Content 220
Болотнікова І.В. Bolotnikova I.V. The features of constituents and components of trade union workers’ professional hardiness 3
Войтович М.В., Завадська Т.В. Voytovich M. V. Zavadska T. V. Analysis children's educational institutions educators' professional hardiness 8
Дзвоник Г.П. Dzvonyk G.P. The research of psychophysiological components of professional vitality of managers 17
Івашкевич Е.Е. Ivashkevych E.E. The empirical research of students’ readiness to perform translation activities and their self-actualization in the professional field 35
Клименко В.В. Klimenko V.V. Psychophysiological of the purposeful operating under the reverse foresights of tone of man 48
Кокун О.М. Kokun O.M. Professional hardiness of personality: an analysis of the phenomenon 68
Комплієнко І.О. Kompliіenko I.O. Psychological determinants of the formation of harmonious family relationships 81
Корніяка О.М. Korniyaka O.M. The main directions of psychological support for university lecturers’ professional self-fulfilment 91
Могиляста С.М. Mohyliasta S.M. English lesson as a psychological and pedagogical tool of high school students' emotional intelligence development: learning from experience 106
Панасенко Н.М. Panasenko N.M. The research of psychological features of journalists’ profes- sional viability 117
Савченко Т. Л. Savchenko T.L. Studies of the specifics of professional resilience of teachers 128
Хупавцева Н.О. Hupavtseva N.O. Psychological principles of facilitative pedagogical interaction 137
Чудакова О.М. Chudakova O.M. Psychological and pedagogical support by teachers of gifted children’s development 148
Сердюк О.А. Serdiuk O.A. Self-organization and self-determination as factors influencing an individual’s effective entrepreneurship 162
Траверсе Т.М., Кравченко С.І. Traverse T. M., Kravchenko S. I. Motives of political participation of ideologically right- and left-oriented youth 172
Яворська А.В. Yavorska A. V. Personality and activity of a psychotherapist: psychogram (professionally significant qualities) 182
Траверсе Т.М. Traverse T. M. Self-knowledge as a factor in the formation of the self-concept of a citizen`s personality 191
Мушкевич М.І. Mushkevych M.I. Psycholigical portrait of the representatives of internal movement 203
About Authors 217