Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 5, Issue 16 – 2016
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC: 159.938
Bolotnikova I.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The content of the article is the essential analysis of the problem of self-fulfillment of the individual. This publication presents the definition of the phenomenon of self-expression and self-realization as a factors in its self-fulfillment; investigated individual characteristics and procedural characteristics of the individual, which enable it to determine the dynamics of self-improvement and self-fulfillment.
Keywords: self-fulfillment of personality; self-realization of personality; self-expression of personality; self-realization of personality; personal growth.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 3-12 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.2
Humenyuk G.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article discusses the issue of person's formation as a professional in today's reality, including the requirements as for his/her professional level; the prospects to examine professional formation and high professional result achievement as processes of acmeological and professional personal development are shown. The article emphasizes that one of the most effective ways to improve professionalism of modern skilled people is to form such a psychological and acmeological phenomenon as self-fulfilment. It outlines the problematic field for theoretical analysis of the "self-fulfilment" phenomenon with the subjective approach perspective. Life and professional self-fulfilment is defined. Theoretical views on self-fulfilment in the acmeology context are analysed. The article presents the theoretical generalizations about the nature of the "self-fulfilment" phenomenon and related concepts that allows the author to define its role and place in the unified system of internal objective laws of professional development (in the form of self-development) and to describe the professional dynamics in different "coordinates" of professional development (vertically and horizontally). The article notes that the foreground job within the organizational support of professional activities is focusing on formation of the subjective phenomena - internal, psychological acmeological mechanisms providing effective acmeological development and professional formation as well as productive self-determination and self-realization as a way towards reaching of the heights of professional excellence.
Keywords: skilled person, agent, professional self-development, acmeological development, self-determination, self-fulfilment, self-actualization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 12-24 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Dzvonyk G.P.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the phenomenon of emotional stability as an important factor in the development of subject specialist as a precondition for its successful professional self-realization. Our attention to professional study of emotional stability is understandable, because the biggest part of professional appearance' problems associated with the human factor, with the lack of resistance to impact emotiogenic professional environment that give rise to unfavorable functional states, including emotional tension. Emotional stability is considered as one of the most important factors in human life and ensure its effectiveness profession. Psychophysiological factor provides professional self-realization of personality as a problem today, and the phenomenon of "emotional stability" is considered as an important factor in the development of subject specialist and a precondition of its successful professional self-realization. Thus, the professional attention of relevant branches of psychology to the study of emotional stability is understandable, because most occurrence professional issues related to its lack of resistance to impact emotiogenic professional environment that give rise to unfavorable functional states, including emotional tension. Emotional stability is considered as one of the most important factors in human life and ensures its effectiveness or vocational training. Implementation of professional self-realization of the individual significance of emotional stability through increasing complexity of interpersonal problems in commercial organizations
Keywords: emotional stability, professional self-fulfillment specialist, professional activity.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 24-29 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:378-051
Dubchak H.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of empirical research of psychological features of stress reactions, manifested in educational activity of modern Ukrainian of students of universities and vocational schools. There is described the procedure of research with the use of Shcherbatyh Y. technique of studying of the educational stress. There are identified common and distinctive features of the importance, levels, manifestations, dynamics and methods of stress management for students of universities and vocational schools. It is concluded that there is the need for a specially organized psychological work with students, which manifest a high level of educational and examination stress.
Keywords: students, stress, examination stress, stressogenic factors, stress condition of students.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 30-38 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Zavadska T.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Creative character of tutors activity is induced him to permanent self-perfection, professional self-realization. In the article are brought review over of experimental data in relation to the degree of professional self-realization signs for preschool tutors and personality indexes of the psychophysilogical state, that influence on this process. Research of temperaments properties of tutors stared majority inherent signs of extrovertion, emotional excitability that is positive lines at professional activity. The considerable group of educators was characterized by the signs of "rigid" and "passivity", that is able to interfere with the process of professional self-realization. Research of syndrome of the emotional burning out of tutors signs discovered that in majority not formed emotional burning out symptoms which is a positive result. Certain "group of risk" (15% educators ) with the signs of the emotional burning out are in the stage of forming. A symptom is "reduction of professional duties" already formed in 61,5% educators; symptom of "personality removed" - in 41,0% educators. These indexes are an obstacle on a way to the high level of professionalness. Most investigational tutors - from 82,0% to 75,0% - characterized middle and higher middle levels general, introprofessional and extraprofssional self-actualization. Basicly the most this selected tutors showed middle values of indexes of professional self-realization and slf-actualization also. High motivation to activity and proper temperamental indexes is certain specify on the capacity of investigational group of tutors for self-realization in a profession. A cross-correlation analysis testifies to close intercommunications between investigational indexes, which stipulate development of man on a way to professional realization.
Keywords: tutor, professional realization, actualization, emotional burning out, temperament.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 39-48 (pdf)
UDC: 925 : 159.923
Ivashkevych E.Z.
Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article the domineering aspects of the consideration of mental representations were analyzed. We described the psychological researches that examined patterns of social representations, such as a model of prototype, the example model, associative networks model, models of schemas, model of base rates. In the article the author's conception of social intellect of the teacher was proposed. It shows us that social intellect of the teacher includes cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures. It was emphasized that cognitive substructure of social intellect involved a set of fairly stable knowledge, assessment, rules of interpretation of events, human behavior, their relationships, etc. Social intellect is based on the existing system of interpretation on micro-structural and macro-structural levels. The microstructure of cognitive component of social intellect is determined by the features of the latter, namely cognitive evaluation, which determines the competent processing and evaluating the information that the subject perceives, his/her prediction, based on planning and forecasting of interpersonal interactions, communication, providing proper performance of the process of communication (this function is associated with an adequate perception and understanding of the process of communication of the partner). It is based on the mechanism of reflection which is reflected directly in self-knowledge. In turn, the macrostructure of cognitive component of social intellect of a teacher manifests itself in the attitude of the person to himself/herself as a value, in the valuable semantic position in interpersonal relationships, as well as the updating of motivation and value orientation of the person with the purpose to reach axiological attitude in professional and other activities. The author of the article underlines that mnemonic component of social intellect of a teacher described the presence of the ability to interpret events, life events, behavior of others and their own as the subject of these events. Mnemonic substructure is based on the personal experience of the subject, where subjective statistics constitute personal interpretive complex. In this article the structure and peculiarities of emphatic component of social intellect of a teacher were described. Emphatic component of social intellect is largely dependent on what shape of the behavior the person chooses as a priority that he/she expects his/her business associated with the complex of interpretative value in relation to the world of the person. Emphatic component of social intellect is also dependent on what the person expects from other subjects of interpersonal interaction, what valuable interpretative complex of relation to the surround world it was formed inside the person, what possibilities the subject has when we tell about the usage of anticipation mechanisms in solving various problems of professional and social life.
Keywords: intellect, social intellect, models of social representations, cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures of social intellect.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 49-58 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9.072
Kaplunenko Y.Y.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describe the results empirical study of personality factors of Social Intelligence among specialists of socionomic professions - working managers, psychologists and teachers; the relationship between different groups of personal factors and basic SI components; internal cues between the various indicators of social intelligence; highlighted and analyzed the main factors that contribute to the development of cognitive, emotional and behavioral items of social intelligence.
Keywords: social Intelligence, personality factors of Social Intelligence; cognitive, emotional and behavioral SI components; experts of socionomic professions.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 58-73 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Kokun O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the empirical study aimed at determining of gender characteristics of the professional self-fulfillment factors. 1,452 skilled people have been examined. The professional self-fulfillment questionnaire, the questionnaire determining stages and factors of skilled person's professional development and 6 psychological diagnostic methods have been applied. The research allows us to determine such gender characteristics of the professional self-fulfillment factors: - the next factors are more important for professional self-fulfillment of men: manifestation of the values inherent for self-actualized personality; a degree of creativity; a level of communication skills; interest in professional activities; efforts aimed at improvement of his own professional level; - the next factors are more important for professional self-fulfillment of women: development of organizational skills; a level of her professional self-efficacy; satisfaction with the content of professional activity; opportunity to be less tired during a workday; "reduction of personal achievements" (a negative factor). Prospects for further research are in development, based on the results, of practical technological approaches aimed at promoting of self-fulfillment of skilled peoples of different professions.
Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, professional development, factors of self-fulfilment, skilled people.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 74-82 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Korniyaka O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological meaning of the "professional competence" phenomenon. Understanding of the communicative competence nature is presented and its place in the professional competence structure is determined.In particular, it is show that the communicative competence holds a dominant position in a complex qualitative structure of university teacher's professional competence due to its dependence on the society and significance of communications for educational practice. Broadly speaking, the communicative competence is an integrative professional ability to communicate. Interpersonal communications are the main tool of a professional teacher: they cannot be replaced by any other means and the professional activities cannot be performed without them. This is the factor that determines quality characteristics of an outcome (a product) of professional activities of specialists in socionomy. At the same time, professional communications, which are traditionally regarded in the psychological science as "activities in the activity", are a specific type of activities, it is a communicative (including speaking) activity. A teacher has to perform communicative speech activities in all areas of his/her work: pedagogical, educational, methodical, organizational and others. This comprehensive universality, i.e. the presence of communicative activities at all types of specialist's professional, scientific and pedagogical work, determines importance of formation and development, first of all, of the communicative competence within the professional competence structure as a key tool of interpersonal communications. Communicative activities are governed by the need to resolve communicative problems arising in the course of professional interaction, and through them, to resolve proper professional problems. So, professional self-fulfilment of university teachers is impossible without communicative self-realization through communicative competence as a work method. The study shows that the communicative competence is an important psychological tool of university teacher's interpersonal communications. Its results allow us to regard the communicative competence - an integrative ability and a prescriptive quality for any specialist - as a determining factor for his/her professional self-fulfilment.
Keywords: competence, professional competence, communicative competence, professional self-fulfilment, researching and teaching activities, university teacher.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 82-92 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.5
Krujeva T.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The results of experimental research on features of motivational components as factors of scientific researchers' professional development are presented in the article. The study methods of internal and external motivation, motivational structure and components of the motivational profile are described there. The extent of manifestation of mentioned components are defined. It is indicated that scientists' professional self-realization is associated with diverse characteristics of motivational sphere, with actualization of the inner need of life strategy formation, particularly, in relation to self-realization in the profession. At the level of personality the dominant motivation becomes not only the need of creation of socially useful scientific production, but the need of creation of himself also.
Keywords: professional self-realization, scientific researches, motivational structure, motivational profile.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 93-99 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Lakhtadyr O.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Factor analysis made it possible to distinguish the communicative competence of hypothetically identified 60 indicators we studied phenomenon 43 that characterize most communicative competence is the future experts of physical culture and sports. The study was found five generalized factors which are received conditional name "communicative competence in the field of business communication", "Relations with interlocutor", "developing", "non-verbal", "interactive". Thus, the student with the structure of communicative competence that corresponds factor "communicative competencein the field of business communication," personal strategy of its formation and development made under the influence of active commitment to educational and professional communication, efforts to find their own style of interpersonal interaction. Type communicative competence, corresponding factor "relationship with the interlocutor," describes the students for whom the peculiar coherence and communication skills find most effective ways to respond to conflict situations. Third, the "developmental" type of communicative competence provides primary formation of students' perceptual abilities related to perception, assessment and understanding of the psychological essence of another person. ." As you know, the high availability of non-verbal skills is characterized by a specialist in physical culture and sports. Type communicative competence, corresponding factor "interactive" shows a lack of formation of students in communicative knowledge, as well as the lack of regard harmony in the implementation of communication activities. In summary, we note that the communicative competence of the student - the future specialist in physical culture and sports, the study - a complex structure, which consists of five factors or types. The problem of semantic specificity future careers student - the future specialist in physical culture and sports can not be seen outside of his training process (and interpersonal) communication tool which supports implementation of communicative competence.
Keywords: communicative competence, competence communicative components, factor analysis, model and factors communicative competence.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 100-109 (pdf)
UDC: 159. 97:616.89 - 008.441.3
Litvinchuk L. M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article devoted to the main approaches to drug dependence study. The literature of this problem analized the risk factors and causes of drug abuse, that indicates different phenomena: the ideological and political crisis of the society, loss of traditional ideals and values, economic hardship, unemployment, moral and psychological crisis of the family, loss of intimacy and trust, general mass culture and youth subculture in particular, which is characterized by glorification of deviant behavior, etc. This can be combined into one phenomenon, such as psychological, social and spiritual crisis of modern society. At the sociological direction the economic-legal field of research of drug trafficking can be added. If the data of sociological research trends to identify external causes of addiction, the psychological direction focuses on finding the internal factors that triggers the beginning and the development of dependence. Criticizing the psychological model is based, on perception of the situation of the disease as the doctor and the patient. Therefore common psychological theory of addiction is absent, because the available scientific knowledge is insufficient in addressing the issue of identity and the determinants of its behavior, which in turn makes it possible to allocate characteristic features, types and forms of behaviour, which clearly differed, adict and adict, and it is not possible to clearly distinguish the concept of "habitual use - abuse - dependence".
Keywords: drug dependence, factor, cause, crisis, addiction, approach, addictive disorders, psychoactive substance.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 109-117 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.2
Panasenko N.M
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: . The article analyses an influence of professional development crises on professional self-fulfilment of a teacher. The profession of a teacher belongs to these, which consist of many psychological interactions among personalities. It can cause tense psycho-emotional condition and lead to professional crises. In the article special attention is paid to professional self-fulfilment of a teacher under the circumstances of social and economic change. In other hand, the article also reveals the fact that new criteria of social relationships and new demand of society for skills, knowledge and personality of teacher cause a constant need for him or her to change and develop. It is also outlined that teacher's choice of constructive strategy to overcome professional crisis has a positive impact on a level and development of professional self-fulfilment. Researches on factors affecting professional development crisis give more abilities of both preventing and correction of professional deformation, which in turn will help reveal and enhance personal and professional potential of a modern teacher.
Keywords: requirements for specialist, professional development crisis, constructive strategy for overcoming the crisis, psychological portrait of teacher, professional self-fulfilment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 117-126 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.2
Panasenko N.M., Voytovych M.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article contains the results of theoretical analysis of the psychological characteristics of overcoming the life crises by the individual. Real life circumstances can form life crisis, and their perception and experience of the individual. Life crisis has a number of features; it is subjectively experienced as the need of reconstruction attitude to yourself, to your own past, present and future. The absence of an individual psychological resources to overcome crises in life threatens the human life and can cause irreparable physical and mental damage. The choice of the individual specific ways and strategies of overcoming is determined meaning subjective situations experienced and corresponds preferably one of the problems - solving real problems or emotional distress, self correction or regulation of relationships with people. Through the revitalization of own psychological resources the person develops a specific set of strategies (coping strategies) to overcome the crisis, each is based on one or more channels of resource and as a result, becomes meaningful experience of overcoming the crisis. Prospects of further empirical studies are described on the activation of individual psychological resources to overcoming the life crises. The preparation for the constructive overcoming life crises can be specially developed program, through which the individual skills analysis of the situation will be formed and choosing appropriate strategies of overcoming the life crises.
Keywords: life crisis, coping strategy, personal resources, overcoming crises in life, psyhological resources, resource channels personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 126-135 (pdf)
Pylypenko N.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The analysis of different types of relation is carried out - certain analysis, without rigid mechanisms of psychological defence and uncertain analysis - with the high level of their development. Empirically it was found a positive self relation and low values of mechanisms of psychological defence for the adapted students-freshmen. They have motives of professional growth. But negative descriptions of mechanisms of psychological defence is an escape from reality, focusing on their own "I" and contamporaly reduction of "I" meaning of another man or maintenance of negative person's relation to itself. It was offered a socially-psychological training with the purpose of optimization of adequate positive relation for the future specialists as a factor as a factor of shaping their professional consciousness.
Keywords: mechanisms of psychological defence, relation, consciousness, adaptation, socially-psychological training.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 136-144 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938
Savchenko T.L.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the basic aspects of possible psychological promote psycho-physiological support of professional self-realization of professionals in terms of socio-economic transformation. Identified the possible ways of implementation of psychological assistance.
Keywords: psychological assistance, professional self-realization, professional activity, professional activity motivation, self-efficacy.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 144-149 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Serdiuk L.Z., Shamych O. M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv. Open International University of Human Development 'Ukraine', Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the major theoretical approaches to understanding of personal self-realization. The meaning of the "self-realization" concept and the main factors and components of this phenomenon are revealed. The article substantiates the definition of personal self-realization as motivation, as objectification of person's essential powers and needs that define his/her aspiration to develop personal potential.
Keywords: self-realization, self-development, self-attitude, personal potential.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 150-157 (pdf)
Udod М.О.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The plans of eurointegration of Ukraine foresee an obligatory increase of medical service quality, that foresees the selection of the specialists of the "European psychoethical type" with friendly attitude toward surrounding and helping style of mutual relations. The necessity of first medical aid service in the zone of contrterroristic operation and battle actions requires the implementation of the modern system of effective occupational selection and preparation of medical workers. Upgradе of of of quality of first medical aid in of of Ukraine of of requires the methodological and methodical approaches to diagnostics of professionally important psychological qualities of medical worker. Success of of professional activity of first medical aid worker is determined by the quantitative and quality indexes of his professional activity, his psychological and physiological state, his satisfaction from professional activity and psychological climate in a working collective and conditioned by the weighted occupational selection of medical personnel of first medical aid service. The of continual - hierarchical personality structure by of О. Sannikova and axiological project of the professional and personal development of professional worker in sphere "man-man" by of I.Hrytsyuk of are suggested to use as a conceptual basis for occupational selection of first medical aid workers. Providing occupational selection of first medical aid service workers work needs taking into account professional experience and preparation, age, state of health and ability to operate in extreme situations and individual psychological features, and among them the most important are the so-called "hard skills", resistant to development and training.
Keywords: occupational selection, personality, first medical aid and medicine of catastrophes service, continual - hierarchical personality structure, axiological project of the professional and personal development of professional worker.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 157-166 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9:159.96
Hodos A.S.
Military base В0962 The Armed Forces of Ukraine. Desna. Kozeletskyi district. Chernihiv region.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article the empirical research material adverse cumulative process factors adaptation of the military service, made a brief analysis of the data and outlines future directions for improvement and facilitate the adaptation of the new conditions of service. Difficulties military to adapt to military service led to the emergence of negative mental effects, stress and emotional burnout that can lead to exhaustion, emotional bigotry, despair, protest, disappointment, frustration, image, alcohol abuse, irritability, antyhumanistychnyh installations tendency to avoid duty and transfer their negative feelings associated with military service in other areas of their lives. Adaptation of cadets to military service may be effected by growth rates of aggression, negative feelings and negative evaluations of people and events, and the expression of aggression by roundabout, distrust and caution about people remorse. All this could adversely affect the mental and physical health of military personnel.
Keywords: Armed Forces of Ukraine, adaptation, aggression, emotional burnout, military, anxiety.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 167-175 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923
Shelestova O. V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is dedicated the study of actual research both for society and for psychological practice to the theme of origin, forming and flowing of disorders of аdaptation. In the article factors and features flowing of disorders are analysed in the different age-related and social groups. It is adaptation's disorders marked, that to disorders of adaptation the inclined persons that belong to the different age-related and social groups. Influence of distress and alarms, vulnerability, individual differences, possibilities of psychological adaptation, predetermine the origin of adaptation' disorder, and influence on the state of health in child's, adult and sloping teens. Firmness of personality to the origin of disorders of adaptation straight depends on the maximal use of advantages of the psychical organization offset defects of psychical and psychological organization. Therefore the real behavior of person depends not only on his individually-personality features, and also from those situations in that it takes part.
Keywords: stress, disorders of adaptation, distress, negative states, post traumatic disorders of personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 176-184 (pdf)
UDC: 159.938.362
Shulga V.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article results of an empirical research of school anxiety and the level adaptation of pupil's middle and senior classes secondary school are discussed. It is noted the level of adaptation of pupil's middle and senior classes throughout remains at the same level in that time as the level of school anxiety until the end of school reduced.
Keywords: anxiety, school anxiety, adaptation, the level adaptation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 5(16): 184-190 (pdf)