Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 5, Issue 15 – 2015

Abstracts and Information about Autors

 Content of Issue

UDC: 159.938

Bolotnikova I.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Features and factors ofprofessional self-fulfilment of trade-union employees.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents results of an empirical study that highlight the features of professional self-fulfilment of trade union organization employees. The aim is to analyze the empirical study and to identify psychological objective laws of professional self-fulfilment of trade unions workers. The experimental study was conducted in trade union organizations of Kyiv. The following methods were used during the study: Questionnaire of Professional Self-Fulfilment; Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale of R.Schwarzer and M. Jerusalem; Work Motivation Inventory (C.Zamfir technique in modification of A. Rean). Analysis of the obtained parameters show that the vast majority of the surveyed persons have average and above average levels of professional self-fulfilment. Most of the surveyed trade union workers demonstrate average and higher than average level of self-efficacy. The vast majority of professionals do not show significant difference between expressiveness of different types of motivation. At the same time, external positive motivation (cash earnings, career, social prestige) predominate clearly over other motivational systems for nearly all surveyed employees. Only 12% of the surveyed persons have predominant complex of internal motivation. This fact demonstrates the feasibility of psychological help for them to improve internal motivation and, hence, to raise their self-fulfilment. All generalised parameters of internal and external professional self-fulfilment correlate directly at a statistically reliable level between themselves and with the general level of professional self-fulfilment. It was also found out that almost all indicators of separate attributes of internal and external professional self-fulfilment correlate directly at a statistically reliable level with generalized parameters of self-fulfilment for the studied specialists. A high level of creativity in professional activities correlates directly at a statistically reliable level with almost all indicators of attributes of internal and external professional self-fulfilment that indicates importance of a creative approach to professional activities. Parameters of self-efficacy correlates directly at a statistically reliable level with all generalized parameters of both the overall level of professional self-fulfilment of the surveyed trade union workers and two its components: internal and external professional self-fulfilment (p < 0,01). This fact indicates that self-efficiency is an important factor for person’s successful professional self-fulfilment. Internal motivation is a very important and significant component of professional self-fulfilment. This fact confirms once again feasibility of psychological support to the studied professionals to improve their internal motivation for professional activities that will help them to improve their professional self-fulfilment.

Keywords: professional activities; professional self-fulfilment; attributes of self-fulfilment; self-actualization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 3-13 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Vus V.I.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Public health of preschoolers in the context of pedagogical basis of K.D. Ushinsky.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the results of the empirical research, throwing light upon the features of the social health genesis in children in the context of teaching and educational process organization on the basis of K.D. Ushinsky’s pedagogy, are stated. It is noted that the nature of perception of interpersonal interaction and the relevance of cooperation and communication processes become essential factors of the personal and social development of preschool children. As positive results of teaching and educational process organization according to the experimental program the next things are considered: the positive formation dynamics of the culture of interpersonal interaction (the prevalence of positive interpersonal choices); the positive emotional perception of the specifics of the teaching and educational process by examinees; the low degree of the conflict behavior; formation of socially important personal qualities such as orientation on success achievement, goal-setting, nonconformism, autonomy and independence; the high level of awareness in rules and standards of behavior; “spiritual and moral competence”; emotional culture formation; the examinees are notable for the level of development of social competences “above the average”. The negative results are that the emotional component of the informative activity is lower than the real opportunities of examinees (the forms of organization of the educational activity do not meet an appropriate emotional and positive response in perception of examinees; the average level of control of behavior norms and rules in one’s own activity has been revealed; an inability (or unwillingness) to estimate the creative achievements of other children adequately. A need in coherence of the educational influences of parents and teachers, a quality increase of motivation to activity, support and development of the identity of preschool children is noted.

Keywords: sociogenesis, social health, preschool age, Ushinsky’s pedagogy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 13-23 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Humenyuk H.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

The study of features of psychophysiological characteristic manifestations in the dynamics of professional self-fulfilment.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study that examined the impact of psychophysiological characteristics on the dynamics of professional self-fulfilment of scientific employees. It was found out that the age aspect has little effect on fullness of scientific employees’ self-fulfilment, except such a professional self-fulfilment atribute as “a need for professional improvement” that tends to increase with age. Scientific employees’ self-fulfilment is also relatively independent on gender. The groups of studied men and women have not significantly differences, except the “a need for professional improvement” atribute that is much greater for women than that for men. It was determined that scientists who achieved significant professional success have the strong nervous system, as it was evidenced by high parameters of nervous system strength, both excitation and inhibition. The most general level of professional self-fulfilment depends on nervous process lability providing quick orientation in variable (difficult) conditions that is necessary to achieve professional goals, to reveal personal potential and abilities in a chosen profession and to meet the need for professional development. It was revealed that the level of internal professional self-fulfilment depends on the strength of inhibitory processes that leads to development of self-control, self-command and allows a scientist to keep in a mind focus during a long time a project of his/her own professional development, to form new goals continually and so on. And vice versa, external professional self-fulfilment correlates strongly with the processes of excitation that underlay activity and working ability.

Keywords: skilled person, professional self-fulfilment, professional successfulness, psychophysiological characteristics, scientist’s nervous system.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 23-33 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Dzvonyk G.P.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Solution of the psychological problems in commercial organizations to guarantee managers’ their profesional self-realization.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article measures psychological factors of the psycho-diagnostics, psychological prophylaxis, correction and advices for managers of all ages and experience in commercial organizations. We defined the role and need for psychology of self-realization for professional managers in commercial organizations. An important place is occupied by psychological factors associated with considering individual psychological characteristics of the individual managers and their patterns of interaction in a professional team organization. The significance of these factors increases the complexity of interpersonal problems through commercial organizations. This necessitates psychological action groups in organizations. Thus, professional self-realization is one of the most important forms of self-realization of human life, characterized by a high level of disclosure of personal and professional potential, development capabilities and extensive use of his professional experience and achievements in professional activity other professionals. Overall, only systematic, multidimensional impact on all spheres of personality - both organic, physiological and the psychological can effectively be prevented occurrence of occupational stress specialists and staff organizations. Application of mental regulation and correction of psychophysiological state professionals promotes positive emotional state and ensure the success of professional self-realization of managers of commercial organizations.

Keywords: professional self-realization, professional activity of managers of commercial organizations, psych diagnostics, psychological prophylaxis, psychological correction.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 33-42 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Dubchak H.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Comparative analysis of stress resistance of different sociometric professions.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents results of empirical study investigating the stress resistance of the current Ukrainian students of the middle professional education institution and the higher education institution. Author defines common features and divergences in stress resistance of the future spe-cialists of different sociometric professions

Keywords: vocational training, sociometric professions, stress, resistance to stress.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 43-50 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Zavadska T.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

A level of self-actualization of tutors of child's preschool is in the process of professional activity.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Self-Actualization of personality plays an important role in the process of professional self-realization. It is the index of development and self-perfection of human, opening, for a man the best, that it is given nature. Deep self-actualization stimulates personality growth, development, realization, both in the vital and in professional field. The level of self-actualization was probed by the method of «Samoaktualizaciyniy test of E. Shostroma (SAT)». 78 tutors of child's preschool - women different age and to experience - took part in testing. It was found out, that not all tutors of investigated group are characterized self-actualization of all of the parts of own potential, which self-actualization consists of. The high marks of indexes testify to self-actualization of personality. Such marks expressed only part of educators – from 12,9% to 34,7%. It is indexes after the scales of «competence in time», «valued orientations», «looks, on nature of man», «self-esteem», «cognitive necessities». Low marks which specify on absence of self-actualization were certain for tutors from 10,3% to 50,0%. It is indexes of scales «support», «sensitivity to itself», «spontaneity», «self-acceptance», «acceptance of aggression». A group of tutors (50,0%) with low indexes after a scale «acceptance of aggression» are defined. It testifies to possibility of development of neurological disorders for such егtors, they make a risk group. The mean normative values of marks were inherent from 24,4% to 44,7% tutors . This fact gives a hope, that certain motivation or other factors, desire, will bring such educators over to the prospect of self-actualization.

Keywords: professional activity, tutor, self-actualization.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 51-60 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Kokun O.M.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Psychophysiological objective laws of person’s professional self-fulfilment: conceptual and empirical basis.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the main principles of the concept of psychophysiological objective laws of person’s professional self-fulfilment that was developed on the base of the theoretical and empirical study performed by the Laboratory of Age Psychophysiology of the Kostiuk’s Institute of Psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine. The empirical study was conducted in a traditional way as well as remotely; 761 skilled people of different occupations participated in it. They filled in the Questionnaire of Professional Self-Fulfilment and a number of other psychological diagnostic techniques. The obtained theoretical and empirical results justified the concept of psychophysiological objective laws of persons’ professional self-fulfilment that includes six components: 1) substantiation of importance of the issue of person’s professional self-fulfilment; 2) determination and meaningful description of its key terms; 3) the principles of investigation of person’s professional self-fulfilment; 4) specific psychophysiological principles of investigation of person’s professional self-fulfilment; 5) general objective laws of person’s professional self-fulfilment; 6) psychophysiological objective laws of person’s professional self-fulfilment. Prospects for further researches can include determination of key factors of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people of different professions and development on this basis of specific measures and practical recommendations for psychophysiological provision of person’s professional self-fulfilment taking into account actual social and economic conditions.

Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, professional development, attributes of self-fulfilment, skilled people.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 60-71 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Korniyaka O.M.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Communicative aspect of professional self-fulfilment of a higher school lecturer.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article shows that a lecturer is the representative of the communicative type of professions so his work is very complex for several reasons. Firstly it involves solving numerous tasks and aspects: such as pedagogical aspect, cognitive aspect, scientific aspect, sociable aspect, com-municative aspect and methodological one. Secondly it is complicated by necessity to establish numerous contacts with people of different age, background, sex and status. At last lecturer’s work requires emotions inclusion in the professional communication.

The professional activity of a lecturer is connected with professional communication that stipulates by the goals and guarantees the interaction between the subjects of communication in the process of solving professional tasks. Professional communication is principal way of professional, scientific and pedagogy activity: it’s impossible to fulfill job without it. Professional communica-tion is specific kind of activity “one activity in other activity” or communicative activity. A lecturer must perform communication in all spheres in his work: didactic, methodical, technological, organ-izational and so on. Such comprehensive universality stipulates the priority of its formation and development in the system of professional competence, first of all communicative competence as the key communicational tool. This activity is stipulated by the needs of solving the communicative tasks that are arisen in the process of professional interaction, and solving such task helps to fulfill professional tasks. So, communicative self-fulfilment of lecturer is impossible without his commu-nicative self-fulfilment. We look at professional self-fulfilment as a continuous process focused on professional development and achievement of professional excellence and professionalism.

In the process of empirical study we have found out that communicative competence plays a very important role in the self-fulfilment of the scientific and pedagogical specialists and in the de-velopment of their professional competence that is carried out in the scientific and pedagogical ac-tivity. At the same time the decreasing in the development of communicative competence (and some of its components) has been recorded in the sphere of the business communication of the lec-turers as they are growing older – 40 plus, this may be the result of person’s over “identification” with profession - communicative and professional deformation – that causes to inertia in pedagogi-cal communication, carelessness, authoritarianism, lack of critical self-appraisal, subjectivism, weakening (or absence) of psychological readiness for professional advancement. Moreover, as the time is extended and a person is growing older with probable increasing of the teaching load we can observe job burnout and reduction the role of reflexive and communicative dominants in the psy-chological structure of the subjects of culture and education.

In the research we represent the branched positive correlated connections of instrumental cri-terion of communicative competence of the employees with significant characteristics of profes-sional self-fulfilment (it concerns almost all characteristics). In return the connections of mo-tivation criterion are more branched and distinct in the characteristics of internal professional than external professional self-fulfilment. At last the cognitive criterion of the communicative compe-tence of lecturers has positive correlation only with internal professional self-fulfilment and its two characteristics: «needs in professional improvement”, “constant professional goal-setting”.

Despite the importance of mature thinking skills, listening skills, perceptive and nonverbal abilities, which we consider as the main components of communicative competence, the results of scientific research show the opposite results – the lack of the development of these skills for perma-nent solving tasks for the professional self-fulfilment of these employees and needs in a constant professional and communicative improvement for the successful realization in the professional field.

The results concerning the connection between communicative competence of the lecturers and the characteristics of professional self-fulfilment testify about the needs of the permanent and coherent development of professional self-fulfilment and the improvement of the communicative competence which is one of the most important psychological tools in the process of self-fulfilment of these specialists.

Keywords: professional self-fulfilment, communicative aspect of professional self-fulfilment, professionalism, professionals of scientific and pedagogical profile.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 71-82 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Kravchuk S.M.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Professional self-realization of personality as socio-psychological phenomena.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of professional self-realization of the individual. The main directions and approaches to studying of the professional self-realization of the individual in scientific literature are considered. It is noted that professional self-realization of the individual as a social and psychological phenomenon, is investigated in the context of specifics of professional genesis and sociogenesis of the individual, having an essential impact on quality indicators of the course of these processes. It is noted that most fully the multiple-aspect of the phenomenon of professional self-realization reveals itself in combination with studying of the contiguous categories (professional self-determination, professional self-identification, professional reflection, professional competence, professional self-assessment, professional self-awareness, etc.). A need and expediency of systematization of scientific practices on careful studying of the professional self-realization of the specialists of rescue and fire fighting services is emphasized.

Keywords: professional self-realization, experts, professional activity, professional competence.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 82-92 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Krujeva T.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Professional self-realization of personality as socio-psychological phenomena.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of professional self-realization of the individual. The main directions and approaches to studying of the professional self-realization of the individual in scientific literature are considered. It is noted that professional self-realization of the individual as a social and psychological phenomenon, is investigated in the context of specifics of professional genesis and sociogenesis of the individual, having an essential impact on quality indicators of the course of these processes. It is noted that most fully the multiple-aspect of the phenomenon of professional self-realization reveals itself in combination with studying of the contiguous categories (professional self-determination, professional self-identification, professional reflection, professional competence, professional self-assessment, professional self-awareness, etc.). A need and expediency of systematization of scientific practices on careful studying of the professional self-realization of the specialists of rescue and fire fighting services is emphasized.

Keywords: professional self-realization, experts, professional activity, professional competence.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 82-92 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Lazurenko O.O.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Experimental study of psychological characteristics of future doctor’s emotional competence.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The model and the logic of empirical research are determined. The experimental study of emotional competence is presented. A general description of the subjects is systematized. The results of the ascertaining experiment are presented. Reveals the main lines of research of the concept of emotional competence are presented. The concept of domestic and foreign researches is systematized. Studied and summarized statements of individual scientists, as well as methodological foundations of the study of the phenomenon of emotional competence. The among researchers emotional competence is no single opinion on the definition of this concept, its content, structure, as well as the factors that determine its development are revealed. The definition of "emotional competence" as a complex integrative education, which includes a set of cognitive, behavioral and emotional qualities proper to ensure awareness and understanding of the regulation of their own emotions and the emotions of others, affecting the success of interpersonal interactions and personal development are clarified. The structural components of emotional competence are described. The essence and the concept of "emotional intelligence" are grounded. It was found that the construct of "emotional intelligence" takes many forms and content, depending on the views of researchers. Methodologically sound, that the introduction of the concept of "emotional intelligence" in the categorical apparatus of modern psychology seems important and urgent scientific challenge. The social significance of the phenomenon is grounded. A program of formation of emotional competence of future physicians is presented. A general strategy, structure, disclosed the basic principles, methodological approaches and content of the correctional program, aimed at the formation of emotional competence of students of the future doctors. The results of the pilot study of the effectiveness of the program. It is concluded that the development of emotional competence medical students can be formed by introducing in the educational process of special courses, training and educational training programs.

Keywords: emotional competence, emotional competence diagnosis, the formation of emotional competence, future doctor personality.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 106-114 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Lototskaya-Golub L.L.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Psychological causes and consequences of symptoms of burnout in professional activities of doctors.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: On the basis of theoretical analysis of the concept of «burnout syndrome» is considered the psychological nature of the phenomenon. Based on the results of the pilot study determined the psychological causes of burnout representatives of professional direction: «Human – Human», namely doctors surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, psychiatrists. Dentifying the causes, manifestations and specific opportunities to prevent and overcome professional "burnout" of doctors - problematic range of tasks facing modern psychological science and needs to be addressed at both general theoretical and practical. Thus, the theme of scientific research is undoubtedly urgent and yet little developed in academic science. So it turns out necessary research manifestations, determinants of burnout and professional deformation persons who have their own purpose to assist others, although feel this need. Thus the symptoms of "burnout", according to most researchers, indistinguishable clear specificity and can range from mild behavioral responses (irritability, fatigue at the end, and even at the beginning of the working day, anxiety, etc.) to psychosomatic, neurotic and probably mental disorders.

Keywords: doctors, psychological defense mechanisms, occupational stress, burnout syndrome, psychiatrists.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 114-123 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Makarenko A. N., Andreycheva A. O.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Methodical approach to the study of the experiences of individual emotional stress.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article discusses the impact of stress on the human body at different age stages, analyzed the dynamics of the impact of stress on health and quality of life. In order to better understand and facilitate psychotherapeutic work with people who are under the influence of prolonged emotional stress invited to apply psycho phase curve A. Makarenko, where people can assess their emotional experiences that occur throughout life, in accordance with a scale that makes it possible to understand the force with which these people felt the experience.

Keywords: stress, distress, the dynamics of emotional stress, loss, species loss curve A. Makarenko.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 123-132 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Makarenko О., Hodos O.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

The specific of stress display in military enviroment.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The author discovers (lays out) the peculiarities of professional adaptation of the military environment, shows the specificity of stress and distress in peacetime and wartime, determines the strength of their influence on the adaptive capacities and military men's professional socialization in Armed Forces, stresses the need of active initiatives and approach at all levels and categories, determines topical directions for further research which are aimed to improving the efficiency of military social institutions.

Keywords: adaptation, professional adaptation, socialization, stress, stressor, distress, post stress state, combat trauma, stress resistance, anxiety, aggression, military

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 133-139 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Malkhazov A. R., Osypenko S. P.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

The method of differentiation time series of motor activity.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The lack of clear understanding of the physiological mechanisms of the construction and control over motor activity, behavior as well as knowing about complexity of registration of time microintervals and mathematical treatment of the results led to the development of a fundamentally new method of differentiation of time series and its illustration by means of doing cyclical movements with an index finger of an upper limb of a leading hand and its step by step introduction of its application procedure. The results obtained using the proposed method showed that the activities responsible for the integrative, cyclical, double-ring, matrix and multi-functional systems of construction and control of movements, actions, activities and behavior are provided by five different modes according to their psychophysiological content. The transition from one mode to another, as well as within the chosen mode indicates the presence of significant changes in the activity of the integrative, cyclical, double-ring, matrix, multi-functional system of motor activity regulation beginning with segmental matrices and ending with the operation of the entire system as a whole. Research conducted using the proposed method opens to a scientist broad prospects for a new classification of physiological potential of the individual; the conduct of vocational selection; the diagnostics and identification of the affected parts of the controlling nervous system; the development of new methods of rehabilitation of persons with musculoskeletal system disabilities; the design of mobile devices, simulators, bioprosthesis , biorobots and training highly qualified specialists in different fields and so on.

Keywords: time series analysis, integrative psychophysiology, modes of transition, segmental matrices.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 139-166 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Panasenko N.M.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Features of a surgeon’s professional self-fulfilment

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: . The article presents the results of empirical studies that show a surgeon’s professional self-fulfilment. It‘s shown a positive interplay of a surgeon’s ambition to gain the knowledge about the environment, his ability to be aware of his needs and feelings with his professional self-fulfilment. The surgeon’s ability to live “here and now”, the independence of his values and behavior from outside influence and the desire to get the knowledge about the world determines his ability to project his own professional growth. The creative direction of the surgeon’s individuality, his ability to realize his needs and feelings are interlinked with attempts to set new professional goals.

Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, self effectiveness, the signs of self-fulfilment, motivation, surgeon.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 166-175 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Panasenko N.M., Voytovіch M.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Prevention of professional deformation of psychology of secondary education system.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article, the analysis of studies aimed at determining the professional deformation of psychology of secondary education and methods of prevention. It was establish that high levels of personal and situational anxiety, lowers self-realization of professional psychology field of secondary education, which is highly undesirable for their professional activities and can lead to negative consequences, one of which is a professional deformation. Outlined ways to address this problem through prevention professional deformation of psychology of secondary educational, which includes continuing work on the personal and professional development and motivation, mastering techniques of individual and group relaxation and more.

Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, psychology of secondary education system, motivation, relaxation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 176-183 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Petrenko I.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Investigation process of dialogic participation in the educational space.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the psychological mechanisms of social dialogue in the educational environment. Social dialogue is considered as a process of internal preparedness to participation in the form of interactive communication to transform the social environment. In the course of empirical research traced trends of dialogic participation in the systems "student – school education", "teacher – school education". Discovered intentional criteria, which determining the content of dialogic interaction of communication in the area of education: socio-psychological, organizational, communication, professional competence, personality. It is noted that the methodology used in the study «Appreciative Inquiry» has significant positive potential for the study of peculiarities of social dialogue at various levels of its operation. Application of "positive changes" made it possible to move the locus of attention from the individual to the interpersonal relationship in communication. Moreover, the procedure of investigation within this technology has a constructive impact on subjects, causing their internal transformation. Using this technique confirmed that the process of dialogic participation communicant are positive / negative context in addressing the issue of problem or situation; image modelling the desired result; plan their actions; demonstrate the ability to move in this direction, the implementation of planned activities.

Keywords: social dialogue, social partnership, communicative interaction, dialogic participation.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 183-190 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Poladco G.O.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Study of the process of adaptation in patients with dysfunction feohromotsitome.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals the results of the practical research of the influence of the level of interaction «doctor-patient» on the implementation of the quality of the treatment process. Selected patients patients pheochromocytoma dysfunction, concerning the psychological and temporal manifestations. As a result of the study established that most physiological changes the body experiences during the period of diagnosis of about 1 year, just when the human body begins to actively fight the disease during treatment, or becomes passive with a physiological point of view. Then, as in the period up to 1 year – the period during which the patient after the acute phase of the experience of illness begins to change his view of the world in accordance with the disease. A review of the effectiveness of the executed complex of FPC (mental health component) at each stage of treatment and diagnostic process suggests that dominant in accordance with the impact on the patient category is the success of preventive measures and the effectiveness of doctor-patient interaction in General. The key factor determining the success of treatment and diagnostic process is the speed with which the organization of physician-patient interaction. So, the doctor becomes the head of the whole medical-diagnostic process of organizing cooperation with the patient first, thus, helps to reduce the time period allocated above stages and categories studied and, consequently, the success of treatment and diagnostic process in General. ., the Main sources for the patients knowledge about the disease are: interaction with the doctor; Internet publications, in particular, medical newsletters, forums to discuss problematic issues patients and physicians associated with thromocytopenia dysfunction.

Keywords: adaptation, maladjustment, interaction, therapeutic process, feohromotsitomy dysfunction.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 190-200 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Prytula O.А.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failures as the main motives of professional activity the crisis managers.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The success of professional activity crisis managers will be determined by the motives that underlie such activities. Socio-psychological and motivational components of activity crisis managers are: the level of professionalism; professional development; career development; vocational motives. The crisis Manager is the type of Manager that is determined by a special preparation (the content and structure of knowledge), working conditions (the pre-crisis status, a crisis situation, the mitigation phase of the crisis), system management (targets, incentives, organization, control individual qualities. It is necessary to highlight the characteristic features of professional activity of managers. Profession crisis Manager assumes the availability of accurate and algorithmic ideas about the end result of labor. Therefore, to achieve the goal of professional activity is essential, as is knowledge in different areas: technical, psychological, pedagogical, social, and the like. No less important is Manager experience, creativity, ability to take decisions and take responsibility for them, ability to take risks. The formation and development of value-motivational sphere of crisis managers is dependent on such categories as: the phase of organization in which employs a crisis Manager; temporary indicators of implementation professional experience; age factors of professional activity; stages of professional development crisis Manager; the motives and values of professional activity; the nature of the duties of the crisis Manager; a professional deformation. The level of success of professional activity, the crisis managers is expressed through the existence of positive correlation between the motivation to succeed and motivation to avoiding failures.

Keywords: motivation to achieve success, motivation to avoiding failures, and professional activities.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 201-208 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Savchenko T.L.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Psychophysiological features of professional self-fulfilment of schools’ teachers.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the main aspects of professional self-realization of teachers of general secondary schools. We summarize the results of experimental studies that demonstrate the features of professional self-realization of teachers of different ages and skill levels. The study identifies indicators of professional self-realization, including vneshneprofessionalnyh and intraprofessional components of motivation of professional activity as well as the level of self-efficacy.

Keywords: professional self-realization, professional work of teachers, vneshneprofessionalny level intraprofessional level of motivation of professional activity, self-efficacy.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 209-216 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Seryogin Y. V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Challenge of the time: The main direction of military education of to-day’s youth in Ukraine: conceptual and empirical foundations

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main provisions of the concept of psychophysiological regularities of the military education of youth, conducted on the basis of theoretical and empirical results of the laboratory of age physiology of the Institute of psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk NAPS of Ukraine. Studies have shown that education in general is the process of systematic personality formation, due to the laws of social development, influence of many objective and subjective factors. In turn, the military education is a purposeful process of formation of moral-combat and psychological qualities of the personnel who ensure the efficiency of their actions in peace and wartime. Prospects for future research are to identify the main factors of military-patriotic education of modern youth and development on this basis, concrete measures and practical recommendations on psycho-physiological support the effectiveness of military personnel in peace and wartime.

Keywords: military-patriotic education, military traditions, national consciousness, a military training as developed personality, loyalty to military duty.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 217-224 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Hmilyar O.F., Cherevychnyi S.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Decision-making psychology of a commander: from ambivalence to symbolic regulation of behavior.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: A problem of effective decision-making by a commander in a combat environment arises not for the first time. Importance of this issue was emphasized by military theorists in the past as well as by modern scientists. In war, the decision made by the commander is immediately verified in a combat and prerequisite to success is life of soldiers.

According to the theory of B.M.Teplov, a commander should have two personal qualities – intelligence and will, therefore the authors of this article aim to designing a psychological profile of the officer who makes a decision on combat. Among factors that stimulate commander's mental abilities priorities are given to danger, uncertainty, fear, contingency, responsibility and others. In such a case, the entire process of decision making is accompanied by ambivalence.

It was found out that the commander's ability to activate “combat excitement” emotion at the right time that would significantly strengthen his/her analytical skills is the feature that character-izes the commander as a professional one. The ability of the commander to make his/her decision that is effective and at the same time is simple and understandable for executors, mitigate signs of ambivalence with the simultaneous development of "careful courage" is the highest manifestation of martial arts. The commander must also have courage to give up an approved plan (even the most perfect) if it would be inappropriate in a given situation.

The article indicates that psychological factors will influence a decision making by the commander under combat environment. These factors are surprise, new conditions, unpredictability of the enemy’s actions (especially in today's hybrid war), lack of time and others. A training of a commander on making a decision during combat training will help him/her to obtain appropriate knowledge under certain situation and detailed analysis of the failures will help to develop neces-sary skills of predictability in the future.

Keywords: the identity of the commander, will, thinking, decision, determination, psychological factors.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 224-232 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Hodos A.S.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Adaptation components of military service.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the author exposes features of professional adaptation of military men of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, lays out the specific of military stress and possible dynamics of his flowing in peaceful and military time, determines force of their influence on adaptation possibilities and professional socialization of military men of Armed Forces of Ukraine,puts emphasis on the necessity of active initiative, active aproach , determines topical directions of further scientific researches which are sent to the study of constituents of process of professional adaptation; and depicts basic tasks for military psychologist in relation to psychological accompaniment newly arrived military men.

Keywords: adaptation, professional adaptation, socialization, stress, post the stress state, battle psychical trauma, anxiety, aggression

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 232-241 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Tsavalyuk T.O.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Intellectual feelings to younger children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: . The article reveals the essence of the concept of «intellectual feeling», conducted theoretical and methodological research features intelligent senses younger students. Functionally smart sense not only accompany cognitive human activity, but also stimulate, strengthen its, affect the speed and efficiency of thinking, the richness and accuracy of acquired knowledge. Intellectual feelings and cognitive processes are organically connected and mutually determine each other. Arising in connection with mental activity, intellectual feelings impose a certain imprint on the intellectual processes themselves. Smart Express feelings and attitudes towards learning process, its success and failure. In psychology revealed deep connections between cognitive and emotional processes that develop in unity. In the process of cognition man is constantly creating hypotheses, refuting or affirming them, looking for the most correct solutions to problems. The search for truth can be accompanied by feelings of doubt, an emotional experience of the coexistence of two or more competing in the consciousness of the subject of views on possible ways to solve the problem. A sense of confidence in the validity of the idea, the truth of that learned man, is a support to him in difficult moments of the struggle for the implementation of the belief, to which he came through active cognitive activity. Intelligent feelings and knowledge processes are organically linked and mutually dependent on each other. Arising due to mental activity, intellectual sense impose certain mark on intellectual processes themselves.

Keywords: emotions, intellectual sense, younger pupils, experiences.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 242-249 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Chayka G.V.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Features of value orientations of gamers prefering different types of computer games.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The paper examines features of value orientations of modern youth under the influence of new information technologies. Psychological analysis of the phenomenon of a person’s value orientation system in the unity of its basic characteristics was performed. the paper shows that, in addition to age factors, changes in the socio-cultural environment affect onto changes of a sustainable of value orientation system. Information society and development of new computer technologies contribute to formation of a number of new subculture phenomena, which is reflected in the system of value orientations of gamers. Major participants of the “gamers” subculture are teens and students. This is the age, when choices of subjective important values, building of value systems become dominant. The experimental study was described that compares value orientation systems of gamers depending on what genre of computer games they prefer. The study results may be useful to psychologists, teachers to determine characteristics of value orientations systems of certain players and to predict possible changes in them under influence of computer games of different genres.

Keywords: Key system of value orientations, virtual reality, gamers

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 249-260 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938

Chudakova O. M.

G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Creativity of a personality: formal and dynamic prerequisite, indexes.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The concept of “creativity” is considered in the article as totality of its psychic features that provide productive converting in activity. It’s an ability of a person to produce the original ideas, non-traditional thinking, speed and effectiveness in resolving problematic situations. According to the latest researches temperament is a natural prerequisite of forming creativity in personality. According to this two main characteristics of creativity structure were determined: semantic (originality, productivity) and formal-dynamic (speed, flexibility). Speed as a component of creativity is conditioned mostly by temperamental plasticity and pace, and flexibility – by social emotionality and common personality’s temperamental activity. The article shows that the success of human’s creative activity in problem situations is determined by personal creative traits. They are relatively stable, but with a tendency to change, psychological structures of an individual, that include such components as resourcefulness and repartee, ability to combine, originality and speed of thinking, creative directivity, openness of experience, sensitivity to new challenges, independence and unusual solutions, belief in correctness of discovered solution and its wit etc. Researchers consider these personal formations as signs (indexes) of individual creativity. The theoretical and psychological research has made it possible to reach a conclusion on dominance of such qualities of personality’s creativity structure as resourcefulness and repartee that are crucial to achieve the effect in the following activities: producing an unlimited number of viable ideas, creation of a new original product, speed finding solutions in terms of time and information lack. In this regard, we understand the resourcefulness as semantic index of personality creative potential. And repartee is considered as formal-dynamic index of its creative abilities. So creativity is based on correlation of these qualities.

Keywords: creativity, creative activity, creative personality, temperament is a natural prerequisite of forming creativity, resourcefulness and repartee.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 5(15): 260-267 (pdf)