Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 4. Psychology development of children preschool age. Issue 13 – 2017
UDC: 159.923
Language: Russian
Childhood is a social phenomenon
The article is devoted to the following issues: determining the role of childhood in human life; studying the situation of children in the world and in Ukraine; the establishment of the cause of the aggravated situation of the children's population in the country, the world; identify ways to improve the situation.
Key words: childhood, childhood phenomenon, preschool childhood, quality of childhood.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):4-14 (pdf)
UDC: 159.928.23
Language: Ukrainian
Versatile psychological diagnosis, information about each child with a focus on its strengths are essential to building individual programs to support the development of skills, personal development of the child. A reference point of all the diagnostic process is the structural model of the development of abilities, that includes motivational, valuable, cognitive and operational components and demonstrates the dynamic, integrative nature of abilities that are manifested in the child. The most effective diagnostic methods in early childhood is the observation of the child in various activities, especially monitoring the gaming process of the child, record everyday observations, analyze the results of productive activities (including art works) method of incomplete sentences, standardized tests to study the mental development of children, tests for diagnosis of cognitive processes and creativity, the method of peer review based on for basic characteristics abilities (modification of the scale of J. Renzulli), questionnaires drawn up so as to gather as much of information about the child as possible, its individual psychological characteristics of development. Studying the abilities of children, it is appropriate to rely on the principle of humanity, individuality, optimistic forecasting of the development in relation to each child and provide a favorable environment for the cognitive activity of the child's interests, its preferences and talents.
Key words: diagnosis, diagnostic methods, skills, preschool age children.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):14-31 (pdf)
UDC: 159.928.23
Language: Ukrainian
Creative perception and its psychological characteristics
This article analyzes the research on the psychology of creative perception, defined the concept of "creative perception", his psychological characteristics and features of creative perception in preschool age. In the process of active cognitive activity ofchildren perception acquires a purposeful, creative character and supposes compulsory receiving of new information that depends on to what extend a child preserves an ability to see individual peculiarities in the objects. In most cases generality, sketchiness, rigidity of perception starts to dominate. It is important to specifically teach children to percept, because without teaching this process preserves continuity, inaccuracy, and syncretism. In the end of preschool age perception possesses following qualities: abjectness, integrity and sensibility. Perception becomes purposeful process, in which violent actions are distinguished – consideration, search – from schematic, undifferentiated it passes to integral purposeful observation.
Keywords: creative perception, perceptive activity, cognitive activity, abjectness, integrity and sensibility of perception, pre-school age.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):31-40 (pdf)
UDC: 37.015.3:159.922.7
Language: Ukrainian
Description of emotionally-social development of preschool child is in the process of intermingling with adults
In the article the exposed role of dialogic communication is in development of emotionally-social sphere of child of preschool age. The forms of communication of preschool child are described from to the adults during preschool childhood. The row of possible emotional violations is educed for the children of preschool age. Description to pre-conditions of appearance of the first child's fears is given. The psychology - pedagogics terms of providing of emotionally-social development of children are certain.
It is marked the role of social ingenuity in development of creative personality of child, able to put right the productive intermingling with surrounding people, to find an exit from difficult vital circumstances. The events of developing work on preschool children, sent to forming of abilities of preschool child to understand emotional the state of other people after mimicry, are described, experience and sympathize.
Expressed opinion about, that positive development of social ingenuity of preschool children in the conditions of domestic education depends on the present positive example of parents. The role of teacher and parents is educed in development of emotional sphere of children of preschool age in the context of problem of preparation of children to the studies at school. It is marked the value of spirituality in development mentally of healthy creative personality of preschool child.
It is found out, that spiritual communication on all levels envisages attitude toward each and itself as to parts of only organism, and basis of spiritual communication is the unstipulated love.
Key words: emotions, communications, emotionally-social development, children preschool age, dialogic communication, social ingenuity, spirituality, creative personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):40-50 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Language: Ukrainian
Development of training self-efficiency of personality in preschool and young school schools
The article analyzes the peculiarities of academic self-efficacy in the preschool and early school age. Identified were social and psychological factors that determine the individual learning self-efficacy: family education, communication with adults and peers, emotional attitude of the teacher, success in the games and learning activities, the example of others. The role of educational and gaming environment was analyzed. Given was the definition of the construct as a kind of phenomenon of self-efficacy, which, on the one hand characterizes the internal assessment of the readiness of the individual to active learning activities, and, on the other hand, is the result of self-transformation of the person in the course of educational activities. It was shown that pre-school and primary school age is only the beginning stage of learning self-efficacy development, and the development continues in further age periods.
Keywords: academic self-efficacy of the individual, educational and gaming environments, a differentiated self-assessment, goal setting, reflection, the subject of self-action, the subject of educational activity
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):51-62 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Language: Ukrainian
Self-actualization of tutors of child's preschool is in the process of professional self-fulfilment
Self-Actualization of personality plays an important role in the process of professional self-realization. It is the index of development and self-perfection of human, opening, for a man the best, that it is given nature. Deep self-actualization stimulates personality growth, development, realization, both in the vital and in professional field.
The level of self-actualization was probed by the method of «Samoaktualizaciyniy test of E. Shostrom (SAT)». 78 tutors of child's preschool - women different age and to experience - took part in testing.
It was found out, that not all tutors of investigated group are characterized self-actualization of all of the parts of own potential, which self-actualization consists of. The high marks of indexes testify to self-actualization of personality. Such marks expressed only part of educators – from 12,9% to 34,7%. It is indexes after the scales of «competence in time», «valued orientations», «looks, on nature of man», «self-esteem», «cognitive necessities». Low marks which specify on absence of self-actualization were certain for tutors from 10,3% to 50,0%. It is indexes of scales «support», «sensitivity to itself», «spontaneity», «self-acceptance», «acceptance of aggression». A group of tutors (50,0%) with low indexes after a scale «acceptance of aggression» are defined. It testifies to possibility of development of neurological disorders for such tutors, they make a risk group. The mean normative values of marks were inherent from 24,4% to 44,7% tutors . This fact gives a hope, that certain motivation or other factors, desire, will bring such educators over to the prospect of self-actualization.
Keywords: а professional self-fulfilment, а tutor, а self-actualization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):63-72 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Language: Ukrainian
Peculiarities of speech development of preschoolers as an independent problem in pedagogic psychology
This article centers on peculiarities of speech development of modern preschoolers and investigates psychological and pedagogical reasons of difficulties in preschoolers’ communication as well as suggests the ways of elimination them through main activity in this age range which is a game.
Key words: speech development, difficulties in communication, child speech portrait, game activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):72-82 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Language: Ukrainian
Subject--subject interaction with the child as a factor in the adoption of socially significant preschooler moral values
The article deals with the development of ethical instances of preschool children in the psychological educational space. Reveals important subject-subject interaction with an adult child and essence of the concept of "significant adult". Presents approaches to the formation of ethical Preschoolers instances by using methods of work with the subjective experience of the child. The paper highlights the approaches to creating conditions for a productive dialogue between the child and adult.
Keywords: adult meaningful, ethical authority, subject-subject interaction, developmental environment, moral values.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):82-94 (pdf)
UDC: 159. 955.4:37.01
Language: Ukrainian
Specificity of self-regulation and its interaction with the particular characteristics of reflexity of kursants - future lawfirms in the context of the psychological supply program
Specifics of self-regulation and its relationship with the partial characteristics of reflexivity of cadets - the future law enforcement officers in the context of a program of psychological support
In the article the problem of self - regulation and its relationship with the reflexivity is considered. Specificity of self - regulation and its relationship with the partial characteristics of reflexivity (retrospective reflection, reflection of the present and future, interpersonal reflection) of cadets in the context of a program of psychological support is analyzed.
A person in contact with the outside world is continuously confronted with a situation of choice of different ways to implement his/ her activity depending on the objectives, individual characteristics and conditions of the surrounding reality, the characteristics of people, who are interacting with him / her. Self-regulation is a process that ensures the stability of the system, its relative stability and balance. Through reflexivity, a person has the inner life and the ability to manage his/ her states and appetence - the freedom of choice. Reflection is seen as an essential regulatory component of personality that allows the subject to consciously build vital functions.
The sample included cadets - future law enforcement officers. The first group - cadets who were included in the program of psychological support, the second group – the cadets, who were trained in usual conditions.
The study found that the cadets, who have been included in the program of psychological support, are more focused on the analysis and evaluation of the activities already carried out, the events which took place in the past. These subjects tend to reflect on the future and its planning, monitoring and analysis of their own behavior. This group showed significant relationship with almost all indicators of self-regulation and reflexivity. Сadets, who were trained under the usual conditions, have lower scores on all components of self – regulation. In this group revealed only one significant correlation between the indicators of reflexivity and self-regulation.
Keywords: cadets, law enforcement, partial characteristics of reflexivity, psychological support, self-regulation
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):94-107 (pdf)
UDC: 372.011.31:373.2
Language: Ukrainian
The reflective culture of the teacher yak values teacher professional
The article is devoted to the concept of reflexive culture as one of the components of professionalism, valuable guidance in self-development and self-improvement professional and personal qualities of the teacher of preschool educational institution. Lit scientific approaches in the interpretation of the definition of "reflexive culture", as well as the conditions of its formation.
Key words: reflexive culture, the conditions for the development of a reflective culture, reflection, self-development, professionalism, values.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):108-115 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Language: Ukrainian
Psychological and pedagogical factors of child child in the old primary age of socially important values
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of the correlation of external (socio-pedagogical) and internal (psychological) factors of influence on the process of adoption of socially significant values by the child of the senior preschool age. It is emphasized that psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child of older preschool age in the period of the age crisis of regulation of behavior for 6 (7) years of life requires consideration of the laws of development of the most important achievements of value-semantic sphere, which promote the preservation of the integrity of the child of the child of preschool age at the stage of radical change of social situation baby development (preschool-elementary education).
Key words: value orientations, educational space, formation of the person, age crisis of regulation of behavior 6 (7) years of life, life competence.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):115-129 (pdf)
UDC: 373.2:7
Language: Ukrainian
Children's art-full development of personality in the place "child-arts"
The article published practical advice on polyart development of preschool children; presents a system that is based on the use of art work with the children; There are defined pedagogical conditions of personality polyart development.
Keywords: polyart development, art, painting, cognitive interest, playing exercises, psyhogymnastics, pedagogical conditions.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):129-139 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Language: Ukrainian
Integration of lessons in school as a means of forming cognitive competence of students
The article gives a definition of "integration", "integrated lessons". Reveals the basic methodological requirements that must be met by educational technology. Analyzes the main group of integrated activities that enhance the quality of learning.
Keywords: integration, integrated lesson, shallowmarine basis, cognitive competence, educational technology.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):140-150 (pdf)
UDC: 159.943.8 – 053.4 : 316.752
Language: Ukrainian
Characteristics of arbitrary behavior as a factor of olders preschoolers adoption socially significant values
The article presents the results of an experimental study of the state of the development of arbitrary behavior of children of the senior preschool age, which determines the adoption of their socially significant values. The applied empirical research methods are described: the diagnostic conversation "The factors of choosing a child of socially significant values" and observation of various types of child activity initiated by children and a teacher. The connection of the level of manifestation of the arbitrary behavior of a senior preschool child and his ability to adopt socially meaningful values is statistically confirmed. The real condition of the development of arbitrary behavior of the children of the senior preschool age, the education of which was carried out in the conditions of the preschool educational institution, the family education and the first class of the elementary school, was determined. It has been established that for the studied children, socially significant values are regulators of their activity on the average level of manifestation.
Keywords: arbitrary behavior, adoption, selection, socially important values, child of older preschool age.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):151-159 (pdf)
UDC: 378:373.31
Language: Ukrainian
Formation of research skills of future teachers of primary school: results of scientific research
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of research skills of future teachers of primary school.
Thus abilities in the wide understanding examine as actions that allow to generalize experience of personality in the process of practical activity, as comes forward as a result of capture a method, that is based on knowledge and their use in the process of decision of difficult tasks; to readiness to their conscious decision; envisages sense of locality in new terms, use of elements of work in the process of activity.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the determination of basic concepts skills, pedagogical skills , research skills have been analyzed. Attention is accented on pedagogical practice as effective means of forming of research skills.
During pedagogical practice students looked after, forecast, and also folded recommendations from conducting lesson; applied knowledge, ability, skills in creative pedagogical activity; reasonably chose the effective methods of studies and education of junior schoolchildren; put and decided concrete educational-educator tasks, brought over students to elementary research, assisted to developing their creative flairs; conducted an experiment and estimated his results; summarized the materials got during work with children; folded by means of different research methodologies a report on own searching activity; estimated the level of developing professional flairs and developed the plan of further professional self-perfection.
The tasks of educational and productive practice are examined at school and their possibility for forming of research abilities of students of direction of preparation 6.010102 Primary education. The method of portfolio and his possibility is investigated in forming of research abilities of future teachers of initial school. The results of experimental research are presented.
Keywords: research skills, pedagogical skills, pedagogical practice, method portfolio.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):159-168 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Language: Ukrainian
Psychological facilities of senior preschool children individual descriptions of cognitive activity optimization
The results of empirical research of the individual characteristics of the cognitive activity of senior preschoolers are article presented in the article. The psychological and pedagogical conditions for effective influence on the development of cognitive activity are distinguished with taking into account the individual characteristics of senior preschoolers in speech activities can be divided into two groups (internal and external). The author pointed out ways of implementing these conditions into the practice of pre-school education establishments. The basic methodological principles of developmental psychologists and educators with children that age are presented by the author. Some forms of psychological-pedagogical influence on the development of cognitive activity of preschool children in the process of speaking in accordance to individual features of cognitive activity, opportunities, inclinations and interests of children are distinguished.
Keywords: cognitive activity, structural components, peculiarities of the relationships, emotional and motivational, procedural and operational control, and evaluation features, older preschooler, individual characteristics, principles, way’s of implementation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):168-178 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Language: Ukrainian
Adult orientation for selection socially significant property in preschool children
The work deals with the problem of value aspects of human life. The article presents psychological aspects of moral - ethical, value concepts. Disclosed opinion that the future of the country largely depends precisely on which values enter the life of a child of preschool age. Deals with the importance of pre-school period in the development of personality and its semantic value components. Determined idea that the family is the primary special environment, where the formation of personality, where it receives the first of his knowledge and the complexity surrounding world receives specific example of moral behavior, collaborating to work. Learn to establish themselves in community with others, learn to listen to the views and others. The article notes that it is in the family of a child developing such socially important values and moral qualities as kindness, sensitivity, truthfulness, fairness, hard work, mutual support, friendship and love for all living things that are important incentives for positive behavior and actions of the child preschooler.
The article presents research material, to study the scope of value orientations in preschool children: rapid diagnosis for a child manifestation of value concepts and questionnaire for parents, which allowed more deeply know the value orientation of modern parents. The results of research on parental value orientations and study the nature of relationships in the family. The article summarizes the results: What the child learns in adults with family?
Keywords: Values, preschooler, moral education, moral character, family, family circle adult.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):178-190 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.27:37.017.924,316.752
Language: Ukrainian
Psycho-pedagogical conditions of adoption of a child socially important values
The article raises the question of the role of pre-school childhood in the process of becoming a personality, defines the main characteristic features of the social situation of development, which contributes to the emergence of quality neoplasms in a child of senior preschool age. The main social factors that contribute to the process of dehumanization of children's consciousness are revealed.
Keywords: Preschool childhood, the social situation of development, value orientations, factors of influence.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):190-199 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923:316.62
Language: Ukrainian
Predictive competence as a psychological factor of law enforcement officers readiness to innovation activity
An innovative based development is the important direction for the development of our country. In this regard, urgent increase of innovation activity in the professional training of future police officers, namely the possibility to form and develop the innovative capacity of the individual and innovative activity of the future specialists assumes special applicability. One of the important components of probable success in readiness for changes becomes a mechanism based on predictive activity of future police officers. This study leads to the following conclusions: students with high and medium levels of readiness for innovation tend to use the potential of sharing situation, while cadets with a low level of readiness for innovation provide only one outcome, the behavior of others. Rigidity, both at the level of the installation and the level of prediction the consequences of these actions is peculiar for them. Also the cadets with a high level of readiness for innovation are more able to predict and distribute time correctly and accurately. And for students from middle-and lower-readiness for innovation being unpunctual and unable to calculate and plan time effectively is typical. For them estimated time is based on emotional and subjective basis. In addition students independent from the level of preparedness for innovation are characterized by spatial anticipative ability. In General, the results of the study indicates that the overall viability of anticipative development and in particular normovariative type of anticipation increases readiness for innovation.
Keywords: competence, prognostic competence, anticipatory solvency, readiness for change, innovative activity, innovative potential, cadet, policeman.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):199-213 (pdf)
UDC: 373.2. 091
Language: Ukrainian
Age features of creative abilities of preschool children
The article noted that the development of creative abilities is possible in any age, but the sensitive period for this, scientists believe preschool education through the development of certain mental functions (imagination, perception, thinking etc.) and explain the sensitivity of the psyche rapid growth and maturation" of the child's brain during this period. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature concluded that among the basic characteristics of preschool age, which influence the development of creative abilities of children specified perception, imagination, thinking, and preference is given to such features of early childhood as a high degree of activity of child activity in its contacts with reality, sensitivity and syncretism of perception. The article reveals the psychological characteristics of early childhood as the basis for the development of creative abilities of the child, illuminated by scientific perspectives on the development of creative personality of a preschooler, is characterized by psychological thinking, imagination, perception of preschool children and identifies their influence on the development of creative abilities of the child. Creativity is considered as an integrative property of the personality, which is due to the age peculiarities - the ability to sensory perception, emotional responsiveness, empathy, imagination, figurative and associative thinking, animism, and synesthesia - it shows the development of mental processes of perception, feeling, thinking, imagination, creativity level and allows you to achieve success in any activity.
Keywords: the creativity of the preschooler, thinking, imagination, perception, emotional responsiveness.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 4(13):213-222 (pdf)