Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 47 – 2017

Abstracts and Information about Authors


UDC: 159.922.2:34.08
Baranyuk, N.I.
Baranyuk, Nazar Ihorovych, assistant, dept. of theoretical and applied psychology, Institute of Law and Psychology at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine

Tools for studying organizational culture of law enforcement agencies

The article analyzes the assessment tools used in studying organizational culture of law enforcement agencies. The first group of tools included those that assessed the types and measures of organizational culture. These included R. Harrison Investigation of Organizational Culture Types, K. Cameron and R. Quinn Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OSAI) and G. Hofstede and D. Bollingham Organizational Culture: Cross-Cultural Analysis. The second group of tools aimed at diagnosing factors of meso and microlevels that influenced organizational culture of law enforcement agencies. Among the factors of the meso and microlevels there were internal (psychological) and external (functional and organizational) factors. In studying the factors of mesolevel the author used the Assessment of the Management Style and Socio-Psychological Climate in the Collective as well as a special questionnaire designed by him. The study of the microlevel factors was carried out using V. Smeykal and M. Kucer Orientation Questionnaire, the Self-Assessment of Stress Resistance and the author's questionnaire Keywords: organizational culture, law enforcement bodies, of organizational culture development factors; factors of meso-level factors; micro-level factors

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Baranyuk N.I. Orhanizatsiyna kul'tura yak chynnyk efektyvnoyi diyal'nosti pravookhoronnykh orhaniv / N.I. Baranyuk // Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury v systemi derzhavnoyi sluzhby, osvity, promyslovosti ta biznesu: tezy IKh Mizhnar. konfer. z orhanizatsiynoyi ta ekonomichnoyi psykholohiyi (Kyyiv, 30–31 travnya 2013 r.) / za nauk. red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky. – K. ; Alchevs'k : DonDTU, 2013. – S. 21–23.
2. Kameron K. Dyahnostyka y yzmenenye orhanyzatsyonnoy kul'turы / K. Kameron, R. Kuynn ; per. s anhl. / pod red. Y.V. Andreevoy. – SPb. : Pyter, 2001. – 320 s.
3. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya upravlinnya : navch. posib. / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Milenium, 2003. – S. 292–294.
4. Karamushka L.M. Sutnist', pryroda ta struktura orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury: aktual'ni rakursy doslidzhennya / L.M. Karamushka // Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury v systemi derzhavnoyi sluzhby, osvity, promyslovosti ta biznesu : tezy IX Mizhnarodnoyi konferentsiyi z orhanizatsiynoyi ta ekonomichnoyi psykholohiyi (30–31 travnya 2013 roku, m. Kyyiv) / za nauk. red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K.-Alchevs'k : DonDTU, 2013. – S. 6–9.
5. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury (na materiali promyslovykh pidpryyemstv) : navch. posib. / L.M. Karamushka, I.I. Snyadanko. – K. ; L'viv : Kray, 2010. – 212 s.
6. Kominko S.B. Krashchi metody psykhodiahnostyky : navch. posib. / S.B. Kominko, H.V. Kucher. – Ternopil' : Kart-blansh, 2005. – 406 s.
7. Ladanov I.A. Sociokul'tura organizacii / I.A. Ladanov // Organizacionnoe povedenie : [hrestomatija] / [red.-sost. Rajgorodskij D.Ja.]. – Samara : ID «Bahrah-M», 2006. – S. 120–168.
8. Praktikum po psihologii menedzhmenta i professional'noj dejatel'nosti / pod red. G.S. Nikiforova, M.A. Dmitrievoj, V.M. Snetkova. – SPb. : Rech', 2001. – 448 s.
9. Rajgorodskij D.Ja. Prakticheskaja psihodiagnostika. Metodiki i testy : ucheb. posob. / D.Ja. Rajgorodskij. – Samara : ID «BAHRAH», 1998. – 672 s.
10. Harrison R. Issledovanie razlichnyh tipov organizacionnoj kul'tury // Kul'tura organizacii : ucheb. posob. / R. Harrison, A.N. Chaplina, T.A. Vashko. – Krasnojarsk : Krasnojarskij kommercheskij in-t, 1996. – 164 s.
11. Shejn Je.H. Organizacionnaja kul'tura i liderstvo / per. s angl. pod red. V.A. Spivaka. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 336 s.
12. Bollinger, D. Les differences des cultures organisatinelles / D. Bollinger, G. Hofstede. – P., 1987.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 3-7 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2:613.62
Dzuba, T.M.
Dzuba, Tetiana Mykhailivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., dept. of general, developmental and applied psychology, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko, Poltava, Ukraine

Conceptual models of personal occupational health

The article deals with conceptual models of personal occupational health. The author analyzes and systematizes the latest theories on, concepts and characteristics of personal occupational health in line with the basic psychological approaches that have similar research objects, but different methods, objectives and categorical apparatus. The author discusses the main areas of Ukrainian and foreign research on occupational health and describes the advantages and disadvantages of the theories and concepts taking into account the content, nature and type of specific professional activities. The integrated study of occupational health is an important field of organizational psychology and health psychology. According to the author, the adaptation model deals only with preserving and training strategies of occupational health; the existential-humanistic model provides workers' understanding of their perceptions of professional life, their ability to make informed professional choices, their focus on certain professional values and priorities; the integrative model allows for comprehending the importance of occupational health and determining the principles of occupational healthcare and health promotion. The author advocates creation of a hypothetical model of a occupationally healthy person which would project the objective health onto the person's professional self-awareness Keywords: health, occupational health, models of occupational health, adaptive model, integrative model, existential-humanistic model

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Berezovskaja R.A. Psihologija professional'nogo zdorov'ja za rubezhom: sovremennoe sostojanie i perspektivy razvitija / R.A. Berezovskaja // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – 2012. – 5(26) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa :
2. Buenok A.G. Jumor kak faktor professional'nogo zdorov'ja menedzherov : avtoref. diss. … doktora psihol. nauk. / A.G. Buenok. –SPb., 2014. – 21 s.
3. Valovik V.I. K voprosu o nravstvennosti specialista v kontekste professional'nogo zdorov'ja / V.I. Valovik, T.G. Celujkina // Trudy SGA. – Vyp. 2 : Jurisprudencija. Obrazovanie. Psihologija. Jekonomika. Filosofija. Lingvistika. – M. : Izd-vo SGU, 2010. – S. 46–54.
4. Verbina G.G. Lichnostnoe zdorov'e professionala : avtoref. diss. … doktora psihol. nauk / G.G. Verbina. – Habarovsk, 2012. – 62 s.
5. Honcharenko L.O. Zdorov""ya suchasnoyi lyudyny: tsinnosti ta superechnosti / L.O. Honcharenko // Visnyk Natsional'noho universytetu «Yurydychna akademiya Ukrayiny imeni Yaroslava Mudroho». – 2014. – № 4 (23). – S. 76–81.
6. Hrandt V.V. Kopinh-resursy yak chynnyk zberezhennya profesiynoho zdorov""ya osobystosti : dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.01 / V.V. Hrandt ; nauk. ker. Zh.P. Virna ; In-t psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – K., 2012. – 245 s.
7. Druzhilov S.A. Jekologija cheloveka i professional'noe zdorov'e trudjashhihsja: psihologicheskij podhod / S.A. Druzhilov // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal jeksperimental'nogo obrazovanija. – 2012. – № 12–1. – S. 15–18.
8. Ljeng R.D. Raskolotoe «Ja» / per. s angl. – SPb. : Belyj Krolik. 1995. – 352 s.
9. Madzhuga A.G. Jekzistencial'no-gumanisticheskij podhod k zdorov'ju cheloveka / A.G. Madzhuga, I.A. Sinicina // Vestnik SVFU, 2013. – T. 10. – № 5. – S. 91–95.
10. Maklakov A.G. Osnovy psihologicheskogo obespechenija professional'nogo zdorov'ja voennosluzhashhih : diss. … doktora psihol. nauk / A.G. Maklakov. – SPb., 1996. – 392 s.
11. Maljarchuk N.N. Valeologija : ucheb. posob. / N.N. Maljarchuk. – Tjumen' : Tjumenskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2008. – 280 s.
12. Ponomarenko V.A. Psihologija zhizni i truda letchika / V.A. Ponomarenko. – M. : Voenizdat, 1992. – 224 s.
13. Pravdina L.R. Jekzistencial'naja ispolnennost' kak faktor professional'nogo zdorov'ja / R.L. Pravdina, O.S. Vasil'eva, Je.V. Gaus // Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona. – 2015. – № 3 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa :
14. Psihologija zdorov'ja : ucheb. dlja vuzov / pod red. G.S. Nikiforova. – SPb. : Piter, 2006. – 607 s.
15. Sokol'skaja M.V. Lichnostnoe zdorov'e professionala : monografija / M.V. Sokol'skaja. – Habarovsk : Izd-vo DVGUPS, 2008. – 303 s.
16. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smysla / V. Frankl [per. s angl. i nem.] / pod red. L.Ja. Gozmana, D.A. Leont'eva. – M. : Progress, 1990. – 366 s.
17. Shingaev S.M. Psihologicheskoe obespechenie professional'nogo zdorov'ja menedzherov : avtoref. diss. … doktora psihol. nauk / S.M. Shingaev. – SPb., 2014. – 41 s.
18. Everly, G.S., Jr. (1986). An introduction to occupational health psychology. In P.A. Keller & L.G. Ritt (Eds.) Innovations in clinical practice: A source book (Vol. 5, pp. 331-338). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange.
19. Health promotion: evidence and experience / Ed. by K. Lucas and B. Lloyd. – London : SAGE Publications, 2005. – 168 r.
20. Raymond, J.S., Wood, D.W., Patrick, W.D. Psychology training in work and health. American Psychologist, 1990, 45, 1159-1161.
21. Schaufeli, W., Salanova, M. (2011). Work engagement: On how to better catch a slippery concept. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20, 39-46.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 8-14 (pdf)


UDC: 005.73:373
Karamushka, L.M., Kredentser, O.V., Tereschenko, K.V., Lagodzinska, V.I., Kovalchuk, O.S., Ivkin, V.M.
Karamushka, Liudmyla Mykolaivna, corresponding member, NAES of Ukraine, Dr., Prof., Head, laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tereshchenko, Kira Volodymyrivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kredentser, Oksana Valeriivna, PhD, associate professor, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Lahodzinska, Valentуna Ivanivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kovalchuk, Olexandr Serhiiovych, researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ivkin, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych, PhD, associate professor, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Relationship between teaching staff's negative mental states and educational organization culture components and index

The article presents the results of empirical research which show the presence of negative mental states (rigidity, anxiety, aggression and frustration) of high and average level in a significant number of staff in educational organizations. It has been found that organizational culture of educational organizations is evaluated manly positively by the educational organization staff, but the roles of individual components of organizational culture (first of all, work) need to be strengthened. The teaching staff's work-related negative mental states are generally at the middle level, while the teaching staff's work-related emotional exhaustion is stronger than the teaching staff's work-related depersonalization. It has been shown that the higher the organizational culture index and components, the lower the levels of teaching staff's negative mental states and the negative work-related impact. The obtained data suggest that under social tension in Ukraine, educational organization principals and psychologists should pay more attention to the promotion of organizational cultures in educational organizations that provide clear organization of work, business communication, motivation and management, etc., as well as to special programs aimed at increasing teaching staff's emotional regulation and stress resistance Keywords: educational organizations; teaching staff; negative mental states; organizational culture; organizational culture components; organizational culture index; organizational culture strength; negative work impact index

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Drozdov O.Yu. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni faktory dynamiky ahresyvnoyi povedinky molodi : dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk / O.Yu. Drozdov. – Chernihiv, 2003. – 225 s.
2. Elyseev O.P. Praktykum po psykholohyy lychnosty / O.P. Elyseev. – [2-e yzd., yspr. y pererab.]. – SPb. : Pyter, 2006. – S. 219–222.
3. Zaika I.V. Vplyv sotsial'noyi napruzhenosti na vyyavy osobystisnoyi napruzhenosti pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv / I.V.Zayika // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. – Naukovyy zhurnal [za nauk. redah. S.D. Maksymenka ta L.M. Karamushky] – K. : Lohos, 2017. – № 2–3 (9–10). – C. 19–39.
4. Karamushka L.M. Cotsial'na napruzhenist' v orhanizatsiyi: sutnist', pidkhody do vyvchennya, osnovni vydy / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2016. – T. 1. – Vyp. 45. – S. 3–11.
5. Karamushka L.M. Cotsial'na frustrovanist' osvitn'oho personalu: zv""yazok iz typamy orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv / L.M. Karamushka, I.V. Zayika // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. – 2016. – № 2–3 (5–6). – S. 80–89.
6. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohichni umovy poperedzhennya profesiynoho stresu ta profesiynoho vyhorannya kerivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsiy: spetskurs dlya slukhachiv ochno-dystantsiynoyi formy navchannya v systemi pislyadyplomnoyi pedahohichnoyi osvity / O.I. Bondarchuk, L.M. Karamushka, A.S. Moskal'ova, O.O. Nezhyns'ka, N.I. Pinchuk ; NAPN Ukrayiny, Un-t menedzh. osvity. – K., 2015. – 32 s.
7. Ladanov I.A. Sociokul'tura organizacii / I.A. Ladanov // Organizacionnoe povedenie : [hrestomatija] / [red.-sost. Rajgorodskij D.Ja.]. – Samara : ID «Bahrah-M», 2006. – S. 120–168.
8. Levitov N.D. O psihicheskih sostojanijah cheloveka / N. D. Levitov. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1964. –344 s.
9. Ljutova E.K. Shpargalka dlja vzroslyh: Psihokorrekcionnaja rabota s giperaktivnymi, agressivnymi, trevozhnymi i autichnymi det'mi / E. Ljutova, G. Monina. – M.: Genezis, 2000. – 192 s.
10. Majers D. Social'naja psihologija / D. Majers. – SPb. : Prajm-Evroznak, 2002. – 512 s.
11. Naenko N.I. Psihicheskaja naprjazhennost' / N.I. Naenko. – M. : Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1976. – 12 s.
12. Omel'chenko Ya.M. Psykholohichna dopomoha dityam z tryvozhnymy stanamy / Ya. Omel'chenko, Z. Kisarchuk. – K. : Shk. svit, 2008. – 112 s.
13. Praktikum po psihologii menedzhmenta i professional'noj dejatel'nosti / pod red. G.S. Nikiforova, M.A. Dmitrievoj, V.S. Snetkova. – SPb. : Rech', 2001. – S. 276–282.
14. Psykholohichni determinanty rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury : monohrafiya [Elektronnyy resurs] / L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Kredentser, K.V. Tereshchenko [ta in.] ; za red. L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 288 s. – Rezhym dostupu :
15. Psihicheskie sostojanija : hrestomatija / [sost. i obshh. red. L.V. Kulikova]. – SPb. : Piter, 2001.– 512 s.
16. Rajgorodskij D.Ja. Prakticheskaja psihodignostika: Metodiki i testy uchebnoe posobie / D.Ja. Rajgorodskij. – Samara : BAHRAH, 1998. – S. 141–145.
17. Topolov Ye.V. Profesiyna ahresyvnist' osobystosti : monohrafiya / Ye.V. Topolov. – K. : VD «Slovo», 2011. – S. 157–158.
18. Khomenko Z.I. Vplyv uchytelya na emotsiynyy stan uchniv / Zinayida Khomenko. – K. : Redaktsiyi zahal'noped. hazet, 2012. – 128 s.
19. Yurchenko V.M. Psykhichni stany lyudyny: systemnyy opys : monohrafiya / V.M. Yurchenko. – Rivne, 2006. – 574 s.
20. Watson, D. Development and validation of the brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales / D. Watson, L.A. Clark, A. Tellegen // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 1988. – Vol. 54 (6). – R. 1063–1070.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 14-22 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Karamushka, L.M., Shevchenko, A.M.
Karamushka, Liudmyla Mykolaivna, corresponding member, NAES of Ukraine, Dr., Prof., Head, laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Shevchenko Antonina Mykhaylivna, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Management of Education of the Communal Higher Educational Institution of the Kyiv Regional Council ""Academy of Continuing Education"", Bila Tserkva, Ukraine.

Psychological conditions of educational organization managers' psychological well-being promotion training

The authors present their regional level research and experimental work program ""Promotion of educational organization managers' psychological well-being"". The authors highlight the objectives, hypothesis, methods, instruments, normative base, terms, stages and main forms of the program. The research is believed to have theoretical and practical significance because it substantiates the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of educational organization managers' psychological well-being, develops a psychological well-being model and a psychodiagnostic map of educational organization managers' psychological well-being indicators, empirically study the levels of educational organization managers' psychological well-being, determines the educational organization managers typology in accordance with the vectors of psychological well-being promotion (strategic, prosocial, creative, spiritual, intellectual, family, humanistic and individual vectors), reveals the relationship between the levels of educational organization managers' psychological well-being and meso-level and micro level factors Keywords: regional level research and experimental work program; educational organization managers; psychological well-being; educational organization managers' psychological well-being promotion training

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Anan'ev V.A. Vvedenie v psihologiju zdorov'ja : uchebnoe posobie / V.A. Anan'ev. – SPb. : Baltijskaja pedagogogicheskaja akademija, 1998. – 148 s.
2. Babyuk T.Y. Teoretychni aspekty problemy zdorov""ya ta vykhovannya zdoro-voho sposobu zhyttya osobystosti / T.Y. Babyuk // Teoretyko-metodychni prob¬lemy vykhovannya ditey ta uchnivs'koyi molodi : zb. nauk. prats'. – K. : Instytut problem vykhovannya APN Ukrayiny, 2005. – Vyp. 8. – Knyha 2. – S. 116.
3. Bevz H.M. Tekhnolohiya provedennya treninhiv z formuvannya zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya molodi : posibnyk / H.M. Bevz, O.P. Hlavnyk. – K. : Derzh. in-t problem sim""yi ta molodi, 2005. – 172 s.
4. Boychuk Yu. Formuvannya u student·s'koyi molodi vidpovidal'noho stavlennya do zdorov""ya yak aktual'na sotsial'na ta pedahohichna problema / Yu.D. Boychuk, I.V. Chernyavs'ka, N.D. Yants // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' Kharkivs'koho natsional'noho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni H.S. Skovorody. «Zasoby navchal'noyi ta naukovo-doslidnoyi roboty». – 2010. – Vyp. 34. – S. 16–22.
5. Boychuk Yu.D. Optymizatsiya osvitn'oho seredovyshcha yak osnova zdorov""ya-zberezhennya uchasnykiv osvitn'oho protsesu / Yu. Boychuk, O. Pal'chyk, O. Dekhtyar'ova // Pedahohichni nauky: teoriya, istoriya, innovatsiyni tekhnolohiyi. – Sumy : SumDPU, 2012. – № 2. – S. 137–145.
6. Bondarchuk O.I. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni osnovy osobystisnoho rozvytku kerivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv u profesiyniy diyal'nosti : monohrafiya / O.I. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – 318 s.
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8. Brekhman I.I. Vvedennya v valeolohiyu – nauku pro zdorov""ya : posibnyk / I.I. Brekhman. – L., 1987. – 125 s.
9. Vasiljuk F.E. Psihologija perezhivanija (analiz preodolenija kriti-cheskih situacij) : uchebnoe posobie / F.E. Vasiljuk. – M. : MGU, 1984. – 200 s.
10. Gorashhuk V.P. Formirovanie kul'tury zdorov'ja shkol'nikov (teorija i praktika) : uchebnik / V.P. Gorashhuk. – Lugansk : Al'ma-mater, 2003. – 388 s.
11. Dubrovina I.V. Psihicheskoe i psihologicheskoe zdorov'e v kontekste psihologicheskoj kul'tury lichnosti / I.V. Dubrovina // Vestnik prakticheskoj psihologii obrazovanija. – 2009. – №3. – C. 17–21.
12. Ivanova N.K. Organizacionno-pedagogicheskie uslovija formirovanija zdorovogo obraza zhizni shkol'nikov : diss.. … kandidata ped. nauk : 13.00.01 / N.K. Ivanova. – Samara, 2000. – 276 s.
13. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya upravlinnya : navchal'nyy posibnyk / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Milenium, 2003. – 344 s.
14. Kolomins'kyy N.L. Psykholohiya menedzhmentu v osviti (sotsial'no-psykholo¬hich¬nyy aspekt) : monohrafiya / N.L. Kolomins'kyy. – K. : MAUP, 2000 – 286 s.
15. Kolotiy N.M. Formuvannya psykholohichnoho zdorov""ya osobystosti / N.M. Kolotiy // Visnyk KhDPU im. H.S. Skovorody. Psykholohiya. – 2001. – Vyp. 6. – S. 143–148.
16. Kopa V.M. Sotsial'na tsinnist' modusu zdorov""ya : avtoref. dys. … kand. filosofs'kykh nauk. – 09.00.03 / V.M. Kopa. – Odesa, 2006. – 21 s.
17. Kocharyan O.S. Dukhovnyy vymir psykholohichnoho zdorov`ya student·s'koyi molodi: pidkhody ta modeli / O.S. Kocharyan, Ya.K. Yahnyuk // Visnyk Kharkivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. – Seriya : Psykholohiya. – 2011. – № 37, vyp. 45. – S. 149–154.
18. Kurylo I. Sotsial'no-demohrafichni osoblyvosti samootsinky stanu zdorov""ya naselennyam Ukrayiny / I. Kurylo // Demohrafichni doslidzhennya. – Vyp. 25 : zb. nauk. prats'. – K., 2003. – S. 44–55.
19. Maksymenko S.D. Psykholohichni zasady vzayemozv""yazku profesiynoho navchannya i rozvytku osobystosti maybutn'oho fakhivtsya / S.D. Maksymenko // Neperervna profesiyna osvita: filosofiya, pedahohichni paradyhmy, prohnoz : monohrafiya / APN Ukrayiny. In-t pedahohiky i psykholohiyi prof. osvity. – K., 2003. – S. 691–811.
20. Mitjaeva A.M. Zdorov'esberegajushhie pedagogicheskie tehnologii : ucheb. posob. dlja stud. vysshih ucheb. zaved. / A.M. Mitjaeva. – M. : Akademija, 2008. – 192 s.
21. Nikiforov G.S. Psihologija zdorov'ja : ucheb. posobie / G.S. Nikiforov. – SPb. : Rech', 2002. – 256 s.
22. Omel'chenko S.O. Vzayemodiya sotsial'nykh instytutiv suspil'stva u formuvanni zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya ditey ta pidlitkiv : monohrafiya / S.O. Omel'chenko. – Luhans'k : Al'ma-mater, 2007. – 353 s.
23. Orzhekhovs'ka V.M. Pedahohika zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya / V.M. Orzhekhovs'ka // Problemy osvity : naukovo-metodychnyy zbirnyk. – K., 2006. – Vyp. 48. – S. 3–7.
24. Panok V. Osnovy praktychnoyi psykholohiyi : posibnyk / V. Panok, T. Tytarenko, N. Chepelyeva. – K. : Lybid', 1999. – 533 s.
25. Pahal'jan V.Je. Razvitie i psihologicheskoe zdorov'e : uchebnik / V.Je. Pahal'jan. – SPb. : Piter, 2006. – 240 s.
26. Pomytkin E.O. Psykholohiya dukhovnoho rozvytku osobystosti : monohrafiya / E.O. Pomytkin. – K. : Nash chas, 2005. – 280 s.
27. Popova H.V. Psykholohichni attityudy shchodo vlasnoho zdorov""ya u yunats'komu vitsi / H.V. Popova // Problemy ekstremal'noyi ta kryzovoyi psykholohiyi. – 2015. – Vyp. 18. – S. 203–210.
28. Sekach M.F. Psihologija zdorov'ja : uchebnoe posobie dlja vysshej shkoly / M.F. Sekach. – M. : Akademicheskij proekt, 2003. – 192 s.
29. Semke V.Ja. Psihicheskoe zdorov'e i obshhestvo : uchebnik / V.Ja. Semke // Si- birskij vestnik psihiatrii i narkologii. – 1996. – № 1. – S. 5–7.
30. Smirnov N.K. Zdorov'esberegajushhie obrazovatel'nye tehnologii i psihologija zdorov'ja v shkole / N.K. Smirnov. – M. : ARKTI, 2005. – 320 s. 32. Tymofiyeva M.P. Psykholohiya zdorov""ya : navchal'nyy posibnyk / M.P. Tymofiyeva, O.V. Dvizhona. – Chernivtsi : Knyhy –ХХI, 2009. – 296 s. 33. Huhlaeva O.V. Osnovy psihologicheskogo konsul'tirovanija i psihologicheskoj korrekcii : uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedenij / O.V. Huhlaeva. – M. : Akademija, 2001. – 208 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 22-29 (pdf)


UDC: 005.32
Klochko, A.O.
Klochko, Alla Oleksiyivna, PhD, deputy director for scientific and educational work Bilotserkivskiy Institute of continuous professional education State Higher Educational Institution «University of Educational Management», Bila Tserkva, Ukraine

Theoretical aspects of studying the educational organization principals' management style

The article deals with the scientific approaches to the definition of the management style of principals of educational organizations. It is emphasized that the concept of leadership style is narrower than the concept of management style. The latter reflects the manager's most characteristic system of methods, techniques and ways of management (planning, organization, control, etc.), while the former is related only to the manager's impact on employees (as one of the elements of management) in order to accomplish the tasks facing the educational institution. The author discusses scientific research on psychological features of management styles used by educational organization principals in modern conditions of transformations in Ukraine. Management style as a socio-psychological phenomenon is made up of six elements, which shape such basic management styles as democratic, authoritarian and liberal styles described by the author in detail Keywords: educational organization, style, management, leadership style, management style

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Andrushkiv B.M. Osnovy menedzhmentu / B.M. Andrushkiv, O.Ye. Kuz'min. – L'viv : Svit, 1995. – 296 s.
2. Boumen K. Osnovy strategicheskogo menedzhmenta ; per. s angl. / K. Boumen. – M. : JuNITI, 1997. – 175 s.
3. Vihanskij O. Menedzhment : uchebnik / O.S. Vihanskij, A.I. Naumov. – [6-e izd., pererab. i dop.]. – M. : INFRA-M, 2015. – 656 c.
4. Genov F. Psihologija upravlenija: Osnovnye problemy ; per. s bolg. / F. Genov. – M. : Progress, 1982. – 442 s.
5. Druker P. Menedzhment / P. Druker, A. Dzhozef. – M. : ID «Vil'jams», 2010. – 704 s.
6. Zhuravlev A.L. Stil' i jeffektivnost' rukovodstva v proizvodstvennom kollektive : diss. ... kand. psihol. nauk / A.L. Zhuravlev. – M. : Izd-vo IPAN SSSR, 1976. – 326 s.
7. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya upravlinnya : navch. posib. dlya VNZ. – K. : Milenum, 2003. – 421 s.
8. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya upravlinnya zakladamy seredn'oyi osvity : monohrafiya / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Nika-tsentr, 2000. – 332 s.
9. Kerivnytstvo orhanizatsiyeyu : navch. posib. / O.Ye. Kuz'min, N.T. Mala, O.H. Mel'nyk, I.S. Protsyk. – L'viv : Vyd-vo NU «L'vivs'ka politekhnika», 2008. – 244 c.
10. Kolomins'kyy N. L. Psykholohiya menedzhmentu v osviti (sotsial'no-psykholohichnyy aspekt) : monohrafiya / N. L. Kolomins'kyy. – K. : MAUP, 2000. – 286 s.
11. Kravchenko L.M. Styl' roboty menedzhera osvity / L.M. Kravchenko // Pedahohika matematyky i pryrodoznavstva: V Vseukrayins'ki chytannya, prysvyacheni pam""yati M.V. Ostrohrads'koho (24–25 veresnya 2001 r.) : zbirnyk statey. – Poltava : POIPPO, 2001. – 72 s.
12. Loznytsya V.S. Psykholohiya i pedahohika : navch. posib. dlya samostiynoho vyvchennya dystsypliny / V.S. Loznytsya. – K. : EksOb, 2000. – 304 s.
13. Meskon M. Osnovy menedzhmenta / M. Meskon, M. Al'bert, F. Hedouri. – M. : Delo, 2004. – 800 s.
14. Profesiyna osvita : slovnyk : navch. posib. / [uklad.: S. U. Honcharenko, I. A. Zyazyun, N. H. Nychkalo, O. S. Dubynchuk, N. O. Talaluyeva, A. O. Molchanova, L. B. Luk""yanova ; za red. N. H. Nychkalo]. – K. : Vyshcha shk., 2000. – 381 s.
15. Spivak V.A. Korporativnaja kul'tura / V.A. Spivak. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 362 s.
16. Tulenkov M.V. Suchasni teoriyi menedzhmentu : navch. posib. / M.V. Tulenkov. – K. : Karavela, 2014. – 304 s.
17. Shakurov R.H. Social'no-psihologicheskie osnovy upravlenija: rukovoditel' i pedagogicheskij kollektiv / R.H. Shakurov. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1990. – 208 s.
18. Shepel' V.M. Chelovekovedcheskaja kompetentnost' menedzhera. Upravlencheskaja antropologija / V.M. Shepel'. – M. : Nar. obrazovanie, 1999. – 432 s.
19. Shreder G.A. Rukovodit' soobrazno situacii ; per. s nem. / G.A. Shreder. – M. : AO «Interjekspert», 1994. – 160 s.
20. Lewin, K. Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psychology: Concepts and Methods / K. Lewin // American Journal on Sociology. – 1939. – Vol. 44. – Р. 868–896.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 29-33 (pdf)


UDC: 159.947; 159.947.5
Konovalova, O.V.
Konovalova, Olena Volodymyrivna, graduate student, Department of Psychology, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics; practical psychologist of the highest category, the senior teacher, Trade and Economics College of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Current problems of formation of trade and economics college students' professional motivation

The article presents the results of the analysis of the available scientific sources on various theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of students' professional motivation. The training of future professionals in the field of trade and economics is rather complicated due to many factors, the most important of them being the students' motivation behind their choice of profession and their being motivated for life-long professional development. The author believes that theoretical analysis of the scientific approaches to creating psychological conditions for the formation of students' professional motivation will allow her to develop a special psychological program of formation of students' motivational readiness for future professions. The basic prerequisites for professional development, that have been identified and generalized by the author, make it possible to assume that when choosing a future profession an individual should understand the role and the ways of development of their profession-relevant abilities and be aware of their leading motives behind their choice of profession. Thus, the attitude to the profession and the motives for choosing it (needs, interests, beliefs and ideals) are extremely important, and under certain conditions, determine the success of professional training. It is concluded that successful development of trade and economics students' motivational readiness for the profession should be carried out according to a specially developed professional motivation development program Keywords: motivation, professional motivation, students, motivational readiness for professional activity, professional development

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Bugrimenko A. G. Vnutrennjaja i vneshnjaja uchebnaja motivacija u studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza / A. G. Bugrimenko // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2006. – № 4. – S. 48–54.
2. Halyan I. M. Psykhodiahnostyka : navch. posib. / I. M. Halyan // Psykhodiahnostyka : navch. posib. – K. : Akademvydav, 2009. – 464 s.
3. Hura O. I. Osoblyvosti profesiynoyi diyal'nosti pedahoha u vyshchomu navchal'nomu zakladi / O. I. Hura // Nauka i suchasnist' : zb. nauk. pr. Natsional'noho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M. P. Drahomanova. – K. : Vyd-vo NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2004. –T. 46. ? S. 38?48.
4. Karamushka L. M. Tekhnolohiya psykholohichnoyi pidhotovky personalu orhanizatsiy do roboty v umovakh sotsial'no-ekonomichnykh zmin (na materiali osvitnikh orhanizatsiy) / L. M. Karamushka, O. A. Fil', H. L. Fedosova ta in. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – 230 s.
5. Karamushka L. M. Psykholohiya osvitn'oho menedzhmentu : navch. posib. / L. M. Karamushka. ? K. : Lybid', 2004 – 424 s.
6. Korol'chuk M. S. Teoriya i praktyka profesiynoho vidboru / M. S. Korol'chuk, V. M. Kraynyuk. ? K. : Nika-Tsentr, 2006. – 536 s.
7. Kiyan A. P. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti strukturnykh komponentiv hotovnosti do protydiyi manipulyatyvnomu vplyvu u spilkuvanni z pidlitkamy / A. P. Kiyan // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohiyi. ? 2013. ? № 3 (32).
8. Lanovenko I. I. Psykholohichni osnovy profesiynoyi pidhotovky fakhivtsiv-pravoznavtsiv v zakladakh vyshchoyi osvity: realiyi ta perspektyvy / I. I. Lanovenko, N. O. Yevdokymova // Problemy sotsial'no-psykholohichnoho suprovodu navchal'noho protsesu u vyshchykh zakladakh osvity. – Irpin', 2013. – S. 17?42.
9. Leont'yev A. M. Diyal'nist'. Svidomist'. Osobystist' / A. M. Leont'yev. – M., 1992.
10. Podolyak L. H. Psykholohiya vyshchoyi shkoly : navch. posib. / L. H. Podolyak, V. I. Yurchenko. ? K. : TOV «Fil-studiya», 2006. – 320 s.
11. Pryazhnykov N. S. Motyvatsiya trudovoyi diyal'nosti / N. S. Pryazhnykov, Y. A. Kucheryavenko. ? M., 2008. – S. 24.
12. Rudyuk O. V. Osobystisno-smyslovi determinanty perezhyvannya bezrobitnymy profesiynykh kryz : avtoref. dys. … kandydata psykholohichnykh nauk / O. V. Rudyuk. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2000.
13. Shadrikov V. D. Psihologija dejatel'nosti i sposobnosti cheloveka / V. D. Shadrikov. – M., 1996. – 226 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 33-38 (pdf)


UDC: 316.647.5:005.74:373
Tereshchenko, K.V.
Tereshchenko, Kira Volodymyrivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Educational staff's tolerance and its relationship with organizational culture of educational institutions in conditions of social tension

The article highlights the role of organizational culture in the formation of educational staff's tolerance in conditions of social tension. The author presents the results of the empirical study into the levels of development of the main types, components and indices of educational staff's tolerance. The most developed educational staff's tolerance was shown to be management tolerance, while the least developed forms of educational staff's tolerance were socio-economic and, especially, political tolerance. The most developed educational staff's tolerance components included identity-personal and ethical-normative components. The strength of educational institutions' organizational culture was found to have links between the main types of educational staff's tolerance, except political tolerance, and the educational staff's tolerance type index. Besides, the strength of educational institutions' organizational culture had links with the main components of educational staff's tolerance and the educational staff's tolerance component index. The development of these types and components of educational staff's tolerance may contribute to the overall development of organizational culture of education institutions Keywords: tolerance, tolerance types, tolerance components, strength of organizational culture, social tension, educational staff

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Bardier G.L. Social'naja psihologija tolerantnosti / G.L. Bardier. – SPb. : Izd-vo SPbGU, 2005. – 188 c.
2. Vyshnevs'ka L. Osoblyvosti formuvannya tolerantnykh vidnosyn studentiv u polikul'turnomu seredovyshchi vyshchoho navchal'noho zakladu / L. Vyshnevs'ka // Humanizatsiya navchal'no-vykhovnoho protsesu. – 2012. – Vyp. LKh. – S. 42–48.
3. Karamushka L.M. Struktura orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury: osnovni napryamky doslidzhennya / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : A.S.K., 2013. – Vyp. 37. – S. 3–6.
4. Karamushka L.M. Orhanizatsiyna kul'tura osvitnikh orhanizatsiy: zv""yazok mizh rivnem rozvytku ta «zovnishnimy» kharakterystykamy orhanizatsiyi / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. – Vyp. 41. – C. 3–12.
5. Karamushka L.M. Sotsial'na napruzhenist' v orhanizatsiyi: sutnist', pidkhody do vyvchennya, osnovni vydy / L.M. Karamushka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – 2016. – Tom I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – Vyp. 45. – C. 3–11.
6. Koykova E.I. Formuvannya tolerantnosti u pedahoha-muzykanta v umovakh polikul'turnoho prostoru / E.I. Koykova // Problemy suchasnoyi pedahohichnoyi osvity : Pedahohika i psykholohiya : zb. nauk. pr. Krym. humanit. un-tu. – Yalta : RVV K·HU, 2010. – Vyp. 28. – Ch. 1 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu : pspo/2010_28_1/kaikova.pdf
7. Kredentser O.V. Vplyv orhanizatsiynykh chynnykiv na riven' rozvytku typiv orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury zakladiv osvity / O.V. Kredentser // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2014. – Vyp. 41. – C. 35–40.
8. Lytvynova S. Tolerantnist' yak sotsial'no-pedahohichna problema / S. Lytvynova // Humanizatsiya navchal'no-vykhovnoho protsesu. – 2010. – Vyp. LII. – Ch. I. – S. 176–181.
9. Mashkov V.N. Praktika psihologicheskogo obespechenija rukovodstva, upravlenija, menedzhmenta / V.N. Mashkov – SPb. : Rech', 2005. – 304 s.
10. Mitichkina O.O. Osnovni sotsial'no-psykholohichni kharakterystyky orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv / O.O. Mitichkina // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : A.S.K., 2013. – Vyp. 37. – S. 21–23.
11. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : pidruchnyk / V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2008. – 688 s.
12. Olport G. Tolerantnaja lichnost' / G. Olport // Nacional'nyj psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – №2(6). – S. 155–159.
13. Orban-Lembryk L. Tolerantnist' yak osnova adekvatnykh vzayemyn u polikul'turnomu cviti / L. Orban-Lembryk // Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – 2008. – №4. – S. 73–85.
14. Polyakova V.I. Cotsial'no-psykholohichni problemy rozvytku gendernoyi tolerantnosti pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv / V.I. Polyakova // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / [red. kol. : S.D. Maksymenko (hol. red.) ta in.]. – T. I : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K.-Alchevs'k : LADO, 2014. – Vyp. 40. – S. 156–160.
15. Pochebut L.G. Kross-kul'turnaja i jetnicheskaja psihologija : ucheb. posobie / L.G. Pochebut . – SPb. : Piter, 2012. – 336 s.
16. Prilutskaja O.A. Social'naja naprjazhennost': prichiny vozniknovenija i forma projavlenija / O.A. Prilutskaja // Vestnik OGU : Gumanitarnye nauki. – 2001. – №4. – S. 40–44.
17. Psihodiagnostika tolerantnosti lichnosti / pod red. G.U. Soldatovoj, L.A. Shajgerovoj. – M. : Smysl, 2008. – 172 s.
18. Ruda O.Yu. Tolerantnist' u roboti vykladacha z pidlitkamy / O.Yu. Ruda // Visnyk NTUU «KPI» : Filosofiya. Psykholohiya. Pedahohika. – 2010. – Vyp. 2. – S. 181–184.
19. Skok A.H. Stan vyvchennya zmistu ta osnovnykh komponentiv tolerantnosti v psykholohiyi / A.H. Skok // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. T. 1 : Sotsial'na psykholohiya. Psykholohiya upravlinnya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : A.S.K., 2005. – Chast. 14. – S. 143–147.
20. Tereshchenko K.V. Tolerantnist' pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv v konteksti rozvytku orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury zakladiv osvity / K.V. Tereshchenko // Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' Derzhavnoho vyshchoho navchal'noho zakladu «Zaporiz'kyy natsional'nyy universytet» ta Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, N.F. Shevchenko, M.H. Tkalych. – Zaporizhzhya : ZNU, 2014. – № 1(5). – S. 104–110.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 38-43 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.07
Furs, O.Y.
Furs, Oleh Yosypovych, colonel, Deputy Chief of the Faculty for Personnel, Yevheniy Berezniak Military Diplomatic Academy, Kiev, Ukraine

Mental self-regulation of representatives of extreme professions: concepts, content, features and structure

The article deals with the problem of mental self-regulation in extreme professions. The threatening environment in which these professionals do their jobs poses increased requirements to their functional states, which include activities in special conditions associated with danger, high responsibility, high risks, overtime working, intense intellectual activity and tension caused by rapid situational changes, etc. An analysis of the educational process in military schools found that the stressors most commonly encountered by the cadets included a rapid change in the strategy of teaching special disciplines, the great amount of necessary professional knowledge and skills and limited time to master them, increased requirements to be met by military officers and the impossibility of its simulation during school training, the lack of psychological and training technologies for the development of mental self-regulation. Development of mental self-regulation skills is an important objective of operational-tactical level army officers' professional training, since it allows training professionals who will be able of making independent decisions and setting goals to meet the requirements of extreme situations (conditions), and thereby achieving these goals. The mental self-regulation techniques will help cadets and active special force professionals to prevent internal tension in extreme conditions, thus ensuring their psychological readiness to perform combat missions. The conclusion is made that mental self-regulation of specialists of extreme professions is an integral part of personal professional development. The process of mental self-regulation skills development spans over all stages of professional life of the military and determines the effectiveness of their special missions Keywords: mental self-regulation, structure of mental self-regulation, professionals, extreme professions, stressors, operational-tactical level army officers

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Alekseev A.V. Sebja preodolet' / A.V. Alekseev. – M. : Mysl', 1978. – S. 3–4.
2. Bolotova A. K. Razvitie samosoznanija lichnosti: vremennoj aspekt / A.K. Bolotova // Vopr. psihologii. – 2006. – № 2. – S. 116–125.
3. Verbickij A. A. Koncepcija znakovo-kontekstnogo obuchenija v vuze / A.A. Verbickij // Vopr. psihologii. – 1987. – № 5. – S. 31–39.
4. Hrebenyuk H.S. Psykholohichni osnovy stanovlennya samorehulyatsiyi u navchal'no-profesiyniy diyal'nosti maybutnikh ryativnykiv : avtoref. dys. … dokt. psykhol. nauk : spets. 19.00.07 «pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiya» / H.S. Hrebenyuk ; Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny, laboratoriya psykholohiyi osobystosti im. P.R. Chamaty. – K., 2007. – 27 s.
5. Enikeev M.I. Jenciklopedija. Obshhaja i social'naja psihologija / M.I. Enikeev. – M. : PRIOR, 2002. – 500 s.
6. Morosanova V.I. Individual'no-stilevye osobennosti samoreguljacii i ih svjaz' s uspeshnost'ju obuchenija / V.I. Morosanova // Psihol. zhurn. – 1995. – № 4. – S. 26–36.
7. Nikiforov G.S. Psihologicheskie aspekty samoreguljacii sostojanij / G.S. Nikiforov, Ju.I. Filimonenko, A. K. Pol'shin – SPb. : Piter, 1996. – 205 s.
8. Yahupov V.V. Viys'kova psykholohiya / V.V. Yahupov. – K. : VK TOV TANDEM, 2004. – 650 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 44-49 (pdf)


UDC: 159.98
Yatchuk, M.S.
Yatchuk, Mariia Serhiivna, PhD, senior lecturer, Dept. of applied psychology, Institute of Criminal-Executive Service at the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine personnel’s psychological competence development training

The article deals with the problem of professional-psychological training to develop psychological competence in the personnel of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine. The author discusses the theoretical principles of penitentiary institution personnel’s psychological competence training and the types of training to develop their situation assessment skills, situation predicting skills, problem-solving skills, situational self-control and critical situation readiness. The problems related to the correctional institution personnel’s training include the development of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine personnel’s training specific to their professional activities; the shortage of training time and training sessions, which can result in the trainees’ dissatisfaction with training, etc.; absence of special training for penitentiary institution personnel trainers. It is noted that the training helps the correctional institution personnel become more competent through the use of acquired psychological knowledge and relevant skills. In addition, the personnel of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine develop their abilities to assess and forecast situations, solve problems, control themselves in difficult situations and be psychologically ready to act in these situations Keywords: professional psychological training, situation assessment, situation forecasting, problem solving, situational self-control, difficult situation readiness

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Barko V. I. Kontseptual'ni zasady profesiyno-psykholohichnoho treninhu «zberezhennya psykholohichnoho zdorov""ya politseys'kykh Natsional'noyi politsiyi Ukrayiny» / V. I. Barko, V. P. Ostapovych, V. V. Barko // Pravo i Bezpeka. – 2016. – № 4 (63). – S. 104–109.
2. Barko V. I. Profesiyna upravlins'ka kompetentnist' kerivnyka pidrozdilu Natsional'noyi politsiyi Ukrayiny: definitsiyi, zmist, struktura / V. I. Barko, V. V. Barko, L. A. Kyriyenko // Osobystist', suspil'stvo, zakon: psykholohichni problemy ta shlyakhy yikh rozv""yazannya : zb. tez dop. mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf., prysvyach. pam""yati prof. S. P. Bocharovoyi (30 berez. 2017 r., m. Kharkiv, Ukrayina) / MVS Ukrayiny, Kharkiv. nats. un-t vnutr. sprav ; In-t psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka Nats. akad. ped. nauk Ukrayiny ; Konsul'tat. misiya Yevropeys'koho Soyuzu v Ukrayini. – Kh. : KhNUVS, 2017. – S. 147–149.
3. Yevdokymova N. O. Profesiyno-psykholohichnyy treninh yak tekhnolohiya stanovlennya profesionala / N. O. Yevdokymova // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. – T. 7. – Vyp. 20. – Ch. 1. – S. 125–128.
4. Lazorko O. V. Profesiyno-psykholohichnyy treninh menedzheriv yak metod korektsiyi ta rozvytku profesiyno vazhlyvykh yakostey / O. V. Lazorko // Visnyk Natsional'noho tekhnichnoho universytetu Ukrayiny «Kyyivs'kyy politekhnichnyy instytut». Filosofiya. Psykholohiya. Pedahohika. – 2010. – №. 3. – S. 132–135.
5. Lazorko O. V. Profesiyno-psykholohichnyy treninh yak metod korektsiyi ta rozvytku profesiynoyi vidpovidal'nosti menedzheriv / O. V. Lazorko // Psykholohichni perspektyvy / Volyn. nats. un-t im. Lesi Ukrayinky, In-t sots. ta polit. psykholohiyi ; [redkol. : L. Zasyekina (holov. red.) ta in.]. – Luts'k, 2011. – Vyp. 18. – S. 160–168.
6. Lefterov V. O. Psykholohichni treninhovi tekhnolohiyi v orhanakh vnutrishnikh sprav : [monohr.] : u 2 t. / Lefterov V. O. – Donets'k : DYuI, 2007. – T. 1 : Metodolohiya psykhotreninhu ta yoho vykorystannya u profesiyno-psykholohichnomu rozvytku personalu, zadiyanoho v ekstremal'nykh vydakh diyal'nosti. – 2007. – 242 s.
7. Matiykiv I. M. Treninh emotsiynoyi kompetentnosti : navch.-metod. posibnyk / I. M. Matiykiv – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2012. – 112 s.
8. Moroz L. I. Profesiyno-psykholohichnyy treninh u stanovlenni osobystosti fakhivtsya (na prykladi pratsivnykiv OVS) : [monohr.] / Moroz L. I. – Ivano-Frankivs'k : ZAT Nadvirn. druk., 2007. – 312 s.
9. Pidyukov P. P. Psykholohichnyy treninh u roboti z pratsivnykamy OVS / P. P. Pidyukov, O. S. Dronova, S. L. Mazur, T. V. Bobko // Nauka i pravookhorona. – 2014. – № 1 (23) – S. 111–119.
10. Profilaktyka profesiynoyi deformatsiyi personalu ustanov vykonannya pokaran' : treninhova prohrama / [I. V. Pakhomov, I. M. Rudnits'ka, V. O. Synyebok ta in.]. – Bila Tserkva, 2011.
11. Formuvannya pozytyvnoho sotsial'no-psykholohichnoho mikroklimatu v kolektyvi spivrobitnykiv ustanov vykonannya pokaran' : treninhova prohrama / [S. Yu. Zamula, N. A. Perkova, I. M. Rudnits'ka ta in.]. – Bila Tserkva, 2011.
12. Chychuha M. M. Profilaktyka destruktyvnykh psykhichnykh staniv pratsivnykiv sotsial'no-psykholohichnoyi sluzhby ustanov vykonannya pokaran' Ukrayiny : dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk / Chychuha Maryna Mykhaylivna. – Kh., 2016. – 265 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 50-54 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Dembytska, N.M.
Dembytska, Nataliia Mykolaivna, PhD, senior researcher, leader researcher of Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Personal property as a correlate of modern economic culture

The article explains the socializing potential of personal property as a correlate of social culture. Successful youth economic socialization associates with the level of their economic culture. The latter is viewed by the author as the mankind's social and economic experience objectified in the material and spiritual forms. Economic culture forms the value matrix of the economy of modern society and functions as an external factor in children's economic socialization. It is shown that the economic culture of society sets the basic values for the formation of a new entrepreneurial type of young people, which include initiative, persistence, willingness to risk, purposefulness, managerial ability, independence, self-confidence, self-realization, awareness and responsibility. The correlates of these values are the artefacts of the material and spiritual economic culture of Ukrainians. The ideal bearer of the economic values (freedom, independence, rationalism and responsibility) relevant for Ukrainians is personal property, which is shown to be a correlate of modern economic culture It is emphasized that ""mine-not mine"" relations practiced in childhood is nothing but a personal property experience. Its analogue is found in the past as a process of individuals' distinguishing of themselves from the communal masses without denying the collective ownership, i.e. the process of development of ""mine"", ""personal"" from ""unproperty"". It is the relations of personal property that shape and develop the child's attitude towards economic reality Keywords: youth economic culture, economic socialization, personality, socializing influence, correlate of culture, personal property, values, ownership

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Aver""yanova H.M. Osoblyvosti sotsializatsiyi molodi v umovakh transformatsiyi suspil'stva / H.M. Aver""yanova, N.M. Dembyts'ka, V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : PPP, 2005. – 323 s.
2. Bazylevych V.D. Intelektual'na vlasnist': kreatyvy metafizychnoho poshuku / V.D. Bazylevych, V.V. Il'yin. – K. : Znannya 2008. – 687 s.
3. Bodrijjar Zh. Sistema veshhej / Zh. Bodrijjar. – M. : RUDOMINO, 2001. – 95 s.
4. Ekonomichna sotsializatsiya molodi: sotsial'no-psykholohichnyy aspekt : [Bilokon' I.V., Dembyts'ka N.M., Zubiashvili I.K. ta in.] ; zah. red. V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : Ukrayins'kyy tsentr politychnoho menedzhmentu, 2008. – 336 s.
5. Zhuravlev A.L. Jekonomicheskoe samoopredelenie: teorija i jempiricheskie issledovanija / A.L.Zhuravlev, A.B. Kuprejchenko. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2007. – 480 s.
6. Karnyshev A.D. Psihologija sobstvennosti kak oblast' issledovanij v jekonomicheskoj psihologi /A.D. Karnyshev // Problemy jekonomicheskoj psihologii. – Tom 1 / [otv. red. A.L. Zhuravljov, A.B. Kuprejchenko]. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2004. – S. 139–166.
7. Kitov A.I. Lichnost' i gruppa v sisteme otnoshenij sobstvennosti / A.I. Kitov // Problemy jekonomicheskoj psihologii. – M. : IP RAN, 2004. – T. 1. – S. 109–138.
8. Lozhkin H.V. Ekonomichna psykholohiya : [navch. posib.] / H.V. Lozhkin, V.V. Spasyennikov, V.L. Komarovs'ka. – K. : VD «Profesional», 2004. – 304 s.
9. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsializatsiya osobystosti : monohrafiya / V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : Feniks, 2013. – 540 s.
10. Pajps R. Sobstvennost' i svoboda / R. Pajps. – M. : Moskovskaja shkola politicheskih issledovanij, 2008. – 411 s.
11. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni zakonomirnosti stanovlennya ekonomichnoyi kul'tury molodi : monohrafiya / V.V. Moskalenko, O.V. Lavrenko, N.M. Dembyts'ka, I.K. Zubiashvili [ta in.] ; za red. V.V.Moskalenko. – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 405 s.
12. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni problemy stanovlennya sub""yekta ekonomichnoyi sotsializatsiyi: monohrafiya / T.V. Hovorun, N.M. Dembyts'ka, I.K. Zubiashvili, L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Lavrenko, O.O. Mishchenko, V.V. Moskalenko, Yu.Zh. Shayhorodskyy / [red. V.V. Moskalenko]. – Kirovohrad, 2012. – 205 c.
13. Tan'chuk R. Iskusstvo kollekcionirovanija. Kollekcionirovanie kak forma kul'tural'noj aktivnosti / R. Tan'chuk ; per. s pol'sk. – H. : Gumanitarnyj centr, 2016. – 372 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 55-58 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Zubiashvili, І.K.
Zubiashvili, Iryna Kostiantynivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Vocational guidance in socio-psychological support for the formation of high school students' monetary culture

The article deals with the problem of youth social and vocational guidance, which is an important state workforce policy aimed at developing social management and forming the human potential being the most important resource for the country's modernization and innovative development. The author describes the role of vocational guidance in socio-psychological support for the formation of high school students' monetary culture by which the students acquire the monetary culture, rethink the existing experience of financial and economic activity and form their ideas about the future profession and monetary values. The author analyzes two approaches to strengthening the connections between the monetary culture and vocational guidance, each of them being related to the understanding and use of the economic content of the profession-activity relation or vice versa. In this respect the practice-oriented financial-economic education is considered to be important for solving the problem of development of high school students' monetary culture, i.e., the creation of an economic practice-oriented environment (EPOE), which includes the practical training in the basics of economics and finance, the basics of entrepreneurship and vocational guidance and upbringing of the younger generation. It is noted that current vocational guidance carried out at schools does not achieve an important goal, which is the formation of students' professional self-determination based on their individual characteristics and their monetary culture levels that meet the needs of the labor market. In addition, there is no comprehensive solution to the tasks of vocational guidance, especially in terms of the activity-competence approach. Further research may focus on an empirical study of the formation of high school students' monetary culture in the process of their vocational guidance Keywords: professional orientation practices, profession, monetary culture, financial and economic activity, senior pupils, methods of vocational guidance, competencies, experience

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Altuhov V. Sovremennye podhody k proforientacii / V. Altuhov, E. Orlova [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : php?op= viewarticle&artid=6.
2. Anan'ina E.V. Gotovnost' starsheklassnikov k professional'nomu samoopredeleniju / E.V. Anan'ina // Vestnik JuUrGU. – 2006. – № 9. – S. 62–67.
3. Bezgodov D.I. Universitet v igrovoj modeli municipal'noj molodezhnoj politiki / D.I. Bezgodov // Vysshee obrazovanie. – 2012. – № 4. – S. 61–66.
4. Klimov E.A. Psihologija professional'nogo samoopredelenija / E.A. Klimov. – M. : Akademija, 2012. – 304 s.
5. Povarenkov Ju.P. Psihologicheskoe soderzhanie professional'nogo stanovlenija cheloveka / Ju.P. Povarenkov. – M : Izd-vo URAO, 2002. – 60 s.
6. Pedan V.A. Psihologo-pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie professional'nogo samoopredelenija obuchajushhihsja v ramkah modeli setevogo vzaimodejstvija / V.A. Pedan // Chelovek i obrazovanie. – 2013. – № 2. – S. 94–98.
7. Prjazhnikovа N.S. Shkol'naja proforientacija: real'nost' i mechty / N.S. Prjazhnikovа // Shkol'nyj psiholog. – 2003. – № 4. – S. 1–5.
8. Chistjakova S.N. Professional'naja orientacija na kar'eru / S.N. Chistjakova // Professional'noe obrazovanie. Stolica. – 2014. – № 7. – S. 23–25.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 59-64 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9(33)
Ivkin, V.M., Galagan, L.V.
Ivkin, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych, PhD, Assoc. Prof., G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Galagan, Larysa Volodymyrivna, PhD, counselor, Kyiv, Ukraine.

The essence and structure of unemployed managers' competitiveness development

The nature and content of personal competitiveness, the competitive character of managerial activities and the psychological characteristics of the unemployed make it possible to determine the competitiveness of unemployed managers as a complex of psychological characteristics that ensure their successful employment and competitive work performance. Unemployed managers' competitiveness develops according to the laws of professional development, and, therefore, is carried out in accordance with the stages of professional development, can be evaluated according to the criteria of professional development and is influenced by conflicts of professional development. The development of unemployed managers' competitiveness is determined by the psychological impact of the unemployment situation, the peculiarities of professional development and their attitudes to adult education. Using the means of vocational education, the unemployed have the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills necessary for their future management activities. At the same time, the development of competitiveness as part of the professional development of unemployed managers, first of all, should be aimed at their psychological training, in particular the development of those psychological characteristics that improve competitive interaction and management (included in the competitive and managerial blocs). The psychological characteristics of the situational bloc are important for the development of unemployed managers' competitiveness as those that determine the emotional orientation of the unemployed to managerial activities. Knowledge of the nature, content and structure of the development of unemployed managers' competitiveness can be useful for to employment center employees as well as the unemployed managers for their successful employment and professional activities Keywords: the unemployed, managers, unemployed managers' competitiveness, unemployed managers' competitiveness development, professional development, unemployed managers’ competitiveness development model

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Akperov I.G. Psihologija predprinimatel'stva : [ucheb. posobie dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po spec. servis. i jekon. profilja] / I.G. Akperov, Zh.V. Maslikova. – M. : Finansy i statistika, 2003. – 542 s.
2. Bordovskaja N.V. Pedagogika : uchebnik dlja vuzov / N.V. Bordovskaja, A.A. Rean. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 304 s.
3. Vakulyuk O.I. Riven' znachushchosti psykholohichnykh kharakterystyk konkurentozdatnosti upravlins'koho personalu osvitnikh orhanizatsiy derzhavnoyi formy vlasnosti / O.I. Vakulyuk // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' / In-t psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny. – 2010. – T. 1 : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – Ch. 25. – S. 93–102.
4. Vlasova E.A. Professional'noe samorazvitie budushhih social'nyh pedagogov : monografija / E.A. Vlasova. – Balashov ; Nikolaev, 2008. – 116 s.
5. Halahan L.V. Sutnist' konkurentozdatnosti lyudyny yak ekonomichnoho sub""yekta / L.V. Halahan // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' / In-t psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny. – 2010. – T. 1 : Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya, Ch. 25. – S. 102–111.
6. Halahan L.V. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku konkurentozdatnosti bezrobitnykh-maybutnikh pidpryyemtsiv : avtoref. dys... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.10 / L.V. Halahan ; Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – K., 2013. – 22 s.
7. Diagnostika zdorov'ja. Psihologicheskij praktikum / pod red. prof. G.S. Nikiforova. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 950 s.
8. Egorova L.S. Upravlenie konkurentosposobnost'ju predprijatija / L.S. Egorova, A.A. Makarychev // Sociologija. Psihologija. Filosofija. Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. – 2008. – №6. – S. 316–322.
9. Zeer Je.F. Professional'no orientirovannaja logiko-smyslovaja model' lichnosti / Je.F. Zeer // Mir psihologii. – 2005. – № 1. – S. 141–147.
10. Kulakovs'kyy T.Yu. Osobystisna stratehiya formuvannya ta rozvytku zdibnostey, spryyayuchykh pidpryyemnyts'komu uspikhu / T.Yu. Kulakovs'kyy // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' / In-t psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny. – 2009. – T. 12 : Problemy psykholohiyi tvorchosti. – Vyp. 7. – S. 125–131.
11. Kulakovs'kyy T.Yu. Psykholohichna skladova kapitalu pidpryyemtsya / T.Yu. Kulakovs'kyy // Visnyk Zhytomyrs'koho derzhavnoho tekhnolohichnoho universytetu – 2011. – №3 (57). – S. 295–297.
12. Lunina V.V. Lichnostnoe razvitie. Professional'noe razvitie. Professional'nyj rost / V.V. Lunina // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov SevKavGTU. Serija «Gumanitarnye nauki». – 2008. – № 6. – S. 37–41.
13. Maralov V.G. Osnovy samopoznanija i samorazvitija: Ucheb. posobie dlja stud. sred. ucheb. zavedenij. / V.G. Maralov. – [2-e izd., ster.]. – M. : Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2004. – 256 s.
14. Markova A.K. Psihologija professionalizma / A.K. Markova. – M. : Mezhdunarodnyj gumanitarnyj fond «Znanie», 1996. – 308 s.
15. Marshavin Yu.M. Pidpryyemnytstvo yak faktor rozvytku zaynyatosti naselennya / Yu.M. Marshpavin. – In-t pidhot. kadriv derzh. sluzhby zaynyatosti Ukrayiny. – K., 2004. – 233 s.
16. Melekhova H.M. Vplyv rivnya sub""yektyvnoho kontrolyu ta samootsinky bezrobitnykh na termin perebuvannya na obliku / H.M. Melikhova // Psykholohiya pratsi ta upravlinnya : zbirnyk naukovykh prats' V Vseukrayins'koyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi. – Chast. 1. – K. : IPKDSZU, 2008. – S.162–168.
17. Morhun V.F. Emotsiynyy intelekt u bahatovymirniy strukturi osobystosti / V.F. Morhun // Postmetodyka. – 2010. – № 6 (97). – S. 2–14.
18. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : posib. / L.E. Orban-Lembryk. – K. : Akademvydav, 2003. – 448 s.
19. Osnovy andragogiki. Terminologicheskij slovar'-spravochnik dlja studentov social'no-gumanitarnyh special'nostej / [sost. Maslova V.V.]. – Mariupol', 2004. – 19 s.
20. Petrov V.P. Psihologicheskie problemy professional'noj pereorientacii vzroslyh / V.P. Petrov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1993. – T.14. – № 3. – S. 79–89.
21. Prakticheskaja psihodiagnostika. Metodiki i testy : uchebnoe posobie. – Samara : ID «BAHRAH-M», 2000. – 672 s.
22. Psykholohichna entsyklopediya / [avtor-uporyadnyk O.M. Stepanov]. – K. : Akademvydav, 2006. – 424 s.
23. Fil' O.A. Teoretychna model' konkurentozdatnosti orhanizatsiy / O.A. Fil' // Psykholohiya orhanizatsiynoho rozvytku suchasnykh orhanizatsiy u sferi osvity, promyslovosti ta biznesu : tezy VIII Mizhnarodnoyi konferentsiyi z orhanizatsiynoyi ta ekonomichnoyi psykholohiyi (4–6 zhovtnya 2012 roku, m. Alchevs'k). – K.-Alchevs'k : DonHTU ; Tsentr planuvannya kar""yery, 2012. – S. 24–27.
24. Fil' O.A. Tekhnolohiya rozvytku konkurentozdatnosti personalu osvitn'oyi orhanizatsiyi : navch.-metod. posib. / O.A. Fil'. – Bila Tserkva : KOIPOPK, 2008. – 52 s.
25. Khapilova V.P. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku konkurentozdatnosti maybutnikh fakhivtsiv-menedzheriv / V.P. Khapilova // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi. Tom 1: Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. Maksymenka S.D., Karamushky L.M. – K. : Millenium, 2004. – Vyp. 13. – S. 144–152.
26. Shchur S. Metodyka otsinky konkurentospromozhnosti upravlins'koho personalu / S. Shchur // Ukrayina: aspekty pratsi. – 1997. – №7. – S. 34–37.
27. Singer, V. Entrepreneurial training for the unemployed: lessons from the field / V. Singer. – Garland Publishing, 1999. – 122 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 64-70 (pdf)


UDC: 378.4:378.1:001.8
Kredentser, O.V.
Kredentser, Oksana Valeriivna, PhD, associate professor, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Main forms of intrapreneurship in educational organizations

The article presents the results of an empirical study into intrapreneurship in educational institutions. The author analyzes the development and presence of internal organization of intrapreneurship in educational organizations. It has been shown that, on the one hand, intrapreneurship in educational organizations has been developing rather slowly and poorly, and, on the other hand, there is educational organization staff's need for intrapreneurship. The proposed classification of the main groups of intrapreneurship in educational organizations which include professional-educational activities, the subjects of educational activity, international activities and public-professional activities. The author discusses the levels of development of the main forms of intrapreneurship in educational organizations in each group of the activities and outlines further research, which may focus on psychological conditions and resources of the development of intrapreneurship in educational organizations Keywords: intrapreneurship, educational organizations, psychology of intrapreneurship

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Ar'kov S.N. Organizacionno-jekonomicheskie aspekty formirovanija i razvitija predprinimatel'skogo stilja upravlenija v sfere torgovli : diss. … kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk : 08.00.05 / Sergej Nikolaevich Ar'kov. – SPb., 2004. – 224 s.
2. Grudzinskij A.O. Universitet kak predprinimatel'skaja organizacija / A.O. Grudzinskij // SocIs. – 2003. – № 4. – S. 113–121.
3. Zakharchenko V.I. Poshuk ta vprovadzhennya novykh form i metodiv hospodaryuvannya na osnovi rozvytku vnutrishn'oho pidpryyemnytstva / V.I. Zakharchenko, N.V. Zakharchenko // Ekonomichnyy visnyk universytetu. – 2017. – Vyp. № 35/1. – S. 129–139.
4. Ivanova O.V. Mekhanizm rozvytku pidpryyemnytstva na promyslovomu pidpryyemstvi : avtoref. dys. … kandydata ekonomichnykh nauk : 08.06.01 / O.V. Ivanova. – Donets'k, 2004. – 24 s.
5. Karpunin A.A. Formirovanie predprinimatel'skogo stilja povedenija nekommercheskih organizacij : diss. … kand. jekon. nauk : 08.00.05 / Karpunin Andrej Aleksandrovich. – SPb., 2005. – 164 s.
6. Kobzeva L.V. Predprinimatel'skij universitet: kak universitetu vstroit'sja v jekonomiku v novom desjatiletii [Elektronnij resurs] / L.V. Kobzeva. – Rezhim dostupu :
7. Konstantinov G.N. Chto takoe predprinimatel'skij universitet / G.N. Konstantinov, S.R. Filonovich // Voprosy obrazovanija. – 2007. – № 1. – S. 49–62.
8. Kredentser O.V. Ponyattya «vnutrishn'oorhanizatsiyne pidpryyemnytstvo»: teoretychnyy analiz problemy / O.V. Kredentser // Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya : nauk. zhurnal / [za nauk. red. S.D. Maksymenka ta L.M. Karamushky]. – K. : Lohos, 2015. – № 3. – C. 66–72.
9. Kredentser O.V. Rozvytok vnutrishn'oorhanizatsiynoho pidpryyemnytstva v umovakh sotsial'noyi napruzhenosti: psykholohichnyy aspekt / O.V. Kredentser // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Orhanizatsiyna psykholohiya. Ekonomichna psykholohiya. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : zb. nauk. prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.M. Karamushky. – K. : Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 2017. – T. 1. – Vyp. 46. – C. 39–45.
10. Min'kovs'ka I. Shkil'nyy vchytel' dorivnyuye pidpryyemets'. Chy mozhlyvo tse v Ukrayini? / I. Min'kovs'ka [Elektronnyy resurs] – Rezhym dostupu :
11. Nova ukrayins'ka shkola [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :
12. Romanovs'kyy O.O. Fenomen pidpryyemnytstva v universytetakh svitu : monohrafiya / O.O. Romanovs'kyy. – Vinnytsya : Nova knyha, 2012. – 504 s.
13. Slavova N.O. Polyakov V. Yu. Pidpryyemnyts'ka diyal'nist' nekomertsiynykh orhanizatsiy / N.O. Slavova, V.Yu. Polyakov // Visnyk donets'koho natsional'noho universytetu. – Ser. V: Ekonomika i pravo. – Vyp. 2. – 2011. – Rezhym dostupu :
14. Smerichevs'ka S.V. Kontseptsiya osvitn'oho antraprenerstva yak zaporuka innovatsiynoho rozvytku ta lohistyzatsiyi natsional'noyi ekonomiky / S.V. Smerichevs'ka // Problemy efektyvnosti vykorystannya lyuds'kykh i pryrodnykh resursiv Ukrayiny : zb.nauk.prats' Donets'koho derzh. un-tu upr. – Donets'k : Vyd-vo «Tsyfrovaya pechat'», 2012. – T. ХIII. – S. 210–220.
15. Ushakov K.M. Slovo v podderzhku «funkcionirujushhih shkol» / K.M. Ushakov // Direktor shkoly. – 2002. – № 1. – S. 24–26.
16. Khmelevs'kyy O.V. Kontseptsiya vnutrishn'oho pidpryyemnytstva ta formuvannya peredumov yiyi realizatsiyi na vitchyznyanykh pidpryyemstvakh / O.V. Khmelevs'kyy, L.V. Dryukova // Visnyk Khmel'nyts'koho natsional'noho universytetu. – 2012. – № 3. – S. 81–85.
17. Churjumova S.F. Formirovanie i razvitie predprinimatel'skogo stilja upravlenija kak vazhnejshego faktora povyshenija jeffektivnosti proizvodstva : diss. … kand. jekon. nauk : 08.00.05 / Churjumova Svetlana Fedorovna. – Kaliningrad, 2002. – 151 s.
18. Jebner M. Predprinimatel'skaja orientacija v organizacii. Vnutrennee predprinimatel'stvo : [per. s nem.] / M. Jebner, G. Frank, K. Korunka, M. Ljuger // Psihologija truda i organizacionnaja psihologija. – T. 6. – H. : Gumanitarnyj Centr, 2010. – 284 s.
19. Bitzer, M. Intrapreneurship / M. Bitzer. – Stuttgart : Schaeffer, 1991. – 156 р.
20. Carrier, C. Intrapreneurshipin Small Business: An ExploratoryStudy / C. Carrier // Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. – 2001, 12 (3). – Р. 5–20.
21. Pinchot, G. Intra-Corporate Entrepreneurship / G. Pinchot, E. Pinchot, 1978 [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 70-78 (pdf)


UDC: 17.032.1; 338.2–053.81
Lavrenko, O.V.
Lavrenko, Olha Vasylivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., leading researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Morality of the economic human as perceived by students

The article analyzes the role of the moral aspect of the economic human in students' economic ideas. Economic socialization is a process of an individual's mastering of such elements of economic culture that fill the economic activity with moral principles. The ethical meaning of the personal success motivation and the money and wealth accumulation motivation affects the formation and hierarchy of personal priorities in the individual value system. The individual's economic ideas play an important role in his/her socialization, since they allow interpreting and comprehending everyday reality. Besides, they are an important psychological mechanism that influences the behaviors and activities of the individual in a market economy. Economic ideas largely determine the individual's life path, worldview, values and moral. The author analyzes the results of her empirical investigation in the content of students' economic ideas about the morality and immorality of the economic human, in particular, the ideas about: 1) the ethical qualities of the economically successful person, 2) the individual's qualities that allow him/her to achieve economic success while neglecting any moral values, norms, 3) the individual's qualities that encourage him/her to perform and support unethical actions as well as actions in the economic and social spheres and/or to prevent such actions Keywords: economic socialization, personality, economic human, morality, economic ideas, students

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Alyeksyeyenko T.F. Problema «dity i hroshi»: suchasni realiyi ta poshuk shlyakhiv rozv""yazannya / T.F. Alyeksyeyenko // Novi tendentsiyi i yavyshcha u dytyachomu i molodizhnomu seredovyshchi v Ukrayini: tsyvilizatsiynyy, kul'turolohichnyy, informatsiynyy vymiry: zb. nauk. prats'. – K. : TOV «Vydavnyche pidpryyemstvo «Edel'veys», 2017. – S. 7–19.
2. Bekh I.D. Vykhovannya osobystosti : pidruchnyk dlya stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / I.D. Bekh. – K. : Lybid', 2008. – 848 s.
3. Bekh I.D. Osobystisno-oriyentovana model' vykhovannya yak naukovyy konstrukt / I.D. Bekh [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu : http:
4. Vjatkin A.P. Jekonomicheskaja socializacija lichnosti v uslovijah izmenjajushhegosja obshhestva : diss … dokt. psihol. nauk. / A.P. Vjatkin. – SPb., 2011. – 420 s.
5. Gorbacheva E.I. Otnoshenie lichnosti k den'gam: nravstvennye protivorechija v ocenkah i associacijah / E.I. Gorbacheva, A.B. Kuprejchenko // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2006. – № 4. – S. 26–37.
6. Dzhejms U. Psihologija. Klassiki mirovoj psihologii / U. Dzhejms. – M. : Pedagogika, 1991. – 368 s.
7. Zhuravlev A.L. Nravstvenno-psihologicheskaja reguljacija jekonomicheskoj aktivnosti / A.L. Zhuravlev, A.B. Kuprejchenko. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2003. – 436 s.
8. Zhuravlev A.L. Jekonomicheskoe samoopredelenie: Teorija i jempiricheskie issledovanija / A.L. Zhuravlev, A.B.Kuprejchenko. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2002. – 480 s.
9. Ekonomichna sotsializatsiya molodi: sotsial'no-psykholohichnyy aspekt / [zah. red. V.V. Moskalenko]. – K. : Ukrayins'kyy tsentr politychnoho menedzhmentu, 2008. – 336 s.
10. Ermolaeva E.P. Lichnost' professionala v sovremennom mire / E.P. Ermolaeva // Sovremennaja lichnost': psihologicheskie issledovanija / [otv. red. M.I. Volovikova, N.E. Harlamenkova]. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, 2002. – 392 s.
11. Kuz'mins'kyy A.I. Pedahohika : pidruchnyk / A.I. Kuz'mins'kyy, V.L. Omelyanenko. – K. : Znannya, 2007. – 447 s.
12. Lavrenko O.V. Spivvidnoshennya ekonomichnoho ta moral'noho v ekonomichniy kul'turi student·s'koyi molodi / O.V. Lavrenko // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. naukovykh prats' Instytut psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – Tom 11 : Psykholohiya osobystosti. Psykholohichna dopomoha osobystosti. – Vyp. 12 / In-t psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – K. : Feniks, 2015. – S. 262–273.
13. Levyts'ka N.S. Ekonomichni uyavlennya maybutnikh fakhivtsiv sotsial'noyi sfery / N.S. Levyts'ka // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – Tom 11: Psykholohiya osobystosti. Psykholohichna dopomoha osobystosti. – Vyp. 12 / In-t psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – K. : Feniks, 2015. – S. 274–286.
14. Moskalenko V.V. Osoblyvosti doslidzhennya sotsializatsiyi osobystosti v intersub?yektniy paradyhmi / V.V. Moskalenko // Sotsial'na psykholohiya. – 2009. – № 5. – S. 5–16.
15. Moskalenko V.V. Ekonomichna kul'tura osobystosti: sotsial'no-psykholohichnyy aspekt : [monohrafiya] / V.V. Moskalenko, Yu.Zh. Shayhorods'kyy, O.O. Mishchenko. – K. : Vyd-vo «Tsentr sotsial'nykh komunikatsiy», 2012. – 348 s.
16. Social'naja psihologija. – [7-e izd.] / pod obshh. red. S. Moskovichi. – SPb. : Piter, 2007 – 592 s.
17. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni zakonomirnosti stanovlennya ekonomichnoyi kul'tury molodi : monohrafiya / V.V. Moskalenko, O.V. Lavrenko, N.M. Dembyts'ka, I.K. Zubiashvili ta in. ; za red. V.V. Moskalenko. – K., 2015 – 399 s.
18. Sukhomlyns'kyy V.O. Yak vykhovaty spravzhnyu lyudynu / V.O. Sukhomlyns'kyy // Sukhomlyns'kyy V.O.Vybrani tvory : v 5-ty t. – K. : Rad. shkola, 1977. – T. 2. – S. 472–489.
19. Formuvannya tsinnisnykh oriyentyriv navchal'no-vykhovnoho protsesu u pozashkil'nykh navchal'nykh zakladakh : monohrafiya / A.E. Boyko, A.V. Korniyenko, O.V. Lytovchenko [ta in.] ; za red. V.V. Machus'koho. – K. : Artmediya print, 2017. – 220 s.
20. Shajdullina Rimma Makmunovna. Sushhnost' jekonomicheskoj socializacii studencheskoj molodezhi v sovremennyh uslovijah / R.M. Shadullina // Pedagogika i psihologija. – Vestnik ChGPU. – 2012. – №1. – S. 231–242.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 78-84 (pdf)


UDC: 159.99
Bezverkhy, O.S.
Bezverkhy, Oleg Stanislavovych, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Psychology, Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsyubinsky, Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Relationship between high school students' sex and gender and their professional interests

High school students' professional interests, which are related to their sex and gender, have a decisive influence on their choice of profession. The article presents the results of a correlation study of the relationship between high school students' sex and gender and their professional interests. The instruments used included Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and E.Klimov Differential-Diagnostic Questionnaire (DDQ) (the latter identifies the respondents' professional interests according to five occupational groups). It has been found that individuals' sex has a determining impact on their professional interests, whereas their gender has a minimal and sex-mediated effect. The author suggests that high school students' sex influences their professional interests through social stereotypes about male and female professions. There is no autonomous gender impact, since high school students' perception of their own gender features is inadequate and they lack professional experience. The results of the study can be used to increase the effectiveness of high school students' vocational guidance. The revealed decisive influence of high school students' sex on their professional interests shows that high school students are strongly influenced by sex stereotypes. Although the modern system of general education widely uses the information of students about professions and existing social stereotypes to improve the situation, these methods are considered ineffective. According to the results of the study, special thematic training to raise high school students' awareness of their own gender features looks much more promising Keywords: sex, gender, professional interest, social stereotypes, high school students, femininity, masculinity, androgyny

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Haba I.M. Osvitnye seredovyshche: sotsial'no-psykholohichna paradyhma / I.M. Haba // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny ; za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – K., 2010. – T. 7. – Vyp. 22. – S. 27–31.
2. Hlinka A.I. Doslidzhennya krytychnykh superechnostey mizh simeynoyu ta profesiyno-orhanizatsiynoyu rolyamy zhinky-kerivnyka / A.I. Hlinka // Praktychna psykholohiya ta sotsial'na robota. – 2010. – №8. – S. 77–80.
3. Hrabishchuk S.V. Empirychne doslidzhennya psykholohichnykh osoblyvostey samoaktualizatsiyi zhinky u profesiyniy diyal'nosti / S.V. Hrabishchuk, O.S. Bezverkhyy // Naukovyy visnyk Mykolayivs'koho natsional'noho universytetu imeni V.O. Sukhomlyns'koho. Psykholohichni nauky : zb. nauk. prats' / za red. N.O. Yevdokymovoyi. – №1 (16), traven' 2016. – Mykolayiv : MNU imeni V.O. Sukhomlyns'koho, 2016. – S. 46–51.
4. Hrabishchuk S.V. Rozvytok samoaktualizatsiyi zhinky v profesiyniy diyal'nosti / S.V. Hrabishchuk, O.S. Bezverkhyy // Visnyk Odes'koho natsional'noho universytetu. Seriya: Psykholohiya. – Tom 21. – Vyp. 1 (39). – Odesa : Astroprynt, 2016. – S. 20–30.
5. Hupalovs'ka V.A. Profesiyna samorealizatsiya yak chynnyk stanovlennya osobystosti zhinky : avtoref. dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.01 : Zahal'na psykholohiya, istoriya psykholohiyi / V.A. Hupalovs'ka. – K., 2005. – 26 s.
6. Kutishenko V.P. Psykholohichni aspekty kar""yernoho zrostannya zhinky / V.P. Kutishenko, S.O. Stavyts'ka // Naukovyy chasopys NPU imeni A.P. Drahomanova. Seriya 12. Psykholohichni nauky. – 2014. – Vyp. 43. – S. 93–99.
7. Miroshnychenko O.M. Osoblyvosti samoaktualizatsiyi zhinky v profesiyniy diyal'nosti : avtoref. dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.01 Zahal'na psykholohiya, istoriya psykholohiyi / O. M. Miroshnychenko. – K., 2007. – 21 s.
8. Ozhigova L.N. Gendernaja interpretacija samoaktualizacii lichnosti v professii : diss. … kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 : Pedagogicheskaja psihologija / L.N. Ozhigova. – Krasnodar, 2000. – 196 s.
9. Stasenko E.V. Psihologicheskie osobennosti lichnosti zhenshhin, uspeshno samorealizujushhihsja v professional'noj dejatel'nosti : diss. … kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.01 Obshhaja psihologija, psihologija lichnosti, istorija psihologii / E.V. Stasenko. – Barnaul, 2007. – 233 s.
10. Koshkina V.K. Gendernye osobennosti upravlencheskoj dejatel'nosti: kul'turno-istoricheskij i psihofiziologicheskij aspekt / V.K. Koshkina // Innovacii v obrazovanii. – 2010. – № 4. – S. 130–143.
11. Leont'ev D.A. Psihologija smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoj real'nosti / D.A. Leont'ev. – M. : Smysl, 2007. – 488 s.
13. Rahymova R. Gender i profesiya. Urok iz proforiyentatsiyi v umovakh gendernoyi rivnosti / R. Rahymova // Psykholoh. – 2010. – № 39. – S. 23–26.
14. Samoukina N.V. Psihologija professional'noj dejatel'nosti / N.V. Samoukina. – SPb. : Piter, 2004. – 224 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 85-90 (pdf)


UDC: 37.015.3
Klybanivska, T.M.
Klybanivska, Tetyana Мykolaivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of history of Ukraine and philosophy, Vinnytsa national agrarian university, Vinnytsa, Ukraine

The impact of the educational interaction style on student's mental state

The article analyzes the teacher-student educational interaction and its effects on the student's personality. Mental states significantly affect educational activities, since they determine the emotional states of both teachers and students and create conditions for effective cognitive mental processes. Students' negative emotional states reduce the effectiveness of studying, while their positive emotional states improve their learning capabilities and promote their positive attitudes towards themselves and professors. The author discusses the motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of teacher-student relationship, analyzes the teacher-student interaction styles and groups as well as describes the features of organizational-communicative, constructive-organizational and constructive-communicative styles. The educational interaction styles include the autocratic, liberal and democratic styles. The educational interaction strategies are characterized as personality developing and personality blocking. The teachers with different styles of educational activity create different emotional settings during exams and tests. The teachers with different communication styles have been shown to use different students' knowledge assessment systems during examinations. The teachers who use the authoritarian style of educational interaction are characterized by an overly rigorous assessment and undeservedly low grading of students, while the teachers who use the liberal educational interaction style usually grade students too high. To be efficient the teacher must be able to build good interpersonal relationships and harmonize the interests of students and teachers Keywords: teacher, student, style, educational interaction, communication, mental states

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Berezovin N.A. Psihologija pedagogicheskogo obshhenija : [ucheb.-metod. posobie dlja studentov ped. special'nostej i pedagogov] / N.A. Berezovin, N.A. Cyrel'chuk. – Mn. : MGVRK, 2008. – 464 s.
2. Bodalev A.A. O kachestvah lichnosti, nuzhnyh dlja uspeshnogo obshhenija / A.A. Bodalev // Lichnost' i obshhenie : [izbr. trudy]. – M. : Pedagogika, 1983. – S. 55.
3. Gorjanina V.A. Psihologija obshhenija : [ucheb. posobie dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij] / V.A. Gorjanina.? – M. : Akademija, 2002. ?– 416 s.
4. Il'in E.P. Psihologija dlja pedagogov / E.P. Il'in. – SPb. : Piter, 2012. – 640 s.
5. Kan-Kalik V.A. Uchitelju o pedagogicheskom obshhenii: Kn. dlja uchitelja / V.A. Kan-Kalik. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1987. – 190 s.
6. Korol'chuk M.S. Psykholohichne zabezpechennya psykhichnoho i fizychnoho zdorov""ya / M.S. Korol'chuk, V.M. Kraynyuk, A.F. Kosenko, T.I. Kocherhina. – K. : VLADOS, 2002. – 272 s.
7. Kostyuk H.S. Navchal'no-vykhovnyy protses i psykhichnyy rozvytok osobystosti / H.S. Kostyuk. – K. : Radyan. shkola, 1989. – 264 s.
8. Krasnovs'kyy V.M. Do problemy humanizatsiyi osvitn'oho protsesu / V.M. Krasnovs'kyy // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : nauk. zap. In-tu psykholohiyi im. H.S.Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – K. : Nora-Druk. – 2001. – Vyp. 21. – S. 133–143.
9. Maksymenko S.D. Profesiyne stanovlennya molodoho vchytelya : [navch. posib. dlya stud. ped. vuziv] / S.D. Maksymenko, T.D. Shcherban. – Uzhhorod : Zakarpattya, 1998. – 105 s.
10. Mitina L.M. Psihologija professional'nogo razvitija uchitelja : [uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie] / L.M. Mitina. – M. : Flinta : MPSI, 1998. – 200 s.
11. Podolyak L.H. Psykholohiya vyshchoyi shkoly : pidruchnyk / L.H. Podolyak, V.I. Yurchenko. – K. : Karavela, 2011. – 360 s.
12. Khomenko Z.I. Vplyv uchytelya na emotsiynyy stan uchniv / Zinayida Khomenko. – K. : Redaktsiyi zahal'noped. hazet, 2012. – 128 s.
13. Shijanov E.N. Razvitie lichnosti v obuchenii : [ucheb. posobie dlja studentov pedagogicheskih vuzov] / E.N. Shijanov, I.B. Kotova. – M. : Akademija, 1999. – 288 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 90-95 (pdf)


UDC: 159.95
Moskalov, I.О.
Moskalov, Ihor Оlexandrovych, Lieutenant Colonel, Adjunct of the Social Sciences Department of the Humanitarian Institute of the Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Criteria and indicators of practical mind diagnostic development in future masters of moral and psychological support at the stage of operative-tactical preparation

The article deals with works analysis of foreign and domestic scientists, in which the character of human actions in practical situations is considered, the main differences between theoretical and practical types of thinking are revealed. Concerning the subject of these studies, it is clarified that the given scientific researches do not contain the unified method of practical thinking diagnostics, they are characterized by insufficiency, excess, uncertainty and ambiguity of the conditions, which are related with solution of practical thinking problematic situation. However, there are common features of researches on this problem. So, almost all scholars emphasize the necessity to describe the problematic situation, the integrity of the problematic situation, to focus on active action and outcome. This fact means the usage of the subjective activity approach in the process of researches related to the practical thinking, since its result always realizes in action. Taking into account the abovementioned, the concept ""criteria for the practical thinking evaluation development of the future master of moral and psychological support"" and ""indicators of the practical thinking development of the future masters of moral and psychological support"" was determined and substantiated, and the concept ""criterion"" is broader and may include a few indicators. On the basis of this, five main criteria for diagnostics of the practical thinking development of the future masters of moral and psychological support are identified, they are: value-motivational; system-image; conceptually-meaningful; operative-action; subjective. Each criterion is revealed and appropriate indicators are defined. Also taking into consideration these criteria and indicators, the psychodiagnostic methods are selected, which will allow to obtain empirical data in the future and develop appropriate tools for developing the practical thinking of the future masters of moral and psychological support at the operative-tactical stage of the preparation Keywords: moral and psychological support, practical thinking, solution of practical problems, thinking, subject, criterion, indicator

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Varnavskih E. A. Kriterii tvorcheskoj aktivnosti kursanta voennogo vuza / E. A. Varnavskih // Voennaja mysl'. – 2003. – № 3. – S. 56–58.
2. Ivanyuta O. V. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku vizual'noho myslennya v pidlitkovomu vitsi : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Ol'ha Volodymyrivna Ivanyuta. – O., 2003. – 189 s.
3. Kyyenko-Romanyuk L. A. Rozvytok krytychnoho myslennya student·s'koyi molodi yak zahal'nopedahohichna problema : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.01 / Kyyenko-Romanyuk Larysa Anatoliyivna. – K., 2007. – 235 s.
4. Kurylo V.S. Modelyuvannya systemy kryteriyiv otsinky rozvytku osvity v rehioni / V. S. Kurylo // Pedahohika i psykholohiya. – 1999. – № 2. – S. 35–39.
5. Marchenko O. H. Pedahohichni umovy formuvannya krytychnoho myslennya kursantiv u protsesi navchannya u vyshchykh viys'kovykh navchal'nykh zakladakh : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.04 / Marchenko Ol'ha Hennadiyivna. – Kh., 2005. – 251 s.
6. Marchenko T. M. Metodyka formuvannya matematychnoho myslennya studentiv tekhnichnoho universytetu v protsesi vyvchennya dystsypliny “Teoriya kolyvan'” : avtoref. dys. … kand. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.02 / T. M. Marchenko. – Kh., 2007. – 19 s.
7. Matsevko T. M. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku upravlins'koyi kompetentnosti maybutnikh mahistriv viys'kovoho profilyu : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.09 / Matsevko Taras Mykhaylovych. – K., 2007. – 220 s.
8. Pasichnyk I. D. Psykholohiya myslennya : pidruchnyk / I.D. Pasichnyk, R.V. Kalamazh, U.I. Nikitchuk. – Ostroh : Vyd-vo nats. un-tu «Ostroz'ka akademiya», 2015. – 560 s.
9. Pov""yakel' N. I. Samorehulyatsiya profesiynoho myslennya v systemi fakhovoyi pidhotovky praktychnykh psykholohiv : avtoref. dys. … d-ra psykhol. nauk : spets. 19.00.07 / N. I. Pov""yakel'. – K., 2004. – 40 s.
10. Suchasnyy tlumachnyy slovnyk ukrayins'koyi movy / [uklad. : L. P. Oleksiyenko, O. L. Shumeylo]. – K. : Kobza, 2002. – 544 s.
11. Teplov B. M. Um polkovodcja / B.M. Teplov // Psihologija myshlenija : [hrestomatija / pod red. Ju.B. Gippentejter, V.F. Spiridonova, M.V Falikman, V.V. Petuhova]. – [2-e izd., pererab., i dop.] / B. M. Teplov. – M. : AST ; Astrel', 2008. – S. 634–640. – (Hrestomatija po psihologii).12. Ukrayins'kyy radyans'kyy entsyklopedychnyy slovnyk : v 3-kh t. / [redkol. : A. V. Kudryts'kyy (vidp. red.) ta in.]. – [2-he vyd.]. – K. : Holov. red URE, 1987. – T. 2. – 1987. – 736 s.
13. Ulich V. L. Pedahohichni umovy formuvannya hotovnosti maybutnikh ofitseriv do upravlins'koyi diyal'nosti : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.04 / Ulich Viktor Leonidovych. – Khm., 2007. – 229 s.
14. Khachumyan T. I. Formuvannya krytychnoho myslennya studentiv vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv zasobamy informatsiynykh tekhnolohiy : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.09 / Khachumyan Tetyana Ivanivna. – Kh., 2005. – 221 s.
15. Chernyshov D. O. Pedahohichni umovy formuvannya inzhenernoho stylyu myslennya uchniv tekhnichnoho litseyu zasobamy informatyky : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.01 / Dmytro Oleksiyovych Chernyshov. – Donets'k, 2002. – 252 s.
16. Shama I.V. Psykholohichna diahnostyka profesiynoyi prydatnosti upravlins'kykh kadriv Derzhavnoyi prykordonnoyi sluzhby Ukrayiny zasobamy komp""yuternykh tekhnolohiy : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.09 / Shama Ihor Volodymyrovych. – Khm., 2009. – 238 s.
17. Yahupov V. V. Viys'kova psykholohiya : [pidruchnyk] / V. V. Yahupov. – K. : Tandem, 2004. – 656 s.
18. Yahupova O. V. Osoblyvosti rozvytku praktychnoho myslennya maystriv vyrobnychoho navchannya : dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.03 / O. V. Yahupova. – Kh., 2009. – 286 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 95-102 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.61
Polyakova, V.I.
Polyakova, Vitaliya Ivanіvna, post-graduate student, Chair of Management Psychology, State Higher Educational Institution «University of Educational Management», Headteacher of Gymnasia № 109 named after Taras Shevchenco, Pecherskiy district, Kyiv, Ukraine

Distinctive features of gender tolerance of teaching staff with different gender identity types

The article discusses the results of an empirical study of teaching staff's gender tolerance and its features in relation to teaching staff's gender identity. Two thirds of the respondents were found to have low levels of gender tolerance. Only every third respondent was able to fully adopt their own and other gender identities, free of gender bias and could establish partnerships with persons of another gender identity on the basis of moral principles. The author presents the results of her empirical study on the distribution of teaching staff by their gender identity types. The respondents with the undetermined gender identity were shown to increase in number. The author also describes the relationships between the characteristics of the teaching staff with different gender identity types and their sex, professional experience, type of educational institution (lyceum, gymnasium or traditional school) and its location (city, village). As to the relationship between teaching staff's gender tolerance and their gender identity type, the individuals with the undetermined gender identity type were shown to be the least gender tolerant. The highest level of gender tolerance was found in the respondents with the masculine gender identity type, especially in men, while relatively high gender tolerance was present in the respondents with androgynous and feminine gender identity types. The author makes a conclusion about the expediency of differentiated teaching staff's gender tolerance development programs based on teachers' gender identity types Keywords: gender, tolerance, intolerance, gender tolerance, teaching staff, gender identity types

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Andryeyev M. V. Formuvannya tolerantnosti vchytelya zahal'noosvitn'oyi shkoly : avtoref. dys. … kand. ped. nauk ; spets. : 13.00.04 «Teoriya i metodyka profesiynoyi osvity» / M. V. Andryeyev. – Kharkiv, 2009. – 23 s.
2. Bardier G. L. Social'naja psihologija tolerantnosti : diss. ... doktora psihol. nauk ; spec. : 19.00.05 / G. L. Bardier ; S.-Peterb. gos. un-t. – SPb., 2007. – 457 s.
3. Bem S. Linzy gendera: Transformacija vzgljadov na problemu neravenstva polov / S. Bem. – M. : ROSSPJeN, 2004. – 336 s.
4. Belinskaja E. P. Dinamika predstavlenij cheloveka o sebe: istorija izuchenija i sovremennoe sostojanie problemy / E. P. Belinskaja // NB: Psihologija i psihotehnika. – 2013. – № 4. – S. 1–51 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :
5. Bondarchuk O. I. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni osnovy osobystisnoho rozvytku kerivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv u profesiyniy diyal'nosti : monohrafiya / O. I. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svit, 2008. – 318 s.
6. Gendernyj podhod v social'nom poznanii i obrazovanii: monografіja / O. I. Kljuchko. – M.-Berlіn : Direkt-media, 2015. – 301 s.
7. Hovorun T. V. Genderna psykholohiya : navch. posibnyk / T. V. Hovorun, O.M. Kikinezhdi. – K. : Akademiya, 2004. – 308 s.
8. Hornostay P. P. Henderna sotsializatsiya ta stanovlennya hendernoyi identychnosti / Osnovy teoriyi henderu : navch. posib. – K. : K.I.S., 2004. – S. 132–156.
9. Leont'ev D. A. K operacionalizacii ponjatija «tolerantnost'» / D. A. Leont'ev // Voprosy psihologii. – 2009. – №5. – S. 3–16.
10. Metodiki i kriterii ocenki tolerantnosti uchitelej, klassa i roditelej // Spravochnik klassnogo rukovoditelja 2010 – № 9 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :
11. Motuz T. V. Henderna tolerantnist': sotsial'no-pedahohichnyy aspekt / T. V. Motuz // Pedahohichni nauky: teoriya, istoriya, innovatsiyni tekhnolohiyi, 2015. – № 8 (52). – S. 316–372.
12. Nezhyns'ka O. O. Psykholohichni umovy formuvannya hendernoyi kompetentnosti kerivnykiv zahal'noosvitnikh navchal'nykh zakladiv: avtoref. dys. ... kand. psykhol. nauk ; spets. : 19.00.07 – ped. ta vikova psykholohiya / O. O. Nezhyns'ka ; Universytet menedzhmentu osvity NAPN Ukrayiny, 2011. – – 21 c.
13. Praktikum po gendernoj psihologii / red. I.S. Klecina. – SPb. : Piter, 2003. – 480 s.
14. Syndrom «profesiynoho vyhorannya» ta profesiyna kar""yera pratsivnykiv osvitnikh orhanizatsiy: henderni aspekty : [navch. posib. dlya stud. vyshch. navch. zakl ta slukhachiv in-tiv pislyadyplom. osvity] ; za nauk. red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. M. Karamushky, T. V. Zaychykovoyi. – [2-e vyd. pererob. ta dopovn.]. – K. : Milenium, 2006. – 368 s.
15. Stepanova L. G. Osobennosti formirovanija gendernoj identichnosti sovremennyh junoshej i devushek v kontekste social'no- psihologicheskogo razvitija lichnosti / L. G. Stepanova // Psihologicheskaja nauka i obrazovanie. – 2010. – № 2 [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :
16. Tytarenko T. M. Zhyttyevyy svit osobystosti: u mezhakh i za mezhamy budennosti / T. M. Tytarenko. – K. : Lybid', 2003. – 376 s.
17. Tureckaja G.V. Strah uspeha: psihologicheskoe issledovanie fenomena / G.V. Tureckaja // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1998. – T. 19. – № 1. – S. 37–46.
18. Harre, R. Positioning: The discursive production of selves / R. Harre, B. Davies // Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior. – 1990. – V. 20. – P. 43–63.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 102-107 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Pustovy, O.M.
Pustovy, Olexandr Mykolaiovych, research correspondent, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine

Servicemen's group interaction socio-psychological factors: a theoretical model

The psychology of the military unit, being a complex problem, needs as much of researcher's attention as the psychology of individual servicemen. The latest weapons and tactics require a crew and group work. In today's warfare effective combat mission accomplishment depends on proper distribution of military personnel’s responsibilities as well as their smooth interaction and cohesion. A supportive atmosphere in the military unit implies conflict-free relationships at the individual-individual, individual-unit and unit-unit levels. A negative atmosphere in the military unit can lead to conflicts at the professional and individual levels. These may result in servicemen's aggression towards each other, their poor mission accomplishment or their complete or partial evasion from performing a military mission with a given group, which may have detrimental consequences for and individual serviceman and/or a whole unit. Thus, creation of a favorable atmosphere in a military unit requires psychologists’ and commanders’ knowledge of the servicemen's personal characteristics, which manifest themselves in relationships with others. Besides, it is necessary to monitor and, if need be, correct the interpersonal relationships in the unit as well as to select the servicemen to fit in the unit. The use of socio-psychological factors assessment tools can improve organization of military personnel’s joint activities and set unit performance criteria Keywords: interpersonal relationships, small group, military unit, cohesiveness, group interaction, conflict

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Variy M. Psykholohiya : navch. posib. / M.Variy. – [2-he vyd. ]. – K. : Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2009. – S. 288.
2. Dosvid orhanizatsiyi psykholohichnoyi roboty pid chas vedennya zbroynykh konfliktiv, pidhotovky ta vykonannya myrotvorchykh zavdan' : zbirnyk informatsiyno-analitychnykh materialiv / V. Nakonechnyy, V. Klymenko, N. Kopanytsya. – K. : Sotsial'no-psykholohichnyy tsentr ZSU, 2013. – S. 56.
3. Prikladnaja voennaja psihologija : uchebnoe posobie / A. Karajani, I. Syromjatnikov. – SPb. : Piter, 2006. – S. 480.
4. Psihologija i pedagogika. Voennaja psihologija : uchebnik dlja vuzov / pod red. A.G. Maklakova. – SPb. : Piter, 2005. – S. 464.
5. Social'naja psihologija : uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov pedagogicheskih institutov / A.V. Petrovskij, V.V. Abramenkova, M.E. Zelenova [i dr.] ; pod red. A.V. Petrovskogo. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1987. – S. 224.
6. Teoriya ta praktyka zberezhennya psykhichnoho zdorov""ya viys'kovosluzhbovtsiv : monohrafiya / Potapchuk Ye.M. – Khmel'nyts'kyy, 2004. – S. 322.
7. Fetiskin N.P. Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp : ucheb. posobie / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov, G.M. Manujlov. – M. : Institut psihiatrii. 2002. – S. 490.
8. Yahupov V. Viys'kova psykholohiya : pidruchnyk / V.Yahupov. – K. : Tandem, 2004. – S. 656.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 108-112 (pdf)


UDC: 616.891.6-02:616.284-004
Iakovleva, N.Yu.
Iakovleva, Nataliia Yuriivna, PhD student, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

DSM-V format post-traumatic stress disorder in social life of people with hearing impairment

The article deals with the course, incidence and symtoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to DSM-V, in people with hearing impairment exemplified by otosclerosis. It is noted that the category of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is certainly convenient for professional use, it is one of the most successful formats of ICD-10 and DSM-V-TR. Published in May 2013 by the American Psychiatric Association, a new classification of mental disorders - DSM-V, presents the user with a number of changes designed to facilitate the diagnosis of PTSD. PTSD is an 'amalgam' of mental disorders, which are provoked by a psychological trauma in occupational activities of people, in particular, of those with otosclerosis, which is characterized by a progressive hearing loss. A comprehensive and multidimensional diagnosis going, if necessary, beyond the clinical protocols and assistance to such people are needed to facilitate their professional lives after traumatic situations. PTSD, which often develops in people with hearing impairment in their daily lives, is an anxiety disorder that is accompanied by a variety of somatic and autonomic disorders. The timely diagnosis of PTSD and the use of an individual approach to such individuals in the form of interventions may facilitate the treatment of the underlying somatic disease and prevent the development and exacerbation of anxiety symptoms that provoke PTSD. The progression of hearing loss in patients with otosclerosis and the diagnosis of otosclerosis contribute to the development of DSM-V format post-traumatic stress disorder, which is characterized by comorbidity. The otosclerosis patients with concomitant PTSD were found to have usually a lower quality of life and more concomitant diseases than those without clearly developed PTSD Keywords: patient, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), DSM-V, anxiety disorders, hearing impairment, otosсlerosis

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Slyusar I. M. Psykholohichna diahnostyka ta korektsiya postravmatychnoho stresovoho rozladu. : dys... kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.06 / I. M. Slyusar // Natsional'na akademiya vnutrishnikh sprav Ukrayiny. – K., 2005. – 211 s.
2. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders / APA. – Washington, 2000.
3. Erwin, B. A. Traumatic and socially stressful events among persons with social anxiety disorder / [B.A. Erwin [and other] // J. Anx. Dis. – 2006. – №20. – P. 896–914.
4. Gross, J. J. Antecedent and response-focused emotion regulation: divergent consequences for experience, expression, and physiology / J. J. Gross // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 2000. – P. 224–237.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 1(47): 112-116 (pdf)