Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2019. Vol. VIІ. - Issue 48


Content 6-7

Акименко І.М. Akimenko I. Political culture of people in modern society: socio-psychological aspect 8-15

Андрієвський І.І. Аndrievskyi I. Research of personal institutions of the professional activity of future medical specialists 16-26

Борисова А.В. Borisova A. Socio-psychological fundamentals of family functioning in the community 27-34

Бутенко Н.В. Butenko N. Features of correction of family representations about children disability 35-44

Вернік О.Л. Vernik O. Life as an object of environmental psychology: statement of the problem 45-56

Вовчик-Блакитна О.О. Vovchyk-Blakytna O. Generativity as a determinant of subjective well-being of the personality 57-66

Габа І.М. Haba I.M. Social-psychological features of education of elderly people 67-76

Гірченко О.Л., Шолох Г.П. Hirchenko O., Sholoch H. Moral determinants of eco-consciousness: conscience and responsibility 77-85

Дружинін Т.А. Druzhynin T. Socio-psychological features of social dialogue in practice of social work 86-94

Кирпенко Т.М. Kyrpenko T. Subjective well-being as a factor in a person’s physical health: ways of mutual influence 95-103

Клибанівська Т. М. Klybanivska T. Personal responsibility as a professional significant quality of a future medical specialist 104-112

Коверзнєва Г.П. Koverznev G. Socio-psychological conditions of formation of social consciousness 113-123

Короцінська Ю.А. Korotsinska Y. On the problem of research of emotional self-regulation in adolescence 124-135

Мельник Ю.В. Mel’nyk Y. Training "organization of living space in uncertainty conditions" as an instrument of correction of non-optimal strategies of life-living organization in terms of uncertainty 136-146

Мунасипова-Мотяш І.А., Дяченко В.А. Munasipova-Motyash I., Dyachenko V. The relationship of the environmental awareness and the environmental competence of students with individually-typological features of self-regulation of activity 147-156

Оляницька Ю. М. Olyanitska Y. Loneliness in older people: factors of influence and ways to overcome 157-164

Полівко Л.Ю , Бабич П. Ю. Polivko L., Babych P. Representations of schoolchildren of educational institutions about social work as a profession 165-175

Примачок Л.Л. Prymachok L. Functions of metareflection of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation 176-187

Рудоміно-Дусятська О.В. Rudomino-Dusiatska O. Psychological factors of human adaptation to an ecologically unfavorable environment 188-196

Сергієва Н.С., Шлімакова І.І. Serhiieva N., Shlimakova I. Features of the ability to live of people with different sensitivity to influences: the age-old aspect 197-204

Tkach T.V., Koverzneva А. Tkach T. , Koverzneva A. Age peculiarities of the mental and personal state of the older people 205-213

Хупавцева Н.О. Hupavtseva N. Psychological and pedagogical essence of professional acilitative model for foreign language studying at contemporary secondary schools 214-226

Чанчиков І.К. Chanchikow I. Psychological features of the correlation of personality traits and self-esteem in the discovery of the life resilience 227-235

Чухрій І.В. Chukhrii І. Socio adaptation of young people with motor disorders 236-246

Швалб А.Ю. Schwalb A. Features of gender stereotypes in modern youth of ukraine 247-256

Швалб Ю.М. Shwalb Yu. Well-being as an idea and principle of life organization 257-269

Шинкарук О.М. Shynkaruk O. Training program of the psychological preparation of border guards for the conduct of hostilities and the results of its approbation 270-281

Our authors 282-284