Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 13 – 2017
UDC 159.943
Muzyka O.L.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Personal and anxiological interaction as a factor of gifted personality’s development
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the factors that determine the development of a gifted person. Pedagogical gift is considered from the position of subjective - axiological approach. A teacher as a carrier of pedagogical gift has the following features: 1) higher level of pedagogical skills and the highest professional achievements; 2) axiological attitude to their own abilities; 3) creative orientation; 4) orientation on personal self-development; 5) internal subjective axiological self-regulation.
Biographical studies and semantic modeling of axiological consciousness of gifted teachers have shown that a number of stages can be distinguished in their axiological development: 1) axiological imitation of authoritative teachers; 2) accumulating axiological experience that is carried throughout the professional career; 3) axiological self-determination as a sufficiently long time process, an indicator of which is high (the highest) self-esteem in the space of their own axiological constructs; 4) axiological distinctness, which is confirmed by the lack of correlation relationships between self-esteem and assessment of expressiveness meaningful constructs of reference teachers.
In general gifted teachers are characterized by richness of their own axiological experience that is based on personal axiological interaction with a significant number of teachers; by developed axiological reflection (the ability to analyze all components of pedagogical process, the reasons for success and failure); a high level of axiological cognitive complexity, which is manifested in the ability to generate a significant amount of axiological constructs for analyzing life situations and evaluating referential entities; willingness to take into account the values of individual students while planning and implementing pedagogical influences.
Key words: pedagogical gift, a gifted person, development, value regulation, personal values, abilities, giftedness, value analysis, personality development.
1. Kuzmyna N. V. Pedahohycheskoe masterstvo uchytelia kak faktor razvytyia sposobnostei uchashchykhsia / N. V. Kuzmyna // Vopr.psykhol. – 1984. – №1. – s.20-26. [in Russion].
2. Makarenko A. S. Pedahohycheskye sochynenyia: V 8 t. T. 4. / A. S. Makarenko. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1984. – 400 s. [in Russion].
3. Muzyka O. L. Ekzystentsiini potreby i rozvytok obdarovanoi osobystosti / Muzyka O. L. // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI. Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. – Vypusk 10. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – S. 63-77. [in Ukrainian].
4. Muzyka O. L. Tsinnisna vzaiemodiia yak chynnyk rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti / O. L. Muzyka // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. – Vypusk 12. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2016. – S. 5-20. [in Ukrainian].
5. Osvitnie seredovyshche yak chynnyk stanovlennia obdarovanoi osobystosti: Monohrafiia / R. O. Semenova, O. L. Muzyka, D. K. Korolov ta in.; za red. R. O. Semenovoi. – K.-Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2014. – 228 s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Podoliak L. H. Psykholohiia vyshchoi shkoly: Pidruchnyk. – 4-te vyd., vypr. i dop. / L. H. Podoliak, V. I. Yurchenko. – K.: Karavela, 2014. – 360 s. [in Ukrainian].
7. Profesiino-oriientovani zavdannia z psykholohii: navchalnyi posibnyk / Za red. O. L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2010. – 565 s. [in Ukrainian].
8. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / O. L. Muzyka, D. K. Korolov, R. O. Semenova ta in.; za red. O. L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 s. [in Ukrainian].
9. Khrustaleva T. M. Pedahohycheskaia odarennost shkolnykov: teoretycheskye osnovanyia y эmpyrycheskoe yssledovanye / T. M. Khrustaleva // Vektor nauky THU. – №1(8). – 2012. – C. 312-315. [in Russion].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 6-19 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.2
Bila I.N.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
The model of abilities development during childhood
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract:The article presents the analyze for research of abilities. Presents the different views on the concept of etymology abilities meaning, nature and patterns of abilities development. Considered component composition skills, types of skills, features of their appearance and condition of ontogenesis. Also presented the model of ability that demonstrates component, integrated combination of motivational-volitional, it's value, cognitive-creative and operationally-active component and take into account patterns of personality development of children, providing maintenance, support the formation of their talents. The model reflects the dynamic nature of abilities, their multidimensionality and stresses the importance of basic abilities – mental and physiological. Abilities are considered from the perspective of both individual features of personality. The determining factor of ability during childhood is learning education – organized support of personal development. The key to effective development capabilities are the conditions of social interaction and availability of developmental environment for the child. The proposed model meets the requirements of the process approach and defines the criteria for diagnostic abilities of children and landmarks of genesis of their development. The prospect of further research is finding an objective diagnostic tools for research of children's abilities, taking into account all of content and structural characteristics of their development during childhood and determine the future direction of their support in the educational process.
Keywords: abilities, inclinations, talent, skills development, model development, development conditions, children, childhood.
1. Byla I. Detskaia tvorcheskaia konstruktolohyia (Psykholohyia tvorcheskoho konstruyrovanyia v doshkolnom vozraste) / Yryna Byla. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. – 420 c.
2. Bila I. M. Zdibnosti: definitsii ta kharakterystyky / I. M. Bila // Aktualni problemy psykholohii obdarovanosti ta tvorchosti: novitni rozrobky ukrainskykh vchenykh : materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii, Kyiv, 12 chervnia 2014 r. – S. 13-20.
3. Kostiuk H. S. Nachalno-vykhovnyi protses i psykhichnyi rozvytok osobystosti / H.S.Kostiuk. Za red. L. M. Prokoliienko. – K., Rad. shkola, 1989. – 600 s.
4. Kulchytska O.I. Piznaiemo zdibnosti // Krok za krokom: posibnyk / L.V.Artemova, O.I.Kulchytska, N. M. Holota, I. V. Sukhorukova. – K.: Kobza, 2003. – S. 48-50.
5. Loseva A.A. Psykholohycheskaia dyahnostyka odarennosty: Uchebnoe posobye dlia vuzov. / A.A. Loseva. – M.: Akademycheskyi Proekt: Tryksta, 2004. – 176 s.
6. Melyk-Pashaev A.A. Proiavlenye odarennosty kak norma razvytyia // Psykholohycheskaia nauka y obazovanye, 2014. – T.19, – №4, – s. 15-21.
7. Obdarovanist, tvorchist, zdibnosti: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen / Za red. V.O.Moliako, O.L.Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vid-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.
8. Odarennыe dety: Per. s anhl. / Obshch. red. H.V.Burmenskoi y V. M. Slutskoho. – M.: Prohress, 1991. – 376 s.
9. Platonov K.K. Problemы sposobnostei / K. K. Platonov. – M., Nauka, 1972. – 312 s.
10. Rybalka V.V. Slovnyk iz psykholohii ta pedahohiky obdarovanosti i talantu osobystosti: terminolohichnyi slovnyk / Rybalka V. V. – Kyiv, Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I Franka, 2016. – 424 s.
11. Rubynshtein S.L. Problema sposobnostei y voprosy psykholohycheskoi teoryy // Psykholohyia yndyvydualnыkh razlychyi / pod red. Iu.B.Hyppenreiter, V.Ia.Romanova. – 3-e yzd., pererab. y dop. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. – s. 47-54.
12. Rubynshtein S.L. Sposobnosty Psykholohyia yndyvydualnыkh razlychyi / pod red. Iu.B.Hyppenreiter, V.Ia.Romanova. – 3-e yzd., pererab. y dop. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. – s. 31-46.
13. Teplov B.M. Yzbrannыe trudy / B.M. Teplov. – V 2-kh t. – M., 1985.
14. Shadrykov V.D. Psykholohyia sposobnostei // Psykholohyia yndyvydualnыkh razlychyi / pod red. Iu. B. Hyppenreiter, V. Ia. Romanova. – 3-e yzd., pererab. y dop. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2008. – s. 64-79.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 20-31 (pdf)
UDC 159. 923. 5
Volodarskaya N.D.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Technologies of activation of the process of self-determination of personality development: dialog-phenomenological approach
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of the process activation of self-determination of a personality development from position of the dialog-phenomenological approach. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem’s research are allocated. It is studied the phenomenological method of dialogue as a technology of perception by a person of own needs, vision of the future, creation of life prospects, strategies for the achievement of target goals, as well as creative adaptation to conditions of crisis situations. The features are analyzed of the presupposition and of the pregnancy principles of the Gestalt approach in the context of the influence of social environment and crisis situations. The peculiarities of individual and group work with families of the ATO participants are discovered. The possibilities of activation of changes in the life prospects of a person in crisis situations are shown, using methods of the art therapy and the dialog-phenomenological approach. The ways of psychological assistance are substantiated in changing behavioral patterns, as well as overcoming personal uncertainty and reduction of the feeling of life value and interest in life. The conditions are shown of improvement of psychological well-being of a person in crisis situations, formation of integral and realistic view of life, openness to a new experience, immediacy in manifestation of own emotions, feelings and experiences.
Keywords: self-determination of personality development, dialog-phenomenological approach, technologies of self-determination activation, life prospects, crisis situations, art therapy, Gestalt approach, family therapy.
1. Vygotskij L.S. Istoricheskij smysl psihologicheskogo krizisa // L.S. Vygotskij / Soch. v 6-ti tomah. T.1. Voprosy teorii i istorii psihologii. – M.,1982. – S. 291-437.
2. Vitaker D.S. Gruppy kak instrument psihologicheskoj pomoshhi / Per. s angl. V.P. Chursina. – M.: Nezavisimaja firma “Klass”, 2000. – 432 s.
3. Volodarska N.D. Aktyvizatsiia protsesu samotvorennia metodamy hrupovoi terapii / N.D. Volodarska // Problemy humanitarnykh nauk: Zb. nauk. prats Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka / Red. kol. Nadiia Skotna (holovnyi redaktor) I. Halian (redaktor rozdilu) ta in. – Drohobych: Redaktsiino-vydavnychyi viddil DDPU imeni Ivana Franka. – 2014. – Vypusk 33. Psykholohiia. – S. 17-28.Gipenrejtor Ju.B. Obshhat'sja s rebenkom. Kak? / Ju.B. Gipenrejtor. – M.: AST, 2008. – 240 s.
4. Diler G. Geshtal'tterapija postmoderna: za predelami individualizma / G. Diler. – M.: Smysl; CheRo, 2005. – 489 s.
5. Kalitievskaja E.V. Adaptacija i razvitie: vybor psihoterapevticheskoj strategii / E. Kalitievskaja // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1995. –T.10. – №1. – S. 27-33.
6. Hovkins P., Shohet R. Supervizija. Individual'nyj, gruppovoj i organizacionnyj podhody / P. Hovkins., R. Shohet. – SPb.: Rech', 2002. – 352 s.
7. Geshtal't-obzor. Sbornik materialov obshhestva praktikujushhih psihologov «Geshtal't-podhod» (ukrainskij filial programmy «MGI»). – №4. –2014. –Odessa: Sieks-print, 2014. – 156 s.
8. Fopel' K. Bar'ery, blokady i krizisy v gruppovoj rabote. Sbornik uprazhnenij. Per. s nem. / K. Fopel'. – M.: Genezis, 2002. – 22 s.
9. Simens H. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo dlja geshtal'tterapevtov. Per. s gollandskogo / Harm Simens. – SPb.: «Izdatel'stvo Pirozhkova», 2008. – 68 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 32-38 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:378-051
Dubchak G.M.
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi
An analysis of academic stress among students: a gender perspective
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of empirical research of gender-specific stress reactions that occur in the learning activities of students. There is described the procedure of research with the use of Shcherbatyh Y. technique of studying of the educational stress.
It was found that for the majority of modern Ukrainian students, both for boys and for girls, the most stressful situations are related to learning activities; the less stressful situations - to conflicts in the group, and problems caused by living together with other students.
The most severe manifestations of academic stress are behavioral, the least severe - physiological. Manifestations of stress reactions are statistically more severe among girls than among boys.
To relieve stress and release tension girls most often use: sleep, chatting with friends or a loved one, going for a walk, getting parenting tips, while the boys most often use: sleep and socializing with friends, and also physical activity, good food and sex.
Alarming is the fact that part of students to relieve stress uses: alcohol, drugs and cigarette smoking, moreover boys use them twice as often as girls, indicating the need for targeted psychological work with students, which have a high level of manifestations of educational and examination stress.
Key words: students, stress, examination stress, stressogenic factors, stress condition of students.
1. Shherbatyh Ju.V. Psihologija stressa i metody korrekcii / Ju.V. Shherbatyh. – SPb.: Piter, 2006. – 256 c.
2. Dubchak H. Analysis of coping strategies against stresses of future professionals of socionomy occupations / H. Dubchak. – Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary approach vol. 1 no 6.- 2016.-17-29
3. Дубчak G.M. Zv'jazok tipu povedіnki v stresovіj situacії z rіvnem psihіchnoї naprugi studentіv / G.M. Dubchak // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – Kiїv-Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2016. – T.VI. – Psihologіja obdarovanostі. – Vip.12. – S. 91-99
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 39-47 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Yevchenko I.N., Masluyk A.N.
National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Kyiv
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Influence christian values at personal development of teenagers
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article analyzed the influence of christian values in the personal development of adolescents in Ukraine. The features of psychological influence of christian values in the formation of the person. Determined the basic differences of opinion and the level of empathic abilities of teenagers attending a christian Sunday school and general secondary school. In particular, it was found that among adolescents who attend a christian Sunday school high level of empathy they have a better understanding of other people, can put yourself in their place, often exhibit sensitivity, trying to understand the inner world of another, his deeds, actions, words.
Most of the christian Sunday school students (46,2 %) believe the people around them with good, honest, trustworthy, who will always come to their aid if necessary. Among the pupils of secondary school this figure is less than about (16 %), which testifies to their more negative attitude to the world, a significant percentage of negative attitudes towards reality.
According subscales «Justice», which reflects the belief in the justice of the world, shows the students views on the distribution of happiness-unhappiness (23,2 %) of the surveyed adolescents of secondary school are convinced that everything that happens to people based on the principle of justice, that is, everyone gets what he deserves. The rest believe that people can correct their own actions to prevent adverse events and the events are not distributed regularly. Somewhat better rates among adolescents attending a christian Sunday school (46,4%), but they are also too low for the young people of this age.
Basic beliefs about the value and importance of self-image in the majority of surveyed students of the christian Sunday school (67,8%) consider themselves to be a man worthy of love and respect, which is a decent and adheres to morality. (52,4%) of pupils in secondary school, too, consider themselves to be worthy of love and respect, have a high opinion about the image of their own I.
In summary, we note that in adolescents, studying the Bible, Acts of God, formed a value orientation, behavior corresponds to the moral and ethical standards.
Keywords: values, christian values, beliefs, empathy, personality, development.
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3. Ohiienko I. Ukrainska kultura. Korotka istoriia kulturnoho zhyttia ukrainskoho narodu / Ivan Ohiienko. Repryntne vidtvorennia vydannia 1918 roku. – K.: «Abrys», 1991. – 272 s.
4. Tsinnisna pryroda relihii (aksiolohichnyi analiz khrystyianstva) : Avtoref. dys... kand. filosof. nauk: 09.00.11 / H. V. Pyroh; In-t filos. im. H. S. Skovorody NAN Ukrainy. – K., 2005. – 18 s.
5. Ianiv V. Psykholohichni osnovy oktsydentalizmu / Volodymyr Yaniv. – Miunkhen: Ukrainskyi vilnyi Universytet, 1996. – 206 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 48-56 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Klymenko I.V.
Provision of Personnel of the National police Ukraine, Kyiv
Correlations between decision-making factors and hardiness of cadets-the future law enforcement officers
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of a study of correlations between decision-making factors and hardiness in cadets-the future law enforcement officers. On the basis of theoretical analysis determined the importance of the ability to make decisions in policing.
Underlined the urgency of studying the decision-making factors in the context of the hardiness of the law enforcers, the conditions of professional activities of which in modern conditions objectively require an independence in decision-making in everyday, and even more so in extreme situations.
Correlations of such decision-making factors as "Vigilance", "Hypervigilance", "Avoidance," "Procrastination" with hardiness in cadets - the future law enforcement officers determined.
Differences in the structure of the discovered correlations in cadets of the first and the fourth courses was identified.
It was determined that the correlations of the decision-making factors and hardiness in the cadets of the first and fourth years are showing their specificity, which requires further studies in this direction with the aim of further development of specified programs of psychological support of cadets' training oriented at optimizing the hardiness in its relationships with the regulation of decision-making.
Key words: avoidance, cadets, decision-making factors, hypervigilance, law enforcement, procrastination, vigilance
1. Konopak I.A. Svyaz' zhiznestojkosti i prinyatiya reshenij v situacii neopredelennosti razlichnogo roda u studentov i shkol'nikov / I.A. Konopak, M.YU. Kuz'min //Sibirskij psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2014. – №. 54. – S.174-195.
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3. Kuasheva E.R. Zhiznestojkost' i cennostno-smyslovye predpochteniya lichnosti: soglasovannost' i protivorechiya (na materiale sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del) / E.R. Kuasheva // Vestnik Adygejskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 3: Pedagogika i psihologiya. – 2011. – №. 3. – 173-178.
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10. Petrovskij A.B. Teoriya prinyatiya reshenij / A.B. Petrovskij. – M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademiya. – 2009. – 400s.
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12. Slyn'ko D.V. Protsesual'no-pravovyy mekhanizm formuvannya i pryynyattya rishen' v orhanakh vnutrishnikh sprav : avtoref. dys. ... kand. yuryd. nauk : 12.00.01/ D. V. Slyn'ko. – Kh., 2002. – 20 s.
13. Khomulenko T.B. Motyvatsiyni, intelektual'ni ta emotsiyni komponenty psykholohiyi ryzyku: vikovyy aspekt: Monohrafiya / T.B. Khomulenko, L.M.Absalyamova. – Kh.: KhNPU, 2011. – 157 s.
14. Yakovenko S.I. Opasnost' i risk v kontekste professional'no-psihologicheskoj podgotovlennosti sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del / S.I. YAkovenko // Psihologiya i pravo. – 2011. – № 1. – S.1-10.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 57-66 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Korolov D.K.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Research Approaches to gifted personality values problem
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the theoretical analysis results of approaches to values problem in the context of giftedness. Author describes some researches direction of relations between aptitudes, achievements, personal values and social attitudes in world psychology. First, this is moral responsibility of gifted adults that is enhanced by their greater possibilities to impact other people life and world development. Second, moral education of gifted children — that is important because in the future they will be probably influential adults. Next, ethical giftedness and ethical leaderships, their connection with intellectual giftedness. Fourth, emotional, value features and personality traits that correlate with giftedness. The researches found that many gifted children have peculiarities: accelerated moral development, heightened attention to moral problem, sensitivity, empathy and deep emotional reactions. Many empirical works were focused on moral judgments of gifted children and adolescents. Last, connection between giftedness and life values among adults and children. From the nineteenth century some psychologists periodically allowed greatest morality of gifted children and eminent adults. However there is empirical evidence of only advanced cognitive understanding of moral principles and dilemmas by gifted children and youth.
The presented overview shows that psychologists don’t study giftedness development determination by personal values and moral traits. This is perspective for future researches.
Key words: giftedness, gifted person, personality, values, moral, development.
1. Klimontova T.A. Samoorganizatsiya vnutrennego mira intellektualno odarennyh starsheklassnikov: struktura i funktsionirovanie: dis. … doktora psihol. nauk : 19.00.01 / Klimontova Tatyana Anatolievna. — Yaroslavl, 2014. — 408 s.
2. Korolov D.K. Teoretichni zasadi doslidzhennya osvitnogo seredovishcha dlya obdarovanih u zarubizhniy nautsi / D. K. Korolov // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi. — 2013. — T. 6, Vip. 9. — C. 46—61.
3. Larionova L.I. Krosskulturnoe issledovanie psihologicheskih osobennostey odarennyh studentov (na primere Rossii i Mongolii) / L. I. Larionova // Sibirskiy psihologicheskiy zhurnal. — 2011. — № 46. — S. 49—59.
4. Maslou A.G. Motivatsiya i lichnost / Abraham Garold Maslou. — M. : Piter, 2011. — 351 s.
5. Melnichuk I. Tsinnisno-smislovi orientatsiyi obdarovanoyi molodi / Irina Melnichuk // Naukovi zapiski KDPU. Seriya: Pedagogichni nauki. — 2010. — Vip. 91. — S. 146—150.
6. Muzika O.L. Ekzistentsiyni potrebi i rozvitok obdarovanoyi osobistosti / O. L. Muzika // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi. — 2015. — T. 6, Vip. 10. — C. 63—77.
7. Muzika O. L. Tsinnisna determinatsiya stanovlennya ta rozvitku obdarovanoyi osobistosti / O. L. Muzika // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi. — 2015. — T. 6, Vip. 11. — S. 6—19.
8. Panenkova Yu.V. Tsinnisna svidomist obdarovanoyi ditini — umova yiyi osobistisnoyi adaptatsiyi / Yu. V. Panenkova // Naukovi zapiski Natsionalnogo universitetu "Ostrozka akademiya". Psihologiya i pedagogika. — 2013. — Vip. 23. — S. 198—205.
9. Pinchuk N.I. Psihologichni faktori rozvitku tehnichno obdarovanoyi osobistosti v pidlitkovomu vitsi: dis. … kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Pinchuk Nataliya Ivanivna. — K., 2010. — 275 s.
10. Speshilova T.S. Struktura tsennostno-smyslovoy sfery lichnosti starsheklassnikov s razlichnymi formami odarennosti / Tatyana Sergeevna Speshilova // Teoriya i praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiya. — 2013. — № 1. — S. 112—114.
11. Speshilova T.S. Tsennostno-smyslovaya sfera, ee osobennosti i razvitie u starsheklassnikov s yavnoy i skrytoy formoy intellektualnoy odarennosti / Tatyana Sergeevna Speshilova // Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. V. P. Astafeva. — 2011. — № 4. — S. 175—178.
12. Tihenko L.V. Sistema tsinnisnih orientatsiy intelektualno obdarovanih starshoklasnikiv / Larisa Volodimirivna Tihenko, Nataliya Yuriyivna Sidorenko // Osvita ta rozvitok obdarovanoyi osobistosti. — 2012. — № 7. — S. 92—95.
13. Shcherbtyh L. N. Opyt formirovaniya tsennostnyh orientatsiy u lingvisticheski odarennyh shkolnikov v protsesse obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku / L.N. Shcherbatyh // Vestnik Bryanskogo gosuniversiteta. — 2013. — T. 2, №1. — C. 244—248.
14. Bachtold L. M. Interpersonal values of gifted junior high school students / Louise M. Bachtold // Psychology in the Schools. — 1968. — Vol. 5, № 4. — P. 368—370.
15. Chovan W. Moral reasoning and personality components in gifted and average students / W. Chovan, N. L. Freeman // Perceptual and Motor Skills. — 1993. — Vol. 77, № 2. — Р. 1297—1298.
16. Ferriman K. Work preferences, life values, and personal views of top math/science graduate students and the profoundly gifted: Developmental changes and gender differences during emerging adulthood and parenthood / Kimberley Ferriman, David Lubinski, and Camilla P. Benbow // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. — 2009. Vol. 97, № 3. — Р. 517—532.
17. Freeman J. Morality and Giftedness. / Joan Freeman // The Routledge International Companion to Gifted Education / [ed. T. Balchin, B. Hymer, D. Mathews]. — London, NY : Routledge, 2008. — P. 141—148.
18. Hay P. K. Prosocial reasoning and empathy in gifted children / Peta K.Hay, Miraca U. M. Gross, Katherine Hoekman, Karen B. Rogers // The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education. — 2007. — Vol. 16, №2. — P. 5—14.
19. Howard-Hamilton M. Franks B. A. Gifted adolescents: Psychological behaviors, values, and developmental implications / Mary Howard-Hamilton, Bridget A. Franks // Roeper Review. — 1995. — Vol. 17, № 3. — Р. 186—191.
20. Jacobsen M. –E. Moral Leadership, Effective Leadership, and Intellectual Giftedness: Problems, Parallels, and Possibilities / Mary-Elaine Jacobsen // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 29—49.
21. Lee S. Y. The emotional intelligence, moral judgment, and leadership of academically gifted adolescents / S. Y. Lee, P. Olszewski-Kubilius // Journal for the Education of the Gifted. — 2006. — Vol. 30, № 1. — Р. 29—67.
22. Lewis A. E. The Moral Judgment of Gifted Adolescents : a dis. … doctor of philosophy / Ashley Elizabeth Lewis. — USA, Minnesota, 2007. — 91 p.
23. Lovecky D. V. Identity Development in Gifted Children: Moral Sensitivity / Deirdre V. Lovecky // The Moral Child in a Violent World. Understanding Our Gifted // Roeper Review. — 1997. — №20 (2). — P. 90—94.
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25. Lovecky D. V. The Moral Child in a Violent World / Deirdre V. Lovecky // Understanding Our Gifted. — 1994. — №6 (3). — P. 3.
26. Lubinski D. A 20-year stability analysis of the study of values for intellectually gifted individuals from adolescence to adulthood / David Lubinski, David B. Schmidt, Camilla Persson Benbow // Journal of Applied Psychology. — 1996. — Vol. 81, № 4. — Р. 443—451.
27. Machu E. Value Preferences of Gifted Fifth Grade Pupils from Selected Elementary Schools in The Czech Republic / Eva Machu, Zuzana Navratilova // The New Educational Review. — 2014. — Vol. 35, № 1. — P. 175—186.
28. Narvaez D. High Achieving Students and Moral Judgment / Darcia Narvaez // Journal for the Education of the Gifted. — 1993. — Vol. 16, №3. — P. 268—279.
29. Nokelainen P. Comparison of academically average and gifted students' self-rated ethical sensitivity / Р. Nokelainen, K. Tirri // Educational Research and Evaluation. — 2007. — Vol. 13, № 6. — Р. 587—601.
30. Nokelainen P. Role of motivation in the moral and religious judgment of mathematically gifted adolescents / Р. Nokelainen, K. Tirri // High Ability Studies. — 2010. — Vol. 21, № 2. — Р. 101—116.
31. Roeper A. Giftedness and Moral Promise / Annemarie Roeper, Linda Kreger Silverman // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 251—265.
32. Silverman L. K. The Moral Sensivity of Gifted Children and the Evolution of Society / Linda Kreger Silverman // Roeper Review. — 1994. — №17 (2). — P. 110—116.
33. Sternberg R. J. Reflections on Ethical Leadership / Robert J. Sternberg // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 19—29.
34. Teo Ch. T. Eastern Perspectives: Moral and Volitional Education of Gifted Students / Chua Tee Teo, Yuanshan Cheng // Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds / [ed. Don Ambrose D., Cross T.]. — London, NY : Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, 2009. — P. 241—251.
35. Tirri K. Combining excellence and ethics: Implications for moral education for the gifted / K. Tirri // Roeper Review. — 2011. — Vol. 33, № 1. — Р. 59—64.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 67-79 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.8:159.923.2
Kostina T.O.
Academy of Municipal Administration, Kyiv
The problem of objectivity of human knowledge: scientific and pseudoscientific knowledge
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the process of constructing human knowledge about ourselves and the world around. Made theoretical analysis of the major studies on this issue. In particular, the methodological approaches in philosophy, physiology and psychology that define the factors that contributes to the formation of certain ideas of man. Determined which level the human interaction with information that is involved in the construction of knowledge about the surrounding world and ourselves in it. It is noted that the basic levels are: physiological (sensory organs and central nervous system), psychological (processes of perception and its curvature under the influence of various factors: from illusion to factors installations), socio-psychological (social factors which distort human knowledge). Also stressed that the distortion of information facilitated by unconscious factors (protective mechanisms, life-script), errors in forming opinion and significant impact pseudo scientific knowledge. Rises the possibility of demarcation scientific and non-scientific knowledge (in this case the delimitation of scientific and pseudo-psychology).
Keywords: knowledge, scientific knowledge, objectivity, methodology, pseudoscience, psychology.
1. Bern E. Igry, v kotoryie igrayut lyudi. Psihologiya chelovecheskih vzaimootnosheniy; Lyudi, kotoryie igrayut v igryi. Psihologiya chelovecheskoy sudbyi: [per. s angl.] / E. Bern – Ekaterinburg: Litur, 2001. - 576 s.
2. Gudvin Dzh. Issledovanie v psihologii: metodyi i planirovanie / Dzh. Gudvin. – SPb.: Piter, 2004. – 558 s.
3. Druzhinin V.N. Eksperimentalnaya psihologiya : Uchebnik dlya vuzov. 2-e izd. / V.N. Druzhinin. – SPb.: Piter, 2008. – 320 s.
4. Nasledov A.D. Matematicheskie metodyi psihologicheskogo issledovaniya. Analiz i intrepretatsiya dannyih : [Uchebnoe posobie] / A.D. Nasledov. – SPb.: Rech, 2008. – 392 s.
5. Slovar russkogo yazyika / sost. S.I. Ozhegov, pod obschey red. S.P. Obnorskogo. – M.: Gosudarstvennoe izd-vo inostrannyih i natsionalnyih slovarey, 1953. – 848 s.
6. Styuart Y., Dzhoyns V. Osnovi TA: tranzaktsIyniy analIz: [per. z angl.] / Yen Styuart, Venn Dzhoyns. – K.: FADA, LTD, 2002. – 393 s.
7. FIlosofskiy entsiklopedichniy slovnik / za red. Shinkaruk V.I., Bistritskiy E.K., Bulatov M.O. ta In. – NANU Institut fIlosofIYi Im. G. S. Skovorodi. – KiYiv: «Abris», 2002. – 742 s.
8. Peirse S. Charles. The Fixation of Belief // Popular Science Monthly. – 1877, No 12. – P.1-15.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 80-86 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Mazyar O.V.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
The problem of talent: subpersonal approach
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article reflects some theoretical principles of the original subpersonal approach. In particular, the author solved the issue of the structure and ontogenesis of personality. He showed patterns of personality development, highlighted the question of the dynamics of forming subpersonalities, peculiarities of their interaction, described the basic functions of Situative I, Imitated I and Experiential I. The article is observed to methodological differences of subpersonal approach. The author substantiates the position that talent is not homogeneous psychological phenomenon and directly depends on the subject’s subpersonalities development. In accordance with the subpersonal approach there are three main forms of giftedness: inventive, reconstructive and imitative. Inventive and reconstructive forms of giftedness are creative, because they are directed on transformation of objective and subjective reality. Inventive talent is inherent to persons with a developed intuition, synthetic perception of the situation (is based on the Situative I). Reconstructive talent is inherent to persons with advanced reflection, analytical thinking (is based on Experiential I). Imitative talent is based on advanced learning abilities (is based on Imitated I). The main direction of imitative talent – repetition and reproduction of reality. The author illustrates his own conception with examples, shows in more detail differences between creative and uncreative talent and conditions of changes in the shape of giftedness.
Keywords: subpersonality, talent, creativity, inventions, imitation, reflection, experience.
1. Assandzholi, R. (1994) Psihosintez: teorija i praktika [Psychosynthesis: theory and practice]. Moscow: «REFL-book» [in Russia].
2. Bern, Je. (2001) Transaktnyj analiz v psihoterapii : Sistemnaja individual'naja i social'naja psihiatrija [Transactional analysis in psychotherapy : a Systematic individual and social psychiatry]. Moscow: Akademicheskij Proekt [in Russia].
3. Zdіbnostі, tvorchіst', obdarovanіst': teorіja, metodika, rezul'tati doslіdzhen' / za red. V.O. Moljako, O.L. Muziki (2006) [Ability, creativity, giftedness: theory, methodology, research results]. Zhitomir: Vid-vo Ruta [in Ukraine].
4. Kostjuk, G.S. (1963) Zdіbnostі ta іh rozvitok u dіtej [Skills and their development in children]. Kiev: Tovaristvo «Znannja» [in USSR].
5. Kul'chickaja, E.I., Moljako, V. A. (2008) Siren' odarennosti v sadu tvorchestva [Giftedness lilac in the garden of creativity]. Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka [in Ukraine].
6. Platonov, K.K. (1972) Problema sposobnostej [The problem of capacity]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo «Nauka» [in USSR].
7. Ruffler, M. (1998) Igry vnutri nas [Game within us]. Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Psihoterapii [in Russia].
8. Savenkov, A.I. (2010) Psihologija detskoj odarennosti [Psychology of children's giftedness] Moscow: Genezis [in Russia].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 87-94 (pdf)
UDC 159. 928
Marchuk K.А.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
The role of unconscious in the process of creation of the poetic text (for aesthetic and psychological treatise of I. Franko "From the secrets of poetic art")
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Literary works of Ivan Franko reveals the contradictions of internal psychological world, the theme of split isthe pivotal here and is connected with two "I" (conscious and unconscious).The article reveals the features of a scientific approach of Ivan Franko to the question of psychological nature of literary creation.Particularlythe treatise "From the secrets of poetic creativity"is analyzed, in which the researcher insists on the exclusive role of the unconscious in the creative activity of the writer, focuses attention on features of creative imagination, fantasy, associative thinking. Analysis of poetic texts allowing I. Franko to conclude that poetry is something different from the ordinary human “I” therefore unconscious element plays an important roleor perhaps the main role.
The source of creativity I. Franko calls the "senses" (feelings) which are the basis of artistic images, and considersthat the work of the subconsciousis the measure of aesthetic value of artistic work.Analyzing the works of leading philosophers and psychologists of his time, poetic works of writers,own feelings and experiences in the process of work, Franko concludes that the role of the unconscious in poetic creativity is extremely important, in particular thanks to properties to keep the whole complexes the seemingly forgotten experiences, memories able to be combined in different combinations.By I. Franko, namely the part of unconscious in the creation of the work is a proof of poet’stalent,indicator of aesthetic weight of his works.
Keywords: creativity, consciousness, subconscious, image, association, imagination, fantasy, feelings.
1. Aristotel. Poetyka [Poetics] / Aristotel; transl. Borys Ten. – K.: Dnipro, 1967. – 84 P.
2. Bilous P.V. Psykhologiia literaturnoii tvorchosti: navch. posibnyk. / [Psychology of literary work] / Petro Vasyliovych Bilous. – K.: Akademvydav, 2014. – 216 P.
3. FrankoI. Iz sekretiv poetychnoii tvorchosti [From the secrets of poetic creativity] / IvanFranko. – К.:Rad. Pysmennyk, 1967. – 192 P.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 95-100 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.33
Muzyka O.О.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Age-related aspects of development of reference relations persons with signs of musical gift
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article analyzes age features of reference influence of some separate reference individuals and groups on the formation of gifted personality. Established that becoming of musically gifted person closely related to the processes of age development and largely conditioned by features of the social situation of development. For people with signs of gift the dynamic of interaction internal and individually typological factors with the determining influence of social environment is approximately the same as well as for ordinary people: from complete dependence to the relative noninteraction and independence.
Considerable role in the process of becoming the musically gifted personality belongs to the relationships with significant people. With age, there is not only the development of relations referent but also their maintenance and character of influence is changing:
- on the early stages of becoming the musically gifted personality (preschool age) an orientation prevails on emotional support of reference persons from the nearest contact surroundings (family);
- in the early school age the circle of reference persons broadens: except family members, reference of which is staying on the high level, becomes important relationship with school teachers and music teachers;
- іn adolescence observed significant changes in the structure of reference: at the forefront are the relationships with friends and music teachers, instead the impact of school teachers is significantly reduced;
- in youth age a high level of friends and music teachers reference is kept, but the influence of reference classmates is growing, the greater weight is acquired by virtual reference persons - prominent composers and performers;
- on all stages of becoming the musically gifted personality the special role belongs to the musical teachers, which become the source of musical creativity and performance skills, reference relationships with them is the space of satisfaction of necessities in the assessment and recognition of achievements.
Key words: age development, reference, reference relationships, gift, musical gift, personality with the signs of gift.
1. Bohoiavlenskaia D. B., Bohoiavlenskaia M. E. Odarennost: pryroda y dyahnostyka / D.B. Bohoiavlenskaia, M. E. Bohoiavlenskaia. – M.: ANO «TsNPRO», 2013. – 208 s. [in Russion].
2. Bodalev A. A., Rudkevych L. A. Kak stanoviatsia velykymy yly vыdaiushchymysia? / A.A. Bodalev, L. A. Rudkevych – M.; Yzd-vo Ynstytuta psykhoterapyy, 2003. – 287 s. [in Russion].
3. Bozhovych L. Y. Lychnost y ee formyrovanye v detskom vozraste / L. Y. Bozhovych. – SPb.: Pyter, 2008. – 398 s. [in Russion].
4. Vыhotskyi L. S. Sobranye sochynenyi: V 6-ty t. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1982-1984. [in Russion].
5. Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teorija, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' / Za red. V.O. Moljako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Yliasov D. F., Andreeva N. Iu. Osobennosty razvytyia odarennosty uchashchykhsia / D.F. Yliasov, N. Iu. Andreeva // Sovremennыe problemы nauky y obrazovanyia. – № 3. – 2012. [Эlektronnыi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu: (data zvernennia: 10.02.2017). [in Russion].
7. Kostjuk G. S. Navchal'no-vyhovnyj proces i psyhichnyj rozvytok osobystosti. – K.: Rad. shkola, 1989. – 608 s. [in Ukrainian].
8. Leites N. S. Vozrastnaia odarennost shkolnykov / N. S. Leites. – M.: Akademyia, 2001. – 320 s. [in Russion].
9. Muzyka O. L. Tsinnisna determinatsiia stanovlennia ta rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti / O. L. Muzyka // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. – Vypusk 11. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – S. 6-19. [in Ukrainian].
10. Muzyka O. O. Motyvatsiia tvorchoi aktyvnosti / O. O. Muzyka // Obdarovana dytyna, 2003. – №3.– S.2-9. [in Ukrainian].
11. Muzyka O. O. Referentni stosunky u rozvytku potrebovo-motyvatsiinoi sfery studentiv iz oznakamy muzychnoi obdarovanosti / O. O. Muzyka // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. – Vypusk 12. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2016. – S. 145-156. [in Ukrainian].
12. Muzyka O. O. Chynnyky aktyvnosti tekhnichno obdarovanykh pidlitkiv / O.O. Muzyka // Obdarovana dytyna. – 2002. – № 2. – S. 44-48. [in Ukrainian].
13. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / O. L. Muzyka, D. K. Korolov, R. O. Semenova ta in.; za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 s. [in Ukrainian].
14. Teplov B. M. Yzbrannыe trudы: V 2-kh t. T.1. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1985. – 328 s. [in Russion].
15. Эlkonyn D. B. Yzbrannыe psykholohycheskye trudы / D. B. Эlkonyn. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1989. – 560 s. [in Russion].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 101-110 (pdf)
UDC 159.923 + 159.928
Nykonchuk N.O., Zahurska I.S.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
The problem of cooperation of elementary school pupils
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: An important condition for harmonious development of children in early school age is cooperation with peers within the basic learning activities. This form of cooperation promotes social reflection and reflection of students` abilities. Traditional system of education is mainly focused on the interaction of children with their peers and not with a teacher. In this regard, the educational process should be enriched with situations of children’s cooperation with each other, the pupils should be purposefully trained to get and receive help in learning activities.
Features of training children to cooperate and help each other are studied within the program of value support of development of the abilities of elementary school pupils by means of folk art. Ukrainian folk proverbs (paremias) are the main means of regulating pupils` interaction. The above mentioned programme has been developed considering the main theoretical propositions of abilities development programme "Three steps" by Muzyka O.L.
For value support of reflection of cooperation two techniques are used: 1) value support of joint activities; 2) value support of providing and receiving assistance. Proverbs and sayings are used as a means of demonstrating to elementary school pupils the benefits of uniting joint efforts, approval of asking for help strategy, emphasizing of relationship features` influence at the effectiveness of activities etc. Paremias are also used as a means of building by elementary school pupils` situations of providing and receiving assistance.
Value support of reflection of cooperation contributes to the development of desire and ability of elementary school pupils to work together, as well as the ability to give and receive help in learning activities.
Keywords: primary school age, abilities, cooperation, proverbs and sayings, reflection, studying activities, values support.
1. Zakharova A.V. Razvitie kontrolya i otsenki v protsesse formirovaniya uchebnoy deyatel'nosti [Development of control and value in the process of forming learning activities] / A.V. Zakharova // Formirovanie uchebnoy deyatel'nosti shkol'nikov [Forming of pupils learning activities] / V.V. Davydov, I. Lompsher, A.K. Markova (Eds.) — M.: Pedagogika, 1982. — pp. 100-113.
2. Zdibnosti, tvorchist, obdarovanist: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen [Abilities, creativity, talent: Theory, methods, research] / [za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky]. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.
3. Matis T.A. Psikhologicheskie osobennosti organizatsii sovmestnoy uchebnoy deyatel'nosti shkol'nikov [Psychological peculiarities of organizing pupils` mutual learning activities] / T.A. Matis // Psikhologicheskie problemy uchebnoy deyatel'nosti shkol'nikov [Psychological problems of pupils` learning activities]. – M.: Znanie, 1977. – pp.126-132.
4. Muzyka O.L. Prohrama tsinnisnoyi pidtrymky zdibnostey ta obdarovanosti “Try kroky” / Oleksandr Muzyka. – Zhyomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2008. – 34 s.
5. Muzyka O.L. Tsinnisna vzaiemodiia yak chynnyk rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti [Value interaction as a factor of gifted personality`s development] / O.L.Muzyka // Digest of scientific papers, H.S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology of the NAES of Ukraine « Aktualni problemy psykholohii» [Actual problems of psychology] in 12 vol. – Vol.12. — Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, 2016. – 5-20 p.
6. Nykonchuk N.O. Refleksyvno-tsinnisna rehuliatsiya rozvytku uchbovykh zdibnostei u molodshomu shkilnomu vitsi: dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk : 19.00.07 / Nykonchuk Nataliia Oleksandrivna. – K., 2009. – 282 s.
7. Romaneeva M.P., Tsukerman G.A., Fokina N.E. Rol' kooperatsii so sverstnikami v psikhicheskom razvitii mladshikh shkol'nikov [Role of cooperation with peers in mental development of elementary school pupils] / M.P. Romaneeva, G.A. Tsukerman, N.E. Fokina // Voprosy psichologii. – 1980. – №6. – pp. 109-115.
8. Rubtsov V.V. Organizatsiya i razvitie sovmestnykh deystviy u detey v protsesse obucheniya [Organization and development of mutual activity of children in the learning process] / V.V. Rubtsov . – M.: Pedagogika, 1987. – 161 p.
9. Tsukerman G.A., Elizarova N.V., Frumina M.I., Chudinova E.V. Obuchenie uchebnomu sotrudnichestvu [Teaching of learning cooperation] / G.A. Tsukerman, N.V. Elizarova, M.I. Frumina, E.V. Chudinova // Voprosy psichologii. – 1993. – №2. – pp. 36-43.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 111-120 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2
Penkova O.I.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
The self-improvement values as an essential condition for personal self-realization in family relations
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article reveals the role of self- improvement in the process of personal self-realization in the family. The conceptual approaches for determining of such a psychological phenomenon as pupil’s self-realization are analyzed. The article proves that generalized results of self-discovery and emotional-valuable attitude to themselves are implemented in behaviour that is the defining aspect of personal self-regulation. The experimental study results show that pupils and their parents perform value choice based on the regulatory requirements of the society by finding internal reserves to achieve significant goals. In the process of self-realization, adolescents choose only those values that are important for them and their lives.
Self- improvement is a complex, ideal formation, organized into an appropriate hierarchy structure on the base of importance, relevance, necessity in this life period of a personality. A capacity to evaluate critically own self, to direct arbitrarily and to reconstruct own actions, a commitment to observe socially important and personally significant norms are manifestations of self-realization. They testify strongly that formation of creative, socially responsible personality with a critical attitude to the environment, awareness of own place and role in the society is impossible without development of the self-realization capacity.
Key word: personality, values, self-awareness, self-improvement, self-realisation, behaviour.
1. Boryshevskyi M.I. Osobystist u vymirakh samosvidomosti: [monohrafiia] / M.I. Boryshevskyi. – Sumy: Vydavnychyi budynok «Ellada», 2012 – 608 s.
2. Derkach A.A. Samorealizacija – osnovanie akmeologicheskogo razvitija: monografіja / A.A. Derkach, Je.V. Sajko. – M.: MPSI; Voronezh: MODJeK, 2010. – 224 s.
3. Kon I.S. Otkrytie «Ja» / I.S. Kon. – M.: Politizdat, 1978. – 367s.
4. Kostiuk H.S. Navchalno-vykhovnyi protsess i psykhichnyi rozvytok osobystosti / H.S. Kostiuk // Pid red. L.M. Prokoliienko. – K.: Rad. shk., 1989. – 608s.
5. Korostyleva L.A. Psihologija samorealizacii lichnosti: zatrudnenija v professional'noj sfere / L.A. Korostyleva. – SPb. Rech', 2005. – 222 s.
6. Leont'ev D.A. Strukturnaja organizacija smyslovoj sfery lichnosti: avtoref. Dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk / D.A. Leont'ev. – M.: 1988. – 23 s.
7. Maksymenko S.D. Struktura osobystosti: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi aspekt doslidzhennia / S.D. Maksymenko // Naukovi zapysky Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy // Za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – Nora-print, 2004. – Vyp. 24. – S. 3-15.
8. Penkova O.I. Problema samorehuliatsii osobystosti: tsinnisnyi aspekt / O.I. Penkova // Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia «Psykholohichni nauky». Vypusk 2. Tom 1. – 2016. – S. 114-119.
9. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / za red.. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 s.
10. Rubinshtejn S.L. Problemy obshhej psihologii / S.L. Rubinshtejn // Otv. red. E.V. Shorohova. – M.: Pedagogika, 1976. – 416s.
11. Serdiuk L.Z. Psykholohiia motyvatsii uchinnia maibutnikh fikhivtsiv: systemno-synerhetychnyi pidkhid: monohrafiia / L.Z. Serdiuk. – K.: Universytet «Ukraina», 2012 – 323 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 121-128 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.76
Podofіeі S.O.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
The study of self-esteem of adolescents with diabetes
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The thesis presents the results of studying psychosocial factors and special features of formation self-concept teen-diabetic, influenced by significant others.
Established social and psychological characteristics of self-concept adolescent-diabetic compared to their healthy peers: adolescent patients found a higher level of externalities, more selfishness and aggression on the environment, unstable self-esteem labile.
Adolescent-diabetics give the highest estimation to their relationships with friends, parents, teachers, classmates. It is clear, that dominant motives of such estimation are social motives and teens’ desire to interact with others. On the other hand, the evaluation of their health and confidence is low. Unstable, labile (high or low) self-esteem is typical for adolescent-diabetics. An analysis of the difference between adolescent-diabetics’ self-esteem and their level of aspiration shows, that the difference between them is more than 30 points. That difference indicates the presence of internal conflict and high dissatisfaction of adolescent-diabetics on these indicators. Developed and tested psychosocial training program of formation a positive self-concept adolescent diabetic. There are recommendations for practical psychologists, teachers and parents to ensure their effective influence on the formation of positive self-concept those children.
The creative activity of adolescent-diabetics is the source and sphere of their self-affirmation. The realization of creative ideas performs an important function in the teenage diabetic's deprivation from negative emotions and life dissatisfaction.
Keywords: teen-diabetic, self-concept, significant others, the internal picture of the disease, the motive of saving life, self-esteem.
1. Volodars'ka N.D. Do problemy rozvytku zhyttyevykh stratehiy ditey z vadamy zdorov"ya / N.D. Volodars'ka // Probl. zah. ta ped. psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. pr. – K.: «Hnozys», 2003. – T.V, ch.5. – S. 82-87.
2. Myasishchev V.N. Psikholohiya otnosheniy / V.N Myasishchev; pod red. A.A. Bodaleva – M.: izd-vo NPO «MODЕK», 2003. – 400 s.
3. Praktykum po vozrastnoy psykholohyy: ucheb. posobye / pod red. L.A. Holovey, E.F. Rybalko. – SPb.: Rech', 2002. – 694 s.
4. Rodzhers K. Klient tsentrirovannaya psikhoterapiya: Teoriya, sovremennaya praktika y priminenye / K. Rodzhers; per. s anhl. – M.: Psikhoterapyya, 2007. – 560 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 129-136 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.075
Poklad I.N.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Key adaptation process as a prerequisite their personal development
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In this article some scientific-theoretical approaches to studying the process of personals adaptation and desadaptation are generalized on the basis of learning literary sources. It is noted that the vital creativity – it's hidden features, personality skills, which can be used in the design, programming, and creative implementation of the individual life.
Considered the content of the definition of "mental health", which provides mental health, which is based on a full mental development of the child at all stages of childhood. The importance in this case, as noted by John. Kelly is the presence of a child and a high adaptive flexibility.
Shows that the nature of creative activity can identify common properties caused by physiological human nature (eg temperament) and individual characteristics of mental processes – sensation, perception, imagination, thinking, emotions, memory, will, and so on. Detection of these properties in specific activities makes it possible to determine the level of natural talent and creative activity aimed as an integrated personality.
The conception “Emotional comfort as a condition of psychological adaptation to education” is analyses too. Some methods of optimization of pupils’ possibilities to adaptation are recommended here: verbal, practical and didactic games. Among verbal methods is a method such as interviews, commentary, creative transfer. Among the practical problem can be identified retrieval and creative nature, and problem-situational tasks which are formed so as to be most close to life.
Further research is possible to develop more models of adaptive capacities of children to be creative on the different age stages of their development.
Key words: psychological adaptation and desadaptation, person activity, creative activity, emotional comfort, junior schoolchild.
1. Ball G.A. (1990). Normyi deyatelnosti i tvorcheskie aspektyi lichnosti [Standards activities and creative aspects of personality]. Voprosyi psihologii, 6, 25-34 [in Russian].
2. Davyidov V.V. (1996). Teoriya razvivayuschego obucheniya [The theory of developmental education]. M.: INTOR.
3. Kostyuk G.S. (1989). Navchalno-vihovniy proses psihіchniy rozvitok osobistostі [The educational process of mental and personality development] L.N.ProkolIEnko (Ed.). K.: Rad. shkola.
4. Nalchadzhyan A.A. (1988). Sotsialno-psihologicheskaya adaptatsiya lichnosti (formyi, mehanizmyi i strategii) [Socio-psychological adaptation of the person (forms, mechanisms and strategies)]. Erevan.
5. Dubrovinoy I.V. (Eds.). (2000). Psihologicheskoe zdorove detey i podrostkov v kontekste psihologicheskoy sluzhbyi. Ekaterinburg.
6. Ponomarev Ya.A. (1976). Psihologiya tvorchestva. [Creativity Psychology]. M.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 137-144 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.075
Portnytska N.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
Child-parent relationships as a factor of abilities` development: retrospective reflection
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Personality development in childhood occurs in the context of parent-child interaction, which is aimed to satisfy basic child`s needs. Preschool age is sensitive for the emergence and development of creativity. One of the mechanisms of the development is a reflection that provides a high level of verbal processes. In preschool age immaturity of reflexivity and verbal-logical thinking requires finding methods to research needs-and-values mechanisms of creativity.
In the article there are retrospective analysis` results of the needs sphere structure and reflection of the psychosocial and social components of abilities in preschool age. We rely on the E. Basin`s condition about the depth and the highest effectiveness of early experiences` reflection in adulthood. According to it we use modified version of photo biographical method and technique "Who I am" (Kun) and techniques of studying the abilities` dynamics (O.L. Muzyka).
The empirical results confirms the opinion about the parent`s assessment as the most referent for preschoolers. Retrospective reflection of needs-and-values sphere helped to identify the main components. They are: needs-and values of social recognition and approval, activity, self-awareness and feeling of his/her own “Self”. They are timeless and promote the development of creativity and abilities from preschool age to adulthood. There is one special characteristic of the reflection in preschool age. The needs in emotional and physical comfort are heightened and the value of self-awareness and self-affirmation, so they possibly are the conditions of psychological well-being.
Key words: creativity, abilities` reflection, needs, retrospective reflection, chil.
1. Basyn E.Ia. «Dvulykyi Yanus» (O pryrode tvorcheskoi lychnosty). – Yzd-vo Mahystr, 1996. – 172 s.
2. Druzhynyn V.N. Psykholohyia semy: 3-e yzd. – Sb.: Pyter, 2005. - 176 s.
3. Kudriavtsev V.T. Voobrazhenye rebenka: pryroda y razvytye (statia pervaia) // Psykhol. zhurn. – 2001. – T. 22. – №5. – S. 57-68.
4. Zakharov A.Y. Nevrozы u detei y ykh psykhoterapiia. Seryia: Psykholohyia rebenka. – SPb.: «Yzdatelstvo Soiuz», «Lenyzdat». – 2000. – 336 s.
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9. Portnytska N.F., Atamanska O.A. Zmistovi skladovi potrebovykh mekhanizmiv tvorchoi aktyvnosti obdarovanykh yunakiv // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Problemy psykholohii tvorchosti ta obdarovanosti: Zb. nauk. prats / Za red. O.L.Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2016.
10. Portnytska N.F., Savychenko O.M. Diahnostychnyi resurs fotobiohrafichnoho metodu u vyvchenni mekhanizmiv rozvytku tvorchosti ta obdarovanosti osobystosti // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Tom. VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. – Vypusk 11. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – S. 226-234.
11. Semenov Y.N., Stepanov S.Iu. Refleksyia v orhanyzatsyy tvorcheskoho mыshlenyia y samorazvytyy lychnosty // Vopr.psykhol. – 1983. – №2. – S.35-42.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 145-152 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.5.378.18(477)
Romanyuk L.V.
Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv
Social and psychological factors and mechanisms of personality values’ becoming in early adulthood
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The study highlighted the cultural factor and the factor of age which define the process of personality values’ becoming in early adulthood, constructed the non-linear model of the values’ becoming process in social and cultural space, empirically investigated psychological mechanisms of personality values’ becoming in early adulthood. In keeping with the phenomenological synergetic paradigm-affirmed the position that the original principle of individual early adulthood favor the values’ becoming.
According to theoretical propositions-phenomenological synergetic approach builds author's concept of values’ becoming in personality development through socio-cultural space in cross-cultural context. The study of personality values’ becoming in early adulthood was carried out during the implementation of the provisions of the basic concept about personality development and becoming of values in social and cultural space as stable dynamic imbalance in the making of an adult individual values; interaction tendencies to save and change as conditions of the personality value system; differentiation-integration of the personal value system during adulthood; openness to changes in the personal system of values; constitution of meaning and interpretation of the values by an adult personality.
Established structural and functional model of personality values’ gives opportunity to justify social and psychological factors, mechanisms of values’ becoming in personality development through social and cultural (university, professional, family) space, determine the development of the inner world, also to identify criteria, indicators, levels of structural and functional characteristics of this process.
Keywords: Values, values becoming, crocc-cultural analysis of values, mechanism of personal reflection, mechanisms of social identification, assimilation and accommodation.
1. Abulhanova K.A. Psihologiya i soznanie lichnosti (problemyi metodologii, teorii i issledovaniya realnoy lichnosti) / K.A. Abulhanova // [Izbr. psihol. trudyi]. – M. : Moskovskiy psihologo-soialnyiy institut ; Voronezh : Izd-vo NPO «Modek», 1999. – 224 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 153-163 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Serdiuk L.Z., Shamych O.M.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine», Kyiv
Personal self-determination as a psychological basis for personal self-realization
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyses the phenomenon of self-determination of personal development and its driving forces. It reveals the personal potential of self-determination of person’s behavior. The self-determination structure includes the following components: goals, values, meanings, awareness of own life journey, perspective of the future; motivation for self-development and self-realization; personal self-efficiency, self-attitude and autonomy; understanding of own powers and confidence in own capabilities; conscious control and realistic assessment of own achievements and prospects, involvement into the social life.
The main factors of self-determination, successful self-realization and personal psychological well-being are: understanding of own purposes, meanings, perspective of own future; existence of motivation for self-development and self-realisation, understanding of own powers and confidence in own capabilities, personal autonomy, and the ability to control consciously and to assess own achievements and prospects.
It substantiates that self-determination of personal development is the psychological foundation and prerequisite for personal self-realization. Successful self-realisation and personal psychological well-being is determined by existence of personal desire for self-development and personal power revealing, evaluation of own personal powers as sufficient to success achievement and holistic perception of life's journey, including existence of realistic life goals. These factors stipulate goal-setting motivation and determine integration of the past, present and future in a personal psychological life space.
Keywords: self-realization, self-development, personal potential, self-determination.
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9. Seligman, M., Positive psychology / M. Seligman, M. Csikszentmihalyi //American psychologist, 2000. – Vol.55/1, – P.5-14.
10. Stodden, R. A. Postsecondary education and employment of adults with disabilities / R. A. Stodden, P. Dowrick // American Rehabilitation, 2001. – 25(3). – P. 19-23.
11. Test, D. W. Evidence based practices and predictors in secondary transition: What we know and what we still need to know / D.W. Test, C.Fowler, P.Kohler. – Charlotte, NC: National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center, 2013
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 164-173 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2-053.67:[316.64-027:17
Stavytskyi G.A.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
Psychological support of ethnic self-consciousness and development it in youthful age
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents a theoretical model of psychological support of development ethnic self-consciousness at youthful age: presents the results of an experimental check of efficiency of the author's program social and psychological training with potential actualization of ethnic self-consciousness of young people. In the content of socio-psychological training in accordance with the stated model based on consideration of psychological and social factors influence the development ethnic self-consciousness of the individual youthful age, we used forms of individual and group work. Their implementation is ensured in practice several methods of active social psychological training (debates, creative tasks, case-playing games, visualization exercises, etc.).
As a result, actualization of the identified development factors students in the experimental group significantly changed the parameters of the components ethnic self-consciousness as a social and cultural identity, a conscious sense of belonging to their ethnic group and positive emotional-valuable attitude to themselves and others of its representatives. This contributed to an increase cognitive awareness of their ethnicity and reduces the emotional and affective expression of that generally led to positive behavioral-activity orientation investigated for implementation ethnic self-consciousness in everyday life. This consistency of performance affective, cognitive components (after forming experiment) ethnic self-consciousness of young people indirectly exercised a positive influence on their displays tolerant focus on interaction with other ethnic communities.
Key words: theoretical model of psychological support components ethnic self-consciousness, factors of ethnic self-consciousness, mechanisms of ethnic self-consciousness, the level of development ethnic self-consciousness.
1. Bekh I. D. Vykhovannya osobystosti: Skhodzhennya do dukhovnosti / I. D. Bekh // Naukove vydannya. K.: Lybid', 2006. – 272 s.
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4. Kozlov V.Y. Problema эtnycheskoho samosoznanyya y ee mesto v teoryy эtnosa / V.Y. Kozlov // Sovet•skaya эtnohrafyya. – 1974. – # 2. – S. 79-92.
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6. Kuzikova S.B. Psykholohichni osnovy stanovlennya sub"yekta samorozvytku v yunats'komu vitsi: monohrafiya / S. B. Kuzikova; Sum. derzh. ped. un-t im. A.S. Makarenka. – Sumy : MakDen, 2012. – 409 ts.
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9. Milyutina K.L. Teoriya ta praktyka psykholohichnoho treninhu / K. L. Milyutina. – K. : MAUP, 2004. – 192 s.
10. Nasledov A.D. Matematycheskye metodы psykholohycheskoho yssledovanyya. Analyz y ynterpretatsyya dannыkh / A. D. Nasledov. – SPb.: Rech', 2007. – 388 s.
11. Navchal'no-metodychni problemy rozrobky stsenariyiv realizatsiyi konstruktyvnykh funktsiy etnokul'tury v informatsiynomu suspil'stvi: posibnyk / M.-L.A. Chepa, M.I. Savina, S.Ye. Solodchuk [ta in.]; [za redaktsiyeyu Chepy M.-L.A.]. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 80 s.
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13. Pavlenko V. M. Etnopsykholohiya: navchal'nyy posibnyk / V. M. Pavlenko. – K.: Sfera, 1999. – 408 s. – S. 62-64.
14. Stavyts'kyy H.A. Sotsial'no-psykholohichnyy treninh rozvytku etnichnoyi samosvidomosti u starshomu yunats'komu vitsi. /H. A. Stavyts'kyy// Humanitarnyy visnyk DVNZ «Pereyaslav-Khmel'nyts'kyy derzhavnyy pedahohichnyy universytet imeni Hryhoriya Skovorody». Dodatok 2 do vypusku 36: Tematychnyy vypusk «Problemy empirychnykh doslidzhen' u psykholohiyi» Vypusk 12. K. Hnozys, 2015. – 374 s. – S.249-260.
15. Tokarev S.A. Ystoryya zarubezhnoy эtnohrafyy. Uchebnoe posobye / S.A. Tokarev. – M.: Vyssh.shkola, 1978. – 352 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 174-181 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Chykhantsova O.A.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
The personal potential of school-leavers on the stage of choosing a future profession
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the personal potential of school-leavers and the problem of viability to stage the choice of future profession. Analyzes contemporary theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concept of ‘hardiness’. The factors that contribute to the formation of the individual resilience in situations of professional choice. Personal construction of hardiness design was an important factor in the confrontation, creating resistance to the effects of stress. Studies have shown that people have stable traits and do not give up easily under pressure, in the experience of suffering less stress. Hardiness is the psychological analogue of core human life, which reflects the extent of overcoming them given the circumstances, of itself, as well as the effort to work on themselves and over the circumstances of the life. Determined that the indicators of hardiness are related to the effective performance of selfreslisation and subjective quality of life of the individual and personality. They are a main variable that mediates the effect on the success of activity.
Thus, we can say that hardiness is a part of an energy-saving strategy for achieving life goals, because the requirements, expectations, desires and hopes for lives and future in the way of self-fulfillment and self-realization of personality requires of a person to use all resources and adaptation mechanisms.
Key words: hardiness, components of hardiness, self-fulfillment, personal potential.
1. Aleksandrova L.A. K osmysleniyu ponyatiya «zhiznestojkost' lichnosti» v kontekste problematiki psihologii sposobnostej / L.A. Aleksandrova // Psihologiya sposobnostej; sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy issledovanij: materialy nauchnoj konferencii, posvyashchennoj pamyati V.N. Druzhinina. – M. : «Institut psihologii RAN», 2005. S. 16-22.
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3. Kulikov L.V. Psihogigiena lichnosti: Osnovnye ponyatiya i problemy. – SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2004. – 464 s.
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16. Marjan Haghighatgoo et al. / Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 30, 2011. 925 – 928
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 182-187 (pdf)
UDC 159.9: 316.62
Shvets D.V.
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kharkiv
Coping behavior of future law enforcement officers in the context of predictive competence
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Nowadays, the professional law enforcement activities take place in extreme conditions and expose to various stress factors. Choosing the right strategies to overcome traumatic events is impossible without the cognitive evaluation of the problem situation that allows prediction of the possible result. The data indicate that students with high levels of anticipation viability inherent in such adaptive strategies: active (assertive action) and prosocial (social contact), which are aimed at solving the problem situation or receiving social support from the environment. And students with low predictive competence inherent maladaptive coping strategy: indirect (manipulative actions) and asocial, which are characterized by social diffidence.
Regarding the specifics of coping mechanisms the following results were obtained: the cadets with a high level of anticipation viability in a stress situation most often use productive coping strategies in cognitive ("problem analysis", "preservation of aplomb" and "installing self-worth"), emotional ("optimistic", "protest") and behavioral ("altruism", "cooperation"). In turn, students with low anticipation viability in a stressful situation, use maladaptive coping strategies in cognitive ("ignoring", "dissimilation") and emotional ("suppression of emotions", "self-blame") areas. In the behavioral realm they tend to use relatively productive coping mechanisms ("compensation", "constructive activity", "prevention"). In general coping strategies can help or hinder the success of overcoming stress, but also affect the health preservation of the subject.
Keywords: coping behavior, stress, competence, anticipation viability, law enforcement officers, police.
1. Ababkov V.A., Perre M. Adaptaciya k stressu. Osnovy teorii, diagnostiki, terapii / V.A. Abakov, M. Perre . – SPb.: Rech', 2004. – 166 s.
2. Abitov I.R. Osobennosti sovladaniya so stressom v norme i pri psihosomaticheskih i nevroticheskih rasstrojstvah / I.R. Abitov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal, 2013, tom 34, № 1 – s. 86-96.
3. Akimenko A.K. Vzaimosvyaz' strategij sovladayushchego povedeniya i social'no-psihologicheskih harakteristik lichnosti / A.K. Akimenko. Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser. Akmeologiya obrazovaniya. Psihologiya razvitiya. 2016. – T. 5. – vyp. 2(18). – S.151-157.
4. Anciferova L.I. Lichnost' v trudnyh zhiznennyh usloviyah: Pereosmyslenie, preobrazovanie situacij i psihologicheskaya zashchita / L.I. Anciferova // Psihologicheskij zhurnal, 1994. – s. 309 - 333.
5. Vodop'yanova N.E. Psihodiagnostika stressa / N.E. Vodop'yanova. – SPb.: Piter, 2009. – 336 s.
6. Didux M.M. Stan rozvy`tku komponentiv konstrukty`vnoyi koping-povedinky` u pracivny`kiv organiv vnutrishnix sprav/ M.M. Didux // Zbirny`k naukovy`x pracz` K-PNU im. I. Ogiyenka, Insty`tutu psy`xologiyi imeni G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny`. Problemy` suchasnoyi psy`xologiyi, Vy`pusk 26. – 2014. – S. 129-143.
7. Mendelevich V. D. Anticipacionny mekhanizmy nevrozogeneza / V. D. Mendelevich // Psihol. zhurn. – 1996. – № 4. – S. 107–115.
8. Mendelevich V.D. Test anticipacionnoj sostoyatel'nosti (prognosticheskoj kompetentnosti) –ehksperimental'no-psihologicheskaya metodika dlya ocenki gotovnosti k nevroticheskim rasstrojstvam / V.D. Mendelevich // Social'no-klinicheskaya psihiatriya. – 2002. – №2. – S. 35- 40.
9. Trifonova E.A. Adaptacionnyj potencial lichnosti i psihosomaticheskij risk: problema koping-kompetentnosti / E.A. Trifonova // Izvestiya RGPU im. A.I. Gercina. – 2013. – № 155. – S.78-79.
10. Harakteristika zashchitno-sovladayushchego stilya povedeniya vrachej – psihiatrov i vrachej hirurgicheskih special'nostej. // Aktual'nye problemy klinicheskoj psihologii i psihofiziologii. – SPb, 2004. – S.11-15.
11. Chuxrayeva G.V Stresy` ta dy`stresy` v psy`xologichnij diyal`nosti pracivny`kiv policiyi / G.V. Chuxrayeva // Visny`k Xarkivs`kogo nacional`nogo universy`tetu, Vypusk 59. – S. 94-97.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 188-197 (pdf)
UDC 159.92
Yavorska-Vetrova I.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Theoretical analysis of self-attitude: value aspect
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article performs the theoretical analysis of the value aspect of self-attitude. It shows that, in modern scientific psychological studies, the "self-attitude" term is conceptualized first of all as "emotional and valuable self-attitude". The content and dynamics of self-attitude as person’s emotional and value attitude to oneself is considered within the issue of self-consciousness developed by I.I.Chesnokova. The visionary ideas of S.R.Pantileyev are presented according to which the “self-attitude” phenomenon is understood as direct expression of personal meaning of self for an agent. The subsystem of emotional and value self-attitude and the self-estimative subsystem in the self-attitude concept are analysed. Three factors can be determined in the self-attitude structure: self-esteem, auto-sympathy and self-deprecation. The article emphasizes that the content of an agent’s generalized and sustainable value attitude to him/herself determines meaningful attitudes as the highest ones in the hierarchical structure according to the semantic integration principle. The principles of the theory of self-worth of L.E. Prosandeyeva are described. The article examines evaluative-descriptive, integrative-orientational and motivational components in the self-worth structure as well as the basic types of self-worth (reproductive, cognitive, communicative, creative, spiritual and professionally aimed). Features of self-worth formation in childhood and adolescence are characterised.
Key words: self-attitude, emotional and valuable self-attitude, value, self-worth, self-consciousness, personality, personal development, self-image.
1. Kolyshko A.M. Psihologiya samootnosheniya : uchebn. posobie / A.M. Kolyshko. – Grodno : GrGU, 2004. – 102 s.
2. Kon I.S. Otkrytie «YA» / Igor' Semenovich Kon. – M.: Politizdat, 1978. – 367 s.
3. Maksymenko S.D. Psykholohichna osnova samorealizatsii osobystosti: struktura i funktsii / S.D. Maksymenko, L.Z. Serdiuk // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – Tom IKh: Zahalna psykholohiia. Istorychna psykholohiia. Etnichna psykholohiia. – Vypusk 9. – K.: Talkom, 2016. – S. 6–13.
4. Muzyka O.L. Tsinnisna vzaiemodiia yak chynnyk rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti / O.L. Muzyka // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – Tom VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. – Vypusk 12. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2016. – S. 5–20.
5. Pantileev S.R. Stroenie samootnosheniya kak ehmocional'no-ocenochnoj sistemy : avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk : spec. 19.00.01 «Obshchaya psihologiya, istoriya psihologii» / S.R. Pantileev. – M., 1988. – 18 s.
6. Pantileev S.R. Samootnoshenie kak ehmocional'no-ocenochnaya sistema / S.R. Pantileev. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1991. – 110 s.
7. Prosandieieva L.Ie. Kontseptualni zasady teorii samotsinnosti / L.Ie. Prosandieieva // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zb. naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. – T. 7. – Vyp. 13. – K., 2007 . – S. 282–288.
8. Prosandieieva L.Ie. Problemy rozvytku samotsinnosti dytyny / L.Ie. Prosandieieva // Sotsialna psykholohiia. – 2008. – № 1 (27). – S. 179–185.
9. Prosandieieva L.Ie. Typolohichnyi analiz samotsinnosti osobystosti pidlitka / L.Ie. Prosandieieva // Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii: Zb.nauk. prats Kam’ianets-Podilskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Ohiienka, Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy / Za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.A. Onufriievoi. – Vyp. 14. – Kam’ianets-Podilskyi: Aksioma, 2011. – S. 665–674.
10. Tyshchenko S.P. Psykhichne zdorov’ia: tsinnisno-smyslovyi analiz / S.P. Tyshchenko // Aktualni problemy suchasnoi ukrainskoi psykholohii: Naukovi zapysky instytutu psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / Za red. akademika S.D. Maksymenka. – K.: Nora-Druk, 2003. – Vyp. 23.
12. CHesnokova I.I. Problema samosoznaniya v psihologii / Irina Ivanovna Chesnokova. – M. : Nauka, 1977. – 144 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 198-206 (pdf)
UDC 159.943
Ben N.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Cognitive behavioral therapy as a tool for developing human abilities in a situation of job search
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Man's task in a situation of job search is the disclosure of their personal resources, namely the actualization abilities that will help to successful employment, and balancing of the subjective components of the value of consciousness for future dynamic professional development. In the process of individual counselling of the unemployed discovered distortion of their cognitive and related situational use of non-adaptive behavior. This, in turn, together with the depressed emotional state makes impossible the formation of a new strategially mechanisms of personality development to resolve the employment problems. The studies confirm the effectiveness of the psychological support for the unemployed through the identification and awareness of limiting beliefs and ineffective behavioral strategies, replacing those of the adaptive, behavioral activation and formation of a new feasible solutions to situational and life problems, determining and updating necessary skills, using the techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy.
As a result of this work is to increase self-regulation of personality in the solution of situational tasks of life, the ability of the client to timely psychotherapeutic self-help, which means preventive measures for the recurrence of psychological problems, social activity and psychological flexibility, increase the adaptability to external changes.
Key words: cognitive and behavioral spheres, adaptive beliefs and strategies, the development of abilities, cognitive-behavioral therapy.
1. Bezrobitne naselennya (za metodologieyu MOP) za trivalistyu poshuku roboti u 2010-2015 rr. ?Unemployed for the duration of job search in 2010-2015?. Elektronniy resurs. Rezhim dostupu: [in Ukrainian].
2. Bek, D.S. (2006). Kognitivnaya terapiya: polnoe rukovodstvo. ?Cognitive therapy: a complete guide?. M.: "I.D. Vilyams" [in Russion].
3. Beh, I.D. (1997). Tsinnosti yak yadro osobistosti // Tsinnosti osviti i vihovannya. ?Values as the core of the personality // Values education and training?. Kiyiv Nauk. metod. zb. Za zag. red. Suhomlinskoyi O.V. [in Ukrainian].
4. Vestbruk, D., Kennerli, G., Kirk, Dzh. (2014). Vstup u kognitivno-povedinkovu terapiyu. ?Introduction to CBT?. Lvov: Svichado. [in Ukrainian].
5. Grinberger, D., Padeski, K. (2008). Upravlenie nastroeniem: metodyi i uprazhneniya. [Mind over mood. Change how you feel by changing the way you think]. SPb.: Piter. [in Russion].
6. Zlivkov, V. (2006). Problema osobistisnoyi ta profesiynoyi samoidentifikatsiyi v suchasniy psihologiyi. [The problem of personal and professional self-identification in modern psychology]. V.Zlivkov // Sotsialna psihologiya. K.[in Ukrainian].
7. Makkey, M., Devis, M., Fennng, P. (2011). Kak pobedit stress i depressiyu. [Taking control of your moods and your life]. SPb.: Piter. [in Russion].
8. Molyako, V.O. (2007). Psihologichna problema tvorchogo potentsialu // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Problemi psihologiyi tvorchosti ta obdarovanosti. [Psychological problems of creativity // Actual problems of psychology Problems of psychology of creativity and talent]. Zbirnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologiyi im. G.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayini / Za red. V.O.Molyako. Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I.Franka [in Ukrainian].
9. Muzika, O.L. (2010). Osnovni ponyattya sub’ektno-tsinnisnogo analizu rozvitku osobistosti ?Basic concepts of subjective-value analysis of the development of personality?. Profesiyno-orientovani zavdannya z psihologiyi. Za red. O.L. Muziki. Navchalniy posibnik. (Rekomendovano MON Ukrayini yak navchalniy posibnik dlya studentiv vischih navchalnih zakladiv. Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka [in Ukrainian].
10. Muzika, O.L. (2009). Tsinnisna pidtrimka osobistisnogo rozvitku yak teoretichna ta prikladna problema ?Value support personal development as a theoretical and applied problem?. Zbirnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologiyi im. G.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayini «Aktualni problemi psihologiyi» u 12 tomah / Za red. V.O. Molyako. Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka [in Ukrainian].
11. Muzika, O.L. (2016). Tsinnisna pidtrimka rozvitku osobistosti v krizovih zhittevih situatsiyah. ?Value support for the development of a personality in crisis situations?. Osobistist v umovah krizovih viklikiv suchasnosti: Materiali metodologichnogo seminaru NAPN Ukrayini (24 bereznya 2016 roku) / Za red. akademika NAPN Ukrayini S.D. Maksimenka. K. [in Ukrainian].
12. Rudyuk, O.V. (2012). Perspektivni napryami vivchennya bezrobittya v zarubizhniy naukovo-psihologichniy traditsiyi. ?Promising directions the study of unemployment in the foreign scientific-psychological tradition?. Psihologichni perspektivi / Volin. nats. un-t im. Lesi Ukrayinki, In-t sots. ta polit. psihologiyi NAPN Ukrayini; [redkol.: L. Zasekina (golov. red.) ta in.]. – Lutsk. [in Ukrainian].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 207-216 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Hrechukha I.A.
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr
Subjective view of literary ability: attempt to factor-semantic analysis
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The features of reflection of development of literary abilities and their reflection in the structure of value consciousness of high school students are described in the article. Literary skills are seen as a resource of personality`s development in the literary work. They become an internal behaviour regulator providing their value is realized for this personality. The creative work of students requires a lot of time and effort, and therefore requires special support and appreciation from the people around them. These people for them are their parents, classmates, school teacher of literature, the head of the literary circle or additional courses.
We have made an attempt of psychological analysis of factor-semantic model of value consciousness according to reflected skills, actions and operations, peculiarities of social reflection and awareness of personal qualities. As a result, a number of features were determined: the ability of student to reflect creative elements in the structure of literary skills and operations, and an ability to estimate the process and results of literary activity by significant persons.
The results of the study we will consider in the development of the programme of psychological support of literary gifted high school students. As we affect the value sphere of the individual, in this case it`s worth talking about providing value support. Value support, in our understanding, consists in actualization of internal value resources of personality, in order to develop new effective regulatory schemes in the system of self-development.
Keywords: literary skills, value regulation, values and needs.
1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaia K.A. Stratehyia zhyzny / Ksenyia Aleksandrovna Abulkhanova-Slavskaia. – M.: Mыsl, 1991. – 299 s.
2. Ananev B.H. Yzbrannыe psykholohycheskye trudы: V 2 t. / Borys Herasymovych Ananev – M.: Pedahohyka, 1980. T. 1. – 1980. – 232 s.
3. Antsыferova L.Y. K psykholohyy lychnosty kak razvyvaiushcheisia systemы / Liudmyla Yvanovna Antsыferova // Psykholohyia formyrovanyia y razvytyia lychnosty / otv. red. L.Y. Antsыferova. – M. : Nauka, 1981. – S. 3-19.
4. Bilous P.V. Psykholohiia literaturnoi tvorchosti: navch. posib. / P.V. Bilous. – K.: Akademvydav, 2014. – 216 s. – (Seriia «Alma-mater»).
5. Bozhovych L.Y. Problema razvytyia motyvatsyonnoi sferы rebenka / Lydyia Ylynychna Bozhovych Yzuchenye motyvatsyy povedenyia detei y podrostkov / Pod red. L.Y. Bozhovych y L.V. Blahonadezhynoi. – M., «Pedahohyka», 1972. – S. 7-44.
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7. Druzhynyn V.N. Psykholohyia obshchykh sposobnostei / V.N. Druzhynyn. – SPb.: Pyter, 2000. – 368 s.
8. Zdibnosti, tvorchist, obdarovanist: teoriia, metodyka, rezultaty doslidzhen / Za red. V.O. Moliako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.
9. Kostiuk H.S. Zdibnosti ta yikh rozvytok u ditei / Hryhorii Sylovych Kostiuk. – K.; Znannia, 1963. – 80 s.
10. Kulchytskaia E.Y., Moliako V.A. Syren odarёnnosty v sadu tvorchestva / E.Y. Kulchytskaia, V.A. Moliako. ? Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I.Franka, 2008. – 316 s.
11. Leontev A.N. Deiatelnost. Soznanye. Lychnost Aleksei Nykolaevych Leontev. – 2-e yzd., ster. – M.: Smыsl; Yzdatelskyi tsentr «Akademyia», 2005. – 352 s.
12. Muzyka O.L. Metodyka vyvchennia dynamiky zdibnostei / O.L. Muzyka // Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korolov, R.O. Semenova ta in.; za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – S. 94-107.
13. Muzyka O.L. Tsinnisna rehuliatsiia subiektnoi aktyvnosti osobystosti / O.L. Muzyka // Naukovi zapysky Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / Za red. akademika S.D. Maksymenka. – K.: Hlavnyk, 2005. – Vyp. 26, v 4-kh tomakh, t. 3. – S. 168-173.
14. Petrovskyi A.V. O psykholohyy lychnosty / Artur Vladymyrovych Petrovskyi. – M., «Znanye», 1971, 64 s. (Pedahohycheskyi f-t, №4).
15. Platonov K. K. Problemы sposobnostei / Konstantyn Konstantynovych Platonov. – M.: Nauka, 1972. – 312 s.
16. Romenets V.A. Psykholohiia tvorchosti / V.A. Romenets. – K.: Lybid, 2004. – 288 s.
17. Rubynshtein S.L. Bыtye y soznanye. Chelovek y myr / S.L. Rubynshtein. – SPb.: Pyter, 2003. – 512 s. – (Seryia «Mastera psykholohyy»).
18. Tatenko V.A. Psykholohyia v subъektyvnom yzmerenyy: Monohrafyia // Vytalyi Aleksandrovych Tatenko. – K.: Vydavnychyi tsentr «Prosvita», 1996. – 404 s.
19. Teplov B. M. Yzbrannыe psykholohycheskye trudы: v 2 t. / Borys Mykhailovych Teplov. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1985. – T. 1. – 328 s.
20. Tytarenko T.M. Zhyttievyi svit osobystosti: u mezhakh i za mezhamy budennosti / T.M. Tytarenko. – K.: Lybid, 2003. – 376 s.
21. Formuvannia psykholoho-fiziolohichnoi stiikosti, profilaktyka stresiv, rozumovykh, emotsiinykh ta inshykh perevantazhen obdarovanykh ditei i molodi, vykhovannia u nykh patriotyzmu y hromadskoi pozytsii u protsesi navchannia ta vykhovannia: navchalnyi posibnyk: navch. posib. / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka, V. F. Moskalenka. – K.: Kupriianova, 2004. – 192 s.
22. Chepelieva N.V. Rozuminnia ta interpretatsiia osobystisnoho dosvidu u konteksti psykholohichnoi hermenevtyky / N.V. Chepelieva // Naukovi zapysky. Seriia «Psykholohiia». – Vypusk 12. – 2009. – S. 8-20.
23. Shadrykov V.D. Problemы professyonalnыkh sposobnostei / Vladymyr Dmytryevych Shadrykov // Psykholohycheskyi zhurnal. – 1982. – T. 3, №5. – S. 13-26.
24. Iahunkova V.P. Formyrovanye komponentov lyteraturnыkh sposobnostei u shkolnykov V klassa / V.P. Yahunkova // Voprosы psykholohyy sposobnostei. Sbornyk statei / Pod red. V.A. Krutetskoho. – M.: Pedahohyka, 1973. – S. 175-214.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 217-227 (pdf)
UDC 159.928:316.62+159.972
Goncharuk O.V.
Territorial Medical Association "Psychiatry", Kyiv
Capabilities as adaptive resource of people with mental disorders
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The conducted research using the methodic of studying of dynamics of capabilities demonstrated the following results. There was stated a working definition of personal readaptation of people with mental disorders as a process concerned with awareness of changes occurred in their psyche, development of capabilities relevant their current life situation, and construction of a new personal identity on this basis. The theoretical model of adaptive capabilities is based on subject-value conception proposed by O.L. Muzyka. Its main principle states that development and self-development of person’s capabilities relies on their personal subjective model which consists of personal skills, traits and referent relationships. The research showed that in general people with mental disorders in a state of remission are able to reflection and development of their adaptive capabilities. Psychological help can be directed to actualization and development of those capabilities which are the constituent of the personal value experience and fully correspond to patient personal traits and their life situation. Adaptive capabilities are closely connected with such terms as resocialization, reintegration, psychosocial rehabilitation, adaptation, readaptation, adaptive potential, adaptive resource, quality of life. Psychological providing of personal readaptation is to help people with mental disorders to find their own inner personal resources that can be regarded as a base of new perception and feeling of reality in which people can feel comfortable. The perspectives of subsequent researches are to study the features of development adaptive capabilities of patients depending on the type of mental disorder.
Key words: mental disorders, capabilities, adaptation resource, personal re-adaptation, method of studying of dynamics of capabilities.
1. Aleksandrovskyi Iu.A. Sostoianyia psykhycheskoi dezadaptatsyy y?ykh kompensatsyia / Iu.A. Aleksandrovskyi. – M.: Nauka, 1976. – 272 s.
2. Bratus B. S. Anomalyy lychnosty / B.S. Bratus. – M.: Mыsl, 1988. – 301 s.
3. Burlachuk L.F. Psykholohyia zhyznennykh sytuatsyi / L. F. Burlachuk, E. Iu. Korzhova. – M.: Rossyiskoe pedahohycheskoe ahentstvo, 1998. – 263 s.
4. Kabanov M.M. Reabylytatsyia psykhychesky bolnykh / M.M. Kabanov. – L.: Medytsyna, 1985. – 216 s.
5. Karvasarskyi B.D. Klynycheskaia psykholohyia / B. D. Karvasarskyi. – SPb.: Pyter, 2004. – 553 s.
6. Korsakov S.S. Obshchaia psykhopatolohyia / S. S. Korsakov. – M.: BYNOM, Laboratoryia znanyi, 2003. – 480 s.
7. Kostiuk H.S. Zdibnosti ta yikh rozvytok u ditei / H. S. Kostiuk. – K.: Znannia, 1963. – 80 s.
8. Kotsiubynskyi A.P. Utochnenye osnovnykh poniatyi kontseptsyy adaptatsyy psykhychesky bolnыkh / A.P. Kotsiubynskyi, N. S. Sheinyna // Ystoryia Saburovoi dachy. Uspekhy psykhyatryy, nevrolohyy, neirokhyrurhyy y narkolohyy / Pod red. Y. Y. Kutko, P. T. Petriuka. – Kharkov, 1996. – T. 3. – S. 233-235.
9. Melekhov D.E. Klynycheskye osnovy prohnoza trudosposobnosty pry shyzofrenyy / D.E. Melekhov. – M., 1963. – 198 s.
10. MKB-10. Mezhdunarodnaia klassyfykatsyia boleznei 10-ho peresmotra [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu:
11. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsializatsiia osobystosti / V. V. Moskalenko. – K.: Feniks, 2013. – 540 s.
12. Muzyka O.L. Prohrama tsinnisnoi pidtrymky rozvytku zdibnostei ta obdarovanosti «Try kroky» / O.L. Muzyka. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2008. – 34 s.
13. Muzyka O.L. Tsinnisna pidtrymka rozvytku osobystosti v kryzovykh zhyttievykh sytuatsiiakh / O.L. Muzyka // Osobystist v umovakh kryzovykh vyklykiv suchasnosti: Materialy metodolohichnoho seminaru NAPN Ukrainy (24 bereznia 2016 roku) / Za red. S.D. Maksymenka. – K., 2016. – S.167-175.
14. Muzyka O.L. Tsinnisna svidomist obdarovanoi osobystosti na tli tsinnisnoi kryzy suspilstva / O.L. Muzyka // Psykholoho-pedahohichna nauka i suspilna ideolohiia: Materialy metodolohichnoho seminaru APN Ukrainy. – K.: Hnozys, 1998. – S. 397-401.
15. Pyazhe Zh. Psykholohyia yntellekta / Zh. Pyazhe. – SPb.: Pyter, 2003. – 192 s.
16. Platonov K. K. Struktura y razvytye lychnosty / K. K. Platonov. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – 256 s.
17. Profesiino-oriientovani zavdannia z psykholohii: Navchalnyi posibnyk / Za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2010. – 566 s.
18. Psykhyatrycheskyi entsyklopedycheskyi slovar / I. A. Stoymenov, M.I. Stoymenova, P.I. Koeva. – K.: MAUP, 2003. – 1195 s.
19. Psykholohichna dopomoha osobystosti, shcho perezhyvaie naslidky travmatychnykh podii: zb. statei / T. M. Tytarenko, V.O. Klymchuk ta in. – K.: Vyd-vo «Milenium», 2015. – 150 s.
20. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / O.L. Muzyka, D.K. Korolov, R.O. Semenova ta in.; za red. O.L. Muzyky. – Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2015. – 146 s.
21. Slovar L.S. Vyhotskoho / Red. A.A. Leonteva. – M.: Smysl, 2007. – 119 s.
22. Teplov B.M. Sposobnosty y odarennost. V kn.: Psykholohyia yndyvydualnykh razlychyi. Teksty / B.M. Teplov. – M.: Yzd-vo Mosk.un-ta, 1982. - S. 129-139.
23. Shadrykov V.D. Psykholohyia deiatelnosty y sposobnosty cheloveka/ V. D. Shadrykov. – M.: Yzdatelskaia korporatsyia «Lohos», 1996. – 320 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 228-241 (pdf)
UDC 159.938
Dzhedzia V.B.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
The factors of occupational choice crisis of pedagogical specialties’ students
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Financial security and social prestige of teacher’s work is not appropriate to it difficulty and public value. As a result, teachers at different stages of professional development are influenced by a very high risk of grave crises, personal professional deformations.
Teachers can experience the first crisis of professional development - the occupational choice crisis - especially sharply. Further professional development of teachers depends on successful overcoming of such crisis. This necessitates development of psychological principles of its prevention and overcoming.
The occupational choice crisis is one of types of crises of personal professional formation that occurs during education at professional educational institutions. Its characteristic features are: dissatisfaction with some themes or educational subject, doubt as for correctness of professional choice. Despite a considerable number of studies in psychology and pedagogy made in pedagogical universities, we should state that practical researches concerning the ways to prevent and overcome the occupational choice crisis of teachers are nearly absent.
We fixed stable dynamics of decrease of students’ intention to work as a teacher after graduation. The most significant positive factors that increase this intention are: interest students in learning, the development in their pedagogical knowledge and skills, the level of volitional qualities, positive relationships with teachers, the time to prepare for classes, training self-efficiency. Among the negative factors found, the number of signs of fatigue during the school week, the level of personal anxiety, the frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption.
Key word: professional crisis, occupational choice crisis, professional development, future teachers.
1. Gricuk O.V. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі dinamіki emocіjnogo vigorjannja vchitelіv: avtoref. dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / O. V. Gricuk ; Hark. nac. ped. un-t іm. G.S. Skovorodi. – H., 2010. – 21 s.
2. Zajchikova T.V. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі determіnanti sindromu "profesіjnogo vigorannja" u vchitelіv: Avtoref. dis... kand. psihol. nauk: 19.00.05 / T.V. Zajchikova ; Іn-t psihologії іm. G.S.Kostjuka APN Ukraїni. – K., 2005. – 20 s.
3. Zeer Je.F. Psihologija professional'nogo razvitija: Uchebn. posobie / Je.F. Zeer. – 2-e izd. – M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2007. – 240 s.
4. Zemba A. Kryza zavershennja navchannja (kryza vypusknyka) / A. Zemba // Osobystisni kryzy students'kogo viku: Zb. nauk. st. – Luc'k: Redakcijno-vydavnychyj viddil "Vezha", 2001. – S. 60 - 71.
5. Kokun O.M. Optymizacija adaptacijnyh mozhlyvostej ljudyny: psyho-fiziologichnyj aspekt zabezpechennja dijal'nosti: Monografija / O.M. Kokun. – K.: Milenium, 2004. – 265 s.
6. Nazaruk N.V. Psyhologichni zasoby profilaktyky "profesijnogo vygorannja" vchytelja: Avtoref. dys... kand. psyhol. nauk: 19.00.07 / N.V. Nazaruk ; Prykarpat. nac. un-t im. V.Stefanyka. – Ivano-Frankivs'k, 2007. – 20 s.
7. Panasenko N.M. Osoblyvosti rozvytku motyvacijnoi' ta konfliktologichnoi' skladovyh profesijnoi' kompetentnosti vchyteliv. / N.M. Panasenko, M.V. Vojtovych // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': Zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny. – 2012. – Tom. V: Psyhofiziologija. Psyhologija praci. Eksperymental'na psyhologija. – Vypusk 12. – S. 176 – 184.
8. Psihofіzіologіchne zabezpechennja gotovnostі studentіv do pedagogіchnoї dіjal'nostі: Monografіja / Za red. O.M. Kokuna. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2008. – 296 s.
9. Prjazhnikov N.S. Psihologija truda i chelovecheskogo dostoinstva / N.S. Prjazhnikov, E.Ju. Prjazhnikova. - 3-e izd. – M.: Akademija, 2005. - 480 s.
10. Semichenko V.A. Psihologіchna struktura pedagogіchnoї dіjal'nostі: Navch. posіb / V.A. Semichenko, V.S. Zasluzhenjuk. - K.: Vidavnicho-polіgrafіchnij centr "Kiїvs'kij unіversitet", 2000. – Ch. 2. – 231s.
11. Hazratova N. Psihologіchnі problemi ta osobistіsnі krizi students'kogo vіku / N. Hazratova // Osobistіsnі krizi students'kogo vіku: Zb. nauk. st. – Luc'k: Redakcіjno-vidavnichij vіddіl "Vezha", 2001. – S. 7 - 21.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 242-248 (pdf)
UDC 159.928
Zagurska E.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Age aspects of the development of the literary gifted person in the creative heritage D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes the process of the impact of age aspects on the development of the literary gifted person from the point of view Ukrainian literary scholar and the psychologist D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky. The basis of the author's method D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky was the analysis of literary works in close connection with the analysis of the personality of their author. Not creating your own age periodization and not paying particular attention to this issue, in his many studies of the psychology of the gifted person D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky noted the features of its development associated with age-related changes through consideration of concepts of giftedness. Psychological quest, D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky answered views existential psychology and creativity and more – cultural and humanistic psychology. His views on the psychology of literary talent, an important factor which is the age, D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky expounded in the writings of "M. V. Gogol" (1902), "Essays on the works of A.P. Chekhov" (1902), "L.M. Tolstoy as an artist" (1905), "O.S. Pushkin. Experience psychological study of his creativity" (1909), "I.S. Turgenev" (1909), "Psychology of thought and feeling. Artistic creativity" (1909), "M. Y. Lеrmontov. On the centenary of the birth of the famous poet", as well as in the fundamental three-volume study "Тhe history of the russian intelligentsia" (1910-1911), in which the researcher introduces the concept of personality development in the context of changing socio-historical forms. As shown by the analysis of biographies of prominent writers, made D.M. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, the age-related aspects are important for the development and strengthening of literary talent. Dealing with the peculiarities of the psyche of the gifted person from the perspective of the achievements of psychology of the late XIX – the first third of the twentieth century, a prominent researcher in many respects was ahead of its time, describing the mental processes, states and properties of a gifted person, which gives the definition of modern psychology.
Keywords: literary ability, literary gifted personality, age, concept, genius, unconscious.
1. Vernudina I.V. Psykholohichni pohliady D. M. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskoho : teoriia «bezsvidomoho» [Tekst] / I. V. Vernudina // Kulturolohichna dumka : Shchorichnyk naukovykh prats. – K. : Instytut kulturolohii Natsionalnoi akademii mystetstv Ukrainy, 2012. – № 5. – S. 123 – 128.
2. Hres L.O. Psykholohichnyi zmist kryzy seredyny zhyttia osobystosti [Tekst] / L.O. Hres : [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu :
3. Maziar O.V. Kontseptualizatsiia problemy obdarovanosti u pratsiakh I.O. Sikorskoho [Tekst] : avtoref. dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk : spets. 19.00.01: «zahalna psykholohiia, istoriia psykholohii» / Oleh Vasylovych Maziar. – K. : Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy, Instytut psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka, 2013. – 18 s.
4. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. Voprosy psykholohyy tvorchestva : Pushkyn. Heine. Hete. Chekhov. K psykholohyy mуsly y tvorchestva [Tekst]. : 3-e yzd. / D.N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi. – M. : Knyzhnуi dom «LYBROKOM», 2009. – 301 s. – (Yz nasledyia myrovoi psykholohyy).
5. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. Hohol [Tekst] / D.N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi // Sobranye sochynenyi. – T. 1. – SPb. : Yzdanye Y. L. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskoi, 1912. – 197 s.
6. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. L.N. Tolstoi kak khudozhnyk : yzd. 2, yspravl. y dop. [Tekst] / D. N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi. – SPb. : Knyhoyzdatelstvo «Oryon», 1905. – 274 s.
7. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N. M.Yu. Lermontov. K stoletyiu so dnia rozhdenyia velykoho poеta [Tekst] / D. N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi. – [Spb.]: Prometei, [1914]. – 141 s.
8. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D. N. Nabliudatelnyi і еksperymentalnyi metod v іskusstve [Tekst] / D. N. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi // Voprosy teoryy y psykholohyy tvorchestva / Yzd.-sostavytel B. A. Lezyn. – Kharkov, 1907. – S. 83 – 117.
9. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N.. Lyteraturno-krytycheskye raboty: v 2 t. – M.: Khudozhestvennaia lyteratura, 1989. – T. 1. – 542 s.
10. Ovsianyko-Kulykovskyi D.N.. Lyteraturno-krytycheskye raboty: v 2 t. – M.: Khudozhestvennaia lyteratura, 1989. – T. 2. – 526 s.
11. Romenets V.A. Psykholohiia osobystosti: dialektyka zhyttia i tvorchosti [Tekst] // Istoriia psykholohii: KhIKh – pochatok KhKh stolittia : navch. posib. / V.A. Romenets. – K. : Lybid, 2007. – S. 544 – 631.
12. Romenets V. A. Psykholohiia tvorchosti : navch. posib. 2-e vyd., dop. [Tekst] / V.A. Romenets. – K. : Lybid, 2001. – 288 s.
13. Romenets V. A., Manokha I. P. Istoriia psykholohii KhKh stolittia : navch. posib. [Tekst] / V.A. Romenets, I. P. Manokha / Vst. st. V. O. Tatenka, T. M. Tytarenko. – K. : Lybid, 1998. – 992 s.
14. Skliarova T.V., Yanushkiavychene O.L. Vozrastnaia psykholohyia y pedahohyka : ucheb. posob. dlia stud. pedahoh. vuzov [Tekst] / T. V. Skliarova, O. L. Yanushkiavychene. – M.: Pokrov, 2004. – 144 s.
15. Tytarenko T.M. Suchasna psykholohiia osobystosti : navch. posib. 2-e vyd. [Tekst] / T.M. Tytarenko. – K. : Karavela, 2013. – 372 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 249-258 (pdf)
UDC 159.946.3
Lakhtadyr O.V.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv
Features formation of communicative competence and its components in students of future professionals
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: On Physical Culture and Sports The transition of students from primary to senior year reduced the number of future specialists in physical culture and sports, which have a high level of structural components of communicative competence. However, if the initial rate of students not registered a high level of formation of communicative competence in general, in some undergraduate students (2.4%) has a high level of development.
This situation can be explained by poor attitude of students to education in general and to the development of communicative competence and its structural components, in particular. But it stands communicative competence psychological tool for educational and professional activities of students.
Students with an average level of communicative competence there is increasing formation of structural components based on the rate from primary to senior, which has the objective conditionality - accumulation students relevant knowledge and skills in the teaching and training.
In addition, from elementary to senior years a growing number of those students who have a low level of formation of the cognitive component of communicative competence. This can be explained by inadequate educational and vocational training in general and, in particular, they lack knowledge should be a basis in the future performance of inadequate communicative training of students of professional tasks.
The study showed that the students-future specialists in physical culture and sports observed dependence of communicative competence and its structural components from the floor (better results with women); the specialty (she formed largely of students who enrolled in "Physical Education") and of course educational training (recorded slightly higher growth in its senior students).
Keywords: communicative competence, components of communicative competence levels of communicative competence, experts in physical culture and sports.
1. Korniyaka O.M. Vyvchennja rozvytku komunikatyvnoj kompetentnocti studentiv / О.М. Korniyaka. Psyholingvistyka: [zb/nauk/ prac DVNZ "Perejaslav-Hmelnyckyj derzhavnyj pedagogichnyj universitet imeni Grygorija Skovorody"]. – Perejaslav-Hmelnyckj: PP "SKD", 2009. – Vyp. 3. – S. 60-69.
2. Korniyaka O.M. Psihologij komunikatyvnoj kultury shkolajra: monografiaj / О.М. Korniyaka –K.: Milenium, 2006. – 336 s.
3. Lakhtadyr O.V. Komunikatyvna kompetentnist' osobystosti / O.V. Lakhtadyr Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: zb/nauk/ praс Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – 2013. – Тom 5: Psykhofiziolohiya. Psykholohiya pratsi. Eksperymental'na psykholohiya. – К.:DP «Inform.-analit. ahent•stvo», 2013. – Vyp. 13. – S. 154–163.
4. Samohvalova A.G. Delovoe obchenie: sekrety effektivnjh komunikazj: uchebnoe posobie / A.G. Samohvalova– SPb.: Rech, 2012. – 333 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 259-267 (pdf)
UDC 159.922.77
Protsyk L.
National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Kyiv
The use of psychological defense mechanisms older adolescents: gender characteristics
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article examines the psychological defense mechanisms adolescents with severe hidden talent and conventional form. It has been studied gender peculiarities of psychological defense mechanisms in each of these groups. It is proved that the psychological defense mechanisms using intellectually gifted girls (substitution, compensation, sublimation) and boys (substitution, compensation, intellectualization) is more constructive than with mechanisms that use conventional adolescent girls and boys (denial, regression). It was determined that normal teenagers, both girls and boys often use coping strategies. It is revealed that the repertoire of psychological defense mechanisms in a sample of gifted adolescents is characterized by narrow regardless of gender identity. Found no significant gender differences in the choice of psychological defense mechanisms within each group, but there are significant differences between the group of gifted and regular.
Key words: teenager, intellectual talent, intellectual ability, psychological defense mechanisms, coping strategy, gender.
1. Bassyn F.V. O syle «Ya» y psykholohycheskoy zashchyte / F.V Bassyn // Voprosy fylosofyy, – 1969. – 2. – P. 118–125
2. Druzhynyn V.N. Psykholohyya obshchykh sposobnostey / V.N. Druzhynyn – SPb Yzdatel'stvo «Pyter». – 1999. –368 p. (Seryya «Mastera psykholohy»)
3. Kostyuk H.S. Navchal'no-vykhovnyy protses i psykhichnyy rozvytok osobystosti / H.S. Kostyuk – K.: Rad. shk., 1989. – 608 p.
4. Zhurbyn V.Y. Ponyatye psykholohycheskoy zashchyty v kontseptsyyakh Z. Freyda y K. Rodzhersa / V.Y. Zhurbyn // Voprosy psykholohyy. – 1990. – №4. – P. 14–23
5. Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teoriya, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' / Za red. V.O. Molyako, O.L. Muzyky. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo «Ruta», 2006. –320 p.
6. Kul'chyts'ka O.I. Spetsyfika dytyachoyi obdarovanosti / O.I. Kul'chyts'ka // Obdarovana dytyna. – 2001. – №1. – P. 3–10
7. Nykol'skaya Y.M., Hranovskaya R.M. Psykholohycheskaya zashchyta u detey / Y.M. Nykol'skaya, R.M. Hranovskaya – SPb.: Rech', 2000. – 507 p.
8. Teplov B.M. Sposobnosty ta odarennost' / B.M. Teplov // Psykholohyya indyvydual'nykh razlichyy. – M., 2000. – P. 262-272.
9. Rubynshteyn S.L. Bytye ta soznanye / S.L Rubynshteyn – M.: Yzd-vo AN SSSR, 1957. – 328 p.
10. Kholodnaya M.A. Psykholohyya intellekta: paradoksy issledovanyya / M.A. Kholodnaya – Tomsk: Yzd-vo Tomsk. Un; M.: Yzd-vo «Bars», 1997. – 392 p.
11. Plutchik R, Kellerman H. & Conte H.R. A structural theory of ego defenses and emotions. In C.E.Izard (Ed.), Emotions in personality and psychopathology. N.Y. Plenum, 1979. – P.229–257
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 268-275 (pdf)
Sribna O.V.
State institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Kirovograd region", Kropivnitzkiy
Psychological features of self-determination of a modern woman
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The mosaic of modern society, that is, the coexistence of different types of sociality, makes it necessary to determine the type of femininity that is concealed under the concept of «modern woman». Postindustrial society as the dominant trend in the development of many countries makes it possible to limit the research of female identity by the appropriate type of femininity. The peculiarity of this type is that the traditional spheres of women's activity correlate with innovative types of women's activity claiming a dominant status in the woman's self-determination. It is because of the different, sometimes contradictory areas of activity, the woman of the post-industrial society realizes self-identification.
A woman carries out self-identification throughout her life's journey. The stability of self-identification is expressed in its continuity of the process emerging from childhood and continues to a deeply elderly age. The transformation of women's self-identification is provided by a change in the interaction between sex as a psycho-biological entity and gender as a social construct. The combination of the conditions of stability and the variability of women's self-identification forms the principles of her research, the main categories of which are sex and gender.
Gender is a social construct, arises from the practices of everyday interaction between the male and female and acts as a way of symbolizing social and individual being. The interaction between masculine and feminine is diverse, which creates heterogeneity in the social construction of gender and shows the multiplicity of ways of its functioning. Sex is not seen as an anatomical-physiological constant or biological substrate, but as a complex formation, on one level of which is the body-emotional being of a woman, and on the other, the archetype is a form of behavior and thinking common to many generations of women. The body-emotional being of a woman is denoted as a semi-function, and archetypal education as a semi-entity. At all stages of a woman's life, the interaction takes place between gender function and gender.
Key words: femininity, gender, identity, identification, self-determination, woman.
1. Abramova I.G. Povedenie zhenshchiny v usloviyakh sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy neopredelennosti //Zhenshchina v rossiyskom obshchestve, 1998. № 4. 1. S. 14-16.
2. Arendt X. Vita activa, ili O deyatel'noy zhizni: Per. s nem. i angl.. SPb.: Aleteyya, 2000. 437 s.
3. Aristarkhova I. JI. «Etika polovogo razlichiya» v kontseptsii Lyusi Irigari //Sotsiologicheskiy zhurnal, 1998. №3/4. S. 191-200.
4. Batler Dzh. Gendernoe bespokoystvo (gl. 1. Sub''ekty pola/gendera/zhelaniya) //Antologiya tendernoy teorii. Minsk: Propilei, 2000. S. 297-347.
5. Belinskaya E.P. Ya-kontseptsiya i tsennostnye orientatsii starshikh podrostkov v usloviyakh bystrykh sotsial'nykh izmeneniy //Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 14, Psikhologiya, 1997. № 4. S. 25-41.
6. Bem SL. Linzy gendera. Transformatsiya vzglyadov na problemu neravenstva polov: Per. s angl.. M.: «Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya» (ROSSPEN), 2004. 336 s.
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11. Brandt G.A. Filosofskaya antropologiya feminizma: priroda zhenshchiny. — Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Gumanitarnogo un-ta, 2004. 204 s.
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17. Zdravomyslova E. A., Temkina A. A. Sotsial'noe konstruirovanie gendera //Sotsiologicheskiyzhurnal, 1998. №3/4. S. 171-182.
18. Zinevich O.V. Pol kak sotsial'nyy fenomen //Vestnik NGU. Tom 1. Vypusk 1. Seriya: filosofiya i pravo. Novosibirsk, 2003. S. 107-117.
19. Kagan V. E. Stereotipy muzhestvennosti-zhenstvennosti i obraz «Ya» u podrostkov //Voprosy psikhologii, 1989. № 3. S. 53-62.
20. Mitchell Dzh. Zhenskaya seksual'nost'. Zhak Lakan i ecole freudiene. Vvedenie //Vvedenie v gendernye issledovaniya. Ch. II: Khrestomatiya. Khar'kov: KhTsGI, 2001; SPb.: Aleteyya, 2001. S. 534-561.
21. Uest K., Zimmermann D. Sozdanie gendera //Khrestomatiya feministskikh tekstov. DB, SPb., 2000. S. 193-219.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 276-285 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:159.96
Hodos A.S.
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Grigory Skovoroda, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky
Determination of the effectiveness of corrective actions maladaptive personality factors on the soldier
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article the materials control empirical study of negative aggregate factors of process of adaptation of military service, made a brief analysis of the data, conclusions regarding the conducted empirical research, outlines future directions for improvement and facilitate the adaptation of the new conditions of service, are new areas for improvement as a military training.
Spontaneous adaptation of cadets to military service (without the use of methods and techniques focused psychological impact) also can significantly increase the level of stress and social inclusion, significantly reduce the appearance of emotional burnout, the degree of tension stress and individual acts of aggression. However, these positive changes are less significant than the changes in the experimental group.
To increase the adaptive capacity of students to military service appropriate to apply the methods and techniques of their emotional sphere
Key words: Armed Forces of Ukraine, adaptation, aggression, emotional burnout, military, education vyperedzhacha, anxiety.
1. The Constitution of Ukraine, current legislation as amended and supplemented. As of 1 January. 2014: (Official texts). - K: Palyvoda AV, 2014. – 64 p.
2. A. Makarenko, Hodos A. Education and stress ahead of education. Monograph. – K., 2011. – 185 p.
3. Reshetnikov M.M. Psychology War: from nuclear to the Local Area. STATUS prediction, behavior and activities of people. – SPb.: East – Evropeyskyy Institute psychoanalysis, 2011. 496 p.
4. Selchenok K.V. Problems voennoy psychology. - App.: Publishing: Harvest, AST, 2003., Series: Library Practical psychology. – 640 p.
5. Sуropyatov A.G. Medical-psyholohycheskoe soprovozhdenye of special operations / A.G. Sуropyatov. – K: OT Rostunov, 2013. – 292 p.
6. Yagoupov V. Military Psychology: Textbook. - K: Tandem, 2004. – 656 p.
7. MakarenkoO.M., Hodos A.S. Psychological conflict of expectations and realities in the adaptation period of military contract service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. / OM. Makarenko, O.S. Hodos // examination of the conflict: Theory and Methods: Materials XIII International scientific – practical conference (02/28/2014). K., 2014. – p. 9-13
8. Masyutkyn V. Spetsnazovtsu to Notes. // Bratyshka. 2012. – №9. – P. 22-26.
9. Hodos AS The components of the process of adaptation of military service. / OSHodos // Actual problems of psychology: Proceedings of the Institute of Psychology behalf G.S. Kostyuka NAPS Ukraine. – 2015. – Vol. V: Psyhofiziolohiya. Psyholohiya work. Experimental Psychology. – Issue 15 – 284 P. 232-241
10. Yuryev L.M. Materials press conference on "Adaptation Psyholohycheskaya soldier vernuvshyhsya IZ zone ATO. Psyhycheskoe STATUS population with svyazannoe neprekraschayuschymysya voennыmy action at Donbass ".: [Elektron. resource]. - Access: http: //
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 286-293 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Chaika G.V.
G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
Autonomy as a part of psychological well-being in the modern studies
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article reveals the “autonomy” concept in the terms of modern psychology. It is shown that autonomy is an important component of psychological well-being as person’s innate need and the internal motivation for actions and deeds, implementation of the person’s right to their own principles and values. Psychological well-being is regarded by the author under the eudemonical approach as revealing of the fullness of personal fulfilment in specific life conditions and circumstances in the balance between demands of person’s social environment and development of his/her own individuality.
The theoretical analysis shows autonomy as a need that exists from birth and is developed and complicated with person’s growth and personal development. Autonomy is the driving force in the various activities at different age stages, so, peculiarities of autonomy in cross-cultural, professional, age aspects are discussed. Most clearly the concept of autonomy is developed in the Postnonclassical paradigm within the concept of self-determination.
The article stresses that the main psychological feature of an autonomous person is his/her tendency to make decisions and build on his/her own behaviour based on sustainable internal criteria, sometimes in opposition to forces of his/her external environment and his/her own immediate desires.
Keywords: autonomy, psychological well-being, internal and external motivation.
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16. Sergeeva O.A. (2007) Psihologo-pedagogicheskie uslovija razvitija lichnosti v processe podgotovki studentov-psihologov [Psychological and pedagogic conditions of personal development of students-psychologists] Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Astrahan, 26 p. [in Russian]
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 294-304 (pdf)
UDC 159.923
Shelestova O.V.
Territorial Medical Association "Psychiatry", Kyiv
Pecularities of adjustment disorders influence on personality features and psycho- emotional sphere of servicemen in different forms of military service
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article are analyzed the features of adaptation disorders influence on personal characteristics and psycho-emotional sphere of various forms of military service, are estimated the impact amount of stress on personal and emotional sphere of surveyed servicemen. Research was carried out using comparative analysis with the results of the control group subjects using methods of primary and secondary mathematical statistics.
Are determined quality indicators of the dynamics of changes in the personal sphere of the servicemen with adaptation disorders and changes in the psycho-emotional sphere under the influence of stressful events during military service. Are investigated the changes at the level of personal and psycho-emotional changes, which was conducted through interviews and using MMPІ test, test Accent 2-90, Cattell test, the Wechsler test, test Wartegg. Were compared the data of personal and psycho-emotional spheres of servicemen with adaptation disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder, with servicemen who did not have such disorders, as well as usual military service and contract service.
Presented the changes in the personal and psycho-emotional spheres of soldiers with adjustment disorder and posttraumatic stress disorders. Described the changes in the indexes characterizing the personal sphere and emotional background. Identified and presented indicators of the personal, psychological and emotional spheres in professional activity of servicemen of different forms of military service. Analyzed changes dynamics in the personal and psycho-emotional areas of the servicemen.
Obtained data is summarized and presented in the form of diagrams. Displaying a comparative picture of irregularities formation in the personal sphere and in emotional background. Empirically determined the dynamics of changes in personal and psycho-emotional spheres of the servicemen.
Key words: servicemen (soldier), adaptation disorders, accentuation of character, personal features, personality traits, emotional background, psycho emotional sphere, intellectual level.
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2. Akarachkova E.S. Stress i rasstroystva adaptatsii / E.S. Akarachkova, O.V. Kotova, S.V. Vershinina, I.V. Ryabokon // Lechaschiy vrach: Nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal. – 2014. – № 6. – S. 61–65.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 6(13): 305-315 (pdf)