Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. – 2017. – Volume 11. – Issue 16


Content 3-4

Воронкевич О. М. Voronkevych, O.M., Analysis of psychological and educational programs for violence preventing in foreign schools 5-14

Галицька М. О. Halytska, M.O., The model of an empirical study of women’s emotional states in the postnatal period 14-23

Грись А. М. Hrys. A.M., The potential of different psychoanalytic theories for knowing and understanding of impairments of socially maladapted minors’ self-image components 23-33

Гудінова І. Л Gudinova, I.L., Рrotonarativ as a micromotiv with macro behavior in self-projecting personality 33-43

Зуєва А. О. Zueva, A.O., A subjective feeling of well-being and acceptance of age-related changes 43-51

Ілляшенко Т. Д. Обухівська А. Г. Illyashenko, T.D, Obukhivska, A.G., Prevention and correction of deviant behavior in children with special educational needs 51-66

Кравченко С. І. Kravchenko, S.I., Levels of political competence and non-normative forms of political participation 66-75

Красілова Ю. М. Krasilova, Y.M., Features of juvenile convicts’ reactions to frustration 75-85

Красницька О. В. Krasnytska, O.V., Prevention of servicemen’s suicidal behaviour 85-95

Максим О. В. Maksim, O.V., Peculiarities of development of socially oriented values as a mechanism of deviants’ re-socialization 95-110

Максимов Н. В. Maksimov, M.V., Development of reflexia as a warning factor quality behavior of schools 110-120

Максимова Н. Ю. Маksymova, N.Yu, Introduction of probation programs as a factor of preventing recurrent crime 120-129

Мельничук О. Б. Melnichuk, O.B., The issue of formation of the regulatory functions of the professional intelligence of future specialists in the social sphere in the context of professional training to work with deviants 129-138

Недибалюк О. С. Nedybaliuk, O.S., System of diagnostics of socio-psychological readiness of juvenile convicts for resocialization 138-149

Павлюк М. М. Pavliuk, M.M., Experience of the studying of the concepts of freedom and independence in foreign studies 149-159

Партико Т. Б. Partyco, T.B., Psychic Defense Mechanisms in Individuals with Different Subjective Evaluation of Life Constructiveness 159-171

Рябовол Т. А. Riabovol, T.A., Influence of a psychological trauma on predicting function development 171-180

Соловйова Т. М. Soloviova, T.M., Manifestations of the boundaries in the mind according to Ernest Hartmann’s concept 180-190

Таточенко С. А. Tatochenko, S.A., Psychological aspects of drug addiction rehabilitation within the framework of the harm reduction program 190-202

Філоненко Л. А. Filonenko, L. A., Motivational incentives for strengthening of prosocial behaviour effectiveness 202-215

Чуйко О. В. Іванова І. М. Chuiko, O.V., Ivanova, I.V., Influence of an adolescent’s anxiety level on educational successfulness 215-226

Шамич О. М. Shamych, O.M., The model of self realization of paralympic athletes. 226-237

Шиделко А. В. Shydelko, A.V., Evil-speaking as a manifestation of deviant behaviour: the basics of prevention. 237-245

Ятчук М. С. Yatchuk, M.S., The problem of deviant behavior among employees of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine 245-255

Бегеза Л.Є. Beheza, L.E., Psychological features of consciousness and i-consciousness of a personality 256-263