Content 3-5
Анатольєва О.І. Anatol'ieva O.I. Motivation of cadets' educational activity 5-14
Бабій М. Ф. Babii M. F. The influence of family relationships on the strategy of adolescent behavior 14-23
Брик О.М., Кочаровський М.С. Bryk O.M., Kocharovs'kyi M.S. Some aspects of the role of the leader in socio-psychological training in decision-making 23-31
Вольгемут І. А. Vol'gemut I. A. The relationship of individual psychological characteristics with the success of the individual 31-42
Герасименко В.В. Gerasymenko V.V. Scientific approaches to the study of the problem of cognitive styles in adolescence 42-55
Гончаренко Н.А. Goncharenko N.A. Coping stress strategies for mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 55-65
Горбенко С.Л. Gorbenko S.L. Research of role behavior in connection with the socialization of student youth 65-74
Євдокимова Н.О., Раткогло О.М. Ievdokymova N.O., Ratkoglo O.M. Psychological status of a person with cancer 74-83
Євдокимова Н.О., Тарасова Н.В. Ievdokymova N.O., Tarasova N.V. Psychological support of adolescent athletes 83-91
ЄвдокимоваН.О., Харченко О.О. IevdokymovaN.O., Harchenko O.O. Professional self-determination of older adolescents 91-98
Євдокимова Н.О., Чеканова О.С. Ievdokymova N.O., Chekanova O.S. Features of play activities of children with autism 99-108
Євдокимова Н.О., Воскевич Ю.В. Ievdokymova N.O., Voskevych iu.V. Signs and causes of emotional burnout of foster parents and foster parents of family-type orphanages 108-117
Кордунова Н.О., Дмитріюк Н.С. Kordunova N.O., Dmytriiuk N.S. Psychological features of the formation of professional competence of students in the process of professional training 117-128
Лавренко О. В. Lavrenko O. V. Economic activity of the youth of ukraine in the conditions of social changes 128-145
Матеієнко Г.М. Mateiienko G.M. Psychological features of educational stress in higher education institutions 145-156
Мельничук Т.І. Mel'nychuk T.I. Socio-psychological factors of self-determination of student youth in the field of employment 157-169
ПітулейВ.В. PituleiV.V. Socio-psychological analysis of the determinants of violence in the modern world 169-177
ПорхунА.Д., Власова-Чмерук О.М. PorhunA.D., Vlasova-Chmeruk O.M. Sexual education of ukrainian students in the information society 177-188
ПриманокЛ.Л. PrymanokL.L. The structure of professional authenticity of a specialist in physical rehabilitation 188-201
Сіраковська О.Б. Sirakovs'ka O.B. Study of psycho-emotional state in women with reproductive disorders 201-213
Синявська Н.Я. Syniavs'ka N.ia. Determining the type of personality of medical students as an adaptive potential for the formation of future doctors 213-233
Слободяник Н.В. Slobodianyk N.V. Psychological support of interpersonal interaction in the educational space 234-246
Степаненко І.М. Stepanenko I.M. Psychological features of personal formations of shyness of future psychologists 246-260
Сушко Д.Д. Sushko D.D. Scientific interpretations of the phenomenon of interdependent behavior 260-268
ТептюкЮ.О. Teptiukiu.O. Substantiation of the program of development of stress resistance of social workers of different age categories 268-284
ТерещенкоЛ.А., ДзюбкоЛ.В. TereshhenkoL.A., DziubkoL.V. Formation of professional self-consciousness of young specialists 284-298
Терноеик Н.А. Ternoeyk N.A. The influence of dialogue on the organization of the thought process of adolescents as subjects of cognitive activity 298-310
Турбан В.В. Turban V.V. A factor of security in the development and vital functions of the individual 310-321
Цимбал М.Р. Cymbal M.R. Research of cadet's free time during the period of training in a higher military educational institution 321-330
Бегеза Л.Є. Beheza L. E. Analysis of theoretical approaches to study professional i-concept of personality 331-338