Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 10, Issue 28 – 2016
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC 159.922.8:[968-34]
The researcher of the department of Pedagogical and Age Psychology, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Ukraine
The characteristics of a creative person and a structure of a creative potential of a future teacher of a foreign language
Language: Ukrainian
The article describes and characterizes the directions of scientific researches in Psychology of Creativity in general and Psychology of a creative potential of the person in particular. The actuality of studying the problem of a creative potential of future specialists was justified. The article deals with the description of the person of a future specialist, the description which facilitate the development of a creative potential of a subject. The elements of a creative potential, taking into account the results of a comparative acmeological study conducted by N.V.Kuzmina, were described. Positive qualities of the creativity of a teacher were revealed. The system of creative qualities of a person which determine the direction of the subject for the implementation of creative activity were characterized.
The components in a structure of a person, which correspond to those indicated potentials, were described. The components distinguished by V.A.Molyako and N.V.Kuzmina in a model of a creative potential of a person according to a teacher of foreign languages were structured. It was justified including into the structure of a creative potential of a teacher of foreign languages a social component. Its substructures were described. It was clarified the meaning of “social creativity” and “communicative competence” in the structure of a creative potential of a teacher of foreign languages.
To the structure of social component of a creative potential we attribute the substructure “social creativity” (it contains the ability to self-actualization, social motivation, communicative competence, communicative (verbal and nonverbal) sensitivity, behavioral sensitivity, social imagination, etc.).
In the article it was specified the structure of communicative competence of a teacher of foreign languages. It was indicated that communicative competence consists of linguistic, sociolinguistic, strategic, social and psychological competencies.
To the structure of a creative potential of a future teacher of foreign languages we include “personal component”, which contains the following substructures: 1) individual qualities; 2) the structures of skills.
Keywords: creativity, a creative potential, the structure of the person, a social component, social creativity, communicative competence.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 3-8 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Brazhe T.G. Razvitie tvorcheskogo potenciala uchitelya / Tereza Georgievna Brazhe // Sovetskaya pedagogika. – 1989. – № 8. – S. 89–93.
2. Vishnyakova N.F. Kreativnaya psixopedagogika / Nataliya Fyodorovna Vishnyakova. – Mn., 1995. – 238 s.
3. Davydov V.V. Problemy razvivayushhego obucheniya / Vasilij Vasil'evich Davydov. – M. : Pedagogika, 1986. – 239 s.
4. Kan-Kalik V.A. Pedagogicheskaya deyatel'nost' kak tvorcheskij process / Viktor Abramovich Kan-Kalik. – Groznyj : Progress, 1976. – 163 s.
5. Kuz'mina N.V. Tvorcheskij potencial specialista: Akmeologicheskie problemy razvitiya / Nina Vasil'evna Kuz'mina // Gumanizaciya obrazovaniya. – 1995. – № 1. – S. 41–53.
6. Luk A.N. Problemy nauchnogo tvorchestva / Aleksandr Naumovich Luk // Sb. analiticheskix obzorov : Seriya Naukovedenie za rubezhom. – M. : INION AN SSSR, 1983. – 98 s.
7. Molyako V.A. Problemy psixologii tvorchestva i razrabotka podxoda k izucheniyu odarennosti / Valentin Alekseevich Molyako // Voprosy psixologii. – 1994. – № 5. – S. 86–95.
8.Moliako V.O. Zdibnosti, tvorčisť, obdarovanisť: teorija, metodyka, rezuĺtaty doslidžeń : [monohrafija] / V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyka / [za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky]. – Žytomyr : Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.
9. Sysojeva S.O. Osnovy pedahohičnoji tvorčosti včytelia : [navč. posibn.] / Svitlana Oleksandrivna Sysojeva. – K. : ISDOU, 1994. – 112 s.
10. Chmeĺkovśka S.V. Formuvannia tvorčoho potencialu majbutnich včyteliv inozemnych mov u procesi fachovoji pidhotovky : dys. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.04 / Svitlana Volodymyrivna Chmeĺkovśka. – Cherson, 2005. – 221 s.
11. Shherbakova E.E. Formirovanie pedagogicheskoj kreativnosti studenta vuza v usloviyax professional'noj podgotovki : dis. … kand. psixol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Evgeniya Evgen'evna Shherbakova. – Nizhnij Novgorod, 2000. – 223 s.
UDC 159.922.62: 316.473: 316.362:316.4.051.2
H. М. Bevz
PhD, Professor Department of General and Applied Psychology; State University «Management of Education University» of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine; Kyiv, Ukrainа
Young family and foster care: adaptation or life cycle stage?
Language: Ukrainian
The article analyzes the representations of children in adults under 30 years in comparison with other age groups. Proved that young people consider childcare as a nature-relevant feature of family life.
It is proved that young people under 30 years are more inclined to give a space to children for their own displays. They express an anxiety about childcare less than eldest adults do; they better “hear and see” signals from children and are more inclined to react to them with an open mind depending on situation. Young people do not see own achievements in children’s successes. Young parents in contrast to elder people do not connect a care concern for children with social policy and family values transmission. They are more orientated towards own values and life reference points gained from own experience. The importance of taking into account such position of young people during their training for foster care is proved in this article.
Changes in couple’s perception proves that age, family life experience (including foster care status) are significant characteristics of foster care. Statistically justified, regardless of the couple’s age, foster care is being formed like a life cycle - birth and children’s growth (expansion stage according to D. Haley classification). It is alleged that foster care experience enhances adult’s social activity reducing a feeling of social and cultural dependence and increasing prosocial interaction.
Proved that family status positively influences on nervous and psychological ability of foster parents to overcome difficult life situations, master peaceful behavior strategies and develop conjugal and family mutual patience.
Started research guideline regarding adult’s representations of children is useful for further practice of foster care. Such knowledge may be useful for the practice of recruiting and training of foster care candidates as well as their effectiveness forecasting.
Keywords: representation, parents, foster care, young, marriage, perception, life cycle stage.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 17-26 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bevz G. M. Pryjomna sim’ja: social'no-psyhologichni vymiry: monogr. / G. M. Bevz. – K. : Vyd. Dim «Slovo», 2010. – 352 s.
2. Krajg G. Psyhologyja razvytyja / G. Krajg. — SPb. : Pyter, 2000. — 992 s. — (Seryja «Mastera psyhologyy»)
3. Mel'nychuk T. I. Social'no-psyhologichni chynnyky zabezpechennja efektyvnosti procesu usynovlennja ditej: dys. … kand. psyhol. nauk : 19.00.05 / T. I. Mel'nychuk ; Kyi'v. In-t psyhologii' im. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny. — K. : Kyi'v. In-t psyhologii' im. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny, 2015. — 276 s.
4. Praktycheskaja psyhodyagnostyka. Metodyky y testы. [uchebn. posobye] redaktor-sostavytel' D.Ja.Rajgorodskyj. – Samara. : yzd. dom «BAHRAM-M», 2000 – 672 s.
5. Socyal'naja psyhologyja / pod red. S. Moskovychy. – 7-e yzd. — SPb. : Pyter, 2007. — 592 s.
UDC 159.9
Bezverkhy OS, Kolomiets T.
Anxiety in students who had been ill with tuberculosis
The paper describes the experimental study of anxiety in adolescent schoolchildren and adolescents who recover from tuberculosis. In c. Vinnitsa in 2014-15 years were treated with a diagnosis of "tuberculosis" more than 100 school children. For patients in this category peculiar psychological problems caused by the relatively high levels of anxiety, so they need psychological help. The authors of the experiment compared the anxiety of healthy students (control group) and students who had been ill with tuberculosis (experimental group). Was used kvazieksperymentalnyy plan for ex-rost-fasto under which the experimenter using the event as an experimental life investigated influence as another type of experiment is not possible for ethical reasons. Revealed that the level of personal anxiety schoolchildren control and experimental groups were not significantly different. Significant differences were found in the level of physiological resistance to stress, which in the experimental group was significantly lower. This was reflected in significantly higher levels of anxiety in the experimental group participants experiences of certain categories of situations. It was a public assessment of the situation with a high risk of negative evaluation. The authors concluded that participants in the experimental group could significantly help psychotherapy, aimed at forming algorithms psychological protection from traumatic situations and rehabilitation after their completion.
Keywords: anxiety, anxiety, tuberculosis, trauma, asthenic syndrome, depressive syndrome, Spielberg technique, method Phillips.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 26-36 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Valetskiy Yu. M. PsihologIchnI osoblivostI ta psihonevrotichnI rozladi u hvorih na tuberkuloz legenIv // Zhurnal klInIchnih ta eksperimentalnih medichnih doslIdzhen. – Sumi: Sumskiy derzhavniy unIversitet, 2015. – S. 366-372.
2. Vero M. Psihologicheskie faktoryi pri zabolevanii tuberkulezom. // Novosti meditsinyi i farmatsii. – 2007. – # 14 (220). – S. 15.
3. Druzhinin V. N. Eksperimentalnaya psihologiya. – SPb.: Izd-vo «Piter», 2000. – 320 s.
4. Isaeva N. Yu. Emotsionalno_lichnostnyie osobennosti detey starshego i podrostkovogo vozrasta s razlichnyimi proyavleniyami tuberkuleznoy infektsii: Dis... kand. med. nauk. – SPb, 2001. – 150 s.
5. Kalmikova Yu. S. Vivchennya osoblivostey psihologIchnogo statusu u hvorih na InfIltrativniy tuberkuloz legen. // Pedagogika, psihologiya i mediko-biologicheskie problemyi fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta. – HarkIv. – #7. – 2009. – S. 67-73.
6. Lukasheva V.A. Osobennosti psihiki bolnyih tuberkulezom. // Problemyi tuberkuleza. – 2002. – #4. – s. 23-26.
7. Praktikum po vozrastnoy i pedagogicheskoy psihologii: Dlya stud. sred. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy /Avt.-sost. E. E. Danilova; pod red. I. V. Dubrovinoy. – M.: Izdatelskiy tsentr “Akademiya”, 1998. – 160 s.
8. Palihovich K. O korrelyatsiyah pogranichnyih psihopatologicheskih rasstroystv s himiorezistentnostyu bolnyih tuberkulezom legkih // Mat. III z’Yizdu ftizIatrIv I pulmonologIv UkraYini. – KiYiv, 2003. – S. 294.
9. Pankratova L.E. Rasstroystva psihiki pri tuberkuleze // Rossiyskiy Meditsinskiy Zhurnal. – 2005. – #5. – s. 17-20.
10. Poberskaya V. A., Zagoruychenko I. V. Osnovnyie proyavleniya trevogi i ih korrektsiya u detey posle stressovyih vozdeystviy// Mat. nauk. simpozIumu. – HarkIv, 2003. – S. 78-79.
11. Raygorodskiy D.Ya. Prakticheskaya psihodiagnostika / D.Ya. Raygorodskiy. – Samara: Izdatelskiy Dom «BAHRAH-M», 2002. – 672 s.
12. Rays F. Psihologiya podrostkovogo i yunosheskogo vozrasta. – SPb.: «Piter», 2000. – 624 s.
13. Sirenko I. A., Ryibalka V. V. Vliyanie tuberkuleza na psihoemotsionalnuyu sferu u detey. // UkraYinskiy pulmonologIchniy zhurnal. – 2009. – # 1. – S. 29-32.
14. Suhova E.V. Neobhodimost psihologicheskoy korrektsii u bolnyih tuberkulezom legkih // Probl. tub. – 2004. – #10. – S. 34-36.
15. Suhova E. V., Suhov V. M., Korenev A. V.// Probl. tub. — 2006. – # 5. – S. 20-22.
16. Fau E. A., Fau G. A. Psihologicheskie harakteristiki bolnyih tuberkulezom legkih // Mat. VII Ross. s'ezda ftiziatrov._Moskva, 2003. – S. 132.
17. Filipson O.N. Vliyanie otnosheniya bolnyih tuberkulezom k zabolevaniyu na effektivnost lecheniya. // Problemyi tuberkuleza. – 2000. - #3. – S. 11-15.
18. Feshchenko YuI, Melnyk VM. [Organization of TB control chemoresistant]. Kyiv: Zdorovya, 2013, 704 p.
19. Gnesdilova YeV. [Ptiza-school as a way of psychological and social correction of pulmonary tuberculosis patients]. Problemy tu-berculosa. 2002;3:11-12.
20. Lukashova YeN. [Psychological features of patients with tuberculosis Teens]. Problemy tu-berculosa. 2002;1: 39-41.
21. Suchov VM. [Experience in the use of ofloxacin, licopid and psychological correction in patients with chronic lung tuberculosis]. Pul-monologia. 2002; 4: 9-12.
UDC 159.9
O. Bilinska, M. Cherpack
Leadership Phenomenon in Foreign and Ukrainian psychological research
The article concentrates on studying main psychological theories, like Great Man theory, behavioral theories, contingency theories and others. Recent studies of classical leadership theories (Great Man theory or trait theory) are examined in the article. It is pointed out in the article that key aspects of leadership theories were changed through time: from studying the outstanding personality of a leader and his characters to the followers of a leader and their behavior. Humanistic aspect of leadership appeared in late twentieth century and studied the influence leader and his behavior makes on the followers. It was mentioned that everybody should benefit from being in the team and the main responsibility of a leader is to help all others in the group to develop personal skills and traits. Transformational and motivational theories, which take into account this prospective of leadership, describe the processes happens in team between the leader and followers and underline the importance of the relationships between them. Apart from traditional leadership theories current research on leadership is also analyzed. Main idea of leadership studies nowadays is to study this phenomenon on different levels and to combine all previous theories.
The article is devoted to examine not only foreign leadership research, but also to those made in Ukraine and former Soviet Union. The distinguished feature of native studies is action nature of leadership and differentiation between management and leadership, when the first one has more formal aspect, while the second one is based on informal relationship between people.
The conclusion of the article states that it is important to have complex study of leadership researching all aspects of this phenomenon.
Keywords: leader, leadership, trait theory, Great Man theory, behavioral theories etc.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 36-47 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Andreeva G.M. Psihologija social'nogo poznanija / G.M. Andreeva. – M. : Aspekt Press, 2000. – 288 s.
2. Kandzhemi Dzh.P. Psihologija sovremennogo liderstva: Amerikanskie issledovanija / Dzh.P. Kandzhemi. – M. : Kogito-Centr, 2006. – 288 s.
3. Lebon G. Psihologija narodov i mass / G. Lebon. – M. : Maket, 1995. – 320 s.
4. Leont'ev A.N. Dejatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost' /A.N. Leont'ev. – M. : Politizdat, 1975. – 304 s.
5. Majers D. Social'naja psihologija / D. Majers. – SPb. : Piter, 1997. – 688 s. (Serija «Mastera psihologii»).
6. Maslou A. Motivacija i lichnost' /A. Maslou. – SPb. : Piter, 2008. – 352 s. (Serija «Mastera psihologii»).
7. Parygin B.D. Osnovy social'no psihologicheskoj teorii / B.D. Parygin. – M. : Mysl', 1971. – 351 s.
8. Paharev A.D. Politicheskoe liderstvo i lidery [Tekst] : monografija / A.D. Paharev. – K. : In-t polit. i jetnonac. issled. NAN Ukrainy, 2001. – 270 s.
9. Semechkin N.I. Social'naja psihologija na rubezhe vekov. Istorii, teorija, issledovanija. – Ch. 2. / N.I. Semechkin. – Vladivostok : Izd-vo Dal'nevostochnogo un-ta, 2003. – 133 s.
10. Uilk X. Gruppovoe dejstvie / X. Uilk, Je. Knippenberg // Perspektivy social'noj psihologii. – M. : Jeksmo-Press, 2001. – S. 454–503.
11. Jakokka L. Kar'era menedzhera ; [per. s angl.] / L. Jakokka. – Mn. : Popurri, 2005. – 544 s.
12. Bass, V., Bass & StogdilFs Handbook of leadership / B. Bass. – N.Y. : The Free Press, 1990. – 1184 p.
13. Blake, R.R. and Mouton, J.S. (1961). Group dynamics – Key to decision making, Houston : Gulf Publishing Co.
14. Coaching for New Leadership / [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu:
15. Fiedler, F.E. (1964). A contingency model of leadership effectiveness. In L. Berkowitz (ed), Advances in experimental social psychology, NY:
Academic press.
16. Hersey, P. and Blanchard, K.H, Leadership and the One Minute Manager, William Morrow, 1999.
17. Hemphill, J.K. (1952). Leadership in small groups (Tech. Rep.). Columbus: Ohio State Leadership Studies.
18. Leadership Theories / [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu:
19. Lewin, K., LIippit, R. and White, R.K. (1939). Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology, 10, 271–301.
20. McCall, M.W. & Lombardo, M.M. (1983) Off the Track: Why and How Successful Executives Get Derailed.
21. Scouller, J. (2011). The Three Levels of Leadership: How to Develop Your Leadership Presence, Knowhow and Skill. Cirencester: Management Books 2000, pp. 34–35.
22. Stogdill, R.M. (1974). Handbook of leadership: A survey of the literature, New York : Free Press.
UDC 159.9
Voloshina V.О., Dovgalyuk Т.А.
The Optimization of Students` Metamemory as a Problem of Psychological and Pedagogical cooperation.
The article discusses how psychological and educational interaction of the teacher and student positions can promote metacognitive efficiency of the student as well as adjusting teacher`s activity in order to enhance efficiency of the learning process. Authors propose the classification system of psychological and pedagogical principles of metamemory optimization during the learning process. Particularly, they outlined principles that contribute to optimizing metamemory by assessing the quality of learning; principles that contribute to metamemory optimization through three forms of interaction as follows: "teacher-student", "student-student", "student-teacher"; principles that promote the quality of material processing, memory and metamemory during learning. Educational agenda of the teacher should consist of instructions on proper goals setting, deciding on the means of problem solving, and employing testing practice with feedback. In addition, authors emphasized that the intentional application of memory and metamemory strategies with ability to adequate assessment of memory resources and processes are of great value to improve metamemory awareness and, consequently, to enhance the efficiency of the learning process. On the basis of the generalized results of theoretical exploration it was proposed methodological guidelines of optimization by focusing on pedagogical support of students in their education process.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 47-58 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Karpov A.V. Psihologija metakognitivnyh processov lichnosti / A.V. Karpov, I.M. Skitjaeva. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2005. – 352 s.
2. Ljaudis V.Ja. Pamjat' v processe razvitija / V.Ja. Ljaudis. – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 1976. – 255 s.
3. Bjork, E.L. Making things hard on yourself, but in a good way: Creating desirable difficulties to enhance learning / E.L. Bjork, R.A. Bjork // Psychology and the real world: Essays illustrating fundamental contributions to society. – 2011. – Р. 56–64.
5. Flavell, J.H. Metacognition and cognition monitoring: A new area of psychology inquiry / J.H. Flavell // Core Readings. – 1979. – Р. 906–911.
6. Hollingworth, R.W. Developing Science Students' Metacognitive Problem Solving Skills Online / R.W. Hollingworth, С. McLoughlin //Australian Journal of Educational Technology. – 2001. – Vol. 17. – № 1. – Р. 50–63.
7. Jönsson, F.U. The testing effect as a function of explicit testing instructions and judgments of learning / F.U. Jönsson, M. Hedner, M.J. Olsson // Exp Psychol. – 2012. – Vol. 59 (5). – P. 251–257.
8. Maki, R.H. Metacomprehension of text material / R.H. Maki, S.L. Berry // Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory. – 1984. – Vol. 10. – P. 663–679.
9. Metcalfe, J. Is study time allocated selectively to a region of proximal learning? / J. Metcalfe // Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. – 2002. – Vol. 131. – № 3. – Р. 349.
10. Roediger, H. L. The power of testing memory: Basic research and implications for educational practice / H.L. Roediger, J.D. Karpicke // Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1, 2006. – Р. 181–210.
11. Schraw G., Crippen K. J., Hartley K. Promoting self-regulation in science education: Metacognition as part of a broader perspective on learning / G. Schraw, K. J. Crippen, K. Hartley // Research in Science Education. – 2006. – Т. 36. – № 1–2. – С. 111–139.
12. Tanner, K.D. Promoting student metacognition / K.D. Tanner // CBE–Life Sciences Education. – 2012. – Vol. 11. – P. 113–120.
UDC 159.9
Hilman A. Yu.
Sanohenic thinking acquisition by the young students in the process of dealing with life problems
The article is devoted to the sanohenic thinking as a methodology which is useful in the professional development, health maintenance and problem solving related to setting aims and life tasks by the young students. Life tasks are presented as a means by which a young personality models personal future. Pathogenic character of emotions which the young students may experience in the process of dealing with life problems has been outlined. It has been justified that the life tasks setting demands “individual efforts” of a young personality; and in the process of some perspectives formation, the students encounter problems which are connected with tension and stress. The author explains the role of sanohenic thinking in a better life problems tackling, which can impact the personal fulfillment in the family life, career and other life spheres of young students.
Keywords: sanohenic thinking, pathogenic thinking, life tasks, personal development, mental welfare, young students.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 58-69 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaia K. A. Stratehyia zhyzny / Abulkhanova-Slavskaia K. A. - M.: Mysl, 1991. - 299 s.
2. Bratus B. S. K yzuchenyiu smyslovoi sfery lychnosty / B.S.Bratus // Vestn. Mosk. Un-ta. - Ser. 14. Psykholohyia. - 1981. - № 2. - S. 46—56.
3. Hilman A.Iu. Sanohenne myslennia yak chynnyk protydii emotsiinoho stresu v navchalnii diialnosti studenta / A.Iu. Hilman// Naukovi zapysky. Seriia «Psykholohiia i pedahohika». – Ostroh: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», 2014. – Vyp.30. – S. 43 – 50
4. Krainova Iu.N. Sanohennoe myshlenye protyv nehatyvnykh perezhyvanyi [Tekst] / Iu. N. Krainova // Psykholohyia zdorovia y lychnostnoho rosta. - 2010. - №4. - S. 58-74
5. Lazorenko B.P. Vplyv dosvidu narkozalezhnosti na formuvannia zhyttievykh zavdan problemnoi molodi / B.P. Lazorenko // Aktualni problemy psykholohii. T. 2. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka / Za red. N. V. Chepelievoi. – K., 2007. – Vyp. 5. – S. 120–130.
7. Maddy Salvatore R. Teoryy lychnosty: sravnytelnyi analyz / Per. s anhl. — SPb.: Rech, 2002. — 539 s.
8. Moroziuk S.N. Sanohennyi styl myshlenyia. Upravlenye emotsyiamy. «Obyda». Modulno-kodovoe uchebnoe posobye v mobylnoi systeme obuchenyia KYP-M k tsyklu kursov po beskonflyktnoi adaptatsyy y samorazvytyiu lychnosty/ S.N. Moroziuk, E.V. Myroshnyk. – M.: 2006, – 102 s.
9. Orlov Iu.M. Voskhozhdenye k yndyvydualnosty/ Iu.M. Orlov. – M.: Prosveshchenye, 1991. - 287 s.
10. Orlov Iu.M. Ozdoravlyvaiushchee (sanohennoe) myshlenyia. Seryia: Upravlenye povedenyem, kn. 1. - 2-e yzd. yspravlennoe. / Iu.M. Orlov. – M.: Slaidynh, 2006.
11. Tytarenko T. M. Zhyttievi zavdannia osobystosti yak sotsialno-psykholohichnyi chynnyk modeliuvannia maibutnoho / T. M. Tytarenko // Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykhol.: zb. statei / APN Ukrainy, In-t sots. ta polit. psykholohii. – K. : Milenium, 2007a. – Vyp. 16(19). – S. 304–311.
12. Tytarenko T. M. Sotsialno-psykholohichni chynnyky postanovky osobystistiu zhyttievykh zavdan / T. M. Tytarenko // Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii : zb. statei / APN Ukrainy, In-t sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii. – K. : Milenium, 2009v. – Vyp. 23(26). – S. 97–105.
13. Frankl V. Chelovek v poyskakh smysla / Frankl V. - M.: Prohress, 1990. - 368 s.
14. Yak buduvaty vlasne maibutnie: zhyttievi zavdannia osobystosti : monohrafiia / [T. M. Tytarenko, O. H. Zlobina, L. A. Liepikhova ta in.] ; za nauk. red. T. M. Tytarenko. – Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2012. – 512 c.
UDC 159.9
S.L. Grabovska, V.V. Babenko, K.O. Ostrovska
Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Diagnotics of ngo sustainability: questionnaire “state of affairs in organization”
Building a civil society in Ukraine is one of the necessary conditions for its Eeurointegration. The determining factor in Ukraine's readiness to join the EU in this respect is the maturity of public and voluntary organizations. According to statistics, less than 10% of existing NGOs are effective and make a significant contribution to the development of the state. However there is no domestic psychological tools to assess the state of affairs in public organizations.
The article deals with development and testing questionnaire to assess the level of life in NGO. Designed questionnaire can be used to assess the organizational structure of public or voluntary organization, i.e. formation of a vertical relationship - head-subordinate and horizontal relationship – peer that provides efficient operation of public organizations.
The questionnaire consists of 12 questions. The procedure of the study is to survey the head and members of the NGO and based on comparison of averaged responses to estimate its activity. The respondent estimates every questions according to scale from 0 to 5 points. The greater is total sum of points, the better is state of affairs in the organization. The discrepancy of responses of head and of others members indicates at different vision on organization from manager and from subordinate. The greater is discrepancy, the worse is state of affairs in the organization.
To check the reliability of the questionnaire about 40 public organizations were surveyed. On the basis of mathematical statistical methods - factor and cluster analysis of the data the following results were obtained.
The factor analyze showed that the questionnaire allows to form four scales that characterize the sustainability of the organization:
1. The purpose of the feasibility assessment by organization personnel;
2. The evaluation of team cohesion;
3. The vision of the team by leader;
4. Psychological climate in the team.
The scale reliability was checked by high (of about 0.89) Cronbach index.
According to claster analyze the questionnaire can attribute diagnosed organization to one of three types: "united team", "buildable organization (structural unit) with some problems" and "problematic organization (structural unit)" and on this basis to define strategy for action to optimize the sustainable development of the organization or its part. Discriminant analysis scales integrated data confirms the correctness of such a classification - correct classification of 95%.
Thus, developed questionnaire can be successfully used for the analysis of the effectiveness of the NGOs in the state.
Keywords: questionnaire, organization, team, sustainability, factor analyze.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 69-81 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Kazmirenko V. P. Sotsialnaya psihologiya organizatsiy. — K.: MZUUP, 1993. — 384 s.
2. Silnova O. Upravlenie izmeneniyami v organizatsii //
3. Shabanova A. Stabilnost nachinaet i vyiigryivaet.– M., 2005. – 231s.
4. Halafyan A. A. STATISTICA 6. Statisticheskiy analiz dannyih. / A. A. Halafyan; 3-e izd. – M.: OOO «Binom-Press», 2007. – 512 s.
UDC 159.9
Elena Gredinarova
Methods of formation of investigation thinking style through skills of students by asking questions
The article deals with the idea and experience of introduction of the method to form pupils’ investigation thinking style due to the ability to put questions, which is possible due to reconstructing usual lesson model, as the goal demands new character of re-dividing the positions of the teacher and the pupil at the lesson which is new relationship in cooperation and new educational forms of relationship.
Educational technique is given in the way of the material which can be used to conduct educational seminar for teachers with the aim of future use in the educational process. There are examples of the most useful, in the author’s opinion, methods for studying typology of questions with children and taking away psychological tension in the situation of uncertainty. After the description of algorithms there are examples of the use of the method at the lessons in primary and secondary school with classical and natural-mathematical subjects. In the end the author gives the results of the use of the experience in the school ‘EidoS’, in particular that the opportunity to begin the lesson with your own questions (even questions concerning home task) activates mental activity of pupils, improves psychological climate at the lesson, develops the atmosphere of cooperation between the teacher and the pupils and between the pupils themselves, increases the level of pupil’s responsibility for the results of their work at the lesson. The investigation of psychological service proves that work at the lesson according to our method optimizes the process of development of cognitive activity and independence of pupils, their ability to find and process information quickly, show initiative, communicate with other people, find new creative decisions for already known and new problems.
Keywords: educational process, investigation thinking style, questions, lesson, cognitive activity, receptions.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 81-101 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Al'tshuller G.S. Tvorchestvo kak tochnaja nauka. - 2-e izd., Dopolnennoe.- Petrozavodsk, Skandinavija, 2004.
2. King A. Guiding Knowledge Construction in the Classroom: Effects of Teaching Children How to Question and How to Explain // American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Summer, 1994), pp. 338-368 /URL:
3. Smіd R. Grupova robota z dіt'mi ta pіdlіtkami / Per. z angl .; - M .: Geneza, 1999. - 272 s.
4. Robert Kіosakі «Bogatyj rebjonok, umnyj rebjonok» - Minsk: «Popurri», 2009
5. Klarіn M.V. Іnnovacіjnі modelі navchannja v zarubіzhnih pedagogіchnih poshukah. M.: Arena, 1994.
6. Gredinarova O.M. Shema-model' funkcіonal'no-sistemnogo pіdhodu jak іnstrument sistematizacії znan' uchnіv і formuvannja sistemnogo i tvorchogo mislennja. Zaporіzhzhja, 2011.
7. Gіn A. A. Prijomi pedagogіchnoї tehnіki: Svoboda viboru. Vіdkritіst'. Dіjal'nіst'. Zvorotnіj zv'jazok. Іdeal'nіst': Posіbnik dlja vchitelіv. - Harkіv: Osnova, 2015.
8. Zagashev I.A. Umenie zadavat' voprosy // Sajt «Kritika, jetnografija, racional'nost', nauka i inzhenerija
9. Aver'janov L. Ja. Sociologija iskusstvo zadavat' voprosy.- 2-e vid.,Vipr. - M., 1998.- 239 s.
10. Savenkov A. І. Soderzhanie i organizacija issledovatel'skogo obuchenija shkol'nikov. M., 2004.
11. Ushakov K. M. Sotrudnichestvo kak rabota // Direktor shkoli (materіali)
UDC 159.9
Hryhorieva, Y. H.
Construction of the meaning of life in postnonclassical psychology context
The article is devoted to theoretical investigation of the process used by individual to construct meaning of his or her own life. Problem is analysed within postnonclassical approach in psychology. According to this approach individual is involved into constant dialogue with the outside world. He is an active subject building his own life; person is in the process of formation, in transition from current to potential state of being. Personality is examined as part of social life, specific social psychological construction included into complex cultural and social processes.
Article reviews peculiarities of constructive approach in psychology and options of understanding the personality within this approach. At each stage of the life individual can be examined as result of construction done by social environment and self-construction that happens under the influence of social and cultural conditions.
Approaches of defining the meaning of the individual’s life were analysed. Within the framework of constructive approach, construction of the life’s meaning is considered as an activity of the person aimed to satisfy his need in the meaning of life. As a result of this activity the meaning of life is constructed by individual itself in the process of interpretation of its own social and cultural experience and interactions with other people. Values of the person are important factors of construction of the meaning of life. Author came to conclusion that person is constantly constructing its own meaning of life, that is seen not only in its creation, but also in practical realization.
Keywords: рostnonclassical psychology, constructivism, meaning of life, construction of the meaning of life.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 101-109 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Adler A. Ponjat' prirodu cheloveka / Adler Al'fred ; [per. E. A. Cypina]. – SPb. : Akademicheskij proekt, 1997. – 256 s.
2.Berger P. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti. Traktat po sociologii znanija / P. Berger, T. Lukman. – M. : Medium, 1995. – 323 s.
3.Kelli Dzh. Teorija lichnosti / Kelli Dzhordzh. – SPb. : Rech', 2000. – 249 s.
4.Leont'ev D.A. Psihologija smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoj real'nosti / Dmitrij Alekseevich Leont'ev. – M. : Smysl, 1999. – 487 s.
5. Podol's'ka Ye.A. Filosofiya : [pidruchnyk] / Yelizaveta Ananiyivna Podol's'ka – K. : Inkos, 2006. – 704 s.
6.Robin Zh-M. Byt' v prisustvii drugogo: jetjudy po psihoterapii / Zhan-Mari Robin – M. : Institut Obshhegumatinarnyh Issledovanij, 2008. – 288 s.
7.Tytarenko T.M. Psykholohichni praktyky konstruyuvannya zhyttya v umovakh postmodernoyi sotsial'nosti : monohrafiya / T.M. Tytarenko, O.M. Kochubeynyk, K.O. Cheremnykh. – K. : Milenium, 2014. – 206 s.
8.Ulanovskij A.M. Konstruktivizm, radikal'nyj konstruktivizm, social'nyj konstrukcionizm: mir kak interpretacija / A.M. Ulanovskij // Voprosy psihologii. – 2009. – №2. – S. 35–45.
9.Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smysla / Viktor Frankl. – M. : Progress, 1990. – 367 s.
10.Fromm Je. Chelovek dlja sebja / Jerih Fromm ; [per. s angl. L. Chernysheva]. – Mn. : Kollegium, 1992. – 253 s.
11.Chepeleva N.V. Metodologicheskie osnovy issledovanija lichnosti v kontekste postneklassicheskoj psihologii / N.V. Chepeleva // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : Psykholohichna hermenevtyka. – K., 2010. – T. 2, vyp. 6. – S. 15–23.
12.Chudnovskij V.Je. Smysl zhizni i sud'ba cheloveka / V.Je. Chudnovskij // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 1998. – № 1. – S. 175–183.
13.Jung K.G. Problemy dushi nashego vremeni / Karl Gustav Jung. – M. : Progress, 1993. – 336 s.
14.Jakimova E.V. Social'noe konstruirovanie real'nosti: nauch.-analit. obzor / E.V. Jakimova. – M., 1999. – 115 s.
15.Wong, P. T. P. Toward a Dual-Systems Model of What Makes Life Worth Living / P. T. P. Wong // The human quest for meaning : theories, research, and applications edited by Paul T.P. Wong. – 2nd ed. p. cm. : Personality and clinical psychology series. – New York, 2012. – S. 3–23.
UDC 159.9
Humenyuk H.V.
Self-development as a value-semantic determinant of person’s professional development
The article discusses the issue of efficient use of Ukrainian labour potential in the current social and political crisis. It is noted that one of the ways to solve it is to create favourable conditions for person’s professional development, which should be understood as a productive process of personal development and self-development as a subject of labour. The article substantiates the view that professionalism of a modern skilled person is a multilevel system that has not only external but also internal functions. From the procedural point of view, the main function of a professional person is to transform him/herself onto a subject of labour.
The problematic field of the self-development phenomenon, including professional development, is outlined of from the position of the subject-activity approach. The basic idea of professional self-development is revealed through determination of personal development by his/her professional activities. It is noted that an important condition for self-development is awareness of an actual situation (regarding person’s own capabilities) and an ideal result (that directs person’s efforts, acts as a goal for personal achievements). Dialectical duality and contradictory unity of these two components creates a so-called "force field" of determination. The role of value-semantic determination for person’s self-development in his/her profession is revealed. It is proved that personal meanings and values of a subject of labour are crucial and system-forming components of successful professional activities.
Keywords: subject, professionalism, self-development, professional development, personality sense, values.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 110-120 (pdf)
Spisok vikorisanih dzherel
1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Akmeologicheskoe ponimanie sub’ekta / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja // Osnovy obshhej i prikladno# akmeologii. – M.: RAGS, 1995. – S. 85-108.
2. Aseev V.G. O dialektike determinacii psihicheskogo razvitija / V.G. Aseev // Princip razvitija v psihologii. – M.: Nauka, 1978. – S. 21- 37.
3. Gurevich K.M. Professional'naja prigodnost' i osnovnye svojstva nervnoj sistemy / K.M. Gurevich. – M., Izd-vo «Nauka», 1970. – 272 s.
4. Derkach A.A. Akmeologicheskie osnovy razvitija professionala / A.A. Derkach.
– M.: Izd-vo Mosk. psihol.-soc. in-ta; Voronezh: NPO «MODJeK», 2004. – 752 s.
5. Zeer Je.F. Psihologija professij: uch. pos. / Je.F. Zeer. – 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Akadem. Proekt, Fond «Mir», 2005. – 336 s.
6. Karpenko Z.S. Aksіologіchna psihologіja osobistostі / Z.S. Karpenko. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k, Lіleja-NV, 2009. – 512 s.
7. Klimov E.A. Psihologija professionala / E.A. Klimov. – M.: Izd-vo «In-t prakt psithologii»; Voronezh: NPO «MODJeK», 1996. – 400 s.
8. Klimov E.A. Psihologija professional'nogo samoopredelenija: uch. pos. / E.A. Klimov. – 3-e izd. – M.: Akademija, 2007. – 304 s.
9. Kokun O.M. Psihologіja profesіjnogo stanovlennja suchasnogo fahіvcja: monografіja / O.M. Kokun. – K.: DP «Іnform.-analіt. agenstvo», 2012. – 200 s.
10. Leont'ev D.A. Psihologija smysla: priroda, stroenie i dinamika smyslovoj real'nosti / D.A. Leont'ev. – 2-e, ispr. izd. – M.: Smysl, 2003. – 487 s.
11. Minjurova S.A. Psihologicheskie osnovanija vybora strategij samorazvitija v professii: Avtoref. dis. … dok. psihol. n. / S.A. Minjurova. – M., 2009. – 46 s.
12. Mitina L.M. Lichnostnoe i professional'noe razvitie cheloveka v novyh social'no-jekonomicheskih uslovijah / L.M. Mitina // Voprosy psihologii. – 1997. – № 4. – S. 45-48.
13. Mitina L.M. Psihologija professional'nogo razvitija uchitelja: Dis. … dok. psihol. n. / L.M.Mitina. – M., 1995. – 408 s.
14. Rubinshtejn S.L. Bytie i soznanie / S.L. Rubinshtejn. – M., Izd-vo AN SSSR. – 1957. – 328 s.
UDC 159.9
Daniljuk, I., Shykovets, S.
Psychological features of mentality of regional communities of Ukraine
This article contains methodological study and practical experience of research in the field mentality of regional communities in Ukraine. The purpose of the study makes it especially actual in our days. Because mens and mentality offer convenient opportunity to trace the ways of perceiving, interpreting reality and responding to it, the unification of the ways of perception of the world, attitude, outlook and identical patterns of behavior. These features are more useful in scientific point of view than any other psychological features of members of regional communities. They make it possible to understand the ethno - psychological features of regional communities better and use the knowledge to consolidate Ukrainian society and negate "the regional separatism". However, the phenomenon of separatism and appeals to regional divisions of Ukraine have already become our history. The article suggests that the root of the regionalism in Ukraine consists not in natural ethno - psychological characteristics of the population but in the "political and economical games" with the Ukrainians held by stakeholders with regional, national and global status. The suggestions are based on the results of the empirical research. Along with these facts, the article contains a list of mental features of Ukrainians, typical for all regional communities, and a list of vectors of development that contribute to the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation.
Keywords: ethnic psychology, psychological problems of regionalistics, regional communities of Ukraine, mentality, mens.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 120-130 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Baronin A.S. Jetnicheskaja psihologija / A.S. Baronin. – K. : Tandem, 2000. – 264 s.
2. Gozman L.Ja. Politicheskaja psihologija / L.Ja. Gozman, E.B. Shestopal. – Rostov-na-Donu : Feniks, 1996.
3. Daniljuk І.V. Stanovlennja ta rozvitok osnovnih ponjat' etnіchnoї psihologії: vіd duhu narodu do mental'nostі / І.V. Daniljuk // Vіsnik Kiїvs'kogo unіversitetu. Socіologіja. Psihologіja. Pedagogіka. – K., 2003. – Vip. 17–18. – S. 33–36.
4. Donchenko E.A. Societal'naja psihіka / E.A. Donchenko. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1994.
5. Djurkgajm Je. Sociologija / Je. Djurkgajm. – M. : Kanon, 1995.
6. Kalina N.F. Liki mental'nosti i pole politiki : monografija / N.F. Kalina, E.V. Chjornyj, A.D. Shorkin. – K. : Agropromvidav Ukraїni, 1999. – S. 167–171.
7. Kuras І. F. Etnopolіtika. Іstorіja і suchasnіst': Stattі, vistupi, іnterv’ju 90-h rokіv / І.F. Kuras. – K., 1999. – S. 259.
8. Mandrou, R. Magistrats et sorciers en France au XVII-e siècle / R. Mandrou. – Paris, 1968.
UDC 159.9
Zherebtsov S.N.
Creativity of Leonardo da Vinci as the building up of cultural bodies of experience
In the article on the basis of cultural-historical analysis it is shown that new tools and artistic techniques used by Leonardo da Vinci (secular image of the person from the front, the sfumato technique, maximum individualization, aspiring to universality), contributed to the formation of the subject – a free and responsible man who deeply affected his life. These tools allow a unified design to Express the integrity of the aesthetic, moral and cognitive values. The force of consciousness (subjectivity), which means armed, man develops artistic and ethical mindset – the ability to feel involved (the world of experiences). It showed his whole life and work of Leonardo. The unity of subjectivity and experiences is provided by the sense "aware of the value of life". Such an ideal of human selfhood, in which he is free, involved and responsible operating in his inner world cultural means, is invited to call the play experience. Play experience is an internally motivated process of transformation of meaning (semantic) in the space of conditionality through cultural artifacts, developing freedom of the person, its creative potential. The ability to the play experience it is advisable to position as the ideal of psychological health, because in this experience is the possibility of non-substracted development of personality, miraculous transformation person who is free because is able to transform ourselves and healthy for the reason of meaningfulness of life – a love of rootedness in being.
Keywords: Leonardo, experience, culture, subject, subjectivity, play experience
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 131-145 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Zinchenko V.P. Posokh Osipa Mandel'shtama i Trubka Mamardashvili. K nachalam organicheskoj psikhologii. – M.: Novaya shkola, 1997. – 336 s.
2. Fuko M. Volya k istine. Po tu storonu znaniya, vlasti i seksual'nosti. Raboty raznykh let. Per. s frants. – M.: Magisterium, Kastal', 1996. – 448 s.
3. K'erkegor S. Strakh i trepet / Perevod N.V. Isaevoj i S.А. Isaeva. – M.: Respublika, 1993. – 383 s.
4. Dil'tej V. Opisatel'naya psikhologiya / Per. s nem. – SPb.: Аletejya, 1996. – 160 s.
5. Gusserl' EH. Logicheskie issledovaniya. Tom II. CHast' 1: Issledovaniya po fenomenologii i teorii poznaniya / Per. s nem. – M.: Аkademicheskij proekt, 2011. – 565 s.
6. Rodzhers K. Vzglyad na psikhoterapiyu. Stanovlenie cheloveka / Per. s angl. – M.: Progress, 1994. – 478 s.
7. Maslou, А. Novye rubezhi chelovecheskoj prirody / Per. s angl. – M.: Smysl, 1999. – 425 s.
8. Frejd Z. Psikhopatologiya obydennoj zhizni. – M.: Аzbuka klassika, 2005. – 224 s.
9. Perlz F. Praktika geshtal'tterapii / Per. s angl. – M.: Institut Obshhegumanitarnykh Issledovanij, 2001. – 480 s.
10. Rubinshtejn S.L. Osnovy obshhej psikhologii. – SPb.: Piter Kom, 1999. – 720 s.
11. Teplov B.M. Problemy individual'nykh razlichij. – M.: Znanie, 1961. – 536 s.
12. Bassin F.V. «Znachashhie» perezhivaniya i problema sobstvenno psikhologicheskoj zakonomernosti // Voprosy psikhologii, 1972, № 3. – S. 105–124.
13. Bassin F.V. O razvitii vzglyadov na predmet psikhologii // Voprosy psikhologii, 1971, № 4. – S. 101–113.
14. Vasilyuk F.E. Psikhologiya perezhivaniya. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1984. – 200 s.
15. Vygotskij L.S. Sobranie sochinenij: V 6-ti t. T. 4. Detskaya psikhologiya / Pod red. D.B. EHl'konina. – M.: Pedagogika, 1984. – 432 s.
16. Merezhkovskij D.S. Voskresshie bogi. Leonardo da Vinchi. – M.: KHudozhestvennaya literatura, 1990. – 640 s.
17. Zubov V.P. Leonardo da Vinchi. 1452–1519 / Izd. 2-e, dop. – M.: Nauka, 2008. – 352 s.
18. Gastev А.А. Leonardo da Vinchi. – M.: Molodaya gvardiya, 1982. – 396 s.
19. Nikoll CH. Leonardo da Vinchi. Polyot razuma / Per. s angl. T. Novikovoj. – M.: EHksmo, 2006. – 768 s.
20. Seajl' G. Leonardo da Vinchi kak khudozhnik i uchyonyj (1452–1519): Opyt psikhologicheskoj biografii / Per. s fr. – M.: KomKniga, 2007. – 344 s.
21. Dashkova O.L. Psikhologo-istoricheskie osobennosti ponimaniya cheloveka v tvorcheskom nasledii Leonardo da Vinchi // Voprosy psikhologii, 1988. № 6. – S. 78–84.
22. Korolenko V.G. KHudozhnik Аlymov // Sobr. soch. v 10 tomakh. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo khudozhestvennoj literatury, 1954. T. 3. Rasskazy i ocherki. – S. 286–308.
23. Rozin V.M. Kak mozhno pomyslit' telo cheloveka, ili Na poroge antropologicheskoj revolyutsii // Filosofskie nauki, 2006, № 5. – S. 33–53.
24. Frejd Z. Leonardo da Vinchi. Vospominanie detstva // [EHlektronnyj resurs]: Data dostupa: 19.03.2010
25. Losev А.F. EHstetika Vozrozhdeniya // [EHlektronnyj resurs]: Data dostupa: 26.01.2010
26. Gertsen А.I. Sobranie sochinenij: v 30 t. T. 3. – M.: Izd-vo Аkademii nauk SSSR, 1954. – 344 s.
27. Vorob'eva L.I. Gumanitarnaya psikhologiya: predmet i zadachi // Voprosy psikhologii, 1995, № 2. – S. 19–30.
UDC 159.9
I. Zubiashvily
Monetary culture of the modern society: social and psycological aspect.
In this article within the framework of economic socialization the author considers peculiarities of the monetary culture in the conditions of modern Ukrainian society, regularities of its formation and development, social functions that it exercises. Components of the examined phenomenon are analyzed – cognitive, affective and conative.
The notion “monetary culture” is determined as independent structural component of the public culture. In any culture the essence of person is represented in the normative image of person which in each historical period has concrete historical demonstration. According to this the monetary culture of society carries an image of the “homo economicus” that responds to the certain type of the economic society culture built on the developed monetary relations.
In the context of research money is considered as a specific social and cultural phenomenon, special symbol of social and cultural life, importance of the study of its social essence is underlined. In the process of society’s adjustment to the new reality of the market and commodity-money relations attitude of persons and groups to money, norms of the monetary behavior changes greatly. Money is means of person’s inclusion to the connections with other participants of the monetary relations and has an immediate influence on the persons’ behavior, on the change of their personal economic and psychological qualities. In the conditions of re-orientation of Ukrainian economy towards market values a problem of rational attitude to money and effective handling of them by representatives from different social groups becomes extremely topical.
Keywords: culture, monetary culture, functions of the monetary culture, money, monetary behavior.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 145-161 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Psychological characteristics of approaches to determine the professional competence of the person
The article outlines the features of the competency of the educational approach. It is noted that when we speak about the competence we refer to integrated quality of the person that manifests itself in readiness to perform human activities based on knowledge, skills and experience acquired by the students in learning and socialization, focused on independent and effective activity of others. In the scientific literature it was shown that competence was always important manifestation of certain competencies, as could be understood by the human mastery of professional competencies, including into the structure of the professional competence of the person personal attitude to the professional space in general and to the subject in particular. The principles of the development of professional competence of future specialist were described. There were shown partial competencies which made up the structure of professional competence of the person in any sphere of the activity. It was noted that among key professional competencies every one distinguishes political and social competences, multicultural competences, communicative competences, informational competences, etc.
In the article it was outlined the structure of the professional competence of the person and there were highlighted “key meta competences”. In the structure of the professional competence the scholars have identified “key meta competences” that should have, above all, a teacher of secondary schools or a teacher of pre-school educational institutions: mathematical competence; communicative competence; informational competence; autonomic and social competences; productive and moral competences, etc.
Keywords: professional competence, political and social competences, multicultural competences, communicative competences, informational competences, key meta competences.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 161-173 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bershadskij M.E. Na puti k texnologii kognitivnogo obucheniya [Tekst] / Mixail Evgen'evich Bershadskij // Shkol'nye texnologii. – 2002. – № 4. – S. 3–15.
2. Brazhe T.G. Iz opyta razvitiya obshhej kul'tury uchitelya [Tekst] / Tereza Georgievna Brazhe // Pedagogika. – 1993. – № 2. – S. 70–73.
3. Zimin V.N. Povyshenie kachestva podgotovki kvalificirovannyx rabochix i specialistov cherez vnedrenie modul'nogo kompetentnostnogo podxoda [Tekst] / Vladimir Nikolaevich Zimin // Materialy itogovoj konf. mezhdunarodnogo proekta «Klyuchevye kompetencii v podgotovke kadrov». – Irkutsk : IPKRO, 2004. – S. 9–13.
4. Mitina L.M. Lichnostnoe i professional'noe razvitie cheloveka v novyx social'no-e'konomicheskix usloviyax [Tekst] / Larisa Maksimovna Mitina // Voprosy psixologii. – 1997. – № 4. – S. 28–38.
5. Mychaĺčuk N.O. Osoblyvosti pidhotovky perekladačiv v konteksti jevrointehraciji [Tekst] / Natalija Oleksandrivna Mychaĺčuk // Sociokuĺturni ta etnolinhvistyčni problemy haluzevoho perekladu v paradyhmi jevrointehraciji : Materialy 2 Vseukrajinśkoji naukovo-praktyčnoji konferenciji 3 kvitnia 2009r. / [za zah. red. A.H. Hudmaniana, S.I. Sydorenka]. – K. : Vyd-vo Nac. aviac. un-tu “NAU-druk”, 2009. – S. 135–137.
6. Raven Dzh. Kompetentnost' v sovremennom obshhestve. Vyyavlenie, razvitie i realizaciya [Tekst] / Dzhon Raven. – M. : Kogito-centr, 2002. – 396 s.
7. Selevko G.K. Kompetentnosti i ix kvalifikaciya [Tekst] / German Konstantinovich Selevko // Narodnoe obrazovanie. – 2004. – № 4. – S. 138–144.
8. Slastyonin V.A. Dominanta deyatel'nosti [Tekst] / Vitalij Aleksandrovich Slastyonin // Narodnoe obrazovanie. –1998. – № 9. – S. 41–42.
9. Xasan B.I. Granicy kompetencij: pedagogicheskoe vmenenie i vozrastnye prityazaniya [Tekst] / Boris Iosifovich Xasan // Pedagogika razvitiya: klyuchevye kompetentnosti i ix stanovlenie : Zhurnal prakticheskogo psixologa. – 2004. – № 1. – S. 12–16.
10. Xutorskoj A.V. Klyuchevye kompetencii i obrazovatel'nye standarty [E'lektronnyj resurs] / Andrej Viktorovich Xutorskoj // Doklad na otdelenii filosofii obrazovaniya i teoreticheskoj pedagogiki RAO 23 aprelya 2002 g. – Centr «E'jdos». – www.eidos.m/news/compet.htm
11. Choshanov M.A. Gibkaya texnologiya problemno-modul'nogo obucheniya [Tekst] / Murat Ashirovich Choshanov. – M. : Narodnoe obrazovanie, 1996. – S. 6–8.
12. Shishov S.E., Kal'nej V.A. Shkola: monitoring kachestva obrazovaniya [Tekst] / Sergej Evgen'evich Shishov, Valentina Alekseevna Kal'nej. – M. : Pedagogicheskoe obshhestvo Rossii, 2000. – S. 10.
13. Britell Т.К. Competency and Exellence [Text] / Т.К. Britell // Minimum Competency Achivment Testing / [ed. by Taeger R.M., Titlt C.K. (eds).]. – Berkeley, 1980. – P. 23–29.
14. Jarvis P. Adult and Continuing Education. Theory and Practice [Text] / P. Jarvis. – Lon¬don and New York, 1995. – P. 80–81.
UDC 159.9
Ivashkevych E.Z.
Phenomenological, measuring, genetic, testing and factor psychological approaches as the basis for the structure of social intellect of a teacher
The article deals with the problem of concept of «intellect». It is outlined as a peculiar system of mental mechanisms which determine the possibility of constructing by the individual a subjective view of the world. We describe two basic psychological approaches to the intellect – a cognitive approach and a categorical one. It was shown the content of the categorical approach to the definition of «intellect», namely the phenomenological, measuring, genetic, testing and factor psychological approaches. The author’s conception of social intellect shows us that this intellect includes cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic structures.
Cognitive substructure of social intellect involves a set of fairly stable knowledge, assessment, rules of interpretation of events, human behavior, their relationships, etc. Social intellect is based on the existing system of interpretation on micro-structural and macro-structural levels. Mnemonic component of social intellect of the person describes the presence of the ability to interpret events, life events, behavior of others and their own as the subject of these events. Mnemonic substructure is based on the personal experience of the subject, where subjective statistics constitute personal interpretive complex. Polimodality in this case means that a person has different interpretative systems according to various aspects of life of a man/woman. So, they may conflict with each other, but psychologically they consist of internal structures, providing based unity of mnemonic component and a social intellect. Emphatic component of social intellect is largely dependent on what shape of the behavior the person chooses as a priority that he / she expects his / her business associated with the complex of interpretative value in relation to the world of the person.
Keywords: intellect, social intellect, phenomenological, measuring, genetic, testing and factor psychological approaches, cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures of social intellect.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 173-186 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Kapustina E.A. Vzaimosvyaz' social'nogo intellekta i kommunikativnoj kompetentnosti lichnosti [Tekst] / Elena Aleksandrovna Kapustina : Disser… kand. psixol. nauk – 19.00.01 – obshhaya psixol., psixol. lichnosti, istoriya psixol. – Barnaul, 2004. – 218s.
2. Lukichyova M.A. Razvitie social'nogo intellekta u studentov – budushhix pedagogov [E'lektronnyj resurs] / Marina Aleksandrovna Lukichyova : Dis. ... kand. psixol. nauk : 19.00.07 – pedag. i vozrastn. psixol. – M. : RGB, 2003. – 153 s. – (Iz fondov Rossijskoj Gosudarstvennoj Biblioteki).
3. Psixologicheskij slovar' [Tekst] / A.T. Ajrapetyanc, Ya.A. Al'tman, P.Yu. Anoxin i dr. / [pod red. V.V. Davydova i dr.]. – M. : Pedagogika, 1983. – 447 s.
4. Xolodnaya M.A. Psixologiya intellekta. Paradoksy issledovaniya [Tekst] / Marina Aleksandrovna Xolodnaya. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 272 s.
5. Guilford J.P. The nature of human intelligence [Text] / J.P. Guilford. – N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1967. – 156 p.
6. Spearman C. General Intelligence, objectively determined and measured [Text] / C. Spearman // Amer. J. of Psychology, 1904. – V. 15. – P. 201–293.
7. Thurstone L.L. Primary mental abilities [Text] / L.L. Thurstone. – Chicago : The Univ. of Chicago Press, 2002. – 122 p.
UDC 159.9
Y.Y. Kaplunenko – Psychologist-psihodiagnost, scientific consultant of the project "Proforientator Ukraine", Center of testing and development "Humanitarian Technologies", Kiev, Ukrainе;
T.M.Leng - Master of Psychology, Head of the project "Proforientator Ukraine", Centre of testing and development "Humanitarian Technologies", Kiev, Ukrainе;
Modern methods of psycho-pedagogical support of profiling education: the experience of using of psycho-diagnostic computer system «proforientator-ua».
The article analyzes the current problems of profiling education in high school, success factors of pupils' readiness for profile specialization. The data on the possibilities of using of professional orientation complex "Proforiyentator-UA» for effective psychological and pedagogical support of senior pupils are published.
Keywords: profiling orientation, career guidance diagnostics, psychological and pedagogical support of senior pupils, "Proforiyentator-UA»
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 186-208 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Koncepciya profil`nogo navchannya v starshij shkoli (proekt)
K.:Insty`tut Pedagogiky` APN Ukrayiny` - 2003. – 16 s.
2. Kaplunenko Ya.Yu., Leng T.N. Proforiyentacijna diagnosty`ka:
aprobaciya ta adaptaciya psy`xodiagnosty`chnogo komp'yuternogo kompleksu «Proforiyentator-UA». Gumanitarny`j Visny`k DVNZ «Pereyaslav-Xmel`ny`cz`ky`j derzhavny`j pedagogichny`j universy`tet imeni Gry`goriya Skovorody`» - Dodatok 1 do Vy`p. 36, Tom V(65): Tematy`chny`j Vy`pusk «Vy`shha osvita Ukrayiny` u konteksti integraciyi do yevropejs`kogo prostoru». – K.: Gnozy`s, 2015. – 618s. – S.187-205.
3. Maksy`menko S.D. Dy`ferencijovane navchannya: do problem
psy`xologichnogo suprovodu // Pedagogika i Psy`xologiya. – 2009. – 1(62). – S.46-53.
4. Profil`ne navchannya v starshij shkoli: shlyaxy` rozvy`tku: Nauk.
dop.bibliogr. pokazhch. Vy`p.1 / APN Ukrayiny`. DNPB Ukrayiny` im. V.O. Suxomly`ns`kogo; Uklad.: L.O. Ponomarenko ta inshi, – K., 2004. – 163 s.
5. Slepkan` Z.I. Profil`ne navchannya v zarubizhnij ta ukrayins`kij shkoli
yak vy`d dy`ferencijovanoyi pidgotovky` uchniv i klyuchova problema reformuvannya suchasnoyi sy`stemy` osvity` / [Elektronny`j resurs] – Rezhy`m dostupu
6. Y`vanova O.N., Ody`nczova V.V. Kompleks testy`rovany`ya
«Profory`entator»: psy`xometry`chesky`e y` pragmaty`chesky`e svojstva testa // Psy`xology`cheskaya dy`agnosty`ka. - 2006. - # 2. - S. 41-69.
UDC 159.9
Kovalchuk, Z.Ya.
Influence of style of pedagogical interaction management and efficiency solutions to conflict situations
The article reveals the problem of the influence of pedagogical interaction management and efficiency solutions to conflict situations. In particular conducting empirical research to determine the leadership style of teaching staff, motivation to work, ways and methods of behavior in a conflict situation with the student group, the determinants of the effectiveness of the management and attitude to the team manager. On the basis of statistical analyzes demonstrated by that particular assessment related to the efficiency of interaction management, management styles, ways of behavior in conflict, problem situation. After analyzing the results of empirical research revealed that the teaching staff is typical average level of motivation to succeed with a tendency to high level, which indicates the presence of high potential for the development of the teaching staff. Above average assessed democratic management style. Low estimates were liberal and authoritarian management styles labor collective. In relation to evaluating the effectiveness of management student group, it was valued at a level not efficient enough for optimum productive leadership. Among the ways and methods of behavior in a conflict situation with the student group dominated by competition and cooperation, in the least used in the pedagogical collective behaviors in conflict situations to avoid and accessories. Also according to the survey we see that younger teaching staff with higher levels of motivation for success, largely using democratic management style and cooperation to resolve conflicts with higher efficiency leadership activities and believe that students like the attitude of teachers towards them. Teachers older were more likely to use authoritarian management style. In men, there was a higher efficiency of administrative activity and greater propensity to use cooperation in conflict situations. As for students, they tend to make with their opinion counted, do not tolerate violence and excessive control of himself, to work with them is best democratic management style.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 208-216 (pdf)
Keywords: pedagogical interaction, teachers, pupils, management styles, leadership effectiveness, conflict, motivation.
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bandurka A.M. Psihologija upravlenija / A.M. Bandurka, S.P. Bocharova, E.V. Zemljanskaja. – Har'kov : Fortuna-press, 1998. – 464 s.
2. Herchanivs'ka P.E. Kul'tura upravlinnya / P.E. Herchanivs'ka, K.M. Levkivs'kyy, I.I. Fedorova. – K. : Politekhnika, 2005. – 305 s.
3. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya osvitn'oho menedzhmentu : navch. posibnyk / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Lybid', 2008. – 436 s.
4. Karamushka L.M. Psykholohiya upravlinnya zakladamy seredn'oyi osvity / L.M. Karamushka. – K. : Nika-Tsentr, 2000. – 331 s.
5. Karpov A.V. Psihologija upravlenija / A.V. Karpov. – M. : Drofa, 2004. – 288 s.
6. Koshchynets' O.Yu. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni skladovi osobystisnoho profilyu kerivnyka systemy osvity / O.Yu. Koshchynets' // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats': filosofiya, sotsiolohiya, psykholohiya. – Ivano-Frankivs'k : Play, 2007. – 565 s.
7. Maksymenko S.D. Profesiyne stanovlennya molodoho vchytelya / S.D. Maksymenko, T.D. Shcherban. – Uzhhorod : Zakarpattya, 1998. – 106 s.
UDC 159.9
N.O. Kordunova, L.V. Potapchuk
Theoretical analysis of personal maturity formation in student's age
The article deals with the main approaches to the understanding of personal maturity, existing in modern science. The relevance of the chosen problem is grounded; its lack of development is stated. Scientific researches review of national and foreign scholars in this field is made. The main focus is made on studying the personal maturity as complex and dynamic process, characterized by own peculiarities of each age period. Formation of personal maturity is considered as gradual mastering by personality its own inner world. This process is carried out by realizing oneself as the subject of personal life, developed sense of responsibility, independence, self-sufficiency, creativity, tolerance, availability of life philosophy, ability to participate in society life. Theoretical concepts about the formation of personal maturity in students' life period are deepened and enriched. Formation of personal maturity in this age is considered by us as characteristic of student's development state, manifested in its high level of personal constructive activity and personal functional performance. Professionally significant characteristics of personal maturity are revealed, that ensure the successful becoming of future specialist. It is proved, that personal maturity is the result of assimilation of socio-cultural norms in educational process of higher educational establishment and in future turns into the factor of professional development.
Keywords: personality, personal maturity, proprium of mature personality, life strategy, self-assertiveness, spiritual "I".
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 217-225 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Strategiya zhyzni / K. A. Abulkhanova - Slavskaya. – M. : Mysl, 1991. – 299 s.
2. Ananiev B. G. Chelovek kak predmet poznaniya / B. G. Ananiev. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 288 s.
3. Golovakha Ye. I. Zhiznennaya perspektiva i professionalnoye samoopredeleniye molodezhy / Ye. I. Golovakha. – K. : Nauk. dumka, 1988. – 143 s.
4. Kordunova N. O. Vyznachennia struktury i henezysu profesiynoho obrazu studentiv -psykholohiv / N. O. Kordunova // Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostiuka. – K. : DP "Informatsiyno – analitychne ahenstvo", 2014. – Tom X. – Psykholohiya navchannia. Henetychna psykholohiya. Medychna psykholohiya. – Vyp. 26. – S. 454–467.
5. Maksymenko S. D. Psykholohiya osobystosti: pidruchnyk / S. D. Maksymenko, M. V. Papucha. – K. : Vyd-vo TOV "KMM", 2007. – 296 s.
6. Maslou A. Motivatsiya i lichnost / A. Maslou. – SPb. : Piter, 2003. – 352 s.
7. Olport G. Stanovleniye lichnosti. Izbrannyie trudy / D. O. Leontiev. – M. : Smysl, 2002. – 462 s.
8. Potapchuk L. V. Psykholohichna zrilist – osnova profesiynoho stanovlennia starshoklasnykiv / L. V. Potapchuk // Naukovi zapysky. Ser. Psykholohiya. Pedahohika. – Ostroh, 2000. – Vyp. 1. – S. 66–70.
9. Rodzhers K. Vzgliad na psikhoterapiyu. Stanovleniye cheloveka / K. Rodzhers. – M. : Progress ; Yunivers, 1994. – 480 s.
10. Riabko Yu. V. Zrilist osobystisna, psykholohichna, sotsialna / Yu. V. Riabko // http: // psyh. Kiev. ua.
11. Rubinshtein S. L. Osnovy obshchei phikhologiyi / S. L. Rubinshtein. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 72 s.
12. Savchyn M.V. Psykholohiya vidpovidalnoyi povedinky : [monohrafiya] / M. V. Savchyn. – Ivano-Frenkivsk : Misto NV, 2008. – 280 s.
13. Shtepa O. S. Proprium zriloyi osobystosti / O. S. Shtepa // Praktychna psykholohiya ta sotsialna robota. – 2004. – №2. – S. 26–33.
14. Erikson E. Identichnost: Yunost i krizis / E. Erikson. – M. : Progress, 1996. – 480 s.
UDC 159.9
Kulesha N.P.
Experimental programme of improvement of adaptation of first-year students from distant families to the studying environment in higher education establishments
The article is dedicated to usage of psychological training of psychological adaptation of first-year students from distant families to the conditions of studying in higher education establishments.
The structure of the training programme takes into consideration the features of components of psychological adaptation to university studies (emotional, behavioural, cognitive, educational and motivational). The programme includes two interrelated parts: theoretical and practical.
The training consists of three parts: introduction, basic, final. The introductory part contains such issues as purpose, task, rules and expectations of the training. Also the exercises for introduction of the participants of the training are given. The main part of the programme includes exercises for improvement of students' psychological adaptation and consists of four modules: emotional, behavioural, cognitive, educational and motivational.
In the final part the feedback of all the training is carried out. That makes it possible for first-year students from distant families to make self-knowledge and self-improvement and to express their own wishes and comments concerning ongoing programme.
This training programme gives students an opportunity to improve such issues as: communication skills, establishing emotional ties in the student group, expanding the range of optimal models of training situations, learning the rules of behaviour in different situations concerning university studies, helping to reduce the level of anxiety and reflection’s development.
The training can be used in the practice of psychological support for first-year students in higher education establishments.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 226-234 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bohonkova Ju. Dejakі metodologіchnі aspekti analіzu zakonomіrnostej adaptacії studentіv-pershokursnikіv do umov navchal'nih zakladіv / Ju. Bohonkova // Osvіta na Lіganshhinі. – 2006. - №1. – S. 15-18.
2. Vachkov I. V. Osnovy tehnologii gruppovogo treninga : uchebnoe posobie / I. V. Vachkov. – 2-e izd. pererab. i dop. – M. : Izd-vo «Os'»-89, 1999. – 176 s.
3. Zotova S. I. Metody issledovanija social'no-psihologicheskih aspektov adaptacii lichnosti / S. I. Zotova, M. K. Krjazheva // Metodologija i metody social'noj psihologii. – M. : Nauka, 1977. – S. 173–188.
4. Kazmіrenko V. P. Programa doslіdzhennja psihologo-socіal'nih chinnikіv adaptacії molodoї ljudini do navchannja u VNZ ta majbutn'oї profesії / V. P. Kazmіrenko // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota / [redkol. O. V. Gubenko (gol. red.), V. V. Andrієvs'ka, V. M. Bebіk, O. V. Beca і dr.]. – 2004. – №6. – S. 76–78.
5. Kondratjuk S.V. Osoblivostі psihomotornoї aktivnostі studentіvu procesі adaptacії do navchannja: dis. k. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Kondratjuk Svіtlana Mikolaїvna. – Kam’janec'-Podіl's'kij, 2013. – 249 s.
UDC 159.9
Kucharcuk O.V.
Analysis of individual psychological determinants to PTSD soldiers
The article is devoted to the analysis of individually – psychological determinants of 0 to PTSD soldiers. Review of the problem is based on the phenomenology of post-traumatic effects and psychological trauma. Turns out psychological States that are most vulnerable to post-traumatic stress disorder.
The article proves the necessity of psychological preparation of military personnel to extreme situations with the goal of increasing stress tolerance. The theoretical analysis allows to state that post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the main problems of troops stationed in extreme situations, took part in the fighting. It is concluded that a significant proportion of soldiers who participated in combat have a tendency to post-traumatic stress disorder.
Identifies specific psychological determinants that are the most susceptible to changes in military after taking part in the fighting. Their analysis helps to establish the right approaches for the treatment and prevention of negative conditions, depression. The article proves the necessity of psychological preparation of military personnel to extreme situations with the goal of increasing stress tolerance.
The importance of a careful study of the groups of soldiers who will take part in the fighting and constant study of soldiers who were in extreme situations, or have witnessed some military action to prevent undesirable consequences.
Keywords: post-traumatic stress disorder, stress, psychological trauma, extreme situation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 234-242 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Aleksandrov D.O. Psykholohichne zabezpechennya operatyvno-sluzhbovoyi diyal'nosti pratsivnykiv militsiyi. : navch.-metod. posib. / D.O. Aleksandrov, Ya.Yu. Kondrat'yev. Psykholohichne zabezpechennya perehovornoyi diyal'nosti. Chastyna III. – K. : NAVSU, 2003.
2. Pogodin I.A. Suicidal'noe povedenie: psihologicheskie aspekty: ucheb. posobie / I.A. Pogodin. – M. : Flinta ; MPSI, 2008.
3. Psyhologіja osobystostі : slovnyk-dovіdnyk / za red. P.P. Gornostaja, T.M. Tytarenko. – K. : Ruta, 2001.
4. Psihologija telesnosti mezhdu dushoj i telom / [red.-sost. V.P. Zinchenko, T.S. Levi]. – M. : AST, 2007.
5. Reshetnikov M.M. Psihicheskaja travma / M.M. Reshetnikov. – SPb. : Vostochno-Evropejskij institut psihoanaliza, 2006.
6. Tarabrina N.V. Psihologija posttravmaticheskogo stressa: Teorija i praktika / N.V. Tarabrina. – M. : Iz-dvo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2009.
7. Huhlaev O.E. Obychnaja rabota v neobychnyh uslovijah: psihologicheskoe konsul'tirovanie, oslozhnennoe travmaticheskim stressom. / O.E. Huhlaev. – M., 2006.
UDC 159.9
Kordonets V.V.
Theoretic-methodological foundations oi investigations in the communicative-speech sphere
The article is devoted to the investigation of the problem of speech and its functions in the psychological science; in the modern psychological science the problem is represented widely and differently. The main complexity of the given problem lies in its scientific poly-functionality: the development of speech and speech activities is connected with the need of a personality for communication; they are greatly defined by the development of one’s intellectual functions and the ability to establish connections between a word and a notion; the speech development of a personality influences the level of development of a phonematic perception and acquisition of grammar aspect of speech; speech as an integral psychological construct is considered as a wholesome situational entity with corresponding subjective components.
Numerous investigations to the problem of speech development and its basic functions testify to the fact that the development of speech and speech activities are defined by the development of intellectual functions. The communicative component gains particular importance in this direction in the context of the speech development of a personality; the main unit in the speech communication appears to be the act of communication as a final part of speech inter-communication.
The availability of high need for communication, the urge to come into contact with the surrounding people becomes the pre-requisite for the communicative-speech development. Need for communication is one of the earliest social needs of a personality. This need gradually gets wider and deeper in its form and content with every passing year. In the course of forming the need for communication this ability constantly develops and coming into being of the communicative-speech sphere of a personality occurs.
Keywords: communicative-speech sphere, communicative function of speech, communicative development, speech, communication, communicative activities.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 243-251 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Vashulenko M. Movna osvIta yak zasIb sotsIalIzatsIYi molodshih shkolyarIv / M. Vashulenko // Problemi formuvannya movnoYi osvIti serednIh zagalnoosvItnIh zakladIv: zb. nauk prats za materIalami nauk-prakg. konf., 2006 p. / MInIsterstvo osvIti I nauki UkraYini, AkademIya pedagogIchnih nauk UkraYini [ta In.]. — RIvne, 2006. - S. 10.
2. Vyigotskiy L. S. Myishlenie i rech: [Psihologichekie issledovaniya] / L. S. Vyigotskiy. – M. : Labirint, 1996. – 414 s.
3. Vyigotskiy L. S. Psihologiya razvitiya rebenka / L. S. Vyigotskiy. – M.: Smyisl [ i dr.], 2004. – 512 s.
4. ZasEkIna L. V. Vstup do psiholIngvIstiki / ZasEkIna L. V., ZasEkIn S. V. – Ostrog: Vid-vo Nats. un-tu “Ostrozka akademIya”, 2002. – 168 s.
5. Leontev A. N. Psihologiya obscheniya: Ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyissh. uch. zavedeniy / A. A. Leontev. – 3- e izd-e. – M. : Smyisl, 2005. – 386 s.
6. Luriya A. R. Osnovyie problemyi neyrolingvistiki // Pismo i rech: Neyrolingvisticheskie issledovaniya / A. R. Luriya. – M. : Akademiya, 2001. – S. 78- 320.
7. MamIcheva O. V. Rozvitok ta mIstse movnomislennEvih operatsIy v strukturI movnoYi dIyalnostI / O. V. MamIcheva. PsiholingvIstika: [zb-k nauk. prats DVNZ «Pereyaslav-Hmelnitskiy derzhavniy pedagogIchniy unIversitet ImenI GrigorIya Skovorodi»]. - Pereyaslav-Hmelnitskiy: PP «SKD», 2012. – Vip.10. – S. 80-85.
UDC 159.9
Norchuk Y.V.
Determination of stability of personality advance: an empirical dimension of the problem
The scientific and theoretical analysis of the main approaches to the study of psychological readiness is presented in the article. The author assumes that the specifics of this concept is its integrative, reflected in the stability and consistency of personality components that contribute to the success of professional work. The moral-psychological factor is an essential component of combat readiness and combat capability and potential of modern professional officer are determined. Formation of psychological readiness is a process of deliberate and targeted independent and outside the education given in the course of service and combat missions after their completion. These particular relationships of personal-semantic, situational-based and operational-level executive regulation are presented. It includes the hierarchically subordinate readiness: personal-semantic, situational-target and operational-executive. Its structure, levels, features displays, differentiation depending on the types of military-professional work, training, and more are described.
The conclusion about expediency consideration in advance of future military resistance formed as an integral personal formation that is adequate to the conditions of professional activities on the basis of which were terming and deployed state of psychological readiness.
The empirical model of the formation of professional thinking represented in this way. Determined that studied students on educational and academic stage of the inherent advantages of these indicators of early stability of personality: permeable, absorbing, giving individual functions psychological borders. Analysis of expressed personal inner conflict cadets indicates the predominance of moral conflict and adaptation. A distinctive element of control over the action as an act of volition, is an action plan.
Keywords: psychological readiness, moral and psychological factors, psychological resistance.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 251-263 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. VIrna Zh. P. ZhittEvI ta profesIynI perspektivi v strukturI osobistIsnoYi samoregulyatsIYi / Zh. P. VIrna // PsihologIya. – K., 2002. – Vip. 15. – S. 22-31.
2. Golovaha E.I. Zhiznennaya perspektiva i professionalnoe samoopredelenie molodezhi /E.I.Golovaha.- K.: Naukova dumka, 1988.- S.15-43.
3. Golovaha E.I. Zhiznennaya perspektiva i tsennostnyie orientatsii lichnosti /E.I.Golovaha//Psihologiya lichnosti v trudah otechestvennyih psihologov. "Piter", 2000. – S. 256-269.
4. Kireeva Z.A. Differentsiatsiya urovney otrazheniya vremeni v soznanii: MonografIya / Z.O. KIreEva. – Odessa: Palmira, 2009. -186s.
5. Levin K. Opredelenie ponyatiya «pole v dannyiy moment» / K.Levin. -M.: Izd-vo Mosk. Un-ta, 1980, s.131-145.
6. Levenets A.E. PsihologIchnI osoblivostI stanovlennya zhittEvoYi perspektivi v yunatskomu vItsI. – Dis.Kand.. psihol nauk za spetsIalnIstyu 19.00.07 – pedagogIchna ta vIkova psihologIya. – NatsIonalniy pedagogIchniy unIversitet ImenI M.P.Dragomanova, KiYiv, 2006. – 180s.
7. Lunov V.E. Stanovlennya ta rozvitok profesIynogo mislennya osobistostI u sistemI organIv vnutrIshnIh sprav UkraYini: MonografIya. / V.E. Lunov. MakIYivka: MEGI, Donetsk: Donbas, 2014 – 350 s.
8. Markelova, T.V. Formirovanie psihologicheskoy gotovnosti k voenno-professionalnoy deyatelnosti v sisteme vyisshego professionalnogo obrazovaniya Rossii: Monografiya / T.V. Markelova. — Voronezh: Istoki, 2007. – 232 s.
9. Markelova, T.V. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovyi issledovaniya zablagovremennoy ustoychivosti ofitsera zapasa / T.V. Markelova // Psihologiya i psihotehnika. — 2010. — # 12. — S.71-82.
10. Norchuk Yu.V. DoslIdzhennya konstruktu zhittEvI perspektivi v psihologIYi / Yu.V. Norchuk // VIsnik Odeskogo natsIonalnogo unIversitetu Im.. I.I. Mechnikova. SerIya PsihologIya. Tom 16. Vip. 17. 2011 – S. 103-109.
11. Norchuk Yu.V.SutnIst ta zmIst psihologIchnoYi gotovnostI do profesIyno-sluzhbovoYi dIyalnostI maybutnIh vIyskovosluzhbovtsIv yak osobistIsnogo utvorennya / Yu.V. Norchuk // AktualnI problemi psihologIYi: zbIrnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologIYi ImenI G.S.Kostyuka NAPN UkraYini. KiYiv, NIzhin: PP Lisenko. – 2015. – Tom IH. – Zagalna psihologIya. IstorIya psihologIYi. EtnIchna psihologIya. – Vip. 7. S. 236 – 243.
UDC 159.9
Marianenko L.V.
The psychological structure of self-realization of student in educational-cognitive activity
Self-realization activity takes place within the limits of different types of activity. In self-realization a decisive role is played by thinking, especially such its quality as critical thinking. Self-realization as a result has such criteria, as a success-failure. There are two forms of self-realization : internal and external and three types of self-realization: activity, social and personal. Activity self-realization comes true through the achievement of competence and shows up in the form of objectification. Social self-realization comes true as an achievement of mastery and shows up in the form of personalisation. Self-realization in cognitive activity envisages efficiency (personal achievements), integrity of personality, creativity, cognitive capabilities. There are three stages of cognitive activity: informatively-cognitive; ideally-structural; really-structural stage of cognitive activity. It is determined that the cognitive component of self-realization contains such constituents as in-cognitive, experimental, analytically-structural. It is possible to distinguish such links of activity as self-realization in cognitive activity: a 1) forming of problem; 2)searching-cognitive activity; 3) the spiritually-creative stage. Self-realization depends on: 1) organizational criteria; 2) activity and creative criteria; 3) subject-personality criteria; 4) effectively-cognitive criteria. On this basis is also built psychological structure of self-realization : motivation, operationalisation, personality internals, effective achievements.
Keywords:Types of self-realization, form of self-realization, activity self-realization, cognitive component in the structure of self-realization; structure cognitive to the component of self-realization: in-cognitive constituent, experimental constituent, analytically-structural constituent; diagnostic criteria of self-realization; self-realization is in cognitive activity; links of self-realization in cognitive activity; psychological structure of self-realization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 264-275 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bolotnikova I.V., Zavads'ka T.V. Tsilisnist' osobystosti yak chynnykyiisamozdiisnennia / I.V. Bolotnikova, T.V. Zavads'ka // Aktual'niproblemypsykholohii. – 2013. – Tom V. Psykhofiziolohiia. Eksperymental'napsykholohiia.Psykholohiiapratsi. – Vyp. 13. S.40-47.
2. Hornostai P.P. Hotovnist' osobystosti do samorealizatsii yak psykholohichnaproblema / P.P. Hornostai // Problemyzahal'noi ta pedahohichnoipsykholohii. – 2004. – Tom 6. – Vyp. 3, S.105-110.
1. 3.Hupalovs'ka V.A. Samorealizatsiiaosobystosti yak naukovaproblema / V.A. Hupalovs'ka // Aktual'niproblemypsykholohii. – 2002. – Tom 1. – 4.7. Sotsial'napsykholohiia.Psykholohiiaupravlinnia.Orhanizatsiinapsykholohiia.S.37-45.
3. Hupalovs'ka V.A. Samorealizatsiia yak problemarozvytkuosobystosti u suchasniizarubizhniipsykholohii / V.A. Hupalovs'ka // Problemyhumanitarnykhnauk. Naukovizapysky DDHU im.IvanaFranka. – Drohobych: Vymir, 2002. – Vypusk 10. – S.100-110.
4. Dergachjova O. E. (2005)Lichnostnajaavtonomijakakpredmetpsihologicheskogoissledovanija. Candidate’s thesis.Moskva [in Russian].
5. Korostyljova L.A. Psihologijasamorealizaciilichnosti: zatrudnenie v professional'nojsfere. SPb., 2005.
6. Kudinov S.I. Polisistemnyjpodhodissledovanijasamorealizaciilichnosti / S.I. Kudinov// Sibirskijpedagogicheskijzhurnal. – Novosibirsk: NGPU, 2007. – №3. – S. 337-346.
7. Kutsenko-Lada H.V. Psykholohichnimekhanizmyhenezymental'nohodosvidu v systemisamodeterminatsiiosobystosti // HalynaVolodymyrivnaKutsenko-Lada / Psykholohichnichynnykysamodeterminatsiiosobystosti v osvitn'omuprostori. Kolektyvnamonohrafiia / za red.Maksymenka S.D. – Kirovohrad :Imeks-LTD, 2013. – S. 69-110.
8. Lazarev F.V. Poznanie. Tvorchestvo.Kul'tura. M., «Znanie», 1978.– 64s. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tehnike).Serija «Filosofija».
9. Leont'ev D.A. Samorealizacijaisushhnostnyesilycheloveka / DmitrijAlekseevichLeont'ev // Psihologija s chelovecheskimlicom: gumanisticheskajaperspektiva v postsovetskojpsihologii / Pod red. D.A. Leont'eva, V.G. Shhur. – M.: Smysl, 1997. – S.156-176.
2. 11.Lun'ov V.Ye. Stanovlennia ta rozvytokprofesiinohomyslenniaosobystosti u systemiorhanivvnutrishnikhspravUkrainy :Monohrafiia / VitaliiYevheniiovychLun'ov – Makiivka: MEHI, Donets'k: Donbass, 2014. – 350 s.
4. Mar’ianenko L.V. Samodeterminatsiiauchniv u protsesinavchal'no-piznaval'noidiial'nosti / Liana VasylivnaMar’ianenko // Psykholohichnichynnykysamodeterminatsiiosobystosti v osvitn'omuprostori. Kolektyvnamonohrafiia / za red.Maksymenka S.D. – Kirovohrad :Imeks-LTD, 2013. – S.234-264.
5. Maksimenko S.D., Osjodlo V.I. Sub#ektnyjpodhod v izucheniiprofessional'nojsamorealizacii / S.D. Maksimenko, V.I. Osjodlo // Psihologijaipravo, – 2011, №1.
6. Prorok N.V. Profesiinesamovdoskonalenniayakosnovasamodeterminatsiipraktykuiuchohopsykholohavprotsesiprofesionalizatsii / NataliiaVasylivnaProrok // Psykholohichnichynnykysamodeterminatsiiosobystostivosvitn'omuprostori. Kolektyvnamonohrafiia / za red.Maksymenka S.D. – Kirovohrad :Imeks-LTD, 2013. – S.335-378.
7. H'el L. Teoriilichnosti: 3-e izd. L. H'el, D. Zigler. – SPb. :Piter Press, 2006. – 606 s.
UDC 159.9
М. Мe’lnichuk
The problem of students’ tolerance development by means of cinematografi
The article shows that the symbolic meaning of art promotes the formation of certain values and senses of the person causing a profound impact on the process of socialization. It was determined, that the cinema art has educational opportunities that should be used for the formation of moral and ethical qualities of the younger generation, in particular the tolerance. The considered forms of youth’s education by means of cinematography allowed to determine the cinema club as the most adequate means of increasing the level of Students’ tolerance. It was proved that the most important functions of the cinema club is information, educational and communicative.
During the theoretical analysis the concept of tolerance was defined as a complex psychological structure. It was substantiated the necessity of systematic study of tolerance that allows you to go to understanding of this phenomenon as an integrated and system personal’s characteristic with three levels of determination: psychophysiological, individual, psychological and socio-psychological. Theoretical analysis shows that the mature tolerance is a system integrity of competence in the tolerant behavior, the cognitive complexity in the perception of contradictory world, the empathy readiness to the "otherness", the personal meanings, values and attitudes to coexist with a world. The study of this phenomenon should systematically take into account its physiological, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and value semantic aspects.
The content of work on development of students’ tolerance within the framework of the cinema club activities is determined through structural components of this moral and ethical person’s quality.
Keywords: tolerance, system approach, cinematography, movie, cinema club.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 275-286 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Aliev Ju.B. Osnovy jesteticheskogo vospitanija : posobie dlja uchitelja [Tekst] / Ju.B. Aliev, G.T. Ardashirova, L.P. Baryshnikova i dr. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1986. – 240 s.
2. Baranov O.A. Jekran stanovitsja drugom / O.A. Baranov. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1979. – 96 s.
3. Grashhenkova I.M. Kino kak sredstvo jesteticheskogo vospitanija / I.M. Grashhenkova. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1986. – 216 s.
4. Monastirskij V.L. Kinoiskusstvo v sociokul'turnoj rabote : ucheb. posobie / V.L. Monastirskij. – Tambov : Tores, 1999. – 214 s.
5. Penzin S.N. Osnovy kinoiskusstva. Metodicheskie ukazanija dlja studentov estestvennyh i gumanitarnyh fakul'tetov / S.N. Penzin – Voronezh : Izd-vo Voronezh. gos. un-ta, 2000. – 64 s.
6. Rjumshina L.I. Biblioteka psihologii i pedagogiki tolerantnosti / L.I. Rjumshina // Voprosy psihologii. – 2002. – №2.
7. Fedorov A.V. Jekrannye iskusstva i molodye zriteli / A.V. Fedorov // Sredstva massovoj kommunikacii i problemy razvitija lichnosti rebenka. – M. : JuNPRESS, 1994. – S. 55–57.
UDC 159.9
І.V. Mykhailyuk
Empirical study of structural and functional components of dialogic competence of future psychologists
The article analyzes an experimental study of structural and functional components of dialogic competence of future psychologists. Methodological aspects of the experimental research program are described. Findings of a study of the status of the structural and functional components of dialogic competence of students-psychologists are presented. Results of the first and third year students are compared. It is established that under conditions of traditional learning, indicators of the structural and functional components of dialogic competence evidence an insufficient level of their formation. A need for special training in order to form dialogic competence of future psychologists is established, as it will simultaneously provide for clear orientation in professional activities and contribute to proper problem solving.
Keywords: dialogue, structural components, functional components, dialogic competence, professional activities, future psychologists.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 286-295 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Strategija zhizni / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja. – M. : Mysl', 1991. – 331 s.
2. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Razvitie lichnosti v processe zhiznedejatel'nosti / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja // Psihologija formirovanija i razvitija lichnosti. – M. : Nauka, 1981. – 363 s.
3. Bodrov V.A. Psihologija professional'noj prigodnosti : uchebnoe posobie dlja VUZov / V.A. Bodrov. – M. : PER SJe, 2001. – 511 s.
4. Gudvin Dzh. Issledovanie v psihologii: metody i planirovanie / Dzh. Gudvin. – SPb. : Piter, 2004. – 558 s.
5. Druzhinin V.N. Jeksperimental'naja psihologija / V.N. Druzhinin. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 320 s.
6. Kaganov A.B. Rozhdenie specialista: professional'noe stanovlenie studenta / A.B. Kaganov. – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 1983. – 111 s.
7. Kornilova T.V. Jeksperimental'naja psihologija: Teorija i metody / T.V. Kornilova. – M. : Aspekt Press, 2003. – 381 s.
8. Markova A.K. Psihologija professionalizma / A.K. Markova. – M. : Mezhdunarodnyj gumanitarnyj fond «Znanie», 1996. – 308 s.
9. Rajgorodskij D.Ja. Prakticheskaja psihodiagnostika. Metodiki i testy : uchebnoe posobie / D.Ja. Rajgorodskij. – Samara : Izdatel'skij dom «BAHRAH-M», 2001. – 672 s.
10. Sobchik L.N. Diagnostika mezhlichnostnyh otnoshenij. Modificirovannyj variant interpersonal'noj diagnostiki T. Liri : мetodicheskoe rukovodstvo / L.N. Sobchik. – M., 1990. – 48 s.
11. Fetiskin N.P. Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V Kozlov, G.M. Manujlov. – M. : Izd-vo Instituta Psihoterapii, 2002. – 490 s.
12. Florenskaja T.A. Dialog v prakticheskoj psihologii. Nauka o dushe / T.A. Florenskaja. – M. : VLADOS, 2001. – 207 s.
UDC 159.9
M. Panasenko
Postgraduate student of the Institute of Psychology named after G.S. Kostiuk,
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
the teacher of Dragomanov National Pedagogical University,
Kyiv, Ukraine
The development of creative thinking of adolescents in the process of learning a foreign language by intelectual and educational games
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of creative thinking development of adolescents in the process of learning a foreign language. The author of the article examines the stages of creativity, the main methods of formation of creative behavior and the methods of forming creative behavior during various stages of creativity. In the article the role of linguistic games in language learning is studied . The author developed the system of intellectual and creative games which includes different types of language and linguistic tasks and techniques that encourage creative productivity of the child. It was proposed the linguistic games using linguistic idioms and proverbs, sayings, comparisons, images, metaphors and methods of word formation (construction of new expressions and words). The author investigates the ways of development of artistic and intellectual creative abilities of a child. Among them are such methods as the method of constructing new images and metaphors, the method of compilation of short stories on the themes of the generalizations, contained in proverbs, the method of thematic drawing, etc.
The following conclusions were made: the development of creative thinking of adolescents is possible not only in the traditional forms of organization of educational process with children, but also in non-standard format such as language learning. One of the productive means of the development of creativity is linguistic game; such linguistic games as an analysis of foreign proverbs and sayings,a design comparisons and metaphors, a production of small literary forms-based on the studing of idioms and proverbs, heuristic games aimed at creating inventive ideas are effective means of creative thinking and general intelligence of adolescents in the process of learning a foreign language.
Keywords: creative thinking, creative ability, the thinking of adolescents, the game, a linguistic game.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 295-305 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bogin G.I. Model' jazykovoj lichnosti v ee otnoshenii k raznovidnostjam tekstov / G.I. Bogin. – L. : Izd-vo Len. un-ta, 1984. – 271 s.
2. Vinogradov V.V. O vzaimodejstvii leksiko-semanticheskih urovnej s grammaticheskimi v strukture jazyka (Mysli o sovremennom russkom jazyke) / V.V. Vinogradov. – M. : Pedagogika, 1969. – 98 s.
3. Hubenko O.V. Yak vykhovaty heniya, abo Investytsiya u Vashu dytynu. Dlya ditey vid 5 do 16 rokiv: Knyha dlya bat'kiv, ditey, pedahohiv i psykholohiv / O.V. Hubenko – K.-Ternopil', 2012. – 132 s.; il.
4. Didaktika srednej shkoly: Nekotorye problemy sovremennoj didaktiki : [ucheb. posobie dlja slushatelej FPK direktorov obshheobrazovat. shkol i v kachestve uchebnogo posobija po speckursu dlja studentov ped. in-tov] / pod red. M.N. Skatkina. – M., 1982.
5. Karaulov Ju.N. Russkij jazyk i jazykovaja lichnost' / Ju.N.Karaulov. – M. : Pedagogika, 1987. – 96 s.
6. Muravyts'ka M.P. Movna osobystist' u konteksti psykholoho- i sotsiolinhvistychnykh problem / M.P. Muravyts'ka // Movoznavstvo. – 1998. – № 6. – S. 73–75.
7. Nikitina S.E. Jazykovoe soznanie i samosoznanie lichnosti v narodnoj kul'ture. Jazyk i lichnost' / S.E. Nikitina. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 1997. – 75 s.
8. Rahmamkulova N.F. Rol' jazyka kak sredstvo obshhenija i faktora formirovanija lichnosti / N.F. Rahma-Mkulova. – M. : Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1989. – 61s.
9. Skurativs'kyy L. V. Do linhvodydaktyky, zoriyentovanoyi na formuvannya dukhovnoyi movnoyi osobystosti / L.V. Skurativs'kyy // Dyvoslovo. – 1997. – № 9. – S. 52–53.
10. Smul'son M.L. Psykholohiya rozvytku intelektu : monohrafiya / M.L. Smul'son. – K. : Nora-Druk, 2003. – 298 s.
11. Shamova T.I. Aktivizacija uchenija shkol'nikov / T.I. Shamova. – M., 1982.
12. Shhukina G.I. Aktivizacija poznavatel'noj dejatel'nosti uchashhihsja v uchebnom processe : uchebnoe posobie dlja stud. ped. institutov / G.I. Shhukina. – M., 1979.
13. Еjler G.V. Jazyk i lichnost' / G.V. Еjler, I.L. Rapport. – Har'kov : Folio, 1991. – 116 s.
UDC 159.9
Peregonchuk, N.V.
Psycokological features of professinalcompetence of future psychologists
This article considers such concepts as «personal orientation» and «professional orientation» as well as identifies the key components that form the professional orientation of a future specialist. The article deals with analysis of the features of forming of professional orientation components in future psychologists. Content and dynamic descriptions of the category «professional orientation» are exposed. It is shown that one of the forms of professional orientation the development is enriching its motives.
The author describes the semantic and dynamic aspects of the concept and the basic groups of reasons that determine the professional orientation of future psychologists. Finally, it is determined that the prominent conditions of successful realization of professional activity of the specialist come forward directly as internal incentive force of activity of the subject.
Keywords: professional orientation, components of professional orientation, attitude toward a profession, values, professional competence of the future psychologists.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 306-314 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Viljunas V.K. Psihologicheskie mehanizmy motivacii cheloveka / V.K. Viljunas. – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 1990. – 288 s. 2. Kirt N.L. Nekotorye osobennosti professional'nogo stanovlenija budushhih psihologov / N.L. Kirt // Regional'naja sluzhba prakticheskoj psihologii. – Samara, 2002.
3. Kazanceva T.A. Vzaimosvjaz' lichnostnogo razvitija i professional'nogo stanovlenija studentov-psihologov / T.A. Kazanceva, Ju.N. Olejnik // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2002. – №6. – S. 51–59.
4. Klimov E.A. Puti v professionalizm (psihologicheskij vzgljad) / E.A. Klimov – M. : FLINTA, 2003. – S. 236–238.
5. Kovalev V.I. Motivy povedenija i dejatel'nosti / V.I. Kovalev; [otv. red. A.A. Bodalev ; AN SSSR, In-t psihologii]. – M. : Akademicheskij proekn, 1988. – 191 s.
6. Muslaeva A.R. Osobennosti formirovanija professional'noj napravlennosti psihologa v period vuzovskogo obuchenija./ A.R. Muslaeva. – Stavropol' : SevkavGTu, 2004. – 25 s.
7. Rubinshtejn S.L. Osnovy obshhej psihologii / S.L. Rubinshtejn – M., 1998.
8. Rudik P.A. Motivy povedenija dejatel'nosti / P.A. Rudik. – M. : Vlados, 2004. – 136 s.
9. Saraeva E.V. Psihologicheskie osobennosti professional'nogo samoprognozirovanija lichnosti budushhego pedagoga : avtoref. diss. … kand.. psihol. nauk / E.V. Saraeva. – Kursk, 2003. – 19 s.
10. Sejshtev A.P. Puti professional'nogo stanovlenija uchashhej molodezhi / A.P. Sejteshev – M. : Vysshaja shk., 1988. – 336 s.
UDC 159.9
Poda T.O.
Prospects of using virtual reality tecnologies and special virtual environments in psychological research and experimental psychology
The article examines certain aspects and the prospects of application of virtual reality technologies in experimental psychological studies. The author outlines principal advantages of using virtual reality technologies in experimental psychology. Unlike traditional methods, experiments using virtual reality ensure maximum ecological validity accompanied by flexible controllability of experimental conditions. In addition, the special virtual environments are a flexible tool that can be quickly adapted to the needs of a particular study. It provides the experimenter with the ability to capture the entire course of the experiment, including information from human sensory systems. Special virtual environments can cause the user's effective sense of presence, so that the user "forgets" that he is in the virtual world. His actions and emotions occur if they are talking place in a real physical space. This feature opens up new experimental possibilities, for example, in the field of human perception: with the help of the dynamic modification of the virtual reality researchers can create extreme situations or violate certain laws of physics are reflected in the media to explore the brain's response to such changes. The article describes the main areas of research in which the use of special virtual environments is the most effective and accurate. Virtual reality can successfully study the majority of mental processes (sensory perception, spatial orientation, and others), as well as memory and cognitive processes. Today the lack of standardization and uniform requirements for the establishment of special virtual environments used for experimental and therapeutic purposes is a problem that needs to be solved.
Keywords: virtual reality, experimental psychology, psychological experiment, special virtual environments, attention, perception, mental images, cognitive functions, ecological validity
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 315-329 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
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4. Gamberini, L. Virtual Reality as a New Research Tool for the Study of Human Memory // Cyberpsychology and Behaviour, 3(3) 2000, pp. 337-342.
5. Loomis J.M., Blascovich J.J., Beall A.C. Immersive virtual environment technology as a basic research tool in psychology // Behavior Research Methods, lnstrument.s, & Computers, 1999, 31 (4). 557–564.
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9. Rizzo, A.A., Buckwalter, J.C., Neumann, U., Kesselmann, C., Thiebaux, M. Basic Issues in the Application of Virtual Reality for the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Cognitive Impairments and Functional Disabilities // Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 1(1) 1998, pp. 59–78.
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13. Zhang, J., Norman, D.A. Representations in Distributed Cognitive Tasks // Cognitive Science, 18 1994, pp. 87–122.
UDC 159.9
Maryna Polukhina
Postgraduate student of Aviation Psychology Dept.
National Aviation University, Kyiv
Peculiarities of Crisis Conditions Experienced by Young Officers of the Law
This article displays the results of theoretical and empiric analysis of crisis conditions experienced by young officers of the law. The theoretic analysis demonstrates that crisis is a sudden interruption in the normal flow of individual or society life, a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger that demands action or thinking pattern estimation. The main features of crisis are: unexpectedness and atypical nature, uncertainties, perception of crisis as an obstacle to life’s aims, disarrangement in behavior. Any individual in crisis can experience one out of three dominant feelings: depression, destructive emotions and loneliness. Scientists denote the role of specific character features in the origin of crisis conditions: emotional instability, increased alarming, immature identity (immatureness of personality) as well as character accentuation. Children, teenagers, aged people physically exhausted, people, who suffered psychological trauma or heavy loss belong to the risk group. Research proved that most crisis conditions experienced by young officers of the law are caused by trauma, age or professional crises. Data obtained mark that age peculiarities and specificity of service are also among the factors that influence crisis conditions. There are a lot of physiology and psychology studies of lawmen emotional conditions but few of them touch consider external factors that directly or indirectly have impact on emotions and feelings of representatives of this social group. Thus, development of effective preventive system to crisis conditions of young officers is possible only when the maximum amount of components that cause inner crisis and their interaction will be taken into account. It is also worth mentioning that effective preventive system can function when enough specialists and institutions are integrated within single preventive strategy.
Key terms: young officers of the law, lawmen, crisis, crisis condition, emotional experience, age crisis, professional crisis, traumatic crisis
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 330-338 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Vasiljuk F.E. Psihologija perezhivanija (analiz preodolenija kriticheskih situacij) / F.E. Vasiljuk. – M. : Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1984. – 200 s.
2. Vygotskij L.S. Psihologija razvitija cheloveka / L.S. Vygotskij. – M. : Smysl ; Jeksmo, 2005. – 1136 s.
3. Karpov A.V. Refleksivnost' kak psihicheskoe svojstvo i metodika ee diagnostiki / A.V. Karpov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2003. – T. 24. –№ 5. – S. 45–57.
4. Osipova A.A. Spravochnik psihologa po rabote v krizisnyh situacijah / A.A. Osipova. – [ izd. 2-e]. – Rostov n/D : Feniks, 2006. – 315 s.
5. Psihologicheskij slovar' / pod obshh. red. A.V. Petrovskogo, M.G. Jaroshevskogo. – [2-e izd., ispr. i dop.]. – M. : Politizdat. – 494 s.
6. Tytarenko T.M. Zhyttyeva kryza ochyma psykholoha [Elektronnyy resurs]
/ T.M. Tytarenko // Psykholohichnyy portal «U psykholoha». – Rezhym dostupu :
7. Сaplan, G. Emotional crises / G. Сaplan. – 111: The encyclopedia of mental health. – N. Y. – 1963. – Vol. 2. – P. 1–532.
8. Seeger, M.W. Communication, organization and crisis / M.W. Seeger, T.L. Sellnow, R.R. Ulmer // Communication Yearbook. – 1998. – Vol. 21. – Р. 231–275.
9. Venette, S. J. Risk communication in a High Reliability Organization: APHIS PPQ’s inclusion of risk in decision making [Електронний ресурс] / S. J. Venette // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. – Режим доступу :
UDC 159.9
Pavliuk T. H.
Formation of collective opinion of border guard units
The article describes forms of influence on collective opinions of border guard units. It highlights especially impact of corporate culture on collective opinions of border guard units.
A collective opinion of a border guard unit means a unified position shared by all unit members concerning specific, meaningful to all questions. Such collective opinion takes a form of knowledge, thoughts about the knowledge subject, attitude to it in a form of collective decisions and solving, resolution, in other words, intention to perform collective actions. For most people, thoughts of others about them are extremely important, as they have evaluating character. Through this prism of relations, a person reflects on his/her place in a team, makes rules of his/her conduct in it. In addition, collective opinions can reflect the basic principles of a particular team.
The following ideas influence unit collective opinion formation: traditions, team unity, social and psychological climate, social and professional maturity of the unit.
Collective opinion formation of border guard units is impossible without taking into account of corporate culture. That is, the corporate culture is the basis for collective opinion as well as person’s culture; it is a basic component that ensures personal readiness to life self-determination. Meanwhile, corporate culture is a means of formation of a personal inner world, diversity of its content, which reflects life values and ideals, personal focus on the culture of self-realization in own life.
Key word: collective opinion, corporate culture, border guard unit, tradition, unity, social and psychological climate, social and professional maturity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 339-350 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Antsupov A. Ya. Metodologicheskie problemyi voenno-psihologicheskih issledovaniy / A. Ya. Antsupov, V. N. Pomogaybin. – M. : VGU, 1999.-99 s.
2. Akmeologicheskie aspektyi professionala. – M. : Izd-vo LGU, 1993. – 223 s.
3. Androschuk O. Yu. SistematizatsIya Isnuyuchih InItsIatsIynih stsenarIYiv ta adaptatsIya Yih do umov vIyskovogo seredovischa / O. Yu.Androschuk // Hmelnitskiy : NADPSU, 2005. – № 34. – S. 93–95.
4. Babushkin V. M. Pogranichnyie traditsii i ritualyi (v pomosch komandiram chastey, podrazdeleniy, korabley) /V.M. Babushkin, V. D. Yunoshev. – P-Kamchatskiy : Izd-vo SVRU FPS RF, 1998.
5. .Berestetska N. V. PIdgotovka maybutnIh ofItserIv-prikordonnikIv do profesIynogo spIlkuvannya u protsesI navchannya gumanItarnih distsiplIn : avtoref. dis. kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.04 / NatalIya VolodimirIvna Berestetska ; NADPSU Im. Bogdana Hmelnitskogo. – Hmelnitskiy, 2008. – 20 s.
6. Gryaznov I. O. Sistema moralnogo vihovannya maybutnIh ofItserIv-prikordonnikIv: monografIya /I. O. Gryaznov. – Hmelnitskiy : NADPSU, 2004. –
4. 370 s.
7. Gumenyuk O. E. PsihologIya vplivu : monografIya / O. E. Gumenyuk. – TernopIl : EkonomIchna dumka, 2003. – 304s.
8. Eroshin B. F. DeyakI aspekti funktsIonuvannya sistemi prikordonnogo kontrolyu na punktah propusku cherez derzhavniy kordon UkraYini / B. F. Eroshin // ZbIrnik naukovih prats № 9. – Hmelnitskiy : APVU, 1999. – № Ch. 2. – S. 26–30.
9. .MIschuk I. M. Osnovi y osoblivostI psihoprofIlaktichnoYi roboti v DerzhavnIy prikordonnIy sluzhbI UkraYini / I. M. MIschuk // Naukoviy vIsnik DerzhavnoYi prikordonnoYi sluzhbi. – 2003. – № 5. – S. 45–47.
10. Suhobskaya G. S. Ponyatie «zrelost sotsialno-psihologicheskogo razvitiya cheloveka» v kontekste andragogiki [Elektronnyiy resurs] / G. S. Suhobskaya // Novyie znaniya. – 2002. № 4. – S. 17-20. – Rezhim dostupa:, 12.03.2010.
UDC 159.9
Potapchuk, N.D.
Theoretical essentials study the problem of the emergence of rumors among the population in an emergency situation
In the article made reviewed theoretical essentials study the problem of the emergence of rumors among the population in an emergency situation. Was established, that rumors as phenomenon arisen with the emergence of human civilization and is one of the most powerful means of disseminating information. As certain with the help analyzing historical facts the first cases emergence phenomenon rumors and investigated their role in emergency situations, in particular: in time of war, hostilities, technogenic catastrophe, economic crises and political unrest.
An attempt was made to analyze the basic theory of mass communication, as the main factors of the emergence rumors, because we believe that the rumors – model of mass communication. Comparing theories of researchers mass communication, investigated the basic causes the emergence and spreading rumors (satisfying their interests; matching information and installations person), сhannels spread of rumors (television, radio, communication, books, magazines, the people themselves), directions spread of rumors (which is set by the media, thereby they become a tool of manipulative influence). Process spread rumors depends on the environment, in which they arisen, such as: accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, epidemics, fires. It was concluded that rumors in an emergency situation arising in connection with information vacuum.
Considering the basic research phenomenon on rumors described the basic law, which reflects the dependence of their intensity the importance of the events and ambiguity of information. Detected the scale spread of rumors among different group an emergency situation.
Keywords: rumors, study, phenomenon, mass communications, communications theory, factors arising, emergency situation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 351-363 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bezzubcev S.A. Sluhi v upravlenii personalom: jeffektivnoe sredstvo ili bomba zamedlennogo dejstvija [Tekst] / S.A. Bezzubcev // Upravlenie personalom. – 2001. – № 11-12 (65). – S. 72–74.
2. Zhytaryuk M.H. Teoriyi ta modeli masovoyi informatsiyi (Masova komunikatsiya) [Tekst] / M.H. Zhytaryuk. – L'viv, 2015. – 220 s.
3. Kvit S.M. Masovi komunikatsiyi : pidruchnyk dlya studentiv vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv [Tekst] / Serhiy Kvit. – K. : Vydavnychyy dim «Kyyevo-Mohylyans'ka akademiya», 2008. – 206 s.
4. Kryzova psykholohiya [Tekst] : navch. posibn. ; 2-e vyd. / za zah. red. O.V. Timchenka. – Kh. : NUTsZU, KP «Mis'ka drukarnya», 2013. – 380 s.
5. Latynov V.V. Sluhi: social'nye uslovija i uslovija pojavlenija [Tekst] / V.V. Latynov // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. – M.,1995. – № 2. – S. 12–17.
6. Moskalenko V.V. Psykholohiya sotsial'noho vplyvu : navch. posib. / V.V. Moskalenko. – K. : Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2007. – 448 s.
7. Nazaretjan A. P. Agressivnaja tolpa, massovaja panika, sluhi. Lekcii po social'noj i politicheskoj psihologii [Tekst] / A. P. Nazaretjan. – SPb. : Piter, 2003. – 192 s.
8. Ol'shanskij D.V.Psihologija mass [Tekst] / D.V. Ol'shanskij. – SPb. : Piter, 2001. – 368 s.
9. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : navch. posib. / L.E. Orban-Lembryk. – K. : Akademvydav, 2005. – 448 s.
10. Osnovy teorii kommunikacii : uchebnik / pod red. prof. M.A. Vasilika. – M. : Gardariki, 2003. – 615 s.
11. Rizun V.V. Teoriya masovoyi komunikatsiyi : pidruch. dlya stud. haluzi zhurnalistyka ta informatsiya [Tekst] / V.V. Rizun. – K. : Vydavnychyy tsentr «Prosvita», 2008. – 260 s.
12. Sotsial'na psykholohiya : navch.-metod. posib. / N.M. Anufriyeva, T.M. Zelins'ka, N.O. Yermakova. – K. : Karavela, 2009. – 216 s.
13. Tohobyts'ka V.D. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozpovsyudzhennya chutok v umovakh nadzvychaynoyi sytuatsiyi [Tekst] / V.D. Tohobyts'ka // Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' natsional'noyi akademiyi derzhavnoyi prykordonnoyi sluzhby Ukrayiny, Seriya : pedahohichni ta psykholohichni nauky. – 2013. – # 4(69). – S. 393–402.
14. Hlop'ev A.T. Gruppovoe i massovoe soznanie v pole sluhov [Tekst] / A.T. Hlop'ev // Problemy informacionno-psihologicheskoj bezopasnosti. Sbornik statej i materialov konferencij / pod red. A.V. Brushlinskogo i V.E. Lepskogo. – M. : Institut psihologii RAN, – 1996. – S. 65–73.
15. Khrystenko V. Psykholohichni pryyomy neytralizatsiyi chutok v oseredku nadzvychaynoyi sytuatsiyi / V. Khrystenko // Problemy ekstremal'noyi ta kryzovoyi psykholohiyi : zbirnyk naukovykh prats'. Vyp. 12, chastyna 2 – Kharkiv : NUTsZU, 2012. – S. 143–150.
16. Shapar V.B. Suchasnyy tlumachnyy psykholohichnyy slovnyk / V.B. Shapar. – Kh. : Prapor, 2005. – 640 s.
17. Allport, G.W. Ananalysis of rumor [Text] / G.W. Allport, L. Postman // Public Opinion Quarterly. – 1946. – № 10. – R. 501–517.
UDC 159.9
Prorok N. V.
Psychological problems of the practical psychologist’s professional socialization
In the article was showing the results of empirical investigation about an influence of professional example (the Teacher, the Master, the Important Another, the Translator, the Inspiring Illustration) on the process of professional becoming and professional socialization. It was illustrate that this factor is very important for the forming of motivational and targeted formation – the ambition to the professional self-development. Was singled out the features of the Master’s personality and its professional function which have a big influence for the practical psychologists during the process of their professional socialization.
It may be in particular such features: the efficiency of Teacher’s professional act, the level of its psychological mastery; the variety of decision options of the professional situations, new psychological technologies which demonstrated by Master; the real example of Master’s own self-development will stay the general guide for the result and the process of the practical psychologist’s self-development; the opportunity to accumulate the experience of professional thinking, professional reflection during the work with the Master; the Master’s ability for the versatile interpretation and understanding the social world, more clear interpretation of persons relationship; the Master’s faith in people, in their best features; the evaluative attitude toward the world and purport lifelines, the bright showing the feature like helping for people which is very important for practical psychologist. Was detected the psychological arrangements of «meeting with the Master» influence: the goal formation; the origination of the new goals; the origination of the new meanings; the learning the examples of professional behavior; the feeling; reflection; the looking the others achievements; the inner cognitive motivation; the identification. Was showed that practical psychologist’s professional experience have an influence for the depth of understanding the professional mastery of the other person.
Keywords: professional development, «meeting with the Master», aspiration to the self-development, psychological arrangements, professional experience, values, professional reflection.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 363-374 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Anan’ev B. H. O problemakh sovremennoho chelovekoznanyya / Borys Herasymovych Anan’ev. – M., 1977 – 380 s.
2. Antsyferova L. Y. Psykholohycheskye zakonomernosty razvytyya lychnosty vzrosloho cheloveka y problema nepreryvnoho obrazovanyya / L. Y. Antsyferova // Psykholohych. zhurnal. – 1980. – T. 2. № 2. – S. 52 –66.
3. Bandura A. Teoryya sotsyal’noho nauchenyya. – SPb.: Evrazyya, 2000. –240s.
4. Vasylyuk V. F. Psykholohyya perezhyvanyya: analyz preodolenyya krytycheskykh sytuatsyy / Fedor Efymovych Vasylyuk – M. : Yzd-vo MHU, 1984. – 200 s.
5. Zynchenko V.P. Soznanye y tvorcheskyy akt / Vladymyr Petrovych Zynchenko. – M.: Yazyky slavyanskykh kul’tur, 2010.– 592 s.
6. Koté M., Lyders A.H. Vlyyanye sovremennoy amerykanskoy psykholohyy na praktycheskuyu psykholohyyu v Rossyy // Sbornyk pod. red. M.Koté y A.H.Lydersa / Spetsyal’noe prylozhenye k «Zhurnalu praktycheskoho psykholoha» za 1998 hod. Moskva, 1998. – 220 s.
7. Kronyk A. A. V hlavnykh rolyakh: Vy, my, on, ty, YA: Psykholohyya znachymykh otnoshenyy / A. A. Kronyk, E. Kronyk – M. : Mysl, 1989. – 204 s.
8. Leont’ev D. A. Psykholohyya smysla. Pryroda, struktura y dynamyka smyslovoy real’nosty: monohrafyya / Dmytryy Alekseevych Leont’ev. – M. : Smysl, 1999. – 486 s.
9. Petrovskyy V.A. Lychnost’ v psykholohyy: paradyhma sub’ektnosty / Vadym Arturovych Petrovskyy [uchebnoe posobye]. – RnD : Fenyks, 1996. – 512 s.
UDC 159.9
O.P. Proskurniak, Ju.G. Andriichuk
Psychological preparedness to motherhood as the aspect of role self-realization of a woman
The syndrome of psychological peculiarities, which characterize a woman with an optimal level of preparedness to motherhood (realized in motherhood) is: a woman who feels the need to give birth to a child, treating it with care as something precious; she has formed mostly an optimal type of psychological component of gestational dominant; the level of her knowledge about peculiarities of motherhood is sufficient and the contentment of spousal relationships and her family role optimal for the child’s birth; a woman is ready for the empathetic understanding of a child and taking responsibility for caring for the child and its development; oriented on providing the optimal emotional contact with a child; and vice versa, a woman who is psychologically unprepared to bear a child, sees the reason for pregnancy in the outside to the child circumstances; she has formed a problematic, compared to normal motherhood, type of psychological component of gestational dominant; her knowledge of this subject is insufficient or imperfect; there are problems in her marriage and the accomplishment of family role contradicts the optimal, the empathy and self-management are not sufficiently developed, she is not only unprepared for taking responsibility for the child but also for her own actions, the guidelines for child’s upbringing are problematic: from too distant treatment to overprotection and deprivation of independence.
Keywords: gender features self women, psychological readiness for motherhood, role approach in personality theory.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 374-386 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Vasil'kova Ju.V. Social'naja pedagogika / Ju.V. Vasil'kova, T. V. Vasil'kova. – M. : Akademija, 2000. – 440 s.
2. Vahromov E.E. Psihologicheskie koncepcii razvitija cheloveka: teorija samoaktualizacii / E.E. Vahromov. – M. : Mezhdunarodnaja pedagogicheskaja akademija, 2001. – 162 s.
3. Vіvcharik T.P. Psihologіchnі mehanіzmi samorealіzacії zhіnki (na prikladі zhіnochoї molodі, vkljuchenoї u tvorchu profesіjnu dіjal'nіst') : dis. … kand. psihol. nauk: spec. 19.00.01 – zagal'na psihologіja, іstorіja psihologії / T.P. Vіvcharik. – Chernіvcі, 2000.– 200 s.
4. Gornostaj P.P. Psihologіja rol'ovoї samorealіzacії osobistostі : avtoref. dis. … dokt. psihol. nauk : spec. 19.00.05. – socіal'na psihologіja; psihologіja socіal'noї roboti / P.P. Gornostaj. – K., 2009. – 32 s.
5. Jejdemiller Je.G. Semejnyj diagnoz i semejnaja psihoterapija : [uchebnoe posobie dlja vrachej i psihologov] / Je.G. Jejdemiller, I.V. Dobrjakov, I.M. Nikol'skaja. – SPb. : Rech', 2005. – 336 s.
6. Zelіns'ka T.T. Psihologіja materins'koї ambіvalentnostі: shljah do garmonії chi dushevnogo bolju / T.T. Zelіns'ka // Psihologіja і suspіl'stvo. – 2002. – № 1. – S. 18–27.
7. Prakticheskaja psihodiagnostika. Metodiki i testy : uchebnoe posobie / [redaktor-sostavitel' D. Ja. Rajgorodskij]. – Samara : BAHRAH, 1998. – 672 s.
8. Sіdak L.M. Asketizm jak princip samorozvitku ta samorealіzacії osobistostі : avtoref. .. dis. kand. fіlosof. nauk : spec. 09.00.03. – іstorіja fіlosofії / L.M. Sіdak. – H., 2003. – 16 s.
9. Stolin V.V. Oprosnik udovletvorennosti brakom / V.V. Stolin, T.A. Romanova, G.P. Butenko // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. – Serija 14. – Psihologija. – № 2. – 1984. – S. 54–61.
10. Chibisova M.Ju. Fenomen materinstva i ego otrazhenie v samosoznanii sovremennoj molodoj zhenshhiny : diss. … kand. psihol. nauk: spec. 19.00.13 – psihologija razvitija, akmeologija / M.Ju. Chibisova. – M., 2003. – 272 c.
11. Shtepa O.S. Proprіum zrіloї osobistostі / O.S. Shtepa // Praktichna psihologіja ta socіal'na robota. – 2004. – № 2. – S. 26–35.
UDC 159.9
Rosiychuk T.A.
Philosophical and psychological analysis approaches to language and thought in connection with the subject of psychological vision
Since the beginning of New Time the problem of language and thinking was transferred from metaphysics to epistemology. Philosophy proposed two paradigms of cognition, depending on which the object, the idea of the subject, and the relation of thinking and language were determined. Natural-scientific paradigm was based on the image of the subject as a passive receiver of influences of physical reality which is transformed by thinking, while the ready-made idea is translated by language. Cultural and historical paradigm that takes the Kant’s phenomenological approach recognized the activity of the subject, stressed the role of imagination in cognition and in the creation of the world’s picture, and revised the role of language in its relation to thinking. The language philosophy by W. Humboldt was crucial in this subject, since he demonstrated the genetic approach to human studies is possible through investigation of the joint development of language and thinking, taking place in the collective social activities. Based on the analysis of the predecessors experience, L.S. Vygotsky proposed to treat the problem of thought and language as the problem of verbal thinking, presented it as a psychological function of intrinsic speaking. Further development of the concept of intrinsic speaking is related to its definition as a non-verbal language of thought within the N.I. Zhinkin theory. We come to the conclusion that the intrinsic speaking turned out to be a so contradictory concept due to the fact the modern psychology inherited patterns of natural-scientific paradigm of XVII century with manifestation of the predominant idea of the direct reflection of the world in thinking, as well as in the orientation of psychological studies onto mechanisms of internal psychological processes. The phenomenological approach, that takes into account the role of imagination in the cognition and in the human’s creation of the world’s picture, supposes instead that these mechanisms have to reflect the specific of a man culture experience. Therefore, we propose to take a solution to this problem outside the branch of internal “psychological mechanics” to put it into the area of phenomenological experience of the subject.
Keywords: gender features self women, psychological readiness for motherhood, role approach in personality theory
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 386-396 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Perel'muter I. A. Grammaticheskoe uchenie modistov / I. A. Perel'muter // Istorija lingvisticheskih uchenij. Pozdnee Srednevekov'e. − SPb. : Nauka, 1991. − S. 7–66.
2. Ar'es F. Rebenok i semejnaja zhizn' pri Starom porjadke / F. Ar'es ; [per. s franc. Ja. Ju. Starcev].– Ekaterinburg : Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 1999. – 416 s.
3. Jaroshevskij M. G. Istorija psihologii ot Antichnosti do serediny HH veka / M. G. Jaroshevskij. − M. : Mysl', 1996. − 416 s.
4. Vygotskij L. S. Myshlenie i rech' / L. S. Vygotskij. – M. : Labirint, 2008. – 352 s.
5. Zhinkin N.I. O kodovyh perehodah vo vnutrennej rechi / N. I. Zhinkin // Psiholingvistika: Izbrannye trudy. – M. : Labirint, 2009. – S. 142–160.
6. Karaulov Ju. N. Russkij jazyk i jazykovaja lichnost' / Ju. N. Karaulov. – M. : Izd-vo LKI, 2010. – 264 s.
7. Gartli D. Razmyshlenija o cheloveke, ego stroenii, ego dolge i upovanijah / D. Gartli ; [per. s angl.] // Anglijskie materialisty XVIII v. Sobranie prizvedenij : v 3 t. – T. 2. – M. : Mysl', 1967. – S. 193–374.
8. Kondil'jak Je. B. de Opyt o proishozhdenii chelovecheskih znanij / Je. B. de Kondil'jak / [per. s fr. I.S. Shern-Borisova] // Sochinenija : v 2 t. – T. 1. – M. : Mysl', 1980. – 336 s.
9. Gajdenko P. Istorija novoevropejskoj filosofii v ee svjazi s naukoj / P. Gajdenko. – M. : PER SJe ; SPb. : Universitetskaja kniga, 2000. − 456 s.
10. Lobanova L. P. Myshlenie i jazyk v filosofii I. G. Gamana / L. P. Lobanova [Elektronnij resurs]. − Rezhim dostupu :
11. Gumbol'dt V. Izbrannye trudy po jazykoznaniju / V. Gumbol'dt ; [per. s nem. G. V. Ramishvili]. – M. : Progress, 1984. – 400 s.
UDC 159.9
Sardarzade Surena
Psychological evaluation of cognitive schemes in anxiety disorders
This study intends to investigate the role of cognitive and emotional schemas in explaining anxiety disorders. Totally, 109 patients with various types of anxiety disorders referred to psychiatrists and psychologists (private and public institutions) in Tehran, Iran, were selected by random sampling. To evaluate the results of Young Schema Questionnaire, variance analysis and Tukey's test were used. The results showed a significant difference between disconnection-rejection area in panic disorder with or without agoraphobia or agoraphobia without or panic attacks and post-traumatic stress and social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder as well as specific phobia. The difference is that in the case of panic disorder,disconnection-rejection area of the scheme is considered inefficient. Based on our findings on anxiety disorders in the areas of injury-rejection area, other-directedness and over-vigilance areas are considered as dysfunctional schemas of this group.
Keywords: gender features self women, psychological readiness for motherhood, role approach in personality theory
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 396-404 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
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3. Delattre, V., Servant, D., Rusinek, S., Lorette, C., Parquet, P.J., Goudemand, M., & Hautekeete, M. (2004). The early maladaptive schemas : a study in adult patients with anxiety disorders, Encephale, Journal Des Maladies Mentales Et Nerveurses, 30, 255–258.
4. Leahy & E.T. Dowd (Eds.), Clinical advances in cognitive psychotherapy: theory and application , 93–109. – New York : Springer Publishing.
5. Lumley, M.N., & Harkness, K.L. (2007). Specificity in the relations among childhood adversity,early maladaptive schemas, and symptom profiles in adolescent depression // Cognitive Therapy and Research, 31, 639–657.
6. Sadock, B. & Sadock, V., 2009. Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry. – Tehran : Teymourzadeh.
7. Sadoughi, Z., Agilaroufaei, M. & Rasoulzadeh Tabatabaei, S. K., 2008. Factor Analysis of the Young Schema Questionnaire Short form in non-clinical samples in Iran // Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry of Iran, 4(2), pp. 214–219.
8. Spitzer, R.L., Williams, J.B.W., Gibbon, M., & First, M. (1996). The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R(SCID). I: History, rationale, and description. Archives ofGeneral Psychiatry, 49, 624–629.
9. Taherifar, Z., 2011. an introduction to components and cognitive model of social anxiety disorder. Knowledge Reflection, 6 (21, 22), pp. 13–22.
10. Young, J. E. (1990). Cognitive therapy for personality disorders: A Schema-focused approach. Sarasota, FL: Professional resource exchange, Inc.
11. Young, J. E. (1998). Young Schema Questionnaire Short Form. – New York : Cognitive Therapy Center.
12. Young, J. E., Klosko, J.S. & Weishaar, M.E. (2003). Schema Therapy A Practitioner’s guid. – New York : Guilford Press.
13. Young, J.E., & Brown, G. (2001). Young Schema Questionnaire: Special Edition. – New York : Schema Therapy Institute.
UDC 159.9
Sydorenko, O.O.
Volunteer movement in the world and in Ukraine
In the article the expounded materials of historical way of origin and forming of concept of volunteer, volunteer activity, the thumb-nail sketch of historical development of volunteer movement is given. Taking into account historical data on volunteer movement in the world, it maybe to trace, as the first volunteer organizations, volunteer communities, appeared, as popularity of volunteer spread to territory of the certain state and in the world.
With distribution and increase of popularity of volunteer movement in the separately taken states and in the world - the first researchers that was interested by this phenomenon appeared. One of the most ponderable researches the research of Gallup Institute, conducted in 2010, became, that included analytical data on volunteer activity of 153 countries of the world. Since this research is conducted annually and represented in form rating tables with position of countries, depending on their percent indexes on volunteer movement. Analysing the indexes of these researches during four years - it was educed that our state walked up a 61 position. It is related to the chain of events that took place in our country, basic from that was Euro-2012, during that volunteer movement purchased considerable popularity and scope. But considerable development and distribution volunteer movement in Ukraine purchased after Revolution Dignity at the end of 2013 and with beginning of war on east in 2014.
On the example of the developed countries - see that volunteer movement for them is the usual phenomenon. In Ukraine volunteer motion purchased popularity after heavy events that changed the world view of ukrainians largely. Quite possible, that with the increase of popularity of volunteer movement and charity among ukrainians, Ukraine will go out on a qualitatively-new level and will get around the developed countries of the world in the nearest future.
Keywords: history of volunteer, volunteer, volunteer, volunteer movement, charity, charity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 404-412 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
Kudrinskaja L. A. Dobrovol'cheskij trud kak ob#ekt i predmet sociologicheskoj nauki / L. A. Kudrinskaja // Perspektivnye napravlenija razvitija teoreticheskoj sociologii v Rossii rubezha HH–HHI vekov / pod red. V. A. Mansurova, S. I. Grigor'eva. – M. – Barnaul : Izd-vo ARNC SO RAO, 2003. – S. 348–359.
2. Biderman K. Koordinacija raboty dobrovol'cev i menedzhment volonterskih programm v Velikobritanii / K. Biderman. – SPb. : Russko-Nemeckij obmen, 1999. – 31 s.
3. Zagal'na Deklaracіja pro volonters'ku dіjal'nіst'.
4. Zakon Ukrajiny № 246-VIII vіd 5 bereznja 2015.
5. Vseobshhaja deklaracija dobrovol'chestva / XVI Vsemirnaja konferencija dobrovol'cev Mezhdunarodnoj associacii dobrovol'cheskih usilij (IAVE), Amsterdam, janvar', 2001. – [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa :
6. Krapіvіna G. O. Svіtovyj volonters'kyj ruh: stan і status / G. O. Krapіvіna // Vіsnyk ekonomіchnoji nauky Ukrajiny. – 2012 – № 1. – S. 73–76.
7. Danі sajtu «Vіkіpedіja» [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu :'nosti
8. Danі sajtu «Charity Aid Foundation» [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu : (, vikoristanі danі z dzherela
UDC 159.9
Slobodyanik, N.V.
Personal development of Ukrainian youth as agents of the educational process in circumstances of instability because of the crisis
The article analyzes a place and role of Ukrainian youth in the society that is instable because of the crisis. The results of conceptualization of the problems of young people personal development in the modern educational space are presented. Education is considered as a strategic social institution of social development, due to its functions it is a priority area where the Ukrainian youth can apply their productive activities, implement personal self-actualization, and meet optimally their needs for self-realization. The essence of the “personal development” concept is discussed and the role of self-actualization for it is highlighted. Attention is paid to an important moment of personal development in educational activities: mutual transformation of potential into actual, real, and vice versa, i.e. formation and actuation of mechanisms of self-actualization. The main directions of educational space improving are proposed for modern educational organizations.
Keywords: social and political crisis, education, personal development, agent of education, self-actualization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 412-423 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Anciferova L.I. K psihologii lichnosti kak razvivajushhejsja sistemy / L.I. Anciferova // Psihologija formirovanija i razvitija lichnosti / [otv. red. L.I. Anciferova]. – M. : Nauka, 1981. – S. 3–19.
2. Asmolov A.G. Psihologija lichnosti : uchebnik / A.G. Asmolov. – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 1990. – 367 s.
3. Ball G.O. Koncepcija samoaktualizacii lichnosti v gumanisticheskoj psihologii / G.O. Ball. – K.-Doneck : Rovesnik, 1993. – 32 s.
4. Vahromov E.E. Psihologicheskie koncepcii razvitija cheloveka: teorija samoaktualizacii / E.E. Vahromov. – M. : Mezhdunar. ped. akademija, 2001. – 231 s.
5. Losev A.F. Dialektika mifa / A.F. Losev // Filosofija. Mifologija. Kul'tura. – M. : Politizdat, 1991. – S. 21–185.
6. Maksymenko S.D. Rozvytok psykhiky v ontohenezi. – T. 1 : Teoretyko-metodolohichni problemy henetychnoyi psykholohiyi : [U 2 t.] / S.D. Maksymenko. – K. : Forum, 2002. – 319 s.
7. Papucha M.V. Vnutrishniy svit lyudyny ta yoho stanovlennya : monohrafiya / M.V. Papucha. – Nizhyn : Vydavets' Lysenko M.M., 2011. – 656 s.
8. Rybalka V.V. Samoaktualizatsiya osobystosti obdarovanykh starshoklasnykiv v umovakh profil'noyi pidhotovky : metod. posib. / V.V. Rybalka. – K. : Infosystem, 2011. – 156 s.
9. Fel'dshtejn D.I. Psihologija razvitija lichnosti v ontogeneze / D.I. Fel'dshtejn. – M. : Pedagogika, 1989. – 206 s.
10. Jel'konin D.B. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy / D.B. Jel'konin. – M. : Pedagogika, 1989. – 560 s.
UDC 159.9
Teplycka A.O.
Model and simulation in the professional education of future teachers
The article provides a general analysis of pedagogical simulation as a method of pedagogical research, and identifies some approaches to classification, the basic position of application of pedagogical modelling in theory and practice of teachers' vocational education. It is proved that any simulation involves the use of abstraction and idealization (this applies particularly to the pedagogical modeling of complex systems what behavior depends on a large number of interrelated factors of different nature). In the pedagogical analysis it is commonly demanded structural-functional model, in constructing which the object is viewed as an integral system, including parts, components, elements, subsystems. The construction of this model allows to obtain new information about the behavior of the object, to identify relationships and patterns that cannot be detected with other methods of analysis.
Keywords. Model, pedagogical modeling, design, professiogram of the teacher, the structural-functional model
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 424-433 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Vartofskoy M. Modeli. Reprezentatsiya i nauchnoe ponimanie / M. Vartofskoy. – M. : Progress, 1998 . – 506 s.
2. KushnIr V. A. Teoretiko-metodologIchnI osnovi sistemnogo analIzu pedagogIchnogo protsesu vischoYi shkoli : dis. … d-ra ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.04 „TeorIya ta metodika profesIynoYi osvIti” / Vasil AndrIyovich KushnIr; In-t pedagogIki I psihologIYi profesIynoYi osvIti APN UkraYini, – K., 2003. – 482 s.
3. Lodatko E.O. PedagogIchnI modelI, pedagogIchne modelyuvannya I pedagogIchne vimIryuvannya: that is that? / E.O.Lodatko / PedagogIka vischoYi shkoli: metodologIya, teorIya, tehnologIYi // Vischa osvIta UkraYini: Teoretichniy ta naukovo-metodichniy chasopis. U 2-h t.t. – Vip.3. – 2011. – t.1. – S. 339–344.
4. Lodatko E. O. Modelyuvannya v pedagogItsI: tochki vIdlIku [Elektroniy resurs] / E. O. Lodatko // PedagogIchna nauka: IstorIya, teorIya, praktika, tendentsIYi rozvitku : e–zhurnal. – 2010. – Vip. # 1. – Rezhim dostupu. – http://intellect––magazine
5. Novik I. B., Sadovskiy V. N. Modeli v nauke : istoricheskie i sotsiokulturnyie aspektyi (posleslovie) / I. B. Novik, V. N. Sadovskiy // Vartofskoy M. Modeli. Reprezentatsiya i nauchnoe ponimanie / M.Vartofskiy. – M. : Progress, 1998. – S. 450–484.
6. Pometun O. I. DiskusIya ukraYinskih pedagogIv navkolo pitan zaprovadzhennya kompetentnIsnogo pIdhodu v ukraYinskIy osvItI / O. I. Pometun // KompetentnIsniy pIdhId u suchasnIy osvItI. SvItoviy pIdhId ta ukraYinskI perspektivi / [pId zag. red. O.V. Ovcharuk]. – K., 2004. – 111 s.
UDC 159.9
B.M. Tkach
Neuropsychology of religious and ideological fanaticism
Religious and ideological fanaticism is considered in this article as a neuropsychological phenomenon. Features of brain activity of religious or ideological adepts are characterized. Functional limits of cognitive process which help religion and ideology integrate into the structure of personality are discovered here. They include the tendency of teleological mistakes, basic human necessities, congenital clichés of perception, mind dualism, theory of another’s mind, abstractive thinking. The article presents what destructive changes religion or ideology inflicts. The most likely reason of changing of a favor into a fanaticism is a cognitive health distortion. The article also proposes the neuropsychological resource to protect ourselves from religious and ideological violence: cultivation of cognitive features and mental culture, ability to overcome the fear of otherness and familiarization with the principles of critical rationalism, asses to the information about the different philosophical concepts, giving the freedom of choice. Futher direction of researches and creating the new rules of social behavior which should be based on the congenital morality and neuropsychological species of each person is defined.
Keywords: religion, fanaticism, neuropsychology, personality, frontal brain areas, functional limits of cognitive processes.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 433-444 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Alexander, R.D. The Biology of Moral Systems. – New York : Oxford University Press, 1987. – 301 p.
2. Alper, M. The "God" Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God. – San Francisco : HarperOne, 2006. – 273 p.
3. Andrewes, D.G. Neuropsychology. From theory to practice. – Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 2015. – 716 p.
4. Beauregard, M., O'Leary, D. The Spiritual Brain. A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul. – San Francisco : HarperOne, 2007. – 368 p.
5. Bourke, A.F.G. Principles of social evolution. – New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. – 280 p.
6. Cattell, R.B. Beyondism: Religion from Science. – New York : Praeger, 1987. – 320 p.
7. Cialdini, R.B. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition Revised Edition. – New York : HarperBusiness, 2006. – 320 p.
8. Clinical neuropsychology. Behavioral and brain science. // John L. Bradshaw & Jason B. Mattingley. – San Diego : Academic Press, 1995. – 458 p.
9. Dennett, D.C. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 1995. – 586 р.
10. Goldberg, E. The Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes and the Civilized Mind Paperback. – New York : Oxford University Press, 2002. – 251 p.
11. Gruter, M. Law and the Mind: Biological Origins of Human Behavior. – London : Sage Publications Inc., 1991. – 184 p.
12. Kapogiannis, D., Barbey, A.K., Su, M., Zamboni, G., Krueger, F., Grafman, J. Cognitive and neural foundations of religious belief // PNAS. – March 24, 2009. – Vol. 106. – №12. – P. 4876–4881.
13. Luria, A.R. The Working Brain: An Introduction To Neuropsychology. New York : Basic Books, 1976. – 352 р.
14. Martin, G.N. Human neuropsychology. – [2nd ed.]. – Harlow : Pearson Education, 2006. – 555 p.
15. Mendelevich, V.D. Drug addiction and comorbid conduct disorder (psychological and psychiatric aspects). – M. : MEDpress-Inform, 2003. – 328 p.
16. Palmer, J.A., Palmer, L.K. Evolutionary Psychology : The Ultimate Origins of Human Behavior. – New York : Pearson, 2001. – 304 p.
17. Persinger, M.A. Neuropsychological bases of God beliefs. – New York : Praeger, 1987. – 164 p.
18. Tallis, F. Cognition and cognitive neuropsychology. – Chichester : Wiley, 1995. – 250 p.
19. Tiger, L. Optimism: the biology of hope. – New York : Simon and Schuster, 1979. – 318 p.
UDC 159.9
Turban V.V.
Family conflicts as an object of cognition in practical psychology
The article describes the psychological nature of family conflicts; a conflict is shown as an exhaustive object of cognition, which cannot by understood absolutely comprehensively. Types and classification of such conflicts are determined, family conflict prevention and overcoming is proposed.
A family conflict is examined as a psychological phenomenon that affects social, psychological and physical developmental aspects of all family members. Family conflicts are understood as a confrontation between family members through the collision of oppositely directed motives and attitudes. Family relationships are formed mostly based on the experience of parental families of each spouse and they are very rarely based on mature ideas and realistic desires of each partner. This is the reason for the majority of family conflicts. The more precisely the conflict essential elements are defined, the easier it is to find effective means to overcome them. Consistent, sound behaviour is aimed in most cases at overcoming of a conflict in general.
Also, the mosaic form of conflicts and ways to overcome it is discussed separately. The optimistic assessment of a mosaic conflict situation is based on its own positive components and personal behaviour with optimistic orientation. Therefore, in the event of a mosaic conflict, at a sudden turn of events, it is difficult to predict its outcome, as it is uncertain. The result of this conflict largely depends on a ratio of positive and negative assessments of the situation, a direction of deployment of this ratio that structures the conflict, etc.
Key word: conflict, family conflict, types of conflicts, classification of conflicts, conflict prevention, conflict resolution, conflict mosaic.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 444-453 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Abramova N.T. Mozaichnyiy ob'ekt: poiski osnovaniy edinstva // Vopr. filosofii. – № 2. – 1986. – S. 102-112.
2. Vasilyuk F.E. Psihologiya perezhivaniya / analiz preodoleniya kriticheskih situatsiy. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1984.
3. Grechanova V.A. Neopredelennost i protevorechivost v kontseptsii determinizma. – L.: Izd-vo LGU, 1990. – 132 s.
4. Zdravomyislov A.G. Sotsiologiya konflikta: Rossiya na putyah preodoleniya krizisa: Ucheb.posobie dlya studentov vyisshih uchebnyih zavedeniy. – 2-e izd., dopolnennoe. – M.: Aspekt Press, 1995. – 317 s.
5. Mol A. Sotsiodinamika kulturyi. – M.: Progress, 1973. – 406 s.
6. Smelser N. Teorii kollektivnogo povedeniya. – M.: Nauka, 1962. – 280 s.
7. Hekhauzen H. Motivatsiya i deyatelnost: V 2 t.: Per. s nem. – M.: Pedagogika, 1986. – 408 s.
8. Berlyne D.E. Conflict, Arousal and Curiosity. – N.Y., 1960.
UDC 159.9
Chaplak, Y.V., Chuyko, H.V.
Victimization as a socio-psychological problem of the present
Nowadays person easily and mostly unexpectedly can become the victim of everything and anybody. However, if a person constantly feels like a victim and often becomes so real, we can talk about the victimization of the individual.
The victimization of individual is the underlying concept of victimology – a complex (and largely by socio-psychological) theory about individuals in crisis, and funds victim assistance. The central concept of victimology is the victim. In a broad modern under¬stan¬ding of the term “victim” means not exclusively victims of crimes, but any person, who has the sufferings; it is the person, who has lost meaningful values as a result of the influence of another person, group of people, certain events and circumstances. It is naturally to dis¬tinguish two types of “victims”: real and fake. The real victim is the victim objectively, fake sacrifice is not a really victim, but he is able to seem so to others, is actually a skilled manipulator.
Common classification of victims of crimes is missing, however, the most widespread is classi¬fi¬ca¬tion by D.V. Rivman, who, on the basis of situational oriented roles, allocates aggressive (trying to harm others), active (in promoting harm), proactive (harm through the nature of their behaviour), passive (not opposing the criminal), non-critical (reckless) and neutral (doesn’t contribute to the offender) victims.
It is revealed, that victimization is a tendency of the individual (due to the specific combination of complex disposition’s and situational components) to become a victim of circumstances or persons, when the situation is conducive to this, although it is possible to avoid it. Even the average level of victimization is accompanied by loss of hardiness, feeling himself “out of life”; there is no desire to risk for the sake of development, trust in a just world system and favour of the world; the person is unable adequately to overcome the stress even using of coping strategies, is not sufficiently adapted, with negative self-esteem and pessimistic worldview.
Keywords: victimology, victimization, victim, type of victimization, hardiness, coping-strategy, life satisfaction, sense of security.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 454-466 (pdf)
Spisok vikoristanyh dzherel
1. Andronnikova O. O. Viktimnoye povedeniye podrostkov: faktory vozniknoveniya i profilaktika : [monografya] / О. О. Аndronnikova. – Novosobirsk : NGI, 2005. – 300 s.
2. Malkina-Pyh I. G. Psihologiya povedeniya zhertvy / I. G. Malkina-Pyh. – М. : Eks-мо, 2009. – 1008 s. – (Spravochnik prakticheskogo psihologa).
3. Оdincova М. А. Tipy povedeniya zhertvy. Diagnostika rolevoy viktimnosti / М. А. Оdincova. – Samara : Bahrah-М, 2013. – 160 s.
4. Plotnikova S. Ju. Nekotorye aspekty konsul’tirovaniya kliyentov-zhertv / S. Ju. Plotnikova // Psihologiya. Perm’. – 2003. – № 2. – S. 9–10.
5. Rivman D.V. Viktimologiya : [monografya] / D. V. Rivman, V. S. Ustinov. – SPb. : Gardarika, 2002. – 320 s.
6. Rivman D.V. Kriminal’naya viktimologiya / D.V. Rivman. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 304 s. – (Seriya «Uchebniki dlja vuzov»).
7. Tuljakov V. А. Viktimologiya. Social’nye i kriminologicheskie problemy / V. А. Tuljakov. – Odessa : Juridicheskaya literatura, 2000. – 335 s.
8. Frank L. V. Viktimologiya i viktimnost’ : ucheb. posob. / L. V. Frank. – Dushanbe : Irfon, 2002. – 342 s.
9. Hristenko V. Je. Psihologiya zhertvy : ucheb. рosob. / V. Je. Hristenko. – Rostov n/D : Feniks, 2004. – 416 s.
UDC 159.9
A. V. Shamne
Experience empirical study of the crisis of adolescence
The new understanding of the nature of adolescence (12 to 20 years) as a cultural and historical phenomenon is related to overcoming of limitations of traditional socio-historical paradigm. The results of empirical investigation of dynamics, symptomatology, phenomenology and course of the crisis of the adolescence (by means of the sampling of 11-20 years) are being submitted in the article. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the problem of the crisis in psychology. There are presented the results of researching the peculiarities of normative experiences of the crisis, are described predictors of normative crisis of psychosocial development, its individual, personal-biographical and age factors.
Due to the basic theoretical concepts of the adolescence the questionary for evaluation the principal features (indicators) of this age-related crisis was developed. The comparative analysis of the results of survey of various groups of informants (respondents) is implemented: by teachers with a great experience of working at school, students, contemporary Ukrainian adolescents, their teacher and parents. Different aspects of evaluations are being employed (retro- and actual-estimation, objective and subjective estimation). The peculiarities of perception by various groups of informants of symptomatology and phenomenology of the crisis of maturing are being defined. Different types of dynamics and content of the crisis of contemporary adolescents in Ukraine are being described on the basis of the actual data.
Keywords: the adolescence, phenomenology, the features (indicators) of the adolescence, L.S. Vygotsky, parents, teachers, contemporary adolescents, the factorial analysis, the crisis of personality, the crisis of subject.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 466-475 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Kle M. Psihologija podrostka: (Psihoseksual'noe razvitie) / Mishel' Kle ; [per. s fr.].- Moskva : Pedagogika, 1991. - 298 s.
2. Shamne A.V. Typologija ta fenomenologija psyhosocial'noi' kryzy u pidlitkovo- junac'komu vici / A.V. Shamne // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii' : zb. nauk. prac' Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G.S.Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka. - Т. H, Vyp. 26. - Kyi'v, 2014. - S. 878-890.
3. Kruger A. The midlife transition: crisis or chimera / A. Kruger // Psychological reports. - 1994. - Dec. 75(3 pt 1). - P. 1299-1305.
UDC 159.9
Shevchuk, I.V.
Narrative psychology as the direction of modern research
This article describes the question of narrative psychology. The underlying idea of it is that reality doesn't exist objectively but is continuously constructed in conjunction of people with each other. As a result of this interaction some communities of people create beliefs, values, laws, presenting that find expression in the language. In the light of these representations people interpret the world, give meaning to these or those phenomena, events, processes of life.
The term "narrative" implies narrative stories about people and their problems. This is the dialogue between a psychologist and a person who asked for help, that opens new opportunities and new ways of solving problems, and it happens because the subject of the dialogue is not "pathology" or "symptom" but a story that allowed the problem to appear in the life of the client.
Main narrative for each person is the story of his life. It is because of it, he does not only simulate the real world, but makes his existence unique, different from others. Narrative psychology is a relatively young science, which now makes interest for many scientists and philosophers. The main purpose of narrative therapy is creating around a customer some space to develop alternative stories that will give him the feeling of being able to influence the course of his life and to become directly the author of his story.
Keywords: narrative psychology, narrative, autobiography, identity, narrative analysis, life experience.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 10(28): 475-483 (pdf)
Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel
1. Bal, M. Narratology: introduction to the theory of narrative / M. Bal. – Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1997.
2. Brokmajer I. Narrativ: problemy i obeshhanija odnoj al'ternativnoj paradigmy / I. Brokmajer, R. Harre // Voprosy filosofii ; per. s angl. Sajes D.L. – M. : Nauka, 2000. – №. 3. – S. 29–42.
3. Bruner Dzh. Zhizn' kak narrativ. Postneklassicheskaja psihologija / Dzh. Bruner. – M. : Logos, 2005. – S. 9–29.
5. Leont'ev D.A. Labirint identichnostej: ne chelovek dlja identichnosti, a identichnost' dlja cheloveka / D.A. Leont'ev // Filosofskie nauki. – M., 2009. – S. 5–10.
6. Propp V. Morfologija volshebnoj skazki / V. Propp. – M. : Nauka, 1969.
7. Sarbin T.R. Narrativ kak bazovaja metafora dlja psihologi / T.R. Sarbin // Postneklassicheskaja psihologija. – 2004. – № 1. – S. 6–28.
8. Turusheva Ju.B. Narrativ kak metod issledovanija processa socializacii / Ju.B. Turusheva // Psihologicheskie issledovanija. – 2015. – T. 8. – № 39. – S. 2–5.
9. Harré, R., Langenhove, L. Positioning theory, Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.
10. Hollway, W., Jefferson, T. Panic and perjury: a psychosocial exploration of agency // British Journal of Social Psychology, 2005, 44(2), 147–163.