Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 41 – 2014
Abstracts and Information about Authors
Karamushka, L.M.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Organizational culture of educational organizations: reletionship beetween the levels of development and “external” characteristics of organization.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: On the basis of the empirical investigation the author analyzes the levels of development of the organizational culture components (work, communication, management, motivation and morality) and a general measure of organizational culture (organizational culture index ) of educational organizations. The factors that affected the assessment of the level of organizational culture were shown to include the type of educational organization, the number of people working in it, the length of the organization's life, and the organization's location).
Statistically significant associations (moderate) were found between the staff's assessments of the levels of organizational culture and organizations' characteristics (as distinct and independent factors). The greatest number of statistically significant associations were found with the length of the organization's life, followed by the number of people working in the organization, organization's type, and location. The type of educational organization directly (positively) correlated with its location: in the innovative educational organizations and / or those located in the city the individual measures of organizational culture were higher than in the traditional educational organizations and / or those from the countryside. The inverse (negative) associations were found between the length of the organization's life and / or the number of people working in the organization: as the orgainzation's lifetime and / or the number of people employed in the organization increased staff's assessment of the levels of individual measures of organizational culture decreased. An organizational culture component the most sensitive to the effects of organiztions' characteristics was shown to be management. The investigation found a number of statistically significant relationships between the staff's assessments of the levels of organizational culture index and organizations' socio-demographic, organizational and professional characteristics.
Keywords: educational organizations; organizational culture, components of organizational culture; organizational culture index; factors of organization; type of educational institution; number of people working in organization; length of organization's life; location of organization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 3-12 (pdf)
UDC 159.92:378.036:37.04
Bondarchuk, O.I.
SHEE «University of educational management» at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The features of the organizational culture of educational organizations depending on the managers’ self-efficacy.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with results of the empirical study the characteristics of the organizational culture of educational institutions depending on the self-efficacy managers. Found levels of self-efficacy heads of educational institutions. It is established that high levels of self-efficacy is peculiar to a third of studied heads of educational institutions. The features of managers by gender and length of service management activities are shown. It notes a positive trend in terms of self-efficacy of studied managers over the past five years, especially in women - leaders with experience of management activities under 5 years.
Found index of managers’ organizational culture. The features of the orientation leaders for a certain type of «real» and «preferred» organizational culture are shown.
It notes features targeting managers on progressive or conservative type of organizational culture depending on the gender and experience of management activities studied managers. The features of the managers’ organizational culture depending on the level of self-efficacy, in particular, greater focus studied heads of educational institutions with high self-efficacy on the progressive (clan and adhokratyc) types and with low self-efficacy - on the conservative (hierarchical and market) the types of culture. Found gender differences orientation on a specific type of organizational culture depending on the level of self-efficacy heads of educational institutions.
Keywords: heads of educational organizations, organizational culture, self-efficacy; adhokratyc culture, clan culture, market culture, hierarchical culture
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 13-19 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:005.2
Zavatska, N.Ye.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Integrative approach to studying psychological factors in formation of school students’ organizational culture in the educational space of educational institutions.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Having analyzed different theoretical and methodological approaches to studying school students’ organizational culture, the author concludes that it is an indispensable part of organizational culture of an educational institution and can be defined as a system of individual contacts and collective activities of students in educational space of an educational institution. High levels of students’ organizational culture promote their self-development, self-improvement and professional self-realization. Knowledge of different relevant factors can contribute to the orderly development of organizational culture.
In order to facilitate the study of students’ organizational culture it is advisable to see it at different levels that include a) norms and regulations of students’ behaviors in educational institutions (social level), b) organizational values (symbols, traditions, rituals) and social-psychological climate of the educational institution (organizational level), c) moral and psychological climate in the students’ group, the system of interpersonal relations and attitudes, level of the collective’s development (group level), and d) students’ values and motivation of organizational behaviors (individual level).
The psychological factors in formation of students’ organizational culture can be divided into different groups: normative (developed organizational culture of an educational institution), cognitive (high attractiveness of the organizational culture of the educational institution, ideal or optimal social-psychological climate, strength and number of interpersonal contacts, information availability and exchange), emotional and behavioral (confident and comfort activities and interactions, desire to be a member of a given students’ group, trust and reliability), motivational and value (strong motivation of organizational behaviors, orientation towards social, professional, intellectual, and behavioral values).
Keywords: school students, educational space of educational institution, organizational culture, psychological factors, formation of organizational culture
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 19-24 (pdf)
Ivkin, V.M.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Educational organization staff’s attitudes to change and the problem of development of organizational culture types.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the levels of staff’s attitudes to change in educational organizations (‘traditionalist’, ‘realist’, and ‘freethinker’). The traditionalist’s and realist’s attitudes to change were found to prevail among staff of educational organizations.
It was shown that the levels of types of staff’s attitudes to change correlated with the meso-level (characteristics of the organization) and micro-level factors (staff’s organizational-professional and socio-demographic characteristics). Thus, in educational organizations of innovative type the realist’s staff’s attitude to change was less common and so was the impact of staff’s pedagogical title on the traditionalist’s attitude to change (increasing the number of teachers with this type of attitudes among the staff with the highest pedagogical titles).
The author also analyzed the levels of educational organizations’ culture types that included the power culture, role culture, task culture, and personality culture). The role culture was shown to dominate whereas the personality culture to be the least present in educational organizations. The author revealed the relationship between the levels of educational organization staff’s attitudes to change and the levels of educatinoal organizations’ culture types: the traditionalist’s attitudes to change statically significantly correlated with the role culture while the freethinker’s attitudes to change with the personality culture.
Keywords: educational organizations; staff’s attitudes to change; ‘traditionalist’; ‘realist’; ‘freethinker’; organizational culture; types of organizational culture.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 24-29 (pdf)
UDC 005.73
Kovalchuk, O.S.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Theoretical analysis of the concept of 'culture of education'.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the structure and content of culture of education. The theoretical basis for the investigation was the hypothesis about the culture of education as a combination of two independent components: the corporate culture and organizational culture. The author describes the corporate culture as a hierarchy of values, regulations, norms, symbols, heroes systems, myths, eminent personalities, traditions, ceremonies and rituals, organizational taboos, and missions approved by the administration of the system of education and adopted by the society. The systematization of the elements of organizational culture proposed by the author laid down the criteria related to the objectives of education based on teachers’, students’ and their parents’ age, gender, and social characteristics. Considering organizational culture one should link its structure with organizations’ structure. Organizational culture development stands for a simultaneous development of three interconnected groups of organizational culture elements that influence educational organizations’ development promoting their effectiveness. A distinctive characteristic of culture of education is harmonious relationship between the elements of corporate culture and organizational culture.
Keywords: culture of education; corporate culture; structure of corporate organizational culture; components; culture development.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 30-35 (pdf)
UDC 005.73:373
Kredentser, O.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Еffects of organizational factors on the types of organizational culture of educational institutions.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of the levels of organizational culture of different types of educational institutions (organic, participative, entrepreneurial, and bureaucratic organizational cultures). The commonest types of organizational culture of educational organizations were shown to be the organic and participative types while the least frequent - the business and bureaucratic types of organizational culture.
Correlation analysis found associations between the types of educational organizations’ culture and their organizational factors (the number of staff, length of organization’s life, organization’s location, and the type of educational organization). It was found that the types of organizational culture of educational institutions were influenced by the number of their staff, organizations’ locations, and the educational organizations’ type. In particular, the following correlations were found: the larger the organization’s staff, the less developed was the organic type of organizational culture; the bureaucratic type of organizational culture was more present in the educational institutions located in cities than in villages and towns; the participative type of organizational culture was more developed in the educational organizations located in villages and towns rather than cities; the innovative educational organizations had more developed organic and entrepreneurial types of organizational culture, while the traditional – the participative organizational culture.
Keywords: type of organizational culture, educational organizations, organizational factors, innovative and traditional educational organizations.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 35-40 (pdf)
Lahodzinska, V.I.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The creative potential of educational organizations: the relationship with the types of organizational culture.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the levels of the main components of educational organizations’ creative potential (creative working environment, overall creative potential, staff’s creativity, staff’s creative problem solving).
The author describes the components of educational organizations’ creative potential in relation to organizations’ characteristics (the educational organization’s type, the number of people working in the organization, the length of the organization’s life, and the organization’s location).
The article discusses the relationship between the levels of educational organizations’ creative potentials and the types of organizational culture (power culture, role culture, task culture, and personality culture).
It was found that the levels of task culture and personality culture statistically significantly correlated with the levels of staff’s creative potential, educational organizations’ creative working environment, as well as the overall levels of educational organizations’ creativity. However, there were statistically significant negative correlations between the levels of educational organization’s creative working environment, the overall level of educational organizations’ creativity and the levels of power and role cultures.
Keywords: educational organizations; creative potential; characteristics of organization; organizational culture; types of organizational culture; power culture; role culture; task culture; personality culture.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 40-45 (pdf)
UDC 005.73:373
Pentsak, K.A.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Analysis of educational organizations’ competitiveness in the context of their organizational culture development.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of empirical research of educational organizations’ competitiveness in the context of organizational development. The author analyzes the overall levels of educational institutions’ competitiveness as well as the levels of some of its components. The overall levels of educational organizations’ competitiveness and the levels of some of its components, in particular those relevant to educational institutions management, were found to be quite low. The levels of educational organizations’ culture were shown to have statistically significant correlations with the levels of educational organizations’ competitiveness. It was found that an increase in the levels of the components of educational organizations’ competitiveness (market-based management, innovations, managers’ professionalism, leadership potential, partnership, and group unity) increased the overall levels of organizational culture as well as the levels of its components (work, management, communication, motivation, and ethics).
Keywords: competitiveness, educational organizations, organizational development, level of educational organizations’ competitiveness.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 46-50 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Stanislavska, M.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
A phased model of psychological counseling to individuals as choosers of organizational culture of the future workplace.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with psychological assistance to individuals in their choosing of organizational culture of their future workplaces. Analyzing some recent foreign and Ukrainian research and publications dedicated to different aspects of psychological counseling the author notes that the distinctive features of a phased model of psychological counseling to individuals as choosers of organizational culture of their future places of work have not been a subject of special training experiments. The article considers the concepts of individual psychological counseling in relation to job-seekers’ choice of organizational culture of the future workplace as well as discuses the phased model of psychological counseling to individuals as choosers of organizational culture of their future workplaces. The author insists on keeping the precise sequence of the counseling model phases that include: 1) the preparatory phase, 2) the adjustment phase, 3) the interview beginning phase, 4) the diagnostic phase, 5) the recommendation, or intervention phase, and 6) the verification phase. Recognizing the complexity of the objective assessment of counseling the author suggests some criteria for assessing the effectiveness of psychological counseling given to people in matters of organizational culture of the future workplace. Having analyzed the advantages and drawbacks of O.Schotka’s Counseling Assessment Scale the author recommends it as a counseling effectiveness n assessment instrument.
Keywords: individual counseling, process of individual psychological counseling, choice of organizational culture of future workplace, effectiveness of individual psychological counseling, criteria for effective individual psychological counseling, drawbacks of step-by-step model of psychological counseling, advantages of step-by-step model of psychological counseling.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 51-55 (pdf)
UDC 316.647.5:005.73:373
Tereshchenko, K.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Distinctive features of relationship between the main components of educationists’ tolerance and levels of organizational culture of educational institutions.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The author analyzes the importance of development of educationists’ tolerance components as a prerequisite of the organizational culture development in educational institutions. The article discusses the results of an empirical investigation of the levels of educationists’ tolerance components (affective, cognitive, conatative, motivational, activity-and-style, ethical-normative, value, personal-semantic, group-identification, and personal-identification) and their correlations with the components of organizational culture of educational institutions. The most developed were found to be the ethical-normative, personal-identification, cognitive, affective, and activity-and-style components of tolerance whereas the least developed were the motivational, value, and personal-semantic components. The ethical-normative, activity-and-style, personal-semantic, and cognitive components of educationists’ tolerance were shown to most tightly correlate with the index and components of organizational culture of educational institutions. It was concluded that the development of the main components of educationists’ tolerance could contribute to the development of organizational culture of educational institutions.
Keywords: tolerance, tolerance components, organizational culture, organizational culture index, components of organizational culture, educational institutions.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 56-60 (pdf)
UDC 159.964.21
Arzumanyan, K.K.
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv.
Genesis of views on managers’ psychological readiness for conflict resolution.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses three approaches existing in psychology today to determining the content and structure of individual psychological readiness for activities: a functional, personality-based, and personal-active. In terms of the functional approach psychological readiness for activities is regarded as the mobilization of individuals’ physiological systems, personal characteristics, and mental processes that provide success in their professional activities. According to the personally-based approach, psychological readiness is holistic activities-relevant or life-relevant conditions of an individual characterized by a focus of consciousness on future activities, certain behaviors, and mobilization of efforts for purposeful actions. The personal-active approach is based on people’s personal attributes and qualities in their integrity, enabling their effective performance of the functions.
According to the relevant literature data, the components of managers’ psychological readiness for management include a motivational component (organization-relevant and personality-relevant motives); cognitive component (general and technical knowledge), an operational component (motivational and content-and-resource skills), and a personal component (proactive-entrepreneurial, creative-innovative, procedural-dynamic, and communicative characteristics).
The author concludes that managers’ constructive conflict resolution readiness includes their conflict management literacy, conflict management competence and conflict management culture.
Keywords: psychological readiness, managers, conflict resolution, conflict management competence, conflict management literacy, conflict management culture.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 61-66 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Berezovska, L.I.
Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo.
Burnout as a form of professional deformation.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The author states that the professional deformation is a change in the existing structure of the individual and their activities that have gradually accumulated and adversely affect productivity, interactions with coworkers, and the individual. The levels of workers’ professional destructions include general professional, special; profession-typical, and individual deformations. A.K.Markova views emotional burnout as a form of workers’ professional deformation (personal deformation).
There exist three approaches to burnout: 1) as individuals’ physical, mental and especially emotional exhaustion caused by long-term emotionally overloaded situations of communication; 2) as a two-dimensional model consisting of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and 3) as a three-component system made up of individuals’ emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal achievements.
Burnout is seen as a three-level and three-stage phenomenon (D.Spanol and R.Keputo, C.Maslach). According to V.Boyko, burnout has four-symtom components characterized by negative changes in individuals’ emotional-volitional sphere, attitudes towards themselves, work-relevant communication, and the profession.
To the author’s mind burnout is formed by external and internal factors: personal, role-relevant (social), and organizational.
Keywords: professional deformation, professional destructions, personal deformation, burnout, employees, factors.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 66-70 (pdf)
UDC 159.92:378.036:37.04
Bondarchuk, O.I., Kazakova, S.V.
SHEE «University of educational management» at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Problems of psychological readiness of managers of vocational and technical educational organizations to educational services’ marketing.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with problems psychological of psychological readiness of managers of vocational and technical educational organizations in educational services’ marketing. The specifics of educational services («immateriality» of educational services, complex character, self-value irrespectively to quantitative, material results, etc.) in the field of education in general and vocational education in particular are shown.
The essence and components of psychological readiness of managers to educational services’ marketing are determined. Determined the problems of readiness of managers to educational services’ marketing and its development in a post-graduate education defined as the specific features of management activities that adversely affect the level of entrepreneurship, competitiveness managers and those caused by uncertainties content and optimal forms of preparation for marketing of educational services, unreadiness significant number of teachers of postgraduate education to appropriate learning and al.
It is shown that the solution of these problems is possible in post-graduate teacher education as a result of specially organized training. This training aims to develop a psychological readiness of managers of vocational and technical educational organizations in educational services’ marketing through a the joint activity in partnership which is implemented through a series of stages (preparation, diagnostic, praxeological, acmeological) to ensure the establishment and development of psychological literacy (minimum), psychological competencies (adequate level), psychological culture (creative level) personality.
Keywords: psychological readiness to work, marketing psychology, educational services marketing, managers of vocational and technical educational organizations, system of postgraduate pedagogical education.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 70-75 (pdf)
UDC 37.07:005.95
Bryukhovetska, O.V.
SHEE «University of educational management» at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Рsychological features of management of secondary educational institutions.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Changes in the socio-economic environment that have been taking place in Ukraine, place new demands on the system of secondary education, quality of secondary school management, as well as school principals’ professional competences and personal qualities. A secondary educational institution is a complex mechanism with intertwined individual and group interests, incentives and constraints, traditions and innovations, absolute discipline and free creativity, and regulatory requirements and informal initiatives.
The article deals with the basic characteristics of secondary schools and distinctive features of their management. The author defines secondary school management as a purposeful activity that, by scientifically-based planning, organization, coordination, direction, and control, provides schools’ optimal functioning and development needed to achieve their objectives. The author also discusses the key trends in reforming the secondary school management and the role of school principals who were shown to be an important factor in improving efficiency of secondary school management. It is noted that the efficiency of a secondary educational institution will improve if the principal is aware of the requirements to be met by him / her, and is committed to self-improvement for the development of professionally-important personal qualities that make an efficient manager.
Keywords: secondary school management, distinctive features of secondary schools, distinctive features of secondary school management, secondary school principal.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 75-79 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:377.4:371.113
Voznyuk, A.V.
Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Teachers’ Education, Sumy.
The results of the formation of educational organizations heads’ psychological readiness for teaching staff management in the the system of postgraduate teachers’ education.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses a special training course as a form of psychological training of heads of educational institutions to manage teaching staff in the system of postgraduate teachers’ education. The author describes two groups of criteria for evaluating the special course effectiveness. They include the basic criteria related to psychological readiness of heads of educational institutions to manage teaching staff and the additional criteria that reflect the trainees’ attitudes towards the training course. The author also presents the results of a comparative analysis of the data obtained in the experimental and control groups before and after their training that concern the main components of psychological readiness of the heads of educational institutions to manage teaching staff as well as the overall index of their psychological readiness. The results of the comparative analysis proved the training course’s effectiveness in developing psychological readiness of the heads of educational institutions to manage teaching staff in post-graduate teachers’ education. The special trainingn course is recommended to use for the development of psychological readiness of heads of educational institutions to manage teaching staff in the system of postgraduate teachers’ education.
Keywords: heads of educational organizations, teaching staff management, psychological readiness of heads of educational organizations for teaching staff management, special course, efficiency, effectiveness criteria.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 80-84 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:37.03
Zabolotna, V.O.
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv.
Ethic and psychological instruments for personal development in professional activities.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with a complex of problems relevant to the application of ethical-psychological instruments for personal development in professional activities as well as the use of social and psychological instruments for measuring employees’ ethical development and group values. This allows to design employees’ development programs. The management strategy is formed on the principles of ethical development and leadership. Traditionally individual development has been viewed by social psychologists in the context of effective free-time management since relatively few professions were based on the need for creative task accomplishment. Advantages of creativity in contrast to the mechanical reproductivity in change making are due to the effects of scientific and technical factors, informatization, as well as employees’ intellectual capabilities and ethical values. The author have taken part in creating programs and projects to develop employees’ characteristics relevant to their actualization of ethical principles for professional activities in service sector (airport terminal, fitness club, innovative techno-park), building as well as in employees’ recruitment and training in educational innovation projects in Ukraine.
Keywords: moral development, values, leadership, ethical and psychological tools, ethical infrastructure.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 84-89 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.072:005.743
Zadvorny, V.S.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Аnalysis of the main factors of team-building training effectivenss.
Language: Russian
Abstract: The author analyzes the results of his work as a team-building trainer and the main factors influencing the effectiveness of team-building training, as well as gives recommendations on strengthening the training’s effects. The basic goals set by organizations in conducting team-building training include improvement of interpersonal relationships between employees, improvement of psychological climate and reduction of emotional tension in the organization, development of employees’ teamwork skills, teamwork-relevant attributes and teamwork motivation, as well as identification of problems in team functioning with their subsequent resolution. Among the factors enhancing the effectiveness of team-building trainings there are the organizational culture type and the trainee’s position in the organization's hierarchy. The article discusses the team-building training’s stages (the introductory, preparatory, primary, peak, and feedback), the factors that improve its effectiveness, the relationships between the organizational culture types (the clan, adhocratic, market, and hierarchical) and the team-building training’s effectiveness, as well as gives recommendations to improve the effectiveness of team-building trainings.
Keywords: team-building, team-building training, organizational culture type, team-building training’s effectiveness, team-building training’s stages.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 89-93 (pdf)
UDC 159.923:37.035:316.46
Karamushka, L.M., Felkel, T.G., Mihaylenko, V.A.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine (Kyiv),
Odessa State Academy of Technical Regulation and Quality (Odessa).
Content, level, and factors of development of basic leadership qualities in future scientific and teaching staff.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses the nature and content of future scientists' and teachers' leadership attributes, which form a system of their qualities that can contribute to the development of different types of leadership in higher educational organizations. It is emphasized that the basic leadership attributes of future scientists and teachers refer to their ability to lead people and harmoniously combine leadership and managerial (administrative) functions.
The authors stress out the importance of studying leadership based on the the humanistic paradigm. Some of the areas of interest include leader and staff partnership, staff's active involvement in organizational decision-making, joint creative and innovative activities, teamwork based on clearly defined roles and mutual assistance, meeting the needs of both the organization and staff, promotion of staff's professional and personal development, staff's self-leadership training in the profession and other activities, so on.
The empirical research conducted by the authors found low levels of development of the basic leadership qualities in future scientists and teachers. The levels of their overall leadership development index were shown to be influenced by the micro-level factors maade up of the organizational and professional (a form of post-graduate course, study and work combination, position in the organization they work in, doing leader's functions at the university) and socio-demographic characteristics (age, place of birth) as well as by the meso-level factors that included the levels of organizations' development where the students studied and worked.
Keywords: leadership in organization; leadership in organizations of higher education; future scientific and teaching staff; leadership skills; factors of leadership attributes development.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 94-99 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:159.94
Kovrovskiy, Yu.G.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Levels of burnout among personnel of the Operational-Rescue Service of the State Service for Emergencies of Ukraine.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of a theoretical and practical study of professional rescuers’ burnout. The author analyzes the empirical data relevant to the socio-demographic characteristics, the overall level of burnout as well as the most dominant symptoms in the structure of burnout of the personnel of the Operational-Rescue Service of the State Service for Emergencies of Ukraine (SSEU).
Having analyzed the relevant literature, the author describes the empirical research base and discusses the socio-demographic structure of the personnel of the Operational Rescue Service of SSEU.
The investigation found significant correlations between some of the respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics (gender, place of birth, in-family relationships) and the overall levels and individual symptoms of burnout. Thus, women were shown to be more inclined to ‘burnout’ than men, city dwellers more than villagers and those who had conflict family relations more than those with harmonious family relations.
The author also analyzes the main factors in and conditions for burnout prevention as well as makes an attempt to reveal the distinctive features of behaviors of the ‘burnt-out’ rescuers.
The study has been done using the methods of modern scientific research and statistical analyses that allowed to get reliable research findings.
Keywords: emergency, rescuer, burnout, socio-demographic factors, risky profession, resistance.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 100-104 (pdf)
UDC 159.98:331.108
Ohotnytska, K.Yu.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Design of the training ‘Psychological Conditions For Development of Staff’s Commitment in State Employment Service of Ukraine’.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of the training stage of an investigation of staff’s organizational commitment in the State Employment Service (SES) of Ukraine. Based on the results of the training experiment the author designed the content and structure of the training ‘Psychological Conditions for Development of Staff’s Commitment in State Employment Service’ aimed at SES managers’ development of understanding of the psychological factors of and the basic conditions for the formation of staff’s organizational commitment.
The article discuses the training’s design, objectives, duration, procedure, as well as the interactive techniques and exercises used in it.
The results of the training’s test-run showed its effectiveness fro the development of staff’s organizational commitment in the State Employment Service of Ukraine.
Keywords: state employment service, staff, organizational commitment, factors of organizational commitment development, conditions for organizational commitment development, training, training experiment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 105-111 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.078
Sniadanko, I.I.
‘Lviv Polytechnic’ National University. Lviv.
A model of psychological counseling of technical university students in the context of their training for future professional and managerial activities.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the structure of the model of technical university students’ psychological counseling in the context of their training for future professional and managerial activities. The author discusses the content of the technical university students’ psychological counseling in relation to their professional and managerial training as well as analyzes the model of technical university students’ psychological counseling as step-by-step development of their psychological competencies needed for their future professional and administrative activities and including personal, educational, professional and managerial competences.
The analysis of the model of technical university students’ psychological counseling in the context of their professional and managerial training found the cognitive-behavioral method to be one of the most effective methods of students’ psychological counseling. The author also analyzes the roles of A.Bandura and A.Beck in the formation of cognitive-behavioral psychology, describes the cognitive-behavioral method as a proved and efficient scientific method, and outlines further research of the issue in question and the experimental implementation of the psychological counseling model.
Keywords: competense, model, psychological counselling, technical university, cognitive and behaviorial approach, problem-oriented approach, professionally-administrative activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 111-116 (pdf)
UDC 331.103.5:005.71-055
Tkalych, M.G.
Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya.
Gender discrimination in Ukrainian organizations: Empirical Results.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the results of an empirical investigation of employees’ opinions about equal rights and opportunities for women and men in professions, attitudes to work and family life balance, the problems relevant to sexual harassment, maternity leave, and successful careers of males and females in Ukrainian organizations today.
The article analyzes the results of an empirical investigation of employees’ opinions about equal rights and opportunities for women and men in professions, attitudes to work and family life balance, the problems relevant to sexual harassment, maternity leave, and successful careers of males and females in Ukrainian organizations today.
Using a specially designed questionnaire the author found the absence of sex-, age-, and education-relevant differences in the respondents’ views on discrimination: men and women saw the levels of gender discrimination similarly whereas age, marital and educational differences in opinions are insignificant and manifested only in some aspects.
The author stresses out the importance of organizational factors (type of organization, organization’s sector of economy) in the respondents’ perceptions of gender discrimination: the employees from public organizations showed lower levels of discrimination compared to those from the private sector organizations. In the industrial and manufacturing sector gender discrimination was more pronounced than in education, healthcare, the sector of social and legal protection of the population, and public services.
The article emphasizes the need to develop employees’ gender-oriented programs and training courses in order to optimize their interpersonal and inter-gender interactions as well as to create equal conditions for their professional development irrespectively of their gender.
Keywords: gender interaction, gender discrimination, gender, age, sexual harassment, type of organization, type of activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 117-121 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Hnuskina, G.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Burnout among entrepreneurs: the links between the severity of symptoms and meso-level factors.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: On the basis of the empirical study results the author analyzes the levels of the components of entrepreneurs’ burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of personal achievements). More than a third of the respondents were shown to have high levels of burnout with the reduction of personal achievements being the most pronounced burnout symptom.
The author identified the following three groups of meso-level factors that affected the severity of burnout among businessmen: a) the business registration form (individual, legal entity), b) the specialization of business (trade, services, manufacturing), and c) the number of workers in the organization (organizations that employ no more than ten workers, organizations that employ 11 to 30 people).
The investigation found out the relationships between the severity of burnout and some meso-level factors. The emotional tension and reduction of personal achievements were less developed inthe entrepreneurs registered as legal entities, whereas the severity of depersonalization and reduction of personal achievements were lower in the organizations that employed larger numbers of workers. Besides, the entrepreneurs who specialized in manufacturing had higher levels of depersonalization.
Keywords: entrepreneurs; burnout; meso-level factors; business registration form; specialization of business; number of people working in the organization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 122-125 (pdf)
UDC 159.938.363.2:88.373
Zakhariash, L.P.
Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Impact of entrepreneurs’ image-type on implementation of youth’s business activities.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The formation of an entrepreneur’s holistic image being a system of social perceptions of him/her is based on other peoples’ assessments in the process of social perception. The author analyzes the content of the entrepreneur’s image through high school students’ perceptions of various components of the entrepreneur’s personality at the cognitive (business competence, education, and intellect), emotional-motivational (values, entrepreneur’s attractiveness / unattractiveness), and behavioral (goal achievement strategies, manners, appearance, and lifestyle as a reflection of an individual’s economic and socio-cultural content) levels. The entrepreneur’s image-type was found to affect youth’s simplified business activities. The entrepreneur’s image-type determines individuals’ professional mindset. Thus the charismatic image-type is characterized by a professional mindset dubbed ‘capacity realization’ which in selecting a profession activates the individual’s desire for self-realization as well as for achievement and maintenance of a high social status due to the profession’s prestige. The adventurous image-type is based on a professional mindset of getting easy and fast money, satisfying one’s own needs, realization of dreams, and choosing the right profession for the utmost self-realization. The workaholic image-type stands for a mindset to work hard meaning an active and responsible work involvement. The missionary image-type is characterized by a set for altruistic self-assertion that provides professional approval and of social problem solution. The victim image-type (‘I'm the worst’ attitude) is based on the set that strengthens the need for psychological comfort through the rejection of the active position and conscious regulation of professional activities.
Keywords: entrepreneur’s image-type, social-psychological impact, professional self-determination, professional guidance, business activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 125-130 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Butko, V.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Importance of offenders’ formation of feeling of guilt in domestic violence victims.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with self-concept of women-victims of domestic violence. The author analyzes the stories of 19 women who came for psychological help and makes a conclusion that their problems stemmed from at least one of the four types of domestic violence. The analysis of the results of a survey done on 19 women who suffered from domestic violence using T.Leary’s Interpersonal Behavior Circle as well as the pictures of Inexistent Animal (A.L.Venger’s technique) and their verbal descriptions done by the women’s 16 children allowed the author to conclude that in building the relationships with children their parents used the same tactics as in building the relationships with each other. Women-victims of domestic violence were shown to behave adaptively in interpersonal relationships and to coordinate their actions with other peoples’ opinion. They also lacked self-confidence, conformed to other people, tended to play down their dreams and desires, had low self-esteem, obeyed the authorities, as well as avoided self-analysis and self-criticism.
Keywords: domestic violence, self-concept, self-esteem, self-respect, self-realization, guilt, victim’s behavior, narrative, suggestibility.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 131-136 (pdf)
UDC 159.925
Zaporozhets, T.O.
Humanities Institute at the National Aviation University, Kyiv.
Emotional intelligence, situation awareness and situational psychological readiness in air traffic controllers.
Language: English
Abstract: The following paper presents the role of emotional intelligence in the formation of situation awareness and situational psychological readiness in air traffic control. The specifics of professional job of ATC was presented based on the conclusion that air transportation is a complex system of interaction of air traffic, airspace and air traffic controller’s activities, where the role of ATC was regarded as one of the most important. The complexity of ATC job is presented by highlighting the main activities such as situation monitoring, resolving aircraft conflicts, managing air traffic sequences, routing or planning flights, assessing weather impact, managing sector/position resources, which also involve 46 sub-activities and 348 distinct tasks, on the basis of which is assumed that ATC requires not only the appropriate skills, professional knowledge and experience from its specialists, but also the specific personality variables and individual factors, which enable them to form the psychological readiness to perform efficiently in a high risk and safety sensitive environment.
The situational psychological readiness was defined as a dynamic state of personality, characterized by internal disposition on certain activities and behaviors through the mobilization of inner resources for its coherent, purposeful implementation and its role in ATC was named using the following features: emotional disposition to work; identifying and understanding the action plan in accordance with the goals and objectives of the turn-based programming; the ability to control your own emotional state; ability to understand and separate the elements of ATC situation; keep the track of its current position and make predictions about future development; mobilization of inner resources to perform effectively. The correlation between situation awareness and situational psychological readiness was showed.
The key role of emotional intelligence in ATC was presented by following characteristics: the high level of emotional intelligence in ATC is the main attribute in formation of situational psychological readiness as it is expressed in a high emotional competence that is responsible for emotional regulation, inner mobilization and disposition to work; EI helps out to form good SA, as it mobilizes ATC to be in control of their attention, make effective and accurate judgments; EI enables ATC to make a strong and effective team coordination; EI facilitates a high level of self-motivation and goal awareness in ATC.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, psychological readiness, situational psychological readiness, situation awareness, air traffic control, air traffic controllers (ATC).
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 136-141 (pdf)
UDC 159.922:33/:336.7-051
Kushnirenko, K.O.
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv.
Comparative analysis and distinctive features of professiography in the man-machine and man-to-man systems.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article deals with the distinctive features of professiography of professionals’ work in the man-machine and man-to-man systems. The author presents the design of professiography for various professions which has three blocs: the profession’s general characteristics, basic work operations and work conditions, and a psychogram. The author describes the psychograms of the representatives of each system: a medical practitioner as a representative of the man-to-man system and the air controller as a representative of the man-machine system.
The two systems are being compared according to ten items: 1) appearance requirements – higher in he man-to-man system than in the man-machine system; 2) physical health requirements - higher in he man-to-man system than in the man-machine system; 3) the nervous system has increased requirements for workers in both systems; 4) requirements for expressive voice exist in both systems; 5) both systems require quick reactions in emergencies; 6) requirements for subtle understanding of humans’ inner life - higher in the man-to-man system, absent in the man-machine system; 7) both systems are characterized by the workers’ ability to keep attention focused for a long time; 8) the man-machine system requires well-developed operative memory, while the man-to-man system (physician) needs well-developed acoustic and tactile memories; 9) both systems’ workers are characterized by neatness and discipline; 10) the type of ideas - subjective in the man-to-man system and objective in the man-machine system.
The author pays special attention to the bank employees’ professiogram made up of four components: the profession’s socio-economic characteristics, work characteristics, sanitary-hygienic characteristics, and the requirements for employees’ psychological characteristics.
Keywords: professiography, system, banking, analysis, comparison, man, technology, psychological characteristics, activity, diagram.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 141-145 (pdf)
UDC 159.99
Lazos, G.P.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The distinctive features of psychological support to internal migrants from the Crimea.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Rendering psychological support to the displaced people is a new and unfamiliar challenge to Ukrainian psychologists. People who were forced to leave their homes, jobs, relatives, and friends are in a great need of psychological help in adapting to new living conditions. The article synthesizes the counselors’ initial experience in providing psychological support to internal migrants from the Crimea. The author’s personal work experience with immigrants from the Crimea helps identify the following key functions of the psychologist: 1) psychological adaptation (handling heavy stress conditions, help in adaptation to changes and return to life, help in the experience assimilation and integration, and creation of new life prospects); 2) social adaptation (help to temporary immigrants in adapting to their new environments). The traumatic situations of relocation caused changes in people’s mental states, which affected their emotional and cognitive conditions and eventually changed their behaviors. Thus, the immigrants experience depression, irritability, emotional dullness, and recurrent depressive episodes. The cognitive changes are characterized by poor memory and concentration, low attention, and forgetfulness. The migrants’ behaviors are often unpredictable, illogical, uncontrolled, and unmotivatedly vigilant. Understanding of immigrants’ mental states determines the content of psychological assistance to them. The main idea of this assistance which is based on the R.Popadopulos’ psychological and philosophical theory of trauma, is the psychologists’ work to diminish the clients’ traumatic experiences, change their attitudes towards the traumas, form their new views of the future life, which leads to their setting new goals, determining new values and meanings, as well as finding the appropriate resources.
Effective in dealing with immigrants appeared to be a group work. Further analysis and synthesis of practical work as well as new investigations will improve the psychological assistance given to this group of clients.
Keywords: temporarily displaced persons, migrants, psychological assistance, mental states, trauma, group psychotherapy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 145-152 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.4:159.923.2
Levus, N.I.
Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Lviv.
Manifestations of ethnic identity in treating representatives of one’s own and other ethnic groups.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the formation of ethnic identity as a distinguishing oneself among other ethnic groups and the formation of certain attitudes towards them. The author outlined some features of people with different ethnic identity based on their attitudes to the representatives of their own and other ethnic groups.
The individuals with a neutral ethnic identity were found to be inclined to show no strong emotions and feelings towards both their own and other ethnic communities. They did not clearly manifest their ethnic identity and desire to compare themselves with others. The representatives of this group showed positive attitudes towards other people if their attitudes stemmed from their high self-esteem.
The group of the respondents who tended to have a positive self-identity had high levels of tolerance and the combination of positive attitudes towards their own people and people of other nationalities, attaching great importance to marinating the balance in ethnic relations.
The respondents inclined towards a negative ethnic identity were shown to have low tolerance placing the interests of their own people above the interests of other nationalities including their complete rejection. They alienated themselves from other ethnic groups and kept up their self-confidence focusing on their own ethnic group.
Keywords: ethnic identity, ethnic tolerance, social distance, ethnic attitudes, ethnic group, nation, ethnic self-determination.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 152-158 (pdf)
UDC 376.56
Melnik, A.I.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv.
Structure of teachers’ psychological readiness to work with hyperactive primary school students.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Having analyzed the concept of teachers’ psychological readiness to interact with hyperactive primary school students, we have concluded that it is a holistic personality formation consisting of a value-motivational, cognitive-orientational, professional-active, and appraisal-reflexive components. The value-motivational component of readiness is viewed as teachers’ personal-and-professional orientation to diagnostic and preventive work which is characterized by a preventive effect subject’s moral and psychological position that integrates professional interest, responsibilities, the fundamental assessment of a hyperactive behavior based on necessity, appropriateness, legality of preventive work as an aspect of educational work and teachers’ system-relevant qualities, civic responsibility, kindness, honesty, discretion, objectivity, strictness, and reflectivity.
The cognitive-orientational component of readiness, being its basis, consists of teachers’ general psychological, pedagogical, and special knowledge. It provides the informational and methodological foundation for understanding of nature, determinants, mechanisms, conditions, characteristics, and diagnostics of students’ hyperactive behavior as well as schools’ hyperactive behavior preventive capacities on the basis of general and special methods of correctional and educational work of others.
The teachers readiness’s appraisal-reflective component consists of their skills and capabilities (didactic, organizational, communication, perceptual, suggestive) to use the acquired knowledge in practical work with hyperactive students.
Keywords: components of psychological readiness, hyperactive students, interaction.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 158-163 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.35
Palko, T.V.
Zakarpattia INSET Institute, Uzhhorod.
Teachers’ psychological reflection development program for the system of post-graduate teacher education.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with a teachers’ reflection development program to be used in the system of post-graduate teacher education. The author highlights the essence of teachers’ reflection by cognitive, affective-evaluative, and regulatory-procedural components.
The content of the program modules of teachers’ reflection development in the institutions of post-graduate education was designed based on personal (reflexivity, internal locus of control) and psychological-pedagogical (lecturers’ willingness to develop teachers’ reflection in institutions of post-graduate education) factors.
The author discusses the social and psychological instruments for teachers’ reflection development with the social-psychological training being the main instrument. The training allows to actualize some socio-psychological mechanisms of personal development that include imitation and identification in situations of interaction between the groups that are equal in status, obey mutually recognized rules and have common goals which achievement requires the groups’ joint efforts.
The teachers’ reflection development program includes a preliminary, diagnostic, practical, and acmeological stages. The author analyzes some aspects of the stages’ implementation in the system of post-graduate education as well as the describes the most appropriate forms and methods of the teachers’ reflection development program.
Keywords: reflection, teacher, postgraduate teacher education; development of reflection, reflection development program, lecturer of institution of post-graduate teacher education.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 163-168 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Syngaivska, I.V.
University of Economics and Law ‘Krok’, Kyiv.
Analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of professional efficiency of an individual.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Individuals’ professionalism affects the success of reforms, as well as the competitiveness of enterprises, organizations and institutions in the domestic and foreign markets. This makes the study of individuals’ professional efficiency and various aspects of professionalism development quite important
Researchers’ attention has been focused on a wide range of problems relevant to work psychology that include, in part, the psychology of career and professional development, professional identity, professional competence, professional activities motivation, professional self-improvement as well as the levels, criteria, and functions of professional activities.
Seeking to create a model of professional efficiency, scientists use a variety of approaches: personal, acmeological, activity, structural-functional, and integrative. The research and theoretical works on individuals’ professional development, adaptation, competence, identification, motivation, and self-development make the theoretical and methodological basis for the concept of professional efficiency. There is an urgent need to study the psychological foundations of professional efficiency by coordinating the personal and social requirements and finding effective criteria for evaluating and predicting the possible consequences of successful professional activities.
To the author’s mind it is reasonable to continue studying the psychological mechanisms of formation of professionally efficient individuals in order to make a balanced conceptual model of professional efficiency to improve the theoretical and methodological basis for research of professional efficiency in various fields of practice.
Keywords: professional success; professionalism; personal, acmeological, activity, structural-functional, integrative approaches.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 168-176 (pdf)
UDC 159.98:316.61
Smotritsky, A.V.
Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Leisure-dancing practices as means of social-psychological adaptation of migrants.
Language: Russian
Abstract: The article deals with the social-psychological mechanisms of migrants’ adaptation to new cultural environments based on a generalized analysis of the relevant works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers. The author discusses the psychological, socio-cultural, and socio-economic adaptations, describes identification and self-actualization as the adaptive psychological mechanisms (adaptation vectors) as well as presents a model of social and psychological adaptation.
The author suggests some leisure-dancing practices in combination with elements of socio-psychological training as an effective practical mechanism to optimize migrants’ socio-psychological adaptation to new environment.
Giving definitions of leisure-dancing practices and the social-partner dance as their foundation, the author provides arguments for the use of leisure-dancing in psychologists’ work with migrants and host population, as well as describes the leisure-dancing mechanisms of adaptation, emotional attunement, dance improvisation, and dyadic-subcultural interaction.
The author also makes conclusions about the leisure-dancing mechanisms of adaptation that contribute to the development of migrants’ social skills and attitudes to achieve emotionally trusted interaction with the local population.
The follow-up research may include the development of a socio-psychological training course based on the leisure-dancing techniques.
Keywords: social-psychological adaptation, acculturation, socio-cultural adaptation, psychological adaptation, socio-economic adaptation, leisure-dancing practices, social dancing pair.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 177-182 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Toba, М.V.
East-Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl, Kyiv.
Social-psychological features of residual norms of educational space of educational institutions.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: An important element of students’ micro-environment is a students’ group that is a segment of educational space of educational institutions and seen by group members as an important representative of the social space as a whole. The contemporary social and psychological knowledge is characterized by the researchers’ studying space both at the micro- and macro-levels as well as investigating its effects on individuals’ social behaviors and social competences. An important element of social-psychological practices is formation of social skills for ‘deciphering’ and reading social codes, as well as the residual behavioral norms which are, on the one hand, the prerequisites for individuals’ optimal life and adaptation to new interpersonal interactions and, on the other hand, are the sources of spaces’ development or degeneration. An element of educational organizations’ educational space is carefree environment characterized by passive freedom with the domination of suppressed and liberal psychological types (P.Lesgaft).
The contemporary higher education needs reforms since it does not meet the social requirements. The education space is an area of social activities aimed at purposeful social and cultural of individuals. The process of individuals’ assimilation of social experience depends on the proportions and interactions between different information systems. However it depends mainly on the proportions of individuals’ real interactions which determine their life-styles as well as on the information received by individuals during their conscious training and education in the educational space. Thus, students compare and agree their knowledge about life with the specific conditions of their groups’ life rather than with the general factors of being. The investigation of the residual norms allowed to build the vectors of the educational environment as an element of the educational space of educational organizations.
Keywords: group norms, residual norms, implicated norms, explicated norms, educational environment, educational space.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 182-188 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.2:316.61:004.738.5
Frolov, A.P.
SHEE «University of educational management» at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The typology of facebook users by the nature of their activities and circle of friends.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the typology of Facebook users. The author describes its relevance, the latest investigations as well as the results of his empirical research done on a representative sample of 300 network users.
There were identified three types of people's self-presentation in online social networks: template, automatic, and free. Each type was investigated using a separate instrument described in detail in the article. The main characteristics of online communication were distinguished.
The author also discusses the key characteristics of online communication and describes the characteristic asymmetric distribution of empirical data in the sample. Cluster analysis allowed to identify three distinct natural classes of users which features were examined and described. The main criteria used in describing the differences between the user classes included the respondents’ activity, social circle and the impact on the audience. The work also compares different types of self-presentation in separate clusters, analyzes the criteria for distinguishing socially popular group of users from normal users as well as discusses prospects for further research.
Keywords: online social networking, self-presentation, virtual communication, cluster analysis, typology, activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 188-197 (pdf)
UDC 370153:159.953:81(243
Tsymbal I.V.
National Technical University of Ukraine ‘KPI’, Kyiv.
Individual approach in teaching technical department students to work with science texts in foreign language.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with an extremely important problem of teaching technical department students to work with science texts in foreign language.
In the introduction the author justifies the importance of foreign languages learning in formation of technical department students and the role of the teacher in their motivation to read science texts; she examines different types of individual personalization in learning group and enumerates the elements in teaching of reading comprehension that should be personalized.
The author describes three stages of the experiment while which she has studied the reading habits and individual psychological features of students (multiple intelligence, learning style, etc.); she emphasizes the importance of reading speed and its impact on the learning process.
The paper presents the results of empirical research such as types of difficulties in comprehension of science texts in foreign language, some reading habits, the efficiency of science texts reading according to different learning style.
The author gives proof of creating of practical course that would improve reading and comprehension skills taking into account such individual psychological features as multiple intelligence, learning style of each student.
Keywords: foreign scientific texts, reading, perceptions, understanding, individual psychological features, individual approach.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 197-202 (pdf)
UDC 159.922:159.953.5
Schipanovska, O.R.
National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, Kyiv.
Аnalysis of main approaches to learning as an important factor in professional and personal development of future specialists.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The professional training of future specialists is determined not only by the characteristics of their professions, but also by their personalities. Today in society there is a growing need for specialists who are able to update and adjust their knowledge according to the needs and demands of society, to educate themselves, demonstrate high psychological culture in crisis situations, and are capable of self-regulation. Training of highly skilled professionals is closely related not only to the quality of higher education, but to the students’ ability to self-educate as well as to regulate their own behaviors and emotional states. During training, the students receive not only professional knowledge but also acquire the invaluable experience of learning.
The article deals with psychological features of learning as a special form of students’ activity, describes current approaches to learning, discusses different approaches to learning and their impact on learning efficiency based on students’ individual differences. The author also analyzes the possibilities for students’ targeted development in institutions of higher education, as well as the application of self-regulation and learning skills acquired by students in universities in their future professional work.
Keywords: learning, learning styles, motivation, learning activities, self-regulation, approach to learning, deep approach, surface approach, strategic approach, effectiveness of training.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 202-206 (pdf)
UDC 158.922:316.624
Yankevich, S.M.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
A training program to develop components of future educationists’ preparedness for work with socially maladjusted adolescents.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The study complements the content of the known approaches to train professionals to work with socially maladjusted adolescents in the system of higher education. In particular, the article focuses on the content of a special training program to facilitate the development of psychological factors of educationists’ preparedness for work with socially maladjusted adolescents, expands the theoretical understanding of the conditions to facilitate the development of future educationists’ psychological characteristics that determine their ability to perform professional tasks, as well as discusses the prospects for further scientific research of different psychological aspects of training students of psychology and social work.
The training program has been designed in line with the existing reqirements and is based on the key principles of education, educationists’ (social workers and psychologists) training, as well as the principles of professional interaction with maladjusted adolescents. The training program can be devided into groups according to a preparedness component to be developed.
In addition, the article discusses the possibility of using the theoretical and methodological materials and findings to improve the quality of social workers’ and psychologists’ professional training and personal development in the system of higher education, in particular, to facilitate the development of psychological characteristics of young professionals’ readiness for work with teenagers’ maladjustment.
Keywords: preparedness, personality, socially-maladjasted adolescents, developmental program, empathy, communicative tolerance, stress-resistance, self-control, individual psychological adaptability.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 1(41): 207-211 (pdf)