Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. – 2019. – Volume 12. – Issue 26


Content 3-6

Моляко В. О. Moliako V. A. H. S. Kostiuk is an outstanding strategist of psychological science (II) (on the occasion of the 120th birthday) 7-17

Бедлінський О. І., Симоненко Л. І. Bedlinskyi O. I. Some problems of development of the creatively gifted individual 18-28

Березова Л. В. Beresova L. V. The creative strategies of designing activity 28-33

Біла І. М. Bila I. M. Psychological and pedagogical model of creative thinking development technology 34-44

Боровицька О. М. Borovytska O. M. Phenomenon of creative imagination in the epistemological psychology of creativity (philosophical and psychological reading) 45-58

Ваганова Н. А. Vaganova N. A. Premises of the development and standing of preschooler’s creative thinking 58-65

Виноградова В. Є. Vynogradova V. Ye. Subject – subjective interaction as a factor of a personality’s creative abilities development 65-74

Гавриловська К. П., Кириченко В. В., Фальковська Л. М. Gavrylovska K.P., Kyrychenko V.V., Falkovskaya L.M. Representation in the mass psyche of the image of persons with disabilities: methodological basis of the research 75-86

Грек О. М. Hrek O. M. Peculiarities of the information technologies use in creativity development of teenagers 86-93

Гулько Ю. А. Нulko Yu. A. Application of the KARUS training system in classes on design in the middle group of kindergarten 94-102

Девіс Л. А. Devis L. A. Psychological problems of forming and development of childrens personality which brought up in the boarding schools 102-110

Дригус М. Т. Dryhus M. T. Conceptual analysis of the personality efficiency problem in the H. S. Kostiuk psychological system 110-117

Кияшко М. О., Подшивайлова Л. І., Шепельова М. В. Kyiashko M. A., Podshyvailova L. I., Shepelova M. V. Personality attributes as a premise of students’ artistic orientations in paintings perception 117-132

Костіна Т. О. Kostina T.A. The Importance of Gender Studies in Related Sciences for Psychology 132-139

Костюченко О. В. Kostyuchenko О. V. The creative and adaptive potential of metaphorization in project management in socio-cultural sphere 139-148

Латиш Н. М. Latysh N. M. Psychological aspects of juniour pupils’ creative thinking development 148-157

Лю Янь. Liu Yan Comparative analysis of the development of creative abilities and manifestation of psychological barriers in younger teenagers of Ukraine and China 157-166

Мазяр О. В. Mazyar O. V. Contrapuntal personality dissonance 166-173

Маслянікова І. В. Maslianikova I. V. The problem of the motivational component of adults learning 173-181

Михальчук Н. О., Антюхова Н. І. Mykhalchuk N.O., Antyukhova N.I. Psycholinguistic mechanisms of the explication of the category of absurd in the plays of W. Shakespear 181-194

Міщиха Л. П. Mishchykha L. P. Creativity as an essential feature of lecturer's innovational activity 194-202

Мойсеєнко Л. А., Гураль І. М., Смоловик Л. Р. Moiseienko L. A., Hural I. M., Smolovyk L. R. Psychology of interaction of processes of understanding and approbation in creative mathematical thinking 202-214

Москаленко В. В. Moskalenko V. V. The research of creative thinking peculiarities in the cognitive conception of S. Moskovichy 214-225

Мусіяка Н. І. Musiiaka N. I. H. S. Kostiuk’s theothy of a child mental development and the problem of personality determination 225-233

Ольховецький С. М. Olkhovetskyi S. M. Psychologists of children’s fears 233-241

Орловська О. А. Orlovskaya O. A. The impact of the family on psychological adaptation of military services 241-250

Плохіх В. В. Plokhikh V. V. Anticipation processes in the organisation of human well-timed actions 250-262

Подшивайлов Ф. М. Podshyvailov F. M. Searching of synergetic effects of academic giftedness system-forming parameters’ interaction 262-276

Примачок Л. Л. Prymachok L. L. Sanogenic reflection as a component of metareflection of a physical rehabilitologist 276-290

Розіна І. В. Rozina I. V. Psychologicalpeculiarities of the program creation for divergent thinking development boost in teenagers within the conditions of recreation 290-299

Симоненко С.М., Лебединський Е.Б. Symonenko S. M., Lebedynskyi Ye. B. Psychological peculiarities of interrelationship of intellectual and creative and motivational and personal components of the creative potential of the high school students 299-310

Терещенко М. В. Tereshchenko M. V. The main problems of preschool children’s modern gender perceptions development in the context of the main institutions of socialization 310-317

Третяк Т. М. Tretyak T. М. Creative thinking as a process of a new image construction 317-326

Хупавцева Н. О. Hupavtseva N. O. The problem of solving creative literary tasks by teens at the English language lessons 326-338

Яворська-Вєтрова І. В. Yavorska-Vetrova I. V. An individual’s system of attitudes: the theoretical and methodological aspects 338-348

Якимчук Б. А., Лівандовська І. А. Yakimchuk B. А., Livandovska I. А. Affiliation as a psychological motive for the process of gender identification in a family-type orphanage 348-357

Discussions, lissense, … 358-361

Our authors (ua) 362-365

Our authors 366-371