Content 6-12
Борець Ю.В. Moral and economic psychological and ontological competence civic competence 12-20
Буковська О.О. «Crisis life situations» in psychologists’ rehabilitation practice 21-29
Вернік О.Л. The problem of the "way of life" in a psychological research 30-50
Вовчик-Блакитна О.О. Leisure as an ecological space for the intergenerational interaction 51-60
Генералова О.М. Social exclusion of elderly people in contemporary urban environment 61-71
Гірченко О.Л. Gender and age mediation of ethnic identity 72-80
Гончаренко Ю.В. Тhe concepts of organization of live space of personality in situation of uncertainty 81-91
Кирпенко Т.М. Current state and prospects for the study of volitional regulation of the personality in psychological research 92-101
Коваленко-Кобилянська І. Г. Influence of psychological novel formations of gerontogenesis on actualization of the intellectual sphere 102-110
Комар Т.О. Ethnic stereotypes of the University students 111-120
Кулікова А.О. Divorce as a factor of changes in self-image of women 121-132
Льовочкіна А.М. Psychological and methodological features of formation of stress resistance of future social workers 133-144
Мазуренко К.В. The leading activity as element of subject’ lifestyle psychological analyses in the view of the subject-activity approach (formulation of the problem) 145-154
Максимов М.В. Ecological music space person as a factor of formation 155-163
Максимова Н.Ю. Psychological factors ecologicity of the family system 164-172
Мунасипова-Мотяш І.А. The relationship of emotional intelligence and environmental consciousness of teenagers with various types of family education 173-182
Мысникова Э.А. On the Resilience of the Youth Population Living in Ecologically Adverse Areas 183-192
Павленко О.В. Features psychosemantic space of vital experience 193-203
Піонтківська О.Г. Valuable orientations of public active of the elderly people 204-212
Панченко Т.С. Peculiarities of legal consciousness of urban and rural youth 213-222
Попович О.В. Models of interaction of anomalous phenomena and society in their historical development: ecological dimensions 223-232
Рудоміно-Дусятська О.В. Organizational-methodical bases of research of identity of a person as determinants of ecologically-oriented daily activity 233-241
Сараева Н.М., Суханов А.А. Eco-psychological Approach In Studying Human Resilience 242-255
Скок А.Г. Ecologization of educational enviroment in context of inclusive education 256-264
Тищенко Л.В. The psychological structure of mental model of manager as a factor of eco-oriented management activities 265-273
Ткач Т.В. Neuropsychological bases of economics and law 274-282
Чухрій І.В. Features of the psychological mechanisms of a social adaptation of youth with disabilities 283-292
Швалб Ю.М. The Space of becoming of social abilities of personality 293-308
Шестопалова О.П. Psychological mechanisms of formation of models of reasonable consumption of youth in the interests of sustainable development of the city 309-314
Шлімакова І.І. Influence as a branch of psychological research: historiographical and lexical-semantic aspects 315-323
Our Authors (ukr) 324-327
Our Authors 328-330