Content 2
Піроженко Т.О. Pirozhenko T.О. Childhood as the value: past and present in the researches of psychological science 4-21
Балицька І.М. Balitskaya I. M. Psychological – pedagogical aspects of the interaction of the preschool teacher with the parents of the pupils 22-33
Бєлєнька Г.В. Belenkaya A.V. Interactive teaching methods as a means of developing students’ critical thinking 33-45
Дмитріюк Н.С., Кордунова Н.О. Dmitryuk N.S., Kordunova N.O. Psychological problems of emotional development of preschool children 46-58
Дорошенко М.І. Doroshenko M.I. The Influence of the Mental Abilities of the First-form’s Pupils on their success within the educational activity 58-74
Зозуля І.М. Zozulia I. M. Features of creativity of children of preschool age: analysis of mechanisms of manifestation 75-88
Карабаєва І.І., Терещенко Л.А. Karabayeva I.I., Tereschenko L.А. The developmental educational environment of the preschool education institution: main components, stages of formation and criteria for its evaluation 89-101
Коваленко О.В. Kovalenko О.V. Motivational readiness of future educators of preschool children for self-realization in professional activity: criteria and indicators of level 102-117
Кондратець І.В. Kondratec I.V. Reflexive analysis of foreign and domestic experience of supporting a child to burning 117-132
Кролівець Ю.В. Krolivets Y.V. The influence of perception on speech and language development of preschool children 133-148
Мельник І.С. Melnyk I.S. The psychological basis of the prevention of communication disorders in early preschool children in the process of interaction with parents 148-161
Соловйова Л.І. Soloviova L.I. Terminal and instrumental values of children of the senior preschool age 162-178
Тищук Л.І. Tyshchuk L.I. Factors of development of innovative activities of teachers of institution of prpeschool education 178-194
Товкач І.Є. Tovkach I. Е. Understanding preschool child’s speech as a psycholingvistic phenomenon 195-209
Токарєва Л.Д. Tokaryeva L.D. Specificity of interaction adult and preschool child in accepting valuable orientations in family conditions 210-222
Федорчук О.І. Fedorchuk O.I. Fundamentals of family socialization of the preschooler 222-235
Чистяк О.В. Chystiak O. Psychological features of interpersonal relationships between pupils, teenagers and parents under foster family homes 236-248
Шаумян О.Г. Shaumian O.G. Formation of the normative-value relationship as a prerequisite for forming a successful positive personality of a child 249-261
About authors 262-263