Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - Environmental Psychology. - 2018. Vol. VII. - Issue 46


Content 6

Бутенко Н.В. Butenko Nadiia. The sources of social representations about disability 7–20

Вернік О.Л. O. Vernik Digital technologies in psychological research 21–31

Вовчик-Блакитна О.О. Vovchyk-Blakytna O.O. Environmentalyty of the family and the intergeneration interaction 32–42

Волинець Н.В. Volynets N.V. Recommendations to the border department regarding the psychological provision of personal well-being of the staff of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine 43–56

Кирпенко Т.М. Kyrpenko T. The problem of health and healthy lifestyles in modern psychological research 57–66

Кличковський С.О. Klychkovskiy S.O. Theoretical aspects of the investigation of the influence of different forms of interpersonal interaction on the socio-psychological climate of the manufacturing group 67–78

Місячна Н.М. Misiachna N.M. The problem of unemployment as a necessity of changes in the field of professional activity 79–90

Рудоміно-Дусятська О.В. Rudomino-Dusiatska O. Human Well-Being as a Problem of Modern Humanology 91–102

Швалб Ю.М. Shwalb Yu. M. Cultural-psychological (sign-symbolic) space of the game 103–113

Гарань В.О. Haran' V.O. The linguistic landscape of the modern Podil as an environment of being 114–125

Дружинін Т.А. Druzhynin T.A. Social dialogue and social partnership in the context of social work 126–134

Оляницька Ю.М. Olyanitska Y. M. Subjective well-being of elderly people: influence factors and ways to support 135–146

Максименко С.Д., Невмержицький В.М. Maksimenko S.D., Nevmerzhytskyi V.M. Moral psychological resistance as a condition for a constructive personal life perspective 147–156

Our Authors 157–158