Content 3-5
Моляко В. О. Moliako V. A. H. S. Kostiuk futurological methodology in the mental activity researches 6-15
Березова Л. В. Berezova L. V. Psychological analysis of strategies of construction-technical tasks decision by students 16-25
Біла І. М. Bila I. M. Psychological and pedagogical principles of a technological approach to the development of creative thinking of the personality 26-35
Боровицька О. М. Borovyc'ka O. M. Principle of feedback in the process of creative interaction
Ваганова Н. А. Vaganova N. A. Understanding in the structure of thinking processes 48-55
Виноградова В. Є. Vynogradova V. Je. Methodological issues in the research of creativity of the Ukrainian and foreign psychological science 55-64
Гуд Г. О. Gud G. O. Level differentiation of enxiety displays in junior pupils: empirical aspect of the research 64-75
Гудінова І. Л. Gudinova I. L. Creative concept as a result of deep and full development of educational text 76-83
Гулько Ю. А. Gul'ko Ju. A. Features of preschool children mental activity in situations of information uncertainty 84-93
Данилевич Л. А. Danilevich L. A. The problem of the development of creative potential in the student age 93-102
Девіс Л. А. Devis L. A. The features of development of consciousness and child’s cooperation with adults in the different conditions of education 102-109
Діхтяренко С. Ю. Dihtiarenko S. Ju. To problem of psychology students’ comunicative competence 110-119
Кириченко В. В. Kyrychenko V. V. Strategical organization of personal worldview 119-127
Кормишев М. В. Kormyshev M. V. The problem of development of collaboration with coevals in the conditions of domestic cooperational deprivation 127-134
Костюченко О. В. Kostiuchenko O. V. Creative aspects of representation of drawing equipment in design environment 135-146
Латиш Н. М. Latysh N. M. Theoretical aspects of junior pupils’ creative thinking study 146-155
Мазяр О. В. Maziar O. V. Pathological strategy: subpersonal approach 155-163
Максьом К. В. Maksiom K. V. Socio-psychological peculiarities of the development of emotional intelligence in adolescence and in youthful age 164-171
Мирошниченко С. О. Myroshnychenko S. O. Specifics use of practical psychologists’ professional thinking in complex life situations 171-182
Мойсеєнко Л. А., Витвицька О. М., Кулініч Г. М. Moiseienko L. A., Vytvyc'ka O. M., Kulinich G. M. Strategy of reconstructing as the understanding process for solving a creative mathematical problem 182-192
Москаленко В. В. Moskalenko V. V. Features of the conative component of the "economically successful person" image in student youth
Москаленко В. В., Максьом К. В. Moskalenko V. V., Maksiom K. V. Emotional intelligence: the characteristic of the phenomenon and its structural components 203-211
Невмержицький В. М. Nevmerzhyc'kyi V. M. Psychological measurements of value orientations of educational space subjects
Подшивайлов Ф. М., Подшивайлова Л. І. Podshyvailov F. M., Podshyvailova L. I. The features of psychology students’ motivational sphere (by the empirical research results) 231-242
Примачок Л. Л. Prymachok L. L. Substantiation of the process of professional growth of the person in contemporary psychological researches 243-254
Савельєва Ю. С. Savel'ieva Ju. S. Psychological adaptation of a woman in an extreme situation of a premature birth of a child 254-260
Симоненко С. М. Symonenko S. M. Individual-psychological dimention of personality as a subject of creative activity 260-272
Третяк Т. М. Tretjak T. M. Сreative thinking in the process of tasks solving 272-281
Шепельова М. В. Shepel'ova M. V. Influence of personality characteristics on students’ artistic orientations in painting perception 281-296
Our authors (укр) 297-299
Our authors 300-302