. Team-building as an important direction of secondary educational institution management under the New Ukrainian School Concept 50-58

Паршак О. І. Parshak, O. I. Analysis of commercial organization staff general attitude towards money: the level and relationship with staff psychological characteristics 59-66

Вагабова А. О. Vagabova, А. О. Psychological analysis of the category of experience in foreign and Ukrainian psychology 67-73

Довгань Н. О. Dovgan, N. O. Empirical research into sociocultural interaction of generations: validity threat control procedures 74-77

Карамушка М. І., Карамушка Т. В. Karamushka, M. I., Karamushka, T. V. Psychological analysis of the content, types and role of social activity of the individual 78-84

Мусіяка Н. І. Musiiaka, N. I. S. D. Maksymenko concept of personal determination of learning 84-89

Терещенко К. В. Tereshchenko, K.V. Tolerance as a determinant of an individual's psychological health 90-95