Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 26 – 2019

Abstracts and Information about Authors



Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 26 – 2019

Abstracts and Information about Authors


Moliako V. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

H. S. Kostiuk is an outstanding strategist of psychological science (II) (on the occasion of the 120th birthday)

Abstract: Let’s single out, as we understand them, the main strategic achievements of H.S. Kostiuk in his many years of scientific activity (and actually scientific and pedagogical, because, as you know, he was also directly involved in practical activities, as a teacher of mathematics at school, as a lecturer at the institute, as a head of graduate students, as head of the department, and finally – as the director of a scientific institution – the Institute of Psychology created by him, which will be discussed separately a little further). So the main strategic achievements of H.S. Kostiuk, in our opinion, can certainly be considered: the conscious construction of his own scientific and practical path in the very difficult living space of the 20’s and 60’s, and later, what they were specifically in Ukraine at that time; establishment of the first in the Ukrainian SSR (and the third in the USSR) Institute of Psychology (at that time in the system of the Ministry of Education) in 1945; the implementation of scientific and practical guidance by the mentioned Institute (until the end of 1972, when this management was actually artificially suspended by the illiterate policy of the leadership of the said Ministry at best); creation of a polyphonic school (autonomous vectors of a whole pleiad of schools), the achievements of which have not been adequately evaluated to this day. Of course, it would be possible to formulate the consideration of our questions by a synthetic name: the life strategy of Academician H. S. Kostiuk (1899-1984), which would include these strategies to some extent as components of a common one, but in any case, in a concrete plan, all of them need to be considered as actually characterizing H. S. Kostiuk himself and his theoretical and practical achievements of absolutely historical scale for our science.

Keywords: strategic thinking, strategic activity, strategy, strategist, mental activity, H. S. Kostiuk’s life strategy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26):7-17 (pdf)

UDC 159. 922.6

Bedlinskyi O. I.1, Symonenko L. I.2

1Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy

2Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy

Language: Ukrainian

Some problems of development of the creatively gifted individual

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of O. Kobylianska’s sketch “Impromptu Phantasie” from the point of view of age development of a creatively gifted person. It is proved that the most important creative activity for a teenager is the construction of social relations together with peers. The failure of the sketch character, despite the creative talent and objectively creative activity connected with the lack of joint activity with peers, identification problems, formation of pride as a dismissive attitude to others, against the background of low self-esteem. Lengthening of age development of modern teenagers and youth is connected with objective mythologization of adults’ activity due to its complication. Demand-motivational sphere was formed among the part of modern ninth-graders and they are included in the educational and professional activities in higher vocational schools, gymnasiums, or specialized classes, that is, complete the second period of adolescence. The rest of the graduates from 9th form, experiencing necessity-motivational crisis, must undergo a new circle of age development, in which high school pupils would be in the first age period, and junior students in the second period of “the age era of early youth”. Activity in the first period of the era of early youth is aimed at the assimilation of human relations, requires respectively deep study of humanitarian subjects in high school, in order to form the necessity -motivational sphere of personality.

Keywords: activity, consciousness, creativity, emancipation, giftedness, identification, teenager, youth.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 18-28 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Beresova L. V.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


Language: Ukrainian

The creative strategies of designing activity

Abstract: The solution of the constructive-technical tasks causes in students’ steady interest, as they are interested in novelty, originality of tasks and opportunity to make use of the practical experience. The process of a new technical problems' solution consists of three main cycles: etaloning, designing, approbation (control sketching). A strategy is taken to mean a rather complex psychological formation comprising preparatory, planning and realization acts, which are related to the fulfilment of the individual's, potentialities in the concrete situation of creative activity. The evolvement of the strategy of a concrete process of creative activity as well as the entire psychological structure of this process, are seen as involving a rather intricate blend of three main cycles: the examination of the engineering problem, project (hypothesis) formation and the making of a preliminary decision (approbation).Tasks, questions and practical tasks is an effective didactic way, which makes active creative activity of the person. The creative thinking carried out at the decision of creative tasks is considered. Creativity should become norm of professional work and preparation to it, we should note that each expert should be the creative expert. Certainly, a level of creative activity always there will be different, as in each concrete case creative opportunities of each student and then worker determined by its abilities, endowments, talent. Process of formation of professional creative thinking is continuous during all vital activity.

Keywords: creativity, strategies, creative task, solution, engineering activity, creative thinking.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 28-33 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Bila I. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological and pedagogical model of creative thinking development technology

Abstract: It is not the knowledge that is recognized as the result of education today, but the competencies, cognitive and practical skills that reflect a person’s willingness to use actively and creatively the received education for solving personally and socially significant practical problems as well as for effective achievement of life goals. The key to this is the development of the subject’s creative thinking in the most effective way, the construction of a psychological and pedagogical model of its development technology, including conditions, factors and means. The conditions for the activation of creative thinking stipulate an aesthetic, developing environment that provides the development of sensory experience, perceptual actions, creative observation; positive psychological climate, emotional support, lack of excessive demands, criticism, encouragement of creative behaviour; the presence of a pattern of creative behaviour, a creative example; dialogic form of communication; compliance with the principle of an individual, personality-oriented approach. It is important to take into account the factors of the development of thinking creativity, namely: the need to develop creative perception, observation, research actions, skills in posing questions and experimenting, mastering strategic thinking actions, activating intuition, the ability to reflect, rethink the experience of one’s activity, updating one’s thinking, preserving of a person’s creative and energy potential. The efficient means of developing creative thinking are creative, practical tasks, flowcharts, examples, samples, guidelines, instructions and tips. The psychological and pedagogical model of technology for the development of creative thinking determines the conditions, means for the effective development of creative thinking and the factors in the formation of creative thinking, provides an effective organization of the educational process in which a person has all the possibilities not only for the development of creative thinking, creativity, but also for self-realization and self-development.

Keywords: creative thinking, psychological and pedagogical model, development technology, conditions for creative thinking activation, means of creative thinking developing, factors of thinking creativity formation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 34-44 (pdf)


Borovytska O. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Phenomenon of creative imagination in the epistemological psychology of creativity (philosophical and psychological reading)

Abstract: Historical, philosophical and psychological perspectives on the vision of the problem of the creative essence of the imagination are suggested. The study attempts to show its active efficacy when it claims to be actualized as a structural and functional component of the subject's creative and thinking activity. The synthesis of philosophical and psychological approaches will be seen as universal, because we will take into account both general and specific specifics of the imagination, and thus its understanding as both functional and active will more actively contribute to the exploration of the potential of the subject in search of a new one. The problem of actualization of creative imagination in the structure of cognition is seen as one of the fundamental problems of the psychology of creativity as an epistemological one. We believe that the study of structural and functional features of various forms and mechanisms of the cognitive process will be the subject of a separate field of psychology of creativity, namely – epistemological. In our research context of the epistemological psychology of creativity there is a study of the phenomenon of imagination as an actualized essence in the structure of creative-thinking process. Therefore, in order to understand the need for the problem of understanding the psychology of creativity as epistemological, it is necessary to delve deeper into its central issues, the question of which will be the construction of a new one.

Keywords: creative imagination, creativity, cognition, philosophical and psychological approach, epistemological psychology of creativity.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 45-58 (pdf)


Vaganova N. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Premises of the development and standing of preschooler’s creative thinking

Abstract: Article observes the premises of the development of creative thinking and standing of preschooler’s creative personality in the developing interaction process and describes the principles of a child’s self-development, forming of the integrative and creative qualities of personality in the conditions of innovative educational space. It is shown, that the preschool age has particular significance for the child’s abilities’, personality’s features’ and general giftedness’ development. In the article the question concerning the general being of art process and art thinking, and alsothe features of the modern children’s cognitive processes are observed and the main regularities of cognitive abilities’ development are shown, which can also be applied to the children’s giftedness. That is we mean synergy of relatively autonomous processes of creative thinking and imagination, which are actualized depending on the degree of novelty of a new object.

Keywords: creative thinking, creative personality, cognitive development, cognitive abilities, creative activity, preschool age.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 58-65 (pdf)

UDC 159.954 – 043.86:[929:001]

Vynogradova V. Ye.

V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Subject – subjective interaction as a factor of a personality’s creative abilities development

Abstract: The article reveals the main factors in the development of a personality’s creative abilities through the subject – subjective interaction. The influence of the adults’ attitude to the child as a subject has been determined. The researchers consider this concept as a new form of communication between an adult and a child which reflects the final transition from the subject-object relationship to subject-subjective interaction, and fixes subjectivity as a modern norm of psychological and pedagogical influence. The conditions that can become effective in the formation of a creative personality have been analysed. The issues of creating developmental environment in the family to promote the development of a child’s makings have been considered. Attention is also paid to the components that help to create a favourable psychological climate for a personality development in the family. The subject-subjective orientation of the relations in the adult-child systems for the development of the child’s creative abilities has been analysed. The factors of talent formation in recognized scientists in their childhood have been analysed in the article. Exploring the growth of V. I. Vernadskyi, K. D. Ushynskyi, I. I. Mechnikov, it has been found out that the basis for the development of their talents was the subject–subjective interaction of parents and children. An important condition is the attitude of adults to the child as a subject and the subject-subjective relations construction. After all, precisely such relations form the personality’s freedom to choose his or her path in creative abilities development.

Keywords: subject, personality, subjectivity, creative abilities, favourable psychological climate, subject-subjective interaction.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 65-74 (pdf)

UDC 159.97

Gavrylovska K.P.1, Kyrychenko V.V.2, Falkovskaya L.M.3

1Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr

2Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr

3Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr

Language: Ukrainian

Representation in the mass psyche of the image of persons with disabilities: methodological basis of the research

Abstract: The article presents the methodological basis of empirical studies of representation in the mass psyche the image of people with disabilities. The purpose of our research is to determine the methodological and methodological foundations of empirical research of socio-psychological peculiarities of mass perceptions about persons with disabilities. Conducting a theoretical analysis made it possible to reveal that in the mass psychology of Ukrainians, the areas of possible inclusion of persons with disabilities in various spheres of social life are quite clearly defined. The image of people with disabilities is an integral characteristic of experience, knowledge, experience, attitude and evaluation, readiness for action and action as external manifestations of the psyche. The structure of the psychological representation of the image of persons with disabilities is cognitive, emotional and praxical components that have a level structure.

Keywords: people with disabilities, image of people with disabilities, mental health, information, information society, mass media.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 75-86 (pdf)

UDC 379.28+153.14+005.118

Hrek O. M.

K. D. Ushinsky Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Odesa

Language: Ukrainian

Peculiarities of the information technologies use in creativity development of teenagers

Abstract: The article reviews the peculiarities of the use of information technologies in the development of creativity in teenagers and young men. The analysis of contemporary approaches to the study of creativity in Psychology is presented, peculiarities of its development in teenage years are determined. Information technologies as means for creativity development are considered, positive and negative sides of their influence on the pupil’s personality are defined. It has been determined that information technologies are connected with the information activity and are directed on the productivity of a person. Peculiarities of the development of structural components of creativity in teenagers have been studied empirically. It has been found that teenagers have medium and lower than medium levels of development of creativity, and the level rises throughout the studied age. Also it has been determined that teenagers have the highest rates according to the productivity and constructive activity indicators, but they are low enough according to the indicators of originality. The psychological training for development of creativity in teenagers with the application of computer information technologies aimed at the development of creativity, communicative skills, self-development and determination, the ability to defend their creative viewpoints, needs to get external recognition; development of sociability; increase of the level of self-appraisal; relief of the psychic tension; development of activity and initiative has been presented. It is proved that the use of computer information technologies in the psychological training contributes to the development of creativity, encourages nonstandard thinking, finding of creative solutions, increase of self-appraisal and the relief of psychic tension.

Keywords: creativity, creative abilities, information technologies, computer technologies, development, teenagers, psychological training.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 86-93 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Нulko Yu. A.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Application of the KARUS training system in classes on design in the middle group of kindergarten

Abstract: The article sets out the provision about the unity of analogization, combination and contrast reconstruction in the structure of preschooler’s creative activity. The use of the KARUS training system in the classes on chenille wire constructing is described. It is shown that in children of the fourth and fifth years of life, in the process of designing from chenille wire, all mental tendencies to analogization, to construction and to contrast reconstruction are manifested in various degrees and spontaneously. And as the child gains design experience, as well as the manifestation of his individual specificity of thinking, any one leading mental tendency is more or less clearly manifested.

Keywords: design, analogization, combination, contrast reconstruction.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 94-102 (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2-058.862

Devis L. A.

SHEE «Donbass State Pedagogical University», Slovyansk

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological problems of forming and development of childrens personality which brought up in the boarding schools

Abstract: Analyzing the development of communication and the relationships between children in boarding schools, psychologists pay attention to significant deviations that occur in the earliest stages of ontogeny.The researchers assert that experience of communication is the main source that influences children and forms their attitude to the other people and themselves.Monitoring at boarding schools indicates a great need for communication and adults` friendly attitude to them adults.Analyzing the characteristics of communication and interaction of children with adults psychologists mention that children who are brought up in an orphanage differ in the development of communication with children who are brought up in the family. First of all, the orphans communicate quite differently with people they show increasing interest than children in adult family, but they are characterized by reduced activity in communicating with adults, by primitive desire to individual contacts, by poorly developed an interest in business cooperation. Business cooperation between a child and adult is very necessary to be analysed. Psychologists say that almost no child has a desire to work with adults, the desire to do something with him. Children are not trying to attract attention to his toys, to study them, to ask cognitive questions. During reading activity the orphans practically do not show any interest, they do not ask questions, do not express their points of view. Thus, the emerging commitment to adult and failure to establish a boarding productive cooperation and communication with people shows the child does not develop the desire to follow the steps of adults as a model, promoting` the absorption of child’s cultural achievements of mankind and its orientation in the environment.

Keywords: domestic co-operational deprivation, аffect-personality relations, relation to itself, intercourse, collaboration.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 102-110 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Dryhus M. T.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Conceptual analysis of the personality efficiency problem in the H. S. Kostiuk psychological system

Abstract: Prominent Ukrainian scientist, the founder of Ukrainian psychology H. S. Kostiuk created a unique psychological system, synergistic in its content, transgressive in its essence and operative in its ideas. It is stated that one of the urgent problems of modern psychology is the problem of personality efficiency, which was apprehended by H. S. Kostiuk and made an extraordinary contribution to the development of its theoretical and methodological foundations. In the article the conceptual analysis of the problem of personality efficiency in H. S. Kostiuk’s psychological system in the following planes is carried out: in the context of the “general characteristic of the human psyche ontogenesis” the views of H. S. Kostyuk on the problem of “characteristic features of the psyche development” in the projection of personality efficiency are disclosed; the conceptual field of the essence of development, revealed by H. S. Kostiuk; the characteristic of H. S. Kostiuk’s approach to the problem of the “formation of mental attributes of personality”, as well as the issue of “transition from lower to higher structures of mental life” and the status of personality efficiency in these planes is realized. The problem of personality efficiency in the conceptual field of the H. S. Kostiuk’s idea of self-movement is revealed.

Keywords: personality, ontogenesis, development, mental attributes, system.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 110-117 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Kyiashko M. A.1, Podshyvailova L. I.2, Shepelova M. V.3

1Institution of Education “P. M. Masherov Vitebsk State University”, Vitebsk

2 Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

3H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Personality attributes as a premise of students’ artistic orientations in paintings perception

Abstract: Article is devoted to the defining of personality attributes and its interaction influence on the students’ artistic orientations in paintings perception. One of the paintings’ attribute is an artistry, which at the same time is a criterion of work’s belonging to an art, or, in other words, is an original of marker. By the results of theoretical analyses four components of artistic orientations in paintings perception are defined, each of these components’ displays are described. By the results of empirical research basing on the factor loadings calculations of students’ artistic orientations in paintings perception in the groups of students-psychologists, technical students and the group of “other subjects” system-forming factors are defined, its hierarchy is revealed. It is found, that system-forming factor of students’ artistic orientations in paintings perception in each group of subjects and in a general sample is an emotional filling of artistic work. With the application of nonlinear multiple regression analyses personality attributes and its interaction influence on the artistic orientations in paintings perception in the groups of students-psychologists, technical students and the group of “other subjects” is defined. The calculations results give an opportunity to define the content filling of paintings perception by personality attributes, that is, to give a psychological characteristic of personalities, oriented on emotional filling of artistic work.

Keywords: artistic orientations, personality attributes, paintings’ perception, students.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 117-132 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.8:159.923.2

Kostina T.A.

V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

The Importance of Gender Studies in Related Sciences for Psychology

Abstract: The article is devoted to highlighting the role of gender studies, which are studied by other sciences and enrich psychology. The paper identifies the main directions and aspects that fall into the scope of the scientific search for a particular scientific discipline. Among them are the following: gender sociology (social roles of men and women, gender stereotypes), gender economy (the role of women for the economic growth of society), gender anthropology (the problem of androcentrism in modern cultures), gender linguistics (studying gender using the linguistic conceptual apparatus: mapping gender in language), gender history (past from a gender perspective: studying the interaction of male and female experiences in a historical context, “discovering” women of the past for modern), etc. The article substantiates the need to study gender (in)equality from different sciences. It is noted that a significant amount of diverse information is required to unravel this phenomenon (as all aspects of human and social life include the gender component). It is clear that in psychological research we are also limited by the subject of scientific research, but a deeper understanding of this question is possible only with the support of discoveries made in other sciences. The necessity of conducting cross-disciplinary research in the field of gender issues related to the need to expand opportunities for studying information fields is emphasized.

Keywords: gender, gender anthropology, gender economics, gender linguistics, gender stereotypes, gender sociology.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 132-139 (pdf)

UDC 159.954:005.8]:005-057.212

Kostyuchenko О. V.

Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

The creative and adaptive potential of metaphorization in project management in socio-cultural sphere

Abstract: Іn the article is defined the conceptual field of the problem of realization of creative and adaptive potential of metaphorization in project management; its role in realization of the defining function of project management – strategic planning of project activity in socio-cultural sphere, namely "condensing" of strategies of perception, selection, analysis, evaluation, ordering and systematization of objects of research, new information and situations that will contribute to the decision of new management tasks, completion of the creative process by achieving equilibrium, harmonization; some creative components of effective planning are revealed, in particular, non-standard vision of new possibilities of functioning of project management, development, production of original ideas, flexibility of thinking and behavior, etc. The concept of metaphorization constituents at each stage of planning of project activity is expanded and deepened. The connection between creative and adaptive properties of metaphorization in solving creative and managerial tasks in various aspects of project management, in particular in motivational-orientation, cognitive, emotional-volitional, communicative, reflexive, is established. It is proved that metaphorization of project management problems is one of the effective means of their stabilization and solution, universal methodological tool of cognitive-creative process, as it allows to quickly navigate in changing conditions, to choose the optimal strategic plan, for each case methods and means for realization of project activity as part of effective governance.

Keywords: management, project activity, project management, strategic planning, metaphorization, metaphorical image, creative potential.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 139-148 (pdf)

UDC 159. 9

Latysh N. M.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological aspects of juniour pupils’ creative thinking development

Abstract: The article describes the psychological aspects of juniour pupils’ creative thinking development. The juniour school age is referred to as the age of particular importance for the development of children's thinking. Namely at this age different types of thinking, its kinds, their basic qualities and properties are formed, and the prerequisites for forming in children a special, close to creative style of mental activity are laid. The development of cognitive psychic processes in juniour school age is characterized by the fact that they become more independent types of mental activity, which have their purpose, motive and methods of fulfillment: remembering – in the activity of purposeful, voluntary learning; perception – in the activity of observation, thinking – in the activity of reflection, etc. The development of involuntary attention at this age allows pupils to respond to various changes in the surrounding reality, which in turn expands the information scope, facilitates the establishment of new relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, thus stimulating the development of creative thinking. The level of development of imaginative and verbal components of creative thinking in juniour school age is primarily determined by the extent to which the child has ways of constructing an image of imagination – combining, probabilistic prediction, agglutination, hyperbolization.

Keywords: creative thinking, creative imagination, creative tasks, internal action plan, juniour school age.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 148-157 (pdf)

UDC 159.928-053.066

Liu Yan

K. D. Ushinsky Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Odesa

Language: Ukrainian

Comparative analysis of the development of creative abilities and manifestation of psychological barriers in younger teenagers of Ukraine and China

Abstract: This article deals with developmental characteristics of creative abilities and psychological barriers in their development among Ukraine and China younger teenagers. Modern education approaches to creativity and psychological barriers in their development of younger teenagers are analyzed in the article. Definitions of “barrier”, “psychological barrier” and their link to creative abilities developmental characteristics of younger teenagers are submitted. By a psychological barrier should be implied a person’s mental state that hinders the intentions fulfillment. Developmental characteristics of creative abilities structural components and psychological barriers of creative abilities development among Ukraine and China younger teenagers were empirically investigated. A higher level of creativity development such as attributes of an individual, and also creativity structural components such as visual originality and categorical flexibility of younger teenagers from the Chinese selection were identified relative to the younger teenagers from the Ukrainian selection. It was established that an accentuation of psychological barriers of younger teenagers from the Ukrainian selection is higher in comparison with representatives from the Chinese selection. Among the main psychological barriers in creative abilities development of the Ukrainian selection subjects are self-doubt, as an indication of their own limited capabilities, lack of interest, fear of making a mistake, unwillingness to take risks. The Chinese selection subjects have a fear of being underperforming at school and losing friends, they also are reluctant to take risks.

Keywords: creative abilities, creativity, mental states, barriers, psychological barriers, development, younger teenagers.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 157-166 (pdf)

UDC 159.92

Mazyar O. V.

Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr

Language: Ukrainian

Contrapuntal personality dissonance

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to outline the general mechanism of personality psychodynamics and to establish the general conditions for the emergence of neurotic spectrum problems. The starting point of the study is the idea of personality as a psychic counterpoint. Psychic counterpoint is the result of the struggle and unity of the first and the second signaling systems, biological impulses and social norms of behavior. Normally, psychic counterpoint is the consonant of antithetical personality substructures. Psychical disorder is the result of contrapuntal personality dissonance. The article explains the main causes of contrapuntal dissonance and the nature of its dynamics. On this basis, the original assumptions about the factors of destructive processes in the emotional and cognitive spheres of personality development are made. The problem was solved thanks to A. Wallon's approach to the elementary psychical unit as a binary formation. The very this structural peculiarity of the psychic unit in the evolutionary process has freed human from the direct reflex response and allowed to move on to reflection and abstraction. The binary nature of the psychical unit is traced to the emotional and cognitive levels of psychical activity. This creates grounds for claiming that human psychic development is caused by double contradiction. At the intrapsychic level, it is a contradiction of the psychical unit, and at the interpsychic level, the contradiction between the individual and the society. The social environment strongly regulates the behavior of the individual and the satisfaction of his needs.

Keywords: psychic counterpoint, psychodynamics, reflex, creativity, sign, ambivalence.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 166-173 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:37.015.31

Maslianikova I. V.

V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

The problem of the motivational component of adults learning

Abstract: The article refers to the problems of education during life, the relevance of which is due to the contradiction between the rather rapid social development and the discrepancy between the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities of adults to modern requirements of professional activity in a market economy. In addition, taking into account the recent changes regarding the Law of Ukraine on professional development of employees and the Order of professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, the optimization of adult education is becoming increasingly important. Given the scientific literature, it should be noted that the features of educational motivation and the level of student learning largely determine the quality of education. Currently, scientists have sufficiently covered the problem of adult education, the specific features of adult students, educational motivation and learning, but studies that would be devoted to the motivational component of adult student learning has not yet. In the article, the author analyzes in detail the state of development of the problem, defines the idea of the study and the successive steps of its implementation. Specific psychodiagnostic methods for the study of adult motivation and the level of their learning are given. The criteria for studying the problem in order to obtain thorough recommendations for optimizing the learning process of adults of different age groups, gender and professions are determined. At the same time, the author insists on trial research in order to make practical adjustments if necessary.

Keywords: adult student, educational motivation, assimilation of knowledge, learning, research, criteria.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 173-181 (pdf)

UDC 925 : 925.159: 923

Mykhalchuk N.O.1, Antyukhova N.I.2

1Rivne State University of the humanities, Rivne

2Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv

Language: English

Psycholinguistic mechanisms of the explication of the category of absurd in the plays of W. Shakespear

Abstract: The article deals with a rather complicated problem, such as the explication of the category of absurdity in plays of W. Shakespeare. It was noted that understanding the absurdity of W. Shakespeare was largely due to the fact that Shakespeare’s thought was “dissolved” in the images and situations of his plays, and it was through this he had been able to comprehensively fully disclose the characters and circumstances that the images had been created by the author had been rich and complex as the reality itself. It was stressed that so more and more it had been understood in the world the value of W. Shakespeare, each generation in a new way had comprehended his works, and every person had interpreted W. Shakespeare in a new way. Deeper thoughts laid down by W. Shakespeare in his play were increasingly revealed, his artistic skill became more clearly evident. The problem that is dominant in this article was largely solved by the fact that the artistic system of Shakespeare’s drama had been largely based on the traditions of a national theater, but to a large extent it had been depended on its inheritance to the ancient theater. The following points were taken into account: the drama of classical antiquity was characterized by a strict composition of construction; in the plays of ancient authors, the action, as a rule, took place in one place and during a rather brief period, about in a week, the plot, as a rule, contained only one event, depicted without any deviations; in the tragedies of W. Shakespeare the action generally began on the eve of the solution of the conflict. It was emphasized that in the image of W. Shakespeare a person, trying to achieve his/her goal, constantly faces opposition from the other people who nullify his/her free personality. This counteraction may be absurdly aware by another person. Then we say that the unconscious opposition represents the role of absurd randomness. It was stressed that in this absurdly hidden nature of causal relationships lied, according to W. Shakespeare, the uncertainty of human existence, which might even become tragic. Having understood the absurd frames, explicated in the plays of W. Shakespeare, we have identified the psycholinguistic mechanisms of expressing the absurd meaning by the writer. These are such mechanisms as: 1. The explication of absurd frames which are in the consciousness of the person. 2. The expression of the image of absurd in terms of random details, archetypes, metaphorical contexts. 3. The explication of the absurdly hidden nature of causal relationships, which appear to be evident as a result of the author’s usage of certain lexical units, lexical-stylistic means, etc. 4. The presentation by the author an absurd plot. 5. The presentation by the author literary denouement with the absurdly displaced center. It was proved that the understanding of the absurdity arises as a result of the transforming the tense context of the work into quite obvious semantic frames. Under such conditions, the witty absurdity will include the fact that the reader first perceives a work for the truth that misleads him, and then turns into persistent absurd frames which are fixed in the consciousness of the Person. Such frames, in turn, can be understood by the reader as containing nonsense, senselessness, can lead to the creation of stable cliches (built on the principle of “game of ideas”, “game of words”), which, in turn, become structural components of the consciousness of the Person.

Keywords: the absurd, the absurd meaning, absurd frames, random details, archetypes, metaphorical contexts, an absurd plot, literary denouement with the absurdly displaced center.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 181-194 (pdf)

UDC 159.954

Mishchykha L. P.

Precarpathian National Vasyl Stefanyk University, Ivano-Frankivsk

Language: Ukrainian

Creativity as an essential feature of lecturer's innovational activity

Abstract: The article reveals the problem of creativity as an essential feature of lecturer's innovational activity. The lecturer's psychological features are revealed, such as intellectual activity, originality, optimism, sense os humour, creative imagination, independent statements, endless experience, ability to generate ideas, critisism and reflection of high level, ability to communicate in dialogues, ability to listen to students, ability to operate modern educational technologies, endless learning. The following indicators play an important role as personal features, motivations and the teacher's readiness to develop, to self-improve and continue learning. The lecturer's creative individuality is presented at its different stages. Potential products of pedagogical activity in education are multi-vector that can be implemented both in theoretical (lectures, practices, seminars) and publicational (textbooks, guidebooks) in order to organize the students' scientific and self-education, also to develop new methodological methods of creative thinking, to make new academic curriculum to train students of bachalor and master degree. The carried out research based on the students' material has proved the fundamental theoretical principles when describing a creative lecturer's psychological portrait. The author sees the prospective further research in developing the methods of lecturer's creative thinking, and therefore the students' one.

Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, lecturer, innovational activity, personal features, motivations, endless learning, students.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 194-202 (pdf)

UDC [159.955+159.956]

Moiseienko L. A.1, Hural I. M.2, Smolovyk L. R.3

1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

2Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

3Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk

Language: Ukrainian

Psychology of interaction of processes of understanding and approbation in creative mathematical thinking

Abstract: The article deals with the questions about the psychological essence of the interaction of thinking processes of understanding and approbation in solving creative mathematical problems. According to the research of mathematical thinking, its creative character has been established and the approach to its study has been determined through analysis of thinking actions in the process of solving creative mathematical problems. The authors emphasize that the effectiveness of search activities is achieved through the interaction of the numerical, symbolic and spatial components of mathematical thinking. The article states that the processes of understanding mathematical problems and approbation of thinking results function during the whole process of solving mathematical problems. It has been found out that the content of search actions aimed at understanding the problem and approbation of mental results depends on the stages of solving the problem (studying the condition, finding a solution, checking the solution found), in which their procedural and dynamic side is not only manifested, but also formed. Besides, the process of understanding a creative mathematical problem and the process of approbation are complementary to each other. It has been established that understanding the condition of the problem forms the content of approbation actions, and the process of approbation contributes to the formation of understanding of a mathematical problem. Approbation actions, forming a subjective belief in the correctness (or wrongness) of a mental result, are aimed at the same time at deepening understanding of the essence of the task. Approbation of mental results is an auxiliary act, a tool of the process of understanding, and the state of understanding forms the content of approbation.

Keywords: creative mathematical thinking, understanding of a mathematical problem, approbation of thinking results.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 202-214 (pdf)

UDC 159.942

Moskalenko V. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

The research of creative thinking peculiarities in the cognitive conception of S. Moskovichy

Abstract: In the article, on the basis of the S. Moskovichy’s social representations theory main principles’ analysis, the peculiarities of the average person creative thinking in the process of scientific knowledge acquiring in the conditions of everyday life are analyzed. "Social representations" are defined as a specific form of knowledge in the field of everyday consciousness, which combines conceptual and figurative components. The creative function of social representations is analyzed, which consists in the transformation of unfamiliar information into the familiar as a result of transformation of structural elements and functions of mental phenomena of scientific knowledge into cognitive elements of everyday consciousness. As a result of the transformation of unfamiliar information into a new common, it becomes possible to move consciousness beyond directly given, real-life problematic situation in order to find a means of constructive solution of the problem through the use of new information received. In the article the factors that influence the transformation of structural elements and functions of mental phenomena of scientific knowledge in the process of their transformation into social representations of everyday consciousness are analyzed. In particular, attention is paid to the external and internal group of factors: external factors describe the changes in scientific theory that occur as a result of its implementation in everyday consciousness. Internal – describe the transformations that occur as its result within the representations themselves. The essence of external factors influence is displayed in the imaginative objectification of the representations subject, which distinguishes such stages as: personification of scientific knowledge and phenomena; selection and decontextualization of scientific theory elements; schematic visualization of scientific ideas and concepts. The mechanism of the influence of social representations transformation internal factors consists in penetration of the new (strange) into the gap of the ordinary due to the "identification matrix".

Keywords: cognitive sphere of consciousness, social representations, everyday consciousness, common sense, objectification, personification, identification matrix.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 214-225 (pdf)

UDC 159.922

Musiiaka N. I.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

H. S. Kostiuk’s theothy of a child mental development and the problem of personality determination

Abstract: The article presents the results of the contemporary Ukrainian psychology founder H. S. Kostiuk creative heritage study. It is founded that the creation of the “theory of child mental development” and its systematic development, the scientist puts as his scientific task. For the first time, the analysis of the structure created by H. S. Kostiuk theory of a child mental development, including, identified by the scientist himself, twelve spectra – “issues of consideration” is presented. It is stated that the core scientist considers the determinant spectrum, since “the mental development of a child is a conditioned process”, and “the question of the conditions of a child mental development is the initial question of the theory of this process”. It is ascertained that the theory of a child mental development is a key theoretical and methodological basis for understanding the essence of personality determination. The ideas of H. S. Kostiuk on the problem of personality determination are revealed. It is mentioned that the scientist has opened a new perspective of his theory of a child mental development – the problem of personality determination, the effectiveness of its formation and the course as internal potentials of personal growth and self-development. At the same time H. S. Kostiuk distinguishes another perspective of the problem – efficiency / inefficiency of personality growth and draws attention to the imbalance in the paradigm of “development opportunities – actual realization”. It is concluded that in the creative work of the scientist, a pivotal place is occupied by the systematic development of a child mental development problem.

Keywords: determination, personality determination, personality, child, development, child mental development.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 225-233 (pdf)

UDC 159.9

Olkhovetskyi S. M.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

Language: Ukrainian

Psychologists of children’s fears

Abstract: Thus, the main prerequisites for fears in adolescents and young men are: psychological trauma, loss of a loved one, conflict, monotony, desynchronism, life threat: fear that after death you can go to hell; extreme conditions: group isolation; limitation of information (sensory deprivation); change in perception of spatial structure, disturbance of sleep rhythm and activity; conflicts; congenital fears: fear of falling and fear of loud noises; very severe punishment; children’s fears; intellectual problems; fear of life; fear of the future; fear of testing: studying and other activities, motive for prestige, rivalry; fear of learning: exam, fear of possible failure, fear of a teacher; fear of loneliness: social isolation; moral loneliness; physical loneliness; excessive maternal care caused by fear of loneliness; night fears; fear as a personality trait; fear of natural forces: lightning and others; fear of reality; fear of parental divorce. The main prerequisites for fear and anxiety occurrence are biological, social and psychological.

Keywords: fear, children’s fears, psychological factors, nature of fears, evolution of children’s fears, a child, biological preconditions, nature of fears.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 233-241 (pdf)

UDC 159.9-027.533-044.332:355.05

Orlovskaya O. A.

V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

The impact of the family on psychological adaptation of military services

Abstract: The article analyzes the influence of the family on the psychological adaptation of military personnel after returning to civilian life. It is determined that the adaptation of military personnel is the process of adapting a person to new conditions of the social environment through mastering the norms of behavior, adapting to the requirements of society. The main tasks of adaptation of the military personnel are determined. It is determined that in the process of adapting to new conditions of life, a soldier can experience psychological difficulties, which are caused by cardinal changes in activity, will certainly affect relations with his close circle. Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder that may occur in military personnel have been established. It has been proven that adaptation is a difficult stage in life for military personnel. The author emphasized that the period of adaptation does not go unnoticed for family members, since family relationships are affected by ambiguous changed reactions of military personnel. Recommendations are made for families that contribute to more comfortable conditions during this period, in particular: to accept and acknowledge changes that have occurred or will occur, create conditions and help the former soldier find his own way of adapting to a peaceful life, and not try to expedite events with respect relate to the personal boundaries of the personality and delineate their own, show patience, respect and remain calm.

Keywords: psychological adaptation, military, psychological help, family, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 241-250 (pdf)

UDC 159.923:133.3

Plokhikh V. V.

Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Odesa

Language: Russian

Anticipation processes in the organisation of human well-timed actions

Abstract: The objective of this work is to determine particularities of the realisation of conscious and unconscious aspects of the anticipation process in the organisational structure of human well-timed actions. It is believed that the person`s unconsciousness generates a combination of many variations of continuous processes including the perception of significant events in the past, present and future. The author underlines that some key events are identified in the process of anticipation at the contextual intersection of possible realisations of objective processes with a subsequent formation of a relevant attitude and panoramic patterns ensuring the opportuneness of actions. It is asserted that a relevant attitude towards the opportuneness of actions becomes a core factor of the activity system if it ensures the concord of the person`s drives with episodic realisations of adjacent objective processes. This attitude matches with the duration of actions, which “ends” in the future projection for an anticipated event of a concerted settlement of all significant processes in the reality. The author proposes a classification of anticipation processes in the organisation of human well-timed actions under the criteria of the consciousness capability to use physical time measurements and clock values for forming an image regulating actions in a given time-limit. When impossible to use the clock in micro- and macro-intervals of time, the time organisation of actions founds on a temporal structure of a relevant attitude. In a small and big time-limit of actions, clock values may be used for a conscious formation of an activity type with varying degrees of completeness.

Keywords: time, anticipation, opportuneness, actions, attitude, duration, temporal sequence, event, clock.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 250-262 (pdf)

UDC 159.9:378

Podshyvailov F. M.

Institute of a gifted child of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Searching of synergetic effects of academic giftedness system-forming parameters’ interaction

Abstract: In the article axiomatic standpoints, and initially developed for personality typology creation method of content system analysis for the research of social and psychological phenomena with nonlinearly dependent parameters, are stated. They are initial premises of the research. The notion of interaction synergetic effect is defined. It is observed as a system modeling that needs no external resources inflow, when the system modeling itself progresses as mobilization of internal abilities of interacting notions pairs. At that, the autooscillating effect of interaction is presented as a system modulating that always needs internal resources inflow at the expense of internal environment adjusting to the needs of interacting notions pair without any taking into account the needs of internal environment itself. Ambivalence of an “academic giftedness” notion is shown. Academic giftedness in the most general view is presented as an ability of Homo Sapiens for learning and adoption of information or using his own internal resources (gifted personality), or using imported external resources (competent individual). Basing on the analysis of human motivational and intellectual spheres interaction, the models of individuality expert sphere and human expert sphere as synergetic effects of respective parameters are developed. It gave a possibility to distinguish nine system-forming parameters of a human academic giftedness: human intellectual sphere, personality intellectual sphere, individuality intellectual sphere, personality expert sphere, human expert sphere (achievement motivation), individuality expert sphere, individuality thinking sphere, personality motivational sphere, and human motivational sphere. An academic giftedness integrative system-forming parameter is a human expert sphere (achievement motivation), because an individuality expert sphere is an internal display, and a personality expert sphere – an external display of a human expert sphere. Hence, an achievement motivation may be an individual marker of a gifted man.

Keywords: interaction synergetic effect, system-forming parameter, academic giftedness, ambivalence, human, personality, individuality, intellectual sphere, expert sphere, verbal abilities, nonverbal abilities, typology modeling, personality typology, achievement motivation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 262-276 (pdf)

UDC 925 : 159.924-10-132

Prymachok L. L.

National University of Water Management and Nature Usage, Rivne

Language: Ukrainian

Sanogenic reflection as a component of metareflection of a physical rehabilitologist

Abstract: The structural components of the professional reflection of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation were highlighted in the article. The peculiarities of functioning of metacognition in terms of organization of metacognitive experience of the person were described. The components of the meta-reflection of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation were highlighted. The processes of metacognition and sanogenic reflection of the person were analyzed in a view of the category of mental states, and the peculiarities of their functioning were revealed. It was stated that the professional reflection of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation would contain the following components: personal reflection; intellectual reflection; metareflection. The concept of “sanogenic reflection” was proposed. It was understood by the author of the article as a process of re-thinking by the subject of the contents of his/her consciousness in its changed states, which could be perceived as a mechanism of integration of the Self-concept of a Person. This process generates the most holistic image of Self and new reorganized attitudes of individuals towards subjective and objective reality. As a purely psychotherapeutic technology, sanogenic reflection is a reflexive activity with the processes of reflection, the purpose of which is to rethink personal pathogenic stereotypes, which lead to the mobilization of resources of “Self” to achieve the psychotransformation which the subject wished.

Keywords: sanogenic reflection, professional reflection, metareflection, metacognition, personal reflection, intellectual reflection, harmonious image of Self.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 276-290 (pdf)

UDC 159.922.7

Rozina I. V.

K. D. Ushinsky Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Odesa

Language: Ukrainian

Psychologicalpeculiarities of the program creation for divergent thinking development boost in teenagers within the conditions of recreation

Abstract: The aim of the article was to study peculiarities of development of divergent thinking inthe teenage yearsand the elaboration of the program for the boost of divergent thinking in children of this age. The actuality of the research is connected with the necessityof further theoretical and practical development of creative potential. The problem of creativity each year becomes more and more actual and requires much thorough research, in particular, the development of the complex programthat includes the system of training exercises for divergent thinking development boost in the teenage years within the conditions of recreation. Theoretical analysis of the contemporary approaches in Psychology to the study of peculiarities of divergent thinking development in the adolescence is represented in the article. The results of the empirical research which is focusedon the diagnostics of divergent thinking in teanagers are reviewed. The program for psychological training and development of divergent thinking in teenagers within the conditions of recreation has been elaborated. Focus areas of work of the psychological training for development of divergent thinking in teenagers are: development of verbal and nonverbal creativity; raising self-esteem; easing emotional tension; development of initiative and activity. During the training the following forms and methods were used: group work; individual work; among the psycho-correctional methods there were elements of art-therapy, fairytale therapy, psychogymnastics, elements of communicative training.

Keywords: thinking, divergent thinking, verbal and nonverbal creativity, training, teenage years.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 290-299 (pdf)

UDC 159.9.072:378.146

Symonenko S. M.1, Lebedynskyi Ye. B.2

1K. D. Ushinsky Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Odesa

2Ukrainian Children's Center “Young Guard”, Odesa

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological peculiarities of interrelationship of intellectual and creative and motivational and personal components of the creative potential of the high school students

Abstract: The article is concerned with the peculiarities of the interrelation of intellectual and creative and motivational and personal component in the structure of the creative potential of the high school students. The concept of creative potential as a leading characteristic of the ability of personality for creative self-expression and self-realization is considered. The structure of creative potential, which includes: intellectual and creative, motivational and personal and emotional and volitional components of creative potential of personality of the student is revealed. It is shown that the main source of the development of the student's personality is creative potential, and the main motive is the desire for self-actualization and self-realization. It is proved that sensitive periods for the development of the creative potential and its structural components are age of adolescence and teen-age. Analysis of the results of the study revealed that the development of the motivational sphere of high school students is dominated by such motives as: motives of self-determination and self-improvement, motive of well-being, motivation of the content of studying, motives of duty and responsibility. Summarizing the results allows us to determine that at the age of 16, the most interrelated among the structural components of creative potential are motives of duty and responsibility, motives of self-determination and self-improvement, self-expression and self-affirmation, motives of studying content and verbal and visual originality, categorical flexibility and productive efficiency. Summarizing the results allows us to determine that at the age of 16, the most interrelated among the structural components of creative potential are motives of duty and responsibility, motives of self-determination and self-improvement, self-expression and self-affirmation, motives of studying content and verbal and visual originality, categorical flexibility and productive efficiency. High level of motivation of self-determination and self-improvement, which influences the acquisition of new skills and personal growth by the high school students, is important for the development of the creative potential of the persons under investigation. Features of the development of creative potential of high school students resting in the recreational institution Ukrainian Children's Center “Young Guard” are considered. It is shown that the recreational period, as time of rest and restoration of physical and mental health, is the most favorable for the development of creative potential, self-actualization of creative abilities of the personality of students. The program of the development of creative potential of teenagers and high school students in the conditions of recreation, which provides psychological support: carrying out primary diagnostics, participation in training sessions on the development of structural components of creative potential, conducting creative workshops aimed at the development of students of non-standard thinking, creative individuality and creativity.

Keywords: creative potential, structural components, creative abilities, verbal creativity, visual creativity, motivation, high school age, recreational period, development program.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 299-310 (pdf)

UDC 159.92.27

Tereshchenko M. V.

Educational Institution «Francis Skoryna Gomel State University», Homel

Language: Russian

The main problems of preschool children’s modern gender perceptions development in the context of the main institutions of socialization

Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of the main modern perceptions of masculinity and femininity; that at present the idea of masculinity and femininity has changed. The question of equality between a man and a woman is raised; that equality is often replaced by the concept of "sameness." The emphasis is placed on the fact that the most common gender perceptions are assimilated even in childhood due to the main institutions of socialization, among which the most important are: family and surroundings, preschool education institution, mass media, etc. Some features of these institutions that affect on the development of gender representations of preschoolers, are observed. Thanks to these institutions, a gender identity is formed. Gender identity is associated with the image of “Self”, with the awareness of one’s own individuality and the uniqueness of individual physical and psychological traits, that is, with the development of self-awareness. Already in 3-4 years age, children consider themselves to be male or female. For the development of positive and harmonious gender perceptions, the participation of both parents is very important. However, in connection with mass fatherlessness, researchers speak of a “crisis of fatherhood”. An important role for the development of gender perceptions is played by the presence of brothers and sisters, the experience of communicating with peers, with teachers of preschool institutions. The article ends with conclusions and a description of the prospects for further research.

Keywords: gender representation, gender stereotypes, masculinity, femininity, identification, gender Identity.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 310-317 (pdf)

UDC 159. 9

Tretyak T. N.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Creative thinking as a process of a new image construction

Abstract: The definition of the concept of creativity is formulated in a broad word sense as the creativity of nature and in a narrow sense as the creativity of a man. It is proved that creativity is primarily an instrument of spirituality as an individual’s ability to solve actual problems in the coordinate system of simple moral norms. The correlation of the concepts of "systematic", "system", "systemic thinking" is analyzed. The approaches to a systematic analysis of creativity developed by V. A. Molyako and D. B. Epiphany are compared. The tasks of psychology and the tasks of pedagogy are formulated regarding the pupil’s cognitive development. The essence of the problem of intellectual development and education of a senior pupil, in particular, a number of characteristics such as the representation of objective reality, is examined. An analysis of creative thinking as a process of solving a creative problem is presented. Attention is focused on considering the structure of creative task solving process: discretion of the contradiction, formulation of the task conditions, development of the solution project, materialization of the project; on the role of each of the stages in new image constructing, on the importance of adequate transformation of the initial (starting) conditions of the problem into the desired conditions; on the backbone influence of personal “coloring” of a new image constructing process, depending on the nature and volume of the information potential af a person, that solves the problem. The role of the influence of senior pupil’s psychological readiness to solve creative problems in various fields of activity on the formation of an adequate, positive self-concept (personal self-image) is substantiated. In particular, an emphasis is placed on the possibility of paradoxical self-concept of gifted senior pupils'. Attention is drawn to the disorganization aspects of the informational capabilities of the Internet space in the direction of the vector of deviance. A typology of tasks by the level of their creativity is established. The basic psychological condition of the activities of secondary schools and extracurricular institutions regarding the development of students' creative thinking is formulated.

Keywords: creative thinking, task, image, strategy, information, project, information structure.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 317-326 (pdf)

UDC 925 : 159.928’456

Hupavtseva N. O.

Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Language: English

The problem of solving creative literary tasks by teens at the English language lessons

Abstract: In this article it was described the content of argumentative discourse of pupils at the lessons of the English language, to show the ways of its implementation in the process of facilitative interaction. In such a way it was used psycho-diagnostic method of content-semantic analysis of discursive thinking by I.Semenov to study the levels of providing the argumentative discourse by teenagers. The author of the article proposed the system how to calculate the values of the component “monologue utterances”; components which identified the cognitive structure of a person: “literary content”, “communicative position” and “a process of real communication”; coefficients that characterize the components of thinking activity of teens, such as: the integrative image, the modified and contextual images. It was shown that the degree of the development of the argumentative discourse of schoolchildren at the first stage of experiment had been determined by the following criteria: the reflection by adolescents of the situation of perception of the problem as a communicative one; a stability in the implementation of a communicative position; reflection of the specificity of literary imagery and creativity. All these factors were meant as psychological ones in the process of facilitative interaction. According to the results of the experiment the author of the article did the following conclusions: 1) there is a relationship between the nature of the subject literary environment of adolescents and their understanding the literary-figurative content of the novel, which influences the development of providing the paradigm of argumentative discourse by them; 2) adolescents manifest the tendency to decrease the interest in studying English literature; 3) teens, as a rule, can not critically evaluate a novel, make their own conclusions about the development of events and characterize the main characters of the novel, express their personal point of view according to this novel in general. This suggests that pupils are not able to conduct an “internal dialogue” with the text, that is, the argumentative discourse of schoolchildren does not develop properly due to either a regular curriculum or a specialized English language studying course; 4) in the process of school education, through the introduction of means of expanding the literary environment into the learning process at the English lessons (what are the creative tasks we proposed) we presented a model of new psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of argumentative discourse of teens.

Keywords: facilitation, facilitative interaction, argumentative discourse, contextual images, monologue utterances, internal dialogue, literary environment, communicative position.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 326-338 (pdf)

UDC 159.92

Yavorska-Vetrova I. V.

H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

An individual’s system of attitudes: the theoretical and methodological aspects

Abstract: The article analyses the concepts of “an individual’s system of attitudes” presented at different scientific works. Thus, V.M. Mesyashchev defined psychological attitudes as “a person’s holistic system of individual, selective, conscious relations with different sides of objective reality”. The types of attitudes (needs, motives, emotional attitudes, interests, appraisals, beliefs and an orientation as a dominant attitude that determines a person’s life path) are outlined, as well as the regulating function of attitudes for efficient and successful activities. The article shows that, considering the attitude ontogeny at preschool and school childhood, V.M. Myasishchev emphasizes the close relations between formed attitudes and developed self-consciousness. The article draws attention to the role of attitudes in an individual’s mental and psychological health preservation. The views of N.I. Sardzhveladze on a personality structure and its dynamic tendencies in an individual’s attitude system are explored. Namely, an attitude as a “constituent factor of a personality” allows us to consider an individual’s interactions with his/her social environment as a holistic system of “a personality – society”. According to N.I. Sardzhveladze’s views, the structural units in the “personality – society” system are an individual’s social status, self-attitude and attitudes towards the outside world; and his/her active attitudes are an expression of his/her dynamic tendencies. The article determines the following components in the structure of personal attitudes as an “attitude mode (a person’s self- attitude and his/her interactions with the world)”: cognitive, emotional, active (behavioural) attitudes. A special structure of personal attitudes - self-attitude, its structure, contents, functions, time dimension are considered. The article highlights the concept of “dispositional core of a personality”, proposed by N.I. Sardzhveladze and understood by him as mutual relations of structural units (social status, attitudes, self-attitude) and dynamic tendencies, characterized by such parameters as their modality and an activity source and mode.

Keywords: attitude, attitude system, personality, self-attitude agent, types of attitudes.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 338-348 (pdf)

UDC 159.922+37.018.3

Yakimchuk B. А.1, Livandovska I. А.2

1Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

2Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

Language: Ukrainian

Affiliation as a psychological motive for the process of gender identification in a family-type orphanage

Abstract: The article presents a theoretical analysis of modern approaches to the concept of "affiliation". The essence of the concept of affiliation, the essence of the process, motives, and other values in assimilation of social experience, and the process of gender identification in specific conditions of educational environment are considered in detail. The authors highlight the psychological factors and the essence of affiliation as the dominant motive for acquiring gender identity for orphans in a family-type orphanage. The results of the study of the features of the process of gender identification and the level of affiliation in the life of orphans are presented, as well as the factors that influence the qualitative characteristics of the emergence or lack of satisfaction of needs for orphan affiliation in orphanages. Emphasis is placed on the specifics of adolescent affiliation in the presence of moral or physical deprivation. The analysis of the negative factors in the functioning of a family-type orphanage that makes it impossible to affiliate, and as a consequence, influence the process of gender identification of orphans. The perspective vectors of scientific and practical explorations of raising the level of pedagogical and psychological competence of caregivers with the purpose of organizing for orphans an effective environment with special social needs in conditions of a family-type orphanage are outlined.

Keywords: affiliation, deprivation, gender identification, orphanage, family-type orphanage, gender identity.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 12(26): 348-357 (pdf)