Content 3-5
Аршава І.Ф., Кутєпова-Бредун В.Ю. Аrshava І., Кutepova-Bredun V. The description and adaptation of the questionnaire «Short flow scale» (F. Rheinberg, R. Vollmeyer, 2003) 6-15
Біла І.М. Bila I.M. Family as a space for the formation of the child’s values 16-24
Данилюк І.В., Шиковець С.О. Danyliuk I.V., Shykovets S.O. The problem of influence of the ethnolinguistic identity on the psychological well-being and health of personality 25-32
Дубчак Г.М. Dubchak G.M. Psychodiagnostic forecasting model for of the levels of professional stress resistance of future professionals of socionomic occupations 33-40
Єршова-Бабенко І.В. Yershova-Babenko I.V. The phenomenon and mechanism of «unaccounted subject/product» in the behavior of gifted personality: psychological aspect (fundamentals of psychosynergetics) 41-48
Єршова-Бабенко І.В., Кривцова Н.В. Yershova-Babenko I.V., Kryvtsova N.V. Psychological resources of a gifted personality, inclined to innovative research activity. Diagnostic composition technique "Removing unnecessary" 49-62
Івашкевич Е.З. Ivashkevych E.Z. Abilities of the person to perform a certain type of the professional activity as components of his/her social intelligence 63-74
Кондратенко Л.О., Манилова Л.М. Kondratenko L.A., Manylova L.M. New problems in psychology caused by the impact of digital technologies on human beings 75-86
Кутішенко В.П., Ставицька С.О. Kutishenko V.P., Stavytska S.O. Reflection as a meta-capability to build integrity of life and successful communication of future specialists 87-98
Лозова О.М., Паламарчук М.Є. Lozova О.M, Palamarchuk M.E. Abbreviation as a Mnemotechnical Tool for Memorizing Information by Students 99-106
Москаленко В.В. Moskalenko V.V. The creative thinking cognitive component’s features in the process of supersituational problematic solving by the subject 107-113
Сердюк Л.З. Serdiuk L.Z. Factors of students' internal motivation and self-determination 114-122
Музика О.Л. Muzyka O.L. Method «Profile of the value consciousness of gifted personality»: theoretical preconditions and results of approbation 123-137
Балахтар В.В. Balhathar V.V. Valuable orientations as an indicator of the professional formation of Social Work specialists 138-147
Володарська Н.Д. Volodarska N.D. Sense of well-being in the context of the psychology of individual values 148-155
Гоцуляк Н.Є., Славіна Н.С., Ренке С.О. Hotsulyak N.Ye., Slavina N.S., Renke S.O. Creativity as an indicator of the development of the professional activity of the teacher of higher education 156-162
Губенко О.В. Gubenko О.V. Application of the theory of creative catalytic polysemantic field in the study of psychosemantic mechanisms of scientific discovery. (Integrative approach) 163-169
Зарембо Н.О., Малиш В.Є. Zarembo N.A., Malysh V.E. The role of emotional self-regulation in developing and enhancing the inclusive readiness of teachers 170-180
Кордунова Н.О., Дмитріюк Н.С. Kordunova N.O., Dmytriyuk N.S. The role of the emotional factor in the interpersonal interaction of students 181-188
Коханова О.П., Столярчук О.А. Kokhanova O., Stoliarchuk O. Personal potential as a means of self-expression of modern youth 189-196
Кузнецов О.І. Kuznetsov A.I. The relationship of spiritual intelligence and spiritual values 197-207
Лантух І.В. Lantukh I.V. Modeling the process of personal reliability development of subjects of entrepreneurial activity 208-217
Левицька І.М., Попіль М.І. Levitskaya I.M., Popil M.I. Conceptual model of the image of physical Oneself girls of the early adolescent ageimage 218-228
Литвиненкo O.O. Lytvynenko O.O. Personal factors of the formation of long-term planning ib adolescence and youth 229-236
Мазяр О.В. Mazyar O.V. Validity of psychological research: mathematics of absurdity 237-244
Музика О.О. Muzyka O.О. Sense-life orientations and self-efficacy in the value development of musically gifted students 245-255
Назар М.М. Nazar М.М. Psychological potentials of virtual education in post-industrial society 256-265
Никончук Н.О., Хохлова К.І. Nykonchuk N.O., Khokhlova K.І. A comparative study on the image of Ukraine in the ethnic consciousness of junior school children and adolescents 266-278
Нікітіна І.В. Nikitina I.V. Individual approach to First Year Student`s Personality in the process of adaptation: Results of the experiment 279-289
Пенькова О.І. Penkova O.I. Psychological factors of a person’s individual’s self-regulation in the system of social relations 290-297
Подофєй С.О. Podofiei S.O. Features of formation of emotions and emotional burnout in teachers 298-304
Портницька Н.Ф., Хомутовська О.В. Portnytska N., Homutovs`ka O. The image of intimate partner in minds of youth: value aspects 305-312
Руденок А.І., Максимчук К.І. Rudenok AI, Maksymchuk K.I. Spontaneity as an important component of self-actualization 313-320
Савиченко О.М., Міров Д.Р. Savychenko O.M., Mirov D.R. Mental health of young people with different levels of online game addiction 321-328
Сторож О.В. Storozh O.V. Theoretical basis of creative socialization of personality studying 329-339
Терещенко Л.А., Петровська Т.В. Tereschenko L., Petrovska T. Psychological approach to definition of «mental health» subjects of interaction in the educational space 340-348
Ткачишина О.Р. Tkachyshyna O. R. Gifted personality in the context of studying the problem of social stereotypes 349-356
Чайка Г.В. Chaika G.V. Personal autonomy and positive relations with others at adolescence 357-367
Чиханцова О.А. Chykhantsova O. Hardiness of self-determined personality 368-375
Шамич О.М. Shamich O.M. The psychological factors of Paralympic athletes’ subjective well-being 376-384
Шаумян О.Г. Shaumian O.G. Spirituality of educational managers as a factor of harmonization of management 385-392
Боковець О.І. Bokovets O.I. Comparative analysis of the designing of the concept of "innovative potential" by students’ "innovators" and "conservatives" 393-403
Курбатова А.О. Kurbatova A.O. Personality factors of motivation of studying in institutions of higher education by students with disabilities 404-413
Нечаєва О.С. Nechaeva O.S. Formation and development of the value sphere of junior pupils with signs of intellectual giftedness 414-422
Окнова А.С. Oknova A. Psychological characteristics of development of adolescent creativity 423-429
Поканевич О. А. Pokanevych O.A. Program of formation of psychological readiness for professional activity of future fire-rescuers 430-441
Чудакова О. М. Chudakova O.M. Features and problems of pedagogical interaction between teachers and gifted pupils 442-453