Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 4. Psychology development of children preschool age. Issue 14 – 2018


Content of Issue

UDC 373.2–37.014.3

Pirozhenko T.О.

Language: Ukrainian

Communicative-speech development of a child as a factor of choosing a strategy for interpersonal communication.

The article presents a theoretical and experimental analysis of the interconnections of communicative-speech achievements of a child of the senior preschool age with the prospect of choosing constructive strategies of interpersonal interaction with the environment. It is proved that in situations of uncertain content the child's choice of the strategy of contact, coordination, separation, contradiction, is explained by the factors of speech achievements, the formation of value orientations in relation to human beings.

Key words: interpersonal communication, communicative-speech development, personality of the child of preschool age, value orientations of the child of preschool age.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.922/159.923

Balitskaya I. M.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological peculiarities of the value relation of personality.

The article identifies and systematizes the problems of formation of the axiological sphere of the individual. Attention is drawn to the correlation between concepts such as "values", "value orientations", "value attitudes" in the context of a given problem. The peculiarities of formation of value orientations in senior preschool children are highlighted. The article reveals the substantive essence and mechanisms of the formation of the value relation of the individual to himself, others, the world, which is personified in subjectivity

Key words: axiology, theory of values, values, attitude, value orientation, value attitude, value system, classification of values, spiritual values, child value field, terminal values, instrumental values, personality structure, value categories.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 373.3.015.31:159.922:17.022.1

Doroshenko M.I.

Language: Ukrainian

The formation and dynamics of moral consciousness of junior high school students.

The article reveals the concept of moral education of the students. In the process of considering of the moral education, the following categories are identified: the consciousness, the conviction, the orientation. The features of the specificity of the moral education of a primary school pupils are investigated, and the age and psychological features are determined.

Key words: the youngest students, moral education, moral consciousness, moral orientation, moral convictions, moral habits.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.922.73.-053.4

Zavyazun T.V.

Language: Ukrainian

The problem of speech components development in senior preschool children through the game: modern approaches to research.

The article highlights the scientific analysis of the problem of speech components development in senior preschool children through the game. It also underlines the connection of the speech development with the games in preschool children, as the speech development in senior preschool children includes the active interaction of a child with adults and other children of the same age, where the child reflects the surrounding world reproductively and creatively. The article focuses on the main task for an adult, that is to develop the speech components of a child through the most natural activity for them, namely through the game. It also describes the main factors that influence the speech components development in senior preschool children at different stages of the game.

It shows that the game interaction is one of the primary cultural means of active reproduction, acquiring and creation of speech structures by the child. The article points out that the game stimulates the development of speech due to its ability to give preschool children a set of positive emotions that are vital for their healthy mental and physical development. At each stage of the role-playing game a child learns such language skills as: listening, asking questions, speaking, substantiating, proving and communicating. Thus, it was found that the game can not occur without speech communication.

Key words: speech development in senior preschool children, speech components, games.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.923

Karabayeva I.I.

Language: Ukrainian

Features of valuable orientation of preschools of modern children.

The article is basis of empirical research, the idea of interests, needs, attitudes of a modern preschool child is outlined. The publish of value attitude towards oneself, his family, kindergarten is highlighted. It turns out that the sixth years old children is already a bearer of value systems. It is emphasized that the preschool child is well-orientated in the immediate surroundings, imagining his present and future. It is emphasized on the ability of the child to evaluate those without which people can not do without, to be happy. It turns out that older preschoolers have a strong need for action. Preference is given to playing, pictorial, musical, motor, cognitive activities. The interest of children in the new modern technology is shown. Covered a diverse range of children's hobbies. Particular attention is paid to communication with adults and peers. It is noted that children have a great need to communicate with adults, with members of their family, have a sense of sympathy for their peers, have a desire to engage in joint activities, learn a lot from each other. The personal centering as one of the features of the formation of value orientations of children of the senior preschool age is revealed.

Key words: values, value orientations, value attitude, interest, need.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.923

Kloyts L.A.

Language: Ukrainian

Study of developmentof professional self-definition of modern pedagogue.

The article presents a piece of experimental research of the problem of formation of a teacher's professional self-consciousness. The research program of learning the development of teacher's professional self-consciousness acording to certain criteria is outlined. Diagnostic tools for research are discribed. The resalts of research on the development of the main components of teacher's professionsl self-consciousness for cognitive, affective and behavioral components are presented. The most actual directions for updating and development of teacher's professional I-image are determined. The psychological and pedagogical conditions contributing to the harmonization of the professional position of the spetialist are outlined.

Learning the development ot teacher's professionsl self-consciousness showed that the process of forming of a professional I-concept of a teacher passes spontaneously and requires spetially organized conditions for its development. The obtained reaslts determine the average level of development of teacher's professional self-consciousness with differentiated indicators of its components. The revealed specificity of the development of the cognitive components a certain cognitive difficulty in the imeges of the professional I teacers and need to deepen the studied ideas about themselves as a subject of the professional and personal interaction. The development of an affective component determines ambiguity, differentiation in teacher's self-valuation and self-attitude, indicating their instability and need correction. Behavioral component is characterized by insufficient level of development of teacher's professional self-regulation and skilles of rationalization of professional behavioral actions.

Key words: professionalism, professional development, professional consciousness a teacher, “Self-conception”.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 373.2:37.091.33–042.65

Kondratec I.V.

Language: Ukrainian

Realization of the principle of efficiency: freedom of a modern child in optional activity.

The article presents a theoretical and practical analysis of ensuring the conditions for the formation of the child’s freedom of choice, independence and responsibility for their actions. The methods and techniques for implementing the principle of selectivity in various types of children's activities are considered; interaction of teachers and parents in the education of basic values in children.

Key words: freedom, choice, independence, conditions, basic values, activity, selectivity, decalog.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.922.73 – 053.4 (043.3)

Melnyk I.S., Shcherbata V.G.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological peculiarities of parents understanding the importance of play interaction in the development of communicationof their children.

The article is devoted to the disclosure of the psychological characteristics of understanding by parents of preschool children with disabilities in the sphere of communication the meaning and role of the game as one of the important means of overcoming these disorders. The article describes the approaches to the study of games that are common in psychological literature as a factor in the development of communication of children of preschool age. Scientific studies of the features of the game interaction between adults and children as a means of overcoming difficulties and problems in communication of various categories of children are noted. A qualitative and quantitative psychological characteristic of the results of a survey of parents of children with disabilities in communication regarding their understanding of the role of the game in overcoming these violations has been implemented. The main prospects for research on this issue are highlighted.

Key words: speech, communication, communication disorder, game, game interaction of parents with a child.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 373-056,2/.3

Mykhalska S. A.

Language: Ukrainian

Readiness of preschool aged children to interaction with special educational needs children.

The analysis of the state of the development of the problem of readiness of preschool aged children to mutual relations with special educational needs children has been represented in this article. It has been defined that during preschool age children have different and difficult relations with contemporaries which strongly influence on development of their personality. It has been analyzed that mechanism of interpersonal perception and understanding among contemporaries which is at the base of formation of such personal features as compassion, desire to help, friendly support, the ability to share joy, self-consciousness is the most effective. It has been made to conclusion that now among preschool aged children the problems of the negative attitude and unwillingness to communicate and interact with special educational needs children are appearing. The attitude to the children with psychophysical defects is disdainful or indifferent in the most cases because contemporaries have no skills to play, communicate and interact with them. It has been noticed that education in inclusive group helps special educational needs children to avoid feeling of isolation and alienation and at the same time it contributes to disappear social barriers in integration into the society, to form feeling of responsibility for friends. The results of the investigation have testified rather low level of readiness of children to interact with special educational needs children. It has been defined that almost the third part of children feel fear before special educational needs children but more that half of senior preschool children showed readiness to communicate and make friends with them.

Key words: child, personality, preschool age, interaction, communication, special educational needs child.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 316.752,159.923.2 – 053.4


Language: Ukrainian

Manifestations of the regulatory effect of values in the activities of senior preschool children.

The article presents the results of experimental study of the functioning of terminal and instrumental values as regulators of activity of children of the senior preschool age in preschool establishments. The manifestations of value regulation in the activity of preschool children, organized on the basis of the initiative of children, in particular in a plot role-playing game and other independent creative activity were explored. The rating of values in the free activity of senior preschool children is determined. It has been established that for children aged 6-7 the most effective were the following values: "happiness", "family", and such values-means as:"purposefulness","creativity","confidence", "independence". The manifestations of the regulatory action of rating values are described in the article.

Key words: values, terminal values, instrumental values, value regulation, appropriation of values, child of the senior preschool age.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 316.614.6 – 053.4

Teslenko O.V.

Language: Ukrainian

Рychologist-teacher conditions of the formation of valuable orientations of preschool children.

In the article the psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of value orientations of children of preschool age are considered, practical experience of creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions in preschool institutions is presented.

Key words: value, value orientations, psychological and pedagogical conditions, attitudes, interaction, civility, educational environment.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 373. 2 : 159. 938

Tovkach I. Ye.

Language: Ukrainian

Formation of children of primary age based on culture of the reader.

In the article in the context of raising the requirements for professional competence of preschool education specialists on the basis of the theoretical analysis of works, scientific observation and generalization of the material on the problem under study, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the basics of the reader's culture in children of preschool age were identified and described.

Key words: educator, artistic and speech activity, preschooler, reader culture, psychological and pedagogical conditions.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.922.73

Tokaryeva L.D.

Language: Ukrainian

Appropriation of terminal and instrumental values as a process of formation of the personality of a preschool child in the conditions of a family.

The article deals with the problem of formation of value orientations of the preschool child as a factor of social development of the individual. It is shown that the family is the main source of value orientations. It is proved that it is precisely in the preschool age that the formation of values is a special measure for understanding the essential nature of the child's characteristics. The structural components of moral values are outlined and the specifics of the manifestation of terminal and instrumental values of children of the senior preschool age in the conditions of the family are shown. The table of the hierarchy of value orientations of modern parents is given, which allows to predict their influence on the quality of the formation of certain values in children.

Key words: value orientations, family, preschooler, instrumental values, terminal values, moral values, regulatory action.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.922.8

Tolmachova О.Y.

Language: Ukrainian

Development of the motivational sphere of the child of the primary school age.

This article reviews the formation of the motivational sphere of the personality in ontogenesis. The primary school age has significant reserves for the formation of the motivational sphere. Primary schoolchildren have a peculiar system of needs, which includes the general needs and also the age requirements.Three groups of motives that support the learning activities of primary schoolchildren are identified: motifs directly related to the content and the learning process, social motives and narrow personal motives.

Key words: need-motivational sphere, motive, motivation, self-esteem, pretensions, need, younger school age.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.27:37.017.7, 316.6

Fedorchuk O.I.

Language: Ukrainian

Intra-family communication with a child as a factor in appropriating a child's values of cohabitation.

The article examines the peculiarities of the process of communication of a child of the senior preschool age with the adult members of the family and the significance of this communication for the further development of the child's personality. The results of practical research, confirming the importance of the quality of intra-family communication with children of preschool age as the leading factor in the appropriation by the child the values of cohabitation, are presented. As a result of active inclusion in the communication process with close adults, the ability to emotionally experience manifestations of goodness, empathy, and justice gradually emerges in older preschoolers. Thus, a culture of values of an individual is formed: individual things become meaningful and valuable to an individual child. It is concluded that the culture of communication between adults is an indicator of the psychological atmosphere among the members of the family. Replacing the authoritarian style of communication with a democratic is one of the key factors in shaping the skills of a child to regulate their actions, deeds, skills of self-organization in the process of leading activities.

Key words: family, intra-family communication, appropriation of values, senior preschool child.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)


UDC 159.922.7-053.4:82-34

Shaumian O.G.

Language: Ukrainian

Fairy tale as a psychocorrectional method of psychological assistance to a preschooler.

Ukraine is on a coursefor further development and European integration. To date we still lack knowledge about fairy tales usage in psychological counseling and fairy-tale therapy. So, at the present stage, practical psychology developed one of its youngest methods, and namely, fairy-tale therapy, aimed at forming a spiritually rich, emotionally stable child personality. With the therapeutic influence of a fairy tale one can reach harmonious development of the emotional-volitional sphere in preschool children.

Usage of the fairy-tale therapy method with a diagnostic purpose in the professional activity of a psychologist is based on the value of a metaphor and affects the inner world of the child's personality and his relationships with the outside world for the purpose of various manifestations of the reaction of a preschool child to: unfavorable living conditions, conflict situations; relationships with the environment and in the family; basic strategies of role behavior; personal growth and self-realization, etc. The fairy tale forms a personality through its conscious and unconscious influence and allows to indirectly acquire a certain life experience; the preschooler develops the ability to empathize, sympathize, feel and be emotional.

Possibilities of using fairy tales in psychocorrective work allowed to single out a fairy-tale therapy into a separate type of psychotherapy, aiming at the ability to change and grow, and contributing to understanding the existing problems and effective struggle with them, to socialization and self-organization of a preschool child.

Key words: fairy tale, fairy tale therapy, psychological and pedagogical work with children, preschool, psychocorrectional work, fairy-tale therapy, therapeutic tale.

Aktual_probl_psihol, 2019 4 (15) (pdf)



Shulga L.N.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological and pedagogical conditions of effective implementation of the technology of the development of creative characteristics of children of preschool age on personalization.

The article covers psychological and pedagogical conditions of effective introduction of technology of development of creative abilities of children of preschool age in drawing lessons. The author notes that the effectiveness of the introduction of technology for the development of creative abilities of children of preschool age depends on a series of mutually determined psychological and pedagogical conditions: the professionalism of the teacher as a combination of psychological and pedagogical, technological and cultural competences, and the motivation of the child to artistic creativity. The author describes the professionalism of the teacher as a set of psychological and pedagogical, technological and cultural competencies. The development and improvement of these competencies is carried out on refresher courses and in the intercourse period in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education, as well as in independent activities. The motivation of the child to the artistic work is considered in the context of creating a positive psychological climate, the main characteristics of which are the positive mood of children and the teacher, the interest of children in the content of activities, mutual understanding, satisfaction with the relationship and performance and taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. The author concludes that the effectiveness of technology and the successful management of the process of forming a positive creative motivation in a child largely depends on satisfying its basic needs, which are determined by its age and individual characteristics, acquired emotionally-sensual and artistic and aesthetic experience, the state of uplift and the prevailing desire to express itself in artistic creativity.

Key words: pedagogical conditions, introduction, technology, development, creative abilities, children of preschool age, classes on drawing.