Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. - 2020. Vol. VIІ. - Issue 49


Content 6-7

Бобок І.С. Boboc I. Proecological behavior of the individual in the information environment 8-14

Борисова А.В. Borisova A. Family social work in the united territorial community: analysis of local social program 15-22

Вернік О.Л., Павленко О.В. Vernik O., Pavlenko O. Features of image of well-being of student youth 23-34

Вовчик-Блакитна О.О. Vovchyk-Blakytna O. Experience working with children's anxiety during the covid19 threat 34-46

Волеваха І.Б. Volevacha I. Experience of experience of practical work with anxiety experienced by children at the time of threat covid-19 47-56

Кирпенко Т.М. Kyrpenko T. Psychological health: professional risks and health of a psychologist in the education system 57-65

Отич Д.Д. Otych D. Development of ecological consciousness of personality at different stages of ontogenesis 66-75

Россова М. М. Rossova M. Model of application of implicit psychological influence of teacher on elementary school pupils 76-88

Рудоміно-Дусятська О.В. Rudomino-Dusiatska O. Psychological well-being of the subject of pro-ecological behavior 89-98

Турбан В.В. Turban V. The genesis and development of the concept of "personality" in ukrainian culture 99-109

Швалб Ю.М. Shwalb Yu. Differentiation of relationships as a stage socialization of personality 110-124

Кухар Т.В. Kukhar Т. Conflict-resolution culture of future penitentiary service specialists as an aspect of the effectiveness of their professional work 125-137

Опанасюк І.В. Opanasyuk I. Training for the development of emotional intelligence of high school students by means of art therapy 138-149

Максименко С.Д., Ірхін Ю.Б. Maksymenko S, Irhin Yu. Socionomic aspects of the professional activity of legal specialists 150-161

Максименко С.Д., Невмержицький В.М. Maksymenko S., Nevmerzhytskyi V. Features of youth learning moral imperatives in the conditions of post-industrial society 162-168

Our authors 169