Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 24 – 2018
Abstracts and Information about Authors
Moliako V. A.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Professional activity’s modern conditions, as, incidentally, in many respects and everyday living of many people, are associated with the continuous flow into the sphere of their attention of a huge amount of ordinary and new information in visual and other forms. In many cases, the subject has to deal not only with a general analysis of this information, but also with its active, purposeful processing, adapting it to its current needs. It is actually generally accepted that the problem of information excess and disorderness becomes chronic, a sort of inevitable constant of the ecological sphere the subject lives in. Successful solution of current and more unexpected problems, new tasks requires from the subject for achieving a positive final result, in addition to the general and special psychological readiness for this kind of activity, also the presence in the structure of his special psychological readiness of strategies, tactics and actions, both in the form of potential opportunities of activity’s performance, and in terms of their modified specific implementation, application. To the basic strategies of a general nature, we primarily refer the strategy of searching for analogs (analogies), combining, reconstructing. The basis for successful (or unsuccessful) new images’ construction is the actualized appearance in the solving course of a subjective reference point that is adequate to the task conditions, at least to its initial requirements. Subjective reference points are displayed in the flow of solutions as a kind of their architectonic sphere’s prototypes (stock of knowledge, experience), superposing on the elements, parts of the new information system, which is outlined by the conditions of the problem, the situation. As a result of such a combination, a reference image appears, and then the leading image, which transforming, overgroving with new data can lead (or not lead) to a successful solution.
Keywords: world’s image, information, creation, strategy, constructing.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24):5-18 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Bedlinskyi O. I.
Sumy State A.S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, Sumy
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: A working definition of consciousness as a «system of linguistic representation of individual and collective guesses», which ensues as a result of learning in the process of communication with adults. The language is examined as a functional analogue of genome carriers (DNA and RNA), which transmit to the descendants the associations selected in the process of evolution; as a system of organization of sensory information flows in the form of cluster guesses of associative fields, fields of analogies, combinations and reconstructions, word families with common etymology, idioms, intuitive rules of formation of words and sentences etc. Certain words are viewed from classic stipulation perspective as conditional stimuli and conditional reactions, from perspective of operant stipulation as an action, which under certain circumstances may be operant and reinforcing stimuli. Guesses (flashes of consciousness) of ancestors are appropriated by infants during early childhood and pre-school age in the form of general beliefs (complexes) mainly on the refectory levelmixed with separate memories of their own. Emergence of mainly stable flows of consciousness is explained by discrete acts of individual’s consciousness, which associate discrete acts of consciousness of former generations, appropriated by the individual in the process of mastering the language.
Keywords: association, gestalt, guess, image, consciousness.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 18-26 (pdf)
Borovytska O. M.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: It is about understanding the common tendencies of the jungian notion of «archetype» and «pre-image» in the context of their comparative characteristics. The analysis of these concepts will be carried out on research materials by N.V. Medvedeva, according to the theory of archetypes by K.G. Jung and the concept of creative perception by V.O. Molyako. The exploration of structural and functional patterns of actualization of the initial preconditions of the process of perception are seen as essencial. Sharing the conceptual idea of K.G Jung, on the structuring elements of the archetype, N.V. Medvedeva brings an understanding of the concept of «pre-image», by V.O. Molyako, closer to the concept of «archetype» by K.G. Jung, and concludes that it is regarded as a creative process of cognition, which is considered to be a pre-image as the guiding structural basis. Considering archetypes to be «pre-image» prerequisites for the organization and regulation of the process of perception, we will focus on the system-strategic concept by V.O. Molyako as experimentally tested methodology. The «pre-image» will be actualized as a deep strategic mechanism of the process of perception and will serve as a determinative prerequisite for its organization and implementation. Creative perception will be understood as the productive activity of the subject, inducing archetype factors as «pre-image» prerequisites for its possible actualization. Archetype factors will be regarded as special psychic determinants of strategic trends in mental thinking, contributing to the functional structuring and regulation of the perception process.
Keywords: archetype, pre-image, creative perception.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 27-33 (pdf)
Vaganova N. A.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article gives a general description of the creative system of KARUS and describes the stages of the analogies searching strategies’ formation in the process of carrying out a creative training on the basis of KARUS for senior preschool age children. In particular, the variant of the creative perceptual-mental training for the acquisition of children by the analogizing strategy is analyzed, that is, the comparison of certain objects and the finding of something common, the same or the use of the known in the new conditions and in a new way and provides its expanded description at all stages of implementation (general training scheme, current instructions, questionnaires, etc.). Also, the article observes the special solving processes’ complication methods that simulate various difficulties in the real processes of children's play or educational and creative activity, namely: the method of information deficit or information saturation, the method of time constraints, the method of sudden prohibitions and methodical techniques (the method of the absurd, method of situational dramatization, etc.) and hints (verbal, drawings, gestures, combined, etc.), which can be carried out at any stage of the new tasks’ solving by children.
Keywords: creative activity, strategy, analogies searching, KARUS system, creative training, senior preschool age.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 34-42 (pdf)
UDC 159.95/7.031
Goshchytsky A. V.
State Historical and Cultural Reserve «Tustan», Lviv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the attempt to interpret the discovered Paleolithic sculptures’ of Mizyn phenomenon. The similar symbolics on these ancient relics (with the stressed morphological features, i.e. woman, phallus, bird) and Leonardo Da Vinci’s subconscious expression, whose fantasies were reinterpreted in Sigmund Freud’s original psychoanalytic research, are correlated. Due to psychological protective mechanism of sublimation, the fantasies in both cases were embodied in art, which used the said symbols. These phenomena are particularly correlated with the psychophysiology of figurative perception and classical psychoanalysis-inspired interpretation of other psychological phenomena, i. e. dreams and games. We assume that they appeared out of the human need for the inner, alternative reality, and served as a peculiar psychological protective mechanism, which had actualized the human basic reserves. Lack of the reserves mentioned could lead straight to mankind’s extinction. We do not know what were the reasons for such an escape from reality on the behalf of pre-historic people, but assume it to be connected with the daily problem of survival.
Keywords: late Paleolithic art, figurines of Mizyn, classical psychoanalysis.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 43-50 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.75. – 053.4
Hruzynska I. M.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The urgency of the problem of differentiating the diagnosis of the creative imagination of older preschoolers is substantiated in the article. Practical and theoretical developments in the psychology of development of creative imagination of preschool children are analyzed. A psychological analysis has been made that makes it possible to assert that the development of the creative work of preschool children is insufficient. The author's model of creative imagination of children of the senior preschool age is presented, the structure of which consists of such components as cognitive, motivational, activity-oriented, socially communicative, emotional. According to this model, criteria are defined with indicators of the development of creative imagination. The characteristics of the levels of development of the creative imagination are presented - high, medium, low. On the basis of the conducted ascertaining research the presence of direct correlation interrelations between such components of creative imagination as emotional, motivational and socially communicative is proved. The results of an empirical and theoretical analysis of research on the levels of development of the creative imagination of older preschool children are presented. The domination of the indicators of the middle and low levels of development of creative imagination was revealed, which testifies to the insufficient formation of its component composition. The experimental data obtained testify to the need to develop and implement an appropriate program for the purposeful formation of the creative imagination of older preschool children.
Keywords: levels, creative imagination, senior preschool age, criterion, indicator, component, correlation relationship
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 50-58 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Gulko Yu. A.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The methodological basis, on which the diagnostics of understanding emotions processes is constructed, in addition to the statement of activity’s problemness or taskness, is the principle of analogizing and alternative reconstruction mental tendencies’ unity. After all, it is known that children understand not only by analogy to what they felt and by analogy to what they know, also understanding can proceed in contrast, through mental and subject-practical inversions, actions-shifters. Experiencing the age crisis, children naturally begin to act the opposite way, trying in vain the possibilities of their social "Self" and assimilating in this way new knowledge about themselves and the world around them, including the world of human emotions. Diagnosis of various tasks solving aimed at complex emotional states understanding by preschoolers can be successfully carried out using the diagnostic part of the CARUS system. This diagnostic system allows us to consider the process of understanding as the process of constructing a certain semantic construct, in which figurative and verbal components are united by semantic connections. The proposed diagnostic work involves two parts. In the first part, the child is offered simple trial tasks, by solving which he displays his general awareness, individual characteristics of mental activity, and also in the process of such work the type of practical activities that the child prefers is defined. In it he will most fully reveal his mental abilities.The second part includes tasks which solution stimulates the child's development of mental actions system aimed at overcoming the interpersonal conflict situation. The mental abilities of children are estimated by a kind: analogizing, combining, reconstruction. And by the level of display: the reproductive level, the level of local changes, and the level of the general constructive change.
Keywords: understanding of emotions, task, analogizing, contrast reconstruction.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 58-68 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2:316.614
Devis L. A.
SHEE «Donbass State Teachers Training University», Slovyansk
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the case of emotional deprivation, relations of child with adults is acquired its own specific. Researches of psychologists show that a change and presence of plenty of persons, which bring up baby, hinders to becoming of long duration and deep emotional connections of child. Thus, a child don’t have a possibility emotionally to connect to the world of the grown man. She for a long time remains as though isolated emotionally reserved in the world, not looking on obtrusive attempts to set a near contact with other people. Such position deprives the child of possibility to outlive at emotional level sense of unity with other man, to join to her internal world. Psychologists underline circumstance that in the process of identification at parties which communicate, synchronization of them passes as though the internal world. Developing personality recreates the activity chart of activity of the grown man, adopts her experience the same and in turn extends and deepens the connections with her. In comparison of itself with other, in I individual which develops, possibility appears for realization itself as subject of actions. Only so a child begins to exist "for this" as the special reality, as original "I am". Absence of possibility valuably to exist in unity with near to the adults, strengthens negative influence on a child. Psychologists fix the inadequate conduct of such children in relation to adults, height of their aggressiveness in relation to them, relation, tendencies of expectation, and then even shakedown from circumferential the decision of the problems. Aggression in relation to adults demonstrates the consequences of the broken process of identification with parents and deeply frustrated needs of child in intimately-personality intercourse from to the adults. In addition, researchers specify on "affect dullness" of child's houses pupils, to set their lack of ability emotionally-reasonable relationships with other people.
Keywords: affective-personality connections, deprivation of family interaction, psychic deprivation, interpersonal relations, communication, collaboration.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 68-75 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Kyrychenko V. V.
Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The concept of «picture of the world» originated in the bosom of socio-cultural knowledge, within which they tried to conceptualize the person's perception of the surrounding world, including their own ideas about themselves in it. As a result of the theoretical analysis of the problem, it was determined that the basis of the picture of the human world is the social experience of the collective majority of «we», which is indirectly related to the individual perceptual experience of the individual. The information society has a well-developed network of information transmission that provides access to homogeneous information by all its members. The uniqueness of social relations in the information society is the domination of social experience in the form of accumulated knowledge over a purely perceptual experience of man. The article deals with theoretical and methodological analysis problem of the formation a picture of the world in the modern information society. Historical excursion into perspective is carried out, the main psychological peculiarities of formation the picture of the world in the informational (post-industrial society) are singled out. The research model formation a picture of the world, which constructs on the author's concept of interaction of the person with the information space, is presented. We identified the main strategies for creating a picture of the world of personality: segregation strategy, integration strategy, strategy of exclusion and strategy of inclusion. The main conclusions of our theoretical investigation are the design of a basic model for forming a picture of the world of personality in a role-based coordinate system.
Keywords: information society, strategy perception of the world, individual experience, social experience, picture of the world, world outlook.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 75-94 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Kovalyova V. F.
Kyiv medical gymnasium №33, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article revealed the kinds of work with gifted children held in medical school No. 33 in Kiev. The most effective are: the systematic training of students to participate in academic competitions, preparing research students in the small Academy of Sciences under the guidance of both teachers and scientists. Analyses the basic approaches to the correlation capabilities and obdarovannostì. Is the application of subject-value approach to the development of abilities and obdarovannostì. Abilities are treated as internal, student-based, dynamic resource development based on individually-a unique combination of personal properties and is: 1) in the subject's ability to solve the situation and everyday tasks with the help of effective alternatives; 2) in usvìdomlenìj the capacity to acquire this ability. Obdarovanìst is defined as a complex system, the quality of the individual, that is characterized by: 1) highest level of development of abilities and, respectively, the highest (absolute or relative from the secular norms) achievements in a certain field of activity; 2) value one attitude to their own abilities as to the basics of personal identity; 3) focus on self-development; 4) creative thrust of personality; 5) internal (subject-to valuation) samoregulâcìêû. Development of skills is seen as a precondition for the development of giftedness.
Keywords: skills, competencies, obdarovannìst, subject-based analysis, scientific-research work
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 94-100 (pdf)
UDC 159. 923.2
Koliarova A. O.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article highlights the problem of developing principles of creating combined face-to-face and distant training as the environment for developing reflexion of personality's bodily experience. Upon results of generalizing the theoretical provisions concerned with aforesaid problem and the results of the empiric research covering specifics of the social and cultural environment, as a context for acquiring by a human of one's own bodily experience, the author distinguished the core principles of creating combined face-to-face and distant training environment for developing reflexion of the personality bodily experience: environment problematicity and continuity; environment dynamism; environment uncertainty; environment communication unbiasy; integrative-enriching nature of environment; participative facilitative nature of environment; environment dialogueness; environment contextually (expanding body perception context); environment focus on promoting establishment of the position on own bodily experience authorship. It was shown that thus designed environment enables qualitative expansion of the tasks' types and shift from analysis of exact problematic situations concerned with the personality's bodily sphere, tasks for managing activeness of own body, tasks for reflection management, for establishment of the position on own bodily experience authorship, for managing joint activities in the context of bodily practices. Reasonably, this environment hoists designing of the «tasks space» for reflexive activities of the training group members in the «world of bodily experience», facilitating to the processes of their self-determination, self-development and self-designing.
Keywords: рrinciple, development environment, training environment, face-to-face and distant training, reflexion of personality's bodily experience.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 101-109 (pdf)
UDC 159.954:005.53:005-026.15
Kostyuchenko Е. V.
Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article on the basis of integration and generalization of features of the interpretation of creative management defined: its essential characteristic – creativity as an integrative, complex property of the individual, which allows you to quickly navigate in a changing environment, to effectively select the conditions, methods and means, strategies and tactics that are optimal for each individual case, successful implementation, as well as realize the creative components of the process of solving creative and managerial tasks. The psychological tools, methods-strategies of realization of creativity in the creative processing of received information, preparation and acceptance of creative and managerial decisions in the conditions of lack of information and time deficit are singled out. Interdependence, functional interconnection, interdependence of the system of creative management and creative components of preparation and making of managerial decisions are revealed.
Keywords: management, creative management, creativity, managerial activity, manager, managerial decision, management decision making, creative methods.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 110-119 (pdf)
UDC 159. 954
Latysh N. M.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the empirical research of perceptive-mental strategies in the junior pupils’ constructive activity. It is shown that the project is initiated as an image-reference point, including the general plan and means of its implementation. The project forming process is related with compositional arrangement, ordering, and integration of elements in the image that is being created. Further project’s formation consists in refining the image, which occurs under the influence of various impressions and as a result of identification with the intermediate product of activity, as a result of which the initial image is replaced by another; and the final result is a practical embodiment of the project, which displays in the final design of the drawing. Creative constructing perceptive-mental strategies’ functioning in the graphic activity of junior pupils is carried out through the transformation of visual images, starting from the praimage, ending with an image-solution; the search process is organized and implemented in the prevailing majority of the analogizing strategy, less commonly combining and reconstructing.
Keywords: constructive activity, project, perceptive-mental strategy, analogizing, combining, reconstruction, junior school age.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 119-128 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.015
Mazyar О. V.
Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Zhytomyr
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Creativity is a natural antipode of neurotic disorder. The theoretical basis of the research is the position on the binary principle of the mental organization of a person (identification of non-identical emotional and cognitive elements). The binary unity of psychic elements is a specific human form of mental functioning which meets the conditions of the absurd. Violations of certain absurd units become the cause of neurotic personality development. Restoration of mental balance can occur on the principles of disabsurdization, trivial absurdization and creative absurdization of the psychological contradiction of the individual. Disabsurdization is a process of splitting binary mental structure into autonomous psychic units. Trivial absurdization is the establishment of a more lasting form of absurdity, which is a result of subjective mental activity and imitation of forms of absurdity established in society. Creative absurdization is the establishment of short-lived binary mental forms, which are the result of the multiplication of the subjective forms of the absurd. Therefore, creativity is an identical need for a non-stereotype repetition of the absurd. Creativity is a process of phased change in the cycles of absurdization and disabsurdization of mental units that receive a unique configuration and high performance. Creativity is the process of reintegration of the absurd, which so weakly performs protective psychological functions, that the subject is forced to repeat it constantly in the new original edition.
Keywords: creativity, absurdity, neurosis, psychosis, psychotherapy, strategy, intuition, rationality.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 128-135 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:378
Podshyvailov F. M. 1, Podshyvailova L. I. 2
1Institute of a gifted child of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv
2Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article the analysis of student-psychologists’ motivational sphere longitudinal research results is represented. Main empiric indicators are researched: emotional orientation; adaptivity, personality anxiety, organization, perfectionism; academic motivation (scales are the «receive of knowledge», «become proficient in profession», «receive of diploma»), internal and external motivation; control localization, achievement motivation (aspiration for success, avoidance of failures), values orientations. The dynamics of these gauges changes has next features. The substantial changes in an emotional orientation are in the ranks of five (from ten) emotions types, in particular, from the first to the fourth course the ranks of praxic and aesthetic emotions are reduced, and ranks of hedonistic, pugnatic and gloric emotions are risen. There is the substantial increase of personality anxiety level and avoidance of failures’ motivation level to the fourth course; decrease of general perfectionism level to the third course, decrease of internal motivation from the first to the second course, decrease of external positive motivation from the first to the third course. The organization level is stably low, the adaptivity level is reduce for most of students, the internal locus of control and the academic motivation remain without the substantial changes. From the first to the fourth course the ranks of terminal values «interesting work» and «cognition» are increase, and ranks of values «health», «public recognition», «development», «freedom» are decrease; the ranks of instrumental values «breeding», «high claims» are increase, and ranks of values «cheerfulness» and «efficiency» are decrease.
Keywords: personality’s motivational sphere, emotional orientation, adaptivity, personality anxiety, organization, perfectionism, academic motivation, internal and external motivation, control localization, achievement motivation, values orientations, longitudinal research.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 135-152 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2: 922
Pustovyi S. A.
University of Modern Knowledge, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The methodology of formative influence is realized in terms of the principles of systemacity, self-development, the principle of adult education and learner-centered approach. In the context of three aspects of the subject-activity approach (motivational, procedural, reflexive) we have substantiated the purpose, prospects, forms, methods and mechanisms of the professional consciousness formation. At the motivating level, in order to improve the general-philology level of students in the line of raising the cultural context of life, it is proposed to actualize the associations of philology with other sciences; while evaluating and justifications of the knowledge deployment in future professional activities are the mechanisms for achieving the goal. At the procedural level, where the purpose of professional consciousness formation is the development of philological thinking and linguistic feeling, the formation pattern is involvement with philologically oriented texts, forms – functional-stylistic training and systematic research and exploratory activity; whilst dialogue is the leading mechanism of formation. The third level of philologists professional consciousness formation is a reflexive one. The formation purpose at this point is the ability to acquire independently philological knowledge; the direction of efforts application – awareness of the functional range and communicatively justified use of linguistic units, which is achieved by evolution of communicability as the basis of philological competence through the mechanism of professional metalinguistic self-reflection, in particular, thanks to reflexive reading. The program for formation of psychosemantic content of the future philologists professional consciousness is compiled in three blocks, according to the theoretical scheme described in the theoretical section of the paper. Block I is a motivational one: there are exercises focused on development of the need for self-knowing, the disclosure of the inner world, the improvement of professional consciousness. Block II – procedural: there are exercises that pursue the goal of developing philological thinking, linguistic feeling. Block III is a reflexive one, the goal of which is the independent acquisition of philological knowledge, the development of communicability as the basis of philological competence. The integrative nature of the Program was ensured by the use of the following tools, methods and training strategies: lectures and psychological practices, socio-psychological training, discussion, self-tuition, game techniques, logical tasks and exercises.
Keywords: professional consciousness, professional consciousness generation program.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 152-160 (pdf)
UDC 159. 9
Tretiak T. M. 1, Gomoniuk V. O. 2
1 H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The features of perceptive-mental strategies’ functioning in the process of creative activity are observed. In particular, the specificity of their displays at the stage of the task condition studying, which is based on the transformation of the task’s initial conditions into its required conditions, is analyzed. The structural and functional analysis of information as the basis of human perceptive-mental activity is researched. It is argued that the main basis for an adequate understanding of the task’s condition is the formulation of appropriate requirements for the structural and functional properties of the hypothetical elements of the desired construction. Success in constructing the image of the desired construction is ensured by adequate differentiation of known information, establishing the essence of hypothetical relationships between the elements of the desired structure, as well as the content of their interaction with already known objects. The difficulties that occur in the task’s solving process under the complicated conditions are analyzed. The types of of subjects’ responses on the complicating conditions introduction into the process of the experimental tasks’ solving are established, in particular, attention is paid to their activating influence. Tendencies and levels of the perceptive-mental strategies of students' creative activity development are formulated. The main types of the experimental tasks’ solving process transformation are substantiated as a result of the sudden prohibitions’ introduction.
Keywords: strategy, task, creative activity, complicating conditions, image, process.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 161-169 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.6
Тuz O. S.
National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bogdan Khmelnytsky, Khmelnytsky
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes a psycho-organizing technology of increasing the level of the psychological readiness of the managers of the criminal investigation departments to the managing of organizational changes, it shows the results of an experiment on checking its effectiveness and it gives some practical recommendations. The structure, aims and main purposes of the psycho-organising technology are shown, the forms and methods of the realization of its main structural elements: diagnostical, informative-semantic, corrective-developing are characterized. The semantic content of the course of lectures and seminars is shown as well as different interactive techniques which were worked out and applied in technology. These methods were aimed to increase the knowledge and skills and to develop those qualities of the managers which define their psychological readiness to manage the organizational changes. The results of the experimental checking of the psycho-organizational technology of increasing the level of the psychological readiness of the managers of criminal investigation departments to manage the organizational changes are shown. The managers are also recommended to attract the attention of their subordinates to the necessity of the organizational changes; to provide the staff’s support of the certain offers and decisions; to organize the flow and exchange of the information about organizational changes etc.
Keywords: psychological readiness, organizational changes, psycho-organizational technology, information-semantic component, diagnostic component, corrective-developing component, experimental verification.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 170-180 (pdf)
UDC 159.937
Shepelova М. V.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents methodical materials for the diagnosis and development of the students’ ability to artistic activity, constructed on the basis of perceptive-mental strategies displays in the students’ artistic activity research results. Specific features and components of artistic activity are observed. The author's questionnaire “The Artistic Orientation of Painting Perception” is proposed, which allows to determine the types of perceptive-mental strategies in which the subjects are oriented most of all (analogizing, combining, reconstruction and demonstration of the artist’s personality in painting), and also allows to estimate the dominant artistic orientation of personality in the process of painting perceiving on the basis of “the emotional content”, “the technique of depiction”, “the artist’s creative approach” and “the semantic content”. The paper determines the students’ ability to artistic activity indicators, describes a program, which has been developed to support students’ ability to perform artistic activity. It provides four stages: diagnostics of students' ability to artistic activity; analysis of mean values and factor weights of the studied indicators; educational work; the fulfillment by students of individual creative assignments aimed at understanding and developing perceptive-mental strategies, artistic orientations in painting and the creative orientation of the students’ personality.
Keywords: artistic activity, perceptive-mental strategy, artistic orientations in painting, creative orientation of personality, students.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 181-190 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Yatchuk M. S.
Institute of criminal-executive service, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article reveals the problem of the psychological profile of the employee of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine. The psychological profile of the employee of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine is proposed. The analysis of separate factors of the psychological profile of the employee of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine is carried out. It was revealed that the psychological profile of the employee of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine is presented: openness to interaction and communication; rigidity and specificity of thinking; emotional stability; discipline, responsibility, observance of moral norms, diligent performance of professional duties; determination, courage, predisposition to risk; leadership qualities and a high level of self-control; overheard self-esteem of their own abilities, abilities. It is noted that taking into account the peculiarities of the psychological profile of the employee of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine will help in the implementation of professional psychological selection and psychological support of the service activities of the organs and penitentiary institutions. It is proposed to approximate the psychological profile of the employee of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine to the psychological profile of the profession to develop and implement a comprehensive program for optimizing the development of psychological competence. Prospects for further exploration in this direction are indicated: study of the psychological profile of successful and unsuccessful employees of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine; study of the relationship between the criteria of psychological competence of employees of organs and penal institutions with individual psychological properties.
Keywords: psychological profile, self-esteem, professional activity, psychological competence, optimization of psychological competence development.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 191-199 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Tretiak T. M.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article the diagnostic potential of such a methodical tool as the solving of heuristic tasks (for a fundamental invention) is substantiated. The specific of its implementation regarding different stages of the constructive problem solving process structure is considered. The criteria and indicators of the personality’s perceptive-mental activity are formulated. Criterion: the level of adequacy of the problem initial conditions’ transformation to the desired conditions. Indicators: the levels of correspondence of the required conditions of the problem to its original conditions. Criterion: the level of the system organization of the personality’s creative instruments. Indicators: levels of creative instruments’ implementation. Criterion: the novelty of the product of the personality’s activity. Indicators: levels of novelty – objective, subjective. The transformation of images arising in the process of information systems’ construction is analyzed: determination of the pre-image of the sought solution by the content of its condition and actual knowledge, localization by the pro-image of associative fields as a result of the structural and functional analysis of available information; stimulating the pro-images’ spectrum creation, incl. the most optimal, which becomes the leading image, is transformed into an image-project, and then into an image-solution. An analysis of the features of perceptive-mental strategies’ displays in the process of heuristic tasks solving by pupils is carried out. Attention is focused on the need to take into account the interaction of two strategic information flows interacting throughout the process of solving the problem and resonating on the same reference point – the required conditions of the problem. It is emphasized that the mental preparation of these flows gives: the dynamics of the problem solution idea transformation; the dynamics of the problem solving strategy transformation.
Keywords: task, information, strategy, process, creativity, construction.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 12(24): 199-207 (pdf)