Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 48 – 2018

Abstracts and Information about Authors


UDC: 316.6
Pustovy, O.M.
Pustovy, Olexander Mykolaiovych, scientific correspondent, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology, NAЕS of Ukraine, Kropyvnytsky, Ukraine

Research into military unit cohesiveness personal factors

Language: Ukrainian

Group collaboration is a prerequisite of a successful and timely accomplishment of combat missions. The military team's efficiency directly depends on its cohesion, its favorable psychological atmosphere and its members' good interpersonal relationships. Favorable atmosphere in a military unit is determined by the servicemen's personal traits, which manifest themselves in their relations with others. It is necessary to check and correct interpersonal relationships in a military team regularly and select the personnel for a specific military team based on special criteria. The functioning of a military unit is a complex system of production, organizational, managerial and interpersonal relations between its members. The author proves the importance of the socio-psychological studies on individual, group and team attitudes and interpersonal relationships. The investigation found the relationship between the military unit's cohesiveness and psychological atmosphere and the unit personnel's individual traits. This should be taken into account during personnel recruitment and unit staffing. It was also shown that the military unit's cohesion and psychological atmosphere correlate with the servicemen's emotional stability, dominance, expressiveness, courage, dreaminess, suspicion, non-conformism, high self-control and tension Keywords: integration, group interaction, group cohesion, psychological atmosphere in a unit, personal traits

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Dembytska, N. Social-Psychological Adjustment of Ex-Servicemen to Civilian Life / Tetiana Yablonska, Natalia Dembytska, Viktor Vus // SOCIAL WELFARE INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH. - 2017.- 7(1). - P. 168-178. – [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu : 2. Dynamichne psykholohichne vyvchennia osobovoho skladu / V.O. Banoshenko, N.I. Kopanytsia, E.S. Lytvynenko, V.Ie. Solodovnikov. – Kyiv : SPTs ZSU, 2009. – 60 s. 3. Zhuravlov V.V. Psykholohichni chynnyky profesiino-upravlinskoi diialnosti v konteksti pryiniattia rishen kerivnykamy orhaniv okhorony derzhavnoho kordonu / Zhuravlov V.V. // Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia. – № 1 (8) / 2017. – S. 14-22. 4. Zbirnyk metodyk diahnostyky liderskykh yakostei kursantskoho, serzhantskoho ta ofitserskoho skladu : Metodychnyi posibnyk / O.M. Kokun, I.O. Pishko, N.S. Lozinska, O.V. Kopanytsia, M.V. Herasymenko, V.V. Tkachenko. – Kyiv : NDTs HP ZSU, 2012. – 433 s. 5. Osodlo V. Diahnostyka, formuvannia i rozvytok psykholohichnoi hotovnosti do profesiinoi diialnosti: metodychni aspekty / V. Osodlo // Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Viiskovo-spetsialni nauky. 1(32)/2015. – S. 30-32. 6. Pavelko I.I. Model profesiino-psykholohichnoi hotovnosti do diialnosti v ekstremalnykh umovakh viiskovykh rozvidnykiv ta pidrozdiliv spetsialnoho pryznachennia / I.I. Pavelko // Viiskovo-tekhnichnyi zbirnyk. – 2016. – № 14. – S. 146-152. 7. Prylipko O. Sotsialno-psykholohichni chynnyky formuvannia avtorytetu viiskovosluzhbovtsia viiskovoi sluzhby pravoporiadku ZSU / O. Prylipko // Visnyk Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Viiskovo-spetsialni nauky. – 1(32)/2015. – S. 36-40. 8. Social'naja psihologija : Uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov pedagogicheskih institutov / A.V. Petrovskij, V.V. Abramenkova, M.E. Zelenova [i dr.]; pod red. A.V. Petrovskogo. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1987. – 224 s. 9. Teoriia ta praktyka zberezhennia psykhichnoho zdorovia viiskovosluzhbovtsiv : Monohrafiia / Ye.M. Potapchuk. – Khmelnytskyi, 2004. – S. 322. 10. Iahupov V. Viiskova psykholohiia : Pidruchnyk / V.Iahupov. – Kyiv : Tandem, 2004. – 656 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 3-8 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Sytnyk, V.V.
Sytnyk, Viktoria Volodymyrivna, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Motivation factors in professional adaptation of IT specialists

Language: Ukrainian

Тhe purpose of this study was to identify the features of IT specialists' motivation peculiar to different stages of their professional adaptation. The sample included 97 IT students and specialists: 25 IT project managers and IT architects, 26 IT employees with a work experience of 3 to 8 years, and 46 IT students who worked as part-time testers. The sample was made up of 40 women and 57 men. As an adaptation criterion the author used the level of the respondents' anxiety and organizational climate satisfaction. The respondents' motivation and value system was studied using A.Potyomkin Assessment of Individuals' Socio-Psychological Attitudes in Motivational Sphere, which, in particular, allowed measuring the levels of socio-psychological attitudes on the altruism-egotism, process-result, freedom-power and labor-money scales. The empirical study of IT specialists' professional adaptation motivational factors found the differences between the three respondent groups in the levels of anxiety, attitudes towards organizational climate and values: the mid-level employees were shown to have the greatest adaptation problems (they had high anxiety, were dissatisfied with corporate culture and undervalued process and freedom), whereas the IT students and top-level specialists demonstrated greater adaptability. The obtained findings can be used in developing a career growth psychological support program for training IT specialists in groups and individually Keywords: adaptation, career, motivation, anxiety, IT specialists

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Vergun D. Ukrainskie IT-shniki begut iz strany – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : 2. Zeer Je.F. Psihologija professional'nogo razvitija / Je. F. Zeer. – M. : Akademija, 2007. – 240 s. 3. Klimov E.A. Psihologija professional'nogo samoopredelenija : ucheb. posobie dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij / E.A. Klimov. – M. : Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2010. – 304 s. 4. Ivanova E.M. Psihologija professional'noj dejatel'nosti : uchebnoe posobie / E.M. Ivanova. – M. : PER SJe, 2006. – 382 s. 5. Shnejder L. B. Professional'naja identichnost': teorija, jeksperiment, trening : ucheb. posobie / L.B. Shnejder. – M. : MPSI, 2004. – 600 s. 6. Miliutina K.L. Metody diahnostyky vydiv ta stratehii adaptyvnosti doroslykh / K.L. Miliutina // Problemy empirychnykh doslidzhen v psykholohii. – Vyp. 4. – K. : Hnozys, 2010. – S. 248–253. 7. Kazmirenko V.P. Prohrama doslidzhennia psykhosotsialnykh chynnykiv adaptatsii molodoi liudyny do navchannia u VNZ ta maibutnoi profesii / V.P. Kazmirenko // Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota. – 2004. – № 6. – S. 56-59. 8. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Tipologicheskij podhod k lichnosti professionala. Psihologicheskie issledovanija problemy formirovanija lichnosti professionala / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja. – M. : In-t psihol. AN SSSR, 1991. – S. 21–36. 9. Morosanova V.I. Samoreguljacija i individual'nost' cheloveka. / V.I. Morosanova. – M. : Nauka, 2010. – 519 s. 10. Dilts R. Fokusy jazyka. Izmenenie ubezhdenij s pomoshh'ju NLP / R. Dilts. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 320 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 8-13 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Dembytska, N.M.
Dembytska, Nataliia Mykolaivna, PhD, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher of Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Рsychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Economic mentoring as socializing practice

Language: Ukrainian

The author links the process of socialization of the child as a potential economic agent to their personal benefits handling experience. These benefits are considered as part of the child's personal space that plays an important role in meeting their basic needs, including the need for ownership. If the child lacks the experience of successful satisfaction of the need for ownership, he/she can hardly make an efficient entrepreneur. A decisive role in this process is played by adults, in particular by parents. The author explains the socializing potential of economic mentoring as a socio-psychological practice. The article highlights some signs of economic mentoring as socializing practice, which include focus on the changes in the social and psychological personality traits relevant to successful economic activity, mandatory and coercive influence on personality, presence of external targets in the early practice, focus on the personality type requirements, which are characteristic of a particular society (referred to the enterprising culture of personality), dialogic interaction and supportive intentions of the 'object' of impact, focus on the long-term changes. Economic mentoring is viewed as a condition for socializing support for the child's economic culture development. The author argues that the use of economic mentoring in the family education can reduce the effects of spontaneous factors on children's socialization as a consumer, service provider, philanthropist, and a future taxpayer, investor and/or entrepreneur Keywords: youth economic culture, economic socialization, personality, socializing impact, socializing practice, economic mentoring, personal psychological space, personal property

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Averianova H.M. Osoblyvosti sotsializatsii molodi v umovakh transformatsii suspilstva / H.M. Averianova, N.M. Dembytska, V.V. Moskalenko. – Kyiv : «PPP», 2005. – 323 s. 2. Aliushyna N.O. Instytut kompetentnisnoho nastavnytstva – odyn iz priorytetiv derzhavnoi kadrovoi polityky / N.O. Aliushyna // Visnyk NADU. – 2014. - № 4. – S. 56 – 63. 3. Bazylevych V.D. Intelektualna vlasnist: kreatyvy metafizychnoho poshuku / V.D. Bazylevych, V.V. Ilin. - K.: Znannia 2008.- 687 s. 4. Bodrijjar Zh. Sistema verej / Zh. Bodrijjar. – M. : «RUDOMINO», 2001. - 95 s. 5. Godfri Dzh. Kak nauchit' rebenka obrashhat'sja s den'gami / Dzholajn Godfri; per s angl. – M.: Izd-vo «Dobraja kniga», 2006. – 224 s. 6. Dembytska N.M. Systemna model sotsialno-psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii shkoliara / N.M. Dembytska // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – 2017. – Tom 1 : Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia. Sotsialna psykholohiia – Vypusk 46. – S. 29 – 34. 7. Zubiashvili I.K. Kontseptualni osnovy vyvchennia monetarnoi sotsializatsii / I.K. Zubiashvili // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – 2016. – Tom 1 : Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia. Sotsialna psykholohiia – Vypusk 44. – S. 31 – 36. 8. Karnyshev A. D. Psihologija sobstvennosti kak oblast' issledovanij v jekonomicheskoj psihologii // Problemy jekonomicheskoj psihologii. Tom 1 / A.L. Zhuravljov, A.B. Kuprejchenko. - M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2004. – S. 139 - 166. 9. Lavrenko O.V. Sotsialno-psykholohichne zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii molodi u prostori osvity u VNZ: moralnyi aspekt / O.V. Lavrenko // Psykholohichnyi chasopys. Naukovo-praktychnyi zhurnal Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka Natsionalnoi akademii pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy. – Nomer 1. – Vypusk 3. – s. 97-107 [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu - 10. Lutsenko M.Iu. Frustratsiia potreby u vlasnosti yak chynnyk tsinnisno-smyslovykh deformatsii / M.Iu. Lutsenko // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Kam`ianets-Podilskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiienka, Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka APN Ukrainy. Seriia «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» – Kam`ianets-Podilskyi, Kyiv : Vyp. 10. – S. 409 – 418. 11. Melnychuk T.I. Simeine vykhovannia yak odyn iz chynnykiv ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii ditei starshoho doshkilnoho viku / T.I. Melnychuk // Psykholohichnyi chasopys: zbirnyk naukovykh prats / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – №3(7). – vyp.7. – Kyiv: Instytut psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka Natsionalnoi akademii pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, 2017. – s. 120-131 [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu - 12. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsializatsiia osobystosti : monohrafiia./ V. V. Moskalenko. – K. : Feniks, 2013. – 540 s. 13. Nartova-Bochaver S.K. Zhiznennoe prostranstvo sem'i: obіedinenie i razdelenie / S.K. Nartova-Bochaver, K.A. Bochaver, S.Ju. Bochaver. – M. : Genezis, 2011. – 320 s. 14. Pajps R. Sobstvennost' i svoboda / R. Pajps. – M. : Moskovskaja shkola politicheskih issledovanij, 2008. – 411 s. 15. Panok V.H. Do rozuminnia sutnosti poniattia psykholohichnoi praktyky u prykladnii psykholohii / V.H. Panok // Visnyk Chernihivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu. Ser. : Psykholohichni nauky. – 2013. – Vyp. 114. – S. 151-155. – Rezhym dostupu : 16. Psykholohichni praktyky konstruiuvannia zhyttia v umovakh postmodernoi sotsialnosti : monohrafiia / T.M. Tytarenko, O.M. Kochubeinyk, K.O. Cheremnykh ; Natsionalna akademiia pedaho¬hichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii. – K. : Milenium, 2014. – 206 s. 17. Sotsialno-psykholohichni zakonomirnosti stanovlennia ekonomichnoi kultury molodi : monohrafiia / V.V. Moskalenko, O.V. Lavrenko, N.M. Dembytska, I.K. Zubiashvili [ta in.]; za red. V.V.Moskalenko – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 405 s. 18. Sotsialno-psykholohichni problemy stanovlennia subiekta ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii : monohrafiia. / T.V. Hovorun, N.M. Dembytska, I.K. Zubiashvili, L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Lavrenko, O.O. Mishchenko, V.V. Moskalenko, Yu.Zh. Shaihorodskyi / Red. V.V. Moskalenko; Kirovohrad. 2012. – 205 c. 19. Tatenko V.O. Sotsialna psykholohiia vplyvu : Monohrafiia. – K. : Milenium, 2008. – 216 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 14-18 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Zubiashvili, I.K.
Zubiashvili, Iryna Konstiatynivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Training practices in socio-psychological support for high school students' monetary culture development

Language: Ukrainian

The author highlights the problem of training practices in socio-psychological support for the development of high school students' monetary culture as a prerequisite for their personal and professional efficiency in modern economic, social and cultural conditions. Training work, which is the best investment in the personality, is effective because it trains only those skills that are needed for a person to achieve specific goals. It is emphasized that the measures of high school students' monetary culture, which can be developed during the author's training, include students' rational attitudes towards money, purposefulness, positive and non-standard thinking, success orientation and the ability to go beyond psychological limits. The author discusses the technological approach, which is the basis of the training and understood as the development (design) and use of special technologies with the aim of solving specific organizational problems and managers and employees' psychological training. The author notes that she used the technological approach to determine the psychological features of high school students' monetary culture development. The author also describes the training structure and further research on the problem under consideration, which may focus on creating a special parents and teachers' training program Keywords: training, monetary culture, socio-psychological support, high school student, technological approach, life goal, training modules

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Vachkov I.V. Okna v mir treninga. Metodologicheskie osnovy sub#ektnogo podhoda k gruppovoj rabote / I.V. Vachkov, S.D. Derjabo. – SPb. : Rech', 2000. – 272 s. 2. Zav'jalova Zh. Igry, v kotorye igrajut den'gi / Zh. Zav'jalova, A. Moiseev. – SPb. : Rech', 2006. – 256 s. 3. Zav'jalova Zh.V. Jenergija biznes-treninga. Putevoditel' po razminkam / Zh.V. Zav'jalova, E.O. Farba, M.N. Avdjunina. – SPb. : Rech', 2006. – 160 s. 4. Zav'jalova Zh.V. Metaforicheskaja delovaja igra / Zh. V. Zav'jalova. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 136 s. 5. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti stavlennia studentskoi molodi do hroshei : monohrafiia / L.M. Karamushka, O.H. Khodakevych. – Kyiv : KNEU, 2017. – 200 s. 6. Kljuchnikov S.Ju. Den'gi v vashej zhizni: nacional'nyj praktikum bogatstva / S.Ju. Kljuchnikov. – M. : Belovod'e, 2005. – 448 s. 7. Puzikov V.G. Tehnologija vedenija treninga / V.G. Puzikov. – SPb. : Izd-vo «Rech'», 2005. – 224 s. 8. Tjushev Ju.V. Vybor professii: trening dlja podrostkov / Ju.V. Tjushev. – SPb. : Piter, 2006. – 160 s. 9. Shevchenko M.F. Kak stat' uspeshnym? Programma zanjatij dlja starsheklassnikov / M.F. Shevchenko. – SPb. : Rech', 2007. – 208 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 19-24 (pdf)


UDC: 17.032.1; 338.2 – 053.81
Lavrenko, O.V.
Lavrenko, Olga Vasylivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., leading researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Empirical study into the moral component of individuals' economic culture

Language: Ukrainian

The article presents the results of empirical research aimed at analyzing the moral component of university students' economic culture, which is an indicator of economic socialization. The moral self-determination of a person in economic space includes cognitive, affective and conative (behavioral) components. Morality, as an integral part of each of these components, determines a person's ability to act in an economic space based on moral principles. The study showed that most students recognized the moral imperfection of the laws that direct the socio-economic development of Ukraine because of their neglecting the interests of the people who would like to do their business honestly. The respondents assessed the eight ways of making money mostly as unacceptable because of being immoral. However, the respondents were not fully aware of the risks of financial pyramids and unethical advertising and they were quite tolerant to psychics of all kinds. The students believed the spiritual foundation (beliefs and moral principles) to be more important than money and good name. Admitting the importance of money, the respondents noted that big money ($ 1 million) was not a key motivator for breaking the law, beliefs and moral principles, betraying the beloved ones and allowing others to humiliate. At the same time, this sum of money could make people change citizenship and move to another country. The majority of the respondents associated individuals' economic success with their respect for the moral norms. The main factors behind young peoples’ immoral actions in the economic sphere were found to be the individuals' weak moral principles and the impunity of economic offenses Keywords: empirical research, economic culture of the individual, cognitive, affective and conative components, unity of the economic and moral

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Bezduhov V.P. Nravstvenno-cennostnaja sfera soznanija studenta: diagnostika i formirovanie. / V.P. Bezduhov, T.V. Zhirnova // [Jelektronnyj resurs] Rezhim dostupa : 2. Bekh I.D. Osobystisno-oriientovana model vykhovannia yak naukovyi konstrukt / I.D. Bekh [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu http: 3. Evdokimova A.S. Social'no-psihologicheskie faktory jekonomicheskoj socializacii lichnosti – Disser. na soisk. uch. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk – Irkutsk, 2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs] – Rezhim dostupa : http://evdokimova_diss.pdf 4. Zhuravlev A.L. Programma social'no-psihologicheskogo issledovanija jekonomicheskogo soznanija lichnosti / A.L. Zhuravlev, N.A. Zhuravleva // Sovremennaja psihologija: Sostojanie i perspektivy issledovanij. Ch. 5. Programmy i metodiki psihologicheskogo issledovanija lichnosti i gruppy: materialy jubilejnoj nauch. konf. IPRAN 28-29 janvarja 2002 g. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2002. – s. 11 – 42; 5. Zhuravlev A.L. Jekonomicheskoe samoopredelenie: Teorija i jempiricheskie issledovanija / A.L. Zhuravlev, A.B. Kuprejchenko. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2007. – 480 s. 6. Zubiashvili I.K. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti monetarnoi kultury suchasnoi simi / I.K. Zubiashvili, T.I. Melnychuk // Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2018 – 1 (25), 135-139. ISSN 2313-7525 [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu : 7. Karnyshev A.D., Burmenko T.D., Ivanova E.A. Chelovek i sobstvennost': uchebnoe posobie [Tekst] / A.D. Karnyshev, T.D. Burmenko, E.A. Ivanova. – Irkutsk : Izd-vo BGUJeP, 2006. – 349 s. 8. Kuzminskyi A.I. Pedahohika : Pidruchnyk / A.I. Kuzminskyi, V.L. Omelianenko. – K. : Znannia, 2007. – 447 s. 9. Problemy jekonomicheskoj psihologii. Tom 1. / Otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlѐv, A.B. Kuprejchenko. M. : Izd-vo IP RAN. 2004. – 620 s. 10. Sotsialno-psykholohichni zakonomirnosti stanovlennia ekonomichnoi kultury molodi : monohrafiia / V.V.Moskalenko, O.V.Lavrenko, N.M. Dembytska, I.K. Zubiashvili [ta in.]; za red. V.V. Moskalenko – K. : Pedahohichna dumka, 2015 – 405 s. 11. Sotsialno-psykholohichni problemy stanovlennia sub`iekta ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii: monohrafiia / T.V. Hovorun, N.M. Dembytska, I.K. Zubiashvili, L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Lavrenko, O.O. Mishchenko, V.V. Moskalenko, Yu.Zh. Shaihorodskyi. / Red. V.V. Moskalenko – Kirovohrad, 2012 – 205 s. 12. Student XXI veka: social'nyj portret na fone obshhestvennyh transformacij: monografija / Nar. ukr. akad.; pod obshh. red. V.I. Astahovoj. – Har'kov : Izd-vo NUA, 2010. – 408 s. 13. Sukhomlynskyi V.O. Yak vykhovaty spravzhniu liudynu / V.O. Sukhomlynskyi // Sukhomlynskyi V.O. Vybrani tvory v 5-ty t. – K. : Rad. shkola, 1977. – T.2. – S. 472-489. 14. Shajdullina R.M. Sushhnost' jekonomicheskoj socializacii studencheskoj molodezhi v sovremennyh uslovijah / R.M. Shadullina // Pedagogika i psihologija. Vestnik ChGPU 1’2012 – S. 231-242.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 24-32 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9-07-316.614
Melnychuk, T.I.
Melnychuk, Tetiana Іvanivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of organizational and social psychology, G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Play as a socio-psychological factor in the economic socialization of families with children of preschool age

Language: Ukrainian

The article deals with the basics of preschool children's economic socialization in families. The author discusses economic socialization of preschool children by means of games in the family environment, the advantages of combining cognitive, theoretical and practical teaching with economic teaching in the family and the role of the parent's family in children’s' economic socialization and economic consciousness formation. The author analyzes the socio-psychological factors in children's early economic ideas and knowledge, the basic criteria for children's economic family socialization as well as the types of their economic socialization. A child is surrounded by the economic life since the first years of his/her life full of complex economic concepts and processes. That is why the main objectives of children's economic socialization and education are familiarizing them with the basics of economics and socio-economic behaviors and the development of personal qualities necessary for successful economic activity. The play is one of the best practices of children's economic socialization that lays the foundations of their economic culture. Play promotes preschoolers' mental activities, deepens their knowledge of the basic economic concepts and improves their attention and thinking, which will allow them to act as economic agents in the future. The earlier economic education, the more conscious and rational are peoples' actions. Thus, children's assimilation of the foundations of economic culture and the acquisition of the experience of economic socialization in parental families contributes to the successful economic socialization of the younger generation Keywords: economic education, socialization, family as a socialization agent, preschool children, game, development of economic culture in preschool children

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Anan'ev B. G. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy : v 2-h tomah. – T. 1 / B. G. Anan'ev; pod red. A. A. Bodaleva i dr. – M., 1980. – 232 s. 2. Atroshchenko T. O. Formuvannia pervynnoho ekonomichnoho dosvidu starshykh doshkilnykiv zasobamy movlennievo-ihrovoi diialnosti / T. O. Atroshchenko // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Pedahohika ta psykholohiia». – Kharkiv, 2015. – Vyp. – № 47. – S. 3-13. 3. Bevz H. M. Pryiomna sim`ia: sotsialno-psykholohichni vymiry : monohrafiia / H. M. Bevz. – K. : Vyd. Dim «Slovo», 2010. – 352 s. 4. Kravcova M. M. Kurs vyzhivanija dlja shkol'nogo psihologa / M. M. Kravcova, O. V. Shevnina. – M. : Genezis, 2006. – 192 s. 5. Dembytska N. M. Sotsialno-psykholohichni problemy ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii molodi / N. M. Dembytska // Sotsialna psykholohiia. – 2008. – № 3. – S. 53–67. 6. Zubiashvili I. K. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti monetarnoi kultury suchasnoi simi / I. K. Zubiashvili, T. I. Melnychuk // Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools, 2018 – 1 (25), 135-139. ISSN 2313-7525 [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu: 7. Moskalenko V. V. Sotsializatsiia osobystosti: monohrafiia / V. V. Moskalenko. – K. : Feniks, 2013. – 540 s. 8. Moskalenko V. V. Suchasni napriamky doslidzhen v ekonomichnii psykholohii / V.V. Moskalenko // Sotsialna psykholohiia. – 2004. – № 2. – S. 3-18. 9. Mudrik A. V. Socializacija cheloveka : ucheb. posob. [dlja stud. vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po spec. 050711 (031300) – Social'naja pedagogika] / A. V. Mudrik. – [2-e izd., ispr. i dop.]. – M. : Akademija, 2006. – 304 s. 10. Melnychuk T. I. Ekonomichna sotsializatsiia ditei v sytuatsii usynovlennia: analiz problemy / T. I. Melnychuk // Aktualni problemy psykholohii : Zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – 2016. – T. I: Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia. Sotsialna psykholohiia. – Vyp. 45. – S.82-88. 11. Melnychuk T.I. Sotsialno-psykholohichnyi suprovid, yak umova sotsializatsii usynovlenoi dytyny v sim`i / T. I. Melnychuk // Nauka i osvita : nauk.-prakt. zhurn. Pivdennoho naukovoho Tsentru NAPN Ukrainy. – Odesa, 2013. – № 7/CXVII. – S. 178-183. 12. Melnychuk T. I. Simeine vykhovannia yak odyn iz chynnykiv ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii ditei starshoho doshkilnoho viku / T. I. Melnychuk // Psykholohichnyi chasopys: zbirnyk naukovykh prats / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – №3(7). – Vyp.7. – Kyiv : Instytut psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka Natsionalnoi akademii pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, 2017. – S. 120-131 [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu - 13. Mejli R. Struktura lichnosti // Jeksperimental'naja psihologija / R. Mejli ; pod red. P. Fressa i Zh. Piazhe. – M., 1975. – T. 5. – S. 196–283. 14. Ekonomichna sotsializatsiia molodi: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi aspekt : monohrafiia / [Moskalenko V.V., Bilokon I.V., Dembytska N.M. ta in.] ; zah. red. V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : Ukrainskyi tsentr politychnoho menedzhmentu, 2008. – 154 s. – (B-ka zhurn. «Sotsialna psykholohiia»). 15. Zubiashvili I. K. Sotsializuiucha funktsiia hroshei / I. K. Zubiashvili // Kolominski chytannia : m-ly Druhoho mizhnar. nauk. forumu / [za red. M.F. Holovatoho, O. L. Turininoi]. – K. : DP «Personal», 2009. – S. 246–254. 16. Zhadan R. Ekonomichna osvita ditei starshoho doshkilnoho viku / R. Zhadan, H. Hryhorenko. – Zaporizhzhia : TOV «LIPS» LTD, 2006. – 116 s. 17. Fitsula M. M. Pedahohika: [navch. posib.] / Fitsula M.M. – Ternopil, 1997. – 192 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 32-38 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.27-316-87
Moskalenko, V.V., Syla, Т.І.
Moskalenko, Valentina Volodymyrivna, Dr., Prof., сhief researcher, Laboratory of psychology of creativity, G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Syla, Tetiana Ivanivna, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dean, Faculty of social technologies, health and rehabilitation, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Entrepreneurship as creative work

Language: Ukrainian

The article analyzes the concept and content of the phenomenon of entrepreneurship. The authors analyze the concepts of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur and enterprise. It is argued that the entrepreneurship is a socio-economic institution, which is determined by the presence of a special class of entrepreneurs; entrepreneurs are a group of people who make up the main structural component of entrepreneurship as a social institution; enterprise is an entrepreneurs' trait that characterizes the essence of entrepreneurship as a social institution. Enterprise is the entrepreneur's ability to act as an agent of change in production because of his abilities to perform innovative economic activities with the aim of social progress. The authors analyze the connections between enterprise and creativity. Enterprise and creativity are quite close in meaning because they imply the individuals' making a choice according to their preferences, their desire for innovation, self-expression and self-development. The authors conclude that creativity in entrepreneurship is special creativity, which means that a creative idea should be wanted by society and bring economic benefit. The economic benefit of the innovation is its real ability to meet consumers' everyday needs, rather than its hypothesized usefulness as viewed by the innovation's inventor. Given this, it is necessary to distinguish between creativity as the creation of new ideas and creativity as an enterprise that requires the entrepreneur's actions. That is why innovations that are ahead of their time are general creative ideas, but not creative components of enterprise. The components of the system of creativity, which are considered as dominant in different models of enterprise, are transformed under the influence of a specific socio - economic situation, in which entrepreneurial activity is carried out. Since this situation is not always definite, the dominance of the component of an entrepreneurial creativity may be moderate. In particular, such a feature of individuals' enterprise as readiness to take risks in ambiguous situations, change as the individuals become more cautious about making innovations. Thus, enterprise appears to be special creativity Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, enterprise, creativity, special creativity, innovation activity, risk

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Ageev A.I. Predprinimatel'stvo: problemy sobstvennosti i kul'tury /A.I.Ageev. – M. : Nauka, 1991. – 180 s. 2. Veber M. Izbrannye proizvedenija / M. Veber; [per. s nem. Ju.N. Davydova] – M. : Progress, 1990. – 808 s. 3. Vynnytskyi M. Pidpryiemlyve suspilstvo: chy dostatno «prostoi» tvorchosti?/ M.Vynnytskyi // zhurnal «Kyievo-Mohylianska Biznes Studiia». – 2007. - №17. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu : 4. Drucker, Peter F. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles NY : Harper&Row, 1985. 5. Dollan Dzh., Lindsej Je. Rynok: makrojekonomicheskaja model' /Dzh. Dollan, Je. Lindsej – SPb. : Piter, 1991. – 450 s. 6. Zombart V. Burzhua. Jetjudy po istorii razvitija sovremennogo jekonomicheskogo cheloveka / V. Zombart; [per.s nem.] – M. : Nauka, 1994. – 443 s. 7. Katz, J. A. «Understanding the entrepreneur in the growth process: a review and theory» / Katz, J. A., Peters, S. // International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, vol. 1, No. 3/4, pp. 366#380, 2001. 8. Kredentser O.V. Rozvytok vnutrishnoorhanizatsiinoho pidpryiemnytstva v umovakh sotsialnoi napruzhenosti: psykholohichnyi aspekt / O.V. Kredentser // Aktualni problemy psykholohii : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – 2017. – Tom I : Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia. Sotsialna psykholohiia. – Vypusk 46. – s. 39–45. 9. Mizes L. Chelovecheskaja dejatel'nost'. / L. Mizes – M. : Progress, 2001. – 380 s. 10. Makklelland D. Motivacija cheloveka / D. Makklelland; [per. A. Bogachev, Z. Zamchuk, E. Trifonova, E. Trofimov, E. Il'in – SPb. : Piter, 2007. – 672 s. 11. Moskalenko V.V. Pidpryiemlyvist yak mira ekonomichnoi sotsializovanosti osobystosti rynkovoi ekonomiky / V.V. Moskalenko // Sotsializatsiia osobystosti : monohrafiia / V. Moskalenko – K. : Feniks, 2013. – s. 375-381. 12. Najt F. Risk, neopredelennost' i pribyl' / F. Najt; [per. s angl. M.Ja. Kazhdana. – M. : Delo, 2003. – 543 s. 13. Predprinimatel'stvo v konce HH veka. / A.A.Dipkin, A.R.Sterlih, I.V. Tulin i dr.. – M.: Nauka, 1992. – 370 s. 14. Rajzberg B.A. Predprinimatel'stvo i risk. / B.A. Rajzberg . – M. : Znanie. Serija jekonomika. – 2001. –№ 4. – s. 27-32. 15. Rybalko V.V. Psykholohiia rozvytku tvorchoi osobystosti: navch. posib. / V.V. Rybalko. – K.: YZMN, 1996. – 236 s. 16. Sej Zh.-B. Traktat politicheskoj jekonomiki. / Zh.B. Sej – M. : Progress, 1986. – 81 s. 17. Smit A. Issledovanie o prirode i prichinah bagatstva narodov. / A. Smit – M. : Progress, 1962. – 600 s. 18. Hajek F. Konkurencija kak procedura otkrytija. / F. Hajek // Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija. – 1989.– № 12 – s. 33-41. 19. Hejzinga J. Homo Ludens.Chelovek igrajushhij. V teni zavtrashnego dnja. / J. Hejzinga. – Per s niderl. / i poslesl. G.M.Tavrizjan. – M.: Progress. 1992. – 464 s. 20. Hizrich R., Piters M. Predprinimatel'stvo ili kak zavesti sobstvennoe delo i dobit'sja uspeha. – Moskva : Progress-Univers., 1991 – s.160. 21. Shumpeter J. Teorija jekonomicheskogo razvitija. Kapitalizm, socializm i demokratija / J. Shumpeter – M. : JeKSMO, 2007. – 864 s. 22. Jung K. G. Psihologicheskie tipy / K. G. Jung; [per. s nem. S. Lorie, V.V. Zelenskogo. – SPb. : Azbuka, 2001. – 732 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 38-45 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.6
Danyliuk, I.V., Kurapov, A.O.
Danyliuk, Ivan Vasyliovych, PsyD, Prof., Dean of Faculty of Psychology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kurapov, Anton Oleksandrovych, PhD student, dept. of Psychology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Cultural socialization: acculturation as a multicultural socialization mechanism

Language: Ukrainian

Socialization is a complex process of engaging the individual in the society, by their perceiving, learning and transforming social experience into their personal attitudes and outlooks. The individual is also included in a variety of social relationships, performing various roles, transforming the environment and themselves. Social regulations and norms are constantly changing even in relatively stable social groups. Given this, we can suggest that socialization takes place not only in the first 10-15 years of the individual’s life, but throughout all his/her lifetime. That is why we consider acculturation as a mechanism of multicultural socialization. It is necessary to distinguish between socialization, enculturation and acculturation, which differ in their outcomes: the result of socialization is the individual’s adaptation to the social conditions of life, the result of enculturation is the individual’s adaptation to the cultural conditions of life, and the acculturation results in the individual’s adaptation to the cultural-psychological conditions. Thus, the concepts of socialization and enculturation are very close in their content. Socialization refers to the teaching of human life in a modern society. Regardless of the country of residence, the individual is always obliged to have a basic understanding of the social structure and stratification. While socialization is quite easy and fast, enculturation is rather difficult and slow, and acculturation may bring no results. Because an individual during acculturation and socialization undergoes a series of psychological changes, we can suggest that undergoing psychological changes as a result of social interactions is a mechanism of socialization. Since a given social group is different from the native culture of an individual, we can call this socialization multicultural, because the individual has already been enculturated to his/her own culture, and now he/she has to be enculturated to another culture. Therefore we use the term acculturation, and consider it as a mechanism of socialization. Since our empirical investigation has found that acculturation brings about a large number of psychological changes in individuals, acculturation can be considered as a mechanism of multicultural socialization Keywords: acculturation, acculturation strategies, socialization, multicultural socialization, enculturation

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Marcinkovskaja T. D. Problema socializacii podrostkov v sovremennom mul'tikul'turnom prostranstve / T. D. Marcinkovskaja, I. V. Chumicheva // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – T. 8, №39. – 2015. – S. 10-29. 2. Mudrik A. V. Socializacija v kontekste sociokul'turnyh raskolov / A. V. Mudrik // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka. – №4. – 2016. – S. 9-13. 3. Najdorf M. I. Vvedenie v teoriju kul'tury: Osnovnye ponjatija kul'turologii / M. I. Najdorf. – Odessa : Druk, 2005. – 364 s. 4. Ugol'nikova O. A. Vozmozhnosti utochnenija kategorii «socializacija» v sovremennoj pedagogike / O. A. Ugol'nikova, E. V. Bokova, O. A. Kozyreva // Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovanija. – №9. – 2016. – S. 90-95. 5. Berry J. W. Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications / J. W. Berry – Cambridge University Press, 2002. – c. 23-36. 6. Segal U. A. Exploring child abuse among Vietnamese refugees / U. A. Segal // Journal of Multicultural Social Work. – T. 8. – V. 3. – 2000. – S. 159-191.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 46-52 (pdf)


Nedviga, О.V.
Nedviga, Oleg Viacheslavovych, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of social sciences, Ivan Chernakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Manifestations of combat engineers’ individual-typological characteristics during minefield clearing

Language: Ukrainian

Combat engineers' service is characterized by significant psycho-emotional stress caused by high responsibility for the decisions made, the complexity of professional functions, quick work, uncertainty, great amount of information to process and shortage of time for decision-making. Actions in such circumstances require the sappers to be emotionally stable, resourceful and hardy. The article presents the results of an experimental study aimed to clarify the role of psychological support for engineering units during combat missions. The intensity of combat engineers' anxiety has been shown to depend on the complexity of combat tasks and explosion risks. It has been found out that successful mine clearance is largely determined by the engineers' anxiety-control capability. The reactive anxiety-control skills can be developed at an engineers' psychological training designed to develop servicemen's extreme work psychological readiness. There have been no direct correlations between the sappers' psycho-emotional stress levels and their combat efficiency in the mine field. As the psycho-emotional stress grows, the sappers' combat efficiency increases, but after reaching a certain limit, stress begins to decrease combat efficiency. The determining factor in overcoming the negative effects of the stress is the engineers' combat readiness. The author analyzes the minefield clearing stressors, the relationship between the engineers' individual-psychological characteristics and effective demining as well as the combat engineers' value system and motivation Keywords: combat engineer, psychological support, psychological training, explosion risk, mental state, stress-resistance

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Karbyshev D. M. Professyia saper / D. M. Karbyshev. – M.: Voenyzdat, 1980. – 114 s. 2. Kytaev-Smyk L. A. Psykholohyia stressa / L. A. Kytaev-Smyk. – M.: Nauka, 2006. – 386 s. 3. Korolchuk M.S. Psykhofiziolohiia diialnosti / M. S. Korolchuk. – K. : Elha Nika-Tsentr, 2003. – 400 s. 4. Osodlo V. I. Prykladni aspekty viiskovoi psykholohii / Osodlo V. I., Khmiliar O. F., Korolchuk M. S. – K. : NUOU, 2015. – 208 s. 5. Stasiuk V. V. Psykholohiia lokalnykh viin ta zbroinykh konfliktiv / V. V. Stasiuk / Pidruchnyk dlia slukhachiv ta studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. – K. : NAOU, 2006. – 570 s. 6. Telychkin O. O. Osoblyvosti psykhichnoi adaptatsii pratsivnykiv politsii do umov sluzhby v myrotvorchii misii OON / O. O. Telychkin : Avtoref. dys. kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.01 / Universytet vnutrishnikh sprav MVS Ukrainy. – Kh., 1998. – 16 s. 7. Timchenko O. V. Syndrom posttravmatychnykh stresovykh porushen: kontseptualizatsiia, diahnostyka, korektsiia ta prohnozuvannia / O. V. Timchenko : Monohrafiia – Kh. : Vyd-vo UVS MVS Ukrainy, 2000. – 267 s. 8. Khmiliar O. F. Psykhichna adaptatsiia viiskovosluzhbovtsiv do ekstremalnykh sytuatsii myrotvorchoi misii / O. F. Khmiliar // Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia № 12. Psykholohiia : Zb. naukovykh prats. – K. : NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2005. – № 3 (27). – S. 210-215. 9. Yakovenko S. I. Psykhichna stiikist viiskovosluzhbovtsiv do vplyvu ekstremalnykh chynnykiv / S. I. Yakovenko, T. M. Yakovenko // Metod. rekom. – K. : KVHI, 1997. – 44 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 52-59 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2
Tereshchenko, L.A., Olinkovska, T.A.
Tereshcheko, Liudmyla Anatoliivna, PhD, senior researcher, Laboratory of education psychology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Olinkovska, Tetiana Anatoliivna, lecturer, Konotop medical school, Konotop, Ukraine

Causes and mechanisms of neurotic disorders in children in terms of modern educational psychology

Language: Ukrainian

The article highlights the psychological causes and the mechanisms of neuroticism in children. It is emphasized that the main causes of neuroticism in children include their certain psychological features, in particular, a tendency to peculiar reactions to unfavorable environmental changes and the hyper-actualization of the experiences associated with the traumatic situation as a chief determinant of neurosis. It is stressed out that neurosis is a personality disorder, first of all, a person's developmental disorder, because it is associated with disturbances in important personality manifestations: needs, motives and urges. The authors discuss the main characteristics and stages of neurosis as well as analyze the concept of neurosis through the analysis of the concepts of neurotic conflict and trauma. Trauma is an after-effect of individuals' affective experiences, which have been caused by external stimuli and generate mental discomfort. A significant role in trauma development is played by individuals' poor moral and ethical principles. It has been found that the pathogenic effect of trauma with the following neurotic symptoms is due to the so-called pre-neurotic states, which include anxiety, fears, dysfunctional relationship, disharmony of family education, etc. The authors prove that a neurotic conflict is an internal reaction of an individual to a conflict between the actual information and its internal expectations and aspirations. The article analyzes the types of neurotic conflicts and their dynamics as well as describes the psychological characteristics of the child's neurotic personality Keywords: neurosis, trauma, neurotic conflict, neurotic development, needs, interests

Vykorystani dzjerela

1. Garbuzov V.I. Nervnye deti: Sovety vracha / V.I. Garbuzov. – L. : Medicina, 1990. – 176 s. 2. Jel'konin D.B. Psihicheskoe razvitie v detskih vozrastah / D.B. Jel'konin // Izbr. psihol. trudy. – M. : Voronezh, 1995. – 416 s. 3. Zaporozhec A.V. Nejrofiziologicheskoe issledovanie jemocional'nyh processov u detej / A.V. Zaporozhec, Ja.Z. Neverovich // Razvitie social'nyh jemocij u detej doshkol'nogo vozrasta. – M. : Pedagogika, – S. 122 – 166. 4. Zaharov A.I. Nevrozy u detej i psihoterapija /A.I. Zaharov. – SPb : SOJuZ. – 1998. – 336 s. 5. Karvasarskij B.D. Nevrozy: Rukovodstvo dlja vrachej / B.D. Karvasarskij. – M.: Medicina, 1990. – 576 s. 6. Maksimova N.Ju. Kurs lekcij po detskoj patopsihologii: Uchebn. posobie / N.Ju. Maksimova, E.L. Miljutina. – Rostov-na-Donu : Feniks, 2000. – 576 s. 7. Rukovodstvo prakticheskogo psihologa: Psihicheskoe zdorov'e detej i podrostkov v kontekste psihologicheskoj sluzhby / Pod red. I.V. Dubrovinoj – 2-e izd. – M. : – Akademija, 1997. – 176 s. 8. Slovar' prakticheskogo psihologa / Sost. S.Ju. Golovin. – Minsk : Harvest, 1998. – S. 337 – 539. 9. Frejd A. Psihologija Ja i zashhitnye mehanizmy / A. Frejd / Per. s angl. – M. : Pedagogika, 1993. – 144 s. 10. Horni K. Nevroticheskaja lichnost' nashego vremeni: Samoanaliz / Per. s angl. / Obshh. red. G.V. Burmenskoj. – M. : IG «Progress»; Izd-vo «Juventa», 2000. – 480 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2018, 1(48): 60-65 (pdf)