Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 12 – 2016
UDC 159.943
Muzyka O.L.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Value interaction as a gifted personality’s development factor
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article social-psychological factors, which determine a gifted personality’s development are analyzed. Personality-value interaction is observed as a form of referent relations, in the result of which reciprocal mutual influence and social validation, value exchange and mutual value support of subjects’ personality values occurs and gifted personality’s formation and value development is performed.
In the result of theoretical analysis and empiric research data analysis it is stated, that personality-value interaction influences on gifted personality’s subjective values characteristics, which play a key role in the activity and self-development regulation. Content connections of gifted personality’s subjective values with referent persons’ values are confirmed. It is shown, that gifted personality’s value uniqueness is determined by its selectivity concerning referent influences and uniqueness of the own value experience.
It is confirmed, that gifted personality’s value autonomy is provided by its high self-esteem in the space of personality values (as a rule, the highest in comparison with referent persons’ estimation). Self-development vector in the process of value interaction is actualized by the lower self-esteem indicators of separate significant constructs in comparison with their intensity estimations in referent persons.
It is shown, that in the stage of becoming (gaining by a person of all features, characteristic for a gifted person) personality-value interaction with referent persons has a directing and supporting character. It favors a value attitude to the sphere of activity, in which a child starts to develop own abilities, satisfying the need of recognition and cognitive-creative needs. In the process of gifted personality’s further development the formation and support of personality values become a content of personality-value interaction. These values are connected with abilities’ self-development in the context of existential needs satisfying. At this stage requirements for referent persons, in sense of their competence and moral qualities, increase.
Key words: gifted personality, personality-value interaction, reciprocal mutual influence, social validation, value exchange, value support.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 5-20 (pdf)
UDC 004.9
Antonov V.N.
National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv
Acmeological neuron education science, psychogenetic and moral quality acme-teacher
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes methods research acme- gifted person on the base innovation computer technology: cybernetic acmeology, the problem influence moral factor on the quality preparation teachers, there personality development and create morality’s value and acme- gifted person. The problem research on the base neuron education science, psychogenetic and Nano-technology.
Key words: acme-gifted, method, neuron education science, psychogenetic, Nano- technology, morals, education, acmeology, cybernetic.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 21-33 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Bastun N.A.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Personality values as systemic factor of human life activity
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Genesis of concept of the values in social sciences and psychological personology is analysed. Values are a key concept in humanistic and existential psychology, they are also is productive in the psychological practice. The influence of parental settings, children impressions and stress injury on developing of the personality values is described. Also the systemic character of the personality value orientations and it’s influence on the human behavior is analysed.
Key words: personality, values, value orientations, axiology, script, hierarchy, system, systemic factor, personality crisis.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 34-42 (pdf)
UDC 159.928.23
Bila I.N.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Development of children's abilities in terms of value interaction
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: An important characteristic of pre-school, primary school age is the development of intellectual and creative potential of children. Decisive in this, apart from genetic background are external factors, which include educational systems and levels of education, family welfare, environment and lifestyle, social and economic conditions in the country. This has been confirmed by analysis of biographies and descriptions of works of art on life talents. The importance of skilled maintenance, support and personally oriented approach of the domestic educational and personal potential of the younger generation has been emphasized in this study. Has been described the reasons that prevent the development of children's potential: (environmental factors, personal factors, an objective reason, etc.).
An integral part of education is multifaceted psychological diagnosis, getting information about each child with a focus on its strengths. Accompanying diagnosis (observation, driving the creative diary, study the products, discussions, projective techniques) directed not only to track changes of certain characteristics on psychological and pedagogical influences, but also on the prediction of cognitive abilities and children's needs, prevention of possible future problems. The organized education creating a special developing object-spatial environment in which the child would be forced to find motivation for self-learning and self-development, and values to the close interaction with adults, which in the context of personality-oriented educational model helps to create the child's personality.
Keywords: child, abilities, potential, environment of skills development, interaction with adult, personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 43-53 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Volodarskaya N.D.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
The impact of contact environment on a person’s creativ adaptation
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article provided theoretical and methodological analysis of a role of contact environment in a creative adaptation of personality. The concept of creative adaptation in the Gestalt approach was considered. The features of a person’s creative adaptation in passing of age crises were characterized. The influence of contact environment on a person’s creative adaptation to crisis situations were defined. The characteristics of age crises and analysis of capabilities of their harmonization by methods of Gestalt approach were defined. Specifics of the dialog-phenomenological approach in changing settled stereotypes of behavior were disclosed. There were obtained the elements of life goals changes in personality development: experience, understanding, choice. There was cpecified consideration of features of emotional component – experience, sensitivity, choice. Perspectives of research of contact environment of person’s development were planned. Features of the phenomenon of psychological presence, openness and vitality of dialogue participants were described. There were defined the range of ability of person’s creative adaptation: ability of contact, interaction and empathy, awareness of their own needs in contact with others and with the world as a whole. Duality of person’s ability to contact, to interact simultaneously both displaying and condition of its creative adaptation were defined. There were considered ability of the person to be itself as a condition of creative adaptation.
Key words: gifted person, personality pattern, creativeness, development, create adaptation, contact environment, stereotypes of behavior, age crises.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 54-60 (pdf)
UDC 159.956.2
Gubenko A.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Social-psychological aspects of interaction of gifted person with the social environment in process of promotion in society
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the political-psychological and socio-psychological conditions that contribute to the development and promotion of intellectually gifted individuals in society. Consider positive and negative factors that affect this development. Analyzed some of the circumstances that influence the promotion of talent in society or hinder this process. Among them are studied, in particular, such as envy and negative selection mechanism. They are considered as factors that hinder the promotion of talent. Are also allocated as a political and economic monopoly, which prevent social and economic creativity. Envy is a complex, ambivalent psychological phenomenon. In it coexist conflicting emotions. On the one hand, there is present admiration for the object of envy and on the other - negative feelings. Among these negative experiences can be called a feeling of inferiority. It occurs in a "normal" person when comparing themselves to gifted man. Envy for talent plays a significant role in the formation of such mechanism of social behavior, as negative selection. Negative selection is manifested in restraining social advancement of talented individuals who are envious and the promotion in society of people with mediocre abilities. As a result of this process, the intellectual level of the ruling elites is reduced. This adversely affects the development of society, reducing its overall creativity. The political and economic monopoly is also an obstacle to the promotion of talented people in society. The article also notes that the essence of creativity is not a human adaptation to reality, but the adaptation of reality to man, the transformation.
Keywords: gifted personality, creativity, catalytic conditions, factors that promote the talent, society, intelligence.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 61-68 (pdf)
UDC 159.955
Gulko Yu.A.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Child experimentation as a preschooler’s mental activity indicator
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Child experimentation along with a playing is a leading preschooler’s activity. Mentioning educational and developmental functions of child experimentation (as in the form of independent research activity, both in the form of research activity, organized by the teachers), it is necessary to concentrate a scientific interest on its diagnostic abilities as well. Child experimentation is a such kind of creative research activity, in which two sides of integral understanding proses vividly displays: creation of new knowledge and creation of new actions and operations (as in the object- practical, both in the mental aspect). Observation of preschooler’s activity gives a reason to say, that experimentation goes through every child activity and namely due to experimentation component adding complication and development of activity proceeds. For study of mental activity features we offered pre-schoolers to experiment with the set of different objects. The observations of children’s activity in the process of diagnostic task realization gave as an opportunity to find out, that mental activity in the process of experimentation is characterized by such indicators: choice, character of activity’s complication, child’s general mental orientation. Choice is estimated by the quantity of the objects, included by a child to the activity from among offered by the instruction. Character of complication is defined by new and original relations child connect the operated objects; if the activity proceeds with the project; if there is a project transformation and if the project transformation cause transitions from one kind of activity to another in scope of the solving task; if the creation and understanding of new information occurs due to the transfer of one kind of activity to another; if a child returns to the kind of activity which he started with and if he includes new knowledge, results of understanding in it. Child’s general mental orientation is defined by the mental actions on finding of analogues or combination variants, preferred by a child.
Key words: child experimentation, choice, activity complication, general mental orientation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 69-77 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.2+37.013.41:37.061
Demchenko O.P.
Oleksander Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv
Social subjectivity gifted individuals in the cultural and educational space
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article shows that the study of the practical aspects of social endowments implement appropriate in the context of the concept of educational environment that will simulate favorable conditions for development and self-gifted person. For successful “selection” of children with signs of social giftedness is appropriate semantic filling medium socio-cultural meanings. Posted copyright explanation category “cultural and educational environment for social development talent”, explication which complicated due to several factors related to the lack of a unified approach to the interpretation of the basic concepts of differentiation; contradictory and uncertain social status and so gifted. In the author's approach, cultural and educational space in the perspective of the subject-subject interaction that involves the interaction of media and interaction of individuals. The parameters of the space as a psycho-educational dimension. Formation of the subjectivity of the individual characteristics of social talent is to create such a space, which is in the process of converting its active cooperation with all parties and components of space and turns in high social motivation and sustained need for social communication; independence of judgment, independence, availability of own position; the ability to anticipate, think strategically, consciously set goals and sketch a program of actions to develop strategies and tactics to implement them promptly make changes in the implementation plans flexibly respond to challenges and find effective ways to overcome them, regularly know themselves and others to study the social conditions, conflicting communicative situations and so on.
Key words: social talent, subject, subjectivity, space, educational space, cultural and educational space, cultural and educational space for the development of social skills.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 78-90 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:378-051
Dubchak G.M.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Connection between the type of behaviour in stressful situation and the level of stress tension among students
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Article concerns very actual problem of stress resistance of students of socionomic professions, whose work is one of the most psychologically stressful types of professional activity. There is described the procedure of research with the use of self-diagnostic questionnaire of behaviour type in a stressful situation (Boyko V.V.) and psychological stress scale PSM-25. The article explores the features of mental stress, types of behaviour in stressful situations and the specifics of these manifestations for modern students of universities and vocational schools. The dominant type of behaviour of students in stressful situation is type A/B; types of behaviour A and B occur with the same frequency. The differences between gender, type of educational institution and speciality of future specialists of socionomic professions are statistically not significant.
Low and average levels of mental stress are characteristic for modern students, but for girls the level of mental stress is considerably higher than for boys. The connection between the type of behaviour in stressful situation and the level of mental stress of students is empirically confirmed: the highest level of mental stress is characteristic for students with behaviour type A; among students with behaviour type B there are revealed the lowest values on a psychological stress scale in comparison to students of A/B and B types. In conclusion, the results of empirical studies have confirmed the connection between type of behaviour in stressful situation and the level of mental stress of students: the higher the level of mental tension is, the more often students reveal stressogenic types of behaviour.
Keywords: socionomic profession, students, stress, resistance to stress, mental tension level, mental stress, the type of behaviour in stressful situation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 91-99 (pdf)
Zagurska I.S., Tkachuk O.R.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
The role of value interaction in perception of just teacher by juveniles with high and low level of academic success
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Theoretical analysis of the perception of teachers by pupils problem showed, that it is influenced by the level of social reflection, features of self-image, values of pupils and future experience of interaction with teachers. For pupils of juvenile age pedagogue’s individual features, professional skills, educational methods, ability of communicating with pupils are important. As a particular feature of just teacher, pupils distinguish his ability to understand a juvenile that may be displayed in recognition and respect.
It is found, that the image of a just teacher in pupils’ with high level of academic success imagination consists of correlated constructs of moral (“honest”, “cheerful, has a sense of humor”, “clever”, “just”, “does not scream, does not offend”) and activity content (“permits to go outside”, “treats everyone equally”, “explains the tasks”, “likes and respects children”). Value interaction of pupils with teacher provides optimal congruence between the constructs that prevents appearance and development of conflict tendencies in the structure of personality.
In the structure of just teacher image in pupils’ with low level of academic success conception, the constructs of moral content prevail (“interesting”, “beautiful”, “clever”, “cheerful, has a sense of humor”, “severe”, “kind”, “gentle”). Constructs of activity content (“treats everyone equally”, “leads pupils on excursions”, “likes and respects pupils”, “explains the tasks”) appeared less intensive and weakly connected with moral constructs. It is found, that the main criterions of justice pupils consider possibility of positive interpersonal, but not value, activity interaction.
Key words: value interaction, image of a teacher, justice, moral and activity values.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 100-107 (pdf)
UDC 925: 159.923
Ivashkevych E.Z.
Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne
The phenomenon of wisdom and the structure of social intellect of a teacher.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the psychological researches which grounded the phenomenon of wisdom. The reasons that are at the background of individual differences in the characteristics of the wisdom of people were described. It was shown the problem of the development of social intellect based on the researchers described the development of the person’s abilities to perform creative activity.
In the article the author’s conception of social intellect of the teacher was proposed. It shows us that social intellect of the teacher includes cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures. It was emphasized that cognitive substructure of social intellect involved a set of fairly stable knowledge, assessment, rules of interpretation of events, human behavior, their relationships, etc. Social intellect is based on the existing system of interpretation on micro-structural and macro-structural levels. The microstructure of cognitive component of social intellect is determined by the features of the latter, namely cognitive evaluation, which determines the competent processing and evaluating the information that the subject perceives, his/her prediction, based on planning and forecasting of interpersonal interactions, communication, providing proper performance of the process of communication (this function is associated with an adequate perception and understanding of the process of communication of the partner). It is based on the mechanism of reflection which is reflected directly in self-knowledge. In turn, the macrostructure of cognitive component of social intellect of a teacher manifests itself in the attitude of the person to himself/herself as a value, in the valuable semantic position in interpersonal relationships, as well as the updating of motivation and value orientation of the person with the purpose to reach axiological attitude in professional and other activities.
The author of the article underlines that mnemonic component of social intellect of a teacher described the presence of the ability to interpret events, life events, behavior of others and their own as the subject of these events. Mnemonic substructure is based on the personal experience of the subject, where subjective statistics constitute personal interpretive complex. The author of the article considers that the wisdom of the person is included into a structure of a metacognitive component of a mnemonic substructure of social intellect of a teacher.
In this article the structure and peculiarities of emphatic component of social intellect of a teacher were described. Emphatic component of social intellect is largely dependent on what shape of the behavior the person chooses as a priority that he/she expects his/her business associated with the complex of interpretative value in relation to the world of the person. Emphatic component of social intellect is also dependent on what the person expects from other subjects of interpersonal interaction, what valuable interpretative complex of relation to the surround world it was formed inside the person, what possibilities the subject has when we tell about the usage of anticipation mechanisms in solving various problems of professional and social life.
Key words: intellect, social intellect, the wisdom, genius, interpersonal interaction, cognitive components, metacognitive components, cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures of social intellect.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 108-118 (pdf)
UDC 159.937
Kokarieva M.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Interrelation of students’ perceptiveness to advertising information and their creative orientation
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Basing on the analysis of correlation between students’ perceptiveness to information with advertising content and their creative orientation, we distinguished and described the types of advertisement information perception by students. For the creation of this typology we used method, proposed by F. M. Podshyvailov for the analysis of nonlinear correlation of related parameters of personality’s motivational sphere, on the bases of which the author created the typology of personality. The first type (conditionally we named it “easily carried away”) is characterized by high level of creativity and high perceptiveness to information with advertising content. The second (reasonable) – by high level of creativity and low perceptiveness to advertisement information. The third type (exploitative) is characterized by low level of creativity and high perceptiveness to information with advertising content. The fourth (conservative) – by low level of creativity and low perceptiveness to advertisement information. Psychological peculiarities of advertisement information perception by the students of defined types according to the features of their creativity (risk, inquisitiveness, complexity and imagination) are described. The differences between the types of advertisement information perception by students in dominating perceptive modality (visual and audio), defined with the means of single-factor analysis of variance, are shown. Рractical recommendations for students, who perceive the advertisement information and for those, who needs to present some information more effectively are given.
Keywords: perceptiveness, creation, advertisement information, students’ perceptiveness to advertisement information, types of advertisement information perception.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 119-126 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.07
Mytnyk A.Ya.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
Psychological peculiarities of interpersonal interaction of teachers with gifted students
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article considers a topical issue of the psychological characteristics of interpersonal interaction of teachers with gifted students. Teaching is done through interpersonal interaction. Technique of teaching for gifted and ordinary students about the same: a noticeable difference is the allocation of time to activities. We note that in most cases are reproductive tasks, focusing on the unambiguous responses that activate mental activity of students. Social protection of the gifted student is based on the account of the leading approaches: security-protective, social-pedagogical, social-psychological, social and integrative. The successful solution of problems of interaction of the subject pedagogic process or teaching of gifted persons is possible thanks to a subjective, and indeed, the creative approach of the teacher regarding their own personality, pedagogical activity and personality of the student. The problem of efficiency of interaction of the teacher with gifted students associated with the peculiarities of joint activity, the implementation of the subjective approach. The subjectivity of the joint activity is preceded by the orientation of the teacher in the redistribution of their own activities, giving students the opportunity to select specific training objectives, to assess themselves. It is the subjective approach makes possible the existence of the relationship. The article notes that the traditional terms of pedagogical process aimed on the reproduction of skills, as a rule, do not correspond to the level of individual achievements, high potential and gifted lead to conflicts. Psychological characteristics of gifted students, and outlines specific requirements for the organization of the process of interpersonal interaction.
Keywords: interpersonal interaction, talent, interaction, psychological barrier, conflict, collaboration, differentiation of instruction, reproductive tasks.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 127-135 (pdf)
UDC 316.159.9
Moskalenko V.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Personal abilities and the process of socialization
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the links between the abilities of the individual and the socialization process. It is argued that abilities should be considered as a multidimensional phenomenon in the broadest personal sense, as the process of formation and development of human sociality, in which an ability is a system-making phenomenon. This predetermines the methodological function of the theory of socialization in relation to the abilities analysis. The article shows how social and historical practices of people determine individual abilities. General social abilities, which interiorize socio-cultural experience of mankind and reflect the social and historical needs, are defined as "generic" human abilities. "Generic" abilities are treated as a super-individual construct in the relations of people of a certain historical era that are manifested in a personal social type. Generic social abilities are materialized in each individual depending on his/her relationship with culture. A provision that the culture of mankind objectifies personal abilities, does not allow making the opposite conclusion, i.e. any appropriation of the products of human culture develops abilities of the individual. Understanding the relationship between the socio-historical development of abilities and the development of the individual can be facilitated if we use the concepts of “actual” and “potential” ability. Potential abilities are the generic social abilities that determine the capabilities of certain individuals and which can be either realized or not realized. In contrast, actual abilities are materialized by the individual depending on his/her specific living conditions. The ratio of potential and actual abilities is a generic measure of the nature of existing social conditions that determine the development of individual abilities. Therefore, the progress of society is closely connected with the progress of its generic, integral abilities, which being realized in a socio-historical type of a person, act as “a norm” in relation to the abilities of the individual.
Keywords: socialization of personality, individual abilities, generic abilities, socio-historical type of personality, current ability, potential ability, de-objectivation of cultural forms.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 136-143 (pdf)
UDC 159.943
Muzyka O.О.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Reference relationships in the development needs and motivations students signs of musical talent
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes the results of a study of reference relations of students with signs of musical talent. It has been established that the greatest influence on students’ musical abilities development have parents and music teachers. Next are friends and reference classmates who study with a specialization in «Musical art». Next in importance group make well known creative personalities, mostly musicians. The feature of this group is its virtuality, since the vast majority of people who make it, are not part of the contact environment. Referentiality of school teachers and classmates appeared to be insignificant.
The analysis revealed two types of referentiality 1) referentiality aimed at personal values and motivational support, which is provided by parents and relatives; 2) referentiality, based on the professional assessment of skills and development abilities, which is obtained from the relations with music teachers. These two types of referentialities are united by emotional and value attitude to music.
Key words: reference relations, a gifted person, person with signs of musical talent, needs and motivations of the personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 144-155 (pdf)
UDC 159.923 + 159.928
Nykonchuk N.O.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
A way to teach pupils of primary school to appreciate each other`s achievements
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Primary school age is a difficult period of personality formation. There is a change of social situation and primary activity. Children apply for appreciation in the group where recognition of standards haven`t been formed yet. The only way to get appreciation in studying is a school mark. Evaluation is carried out mainly by teacher. In this situation it is necessary to bring the standards of recognition from outside, enrich the educational process with situations of evaluation, purposefully teach children to appreciate achievements of each other.
Oral national creativity can serve as means of familiarizing primary school pupils with rules and regulations of appreciation and developing pupils` practical skills of mutual appreciation of achievements. In works of oral folklore mature values constructs, which compensate the low level of reflection and thinking of children and lack of personal experience, have been proposed. These values constructs help avoid unnecessary mistakes, develop optimal strategy of activity and interaction.
Opportunities of purposeful teaching children to appreciate achievements of each other are studied within the framework of values support of the development of the abilities of the primary school pupils by means of oral folklore. The given programme was developed in view of the main theoretical propositions of the programme of skills development "Three steps" by O.L.Muzyka.
For values support of recognition reflection two techniques are used: 1) values support of providing and receiving appreciation; 2) values support of self-appraisal (assessment of one`s own achievements).
The works of oral folklore (proverbs and sayings) are used for triple purpose: 1) as means of building evaluation situations; 2) as means of appreciation of the achievements of one`s own and others` achievements; 3) as means of determining the rules of appreciation.
Keywords: primary school age, abilities, appreciation, proverbs and sayings, reflection, studying activities, values support.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 156-168 (pdf)
UDC 316.6:159.923
Petrunko O.V., Rafikov A.R.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Social optimism as a psychological mechanism of value’s communication with the referent social setting
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the phenomenon of social optimism and ideas about this phenomenon, represented in everyday awareness. The ideological and values nature of social optimism is analyzed. Opinions as a stable system of views about the world mediated the position and relation of individual to reference setting are show as a basic element of social optimism. The attention to the social nature of human perceptions of the world and interact with it are accented. The implicit models of the world as one form of the organization of social perceptions in individual and mass consciousness are proved. The empirical model of social optimism represented in student’s consciousness is reproduced, and prognostic possibilities of this model for examples of other respondent’s groups are showed.
Keywords: social perceptions, beliefs, implicit models of the world, social optimism, values, the referent social setting.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 169-178 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.075
Portnytska N.F., Atamanska O.A.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
The corpus substantial components of needs mechanisms of creative activity of talented adolescence
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The development of abilities and creativity are regulated by mechanisms of needs and values in adolescence. Structure of needs of youth people with display of talent is analized in the article.
The research done using photobiographical method and the modified version of “Who am I?” (Kun) method. It made possible to actualize in consciousness of studied people needs and meanings, which are regulating creative activity. Also it helped to activate reflexive mechanisms in psychologically safe situation.
The results of empirical research permit to analyze need`s sphere structure of youth, who included into creative activity. We discovered that the main needs, which are keeping students in creativity sphere, are procedural and the possibility to get good results, the social needs for approval and acceptance, and possibility of self-development. “Crossed” needs that are provide specifics of youth creative talent development is described. The ability to fulfill this needs provides inside adaptation resources for new conditions of university studies (for junior students) and the professional activities (for senior). It`s been found gender differences of need`s sphere of talented youth.
Keywords: talented, creativity, needs, adolescence, photobiographical method.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 179-186 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Savchenko O.V.
Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk
The transformation of a structure of the personality`s reflective competence in adolescence
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In this article the author analyzes the quantitative (on indicators of the degree of an organization) and qualitative (on indicators of the level of an organization) changes in the nature of the personality`s reflective competence as a holistic integrative system of the reflective abilities, which are forming and developing in the process of an acquisition of the subject`s reflective experience. By comparing the results of the two groups (persons of early adolescence and persons of mature adolescence) the author found that during the development in adolescence the degree and level of an organization of the reflective competence didn’t considerably change. It was proved that the formation level of the value-motivational component of the reflective competence was increasing by the developing of the predictive abilities and the level of an organization of the subject`s system of the knowledge about the specific forms of a reflection and a reflective activity was increasing too.
The development of most of the system`s elements has been uneven, that is expressed in heterogeneity of the growth paces of the several components of the reflective competence. The high level of some components combines with the low level of the effective functioning of other elements that generates contradictions within the separate components and the system on the whole. It was found that the functioning of the information component of the reflective competence has a contradictory nature. The author identified the tendency of reducing the level of an organization of the reflective competence in the group of persons of mature adolescence. This simplification of the internal structure of the reflective competence reduces the negative impact of unformed elements of the higher (personal) level on the effectiveness of the elements` functioning of the lower (cognitive) level. The state of a destruction of the internal integration between the several levels of the system is a necessary period of its development, because the basis for quality changes is formed at this stage by a quantitative increasing of the elements` formation level and an abatement of the internal coherence of the system`s components.
Keywords: reflectivity, reflective abilities, reflective experience, reflective competence, degree of an organization, level of an organization.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 187-200 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Serdiuk L.Z.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Psychological bases of motivation for professional development
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological factors of professional formation. Personal roots of professional formation are determined. It is shown that one of the conditions for successful professional and personal development in professional activities is self-determination associated with conscious and adequate motivation of a person that creates his/her internal readiness to put forward and achieve goals in professional activities, to overcome difficulties and improve him/herself to achieve self-realisation.
Keywords: professional development, professional formation, self-determination, personal development, self-determination of professional development.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 201-209 (pdf)
UDC 159.928.22
Solovey Y.G.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding ofв the musically gifted personality values
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article shows the essence of the musically gifted personality. It identified the main functions of values, which affect the life and development of musical talent. It has been established that it is a musical work represents the musician’s sphere of values, which affects the emotional sphere of personality, on the same element as the experience. The experience process is not only one of the operating components of musical activity, but expresses the essence of the activity itself, musical-auditory. Proved that values and the value orientations can be considered as the needs of the musically gifted person when some values, reincarnated in the internal state of the individual, and act as the desire and interests.
The musical activity is one of the highest specific forms of implementation of human needs in experience. The close relationship of the image, experience and expression determines not only the prominence of music and psychological states, but relatively thin reactivity hidden content, expression of movement. This characteristic is manifested in the ability to psychological transformation, delicate handling, vocal coordination, speech, locomotion the actors, musicians, in the creative liberty, specific musical intelligence.
The function of emotions is that they signal about the personal sense of what is happening, the mental phenomenon, that was an event of the inner life of the individual.
Keywords: gifted personality, musical activities, development, values, personal values, emotional distress, internal demand.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 210-217 (pdf)
UDC 159. 922.8:681.306
Tychyna I., Baidyuk A.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
Psychological analysis of modern teenagers'values during the process of identification with media characters
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes some peculiarities of teenagers'values formation during the process of their identification with media characters. The process of modern teenagers'identification with valuable personages is interpreted as acquisition of a certain system of values which become regulators of behaviour and personality development. It is revealed that objects of identification for young teenagers can be such fictitious charactersas personages of films, cartoons, books, computer games and also media images of real people – actors, musicians, singers, sportsmen and humourists.
Study shows that the most numerous repertoire of reference characters is typic alfor teenagers with average results in studies. This group often agers revealed a wide variety of values whichare relevant in chosen characters. Teenagers with good progress in studies identify themselves mainly with a little number of media characters, whose main trait is well-developed intellectual faculties. Teenagers with poor grades choose different types of media characters for identification, but at the same time single out typical qualities, connected with morality.
Teenagers, who take part in art or sports circles, are characterized by the choice of reference characters who possess knowledge, skills and traits necessary for achieving success in the respective activities.
Key words: values, value orientations, process of identification, characters-simulacra, endowment, endowment signs.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 218-225 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Chykhantsova O.A.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Some aspects of the study of problems of the hardiness of the personality
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the characteristic of the concept of ‘hardiness’ and its components. Expression of these components and the viability generally prevents internal tension in stressful situations due to sustained stress and overcoming the perception of them as less important. Analyzed the contemporary theoretical approaches to definition of essence the concept of ‘hardiness’. Considered the factors that promote the formation of hardiness of personality. Hardiness promotes the deployment of personal potential in the process of self-realization and directs a person to personal growth.
Personal construction of hardiness design was an important factor in the confrontation, creating resistance to the effects of stress. Studies have shown that people have stable traits and do not give up easily under pressure, in the experience of suffering less stress. Hardiness is the psychological analogue of core human life, which reflects the extent of overcoming them given the circumstances, of itself, as well as the effort to work on themselves and over the circumstances of the life.
Determined that the viability connected with the formation of deeper values, which are connected with the realities of today. Analyzed the relationship between hardiness and personal values and mechanisms of their development.
Key words: hardiness, the components of hardiness, adaptation mechanism of personality.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 226-233 (pdf)
UDC [378: 159.9 -051]:316.752
Shestopalova O.P.
Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University, Krivoy Rog
The axiologization of the training system for psychologist’s course in consulting and psychotherapy
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The author views the axiologization in system of practical psychologists’ training in teaching courses in consulting and psychotherapy. There has been made Phenomenological analysis in the dynamics of value - semantic sphere and the hierarchy of values of psychologists. The theoretical demarcation between issues of psychological burnout in the form of the "package of salvation" and manipulative-consumer attitude towards psychological activity. Put forward the idea of axiogenesis as an alternative to the analyzed behaviors. Empirically established features of conflicting motivational attitudes and with the help of mathematical modeling selected "a -" of axiological potential. The suggested model of psycho-correction work through the logo analysis method in the process of professional training for psychologists.
Key words: axiologization, axiological potential “core”, professional psychologist’s consciousness, logo analysis.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 234-243 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Yablonska Т.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
The identity development of talented children in the family
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the problem of identity talented child in the system of family relationships. Considering the maturity or immaturity identity as one of its main features, we believe that a mature core reached identity make informed, positive I, formed on the base of individual experience of the personality values. Family relations’ features in the perspective of their impact on the development of the identity of respondents characterized by cohesion and adaptation options and characteristics of family education (positive interest, directivity, hostility, autonomy, inconsistency). Based on empirical research conducted comparing the content and structure of the identity of talented children and members of the control group and also features family relationships of these groups of children. Found that talented children characterized by a higher level of identity is manifested particularly in the more complex its structure and content, the higher status, cognitive complex and differentiated image I perceived meanings of life-orientation. Artistically talented girls and boys show high self-interest, self-understanding, combined with lower self-confidence, internal locus of control. Founded that in families with talented children form more favorable conditions for the development of identity that are in balanced family relations (cohesion and optimum adaptation) and features of family education (high positive interest, lack of directivety and hostility against children).
Keywords: identity, identity development, talented children, family balance, parents’ educational practices.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 244-252 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Yavorska-Vietrova I.V.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Dynamics of situational reflection formation on the verge of primary school age and adolescence
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article highlights the issue of reflection as one of psychological mechanisms of pupil’s personal efficiency formation. Reflection is understood as an integrative mental reality that determines person’s self-transformation and self-development through the mechanism of personal and meaningful reconsideration of his/her own mind contents. Three types of personal reflection can be determined: situational, retrospective and prospective. The article affirms that pupils’ personal efficiency depends on development of their skills of self-reflection in a current situation: the more constructively there are formed the following components of pupils’ situational reflection as analysis and understanding of own activities, thinks about own behaviour and adjusting of it according to the situation, self-control, the more effective and successful pupils become. It is shown that situational reflection, providing development of self-reflection skills in actual activities, wideness of reflection processes in the situation, decision making, has a middle level of formation at 3-6-form pupils and tends to increasing with age, especially at highly efficient pupils. However, the verge of transition from primary school age to adolescence is characterized by unstable performance of this type of reflection. The article notes that during this transition stage, which is accompanied by processes of adaptation, development of tendency to analyze course of activities, to correlate own actions with a situation and adjust them according to changes in internal and external conditions and own states, i.e. development of situational reflection, becomes a mechanism for personal efficiency formation of pupils at this ontogenetic stage.
Key words: reflection, situational reflection, personality, personal efficiency, level of situational reflection, primary school age, adolescence.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 253-261 (pdf)
UDC 159.928:616.89-008
Goncharuk O.V.
Territorial Medical Association «Psychiatry», Kiev
Development of creative capabilities as the way of psychosocial rehabilitation of people with mental disorders
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Creative activity is one the means of rehabilitation process which provide valuable social functioning for people with mental disorders. Development of creative capabilities is considered as the way to self-actualization, disclosure of creative potential, raising of self-esteem which lead to overcome of stigmatization and self-stigmatization and finding of new values and sense of life.
Key words: creative capabilities, development, psychosocial rehabilitation, mental disorders.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 262-271 (pdf)
UDC 159.99
Zagurska, E.V.
Kyiv Theatre Studio School, Kyiv
D. Ovsjanyko-Kulykovs'kyj as one of the psychology of giftedness founders
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article attempts to analyze the psychological bases and concepts of D. Ovsjanyko-Kulykovs'kyj – literary critic, memoirist, psycholinguist, psychology of artistic creativity and giftedness researcher. Outlined ways to further research scholar psychological inheritance, which consisting in rethinking criticism of psychological attitudes D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy, analysis psychological concepts scientist from the perspective of modern science; researched talent concept in the context of personal approach, which guided D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy; definition of national cultural identity D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy as Ukrainian encyclopedic scientists.
Key words: psychology of giftedness, psychological method, subconscious, individual aspect of giftedness, concept of genius, «economy of thought».
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 272-279 (pdf)
UDC 159. 928
Melnik M.A.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Of values interaction with the social environment as a factor in the formation of a gifted реrsonality
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents results of theoretical analysis of the value of interaction with the social environment of personality in the context of formation gifted person. In particular, the features value priorities of macro and microenvironment, value characteristics of the type of educational environment and style of family education as factors, determining a talented person's formation are analyzed. It was stated that values as factor determining a gifted person's formation, define the direction, selectivity and stability of individual behavior and activity. The value priorities of the social environment can have both inhibitory and evolving nature of the impact on the characteristics of giftedness. It was established that the most favorable for potential talent is emotional support, combined with moderate control the behavior of children and care for the child. The most detrimental to potential talent is indifference when tight control behavior combined with contempt for the needs of children and lack of emotional support. The results of empirical research of the features the experience of social interaction in the family environment of high school students identified as gifted. Prospects of scientific studies of the issue of value determination during the gifted person's formation are outlined.
Key words: giftedness, intellectual giftedness, development of gifted person, values, personal values, social environment.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 280-289 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.07
Nechayeva O.S.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Value aspects of learning of younger pupils with signs of endowments
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The features of cognitive activity and its importance for the formation and development of intellectually gifted person at an early stage of schooling are considered in this article. Several scientific positions on cognitive functions in the context of talent are highlighted. The concept of "value treatment" as the most important personality characteristics that determines human behavior and its relationship to the world is described in detail. We also consider the process of interiorization of values, which is the transformation of human needs and interests of a structure depending on the conditions of existence, immediate and distant goals of their lives and their feasibility. The analysis of the literature and practical experience has been suggested that the formation and development of value-semantic sphere of students with symptoms of Intellectual giftedness is largely determined by expectations reference adults who perform psychological support for children in the early school years. The data of the methods of social attitudes of parents and teachers on this category of students related to creative expression child, sustainable motivational trends and developments in the intellectual sphere, characterizing the analyzed age period are given. The primary examination results of students, parents and teachers, which took place in two areas are described: 1) definition of social attitudes of parents and teachers regarding the process of becoming a junior student with signs of intellectual giftedness; 2) study the value treatment of students with symptoms of intellectual talent in the period of primary school age.
Keywords: gifted personality, intellectual talent, cognitive activity, cognitive needs, value-semantic sphere, value attitude interiorization of values, social attitudes, motivation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 290-298 (pdf)
UDC 159.928.22 – 053.6 (049.2)
Protsyk L.S.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
The development of constructive psychological defense mechanisms intellectually gifted teenagers
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes features of isolated groups of intellectually gifted teenagers with expressed, latent form of endowments and ordinary teenagers. It is proved that mechanisms of psychological protection which are used by intelligently gifted teenagers (replacement, compensation, suppression) are more constructive, compare with mechanisms which are used by ordinary teenagers (disbelief, regression). The detailed characteristic of features of the correctional developing work with intelligently exceptional children is given. In this article are given factors, which need to be considered in the course of correctional work with such children. Analyzed effectiveness and productivity of carrying out the correctional developing program with teenagers with the latent form of endowments.
Key words: teenager, intellectual endowments, mental abilities, mechanisms of psychological protection, coping strategy, correctional developing work.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 399-306 (pdf)
UDC 159.92
Chekryzhova M.M.
G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
Personality qualities in the structure of future doctors' professional abilities self-valuation
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the process of doctors’ educational-professional activity their professional abilities are developing, the components of which are personality features. Self-evaluation is a mechanism that provides directed professional qualities’ development self-regulation. So, students appeared in the situation of the necessity of actual personality features revaluation in correspondence with the doctor’s professional activity’s demands, make correctives to their content and develop new qualities. Qualities’ self-evaluation research represents their development dynamics in the structure of professional abilities.
It is found, that in students-future doctors depending on the year of study notion about the most significant in doctor’s profession personality qualities changes. At the same time there are qualities, which are stable in their anchoring by students with the professional abilities, though on the different levels of significance: “kindness / good-temperedness”, “truthfulness / honesty / integrity / respectability”, “persistence / obstinacy / enthusiasm”, “purposefulness”, “calmness / steadiness / internal composure / calm behavior / presence of mind / emotional control / self-possession / restraint”, “responsibility”, “assiduity / diligence”. Indicators of differentiation and level of professional qualities self-evaluation in students are connected with their academic success and the year of study in higher educational establishment. Besides it is explored, that young men distinguish less constructs in comparison with young women, but indicators of their qualities’ self-estimation on the average rather higher.
Perspective of further research is the study of referent person’s influence on the features of students-future doctor’s personality-professional qualities’ self-evaluation development.
Key words: self-valuation, personality qualities, professional abilities, students-future doctors, professional formation.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 307-317 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Chygyryn T.O.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
The system of values a factor of self-presentation of future psychologists
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article represents results of empirical research of the system of values as a factor of self-presentation in the group of future psychologists. The average index of the system of values in the groups of future psychologists with an effective, enough and ineffective self-presentation is compared. It was diagnosed that terminal value – the "health", and instrumental – "honesty" has the highest average rank in the group of subjects with an effective self-presentation. Terminal value - the "health", and instrumental – «buoyancy» has the highest average rank in the group with enough level of self-presentation. We found that the highest average rank in the group with ineffective self-presentation has among terminal value – "active life", and among instrumental - "education". The lowest indicators of terminal and instrumental values in all three groups are also different. In the first group, "the happiness of others" among terminal values and "tolerance" among the instrumental values takes the last place. In the second group last places are taken by the following values: among terminal – "the happiness of others," among instrumental - "intolerance to deficiencies in themselves and in other people." In the third group, last place among terminal values is taken by "knowledge", and among instrumental – “efficiency in the affairs”. Notable is the fact that such values as "the happiness of others," "knowledge," "intolerance to deficiencies in themselves and in other people" as well as "efficiency in the affairs" are in the last positions in all three groups of students-psychologists. So, in studied groups with different levels of efficiency the average range of self-values is different.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 6(12): 318-326 (pdf)