Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 13 – 2021

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UDC 159.923.2

Rudnytska S.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Russian

Structural-procedural model of narrative construction of personality’s experience

Abstract. The article deals with a structural-procedural model of narrative construction of personality’s experience and characterizes its main components: strategies and mechanisms of narrative construction of experience and corresponding configurations of external and internal contexts of personality, levels of formation of interpretive processes and criteria for their definition, cognitive and metacognitive subprocesses of narrative construction of personality’s experience.

In the context of psychological-hermeneutic approach it is proved that the features of course of cognitive and metacognitive processes of personality determine various configurations of correspondence of internal and external contexts, which in turn determines the basic levels of formation of interpretative processes of personality: pre-semantic, semantic and meta-semantic. It is determined, that the strategy of narrative construction of personality’s experience on the pre-semantic level is stagnant, and the leading mechanism of narrative construction of experience is the process of quasi-interpretation conditioned by a rigid fixation of a personality’s text on one of the contexts (extra-contextual or intra-contextual dominant). As a main mechanism of narrative construction of experience on the semantic level the author highlights the interpretation with a use of adopted socio-cultural schemes, which is determined by inconsistency of contexts: disintegration of external contexts, infantilism of internal context, polarization of external and internal contexts. The leading mechanism of narrative construction of experience on the meta-semantic level is the creation of own interpretive schemes, which is carried out in the process of dialogue with the Other. The article shows that the formation of interpretive processes on the semantic and metasemantic levels determines the developing strategies of discursive construction of personality’s experience

Key words: levels of formation of interpretive processes of personality, discursive construction of experience, external and internal contexts of personality, strategies of discursive construction of personality’s experience.


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13): 4-25. (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2

Chepeleva N.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Russian

Structural and semantic model of experience narrative constructing in the context of personality development

Abstract. Within the psychohermeneutic approach, personal experience is consided as a semantic system. It is constructing within current situations by selecting events that are significant for the individual and organizing them into certain discursive structures. It is substantiated that the main type of experience discursive constructing is narrative constructing, and its leading mechanism is an interpretation. Narrative is interpreted as a cognitive scheme of sense constructing through the facts thematic arrangement in the organized plots form, which are based on socio-cultural and personal constructs. It is shown that experience narrative constructing is one of the important conditions for a personality development. The experience discursive constructing process is largely determined by external (sociocultural) and internal (personal) contexts that act as interpretive schemes for understanding the individual experience. The structural-semantic model of the experience narrative constructing of the developing personality is offed. The model includes: types of experience narrative constructing (quasi-narrative, narrative, metanarrative); its variants (situational, eventual, semantic); experience units (facts, situations, events, thesauri, leitmotifs); characteristics of its objectification in the individual narrative, which vary depending on the biological, social and personal dimensions of development..

Key words: experience narrative constructing, personality development, context, interpretation, model, sense, discourse


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13): 26-38. (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2

Smulson M.L.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Intellectual metacognitions and a personality experience constructing in the old age.

Abstract. The article shows that the constructing of a new personality experience at every age stages is a complex intellectual problem that requires special cognitive and metacognitive processing. In old age, the situation is significantly complicated by decreasing in the total intellectual system of the weight of the fluid intellect and increasing of the weight of the crystallized intellect. The crystallized intellect is based on knowledge and skills gained from past experience, and, accordingly, is most effectively used in problems that require this knowledge.

It is determined that intellectual metacognitions (components in the structure of intelligence, which are oriented at the organization, regulation and coordination of other, basic cognitive processes) play an important role in the process of personality experience constructing. An intellectual initiation (problem statement), decentration, reflection and strategicness are leading intellectual metacognitions. The dynamics of metacognitions determines the potential of an intellect development and self-development. The effectiveness of the experience constructing by an old person depends on the coordinated action of all analyzed metacognitions.

From the point of view of the place of metacognitions in the process of a personality experience constructing, the results of the experiment of the famous American researcher Ellen Langer are analyzed, who proves that people are young as much as they realize themselves as young.

Key words: personality experience constructing, old age, problem solving, metacognitions, intellectual initiation, reflection, decentration, strategicness.


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18. Chepeleva, N. V. Structural and semantic model of experience narrative constructing in the context of personality development (This issue).

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21. Smulson, M. (2019). The significance of problem-solving in the professional activity. In Psychological basis of professional problem-solving : collective monograph. Lviv–Torun: Liga-Pres. 1–21. 978-966-397-152-0/1-21

Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13):39-51. (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2

Lebedynska I.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

The phenomenon of experience in the context of constructivist ideas.

Abstract. The article analyzes some provisions of the research practice of the communicative constructivist P. Vaclavik. The ideas of first and second order reality, the idea of interpreting experience as a communicative reality, as a set of relationships that are a process of "pure construction", as well as the embodiment of these ideas in the method of "As, if", based on the author's confidence in human ability to reconstruct experience through the emergence of spontaneous narrative identity, reflection on which will open new opportunities and prospects in the construction of an autobiographical narrative. It is argued that constructivism as a cognitive practice articulates the active position of a subject capable of constructing personal experience by the power of his own expectations, beliefs, and predictions.

The author's version of the interpretation of personal experience as a multiple reality is refined and developed. It is proposed to interpret the experience of everyday life as a reference in the multiple reality of personal experience. It is assumed that the experience of everyday life itself requires reliance on personal meanings, the resources of which are psychological meanings, the identity of which is guaranteed by the continuity of such concepts as peace, god, freedom, immortality and so on.

Key words: : communicative constructivism, experience, multiple reality


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13. Chepeleva, N. V. (2018). Samoproektuvannya yak protses stvorennya potentsiynoyi osobystoyi istoriyi [Self-design as a process of creating a potential personal history]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: coll. Science. G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Volume II, 11, 4–21. [in Ukrainian].

14. Adler, J. M. & McAdams, D. P. (2007). Time, Culture, and Stories of the Self. Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 18, 2, 97–128.

15. McAdams, D. P. (2001) The psychology of life stories. Review of General Psychology. Special Issue : Autobiographical Memory.Vol. 5, 100–121.

16.Bruner, J. (1991). The narrative Construction of Reality. Critical Inquiry, Vol. 18, 1 (Autumn, 1991), 1–21.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13):52-62. (pdf)


UDC 159.923.2

Shilovska O.M.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Development of reflection and decentralization as the factor in formation of primary schoolchildren interpretive processes


Abstract. The article reflects an empirical study’s results of the interpretive processes’ development of constructing experience by primary schoolchildren and the relationship of these processes with the development of reflection and decentralization.

In the course of the study there were detected three levels of personality’s interpretive processes: semantic, pre-semantic and transitional. Also some primary schoolchildren who took part in the study did not form the interpretive processes at all.

It was investigated the conditionality of the interpretive processes’ development such key processes as decentralization and reflection. It is proved that the primary schoolchildren with the high level of reflection development have a semantic level of interpretation. And the immaturity of interpretive processes is associated with low level of reflection development.

It is determined that decentralization development of the primary schoolchildren, as the process which determines the interpretive processes formation of personality begins from the development of the emotional decentralization. Marked ability is successfully developed by the primary schoolchildren who are opened to communication, ready to interact, friendly, capable of compassion and empathy. It is proved that openness in communication correlates positively with the existing semantic, pre-semantic and transitional levels of personality interpretation. The immaturity of interpretive processes is connected with the isolation, incommunicability, alienation of the child, his or her inflexibility and conflict in communication.


Key words: primary schoolchildren, reflection, decentralization, interpretive processes of constructing experience.


1. Martynenko V. O. (2013). Struktura i zmist chytatskoyi kompetentnosti molodshykh shkolyariv [Structure and content of reading competence of junior schoolchildren]. Pedahohichna osvita: teoriya i praktyka-Pedagogical education: theory and practice. 15, 145–151. Retrived from:[in Ukrainian]

2. Meyechko I. V. (2013). Osoblyvosti emotsiynoho rozvytku ditey molodshoho shkilnoho viku yak chynnyky zdatnosti do emotsiynoyi detsentratsiyi [Peculiarities of emotional development of children of primary school age as factors of ability to emotional decentralization]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni H. S. Skovorody. Psykholohiya-Bulletin of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda. Psychology.45, 143–151. Retrived from: [in Ukrainian]

3. Penkovska N.M. Psykholohichni umovy rozvytku refleksiyi u molodshykh shkolyariv [Psychological conditions for the development of reflection in junior high school students]. PhD Thesis. Kyiv , 2003. [in Ukrainian]


Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13):63-73. (pdf)


UDC 159.9

Zazymko O.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological characteristics of students in gaining distance learning experience

Abstract. The article deals with the process of objectification of replicative forms of everyday life in life stories of young people. Taking into account that social samples of the project-guidelines of self-development of the personality are set in the replication formations of the culture of everyday life, the formation of the mechanism of their narrativization at the youthful age is analyzed. It is noted that these replicative forms may be a way of narrative implementation, and narrativization, in turn, sets the boundaries of their existence in individual experience. The place of short generalizing narratives, which combine individual history with a cultural myth, is determined. Narrativization which is based on reflection, due to the transgressive function and interpenetrability of the meanings of individual and sociocultural experiences, enriches and expands both experiences. The main types of practices of narrativization of replicative forms of everyday culture are defined: the adaptive practices, the practices of self-alterations and the practices of interpretive enrichment. Individual practices of narrativization determine the orientation of a personal project. The article also points out the opportunity of methodological definition of these types of practices and the prospect of studying the process of technologizing the personal self-design of young people as the reproducibility of practices of narrativization of replicative forms of everyday culture.

Key words: experience design, distance learning, learning effectiveness, individual characteristics, productive psychological characteristics in gaining experience.


1. Volov, V.T., Volova, N.Yu., & Chetyrova, L.B. (2000). Distantsionnoye obrazovaniye: istoki, problemy, perspektivy [Distance education: origins, problems, prospects]. Samara : Russian Academy of Sciences, Samara Scientific Center. [in Russian].

2.Mukoviz, O. P. (2012) Rozvytok dystantsiinoho navchannia u pedahohichnii teorii ta praktytsi [Development of distance learning in pedagogical theory and practice].Pedahohichna osvita : teoriia i praktyka – Pedagogical education: theory and practice, 12, 109–114. [in Ukrainian].

3.Chepeleva, N. V. (2020). Interpretatsiya kak mekhanizm konstruirovaniya opyta lichnosti [Interpretation as a mechanism of personality experience constructing]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii – Actual problems of psychology. Vol. II, 12, 4–18. [in Ukrainian].


Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13): 74-88. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Zaretska O.O.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Methodical questions of definition of levels of formation of the persons interpretive processes.

Abstract. The paper considers methodological issues of constructing a diagnostic procedure to determine the level of formation of interpretive processes in an adult for further use in a comprehensive experiment. The work is performed in the context of the psychological-hermeneutic approach. The methodical decisions made for realization of the scientific plan in concrete techniques are substantiated. All components of the methodology are discussed in detail: instruction letter, experimental texts, tasks to texts, processing of respondents' answers according to the identified criteria for the formation of interpretive processes and their lexical embodiment. The procedure for conducting a written online survey and its modifications are described. The age group of respondents were adults. The analysis of the approbation materials allowed to identify and analyze the negative factors that prevented adult respondents to complete the experiment. Based on this analysis, both the task for the experimental texts and the survey procedure itself were modified. Tasks based on experimental texts aimed to determine the level of formation of respondents' interpretive processes (pre-semantic, semantic or meta-semantic). According to the materials of the analysis of experimental data, the features in the answers of the respondents are determined, the very presence and content of which are diagnostic for conclusions about one or the other level of formation of interpretive processes in the respondents. It is concluded that the level of development of many components of narrative and reflexive competencies of adult respondents is low.

Key words: interpretive processes, diagnostic procedure, online surveys, experimental texts, narrative competence, levels of interpretation.


1. Bukay, H. (2008). Iskatel'. Istorii dlya razmyshleniy. Sposob ponyat' sebya i drugikh [Seeker. Reflections stories. A way to understand yourself and others]. Retrived from [in Russian].

2. Hutsol, K. V. (2018). Naratyvna kompetentnist yak chynnyk rozvytku zdatnosti osobystosti do samoproektuvannya [Narrative competence as a factor in the development of the individual's ability to self-design]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology : collection of scientific works of G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine, Volume II, 11, 122–133. [in Ukrainian].

3. Hutsol, K. V. (2021). Problema naratyvnoyi kompetentnosti yak vazhlyvoho resursu osobystosti [The problem of narrative competence as an important resource of personality]. Aktualni problemy psykholohichnoyi protydiyi nehatyvnym informatsiynym vplyvam na osobystist v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv : Materialy metodolohichnoho seminaru NAPN Ukrayiny (8/04/2021) – Actual problems of psychological resistance to negative information influences on personality in the conditions of modern challenges: Coll. materials of the methodological seminar of NAЕS of Ukraine on April 8, 2021. (S. D. Maksymenko, Ed.) (pp. 82–87). Kyyiv: Pedahohichna dumka. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

4. Chepeleva, N. V., Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O.O., Shylovska, O.M., … & Gudinova, I.L. (2019). Dyskursyvni tekhnolohiyi samoproektuvannya osobystosti: monohrafiya [Discursive technologies of personality self-designing : monograph] (Chepeleva, N. V. Ed.). Kyiv: G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

5. Zaretska, O. O. (2018). Provokatsiya tekstom yak diyevyy zasib rozvytku indyvidualnoho dyskursu samoproektuvannya [Text provocation as an effective means of developing individual discourse of self-design] Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: collection of scientific works of G. .S Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine. Vol. II, 11,73–86. [in Ukrainian].

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9. Rudnytska, S. Yu., Hutsol, K.V. (2021). Naratyvna kompetentnist yak vyznachalna skladova komunikatyvnoyi kompetentnosti osobystosti. [Narrative competence as a defining component of communicative competence of personality]. Psykholohichni problemy osobystosti na suchasnomu etapi rozvytku suspilstva: Zbirnyk materialiv ХІ Mizhnarodnoyi naukovopraktychnoyi konferentsiyi (7-8 kvitnya 2021, Nizhyn) - Psychological problems of personality at the present stage of development of society: Proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 7-8, 2021, Nizhyn)/M. V. Papucha (Ed.) (pp. 10–16). Nizhyn: M. Hohol National Pedagogical University Publ. [in Ukrainian].

10. Chepeleva, N. V. , Smulson, M. L., Rudnytska, S. Yu., Zazymko, O. V., Zaretska, O.O., Shylovska, O.M., … & Gudinova, I.L. (2016). Samoproektuvannya osobystosti u dyskursyvnomu prostori : monohrafiya [Self-designing of personality in discursive space : monograph] (N. V. Chepelevа, Ed.). Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 232. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

11.Chepeleva, N.V. (2020). Interpretatsiya kak mekhanizm konstruirovaniya opyta lichnosti [Interpretation as a mechanism of personality experience constructing]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: collection of scientific works of GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Vol. II, 12, 4–18 [in Russian].

12. Chepeleva, N. V. (2015). Tekst i chytach: posibnyk [Text and reader: a guide]. Zhytomyr: Ivan Franko State University Publishing House [in Ukrainian].

13. Chepelyeva, N. V., Rudnytska, S.Yu., Hutsol, K.V. (2021). Diahnostychnyy instrumentariy vyznachennya naratyvnoyi kompetentnosti osobystosti [The Diagnostic tools of personality narrative competence determinination]. Tekhnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu - Technologies of Intelect development, Vol .5, 1. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].


Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13):89-103. (pdf)

UDC 159.923.2

Hutsol K.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Features of formation of narrative competence of social networks users.

Abstract. The article is an empirical study of the issue of formation of narrative competence of popular social networks users. The author demonstrates that social internet networks in contemporary society are gradually being transformed into users’ blogospheres. Within network culture the blog becomes one of variations of discursive declaration, constructing of personality’s experience, a new type of self-narrative. Author's text is in a middle of a blog, which requires a certain level of narrative competence of its author: ability to distinguish and interpret narrative statements of the Other, that is to identify narratives in sociocultural texts (see a narrative behind a text) and build their own narrative constructs based on that.

The author shows that attributive forms of narrative construction of experience differ in blogs of users of different Internet networks and platforms. Users of five popular social networks (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Telegram) have three main (pre-semantic, semantic and meta-semantic) and two transitional levels of narrative competence. Statistically significant differences in formation of the level of narrative competence among users of YouTube video hosting and Instagram social network were identified. Assumptions about the uneven formation of narrative competence among users of other studied groups are not reliably confirmed.

The prospects of elaborating of two separate training modules for development of narrative competence for social networks users with pre-semantic and semantic levels of its formation are substantiated.

Key words: social internet networks, blog, blogger, blogosphere, narrative, narrative competence, levels of formation of narrative competence.


1.Hutsol, K. V. (2019). Diahnostyka sformovanosti rivniv naratyvnoyi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Diagnosis of the formation of levels of narrative competence of the individual]. In Osobystisni ta sytuatyvni determinanty zdorovya: materialy IV Vseukrayinskoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi (22/11/2019) – Personal and situational determinants of health: a collection of the IV All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference (November 22, 2019) (pp. 77–81). Vinnytsya: Donetsky natsionalny universytet imeni Vasylya Stusa. [in Ukrainian].

2. Hutsol, K. V. (2017). Naratyvna kompetentnist u mezhakh psykholohichnoyi hermenevtyky [Narrative competence within psychological hermeneutics]. In Suchasna osvita ta intehratsiyni protsesy: zbirnyk naukovykh prats mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-metodychnoyi konferentsiyi (22-23/11/2017) – Modern education and integration processes: a collection of scientific papers of the international scientific-methodical conference, November 22-23, 2017 /S. V. Kovalevski (Ed.) (pp.53–55). Kramatorsk: DHMA. [in Ukrainian].

3. Hutsol, K. V. (2017). Teoretyko-metodolohichni osnovy doslidzhennya naratyvnoyi kompetentnosti osobystosti [Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of narrative competence of the individual]. Aktualni problemy psykholohiyi: zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi imeni H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. Psykholohichna hermenevtyka – Actual problems of psychology: coll. Science. G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, Vol. II. 10, 167–185. [in Ukrainian].

4. Kozlova, N. S. (2012). Samoprezentatsiya lichnosti v usloviyakh virtual'noy kommunikatsii (na primere nemetsko-yazychnykh blogov) [Self-presentation of personality in the context of virtual communication (on the example of German-language blogs)]. Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya : Lingvistika. – Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series: Linguistics, 25, 114. [in Russian].

5. Senchenko, N. A. (2015). Blog kak sposob narrativnogo konstruirovaniya identichnosti v usloviyakh setevoy kul'tury [Blog as a way of narrative construction of identity in a network culture]. Yevraziyskiy soyuz uchenykh – Eurasian Union of Scientists, 4 (17), 100–102. [in Russian].

6. Chepeleva, N. V. (2017). Rozuminnya – Interpretatsiya – Tlumachennya. [Understanding – Interpretation – Interpretation]. Intelligence development technologies – Technologies of intellect development, Vol. 2, 6 (17). Retrieved from intellect_develop/ article / view / 301 [in Ukrainian].

7. Boyd, D. A. (2006). Blogger’s Blog: Exploring the Definition of a Medium. Reconstruction, 6. Retrieved from ABloggersBlog.pdf

8. Schiffrin, D. (2006). In Other Words: Variation in Reference and Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13):104-115. (pdf)

UDC 81.23 : 159.923.2

Коlobova I.B.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

The sense-bearing structure of a personality in autobiographical narratives

Abstract. The article studies an individual’s sense-bearing sphere in the context of narrative construction of his/her experience. An interpretation of an individual’s experience includes, above all, the processes absorbing and forming meanings with different depths and contents. In the psychological-hermeneutic approach, comprehension of an individual’s experience is understood as a clash of social and individual meanings, in particular, the transfer of external semiotic signs into the internal context and its recoding into visual and/or textual elements. The interpretation of personal meanings as an evaluative-emotional attitude to some experience is substantiated.

The analysis of personal meanings opens a broad area for psychological studies. The article presents some benefits of the narrative approach to studies of meanings, in particular, transformational dynamics and patterns of semantic forms, restructuring the semantic system of personality, determination of life logic and beliefs responsible for productive and deep interpretations of life experience.

The studies on meanings performed by different authors are summarized and the structural components of the sense-bearing sphere, which are the subject of narrative analysis, are identified, namely: personal values (an axiological view), situational personal meanings (statements, beliefs, conclusions); existential logic (a life ideology); motives, intentions, needs (an intentional view).

The concept of existential (life) logic is described; it help an individual assign meanings to some events, phenomena and life in general, as well as form attitudes towards oneself and other people through the prism of one’s basic life concept..

Key words: sense-bearing structure, interpretation of experience, existential logic, personal meanings.


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Aktual_probl_psihol 2021, 2(13):116-132 (pdf)