Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 2, Issue 9 – 2015

Abstracts and Information about Authors



UDC 159.923.2

Chepeleva N.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Self-designing and personal development.

Language: Russian

Abstract. The interpretation of self-designing as a building process of the own identity is proposed. It is based on the interpretation and understanding of the personal, social and cultural experience, cultural assimilation schemes that define a self-organization. Self-design is realized by means of discursive practices, involving the creation of the own discursive projects as an important factor of personal development.

The personal project is presented as a meaningful version of the human being, to a large extent based on the process of assimilation of sociocultural discourses defining behavior scenarios and the main development vectors of the individual. Self-design is aimed at creating ideal models of personality itself. The main discursive models are personal projects as the creation of narrative design of of their own ideal history and thesaurus as the creation of an ideal personality unique world picture.

The role of problems set by the person, first of all, of the problems in creating a sense of personal projects, is shown. These objectives are based in first on socio-cultural patterns, but by the development the personality redefines them and extends the definition, thus reconstructing his own personal design.

The main types of personal projects are the socially oriented, based on examples taken in the society and standards; personality-oriented, based on the self-interpretation and self-understanding processes and defining the development and personal transformation vector; alternative, involving the creation of the desired design of himself

Keywords: self-designing, personal development, personal project, narrative, thesaurus, self-understanding, interpretation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 2(9): 4-17 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Znakov V.V. Teoreticheskie osnovanija psihologii ponimanija mnogomernogo mira cheloveka / V.V. Znakov // Voprosy psihologii. – 2014. № 1. – S. 16 – 29.

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3. Leont'ev D.A. Lichnostnoe izmerenie chelovecheskogo razvitija / D.A. Leont'ev // // Voprosy psihologii – 2013 – № 3. – s. 67 – 80.

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7. Sapogova E.E. Zhiznennyj opyt v avtobiograficheskih narrativah lichnosti / E.E. Sapogova // Voprosy psihologii. – 2014. № 1. – S.68 – 79.

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UDC 159.9.015

Ball G.A., Medintsev V.A.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Set-Theoretic method of analysis of the processes of Self designing.

Language: Russian

Abstract. The authors present the basic ideas of proposed by them set-theoretic method of analysis of processes, including those studied in psychology, and describe how it is applied. The method considers any subject of research as a process and/or its components. Any process is recorded as Function : Prototype → Image.

In the article the method is applied to describe the processes of Self designing, interpreted as reforming and functioning of a personal project. We consider it as a person’s mental possession which characterizes his/her idea of Self, and a set of processes implementing this idea; the idea of Self covers Self-desired and the implementation of the content of life that a person hopes to achieve through the implementation of Self-desired. We can consider that a personal project in the proposed interpretation represents a combination of the personality project and of the life one (in terms of N. Chepeleva and O. Zaretskaya).

Components of the mathematical space are defined, and processes of Self designing are then considered in that space. The analysis of mathematical space is performed at three directions which treat the personal project as a prototype, as an image and as a function. The stages of reforming the personal project are described as well as its types with different features of the stage structure.

Keywords: Self designing, personal project, idea of Self, prototype, image, function, mathematical space, stages of reforming the personal project.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 18-35 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Ball G.A., Medincev V.A. Sistemnoe opisanie kul'turnyh processov i ego psihologicheskie primenenija / G.A. Ball, V.A. Medincev // Tehnologії rozvitku іntelektu. – 2014. – Tom 1. – № 7.

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3. Buharceva N.G. Samoproektirovanie: edinstvo samorealizacii i razvitija vnutrennego mira lichnosti / N. G. Buharceva // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii. − 2013. − № 2. − S. 22–26.

4. Zarec'ka O.O. Diskursivnі praktiki samoproektuvannja doroslih: metodologіchnі zauvazhennja do postanovki problemi / O.O. Zarec'ka // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni, 2014, Tom. ІІ, Psihologіchna germenevtika, Vip. 8. – S. 41–52.

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6. Tul'chinskij G.L. Lichnost' kak avtoproekt i brend: nekotorye sledstvija / G.L. Tul'chinskij // Filosofskie nauki. – 2009. – № 9. – S. 30–50.

7. Chepeleva N.V. Samoproektirovanie kak faktor razvitija lichnosti / N.V. Chepeleva // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni, 2014, Tom. ІІ, Psihologіchna germenevtika, Vip. 8. – S. 4–15.

UDC 159.923.2

Smulson M.L.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Self-designing as a tool of the development amplification in old age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of self-designing as the intentional self-development background in the elderly age, as well as an amplification tool of self-development. It is shown that the specifics of the self-designing in the old age manifests itself in all its phases, namely at the stage of the reflection of development tasks, the stage of the design results determining, the design of self-development process and related technologies, as well as the criteria for self-development events. The acceleration of mental development in aging is obviously unacceptable, because of limited vital resources. Therefore, we can only speak about the specific amplification, enrichment of the mental development in aging. The conscious personal self-designing in the old age requires a special decision on the direction of such amplification-based understanding of their involution deficits.

Every of the above steps of self-designing requires appropriate level of the conceptual thinking and reflected intellectual actions. Therefore, the mutual amplification of self-designing and intelligence of an elderly person may be considered as a factor-protector of dementia during the normal aging. At the same time the self-designing should be directed also to the general reinterpretation of the mental model of the world in the old age.

Keywords: aging, normal aging, self-designing, self-development, amplification, the mental model of the world.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 36-48 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Ancyferova L.I. Sposobnost' lichnosti k preodoleniju deformacij svoego razvitija / L.I.Ancyferova // Razvitie lichnosti i problemy gerontopsihologii. – M.: Izd-vo „Institut psihologii RAN”, 2006. – S. 355– 381.

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14. Smul'son M.L. Mіsce samoproektuvannja v proektnіj paradigmі / M.L.Smul'son // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S.Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – Zhitomir: Vidavnictvo ZhDU іm.. І.Franka, 2014. – Tom P. Psihologіchna germenevtika. – Vip. 8. – S. 16 – 29.

15. Holodnaja M.A. Psihologija ponjatijnogo myshlenija: Ot konceptual'nyh struktur k ponjatijnym sposobnostjam / M.A.Holodnaja – m.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2012. – 288 s.

16. Chepelєva N.V. Diskursivnі zasobi samoproektuvannja osobistostі / N.V. Chepelєva // Naukovі zapiski. Serіja «Psihologіja і pedagogіka». Tematichnij vipusk «Aktual'nі problemi kognіtivnoї psihologії». – Ostrog: Vid-vo Nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu «Ostroz'ka akademіja», 2013. – Vip. 24. – S. 7 – 11.

17. Shhukina M.A. Status kategorii samorazvitija v sovremennoj otechestvennoj psihologii / M.A.Shhukina // Rossijskij psihologicheskij zhurnal – 2012 – T.9, № 1. – S. 35 – 43.

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UDC 159.923.2

Lebedynska I.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Typing as way of becoming cultural practices of self - designing.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract. The article deals with personal self- designing as a type of cultural practice. It is proposed concept of a type of cultural practice analyzed in the context of the theory of "typing" as the becoming corresponding type of experience, constituted typed forms of knowledge.

It is shown that the core fixed experience of self- designing is experience of doksa or habitually scheme of interpretation. At the discursive space experience of doksa functions as a latent level of discourse, forms a pre-reflexive ideological system and is a factor in the formation of mental habit.

It is assumed that the "semantic matrix" practices of self- designing are the tradition of rational man's relationship to himself rooted in cultural practices of self- designing.

Key words: typing, cultural practices of self- designing, experience of doksa, habitually scheme of interpretation, mental habit.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 49-60 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Burde P. Biograficheskaya illyuziya //Interaktsiya. Intervyu. Interpretatsiya. – 2002. – #1. – S. 75-81.

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14. ChepelevaN.V. Diskursivni zasobi samoproektuvannya osobistosti / N.V.Chepeleca // Naukovi zapiski. SerIya «Psihologiya i pedagogIka». Tematichniy vipusk «Aktualni problemi kognItivnoyi psihologiyi». – Ostrog: Vid-vo Natsionalnogo universitetu «Ostrozka akademiya», 2013. – Vip.24. – S.7 – 11.

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UDC 159.923.2

Gutsol Svetlana Y.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

The meaning-building function of myth in context of self-designing of personality

Language: Russian

Abstract. The article concerns the problem of mythological components of personal life experience, in particular the significance of myth in process of forming strategies for self-determination and self-organization of personality in context of life-building practices.

The concept is based on the author's thesis that in the course of self-designing the condition for generation of new meanings are empirical generalizations of the individual experience of personality as well as “ready” socio-cultural concepts of mythological nature acquired from outside.

By summarizing of concepts by D.A. Leontiev, A.M. Lobok, A.S. Sharov the author presents her understanding of the mechanism of mythological meaning-building. An attempt to «smooth out» the contradictions in categorical opposition «actual being-in-the-world» versus myth is made. Interdependence of these categories of experience in the process of personality’s self-organization is explained.

The importance of myth as a factor for the formation of personal design is discussed. The role of myth as a «meaning-carrying reality» in the process of self-designing is emphasized. The author analyzes the meaning-building function of myth. Understanding of meaning as a probabilistic construct of personal myth is substantiated.

The author describes the resources of myth as a large-scale context for «actual being-in-the-world»: fixation on a broad perspective leads to understanding the possibilities scope of a personality and his life horizon.

Keywords: myth, meaning, experience, design, «actual being-in-the-world», meaning-building function, self-organization of personality.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 61-71 (pdf)

References transliterated

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14.Semjonova M.N. Predstavlenija o vremeni v psihologi / M.N. Semjonova // Metodologicheskie problemy sovremennoj psihologi: illjuzii i real'nost': materialy Sibirskogo psihologicheskogo foruma. – Tomsk: Tomskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2004. – S.629–632.

15.Spiridonova I.A. Vremennaja transspektiva sub#ekta: vlijanie vozrasta i rannego predmetnogo obuchenija : dis. … kandidata psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Spiridonova Irina Andreevna. – M.: MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2002. – 165 c.

16.Strelkov Ju.K. Vremennaja svjaznost' mira / Ju.K. Strelkov // Psihologija sub#ektivnoj semantiki v fundamental'nyh i prikladnyh issledovanijah : Materialy nauchnoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 60-ti letiju so dnja rozhdenija E. Ju. Artem'evoj / Otv. red. D. A. Leont'ev. M.: Smysl. – 2000. – S.20-23.

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19.Hajdegger M. Bytie i vremja / Martin Hajdegger; Per. s nem. V.V. Bibihina. — Har'kov: «Folio», 2003. – 503 s.

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21. see the article in this magazine: Chepeleva N.V. Self-designing and personal development // Aktual probl. Psikhologii. V.2 Issue 9.

UDC 159.923.2 : 316.752

Zaretska Olga O.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Features of using methods of interviewing for the study of personality self-design

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract. The paper is aimed to consider the opportunities of written interviews in the study of axiological aspects of human consciousness. The principles of interviewing that allow to initiate the awakening of the active reflection of respondent perceptions of their value plan, particularly self-design, are analyzed. The benefits of the survey on matters of existential plan in the form of online correspondence are formulated and argued: a written response format, the possibilities of computer "non-linear" editing, greater freedom of maneuver in computer correspondence, specifics of the perception of virtual spaces that promote a freer communication, involvement of the respondent into the narrative practices in written form. Argued the use of methods of mixed (oral-written), "broken", gradual, flexible, partly hidden, lasting interview, whereby it is possible to get a "controlled" dialogical broken narrative. The advantages of using such techniques in the educational and learning process are discussed.

Кeywords: interviews, online correspondence, surveys, axiological aspect, self-design, narrative.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 72-84 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Narativni psihotehnologiyi / [ Chepeleva N.V., Smulson M.L., Shilovska O.M., Gutsol S.Yu.]. – K.: Glavnik, 2007. – 144 s. – (Seriya «Psihol. Instrumentariy»).

2. Problemi psihologichnoyi germenevtiki: monografiya / [ Chepeleva N.V., Titarenko T.M., Smulson M.L. ta in.]. – K.: Milenium, 2004. – 276 s.

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5. Chepeleva N.V. Obschaya harakteristika narrativnoy psihologii / N.V. Chepeleva // Problemyi psihologicheskoy germenevtiki. Pod red. N.V.Chepelevoy. – K.: Izdatelstvo Natsionalnogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. N.P. Dragomanova, 2009. – S. 127-134.

6. Chepeleva N.V. Teoretichni zasadi narativnoyi psihologiyi / Chepeleva N.V., Smulson M.L., Shilovska O.M., Gutsol S.Yu. // Narativni psihotehnologiyi. / M.L.Smulson. – K., 2007. – S. 3-37. (Seriya «Psihol. Instrumentariy»).

7. Zaretska O.O. Deyaki metodologichni zauvazhennya schodo «rozirvanogo narativu» u psihogermenevtichnih doslidzhennyah / O.O. Zaretska // Mova i kultura (naukoviy zhurnal). – K.: Vidavnichiy Dim Dmitra Burago, 2009. – Vip. 12. – T. 10 (135). – S. 57-64.

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12. Zarec'ka O.O. Osobistіsne zrostannja і vіchnі cіnnostі krіz' prizmu refleksії u іnternet-іnterv’ju / O.O.Zarec'ka // // Nauka і osvіta. - 2014. - № 9. - S. 117-122.

UDC 159.923.2

Zazymko O.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment in the self-designing of a personality.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract.The article describes the discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment. Time transspective, unlike time perspective, is characterised by a time decentration and recreation of a human chronotope in terms of representation and significance of their own time and space in their worldview. Discursive practices, covering time transspective, contain the interpretation of experience not only from today’s perspective but also the past and future that is more conducive to the generation of their own life meanings in the construction of the original personal design. The study focuses on the discursive practices (comprehension, appropriation, interpretation and understanding) of the disclosure of meanings of events of one’s own experience and of the Other’s "revelation of meanings". It was found that the regeneration of the lost meanings ("distorted" and "prejudiced") and the generation of the new ones is intentionalised by emotionally intense experiences which can be classified as "moments of intensity". These experiences, which are different from the experience of consciousness, awake at the stop of thinking in a certain transspective point of experience. The way of meanings’ formation from the "moments of intensity" to the generation of discourse is accompanied by simultaneous and parallel practices of visualisation presentation. In the absence of their further actualisation (narrativisation), the author’s "hidden" meanings may remain unclaimed to the Other and not appropriated by the subject of their generation. It is noted that the discursive practices of the time transspective enrichment in a personal self-designing are intensively acquired in adolescence when a person becomes able to comprehend the variability of their own "I". Prior to adolescence the expansion of the guides of meanings in self-determination in the future takes its place due to the interpretation of social discourses perceived as different dimensions of space.

Keywords: discursive practices, personal design, transsperspective, transsperspective enrichment, "moments of intensity", adolescence, life experience, experience of the Other.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 85-105 (pdf)

References transliterated

1.Borozdina L.V. Vozrastnye izmenenija vremennoj transspektivy sub#ekta / L.V. Borozdina, L.A. Spiridonova // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1998. – № 2. – S. 40-50.

2.Gal'perin P.Ja. Osnovnye rezul'taty issledovanij po probleme «formirovanie umstvennyh dejstvij i ponjatij» // Psihologija kak ob#ektivnaja nauka / P. Ja. Gal'perin. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Institut prakticheskoj psihologii, Voronezh: NPO Modek, 1998. – S. 425-429.

3.Gornostaj P.P. Lichnost' i vremja: Tvorchestvo kak perezhivanie / P.P. Gornostaj // Psihodrama i sovremennaja psihoterapija. – 2003. – № 4(5). – S. 18-26.

4.Zazimko O.V. Reflektirujushhee obosoblenie kak mehanizm ponimanija i interpretacii lichnostnogo opyta v junosheskom vozdaste / O.V.Zazimko // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2011. – Tom ІІ. Psihologіchna germenevtika. – Vipusk 7. – S. 143–154.

5.Zinchenko V.P. Vremja – dejstvujushhee lico / V.P. Zinchenko // Voprosy psihologii. – 2001. – № 6. – S. 37–54.

6.Leont'ev A.N. Psihologija obraza / A.N. Leont'ev // Vestnik Mosk. un-ta. Ser.14: Psihologija. – 1979. – № 2. – S. 3–13.

7.Leont'ev D.A. Zhiznetvorchestvo kak praktika rasshirenija zhiznennogo mira / D.A. Leont'ev // I Vserossijskaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija po jekzistencial'noj psihologii: materialy soobshhenij / Pod red. D.A. Leont'eva, E.S. Mazur, A.I. Soslanda. – M.: Smysl, 2001. – S. 100–109.

8.Mamardashvili M.K. Lekcii o Pruste / Mamardashvili M.K. – M.: Ad Marginem, 1995. – 548 s.

9.Mamardashvili M.K. Strela poznanija. Nabrosok estestvennoistoricheskoj gnoseologii / Mamardashvili M.K. – M.: Shkola "Jazyki russkoj kul'tury", 1997. – 304 s.

10.Markov B.V. Germenevtika Dasein i destrukcija ontologii u Martina Hajdeggera / B.V. Markov // Germenevtika i dekonstrukcija / Pod red. Shtegmajera V., Franka H., Markova B. V. – SPb, 1999. – C. 10–33.

11.Moiseeva N.I. Svojstva biologicheskogo vremeni / N.I. Moiseeva // Faktor vremeni v funkcional'noj organizacii dejatel'nosti zhivyh sistem. – L., 1980. – S. 15–19.

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14.Semjonova M.N. Predstavlenija o vremeni v psihologi / M.N. Semjonova // Metodologicheskie problemy sovremennoj psihologi: illjuzii i real'nost': materialy Sibirskogo psihologicheskogo foruma. – Tomsk: Tomskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2004. – S.629–632.

15.Spiridonova I.A. Vremennaja transspektiva sub#ekta: vlijanie vozrasta i rannego predmetnogo obuchenija : dis. … kandidata psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Spiridonova Irina Andreevna. – M.: MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2002. – 165 c.

16.Strelkov Ju.K. Vremennaja svjaznost' mira / Ju.K. Strelkov // Psihologija sub#ektivnoj semantiki v fundamental'nyh i prikladnyh issledovanijah : Materialy nauchnoj konferencii, posvjashhennoj 60-ti letiju so dnja rozhdenija E. Ju. Artem'evoj / Otv. red. D. A. Leont'ev. M.: Smysl. – 2000. – S.20-23.

17.Sulimov V.A. Persona kak vyzov / V.A. Sulimov // Filosofskie nauki. – M.: Gumanitarij, 2009. – № 12/ – S. 45–55.

18.Tjupa V.I. Bahtin kak paradigma myshlenija / V.I. Tjupa // Diskurs: kommunikacija, obrazovanie, kul'tura. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1996. – №1. – Rezhim dostupu :

19.Hajdegger M. Bytie i vremja / Martin Hajdegger; Per. s nem. V.V. Bibihina. — Har'kov: «Folio», 2003. – 503 s.

20.Chepeleva N.V. Metodologicheskie osnovy issledovanija lichnosti v kontekste postneeklassicheskoj psihologii / N.V. Chepeleva // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Psihologіchna germenevtika / Za red. N.V. Chepelєvoї. – K.: DP «Іnformacіjno-analіtichne agentstvo», 2010. Tom 2, vip. 6. – S. 15-24.

21. see the article in this magazine: Chepeleva N.V. Self-designing and personal development // Aktual probl. Psikhologii. V.2 Issue 9.


UDC 159.923.2

Shylovska O.M.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Psychic Health Support As a Possible Precondition to the Child's Self-Designing Ability Development

Language: Ukrainian

Annotation. The article is devoted to the practical research of the preconditions of the primary school-age children`s development of self-projection ability.

During the process of the theoretic analysis it has been determined that the ability for the individual sensible self-building, that covers self-projection, planning, self-development etc., is one of the features of adulthood. The inner prerequisites of the listened processes set up at primary school-age when under the influence of sociocultural environment the child learns to reflect not only their own self but also the events that take place in their life.

The determining factor in the development of the child’s ability to self-projection may be the presence of psychological health and its components such us: the ability to take responsibility for making decisions, the resistant to stressful situations.

In the research process the relation between the development of the child’s ability to self-projection and ability to take responsibility for making decisions and ability of overcame difficulties.

Based on studies, it is concluded that ability to take responsibility for decisions and table response to stressful situations is a prerequisite for the development of ability to self-projection. The development of these components of psychological health driven by social surroundings of the child.

The further research perspectives such as the influence of the presence of self-adoption, adoption of surrounding, openness of experience, good role on the development of the child’s ability to self-projection.

Key words: self-projection, psychological health, sociocultural experience, ability to take responsibility for decisions, the resistant to stressful situations

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 106-118 (pdf)

References transliterated

Pritchi. Bibleyskie. Hristianskie. Evreyskie /Pod red. N.E.Fomina. – Harkov: Folio, 2010.–221 s.

Tikhonova M.I. Faktory ryzyku porushennya psykhologichnogo zdorovya uchniv pochatkovoyi shkoly. [Elektronnyj resurs] / M.I. Tikhonova. – Rezhym dostupu:

UDC 159.953.5

Kovalenko-Kobylanska I.G.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Intellectual development in old age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract. Aging of population and dynamics of economic development of society requires permanent education of a person during the all period of development, old age including. Education in this age has some specific features. Style of aging and health of a man (physical and psychological) depends on the degree of adaptation to the modern conditions.

The course covers the issue of protecting the higher mental functions in people of the "third" age through the use of virtual learning environment. Fragments of the distance course "Intellectual support 50+". The article states the course comprises six modules consisting of the interactive simulators divided into complexity levels and the role exercises.

Special attention is paid to the fact that the attitude to individual mental preservation in one’s old age is an indicator of social maturity of the individual. The attention is drawn to the fact that this remote course is distinguished for its purpose of not obtaining the knowledge, but general stimulating of cognitive aspect.

Keywords: aging, intellect, development, virtual environment of educating, self-guided work, efficiency of teaching.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 119-129 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Kljucharev G.A. Obrazovanie pozhilyh kak filosofskaja problema / G.A.Kljucharev, T.M. Kononygina // Filosofija i budushhee civilizacii: tezisy dokladov i vystuplenij IV Rossijskogo filosofskogo kongressa (Moskva, 24–25 maja 2005 g.): v 5 t. – T.4. – M. : Sovremennye tetradi, 2005. – S. 487.

2. Kovalenko-Kobiljans'ka І.G. «Іndivіdualіzovana distancіjna osvіta jak zasіb zapobіgannja іnvoljutivnih procesіv іntelektual'nogo rozvitku u starostі» Tehnologii razvitija intellekta [Elektronnij resurs] / І.G. Kovalenko-Kobiljans'ka.– Tom 1.– № 4. 2013. – Rezhim dostupu :

3. Kovalenko-Kobiljans'ka І.G. Distancіjnij kurs «Іntelektual'na pіdtrimka 50+» [Elektronnij resurs] / І.G.Kovalenko-Kobiljans'ka. – Rezhim dostupu:

4. Smul'son M.L. Psihologіja rozvitku іntelektu: monografіja / Smul'son M.L. – K.: Nora-Druk, 2003. – 298 s.

5. Holodnaja M. A. Psihologija ponjatijnogo myshlenija: ot konceptual'nyh struktur k ponjatijnym sposobnostjam. – M.: Institut psihologii RAN, 2012. – 288 s.

6. Holodnaja M.A. Strukturno-integrativnaja metodologija v issledovanii intellekta. [Jelektronnyj resurs] / M. A. Holodnaja. – Rezhim dostupa

UDC 159.923.2

Berezko I.V.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Difficult circumstances: change the trajectory of self-development.

Language: Ukrainian

Summary: This article gives an analysis of «personality», «identity», «self-understanding» in specificity post-modern concepts. It is noted that in times of crisis change the life circumstances of self-identification processes become more intense. The semantic space of personality and its identity varies considerably in a difficult situation. Factors that are catalysts of self-understanding in difficult circumstances, its specificity were analyzed. The concept of narrative and mentative was used for the analyze process of personal transformation in difficult life situations. These discursive practices are specific, each of them allegedly dominant at different periods of life. A hypothesis is that in a difficult situation narativization processes are suspended, and the mentative becomes dominant semantic construct. Ways of representing life experience by people who have experience of cancer were analyzed. The texts posted on social networks in the public domain were used for the analysis. It was revealed that in adapting to difficult situations, that is a serious medical illness, person can experience a tendency to loss authorship of her own life, the identity on the first stages of such life experience. The process of differentiating the dysfunctional "I", updating identities, searching resources that were formed in the previous experiment in the "unique outcomes", is described. Such identities in their infancy are the main potential in the process of adapting to difficult situations. Difficult situations not only changes the value space of the individual, but also allows the emergence of new identities and stories in the life of the individual.

Keywords: self-understanding, identity, narrative, mentative.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 130-141 (pdf)

References transliterated

1. Virtts U., Tsobeli Y. Zhazhda smyisla. Chelovek v ekstremalnyih situatsiyah. Predelyi psihoterapii. / Ursula Virtts, Yogr Tsobeli . – M: Kogito-Tsentr, 2012. –390 s.

2. Kalmyikova E.S. Opyityi issledovaniya lichnoy istorii. –M.: Kogito- Tsentr, 2012. –285 s.

3. Sapogova E.E. Avtobiografirovanie kak protsess camodeterminatsii lichnosti // Kulturno-istoricheskaya psihologiya – 2011. – #2. – s.33–51

4. Ty`tarenko T.M. Psy`xologichni prakty`ky` konstruyuvannya zhy`ttya v umovax postmodernoyi real`nosti: monografiya / T.M.Ty`tarenko, K.O.Kochubejny`k, K.O. Cheremny`x; Nacional`na akademiya pedagogichny`x nauk Ukrayiny`, Insty`tut social`noyi ta polity`chnoyi psy`xologiyi. – K.: Milenium, 2014. –206 s.

5. Chepelyeva N.V. Samoproektuvannya osoby`stosti v dy`skursy`vnomu prostori / N.V.Chepeleva // Naukovi studiyi iz social`noyi ta polity`chnoyi psy`xologiyi; zb. statej / NAPN Ukrayiny`, In-t socia-l`noyi ta polity`chnoyi psy`xologiyi; [red.rada: M.M.Slyusarevs`ky`j (golova), V.G.Kremin`, S.D. Maksy`menko ta in.]. – K.:Milenium, 2012. – Vy`p.42. – s.12–20.

6.Yak buduvaty` vlasne majbutnye: zhy`ttyevi zavdannya osoby`stosti: [nauk. monogr.] /[T.M.Ty`tarenko, O.G.Zlobina, L.A.Lyepixova ta in.]; za nauk. red. T.M. Ty`tarenko; Nacional`na akademiya pedagogichny`x nauk Ukrayiny`, Insty`tut social`noyi ta polity`chnoyi psy`xologiyi. – Kirovograd: Imeks-LTD, 2012. – 512 s.

UDC 159.923.2

Gudinova I. L.

G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine

Protonaratyv as a value-semantic basis for self-projecting in the blogosphere.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract. It is explained a new virtual reality being able to impact on the person’s self-projecting. It is presented a brief review of a new Internet genre of the human creativity in the blogosphere, namely, motivators and demotivators (protonarratives). It is substantiated the notion “protonarrative” itself. It is described the functions of motivators and demotivators such as value-semantic adjustment in creating the personal life project, the evaluators of truth within the moral domain of socio-cultural knowledge, the designers of new realities and others.

In fact, the memes are pure information, but their functioning has got some distinguishable physical and behavioral consequences. Memes are considered to be an informational good thanks to their pithiness. Such texts or someone’s strange life meanings are becoming close to the virtual person ( "the aesthetically strange as the forgotten my own") is able to restruct and to aesthetize the previous opinions and the all life.

The usage of protonarratives is resulting to quantitative changes, they are the next: concretizating the over-thought situation; increasing the emotional level and self-respect are being improved; the text laconism is resumed to a feeling of finishing and receiving the life wisdom; the person becames to be able to help another person (memotherapy); it is appeared the feeling of harmony and the final order of life experience. In this case the person appears in front of the “face” of the “cultural absolute”. The highest potencies of the consciousness are activated in it. The person continues to search the sense of the life changes. These are texts of the personal improving, namely the compacted semantic perspective. Consequently, the protonarrative form is reflecting the life experience and is confirming with a word about understanding the own way.

It is pointed out the protonarratives influence items upon the person’s psychics.

Key words: motivator, demotivator, protonarrative, self-projecting, belief, hope, dream.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 142-155 (pdf)

References transliterated

1.Buhartseva N.G. Samoproektirovanie: edinstvo samorealizatsii i razvitiya vnutrennego mira lichnosti [Elektronnyiy resurs] /N.G. Buhartseva // Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii. – 2013. – #2. – Rezhim dostupa : (18.07.2015).

2. Vera (ponyatie) [Elektronniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (26.08.2012.)

3. Zorin A.L. Ponyatie «literaturnogo perezhivaniya» i konstruktsiya psihologicheskogo protonarrativa / Andrey Leonidovich Zorin // Istoriya i povestvovanie: Sbornik statey. – M., 2006. – S. 12–27.

4. Lotman Yu.M. Asimmetriya i dialog. /Lotman Yu.M. Semiosfera. – SPb., 2000. – 603 s.

5. Menegetti A. Ontopsihologiya i memetika [Elektronniy resurs] / A. Menegetti. – Rezhim dostupa: (15.04.2010).

6. Mechta (ponyatie) [Elektronniy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: (26.08.2012).

7. Nadezhda (ponyatie) [Elektronniy resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: (26.08.2012).

8. Sapogova E. E. Analiz Ya-kontseptov i Ya-metafor v soderzhanii individualnyih narrativov sub'ekta [Elektronniy resurs] / E.E. Sapogova // Prikladnaya psihologiya: dostizheniya i perspektivyi /Pod red. L.A. Mirskoy, T.Yu. Sinchenko, V.G. Romeka. – Rostov-na-Donu: «Foliant», 2004. – S. 50–79. – Rezhim dostupa: (18.06.2013).

9. Sapogova E.E. Avtobiografirovanie kak protsess sotsiodeterminatsii lichnosti // Kulturno-istoricheskaya psihologiya. – 2011. – # 2 . – S.37–51.

10. Titarenko T.M. Psihologichni praktiki konstruyuvannya zhittya v umovah postmodernoyi sotsialnosti. Monografiya / T.M. Titarenko, O.M. Kochubeynik, K.O. Cheremnih; Natsionalna akademiya pedagogichnih nauk Ukrayini, Institut sotsialnoyi ta politichnoyi psihologiyi. – K.: Milenium, 2014. – 206 s.

11. Tulchinskiy G.L. Lichnost kak avtoproekt i brend: nekotoryie sledstviya // Filosofskie nauki. –2009. –# 9. –S. 47–60.

12. Chepeleva N. V. Samoproektirovanie lichnosti v diskursivnom prostranstve / N.V. Chepeleva // Chelovek, sub'ekt, lichnost v sovremennoy psihologii. Materialyi mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. posvyaschennoy 80-letiyu A.V. Brushlinskogo. Tom 3. /Otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlyov, E.A. Sergienko. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2013. – S. 342–345.

13. Chernyavskaya V. E. Tekst statichen ili tekst protsessualen? / V.E. Chernyavskaya // Kognitsiya, kommunikatsiya, diskurs: mezhd. sb. nauchnyih statey HNU im. V.Karazina ( Harkov). – 2010. – # 1. – S. 123–131.

14. Bovens L. The Value of Hope / L. Bovens // Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. – 1999. – v. LIX, N 7. – pp. 670–730.

15. Prince G. A Grammar of Stories. An Introduction / G. Prince. – Hague– Paris : Mouton, 1973. – 256 p.

16. Prince G. A dictionary of narratology / G. Prince. – Lincoln – London : University of Nebraska Press, 2003. – 126 p.

17.Uzarevic J. Problem ponavljanja prekinutoga ponavljania / J. Uzarevic // Knjjzevna smotra, (Zagreb). – 2004. – br.127 (1): –Р. 37–44.

UDC 159.923.2 : 371 : 37.04

Proskura O.V.

Berlin, Germany

Janusz Korczak and Jakiv Reznik: the experience of self-designing.

Language: Ukrainian

The aim of the article is to analyze the experience of personality self-designing and the design implementation during a life on the example of two outstanding personalities – the classics of the twentieth century pedagogy Janusz Korczak and Jakiv Reznik . Name of Janusz Korczak is now more widely known than the name of Ukrainian psychologist and educator Jakiv Reznik , but they both are outstanding representatives of science and practice of humanistic pedagogy.The content of their personal design was to devote their life to children , "to give them the heart " The particular attention was paid to the sociological, psychological, pedagogical studies in determining the role of education in the functioning and development of human society , and in practice of the organization of specific educational institutions, in particular , focused on the support, training and education of children left without parents. During the implementation of personal designs they created author’s educational institutions, which were based on his own conception, theoretical system and practical experience .

Keywords : Ya.Korchak, Ya.Reznik, self-designing, humanistic pedagogy,childhood, orphanhood,childhood orphanage.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 2(9): 156- 185 (pdf)

References transliterated

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