Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 5, Issue 14 – 2014
Abstracts and Information about Autors
UDC: 159.938
Bolotnikova I.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Features of self-fulfilment and self-actualization of trade-union professional employees.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents the results of our empirical study that highlight the features of professional self-fulfilment of trade-union employees. The purpose of the research was to analyze our experimental study and identify psychological aspects of professional self-fulfilment of trade-union employees. The experimental study was performed at trade union organizations that are subjects to the Kyiv city council of trade unions. Totally, tested people are 32 trade union employees of all ages and gender. During the study, we used the Questionnaire of professional self-fulfilment and Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test (SAT). Surveyed employees showed, mostly, average and above average levels of manifestation of professional self-fulfilment. Analysis of the base scales of Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test (SAT) revealed that the most number of tested people showed intermediate levels according to scale indexes. These results give a signal on appropriateness of psychological help for employees to improve their self-esteem, confidence in own abilities and independence from outside influence. The analysis of correlations of generalized indicators of the Questionnaire of professional self-fulfilment with the scales of Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test lead us to a conclusion that the vast majority of indexes of Shostrom’s Self-Actualization Test scales are related at a significant level with the indicators of the Questionnaire of professional self-fulfilment, therefore, the level of specialist’s self-actualization plays an important role in his/her professional self-fulfilment. The fact that some indicators have not positive, as expected, but negative correlation is, probably, indicates occupational strain and burnout and requires deeper investigation and shows a need for psychological help for the surveyed professional group.
Keywords: professional activities; professional self-fulfilment; attributes of self-fulfilment; self-actualization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 3-11 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Bohonkova Y.
East-Ukrainian national University named after Volodymyr Dahl. Lugansk. Ukraine.
Psychological peculiarities of manifestations of adaptive resources of the individual under the influence of self-esteem
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: . The paper presents the features of the manifestation of personality is stressful on a psychological level: analysis of specific restructuring activities in the motivational structure, the role of regulators emotional behavior, the stability of various cognitive functions, ensuring the efficient processing of information, individual methods of payment and overcoming difficulties. Attention is given to the theoretical analysis of the influence of self-identity problems on its adaptation to a stressful situation. Clarified adaptation resources person in a stressful situation. Clarified the adaptive resources of the individual in the stressful situation. The analysis of the concept of "adaptive capacity of the individual", discussed the contents of this phenomenon. Self-esteem affects the efficiency and the further development of the personality. Has an important difference from introspection. It is closely related with the level of claims person. The adaptive transformation of personal adaptive capacity are subject to cyclical patterns, expressed in the alternation of phases of expenditure and filling; the expenditure of adaptation resources associated with adaptive voltage. Interesting is the analysis of the system of relations adaptive capacity with a protective strategies of the individual. Mechanisms of learning and psychological protection can be attributed to the regulation of adaptive resources and simultaneously to the way their organization in the structure of the adaptive response. The nature of these links will allow you to set how adaptive capabilities and capacities are implemented in real adaptation process.
Keywords: behavior, resilient personality, stress, emotional (mental) health, behavior strategies, resources, personality, stress threshold, adaptation, adaptive capacity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 11-18 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Voytovych M.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Features professional self-fulfilment psychologists field of secondary education.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an empirical study that addressed the professional self-fulfilment psychologists field of secondary education. Established a substantial rise in the general level of professional self-fulfilment of school psychologists with age. Analysis of the studies showed that the two forms of professional self-fulfilment with the acquisition of work experience and age on psychologists secondary education also increased, indicating a high need for professional development and personal development specialists on a background of constant setting new goals for further professional self-fulfilment . Interestingly, the age of specialists - psychologists industry average of formation increases significantly the use of other professionals their professional experiences and achievements, the disclosure of personal potential and abilities in the profession and demonstration of a high level of creativity in professional activities. Thus, practical psychologists in secondary education from the age more fully reveal their creative and personal skills. The positive and negative correlation professional self-fulfillment and professional self-efficacy and motivation. It was found that higher efficiency psychologists and external negative motivation, the greater and better use of professional experience and achievements of school psychologists and other professionals vice versa. Also found that the higher the level of self-fulfilment a psychologist and the more creative he is at work, the less he needs in internal motivation.
Keywords: self-fulfilment, self-fulfilment vocational, professional activities psychologists in the field of secondary education.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 19-33 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Gumenyuk G.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Professional self-fulfilment of a scientist: problem statement and the algorithm of research.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Theoretical analysis of the problem of personal self-fulfilment at professional activities is presented in the paper; here main approaches to the nature of concepts "subject", "self-fulfilment", "professional self-fulfilment" are discussed. Necessity of a focused study of professional self-fulfilment of the unity of psychological and psychodynamic characteristics is substantiated. Professional self-fulfilment was explored as a peak of person’s professionalization and, at the same time, as a multidimensional phenomenon. The author determined various aspects of self-fulfilment, such as: fruitfulness, that reveals self-fulfilment as completeness, personal accomplishment in existence; a process aspect that displays problems of self-fulfilment process deployment over personal time and at the space of person’s subjective life world; an activity aspect that is aimed at self-fulfilment study through formulation of life goals that sets the direction of self-development as a whole. The algorithm for research of professional self-fulfilment of scientists in psycho-physiological perspective was proposed; here the basic principles of empirical research were substantiated, objectives, criteria and indicators were defined that allow to detect an overall level and features of scientists’ professional self-fulfilment, methodological tools were chosen.
Keywords: skilled person, personal professional development, subject, self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 34-45 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Dzvonyk G. P.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Сommercial organizations: professional managers’ self-realization.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of the experimental studies features professional self-realization managers of all ages and experience in commercial organizations. We found the growth as the foreign professional level of self-realization of all the managers, and intra-professional level in the profession of commercial organizations. This demonstrates the high demand for professional development and personal development with a constant setting new goals for further professional self-realization. The correlation relationship indicators internally and externally-professional and professional level of self-realization, which is directly connected with the formation of his own "life-professional space", setting new goals, needs for professional development and disclosure of personal potential and abilities in the profession. Thus, managers with increasing need for professional development and setting new goals enhanced their professional competence and self-acceptance, and the rate of aggression is reduced when using the professional expertise of other professionals. At the significant effective level correlated with the general level of professional self-realization of the specialist professional recognition of the achievements professional community of foreign professional level of self-realization, Presence of own professional development, superior satisfaction own professional achievements. Thus, managers increase self-efficacy contributes a project of their own professional development to meet their own achievements, recognition of professional community and increase the overall level of professional self-realization. Thus, the growth of foreign professional self-realization managers encourage professionals to achieve high end results or goals, the desire to demonstrate certain professional achievements and get pleasure from their activities.
Keywords: professional self-realization, the professional activities of managers of business organizations, external professional and intra-professional level managers.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 45-60 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Dulova O.O., Proskurnyak O.P.
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Ukraine.
Psychological characteristics of establishing children’s value attitudes to making family.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The family is one of the most important social institutions, which requires constant scientific research. This need is of topical significance particularly in the time of economic, political and social changes in the society. The increasing number of divorces, especially in the early years of family life, shows the necessity and urgency of the search for ways to stabilize the family, particularly its approach to the creation and formation of value attitude towards family. The object of the study is the factors that affect molding of the family man qualities while children’sbringing up. The subject of our study is the peculiarities of upbringing that contribute to the molding of value attitudes to a family. The objective of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of bringing upvalue attitudes to a family. Specification of thisthemeis revealed in the following tasks: to identify factors that contribute to molding of today’s youth value attitudes to family. The main factors that affect bringing up of the family man qualities and create value attitude to family: nature of the relationship and psychological atmosphere among family members; active involvement of both parents in the upbringing and similarity of their views on education; organization of household activities and rest of the family; ability to analyze and understand the motives of the partners’ behavior and own deeds and actions; availability of skills to resolve conflict situations that arise in the relationship.
Keywords: gender identification, sex-role behaviour, behaviour patterns, siblings, intrafamily interaction.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 60-69 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Zavadska T.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Professional self-fulfilment of educators of preschool establishments.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The results of research of preschool establishments educators professional self-fulfilment, professional self-efficiency and motivation of professional activity are expounded in the article. The 78 educators (women) with different age and experience work took part in testing. For most participants are set the middle and higher middle levels of general(82,0%), inwardly-professional (81,0%) and outwardly-professional (75%) self-fulfilment. The number of educators with the expressed inwardly-professional signs of self-fulfilment were more than with outwardly-professional. A cross-correlation analysis educed reliable connections between the indexes of professional self-fulfilment and signs of general, inwardly-professional and outwardly-professional levels of self-fulfilment. This fact testifies to the orientation of investigational both to personality self-improvment (inwardly-professional self-fulfilment) and self-realizations in a profession(outwardly-professional). The testing of professional self-efficiency of educators showed middle and higher middle levels of self-efficiency for most cases (21,6% and 56,0%). The presented group has a sufficient internal resource in relation to high-professional activity, capable to organize and carry out own activity for the achievement of certain goal. High internal motivation is set for 93,0% educators, high outwardly-positive in 48,0%; high outwardly-negative motivation - in 62,0%. We got reliable correlations between most indexes of self-efficiency and types of motivation indexes of professional self-fulfilment (7 from 10). Thus, mostly this selection educators have a sufficient amount of signs of professional self-fulfilment.
Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, professional development, attributes of self-fulfilment, educator.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 70-81 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Zaviazkina N.V.
Taras Shevchenko National University Of Kyiv. Ukraine.
Problem of the sense’s level of regulation of activity in the justification of category of diminished responsibility.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The forensic psychological examination of diminished responsibility covers such psychological categories as "personal sense", "semantic regulation of activity", "identity", "will", "value", "morality", "responsibility", "social consequences" and others. A significant role in this examination is given to a psychological diagnostic, which helps to identify the depth of the lesion or the preservation of mental functions, including the point of view of their formation in ontogeny, as well as possessing knowledge of the decay function due to various pathologies; as well as the availability and stability of compensatory mechanisms. These features take a special place in the justification of the categories of diminished responsibility due to varying degrees of intellectual disability, emotions and will, interpersonal relationships, as well as the integrity of critical analysis in conjunction of prognostic features. Within the framework of psychological competence for participation in complex with psychiatrists examinations are of particular importance of violation semantic sphere due to mental disorder, because it is a mental disorder which can lead to dissociation of an integrated system of regulation of activity or to its distorted functioning. Developed psychological model-level regulation of activity, semantic personality structures, and motives have a particular interest in conducting examinations with a psychologist to study the richness of content expert conclusions in various psychiatric disorders.
Keywords: semantic regulation, examination, diminished responsibility.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 82-89 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Kokun O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Features of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people of different ages and professions.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents the results of empirical studies that highlight features of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people of different ages and professions. Significant increase of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people over 40 year old was found: of 10 attributes of professional self-fulfilment, 7 attributes become significantly more expressed ( "A need for professional improvement", "Predominant satisfaction with own professional achievements", “Achieving of desired professional goals”, “Recognition of professional accomplishments by professional community”, “Usage of persons’ professional experience and achievements by other specialists”, “Formation of own "life-professional space”, and “Demonstration of a high level of creativity in professional activities”). Moreover, the levels of the last two features are increased is the most expressed way. The level of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people is significantly increased from the stages of professional adaptation and primary professionalization to the stage of secondary professionalization and then continues to grow at the stage of professional masterhood. Increase of external professional self-fulfilment from one stage of professional formation to another is more pronounced than that of internal one. People with creative occupations have the highest level of professional self-fulfilment, professionals of service sphere shows the lowest level. These results are caused by the fact that professional duties at servicing have relatively limited opportunities to professional self-fulfilment of skilled person at their own professions. While creative professions, because of their content, give the widest possibilities for self-fulfilment.
Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, professional development, attributes of self-fulfilment, skilled people.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 90-99 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Korniyaka O.M., Lahtadyr O.V., Gomonyuk V.O.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv; Pedagogical Institute of Hrinchenko’s Kiev University. Kyiv. Ukraine; G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Empirical study of professional self-fulfilment features of a high school lecturer.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article shows that success of persons’ social life is directly related to his/her need for permanent personal and professional growth and self-fulfilment as a process and an outcome of life goal achievements. Professional self-fulfilment of high school lecturers can be understood as permanent self-education, continuous development to achieve excellence, professionalism and high professional skills; the widest possible disclosure of own potential abilities in researching and teaching activities, focused and creative self-realization in the profession of a communicative type for achievement of socially significant effects. The article presents the results of the empirical study of professional self-fulfilment features of high school lecturers by their ages. The tested professionals are usually characterized by average (38%) and - almost half (49%) – by higher than average general levels of professional self-fulfilment: this is also applied to their two forms of self-fulfilment - internal and external forms. A substantial rise of the general level of professional self-fulfilment and its individual components (p ≤ 0,05 - 0,001) was revealed for these professionals as they grow older, 40 years and older, due to acquisition of their professional maturity, presence of psychological readiness for new professional achievements and events of the second peak and later the third one of scientific and educational fruitfulness for lecturers of this age. High positive correlations of all selected features (attributes) of professional self-fulfilment with the levels of internal and external professional self-fulfilment and also with its general level are noted, it means that all features determine self-fulfilment development in the profession of high school lecturers and vice versa. The most expresses correlation is observed for the attribute “professional goal achievements” that is obviously the most important one for the process of professional self-fulfilment.
Keywords: professional self-fulfilment, features (indexes, attributes) of professional self-fulfilment, professional efficiency, professionalism, professionals of scientific and pedagogical profile.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 99-109 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Kruzheva T.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Professional self-realization: the system concepts.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper sets out social and scientific importance of the problem, which solution opens up new perspectives in searching for answers to such fundamental questions: what the minimum limits are where temporal sequence is perceived; what is the nature of structures that provide tendency to recurrence; what lability, time-space, etc. are. As for the social aspect, such answers allow corresponding professionals to expand possibilities of professional suitability diagnosing, to identify affected areas of the controlling nervous system, to develop new methods of rehabilitation of persons with musculoskeletal system disabilities, to design training simulators, biological prosthesis and biological robots, to train highly qualified specialists in psychology, neuroscience, occupational health, athletes, doctors, etc. A wide range of methodological approaches to the psychological time concepts and models of time mechanism operation are presented in the paper. This analysis made it possible to formulate a goal that is to develop and test a method of calculating of a minimal time threshold for corrective process activation through the example of cyclical movements of an index finger of an upper limb of the leading hand; to prove that each control level has its minimal threshold of sensitivity of instantaneous specific sensor complex that can vary depending on the previous configuration of tonic and tetanic effects (lability), degree of development of tactics and strategies for searching in a person’s mentality of corresponding memory traces, matrices, and, if necessary, can create new images of movement execution, actions, activities or find in a tested person arsenal already existing ones.
Keywords: minimal time threshold, corrective processes, lability, memory traces, matrices, instantaneous specific sensor complex.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 109-116 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Malkhazov A.R.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Method of calculating of minimal time thresholds for corrective process activation at motor activity control.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper sets out social and scientific importance of the problem, which solution opens up new perspectives in searching for answers to such fundamental questions: what the minimum limits are where temporal sequence is perceived; what is the nature of structures that provide tendency to recurrence; what lability, time-space, etc. are. As for the social aspect, such answers allow corresponding professionals to expand possibilities of professional suitability diagnosing, to identify affected areas of the controlling nervous system, to develop new methods of rehabilitation of persons with musculoskeletal system disabilities, to design training simulators, biological prosthesis and biological robots, to train highly qualified specialists in psychology, neuroscience, occupational health, athletes, doctors, etc. A wide range of methodological approaches to the psychological time concepts and models of time mechanism operation are presented in the paper. This analysis made it possible to formulate a goal that is to develop and test a method of calculating of a minimal time threshold for corrective process activation through the example of cyclical movements of an index finger of an upper limb of the leading hand; to prove that each control level has its minimal threshold of sensitivity of instantaneous specific sensor complex that can vary depending on the previous configuration of tonic and tetanic effects (lability), degree of development of tactics and strategies for searching in a person’s mentality of corresponding memory traces, matrices, and, if necessary, can create new images of movement execution, actions, activities or find in a tested person arsenal already existing ones.
Keywords: minimal time threshold, corrective processes, lability, memory traces, matrices, instantaneous specific sensor complex.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 116-129 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Melnuk A.I.
National Pedagogical University Dragomanov. Kyiv. Ukraine.
Professional motivation of teachers in working conditions with hyperactive younger students.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents the results of empirical research on professional motivation of teachers in working conditions with hyperactive younger students. The study of motivational attitudes of future teachers to work with hyperactive younger students was carried out in the context of the availability of personally meaningful values and attitudes for professional activity, formation of the dominant motifs of the future of professional conduct.
Keywords: motivation, professional activity, psychological readiness, younger students, hyperactivity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 129-137 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Nemesh O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Psychological foundations of Internet communication.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Considered the psychological characteristics of computer-mediated interpersonal communication. We found that online communication in their nature or synchronous, originating simultaneous real-time or asynchronous, particularly in cases where there is a delay or postponement in real time. Prospects of research online communications. Study of the sources and information seekers as equal members online communication. Deals with the Internet as an information management system for people who create sources of information and information seekers. Specifies that the type and amount of accumulated information can affect seeker such information as pathogenic as well as sanogenic, with the same probability of both options. Deals with semantic aspect of activity in the online communications. It is noted that the freedom to hide or re-create many of the features of virtual "I" opens the way to study and expression of many aspects of human existence. It was found that the structure of social unconcentration separated worlds inhabited by characters psychologically separated, generating a sense that multiple manifestations of "I" are only one type of interaction. Analyzed the different sides of the real and virtual experience of "I". Projections "I" in the virtual world are described as creating opportunities for exploration and discovery; However, online interaction can cause confusion and misunderstanding; Online communities can be places of betrayal, hatred and separation. Noted that the experience of creating and playing their own different facets of the real "I" in the virtual world through control multiple characters in different online communities can be much more diverse than the real life experience.
Keywords: communications system, Internet, computer mediated communication, virtual self.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 138-146 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Neurova A.B.
VKSS of Army Academy named after Hetman Sahaidachny. Lviv. Ukraine.
Approaches to understanding the emotional resilience as a scientific basis of its definition by emergency experts.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In this research article on the basis of the detailed theoretically-psychological analysis thirteen approaches to understanding and interpreting the emotional resilience of an actor are discovered in different emotiogenic conditions. First - synergistically two-factor approach is that the emotional resilience is construed as a result of cooperation and mutual interaction of emotional and volition processes; second - synergistically three-factor psychoprosessual approach – as cooperation and mutual interaction of reasoning, emotional and volition processes; third - synergistically three-factor motor--processual approach – as cooperation and mutual interaction of volition, emotional and motorial components; forth - - synergistically four-factor approach - as mutual interaction of sensory processes, psychomotor system, emotions and will; fifth - physiological approach – as a capability of higher brain divisions to support the functional activity of sympathoadrenal system of organism in emergencies; six - neuro-psycho-energetic approach – as a capability of organism to adapt to new conditions through optimal use of neuro-psychic energy reserves; seventh – dynamic-stereotyped approach – as an endurance of a dynamic stereotype; eighth - sensory-destructive approach – as an absence of dependence from the sensibility to emotional stimulants; ninth- dynamically-extreme approach – as a dynamic entity that is already formed in extremal conditions in the process of adapting to them; tenth – personal approach – as a personal semi-systematic quality or property; eleventh - affective-inadequate approach – as a violation of the interpreting the emotional resilience of an actor as a result of emergence of "the inadequacy of passion"; twelfth - integrative approach as a difficult entity which is a result of the integral cooperation of different in content of phenomena and processes; thirteen - emotionally-centric approach – as an entity which depends only on the peculiarities of emotional sphere functioning.
Keywords: emotional resilience, extreme working conditions, synergistically four-factor approach, dynamically-extreme approach, - emotionally-centric approach, personal approach, integrative approach.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 146-155 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Panasenko N.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The influence of emotional burnout syndrome in doctor’s professional self-fulfilment.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study that shows the impact of doctor’s emotional burnout syndrome in professional self-fulfilment. The negative impact of emotional burnout symptoms is established as well as the overall level of doctor’s professional self-realization and his out and inside professional self-fulfilment. Doctor’s self efficiency depends on the general level of professional self-realization of the presence of his own professional development project, a permanent performances and achievements of new professional goals. The level of doctor’s internal motivation has an influence on the general level of professional self-realization, the need for professional development, on the use of your professional experience and achievements of other professionals and disclosure of personal potential and skills in the profession.
Keywords: doctor, professional self-fulfilment, motivation, self-efficacy, emotional burnout syndrome.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 155-164 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Panasenko N.M., Gomonyuk V.A.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Features competency development programmers.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes the theoretical analysis of the development of professional skills of programmers. It is found that among the critical competencies programmer should include the ability to learn throughout the period of his professional activities, and the ability to adapt quickly to objectively assess the possibilities of technologies and their use in a particular case, or after a few years of its value as a specialist can be affected negatively . Of particular importance are the qualities of patience and endurance, because they are absolutely irreplaceable in his work.
Keywords: programmer, professional quality, professional self-realization, motivation, self-efficacy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 165-170 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Petrenko I.V.
Institute of Social and Political Psychology of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine.
Psychological mechanisms of deployment of social dialogue in the educational space.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article analyzes the problems of deployment of social dialogue of the subjects of communication in process of communicative interaction, implemented in the field of education. Social partnership, which is based on social dialogue is seen as a multifaceted process to identify and rapprochement, negotiate joint agreements and concerted decisions of its participants. Exposed the main principles of unfolding social dialogue, defined the levels of its operation. Noted that social dialogue in the field of education is implemented at different levels, particularly at the micro level, as an individual communication (for example, "student - student", "student - teacher"), at the macro level, as a communicative interaction of social groups, social, professional and political organizations (for example, "the administration of the school – the parents' committee of the institution", "trade union of education workers – the government executive power") and mega-level , as a dialogue between the state and civil society, which characterizes the form of dynamic stabilization of the social system as a whole. In addition, appropriate from a psychological point of view to consider the social dialogue at its pre-dialogic (on which "runs" the communication process) and post-dialogic (where communication is terminated and "generated" the prerequisites for a new process of dialogic communication) levels. Dialogization of educational process is characterized by a hierarchy predefined levels of communication, which are mutually disjoint. Thus, the dialogue is not only teaching methods and forms of training and education, but is defined as the principle of the priority of education today. Noted, that the most important mechanism of formation of social activity subjects of communication is the principle of dialogic participation.
Keywords: social dialogue, social partnership, communicative interaction, dialogic participation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 170-176 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Pilipenko N.N.
Center of culture and education at the Cherkassy state technological university. Cherkassy. Ukraine.
Motivational components of the academic advising of future specialists.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Participating of students in the academic advising has influence on development for them of psychological competence for the decision of self-contradictions, actual necessities predefined dissatisfaction. It is empiric found out – with the purpose of forming of students psychological culture from all of types of psychologists work at the university the greatest effect has exactly consultative work. It is set that the participants of consultative process have a high level of psychological competence. A professional duty of psychologist is development and realization of psychological cultures increases programs of all of participants of an educational-educate process. The scientific novelty of research is stipulated the ground of purposeful influence of psychologist during the academic advising on personality professional development of student which is the psychological mean of his psychological competencial levels increase and forming of important professional personality qualities of future specialist. At the same time determination of concepts is specified and deep “academic advising” and “psychological competence”, methodical recommendations are developed in relation to the improvement of an educational-educate process of university taking into account diagnostics of academic problems of students with the low level of psychological competence. The practical value of research consists in realization of the author programs from the grant of psychological help students with the low level of psychological competence. Students psychological accompaniment is directed on professional reflections forming and motivations of achievement of success in activity.
Keywords: academic advising, psychological competence, personality professional development.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 185-194 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Savchenko T.L.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Professional self-fulfilment of schools’ teachers
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: . The paper are considered the basic aspects of professional self-fulfilment of schools’ teachers. We are presented the results of experimental researches that demonstrate features of professional self-fulfilment of teachers of different age and level of qualification. The indexes of professional self-fulfilment were determined in research, including outwardly professional and into professional constituents, motivation of professional activity and determination of level of self-efficiency.
Keywords: professional self-fulfilment, professional activity of teachers, outwardly professional level, inwardly professional level, motivation of professional activity, self- efficiency.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 194-207 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Serdyuk L. Z., Sokolyuk A. O. Multivalency of
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
future psychologists’ professional orientation.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper describes the content and structure of professional orientations of future specialists during their university training. The factors are revealed that influence on valence of person’s professional orientation. It was determined that a multivalent professional orientation is a personal complex motivational and semantic formation that is supported by synergy of meaning-making motives, motives for career choices, life goals and qualities of creatively directed, self-oriented personality who is capable to be self-guided to implement own plans and to perform social contacts. It was found out that positive influence on students’ professional orientation formation is achieved due to synergy of meaning-making motives, life goals and personality traits based on creativity, self-guidance, desires for self-development, a high-status position at social contacts, pursuit of knowledge; negative impact is created by factors stipulated by lack of independence at decision-making for profession choosing, by weak self-analysis over life goals and own abilities, by rigidity of will and personality traits, by presence of an internal conflict in the structure of personal attitudes, by low satisfaction with studies, etc. The presented empirical research shows that the level of professional orientation is significantly higher for students who learn "Psychology" speciality as a second speciality in comparison with students obtaining the first university degree; this fact is due to more expressed by such students of purposefulness, meaningfulness, autonomy, deeper reflection over their goals and abilities during profession choosing, their focusing on internal individually significant motives.
Keywords: professional orientation, multivalency of professional orientation, motives for profession choosing, academic motivation, synergy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 207-216 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Chayka G.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Features of value orientations of computer game abusers.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the dynamics of value orientations of today's youth under influence of new information technologies. A system of value orientations is formed and developed with growth and development of an individual. Prerequisites for actual execution by a system of value orientations of all its regulatory functions are formed ultimately only in adolescence. The paper shows that, in addition to age factors, changes in the socio-cultural environment affect onto changes of a sustainable of value orientation system. Information society and development of new computer technologies contribute to formation of a number of new subculture phenomena, which is reflected in the system of value orientations of gamers. Major participants of the “gamers” subculture are teens and students. This is the age, when choices of subjectively important values, building of value systems become dominant. A system of principles built around values becomes later a life strategy. An experimental study is described that compared the systems of value orientations of individuals who abuse computer games, and those who play games safely. The findings of the conducted study are: people who abuse computer games relate to life a little "relaxed". They want to spend their lives for fun, in a pleasant environment, do not like taking on responsibilities. On the other hand, studied student who take easy with computer games are more targeted. They value a good education, health, more focused on the intellectual and personal development and self in general.
Keywords: system of values, self-organized systems, gamers, computer games
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 216-224 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Shmarhun V.M.
National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine.
Intellectual competence of personality
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: . The development of intellectual abilities and talents in educational systems appears as a strategic resource of Ukrainian society. That is why there is an urgent need to move from describing the nature of intelligence theories to practical design content of school and university education. Thus, at present the main lines of research skills should be focused on the study of general cognitive ability (intelligence, intellectual competence, creativity, navchalnosti) and their expressions in terms of educational, professional activity, interpersonal interaction. Study of intelligent personality traits is motivated by attempts to fill the existing gap between intellectual and personal aspects.The content of intellectual and personal unity is coursed by the unity of their psychological mechanism, in which impersonal intelligence and non-intelligent person does not exist. Any intellectual quality of the individual as a complex integrated formation with characteristic multilevel relations - is a monosystem, which is a substructure of such systematic formation, as a person. Ontological theory of intelligence gives the opportunity to explore and explain human intellectual achievement, because it would facilitate the analysis of the new phenomenology of intelligence - intellectual competence as a form of general abilities in the context of the peculiarities of individual mental experience of the individual.
Keywords: mental experience, intellect, intellectual competence, complex psychodiagnostics of abilities.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2014, 5(14): 224-232 (pdf)