Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 16 – 2019


Content of Issue


UDC 159.98: 316.628: 364.2

Bevz H.M.

Institute of Social and Political Psychology National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Socio-psychological support as a direction of psychological researches: a theoretical analysis

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the notion of “social and psychological support” as a subject of interdisciplinary knowledge. The importance of taking into account the origins of its application, in particular in the field of social policy, as “social risks management” with practical implementation in the social protection system of the population is proved. Its psychological block has received wide representation in the field of human professional activity and searching of ways of mastering of probable risks by the person in normative-usual, extreme and extraordinary conditions of functioning. Proposed by the author on the basis of theoretical analysis, the level and evaluation parameters of social and psychological support for human activity in society include the following components: regulatory support, environment as conditions and means of activity, activity (its subject and activity itself) and expected effects (material, financial, economic, personal and emotional). It is argued that the scarce approach taken in the Soviet times in the formфешщт of social and psychological support requires a revision not only in the field of social policy but also concerning the technological approach itself in its application. The importance of taking into account the integration characteristics of social and psychological support, which form its expected effects, is proved. It is argued that psychological practices and social and psychological support in general, focused on the well-being of a person, is a perspective direction for the development of its sociality.

Keywords: social and psychological support, psychology of activity, risks of professional activity, conditions of activity.

References transliterated

1. Arnautova V.V. Sotsialno-psykholohichne zabezpechennia sotsializatsii vykhovantsiv zakrytykh osvitnikh zakladiv: dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk. Spetsialnist: 19.00.05 / SUNU. Sievierodonetsk, 2016. 259 s.

2. Volynets N.V. Rekomendatsii viiskovym kapelanam prykordonnoho vidomstva shchodo pidvyshchennia rivnia ta zberezhennia osobystisnoho blahopoluchchia personalu derzhavnoi prykordonnoi sluzhby Ukrainy. Psykholohiia: teoriia i praktyka: zb. nauk. prats. Mukachevo: RVV MDU, 2019. Vyp. 1 (3). S. 44-54.

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4. Karamushka L.M., Moskalov M.V. Psykholohichni umovy pidhotovky maibutnikh menedzheriv do upravlinnia zminamy v orhanizatsii: monohrafiia. Kyiv: В«ProsvitaВ», 2011. 200 s.

5. Klimanska M. Psykholohichni chynnyky skhylnosti molodi do sotsialnoho utrymanstva: dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.05 / Lvivskyi natsionalnyi universytet im. I. Franka. Lviv; Instytut sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykhoohii APN Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2001. 192 s.

6. Kovalenko O.M. Sotsialnyi zakhyst yak element sotsialnykh standartiv u katehoriiakh sotsialnoi spravedlyvosti. Teoriia ta praktyka derzhavnoho upravlinnia. 2012. Bun. 1 (36). S. 303-309.

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8. Korolchuk M.S., Krainiuk V.M. Sotsialno-psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia diialnosti v zvychainykh ta ekstrmemalnykh umovakh: navch. posib. dlia studentiv vyshch. navch. zakl. Kyiv: Nika tsentr, 2006. 580 s.

9. Kravchenko N.M. Sutnist, pryznachennia ta osnovni zavdannia psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia sluzhbovo-boiovoi diialnosti syl okhorony pravoporiadku. Porivnialno-analitychne pravo. 2018. в„– 6. S. 258-261. URL:

10. Kryvokon N.I. Sotsialno-psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia sotsialnoi roboty: monohrafiia. Kharkiv: Vyd. FOP Oliinyk, 2011. 480 s.

11. Malynivska L.I. Aktualni problemy sotsialno-psykholohichnho zabezpechennia diialnosti v zvychainykh ta ekstremalnonadzvychainykh umovakh. Peadahohichni nauky. 2016. Vyp. LXX. T. 1. S. 98-101. URL:

12. Nakaz Administratsii Derzhavnoi sluzhby spetsialnoho zviazku ta zakhystu informatsii В«Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku zdiisnennia psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia sluzhbovoi diialnosti v Derzhavnii sluzhbi spetsialnoho zviazku ta zakhystu informatsii Ukrainy ta Pereliku psykholohichnykh protypokazan, naiavnist yakykh unemozhlyvliuie prokhodzhennia viiskovoi sluzhby za kontraktom (navchannia) v Derzhavnii sluzhbi spetsialnoho zviazku ta zakhystu informatsii Ukrainy. URL:]

13. Psykholohichna sluzhba: pidruch. / nauk. red. V.H. Panok. Kyiv: Nika-Tsentr, 2016. 362 s.

14. Psykholohichni praktyky konstruiuvannia zhyttia v umovakh postmodernoi sotsialnosti: monohrafiia / T.M. Tytarenko, O.M. Kochubeinyk, K.O. Cheremnykh ta in. Kyiv: Milenium, 2014. 206 s.

15. Sotsialno-psykholohichne zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii molodi: monohrafiia / za red. N.M. Dembytskoi. Kyiv: Instytut psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy, 2018. 346 s.

16. Stasiuk V.V. Sutnist i zmist psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia pidhotovky ta zastosuvannia viisk (syl) v suchasnykh umovakh. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu oborony Ukrainy. 2012.в„– 1 (26). S. 256-260.

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18. Bevz H. Child psychological safety in social systems: in the context of interdisciplinary knowledge. in PsychospoЕ‚eczne aspekty bezpieczeЕ„stwa w wymiarze indywidualnym i spoЕ‚ecznym, Elzbieta Napora, Monika Stawiarska-Lietzau,Elzbieta Kornacka-Skwara, Redakcja. CzД™stochowa, Polska: Wydawnictwo im. Stanislawa Podobinskiego Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana DЕ‚ugosza w CzД™stochowie, 2018, I, pp. 63-78.

19. Border Patrol Strategic Plan The Mission: Protect America. 2012-2016 / U.S. Customs and Border Protection. 2012. 30 p. URL:

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 6-15 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.01

Grys A.M., Pavlyuk M.M.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv

The theory and practice of working with the client’s Image of I in the context of autonomy

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals self-image dynamic in the context of self-confidence and autonomy. The idea of psychological equilibrium influencing self-image development and autonomous behaviour is characterized. The unrealistic components of self-image, hindering development of motivation for self-improvement and autonomy, for extension of personal space boundaries, are distinguished. Self-image is examined through the prism of attaining of a certain status, which could lead to a temporary disappearance of goals if an individual is clinging to this acquired “status”, trying to protect, defend, and confirm it. Attention is drawn to the fact that, if internal self-image is distorted and unrealistic, reactions to external circumstances becomes inadequate. Feelings, actions, behaviour, deeds are the result of an individual’s perceptions and beliefs about Self. Understanding of this mechanism provides a benchmark for psychologists helping them develop psychological tools for changing both some personal traits and the holistic structure of Self. The article presents some examples of clients’ internal dialogues regarding their roles in interaction with themselves and with others that can be found in real life, where roles are constantly played.

The article concludes that new self-images allow people to practice new relationships with others and acquire new personal traits. The constant inner rehearsals of new self-image are based on the internal creative mechanism that takes care of an individual’s own Self and enables him/her to find the best possible option.

Keywords: psychological equilibrium, self-image, internal dialogues, integrity, autonomy.

References transliterated

1. Berns R. Razvitie В«Ya-koncepciiВ» i vospitanie. Moskva: Progress, 1986. 420 s.

2. Bolotova A.K. Razvitie samosoznaniya lichnosti: vremennoj aspekt. Voprosy psihologii. 2006. S. 116-125.

3. Danchenko V. Tri urovnya nadlichnostnogo samosoznaniya. Voprosy samorazvitiya cheloveka. 1990. Vyp. 2. S. 17-29.

4. Kon I. S. Otkrytie В«YaВ». Moskva: Politizdat, 1978. 367 s.

5. Krajg G. Psihologiya razvitiya. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2000. 922 s.

6. Muhina V. S. Fenomenologiya razvitiya i bytie lichnosti. Moskva: Izd-vo MPSI; Voronezh: MODEK, 1997. 217 s.

7. Psihologiya vospitaniya / pod red. V. A. Petrovskogo. Moskva: Aspekt-Press, 1995. 152 s.

8. Andree Lumeau speaks about PRH at the intensive training session in Thailand, December 1992. Winnipeg, 1994.

9. Coleman J. S. The Adolescent Society. New York, 1996. 86 СЂ.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 16-24 (pdf)



UDC 316.614

Moskalenko V.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The personality study cultural-activity conception (retrospective analysis of the Ukrainian culturological school achievements)

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article, on the basis of main theoretical positions about cultural-activity conception’s principles’ content and essence generalization, determines its place in the system of non-classical research paradigm. In particular, it is shown that from the standpoint of cultural-activity conception as a personality research non-classical paradigm, the paradox between the personality as a single and the community as universal, which has existed for centuries in classical science, is being solved. The following main points of cultural-activity theory as a methodology for personality research contribute to the solution of this paradox.

1. The shift of emphasis from the description of the external environment of man and the characteristics of his spiritual world to the determination of culture forms system, which accumulates in the specific historical activity of people universal ways of activity and communication, thus being the system of human formation, ensuring the development of the human personality.

2. Propositions on the personality development through the acquisition of cultural behavior historical forms, which is based on the “man - world” paradigm, according to which Man should be considered in unity with his World. Man opposes external reality not as a pure consciousness or isolated individual, but as an organized community, in relation to which the facts of the "individual psyche" are subordinate and derivative.

3. The principle of understanding the personality and its development as a principle according to which man and the world interact, form a special ontological reality, in which man is a system-forming factor. The main feature of the world is that it is always attributed to the subject; all its elements correlate with the purposeful activity of the subject. Therefore, the human world is a system of cultural and historical relations formed by a man in accordance with his goals and needs, which is concerted with the individual in accordance with his aptitudes, practical and spiritual abilities. It follows therefrom that the interaction of man and the world determines the parameter of significance.

Keywords: personality, non-classical paradigm, cultural-activity conception, culture forms system, human formation, “man-world” relation, human world, research categories system.

References transliterated

1. Asmolov A.G. Po tu storonu soznaniya. Metodologicheskie problemyi neklassicheskoy psihologii. Moskva: Smyisl, 2002. 480 s.

2. Bruner Dzh. Psihologiya poznaniya. Za predelami neposredstvennoy informatsii: per s angl. I. Babitskogo. Moskva: Progress. 1977. 411 s.

3. Vasilyuk F.E. Metodologicheskiy analiz v psiholo¬gii. Moskva: MGPPU; Smyisl, 2003. 240 s.

4. Vyigotskiy L.S. Istoriya razvitiya vyisshih psihicheskih funktsiy: v 6 t. / pod red. A.M. Matyushkina. Moskva: Pedagogika, 1983. T. 3. Problemyi razvitiya psihiki. 368 s.

5. Zhiznennyiy put lichnosti / pod red. L.V. Sohan. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1987. 281 s.

6. Ivanov V.P. Chelovecheskaya deyatelnost – poznanie – iskusstvo. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 1977. 250 s.

7. Levi-Bryul L. Sverh'estestvennoe i priroda v pervobyitnom myishlenii: per. s fr. B. Sharevskoy. Moskva: OGIZ, 1937. 518 s.

8. Lomov B.F. Metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemyi psihologi. Moskva: Nauka, 1984. 444 s.

9. Mirovozzrencheskaya kultura lichnosti (Filosofchkie problemyi formirovaniya). Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1986. 295 s.

10. Moliako V.O. Henetychni indykatory konstruiuvannia obraziv svitu v suchasnomu informatsiinomu prostori. Psykholohichni zakonomirnosti tvorchoho spryimannia informatsiinykh indykatoriv realnosti: monohrafiia / za red. V.O. Moliako. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. S. 10-40.

11. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsializatsiia osobystosti: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Feniks, 2013. 540 s.

12. Rybalka V.V. Metodolohichni pytannia naukovoi psykholohii: navch.-metod. posib. Kyiv: Nika-Tsentr, 2003. 204 s.

13. Rubinshteyn S.L. Chelovek i mir. Problemyi obschey psihologi. Moskva: Pedagogika, 1973. S. 255-285.

14. CtСѓopin V.S. Samorazvivayuschiesya sistemyi i postneklassicheskaya ratsionalnost. Filosofskie issledovaniya. 2003. в„– 8. S. 5-17.

15. Tatenko V.O. Suchasna psykholohiia:teoretyko-metodolohichni problemy: navch. posib. Kyiv: vyd-vo Nats. aviats.un-tu В«NAU-drukВ», 2009. 288 s.

16. Shynkaruk V. Metodolohichni zasady filosofskykh vchen pro liudynu. Filosofska antropolohiia: ekzystentsialni problemy. Kyiv, 2000. S. 8-48.

17. Shinkaruk V.I. Filosofiya i mirovozzrenie. Chelovek i mir cheloveka. Kategorii В«chelovekВ» i В«mirВ» v sisteme nauchnogo mirovozzreniya. / otv. red. V.I. Shinkaruk. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1977. S. 7-26.

18. Shinkaruk V.I., Yatsenko A.I. Gumanizm dialektiko-materialisticheskogo mirovozzreniya. Kiev: Politizdat Ukraini, 1984. 256 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 25-35 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.072

Serdiuk L.Z.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The relationship between self-attitude and attitudes to a partner as a factor for marriage stability

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article explores the peculiarities of relationship between self-attitude and attitudes to a partner. The consistency of these parameters is considered as a factor of marriage stability.

The participants of the study are 70 stable married couples. All of them were in their first marriage during up to 10 years, without noticed conflicts and contradiction in family relationships. Retrospective self-assessment and evaluation of their partners was used to identify the dynamics of personal traits and courses of marital compatibility.

The influence of contradictions existing in the system of self-assessment, expected evaluations and mutual evaluations of partners on their marital relations is revealed. The conditions for positive or negative dynamics of marriage compatibility were determined empirically. The prognoses for marital relations optimization are shown. The article states that conditions for tension in spouses’ perceptual interactions are created if self-assessment is higher than an evaluation of the partner and an expected assessment made by a partner is higher than the actual estimation given by the partner.

The conditions for contradictions and tensions are not created if an assessment of self-esteem is approximately the same as that of the partner and an expected assessment made by a partner coincides approximately with the actual estimation given by the partner.

So, partners’ personal characteristics become more conformed at the marriage life course, and their compatibility expressed in a psychological distance between them, acquires a positive dynamics over time. Negative personal changes that increase partners’ alienation take place when self-assessment exceeds an expected assessment made by a partner and when an expected assessment made by a partner exceeds the partner’s actual assessments.

Keywords: marital relationship, self-assessment, expected assessment, partner’s assessment, dynamics of compatibility, spheres of marital interactions.

References transliterated

1. Braun Dzh., Kristensen D. Teorija i praktika semejnoj psihoterapii, 2001. SPb.: Piter. 352 s.

2. Vashhenko Р†.V., Kondrac'ka L.V. OsoblivostС– sС–mejnih vzaС”min u suchasnih podruzhnС–h parah. Nauka С– osvС–ta, 2005. в„– 3-4. S.13-17.

3. Volkova A.N., Trapeznikova T.M. Metodicheskie priemy diagnostiki supruzheskih otnoshenij. Psihologija sem'i: hrestomatija. Samara, 2002. S. 734-745.

4. Gerasimov E.M. Vozmozhnost' prognozirovanija supruzheskih konfliktov po rezul'tatam sovremennyh issledovanij v otechestvennoj psihologi. Molodoj uchenyj. 2009. в„– 2. S.226-230.

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6. Koroleva, E.M., Krjukova, T.L. Issledovanie diadicheskogo kopinga: rol' v ukreplenii supruzheskih otnoshenij i psihologicheskogo blagopoluchija pary. Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: serija: Pedagogika. Psihologija. Sociokinetika. 2018. в„– 2. S. 84-88.

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9. Morozova O.V. SocС–al'no-psihologС–chna pС–dtrimka blagopoluchchja podruzhzhja u shljubС–. Naukovij vС–snik Hersons'kogo derzhavnogo unС–versitetu (SerС–ja В«PsihologС–chnС– naukiВ»). Vip. 6. T. 2. Herson: Gel'vetika, 2017. S. 169-174.

10. Mjasishhev V.N. Psihologija otnoshenij. Voronezh: Izd-vo В«In-t prakt. psihologiiВ»: NPO В«MODJeKВ», 1998. 362 s.

11. Pezeshkian N. Trening semejnyh otnoshenij; [per. s nem.]. M.: Institut pozitivnoj psihoterapii, 2009. 288 s.

12. Sychev O.A. Supruzheskaja atribucija kak faktor udovletvorennosti otnoshenijami v parah s razlichnym stazhem semejnoj zhizni. Sibirskij psihologicheskij zhurnal. 2016. Vyp. 59. S.172-187.

13. Seligman M.E., Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology. American psychologis, 2000. Vol. 55. N 1. Р . 5-14.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 36-45 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.072

Turban V.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ethics and morality of a personality: a conflict, cognitive dissonance and tolerance

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article explores social-cultural foundations of ethical ideas. In particular, communication is analyzed as a mechanism for moral judgment making. The theoretical considerations of V.A. Malahov (the social approach in philosophy), I. Kant (the transcendental approach), K. Ballestrem (identified contradictions in Kant’s ethical rigour) and other authors are discussed. The theoretical foundations are specified, based on which the ethical aspect of an individual’s sociality is covered. The concepts of “ethics” and “morality” are differentiated. On the basis of this difference, we can argue that morality is a social phenomenon formed within the social process, where communication acts as inter-actions - exchanges with moral judgments. Instead, ethics is viewed as the absolute; its ideas are understood intuitively and cannot be rationally justified.

The psychological aspect of the examined problem is that morality is a true reflection of social norms assimilated during personal socialization and reproduced in everyday life. However, there is a fundamental difference between ethics and morality; because ethical norms are not identical to social norms. Accordingly, the reflection over differences between ethical and social (moral) norms is leads to cognitive dissonance. This dissonance overcoming is possible according to the traditional schemes presented in the writings of L. Festinger. However, definitive, final overcoming of the cognitive dissonance concerning ethical and moral issues is not possible. Accordingly, a conflict, as an irreducible confrontation between ethical and moral standards, is an ethical-psychological fact of human existence. Since this contradiction cannot be overcome, it is necessary to achieve a kind of tolerance for this ethical-moral contradiction through experiences of everyday existence with reflection on the confrontation between ethics and morality.

Keywords: personality, ethical and moral development, sociality, communication, reflectivity, conflict, tolerance.

References transliterated

1. Ballestrom K.Рќ. Power and morality (the main problem of political ethics). Philosophical Sciences, в„– 8. 1991. P. 83-94.

2. Zapasnik S. Lies in Politics. Philosophical Sciences, No. 8. 1991. P. 94-102.

3. Malakhov VA Ethics: Lecture Course: Educ. manual. The 4 species. K.: Libid, 2002. 384 p.

4. Nietzsche F. Thus said Zarathustra. Power desires. K.: Fundamentals, 1993. 414 p.

5. Ethics. A brief philosophical encyclopedia. M .: Izd. Progress group пЂ­ Encyclopedia, 1994. 576 p.

6. Riker P. Around Politics. K.: Spirit and Letter, 1995. 334 p.

7. Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness. M.: Republic, 1994. 447 p.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 46-55 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2+159.972

Muzyka O.L., Goncharuk O.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

TMU В«PsychiatryВ», Kyiv

Abilities as personal value resources of the readaptation of women with mental disorders

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Personal readaptation of people with mental disorders is regarded as a process of readjustment to life connected with awareness of mental changes, reconstruction and statement of personal identity in self-development, social relations and professional activity. Personal value adaptation resources are represented by four types of abilities: reflective, creative, communicative, and professional ones. It was revealed that personal identity changes dependent on a type of mental disorder. It was found that changes in self-image, self-attitude, and self-esteem lead to self-depreciation. It was shown that value support of self-development of abilities is an effective method of personal readaptation of women with mental disorders. It is a form of personalized psychological assistance which consists of reflection of current abilities and development of the new ones, forming of value attitude to abilities as to the resources which maintain personal self-identity, improving the quality of life, achieving the optimal level of independent functioning in the society.

Keywords: abilities, personal readaptation, personal values, mental disorders, self-development.

References transliterated

1. Aimedov K. V. (2016) Biopsykhosotsialna model dopomohy u klinichnii praktytsi: Tsykl naukovykh prats [The biopsychosocial model of clinical practice assistance: A cycle of research]. Odesa: Pres-kurier, 175 [in Ukrainian].

2. Ananev B. H. (2001) Chelovek kak predmet poznanyia [Man as a subject of knowledge]. SPb.: Pyter, 288 [in Russian].

3. Ball H. A. (1989) Poniatye adaptatsyy y eho znachenye dlia psykholohyy lychnosty [The concept of adaptation and its significance for personality psychology]. VoprosС‹ psykholohyy, в„–1, 92-100 [in Russian].

4. Bohomolov A. M. (2008) LychnostnС‹i adaptatsyonnС‹i potentsyal v kontekste systemnoho analyza [Personal adaptive potential in the context of system analysis]. Psykholohycheskaia nauka y obrazovanye, 1, 67-73 [in Russian].

5. Voitenko R. M. (2011) Sotsyalnaia psykhyatryia s osnovamy medyko-sotsyalnoi СЌkspertyzС‹ y reabylytolohyy: Rukovodstvo dlia vrachei y psykholohov [Social Psychiatry with the Basics of Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation: A Guide for Physicians and Psychologists]. SPb.: YKF В«FolyantВ», 256 [in Russian].

6. Helder M., HСЌt D., Meio R. (1997) Oksfordskoe rukovodstvo po psykhyatryy [Oxford Guide to Psychiatry]. T.1. Kyev: Sfera, 164 [in Russian].

7. Р­ntony V., KoСЌn M., Farkas M. (2001) Psykhyatrycheskaia reabylytatsyia [Psychiatric rehabilitation]. Kyev: Sfera, 298 [in Russian].

8. Kabanov M. M. (2001) Reabylytatsyia v kontekste psykhyatryy [Rehabilitation in the context of psychiatry]. Medytsynskye yssledovanyia, T.1., V. 1., 9-10. [in Russian].

9. Kaplan H. Y., SСЌdok B. Dzh. (1998) Klynycheskaia psykhyatryia [Clinical psychiatry]. V 2 t. T.2. M.: Medytsyna, 528 [in Russian].

10. Karvasarskyi B. D. (2004) Klynycheskaia psykholohyia [Clinical psychology]. 4-e yzd. SPb.: Pyter, 553 [in Russian].

11. Kartynh P. Dzh. (2001) Vozvrashchenye v soobshchestvo: Postroenye system podderzhky dlia liudei s psykhyatrycheskoi ynvalydnostiu [Return to the community: Building support systems for people with psychiatric disabilities]. Kyev: Sfera, 442 [in Russian].

12. Klynycheskaia psykholohyia / Pod red. M. Perre, U. Baumanna (2007) [Clinical Psychology]. SPb.: Pyter, 1312 [in Russian].

13. Kostiuk H. S. (1989) Navchalno-vykhovnyi protses i psykhichnyi rozvytok osobystosti [The primary-whirlwind process and the psychic development of special features]. Kyiv: Rad. shk., 608 [in Ukrainian].

14. Leontev A.N. (2004) Deiatelnost. Soznanye. Lychnost [Activity. Consciousness. Personality]. M.: SmС‹sl; Akademyia, 352 [in Russian].

15. Maksymenko S. D. (2006) Geneza zdiisnennia osobystosti [Genesis of personality realization]. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo TOV В«KMMВ», 240 [in Ukrainian].

16. MKB-10. Mezhdunarodnaia klassyfykatsyia boleznei 10-ho peresmotra [10th International Classification of Diseases]. URL: [in Russian].

17. Muzyka O. L. (2014) Vzaiemodiia potreb i zdibnostei u rozvytku tvorcho obdarovanoi osobystosti [Interaction of needs and abilities in the development of creatively gifted personality]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo В«FeniksВ», Psykholohiia tvorchosti, V.20, 213-228 [in Ukrainian].

18. Muzyka O. L. (2014) Referentni vidnosyny u rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti [Reference relationships in the development of gifted personality]. Osvitnie seredovyshche yak chynnyk stanovlennia obdarovanoi osobystosti: Рјonohrafiia / Za red. R. O. Semenovoi. Kyiv-Kirovohrad : Imeks LTD, 69-90 [in Ukrainian].

19. Muzyka O. L. (2005) Refleksiia ta tsinnisna pidtrymka rozvytku zdibnostei: pidkhody do pobudovy metodyky doslidzhennia [Reflection and value support for the development of abilities: approaches to the construction of research methodology]. Tvorchyi potentsial osobystosti: problemy rozvytku ta realizatsii: Materialy Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (Kyiv, 15 liutoho 2005 r.). Kyiv, 187-190 [in Ukrainian].

20. Muzyka O. L. (2013) Spivvidnoshennia zdibnostei i obdarovanosti: subiektno-tsinnisnyi pidkhid [Value for ability: a value-based approach]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. Kyiv: Vyd-vo В«FeniksВ», 223-233 [in Ukrainian].

21. Muzyka O.L. (2016) Tsinnisna pidtrymka rozvytku osobystosti v kryzovykh zhyttievykh sytuatsiiakh [Valuable support for personality development in crisis situations]. Osobystist v umovakh kryzovykh vyklykiv suchasnosti: Materialy metodolohichnoho seminaru NAPN Ukrainy (24 bereznia 2016 roku) / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka. Kyiv, 167-175 [in Ukrainian].

22. Muzyka O. O. (2016) Referentni stosunky yak resurs dukhovnoho rozvytku studentiv [Reference relationships as a resource for students' spiritual development]. Osvitolohichnyi dyskurs, 3, 63-73. [in Ukrainian].

23. Nalchadzhian A. A. (2010) Psykholohycheskaia adaptatsyia: MekhanyzmС‹ y stratehyy [Psychological Adaptation: Mechanisms and Strategies]. M.: Р­ksmo, 368 [in Russian].

24. Pyazhe Zh. (2003) Psykholohyia yntellekta [Psychology of intelligence]. SPb.: Pyter, 192 [in Russian].

25. Platonov K. K. (1986) Struktura y razvytye lychnosty [The structure and development of personality]. M.: Nauka, 256 [in Russian].

26. Pozalikarniana dopomoha ta psykhiatrychna reabilitatsiia pry vazhkykh psykhichnykh zakhvoriuvanniakh / Pid red. Jaap van Weeghel (2002) [Outpatient care and psychiatric rehabilitation for severe mental illness]. Kyiv: Sfera, 600 [in Ukrainian].

27. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / Za red. O. L. Muzyky (2015) [Psychological principles of development of gifted personality in the educational environment]. Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 146 [in Ukrainian].

28. Rubynshtein S. L. (2002) OsnovС‹ obshchei psykholohyy [Fundamentals of General Psychology]. SPb.: Pyter, 720 [in Russian].

29. Teplov B.M. (1985) YzbrannС‹e trudС‹ [Selected works]: V 2 t. M.: Pedahohyka, T.I., 328 [in Russian].

30. Khaustova O. O. (2015) Psykhosotsialna reabilitatsiia: problemy i shliakhy vyrishennia [Psychosocial rehabilitation: problems and solutions]. Arkhiv psykhiatrii, 2, 36-42 [in Ukrainian].

31. Shadrykov V. D. (2010) ProfessyonalnС‹e sposobnosty [Professional abilities]. M.: Unyversytetskaia knyha, 320 [in Russian].

32. Ianshyn P.V. (2004) Praktykum po klynycheskoi psykholohyy. MetodС‹ yssledovanyia lychnosty [Workshop on clinical psychology. Methods of personality research]. SPb.: Pyter, 336 [in Russian].

33. Engel G. (1977) The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Science,196, 129-136.

34. Engel G. L. (1980) The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 137, 535-544.

35. Borrell-Carrio, F., Suchman, A. L., Epstein, R. M. (2004). The Biopsychosocial Model 25 Years Later: Principles, Practice, and Scientific Inquiry. Annals of Family Medicine, 2 (6), 576-582.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 56-71 (pdf)


UDC 159.9.07: 616.895.4

Vizniuk I.M.

Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsyubinsky, Vinnytsya

Somatotypes of professional programs by hypochondriacal sign according to the results of the research

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the hypochondriacal personality type, characterized by a focus on subjective unpleasant feelings and a desire to convey them to others, creating a situation of compassion and compassion. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of manifestation of hypochondriacal disorders in persons with hypochondriacal symptoms for constructing their psychogram.

Methods. In the first phase of the study, a psychodiagnostic interview was conducted to determine the hypochondriacal mood of the subjects using the author's psychodiagnostic questionnaire. Persons with psychosomatic disorders and hypochondrial disorders (EG) were selected. In this aspect, we used associative and verbal experiments, performed complex clinical and psychoneurological (in particular, brain encephalogram) examination of patients. The method of chronometry was conducted, during which six chronotypes (Xm) with singular repetition of hypochondrial features in the behavior of the subjects were diagnosed, taking into account their involvement in professional activity according to the classification of professions by O. Klimov.

According to the results of the study, psychological features of the development of hypochondrial behavior and their clinical manifestations were established. The real psychosomatic causes of the origin and development of hypochondrial personality disorders at the stage of conducting a psychodiagnostic experiment in specialists of different professions and a group of persons of independent orientation by type "I" are highlighted. It is proposed for the first time to identify hypochondriacal personality disorders as psychogenic reactions, provoked by apparent psychosomatic disorders, which is caused by psychopathological factors (such as cancerophobia, syphilophobia, etc.) and is considered as a separate profession.

Conclusions. The basic structural components of the mechanisms of genesis of hypochondrial disorders as a destructive personality formation are substantiated. Relationships of personality development in the conditions of personality disadaptation and psychosomatic health have been revealed. The origin of symptoms that mimic bodily pathology is explained by the mechanisms of transformation that result from the lack of adaptive psychological protection.

Keywords: personality, hypochondriacal disorders, psychosomatic disorders, algorithm of chronobiological prognosis, model of psychocorrectional measures and psychotherapeutic help.

References transliterated

1. Kokun, O.M. (1999). Teoretychni ta praktychni zasady psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia profesiinoho stanovlennia osobystosti [Theoreticians and practical principles of psychological protection of professions and professional status]. Kyiv: В«UKRbВ», 201s. [in Ukrainian].

2. Maksymenko, S.D. (2008). Osobystist: prohnoz rozvytku i zhyttievyi shliakh [Personality: development forecast and life path.]. Psykholohichne oposeredkuvannia pedahohichnykh vplyviv na rozvytok osobystisnoi aktyvnosti v osvitnomu prostori ‒ Psychological mediation of pedagogical influences on personal activity development at education, (pp. 4‒35). Kyiv: DP «Informatsiino-analitychne ahentstvo» [in Ukrainian].

3. Vitenko, I.S. (1999). Zminy psyhiky pry somatychnyh rozladah actual`na problegma medychnoi` psyhologii [Changes in psyche pry somatychnyh rozladah actual`na problegma medychnoi` psychology]. Kyiv: Medychna osvita, в„–1, pp. 48-50. [in Ukrainian].

4. Vizniuk, I.M. (2017). Typolohichnyi analiz genezycu ipokhondrychnykh rozladiv osobystosti [A typological analysis of the genesis of hypochondriacal personality disorders]. Odessa: Nauka i osvita, в„– 9, C. 30-36. [in Ukrainian].

5. Vizniuk, I.M. (2019). Psykhosomatychni koreliaty v aspekti rozvytku ipokhondrychnoi povedinky osobystosti [Psykhosomatychni correlates in the aspect of rozvtku ipokhondrychnoi the river personality]. Kyiv: Psykholohichnyi chasopys, 8(7), pp. 174-188. [in Ukrainian].

6. Smulevich, A. B., & Volel, B.A. (2007). Tipologiia ipokhondricheskih razvitii v somaticheskoi klinike [Typology ofhypochondria development in a somatic clinic] Materialy rossiiskoi konferentsii В«Vzaimodeistvie nauki ipraktiki sovremennoi psikhiatriiВ». Moscow, October 9, pp. 87-88. [in Russian]

7. Stanovlennia osobystosti shkoliariv z riznymy navchalnymy dosiahnenniamy v ontohenetychnomu prostori : monohrafiia [The formation of the personality of students with different educational achievements in the ontogenetic space] a monograph. za red. M.T. Dryhus. Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2013. 154 s. [in Ukrainian].

8. Shevchenko L., Kryzhanovskyi A. (2018). Experimental verification of the efficiency of formation of trainee teachers professional competence with the use of Web technologies [Experimental verification of the efficiency of formation of trainee teachers’ professional competence with the use of Web technologies]. Information Technologies and Learning Tools. Vol 66. No 4. pp. 197—206. URL: (Web of Science (ESCI)) [in Ukrainian].


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 72-82 (pdf)



UDC 159.98

Havrylovska K.P., Demianchuk Yu.Yu.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

The formation of person`s hardiness (art-coaching approach)

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article considers the phenomenon of person`s hardiness. Hardiness is a trait of a person which provides individuals an opportunity to function efficiently and achieve their goals, as well as to maintain internal balance in difficult situations of life choice. Person`s hardiness includes three components: involvement (the presence of life goals and the satisfaction of their achievement); control (an active life position and the ability to choose one’s own life path); accepting a challenge (willingness to take reasonable risks in situations of uncertainty and the ability to use the experience gained; the ability to perceive changes as an opportunity for development and self-improvement). Hardiness is closely related to the subjectivity of the personality, its subjective well-being, the ability to successfully adapt to new conditions of activity and life-creation. One can create new or modify existing art-coaching techniques in order to form and develop person`s hardiness. Art coaching combines the techniques of classical coaching and various art therapy techniques. It provides an opportunity to clients both to find answers to some important questions in the field of the unconscious and to use their own resources to embodiment their desires. Three art-coaching techniques that give an opportunity to work with three components of hardiness, namely “involvement”, “control” and “ability to accept a challenge”, are presented in the article.

Keywords: hardiness, components of hardiness: involvement, control, ability to accept a challenge; art coaching.

References transliterated

1. Maddi S. Teorii lichnosti: sravnitelnyiy analiz / per. s angl. I. Avidona, A. Batustina, P. Rumyantsevoy. Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatelstvo Rech, 2002. 539 p. [in Russion].

2. Maddi S. Smyisloobrazovanie v protsesse prinyatiya resheniy. Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. 2005. в„–6. P. 87-101. [in Russion].

3. Sotnichenko D. M. Zhiznestoykost kak psihologicheskiy fenomen. Ego znachenie v sovremennyih usloviyah sluzhbyi v armii. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. Tomsk, 2009. Vip. 8 (86). P. 104-109. [in Russion].

4. Evtushenko E.A. Zhiznestoykost lichnosti kak psihologicheskiy fenomen. Lichnost, semya i obschestvo: voprosyi pedagogiki i psihologii: sb. st. po mater. LX mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2016. # 1(58). URL: (data zvernennya: 22.11.2019). [in Russion].

5. Titarenko T.M., LarIna T.O. ZhittEstIykIst osobistostI: sotsIalna neobhIdnIst ta bezpeka: navch. posIb. KiYiv: Marich, 2009. 76 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Havrilovska K.P, Dem’yanchuk Yu.Yu. Zastosuvannya art-kouchingovih tehnIk u psihoterapevtichnIy robotI z podolannya PTSR. Post-travmatichniy stresoviy rozlad: doroslI, dIti ta rodini v situatsIYi vIyni. MIzhnarodne naukovo-praktichne vidannya / zag. red.: I. Manoha, G. Sobchuk. Tom I. Varshava - KiYiv: PAN - Gnozis, 2017. P. 7-20. [in Ukrainian].

7. Havrilovskaya K.P., Demyanchuk Yu.Yu. Kartyi В«Moy VOYaZhВ» (Tehniki: Moi otnosheniya, Semeynyie resursyi, Uroki partnerstva). Katalog metaforicheskih kart i tehnik. Kiev: Izdatelstvo PSIHOBUK, 2019. P. 111-114. [in Russion].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 83-90 (pdf)




Greilich Рћ.

Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University, Pereiaslav

Psychological peculiarity of preschool children’s speech development

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the preschool children’s speech development. The approaches to language teaching and speech development of preschool children are analyzed. The structural components of speech are revealed. The types of mastering the native language by preschool children are highlighted. The key psycholinguistic problem of preschool language education is emphasized, namely the correlation of communication and linguistic consciousness, which is the awareness of speech material. The role of communication as the main condition of automation of skills formed in the process of mastering the means of the native language is indicated. As we know, speech skills are speech operations on which the possibility of the correct construction and implementation of speech in preschool children depends. Communicativeness is considered as automation of skills that are formed in the process of intuitive sensory assimilation of native language means. Different views and features of assimilation of preschool children’s speech are presented. Attention is focused on the preschool children’s speech activity, which includes cognition, communication, regulation of behavior and self-expression, therefore requires consistent, constant, creative and daily practice of speaking. Language activity enables preschool children to express their own intentions, desires and aspirations.

Keywords: language, speech, speech skills, speech culture, communication, thinking, communicative competence, language competence, communicative and speech skills.

References transliterated

1. Gal’perin P. Ya. Lekcii po psihologii: ucheb. posobie [dlya student. vuzov]. M.: Knizhn. dom «Universitet»; Vysshaya shk., 2002. 400 s.

2. Kalmykova L. O. Perspektyvnist i nastupnist v navchanni movy y rozvytku movlennia ditei doshkilnoho i molodshoho shkilnoho viku: psykholinhvistychnyi i linhvometodychnyi vymiry: nav.-metod.pos. Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim В«SlovoВ», 2017. 448 s.

3. Kalmykova, L.O., Kharchenko, N.V., Demianenko, S.D., Poriadchenko L.A. Rozvytok movlennia ditei starshoho doshkilnoho viku: monohrafiia. K.: Vyd-vo В«PP MedviedievВ», 2007. 304 s.

4. Leont’ev A. A. Yazyk i rechevaya deyatel’nost’v obshchej i pedagogicheskoj psihologii: izb. psihol. tr. M.: Mosk. psihol.-soc. in-t; Voronezh: NPO «MODEK», 2001. 447 s.

5. Leont’ev A. N. Lekcii po obshchej psihologii. Pod red. D. A. Leont’eva, E. E. Sokolovoj. M.: Smysl, 2000. 511 s.

6. Rumyanceva I. M. Psihologiya rechi i lingvopedagogicheskaya psihologiya. M.: PER SE; Logos, 2004. 316 s.

7. Fedorenko L. P., Fomicheva G. A., Lotarev V. K., Nikolaicheva A. P. Metodika razvitiya rechi detej doshkol’nogo vozrasta. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1984. 240 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 91-97 (pdf)



UDC 159.956.2

Gubenko O.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

A paradox as a principle of constructing of the creative thinking

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: One of the main issues of psychology of creativity - is the question of how new (new ideas, hypotheses, images, etc.) arising from the old (now known theories, ideas and systems of knowledge). It should be noted that in many cases the new creation is on the border conflict. The contradiction is not an obstacle to the truth as it is considered in formal logic (to be ambiguous). In logic, as you know, the statement is correct or incorrect, and no third option. Instead, the contradiction is the necessary condition of existence truth. This situation is reflected in the principle of complementarity formulated N. Bohr. In this regard, the logic of creativity is the logic of a paradox, and comes into conflict with Aristotelian logic. Contradiction and synthesis of opposites are the source of the creativity of the new. The laws of the “paradox logic”, in our opinion, are the basis of many well-known forms of flow and methods of stimulating of creative thinking. Among them, we can name bisociative thinking, “Janusian thinking”, the method of focal objects, the Zwicky’s method of morphological analysis, a number of Altshuller’s techniques for activating inventive thinking, the method of garlands associations of Bush, and some others. The historian of science Daniel Danin, based on the above, considered the possibility of creating a new science – «centauristics» as the science of combination of incongruous things. The article describes the author's method of creation of creative products through a combination of unconnected ideas and concepts. This technique is designed to develop the intellectual talents of students and youth.

Keywords: creative thinking, contradictions, new creation, synthesis of opposites, methods of development of inventive thinking.

References transliterated

1. Belova S.S. Tvorchestvo i opyt ego komp'yuternogo modelirovaniya. Tvorchestvo: ot biologicheskih osnovanij k social'nym i kul'turnym fenomenam / Pod red. D.V. Ushakova. M.: Izd-vo В«Institut psihologii RANВ», 2011. S. 305-317.

2. Bush G.YA. Osnovy evristiki dlya izobretatelej. Riga, 1977.

3. Gubenko A.V. Kak vospitat' geniya, ili Investiciya v Vashego rebenka. (Dlya detej ot 5 do 16 let): Kniga dlya roditelej, detej, pedagogov i psihologov. Kiev; Ternopol', 2012. 132s.

4. Larionova L.I. Kul'turno-psihologicheskie faktory razvitiya intellektual'noj odarennosti. M.: Izd-vo В«Institut psihologii RANВ», 2011. 320 s.

4a. Molyako V.A. Tvorcheskaya konstruktologiya (prolegomeny). K.: В«OsvС–ta UkraС—niВ», 2007. 388 s.

5. Barron F. The disposition toward originality / P.E. Vernon (ed.). Creativity. L., 1972. P. 273-288.

6. Cropley A.I. Creativity. Zongman, 1971.

7. Koestler A. The act of creation. London. Hutchinson. 1964.

8. Mouchirold, C., & Lubart, T.I. (2002), В«Social creativity: A cross-sentional study of 6- to 11-year-old childrenВ», International Journal of Behavioral Development, 26 (1), 60-69.

9. Rothenberg, A. (1996), В«The Janusian process in scientific creativityВ» // Creativity Research Journal, 9 (2-3), 207-231.

10. Zwicky F. Discovery, Invention, Research – Through the Morphological Approach. Toronto: The Macmillan Company, 1969.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 98-102 (pdf)



UDC 316.6

Dembytska N.M.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Game practices in prevention of deprivation of a children rights to a personal property

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of an implementation of the game practice developed by us as an effective tool to motivate parents to be responsible in respecting the children’s rights to a personal space. It is shown that parental attitude is a main factor in the harmonious development of a child's privacy. It is found that the actualization of the experience of deprivation of rights to personal territory, things, tastes and preferences received by the participants in childhood during the game promotes their awareness of an adult attitudes’ role in a children personal space development and determines the positive effects of socialization, which already is observed in adulthood: an dependent, conformal personality is prone to co-dependent relationships and therefore unable to successfully manage interaction with the world.

Results of the game indicate the experience of deprivation of psychological space in childhood can be actualized in adulthood as a feeling of support lack in oneself, loss of value of one's own world. This is due to the fact that since childhood it has formed the inability to control and protect everything that occurs inside personal space, has not developed the ability to control own life, which is associated with the freedom of individual choice. Accordingly, in adulthood, the experience of lack of control leads to the absolutisation of an environment psychological pressure, turns a mechanisms of his mastery and the immeasurable interference to a private life and the undermining of the personal security area. As a consequence, such person in adult life also is incapable of protect the integrity of the boundaries of this area. Therefore he/she is not able to maintain the integrity and sovereignty of one's Self, to assert the personal privacy and to rely on this capacity for making an independent decision.

The necessity in the providing of psychological support to parents as agents of children's privacy development is substantiated.

Keywords: personal autonomy, privacy, personal psychological space, game socializing practice, personal property, deprivation of the right to personal property.

References transliterated

1. Altman Irvin, Zube Ervin H. (1989). Public Places and Spaces. Human Behavior and environment. New York– L: Plenum Press, 328 p.

2. Baudrillard J. (2001). The System of Objects. Рњ. В«RUDOMINOВ». 95 p.

3. Dembytska N.M. (2017). Personal property as a correlate of modern economic culture. Actual problems of psychology. Vol.1. (47). 55-58. URL: http: //

4. Dembytska N.M. Teoretyko-metodolohichni pidkhody do rozrobky sotsialno-psykholohichnoho zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii molodi. Sotsialno-psykholohichne zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi sotsializatsii molodi: monohrafiia. Za red. N.M. Dembytskoi.K. Instytut psykholohii imeni H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy, 2018. S. 8-18. URL :

5. Dergacheva O. E. (2011). Personal autonomy as a component of the personal potential. In D.A.Leont’ev (Ed.). Personality potential: structure and diagnostics (pp.210-240). – М., Sens.

6. Heft H. (1985). High residential density and perceptial-cognitive develop ment: An examination of effects of crowding and noise in the home. In J.F. van Vliet Wohlwill (Ed), Habitats for Children: The impact of Density. (pp. 39-76). N.Y.

7. Khazratova N.V. (2010). Sense of property and problem of violation of privacy in everyday life. Psychology of personality. Vol.1. 124-132.

8. Maykova E.Yu., Filippchenkova S.I. (2015). Risks of the personality’s autonomy in the social trajectory. Power. 3. 57 – 60.

9. Nartova-Bochaver S. K. (2006). The theory of privacy as a direction of foreign psychology. Psychological journal. 27 (5). 28 – 40.

10. Nartova-Bochaver S.K. Chelovek suverennyiy: psihologicheskoe issledovanie sub'ekta v ego byitii. - SPb: Piter, 2008. – 400s.

11. Payps R. (2008). Property and freedom. Рњoscow: Moscow School of Political Studies. 411 p.

12. Tanchuk R. (2016). The art of collecting. Collecting as a form of cultural activity - Kharkiv: "Humanitarian Center". 372 p.

13. Zimmer-Gembeck M.J., Collins W.A. (2003). Autonomy development during adolescence. In G.R.Adams, M.Berzonsky (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook of adolescence. (pp. 175-204). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 103-109 (pdf)



UDC 316.62: 316.613.432: 316.613.434

Zarembo N.A., Maslikhova M.P., Mikitina S.V.

Odesa National Maritime University, Odesa

Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Odesa

Odessa National Medical University, Odesa

Features of the psychological adaptation of В«nautical studentsВ» to future professional activities

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of a study on peculiarities of the psychological adaptation of students of the specialty "Sea and river transport" (hereinafter nautical students) to the specific conditions of future work.

The features of socio-psychological adaptation, aggressive reactions and psychological difficulties of this category of students are revealed. Comparative analysis of the severity of the integral indicators of the psychological adaptation of nautical students and humanities students, whose studies do not imply practical training in extreme conditions of work and studying.

Keywords: socio-psychological adaptation to the future professional activities of the sailor; students of the specialty "Sea and river transport"; Psychological adaptation to the specific conditions of future work; students studying in the specialty "Sea and river transport"; severity of aggressive reactions; psychological difficulties in the process of professional development.

References transliterated

1. Anan'ev V.A. Praktikum po psihologii zdorov'ja. SPb: Rech', 2007. 320 s.

2. Zarembo N.A. Rol' jemocional'noj samoreguljacii v psihologicheskoj adaptacii lichnosti: na primere strukturnogo analiza chuvstva obidy i viny. Mіzhnarodnij elektronnij naukovo-praktichnij zhurnal «WayScience». Suchasniĭ ruh nauki: tezi dop. V mіzhnarodnoї naukovo-praktichnoї іnternet-konferencії, 7-8 ljutogo 2019 r. Dnіpro, 2019. S. 259-264 URL: (data zaverennja 17.09.2019)

3. Klimov E.A. Vvedenie v psihologiju truda. M.: Kul'tura i sport, JuNITI, 1998. 350 s.

4. Kubasov R.V., Lupachev V.V., Popov M.V. Uslovija zhiznedejatel'nosti jekipazha na bortu morskogo sudna (obzor literatury). Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S. O. Makarova. 2016. в„– 2 (36). C. 49-56.

5. Leonova A.B., Kuznecova A.S. Psihologicheskie tehnologii upravlenija sostojanijami cheloveka. M.: Smysl, 2007. 311 s.

6. Mal'cev A.S., Golikova V.V. Dinamika psihofiziologicheskih funkcij u kursantov i sudovoditelej pri reshenii zadach sudovozhdenija na radiolokacionnom trenazhere. Aktual'nye problemy transportnoj mediciny: Sb. nauchn. Trudov UkrNII mediciny transporta. Vyp.1(7). Odessa: 2007. S. 20-26.

7. Mamaenko Ju.V. Chernenko E.V. Psihofiziologicheskie korreljaty professional'noj adaptacii morjakov. Aktual'nye problemy transportnoj mediciny. 2010. № 1 (19). S. 31–36.

8. Nikitina V.N., Ljashko G.G., Kalinina N.I. Osobennosti professional'noj dejatel'nosti morjakov na avtomatizirovannyh sudah i zdorov'e jekipazha. Profilakticheskaja medicina - 2016: materialy Vseros-sijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. 15–16 nojabrja 2016 goda / pod red. A. V. Mel'cera, I. Sh. Jakubovoj. SPb.: Izd-vo SZGMU im. I. I. Mechnikova, 2016. Ch. 2. 320 s. S 88 - 93.

9. Noskova O.G. Psihologija truda / Pod red. E.A. Klimova. M.: Izdatel'skij centr В«AkademijaВ», 2004. 384 s.

10. Pazynich G.I. Osobennosti sovremennoj prakticheskoj podgotovki specialistov sudovozhdenija dlja promyslovyh sudov. Modernizacija vysshego obrazovanija i problemy upravlenija kachestvom podgotovki specialistov. Teoreticheski-metodicheskie i prakticheskie problemy podgotovki specialistov pri stupenchatoj sisteme obrazovanija: materialy VIII Vseukrainskoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferencii Har'kov. 2010. S. 221-223.

11. Rodzhers K.R. Sovremennaja psihologija: teorija i praktika. M.: Institut obshhegumanitarnyh issledovanij, 2015. 200 s.

12. Rymina T.N., Pjatyrova E.V. Osobennosti vozdejstvija stressa na rabotnikov plavsostava v uslovijah raboty v more. Zdorov'e. Medicinskaja jekologija. Nauka. 2014. в„–4 (58). S. 103-105.

13. Strelkova O.V. Psihologicheskie aspekty professional'noj dejatel'nosti morjakov. Vestnik Baltijskogo federal'nogo universiteta im. I. Kanta. Serija: FILOLOGIJa, PEDAGOGIKA, PSIHOLOGIJa. 2010. в„– 5. S. 45-51.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 110-117 (pdf)



UDC 159.92

Ivanova V.

Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo

The psychological peculiarities of the development of creative abilities of younger pupils in extracurricular activities

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article has described the psychological peculiarities of younger pupils, described the features of the development of creative abilities of younger students in extracurricular activities. It has been presented the structure of creative abilities of the younger schoolchildren, including cognitive (knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the realization of the child in different types of activity); motivational (motives, interests, needs that motivate the younger student to creative activity) and emotional (positive attitude of the younger student to the performed activity, to the teacher, emotional self-realization in the process of performing non-standard tasks) components.

The author of the article has determined the advantages of extracurricular activities in comparison with teaching in the development of students' creative abilities, which is that, first, it is based on the principle of voluntariness (children themselves choose occupations according to their interests), and secondly, it includes the possibility of using the synthesis of arts (music, painting, literature), thirdly, in the framework of this activity, it is possible to use methods of active learning, activation of psychological mechanisms that will contribute to the development of creative abilities of younger students.

Keywords: creative abilities, younger students, extracurricular activities.

References transliterated

1. Amonashvyly Sh. A. Razvytye poznavatelnoi aktyvnosty uchashchykhsia v nachalnoi shkole. VoprosС‹ psykholohyy. 1984. в„– 5. S. 36в€’41.

2. Bybler V. S. Tvorcheskoe mС‹shlenye kak predmet lohyky. Nauchnoe tvorchestvo / pod red. S. R. Mikulinskogo, M. G. Yaroshevskogo. Moskva: Nauka, 1969. S. 175в€’184.

3. Blonskyi P.P. Razvytye mС‹shlenyia shkolnykov. Blonskyi P. P. YzbrannС‹e pedahohycheskye y psykholohycheskye sochynenyia: v 2 t. Moskva: Prosveshchenye, 1979. T. 2. S. 5в€’117.

4. Volkov B. S. Psykholohyia mladsheho shkolnyka. Moskva: Akademycheskyi prospekt, 2005. 208 s.

5. Zakharova A. V., Botsmanova M. Р­. Kak formyrovat samootsenku shkolnyka. Nachalnaia shkola. 1992. в„– 3. S. 58в€’65.

6. Ylyn E. P. Motyvatsyia y motyvС‹. Sankt-Peterburg: Pyter, 2000. 288 s.

7. Moliako V. A. Psykholohyia reshenyia shkolnykamy tvorcheskykh zadach. Kiev, 1983. 94 s.

8. Mukhyna V. S. Vozrastnaia psykholohyia: fenomenolohyia razvytyia, detstvo, otrochestvo. Moskva, 2003. 456 s.

9. Petrovskyi A. V. Vozrastnaia y pedahohycheskaia psykholohyia. Moskva: Prosveshchenye, 1979. 340 s.

10. Sukhareva A. P. Aktyvyzatsyia tvorcheskoi deiatelnosty mladshykh shkolnykov na zaniatyiakh po YZO: dys. ... kand. ped. nauk: 13. 00.02 / Omskiy gos. ped. un-t. Omsk, 2000. 205 s.

11. Tarasova S. L. Rol voprosov v ponymanyy teksta mladshymy shkolnykamy. VoprosС‹ psykholohyy. 2006. в„– 4. S. 40в€’47.

12. Iakymanskaia Y. S. OsnovС‹ lychnostno-oryentyrovannoho obuchenyia shkole. 2-e yzd. Moskva: BYNOM. Laboratoryia znanyi, 2013. 220 s.

13. Iakovleva, E. L. Psykholohyia razvytyia tvorcheskoho potentsyalam shkolnykov: dys. ... d-ra psykhol. nauk: 19. 00. 07 / Moskov. psihol.-sotsial. in-t. Moskva, 1997. 368 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 118-126 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2

Kyrychenko V.V.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

The development of information culture among representatives of socionomic and technonomic professions

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The paper presents the results of a study of the level of development of information culture among civil servants and representatives of technical professions. We have put forward a definition of the concept of “information culture” and described its levels: technologic and socio-psychological. Information culture is a component of the general personality culture and determines the way in which it interacts with the information space. Within our study, socio-occupational invariants that are part of the personality information culture form two fundamentally different levels of personality information culture. The technological level of information culture refers to the ability of a social relations entity to interact with digital information technologies, to use ICT and its functionality. Socio-psychological level of information culture is related to the ability of the subject of social relations to analyze the processing of information and use it for social activity. According to the results of our research, we have found that in the representatives of technical professions and civil servants the socio-psychological level of information culture is at the stage of formation. The technological level of information culture remains at a high level of development. The results obtained indicate that the development of competencies that are part of the technological and socio-psychological levels of information culture is not limited by the conditions of a particular professional environment and begin to form at the early stages of socialization.

Keywords: information society, information culture, social competences, professional activity, socionomic professions, technonomic professions.

References transliterated

1. Antonchenko M. A. Informatsiina kultura yak skladova zahalnoliudskoi kultury. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova. Seriia в„–2. Kompiuterno-oriientovani systemy navchannia: Zb. naukovykh prats. K.: NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova, 2004. в„– 1(8). S.161-166.

2. Balovsiak N. V. Informatsiina kompetentnist fakhivtsia. Pedahohika i psykholohiia profesiinoi osvity. 2004. в„– 5. S. 21-28.

3. Hurevych R. S. Formuvannia informatsiinoi kultury maibutnoho fakhivtsia. Pedahohika i psykholohiia profesiinoi osvity: rezultaty doslidzhen: Zb. nauk. prats [za red. I. A. Ziaziuna, N. H. Nychkalo]. K., 2003. S. 354-360.

4. Zhaldak M. I. Pro deiaki metodychni aspekty navchannia informatyky v shkoli ta pedahohichnomu universyteti. Naukovi zapysky Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V. Hnatiuka. Seriia: Pedahohika. 2005. в„– 6. S. 17-24.

5. Karagodov S. D. Informaczionnaya kul`tura v kontekste obshhej teorii kul`tury` lichnosti. Pedagogicheskaya informatika. –2000. – № 2. – S. 41-55.

6. Matematicheskij e`ncziklopedicheskij slovar` [Pod. red. Yu. V. Prokhorova]. M.: Sovetskaya e`ncziklopediya. 1988. S. 816.

7. Nasy`rova N. Kh. Proektirovanie podgotovki studentov gumanitarny`kh fakul`tetov klassicheskogo universiteta po informatike: Avtoreferat dis. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni k.p.n. Kazan`, 2000 17 s.

8. Raven Dzh. Kompetentnost` v sovremennom obshhestve: vy`yavlenie, razvitie i realizacziya [per. s angl.]. M.: В«Kogito-CzentrВ», 2002. 396 s.

9. Raven Dzh. Pedagogicheskoe testirovanie: problemy`, zabluzhdeniya, perspektivy`: Per. s angl., Izd. 2-e, ispr. M.: В«Kogito-CzentrВ», 2001. 142 s.

10. Ramskyi Yu. S. Formuvannia informatsiinoi kultury osoby – priorytetne zavdannia suchasnoi osvitnoi diialnosti. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia № 2. Kompiuterno-oriientovani systemy navchannia: Zb. naukovykh prats. – K.: NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2004. № 1(8). S.19-42.

11. Semenov A.L. Rol` informaczionny`kh tekhnologij v obshhem srednem obrazovanii. Informatika i obrazovanie. 2001. в„– 2. S. 2-6.

12. Ramskyi Yu. S. Formuvannia informatsiinoi kultury osoby – priorytetne zavdannia suchasnoi osvitnoi diialnosti. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia № 2. Kompiuterno-oriientovani systemy navchannia: Zb. naukovykh prats. – K.: NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2004. № 1(8). S.19-42.

13. Terborn G. Prinadlezhnost` k kul`ture, mestopolozhenie v strukture i chelovecheskoe dejstvie: ob`yasnenie v socziologii i soczial`noj nauke Teoriya obshhestva. Sbornik. M.: В«KANON-press-CzВ», В«Kuchkovo poleВ», 1999. 416 s.

14. Ramskyi Yu. S. Formuvannia informatsiinoi kultury osoby – priorytetne zavdannia suchasnoi osvitnoi diialnosti. Naukovyi chasopys NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia № 2. Kompiuterno-oriientovani systemy navchannia: Zb. naukovykh prats. – K.: NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2004. № 1(8). S.19-42.

15. Trishina S. V. Informaczionnaya kompetentnost` kak pedagogicheskaya kategoriya. Internet-zhurnal В«E`jdosВ». 2005. Rezhim dostupu :

16. Uvarov F. Yu. Novy`e informaczionny`e tekhnologii i reforma obrazovaniya. Informatika i obrazovanie. 1994. в„– 3. C. 3-14.

17. Fedorov A. V. Massovoe mediaobrazovanie v SSSR i Rossii: osnovny`e e`tapy` [pod red. A.V. Fedorova]. M.: MOO В«Informacziya dlya vsekhВ», 2014. 267 c.

18. Fedorov A.V. Mediaobrazovanie v stranakh Vostochnoj Evropy` M.: MOO В«Informacziya dlya vsekhВ», 2014. 140 c.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 127-136 (pdf)



UDC 159.923

Kritska A.M.

State University of Infrastructure and Technology, Kyiv

Professional creativity activation methods

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article represents the results of a theoretical study of methods of activating professional creativity. It is determined that the development of professional creativity is one of the main tasks of modern education and requires the introduction of special psychological technologies and methods that allow to develop the unique creative potential of a future specialist in the way of his/her professional training.

It is stated that such methods as «Brainstorming», inversion method, empathy method, SCAMPER method, Walt Disney’s method, E. Bono's «6 Hats Method» can be used to activate professional creativity. Each of these methods can be combined with the other and have a number of modifications.

It is determined that the methods of activating professional creativity should be used in the educational environment of higher education institutions for the future professionals and teachers as well.

The aspects for further research are to develop a program for the development of professional creativity in the educational environment of higher education.

Keywords: creativity, methods of activating creativity, professional creativity, creative activity.

References transliterated

1. Bono Je. Ser'joznoe tvorcheskoe myshlenie / per. s angl. D. Ja. Onackaja. Minsk.: 000 В«PopurriВ», 2005. 416 s.

2. Bono Je. Shest' shljap myshlenija. SanktPeterburg: Piter Pablishing, 1997. 256 s.

3. Vetas Raznostoronnij /Kak razvit' kreativnost' s pomoshh'ju skampera. URL:

4. DmitrС–С”va L. KreativnС– prijomi viroblennja С–dej. ElС–tarС–um : Centr distancС–jnogo navchannja, 2007. URL:

5. Kuljutkin Ju.K. Jevristicheskie metody v strukture reshenij. Moskva: Pedagogika, 1970. 232 s.

6. Ponomarev Ja.A. Psihologija tvorcheskogo myshlenija. Moskva: Nauka, 1960. 302 s.

7. Ribalka V. V. OsobistС–snij pС–dhС–d jak psihologo-pedagogС–chnij princip organС–zacС–С— profС–l'noС— ta profesС–jnoС— pС–dgotovki uchnС–vs'koС— molodС–. PsihologС–ja osobistС–sno orС–С”ntovanoС— profesС–jnoС— pС–dgotovki uchnС–vs'koС— molodС–: nauk.-metod. posС–b. KiС—v, TernopС–l': PС–druchniki С– posС–bniki, 2002. S.80-90.

8. Stepanjuk I.V. Formirovanie kreativnogo myshlenija na urokah. Molodoj uchenyj. 2015. в„–16. S. 426-428. URL

9. TurinС–na O.L. PsihologС–ja tvorchostС–: navch. posС–b. KiС—v: MAUP, 2007. 160 c.

10. Robert B. Dilts (1994): Strategius of Genius. Volume I: Aristotle, Sherlock Holmes, Walt Disney, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Meta Publications, Capitalo (California/USA)

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 137-143 (pdf)



UDC 159.923

Kuprieieva O.I.

Taras Shevchenko National University Of Kyiv, Kyiv

Features the time perspectives in the area self-realization of personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of a study of the features of the time perspective in the context of students' self-realization. A comparative analysis of the time perspective of conditionally healthy students and students with disabilities is carried out. The relationship of the time perspective with life-meaning orientations, self-relation and self-realization of the personality of students is revealed.

It has been established that the time perspective, the value-semantic content of time modes and the holistic perception of oneself in time contribute to the successful self-realization of students' personalities.

Keywords: time perspectives, self-realization, self-relation, life-meaning orientations, students with disabilities.

References transliterated

1. Abul'hanova K. A. Vremya lichnosti i vremya zhizni. Sankt-Peterburg: Aletejya, 2001. 299 s.

2. BabatС–na S.Р†. OsoblivostС– formuvannya zhittС”voС— strategС–С— v yunac'komu vС–cС–: teoretichnij analС–z pitannya. Naukovij vС–snik Hersons'kogo derzhavnogo unС–versitetu. SerС–ya: PsihologС–chnС– nauki. 2015. Vipusk 2. Tom 1. S.12-17.

3. Bol'shakova A.M. CHasovС– perspektivi ta samostavlennya studentС–v v profesС–jnС–j dС–yal'nostС–. TeorС–ya С– praktika suchasnoС— psihologС–С—. 2018. в„–1. S. 62-66.

4. Galazhinskij E.V. Determinaciya i napravlennost' samorealizacii lichnosti. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta. 2002. 182 s.

5. Golovaha, E.I., Kronik, A.A. Psihologicheskoe vremya lichnosti.Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1984. 190 s.

6. Zimbardo F., Bojd Dzh. Paradoks vremeni. Novaya psihologiya vremeni, kotoraya uluchshit vashu zhizn'. Sankt-Peterburg: SPb.: Rech', 2010. 352 s.

7. Kvasova O.G. Transformaciya vremennoj perspektivy lichnosti v ekstremal'noj situacii: dis. kand. psihol. nauk: 19.00.01. Moskva, 2013. 215 s.

8. Klochko E. V. Samorealizaciya lichnosti: sistemnyj vzglyad. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta, 1999. S.65–144.

9. Levin K. Dinamicheskaya psihologiya: Izbrannye trudy. Moskva: Smysl, 2001. 572 s.

10. Nyutten ZH. Motivaciya, dejstvie i perspektiva budushchego. Moskva: Smysl, 2004. 608 s.

11. Povoroznik K.O. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі rozvitku chasovoї perspektivi u students'koї molodі: avtoref. dis… kand psihol. nauk: 19.00.07. Kiїv, 2016. 23 s.

12. PsihologС–chnС– tekhnologС–С— samodetermС–nacС–С— rozvitku osobistostС–: monografС–ya / za red. L.Z. Serdyuk, Р†.V.Danilyuk, V.V. Turban, O.Р†. Pen'kova, N.D. Volodars'ka [ta С–n.]; za red. L.Z. Serdyuk. KiС—v: Р†n-tut psihologС–С— С–menС– G.S. Kostyuka NAPN UkraС—ni, 2018. S.49-52.

13. Syrcova A., Sokolova E.T., Mitina O.V. Metodika F. Zimbardo po vremennoj perspektive na russkoyazychnoj vyborke. Psihologicheskaya diagnostika. 2007. в„–1. S.85-106.

14. Titarenko T. M. ZhittС”vij svС–t osobistostС–: u mezhah С– za mezhami budennostС–. KiС—v: LibС–d', 2003. 376 s.

15. Tolstyh N.N. Razvitie individual'nogo hronotopa v detstve i yunosti. Voprosy psihologii. 2010. в„– 2. S. 30-45.

16. Fesenko P.P. Osmyslennost' zhizni i psihologicheskoe blagopoluchie lichnosti: avtoref. dis… kand. psihol. nauk: spec.19.00.01. Moskva, 2005. 16 s.

17. CHiksentmihaji M. Potok: psihologiya optimal'nogo perezhivaniya. Moskva: Smysl: Al'pina non–fikshn, 2011. 461 s.

18. Deci E. A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. Perspectives on motivation Nebraska: vol. 38. symposium on Motivation. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991. P.237-288

19. Ryan R.M. Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development and well-being. American psychologist, 2000. Vol. 55, –N 1. P. 68-78.

20. Zaleski Z. Future time perspective and subjective well-being in adolescent samples / Z. Zaleski, A. Cycon, A. Kurc // Life goals and well-being: Towards a positive psychology of human striving P. Schmuck, K. M. Sheldon (Eds.). – Goettingen, Germany: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2001. P. 58–67.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 144-153 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.32

Kutishenko V.P., Patynok O.P., Sidorkin V.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

Religious values influence on the formation of the personality's moral and value scope

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article reveals the essence of the religious values concept, their social and individual aspects. It was analyzed approaches for understanding the problem of religiosity and spiritual values of the individual in psychological researches. The relationship between religious values and the individual spiritual body functioning is highlighted. The advantages of Christian spiritual and moral values over secular morality and the importance of appealing to religious values as the basis for the formation of the individual's moral and value scope are substantiated. A comparative analysis of the results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of the moral and value sphere of the parishioners of the Orthodox Church and those who do not need to attend the temple, as well as of groups with internal and external religious orientation, is presented.

Keywords: religious values, personality's moral and value scope, spiritual values, transcendence, religious morality, spirituality, external religiosity, internal religiosity.

References transliterated

1. Hlushak A. S. (2003) Relihiyni tsinnosti: sutnistʹ, struktura ta rivni. Visnyk Natsionalʹnoho universytetu «Lʹvivsʹka politekhnika». № 473. S. 51–54.

2. Kazantseva T. A. (2007) Vera kak sotsial'no-psikhologicheskiy fenomen i yego suggestivnyy mekhanizm formirovani: avtoref. dis.... kand. psikhol. nauk: 19.00.05 / Gosud. un-t upravleniya. Moskva. 24 s. [in Russian].

3. Kolisnyk O. (2006) Dukhovnyy samorozvytok osobystosti Sotsialʹna psykholohiya. № 1(16) . S.62–77.

4. Kolodnyy A., Fylypovych L. (1996) Relihiyna dukhovnistК№ ukrayintsiv: vyyavy, postati, stan /za red. B.O. Lobovyk. LК№viv: Lohos. 182 s.

5. Matlasevych O. V. (2012) Rolʹ khrystyyansʹkoyi tserkvy u formuvanni osobystosti: psykholohichnyy rakurs. Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi. Vyp. 17. S. 281 – 283.

6. Olport G. (2002) Stanovleniye lichnosti: izbrannyye trudy. Moskva: Smysl, 462 s. [in Russian].

7. Pomytkin E.O. (2013) Psykholohichna diahnostyka dukhovnoho potentsialu osobystosti: posibnyk. Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 144 s.

8. Postovyy V. H. (2014) Tsinnisna pryroda dukhovnoyi kulК№tury vykhovannya osobystosti. Teoretyko-metodychni problemy vykhovannya ditey ta uchnivsК№koyi molodi. Kyyiv. Vyp. 18(2). S. 160-169.

9. Praktykum po psykhodyahnostyke y yssledovanyyu tolerantnosty (2003) / pod red. H.U.Soldatovoy, L.A.Shayherovoy y dr.; MHU ym. M.V. Lomonosova. Moskva: [b. yz.]. 112 s. [in Russian].

10. Religiovedeniye: uchebnoye posobiye i uchebnyy slovar'-minimum po religiovedeniyu (2000) red. I. N. Yablokova. Moskva: Gardarika. 536 s. [in Russian].

11. Savchyn M.V. (2001) Dukhovnyy potentsial lyudyny: monohrafiya. IvanoFrankivsʹk: Vyd-vo «Play» Prykarpat•sʹkoho un-tu. 203 s.

12. Titov R.S. (2013) Kontseptsiya individual'noy religioznosti G. Olporta: ponyatiye religioznykh oriyentatsiy. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya. Moskva: № 1- 12. S. 2 –9. [in Russian].

13. Freyd Z. (2009) Budushcheye odnoy illyuzii. Moskva: AST. 256 s. [in Russian].

14. Fromm E. (2012) Psikhoanaliz i religiya. Moskva: Big-Press, 96 s. [in Russian].

15. Khymych N.YE. (2012) KhrystyyansК№ki tsinnosti u dukhovno-moralК№nomu vykhovanni studentiv. Naukovi zapysky NatsionalК№noho universytetu "OstrozК№ka akademiya". Seriya: Psykholohiya i pedahohika. Vyp. 21. S. 171-178.

16. Chumakova D. M. (2015) Psikhologiya religioznosti lichnosti: uchebnoye posobiye. Kurgan: Izd-vo Kurganskogo gos. un-ta. 84 s. [in Russian].

17. Chupriy L. (2000) Relihiyni tsinnosti yak osnova rozvytku dukhovnosti osobystosti. UkrayinsК№ke relihiyeznavstvo. в„– 13. S. 34-42.

18. Yung K. (1991) Arkhetip i simvol. Psikhologiya i religiya. Moskva: Renessans, 343 s. [in Russian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 154-164 (pdf)


UDC 159.91

Mazyar O.V.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

Personal counterpoint at the crossroads of paradigms

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The natural-scientific and humanitarian paradigms in psychology do not provide the conditions for a relevant study of the process of human mental self-regulation. The reason for this lies in the theoretical unresolving of the psychophysical problem during an open crisis in psychology. Physiology and psychology could not integrate into a single theoretical and methodological system for the study of human mental activity. Therefore, psychology reverts to the philosophical paradigm of research, which is updated through the introduction of standardized research procedures and the use of mathematical methods. The article suggests an approach to the study of the physiological aspect of neuropsychic activity within the natural scientific paradigm, and the cognitive – by the methods of the humanitarian paradigm. Their general theoretical position is that the basis of the human psyche is the basic psychic contradiction between the first and second signal systems, biological needs and social requirements. Such interaction acquires the contrapuntal nature, when oppositional mental activity factors act simultaneously, but in coordination. In this case, the elementary mental unit is binary in structure and contrapuntal in content, which causes consideration of mental development from the standpoint of double contradiction. The contrapuntal dissonance of this indicator causes the appearance of a wide range of mental disorders.

Keywords: natural-scientific paradigm, humanitarian paradigm, absurdity, personal counterpoint, psychophysiology.

References transliterated

1. Bermus A. G. Estestvennonauchnaya paradigma v psihologii: vyibor orientirov. Voprosyi psihologii. 1998. в„– 4. S. 79-83. [in Russian].

2. Bratus B. S. Estestvennonauchnaya i gumanitarnaya paradigmyi v psihologii: preemstvennost ili skachok. Izvestiya Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. Tehnicheskie nauki. 2005. T. 51. в„– 7. S. 3-8. [in Russian].

3. Vyigotskiy L. S. Sobranie sochineniy: v 6-ti t. / [pod red. A. R. Luriya, M. G. Yaroshevskogo]. Рў. 1. Moskva: Pedagogika, 1982. 480 s. [in Russian].

4. Davyidov V. V. Ischerpala li sebya estestvennonauchnaya paradigma v psihologii? Voprosyi psihologii. 1997. в„– 3. S. 127-128. [in Russian].

5. Maziar O. V. Absurdnist yak fundamentalna vlastyvist spryimannia. Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Seriia В«Psykholohichni naukyВ». 2019. Vypusk. 3. S. 30-36. [in Ukrainian].

6. Maziar O. V. Metodolohichni superechnosti pozytyvnoi psykhoterapii (istoryko-psykholohichnyi analiz). Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota. 2012. в„– 10. S. 41-50. [in Ukrainian].

7. Maziar O. V. Myslennia: mizh insaitom i dezabsurdyzatsiieiu. Teoriia i praktyka suchasnoi psykholohii. 2018. в„– 6. S. 17-21. [in Ukrainian].

8. Mazyar O. V. Nachalo smysla: fiziologicheskaya razvilka. GESJ: Education Science and Psychology. 2019. в„– 3 (53). Р . 10-18. [in Russian].

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10. Molyako V. A. Problema funktsionirovaniya tvorcheskogo vospriyatiya v usloviyah izbyitochnosti informatsii raznoy modalnosti i znachimosti. Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Zbirnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologiyi imeni G. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. T. РҐII. Psihologiya tvorchosti. Vipusk. 16. Kiyiv: Vidavnitstvo В«FeniksВ», 2018. S. 7-19. [in Russian].

11. Muzyka O. L. Kryza tvorchoi osobystosti: sub’iektno-tsinnisnyi pidkhid do typolohii. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H. S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy. Kyiv, 2001. S. 63-72. [in Ukrainian].

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 165-172 (pdf)



UDC 316.77

Malieieva N. S.

Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Interposition online: features of communicative technology for resolving social conflicts in social Internet networks

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the general conceptual provisions for the study of communicative technologies in psychology. It should be noted that modern Ukrainian society is characterized by the emergence and dissemination of fundamentally new forms of communication based on social partnership, healthy competition, legal and social equality of all members of the society, on the rational settlement of conflicts and disputes.

The article highlights the features of the process of communication and technological settlement of social conflicts in social Internet networks. The essence of the concepts of В«communicative technologiesВ», В«communicative online technologiesВ», В«communicative and technological conflict resolutionВ» is considered. The specifics of the communication technology of online interposition in the process of social conflict settlement in the online online space are analyzed. The stages of designing communication technology (analytical, organizational, communicative, final, corrective), algorithm of technology implementation in the space of social Internet networks have been developed. The principles of operation, performance criteria and recommendations for using online interposition technology are presented.

Keywords: social networks, social conflict, communication technologies, communication and technological conflict resolution, online.

References transliterated

1. Hvozdareva M.V. Rol posrednychestva v konstruktyvnom razreshenyy konflykta. Vestnyk RUDN, seryia Sotsyolohyia, 2001. в„–2. S. 144-151.

2. Klymanska L.D. Sotsialno-komunikatyvni tekhnolohii v politytsi: Taiemnytsi politychnoi В«kukhniВ»: monohrafiia. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Natsionalnoho universytetu В«Lvivska politekhnikaВ», 2007. 332 s.

3. Luman N. Realnost mas-medya. – M.: Praksys, 2005. 256 s.

4. Malieieva N.S. Komunikatyvni praktyky zalezhnoi vid sotsialnykh merezh molodi: dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.05. Kyiv, 2017. 210 s.

5. Malieieva N.S. Komunikatyvno-tekhnolohichne vrehuliuvannia sotsialnykh konfliktiv u internet-merezhakh: pryntsypy konstruktyvnoi orhanizatsii komunikatyvnoho protsesu. Psykholohiia ta pedahohika suchasnosti: problemy ta stan rozvytku nauky i praktyky v Ukraini: Zbirnyk tez naukovykh robit uchasnykiv mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (m. Lviv, 23-24 serpnia 2019 r). Lviv: HO В«Lvivska pedahohichna spilnotaВ», 2019. s. 162-165.

6. Pocheptsov H. H. KommunykatyvnС‹e tekhnolohyy dvadtsatoho veka. M.: Refl-buk, 1999. 120 s.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 173-181 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.075

Motruk T., Vertel A.

Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Sumy

Particular qualities of perfectionism in youth age

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The youthful age is characterized by the staging of high and sometimes overstated goals and lack of personal maturity. The main psychological state of adolescence is personal self-determination or the establishment of the first holistic identity form.

The psychological health regulator of modern youth is emerging phenomena such as the cult of success, power, knowledge, which provoke anxiety, depression, other disorders of the human emotional sphere. For adolescents, the decisive factor is the crisis of the meaning of life. The basis of its experience is the search and definition of the sense of life. In youth age, perfectionism can be seen as a positive phenomenon associated with giftedness, moral self-improvement, and self-development. The concept of "self-development" is often confused with related ones categories (equates to educational activities, self-knowledge). The phenomenon of narcissistic perfectionism can be manifested in full withdrawal from social activity and in general from any activity. The multidimensional scale of perfectionism allowed us to determine the total perfectionism in the subjects. Most commonly it is observed as average on the scales of the "focus on yourself", "on others" and "socially oriented." It is found that increased perfectionism, directed at others, decreases socially conditioned perfectionism and vice versa: the desire to match the social demands, reduces claims that directed at others.

Keywords: perfectionism, adolescence, self-realization, self-development, self-improvement, anxiety.

References transliterated

1. Adler A. Poniat pryrodu cheloveka. SPb.: Humanytarnoe ahentstvo В«Akademycheskyi proektВ», 2007. 256 s.

2. Andreeva A. D. Rodytelskyi perfektsyonyzm kak motyvatsyonnaia osnova vospytanyia y obrazovanyia detei. Teoretycheskaia y эksperymentalnaia psykholohyia, 2015. T. 8. № 1. S. 40–48.

3. Bodalev A. A. Vershyna v razvytyy vzrosloho cheloveka: kharakterystyky y uslovyia dostyzhenyia. Moskva: Flynta; Nauka, 1998. 168 s.

4. Viunova N. Y. Obzor yssledovanyi, posviashchennС‹kh ynterpersonalnomu aspektu perfektsyonyzma. Nauchno-medytsynskyi vestnyk Tsentralnoho Chernozemia. 2015. в„– 59. S. 22в€’27.

5. Haranian N. H. Perfektsyonyzm y vrazhdebnost kak lychnostnыe faktorы depressyvnыkh y trevozhnыkh rasstroistv: avtoref. dys. … d-ra psykhol. nauk: 19.00.04 / Moskovskyi nauchno-yssledovatelskyi Ynstytut psykhyatryy. Moskva, 2010. 42 s.

6. Horskaia H. B. Perfektsyonyzm rodytelei y styly rodytelskoho vospytanyia kak rehuliatorы motyvatsyy y trevozhnosty yunыkh shakhmatystov 7-11 let. Fyzycheskaia kultura, sport – nauka y praktyka. 2013. № 3. S. 51−55.

7. Ylyn E. P. Rabota y lychnost. Trudoholyzm, perfektsyonyzm, len. SPb.: Pyter, 2011. – 224 s.: yl. (Mastera psykholohy).

8. Kraih H. Psykholohyia razvytyia. SPb.: Pyter, 2011. 940 s. (Seryia В«Mastera psykholohyВ»).

9. Larskykh M. V. Yndyvydualno-typolohycheskye determynantы perfektsyonyzma studenta. Yzvestyia Voronezhskoho hosudarstvennoho pedahohycheskoho unyversyteta. 2015. № 2 (267). S. 227–231.

10. Larskykh M. V. Osobennosty strukturы samoaktualyzatsyy u lyts s konstruktyvnыmy y destruktyvnыmy typamy. Praktycheskaia medytsyna. 2014. № 2. S. 74–78.

11. Larskykh M. V. Fenomen konstruktyvnoho perfektsyonyzma v kontekste akmeolohyy. Akmeolohyia. 2013. №4. S. 67–72.

12. Menehetty A. Psykholohyia lydera. Moskva.: NNBF В«OntopsykholohyiaВ», 2004. 256 s.

13. Kholmohorova A. B. Nartsyssyzm, perfektsyonyzm y depressyia. Moskovskyi psykhoterapevtycheskyi zhurnal. 2004. № 1. C. 18–35.

14. Khotchkys S. Adskaia pautyna: Kak vС‹zhyt v myre nartsyssyzma. Moskva: Nezavysymaia fyrma В«KlassВ», 2011. 248 s. (Byblyoteka psykholohyy y psykhoterapyy).

15. Iunh K. H. O stanovlenyy lychnosty. Yunh K. H. Konflyktы detskoi dushy: Sobr. soch. Moskva: Kanon, 1997. S. 185–208.

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19. Hewitt P. Perfectionism in the Self and Social context: conceptualization, assessment and association with psychopathology. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1991. V. 60. № 3. P. 456–470.

20. Terry-Short L. A. Positive and negative perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences. 1995. V. 18. P. 663–666.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 182-192 (pdf)



UDC 159.923

Muzyka O.Рћ.

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Axiogenesis and development of students’ self-efficacy with signs of giftedness

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: A comparative study of students with signs and no signs of giftedness showed that an important condition for axiogenesis is the development of self-efficacy as a personality-value formation, which is included in the processes of professional and personal self-development. With the help of the author's questionnaire "Student Self-efficacy Profile" it is established that students who have achievements, in comparison with students who do not have achievements, show higher scores on all scales (goals and motives, abilities, reflection, resilience to failure, self-development). As a result of factor modeling, personality and value factors of students' self-efficacy development are highlighted, which should be taken into account in the development of training programs: 1) determination of the far and near goals related to mastering the profession; 2) development of leadership based on subjective activity and self-development of abilities; 3) development of freedom in overcoming difficulties; 4) development of reflection of achievements and fixation of personal value experience.

Keywords: axiogenesis, giftedness, personal values, professionalization, subjective activity, self-efficacy.

References transliterated

1. Bandura, Рђ. (2000). Teoryia sotsyalnoho nauchenyia [Theory of Social Learning]. Sankt-Peterburh : Evrazyia, 320 [in Russian].

2. Bondar, V. I., Makarenko, I. Ye. (2016) Profesiina samosvidomist pedahoha ta yoho samoefektyvnist : kontseptualno-teoretychnyi analiz [Teacher's professional awareness and self-efficacy: a conceptual-theoretical analysis]. Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M. P. Drahomanova. Seriia 5 : Pedahohichni nauky : realii ta perspektyvy: zb. nauk. prats. Kyiv : Vyd-vo NPU im. M. P. Drahomanova, Vyp. 55, 3-8. [in Ukrainian].

3. Haletska, I. I. (2003) Samoefektyvnist u strukturi sotsialno-psykholohichnoi adaptatsii [Self-efficacy in the structure of socio-psychological adaptation]. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu, Vyp. 5, 433-442 [in Ukrainian].

4. Kalmykova, L. O. (2016) Rozvytok komunikatyvnoi osobystosti v umovakh smyslovoi vzaiemodii [Development of communicative personality in terms of meaningful interaction]. Rozvytok osobystosti v riznykh umovakh sotsializatsii : kolektyvna monohrafiia / Za nauk. redaktsiieiu profesora L. O. Kalmykovoi, profesora H. O. Khomych. K.: Vydavnychyi Dim В«SlovoВ», 259-282 [in Ukrainian].

5. Korniiaka, O. (2018) Komunikatyvni chynnyky profesiinoho samozdiisnennia vykladacha vyshchoi shkoly [Communicative factors of professional self-fulfillment of the teacher of the high school]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psykholynhvystyka, Vyp. 23 (1), 139-159 [in Ukrainian].

6. Krevska, O. O. (2017) Motyvatsiina determinatsiia profesiinoi samoefektyvnosti osobystosti [Motivational determination of professional self-efficacy of the personality]. Psykholohichni perspektyvy, в„–30, 86-95 [in Ukrainian].

7. Kredentser, O. V. (2016) Pidpryiemnytska samoefektyvnist personalu osvitnikh orhanizatsii yak chynnyk rozvytku yikh pidpryiemnytskoi aktyvnosti [Entrepreneurial self-efficacy of staff of educational organizations as a factor in the development of their entrepreneurial activity]. Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. Ekonomichna psykholohiia, в„– 1, 51-60 [in Ukrainian].

8. Lozova, O. M. (2017) Psykhosemantyka liderstva u budennii svidomosti studentiv [Leadership psychosemantics in the everyday consciousness of students]. Pedahohichnyi protses: teoriia i praktyka, в„– 3 (58), 60-65 [in Ukrainian].

9. Mykhailychenko, V. Ye., Poliakova, N. V. (2014) Rol samoefektyvnosti v protsesi aktyvizatsii liderskoho potentsialu osobystosti [The role of self-efficacy in the process of activating the leadership potential of the personality]. Problemy inzhenerno-pedahohichnoi osvity, в„– 45, 179-184 [in Ukrainian].

10. Muzyka, O. L. (2018) Aksiohenez osobystosti i rozvytok obdarovanosti: teoretychna model i pidkhody do doslidzhennia [Personality axiogenesis and the development of giftedness: a theoretical model and approaches to research]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. Vypusk 14. Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 60-76 [in Ukrainian].

11. Muzyka, O. O. (2018) Samoefektyvnist yak chynnyk profesionalizatsii studentiv [Self-efficacy as a factor of professionalization of students]. Osvitolohichnyi dyskurs, в„– 3-4 (22-23), 83-94 [in Ukrainian].

12. MuzСѓka, O. O. (2018) SmislozhittРµvС– orientatsiyi ta zhittevi tsili yak chinniki aksС–ogenezu muzichno obdarovanih studentС–v [Sense-life orientations and life goals as factors of axiogenesis musically gifted students]. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. Vypusk 14. Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 173-180. [in Ukrainian].

13. Psykhofiziolohichni zakonomirnosti profesiinoho samozdiisnennia osobystosti: monohrafiia / Za red. O. M. Kokuna (2015) [Psychophysiological regularities of professional self-realization of personality: monograph / Ed. O. M. Kokun]. K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 297 [in Ukrainian].

14. Tsinnisna determinatsiia stanovlennia obdarovanoi osobystosti: monohrafiia / Za red. O. L. Muzyky (2017) [Value-Conscious Determination of a Gifted Personality Development: monograph / Ed. O. L. Muzyka]. K.: Vydavnychyi Dim В«SlovoВ», 220 [in Ukrainian].

15. Bandura, A. (1986) Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 617.

16. Schwarzer, R., Jerusalem, M. (1995) Generalized Self‐Efficacy scale. In. J. Weinman, S. Wright, & M. Johnston, Measures in health psychology: A user's portfolio. Causal and control beliefs, 35‐37.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 193-204 (pdf)



UDC 159.923 + 159.928+373.3

Nykonchuk N.O., Muzyka O.O., Zagurska I.S.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Psychological obstacles in the development of the ability of elementary school students with high levels of academic achievement

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the psychological obstacles in the development of the ability of elementary school students with high levels of academic achievement (insufficient number of reasoned differentiated advanced evaluative judgments, which contain not only the characteristics of the achieved result, but also the process of work performance, dynamics of achievement and the efforts made by the student; students in the educational process, lack of value exchange between children in the learning process, competition, envy and social pressure; partial impairment of students educational abilities as a reliable source and self-appreciation). Coping strategies used by schoolchildren to overcome psychological barriers (reorientation to recognition in other social groups (family, relatives); reorientation to the development of abilities in extracurricular activities (life, leisure, etc.); concealing achievements and avoiding open appreciation teacher's side). The basic directions of value support of development of abilities of younger pupils with high level of educational achievements are outlined.

Keywords: primary schoolchildren, academic performance, abilities, reflection, value support.

References transliterated

1. Zahurska I.S. (2006) Rozvytok samootsinky tvorchykh zdibnostei u molodshomu shkilnomu vitsi [The development of self-esteem of creative abilities at primary school age] (PhD Thesis). Kyiv, 249 [in Ukrainian].

2. Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teoriya, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' / Za red. V.O. Molyako, O. L. Muzyky (2006) [Abilities, creative work, talent: theory, methodology, results of the researches]. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 320 [in Ukrainian].

3. Muzyka O.L. (2008) Subiektno-tsinnisnyi analiz rozvytku tvorcho obdarovanoi osobystosti: terminolohichnyi aspekt [Subject-value analysis of creatively gifted personality development: terminological aspect]. Visnyk Prykarpatskoho universytetu. Filosofski i psykholohichni nauky. Spetsialnyi vypusk. Ivano-Frankivsk: VDV TsIT, 59-64 [in Ukrainian].

4. Muzyka O.L., Nykonchuk N.O. (2016) Rozvytok zdibnostei molodshykh shkoliariv zasobamy usnoi narodnoi tvorchosti: navch. posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv [Development of abilities of younger students by means of oral folk art]. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 200 [in Ukrainian].

5. Muzyka O.Рћ., Topolnytska O.O. (2017) Otsiniuvannia navchalnykh dosiahnen pershoklasnykiv: psykholohichni aspekty [Assessing first-graders' academic achievement: Psychological aspects]. Molodyi vchenyi. в„–1 (41), 238-241 [in Ukrainian].

6. Nykonchuk N.O. (2009) Refleksyvno-tsinnisna rehuliatsiia rozvytku uchbovykh zdibnostei u molodshomu shkilnomu vitsi [Reflective-value regulation of the development of educational abilities at primary school age] (PhD Thesis), Kyiv, 282 [in Ukrainian].

7. Psykholohichni zasady rozvytku obdarovanoi osobystosti v osvitnomu seredovyshchi: metodychnyi posibnyk / Za red. O. L. Muzyky (2015) [Psychological principles of development of gifted personality in the educational environment]. Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 146 [in Ukrainian].

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 205-214 (pdf)



UDC 159.922.8

Portnytska A., Portnytska N., Savichenko O.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

Psychological well-being of girls: age and social activity factors.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Fast and eventful pace of modern life makes life stressful and negative emotions causes more detailed investigation of psychological well-being. Studying and professional activity can cause decreasing of adaptation and depletion of internal resources, which in turn leads to a decrease in the psychological well-being of the individual.

Description of psychological well-being factors is described in the article. It is concentrated on female youth who are included into studying activity at school/university. During the research was used “Scale of psychological well-being 26” (developed by WOOHC) and opened questionnaire about girls` needs.

The study found that the psychological well-being of adolescents attending university is slightly higher than that of girls attending school. This may be associated with greater autonomy and a range of choices.

It was found out, that the lowest factor for all girls is physical health factor. Girls, who has work or social activity has lower level of satisfaction with theirs own physical health. Additional activity forms bigger load for person and decrease quantity of time for renewing energy.

Analyzing responses in questionnaire, girls points, that verity of available activities allows to satisfy the need in social contacts and physical activity.

Keywords: СЂsychological well-being, psychological health, youth, extracurricular activities.


References transliterated

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6. Maslou A. H. Motyvatsyia y lychnost. SPb.: Evrazyia, 1999. 478 s.

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8. Petrovskyi V. A. Lychnost v psykholohyy: paradyhma subСЉektnosty. Rostov-na-Donu: Fenyks, 1996. 512 s.

9. Revenko H. O. Osoblyvosti profesiinoho samovyznachennia starshoklasnykiv na suchasnomu etapi 2015.S. 139-143.

10. Bradburn N. The Structure of Psychological Well-Being. Chicago, 1969. 318 p

11. Ryff C.D. Happiness is everything, or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1989. Vol. 57. P. 1069 -1081.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 215-221 (pdf)


UDC 159. 922.6

Portnytska N.F., Savychenko O.M., Tychyna I.M.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

To the problem of maintaining mental health of children and adolescents.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Mental health is analyzed in the context of the absence of mental disorders, as well as in relation to the level of social activity and vital competence. Child and adolescent mental health problems are considered to be multidisciplinary and complex. The importance of caring for the mental health of the population at the state level for the social and economic well-being of the country is argued.

Particular attention is paid to the problem of child and adolescent mental health. The main mental disorders that can occur in childhood and adolescence are reviewed and the causes of their occurrence are outlined.

Perspective areas of work in the field of mental health of children and adolescents and effective psychological interventions that can be applied at different levels are analyzed.

The universal and narrowly focused ways of caring for the mental health of children and adolescents are reviewed in the article. For example, effective methods of preventing behavioral, depressive, anxiety disorders, aggression and violence, PTSD and more are discussed.

Conclusions and generalizations about possible ways of preventing mental disorders in childhood and adolescence are presented. It is concluded that the school can be a space for implementation a of programs for prevention of mental disorders.

Keywords: mental health, mental disorders, prevention of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence.

References transliterated

1. Vsesvitnia orhanizatsiia okhorony zdorovia: ofitsiinyi sait URL: (data zvernennia: 24.11.2019).

2. Humeniuk L.N. ProblemС‹ formyrovanyia fenomena ohranychennoi sposobnosty k yntehratsyy v soobshchestvo u psykhychesky bolnС‹kh. Ukrainskyi visnyk psykhonevrolohii . 2008. Tom 16, vyp. 4 (57). S.25-27.

3. Kontseptsiia rozvytku okhorony psykhichnoho zdorovia v Ukraini na period do 2030 roku. NeiroNews: psykhonevrolohiia ta neiropsykhiatriia. 2018. в„– 2 (95) URL: ttps:// (data zvernennia: 22.11.2019).

4. Maruta N.O. Stan psykhichnoho zdorovia naselennia ta psykhiatrychnoi dopomohy v Ukraini. NeiroNews: psykhonevrolohiia ta neiropsykhiatriia. 2010. в„– 5 (24) URL: (data zvernennia: 22.11.2019).

5. Medvedovska N.V., Ladyk-Bryzghalova A.K. Problema pereoriientatsii posluh okhorony psykhichnoho zdorovia z urakhuvanniam sotsialnykh potreb patsiientiv na etapi statsionarnoi dopomohy. Ukraina. Zdorovia natsii. 2012. в„– 4(24). S. 95-98.

6. Muzyka O. L., Nykonchuk N. O. Rozvytok zdibnostei molodshykh shkoliariv zasobamy usnoi narodnoi tvorchosti: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2016. 200 s.

7. Muzyka O.L., Savychenko O.M. Rozrobka prohramy tsinnisnoi pidtrymky rozvytku sportyvnykh zdibnostei. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats instytutu psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy «Aktualni problemy psykholohii» u 12 tomakh / red. V.O. Moliako. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. T. 12. Vyp. 8. S. 188 – 195.

8. Muzyka O.L., Tychyna I.M. Struktura tsinnisnoi rehuliatsii osobystisnoho rozvytku vypusknykiv VNZ u protsesi profesiinoi pereoriientatsii. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Problemy psykholohii tvorchosti. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats / red. V.O. Moliako. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. T. 12. Vyp. 8. S. 202-209.

9. Muzyka O.L., Zahurska I.S. Samootsinka i rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostei: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2007. 168s.

10. Muzyka O.L., Portnytska N.F. Rozvytok tvorchykh zdibnostei u nasliduvalnii diialnosti: navchalnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2007. 128s.

11. Pyliahina H. Psykhohenez ta fenomenolohiia depresyvnoho rozladu povedinky. Problemy psykhichnoho zdorovia ditei: suchasni pidkhody do diahnostyky i likuvannia URL: (data zvernennia: 22.11.2019).

12. Shafranskyi V.V., Dudnyk S.V. Psykhichne zdorovia naselennia: stan, problemy ta shliakhy vyrishennia. Ukraina. Zdorovia natsii.. 2016. в„– 3(39). S. 12-17.

13. Best practice guidelines for mental health promotion programs: Children (7–12) & youth (13–19). URL: (Last accessed: 24.11.2019).

14. Mental health and prevention: Taking local action for better mental health. URL: (Last accessed: 24.11.2019).

15. O’Loughlin K, Althoff RR, Hudziak JJ. Health promotion and prevention in child and adolescent mental health. In Rey JM (ed), IACAPAP e-Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Geneva: International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions 2017. URL: (Last accessed: 24.11.2019).

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 222-229 (pdf)



UDC 159.922

Portnytska N., Solozhentseva M., Tychyna I.

Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Zhytomyr

Psychological well-being of parants, whose children has disabilities: crisis and resources

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: One of the current trends of today's society is the introduction of inclusive education. It should improve the socialization of children, facilitate the formation of parent-child relationships and, as a consequence, enhance the psychological well-being of both children and parents. At the same time, a number of factors can complicate professional and personal self-realization of parents. One of the list – children`s disability.

Description of the psychological well-being factors of mothers, who have children with disabilities, is described in the article. During the research “Scale of psychological well-being” (Elioth) and elements of associative experiment were used. These methods gave us opportunity to analyse resource component of psychological well-being of mothers, who are growing up children with disabilities.

Due to the results of the research, we found out, that mothers, whose children are studying in inclusive classes has lower level of psychological well-being. Possible reason of it can be low adaptiveness to current life situation.

Representatives of all groups were found to be sufficiently satisfied with their health, but a lack of self-control, ways of expressing negative emotions and optimism reduced the sense of psychological well-being. By results, for mothers whose children are learning through inclusive education and in ordinary classes, health and communication with loved ones are life-span resources. Including these two factors, mothers, whose children are studying in ordinary classes, has additional resource – work. Mothers, whose children are studying in special schools, resources spheres are work and personal achievements. Common sphere for all moms is support (incoming and inner) and a feeling of tension.

Analysis of the content of the category "psychological well-being" confirms the opinion that living a child in the family, the experience of daily interaction with his/her, engaging in multidirectional social contacts is an important factor in the psychological well-being of not only the child itself, but also parents (in particular, mothers).

Keywords: psychological well-being, specialized education, resaurces, inclusive education.


References transliterated

Karhina N.V. Osnovni pidkhody do vyvchennia psykholohichnoho blahopoluchchia osobystosti: teoretychnyi aspekt / Nauka i osvit. 2015. в„–3. S. 48- 55

2. Karskanova S.V. Opytuvalnyk "Shkaly psykholohichnoho blahopoluchchia" K. Riff: protses ta rezultaty adaptatsii / Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna. 2011. в„– 1. S. 1-9

3. Kolupaieva, A. A., Savchuk L. O. Dity z osoblyvymy osvitnimy potrebamy ta orhanizatsiia yikh navchannia: nauk.-metod. posib. Kyiv: Nauk. svit. 2010. 195 s.

4. Koshonko H.A. Psykholohichne zdorovia suchasnoi simi yak zhyttievo vazhlyva funktsiia // (data zvernennia 21.11.2019)

5. Meshko H.M., Meshko O.I. Emotsiine blahopoluchchia uchniv u suchasnii shkoli: realne i bazhane / Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota. 2008. в„–4. S.11-16.

6. Revenko S.P. Analiz naukovykh pidkhodiv do doslidzhennia psykholohichnoho zdorovia ta blahopoluchchia osobystosti ta suchasnomu etapi / Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho universytetu. Seriia Psykholohichni nauky, 2015. в„–2 (1). S. 85- 89.

7. Savychenko O., Natalia Portnytska. Pilot Study of Stigmatization of Mental Health Problems in the Ukrainian . Educational Environment // Mental Health Global Challenges XXI Century MHGC Proceedings 2018-var.2, p.80-82.

8. Tretiak N.M. Yakist zhyttia liudyny: sutnist poniattia / › cgi-bin › opac › search › gipk_2014_37_34 (data zvernennia 21.11.2019)

9. Filippova I. Yu Indyvidualne sotsialne zdorovia yak vazhlyvyi sotsiokulturnyi komponent shchastia ta zhyttievoho blahopoluchchia / Praktychna psykholohiia ta sotsialna robota. 2013. N 8. S. 48-56.

10. Ryff C.D. The structure of psychological well-being revisited./ C.D Ryff, C.L.M. Keyes // Journal of personality and social psychology. 1995. Vol.69 P. 719-727. (data zvernennia 21.11.2019).


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 230-237 (pdf)



UDC 159.913-05

Prymachok L.L.

National University of Water Management and Nature usage, Rivne

The structure of the professional competence of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the problem of features of the professional activity of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation. The factors that determine the success of the professional activity of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation were outlined. The integral characteristics of the professional competence of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation have been determined. These characteristics are: the orientation of a specialist’s personality; professional competence of a specialist who works in a field of physical rehabilitation; the emotional flexibility; the behavioral flexibility of a specialist; the intellectual flexibility.

The structure of the professional competence of this specialist was proposed. It was stated that this structure included some components (a cognitive component, a social-psychological one and a value-semantic component), each of which contains some structural components (or subcomponents).

It was shown that the success of the intellectual activity of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation would depend to a large extent on the ability to formulate specific problem-solving strategies on the basis of a familiar cognitive style, on the effectiveness of the person’s individual cognitive acquired styles and strategies, as well as the flexibility of using style’s components.

The author of the article stressed that for the successful realization of the professional activity of a specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation there were some important factors, such as: creative thinking, in the structure of which there were different types of flexibility of the person’s thinking: the originality; the ability to create a non-standard product; the ability to rethink the features of a particular object, to use those features in a new cognitive environment; the adaptive flexibility, the ability to non-standard changes due to the problem situation; the ingenuity; the independence of judgments; the intuition; a high level of efficiency; easy adaptability to learning; a high level of initiative, persistence in achieving the goal.

Keywords: a professional activity, the professional competence, physical rehabilitation, the emotional flexibility, the behavioral flexibility, the intellectual flexibility.

References transliterated

1. Bajdenko V.I. Kompetencii v professional'nom obrazovanii (K osvoeniyu kompetentnostnogo podxoda). Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2004. в„– 11. S. 3-13.

2. Ball H.O., Volynets A.H. Pro ideini zasady rozbudovy osvity. Dialohichna vzaiemodiia u navchalno-vykhovnomu protsesi zahalnoosvitnoi shkoly / za red. V.V. Andriievskoi, H.O. Balla, A.H. Volyntsia ta in. K.: Naukova dumka, 1997. S. 24-27.

3. Bondarenko A.F. Psixologicheskaya nauka i pedagogicheskaya praktika. K., 1983. 236 s.

4. Vishnevskaya S.L. Kommunikativnaya kompetentnost' yurista i osobennosti eyo formirovaniya. В«Psixologiya sistemnogo funkcionirovaniya lichnostiВ»: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Saratov: Izd-vo Saratov, un-ta, 2004. S. 68-70.


5. Grin'ko Z.I. Formirovanie professional'noj kompetentnosti bortprovodnikov: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.08. Kaliningrad: Ros. gos. un-t. imeni Kanta, 2008. 22 s.

6. Zemba A.B. Osobystisna vymohlyvist yak chynnyk profesiinoi kompetentnosti (na materiali derzhsluzhbovtsiv tsentriv zainiatosti): avtoref. dys. … kand. psykholoh. nauk : spets. 19.00.01. Lutsk, 2010. 20 s.

7. Yevdokymova N.O. Psykholohichna struktura pravnychoi diialnosti. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Ekolohichna psykholohiia / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. T. 7. Vyp. 24. Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2010. S. 88-97.

8. Ivashkevych I.V. Stanovlennia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh yurystiv. Rivne : RDHU, 2016. 94 s.

9. Xolodnaya M.A. Psixologiya intellekta. Paradoksy issledovaniya. SPb.: Piter, 2002. 272 s.

10. Xutorskoj A. V. Opredelenie obshhepredmetnogo soderzhaniya i klyuchevyx kompetencij kak xarakteristika novogo podxoda k konstruirovaniyu obrazovatel'nyx standartov. URL:

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 238-250 (pdf)



UDC 159.99.

Sukhenko Ya. V.

University of Educational Management, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Educational pathway and realization of educator's personal potential: peculiarities of interconnection

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the relationship between educators' assessment of and attitude to their personal educational pathway and their personal development. The personal educational pathway is considered as a functional structured system, which includes result-aware and emotionally evaluative components, and is characterized by variability and dynamism, internal and external relations, forms of cognition and the educational process conditions. Based on these parameters, six types of educators' assessment of and attitude to their own educational path have been identified. The educators' personal potential has been divided into seven typological profiles. The author analyzes the relationships between the educators' educational pathway and their personal potential and personal development. The educational pathway is assessed as routine mainly at the stagnant and pre-crisis stage of personal development, when the personal potential is maximized; as scarce and chaotic at the crisis and post-crisis stage, when the personal potential as the self-regulation potential hardly manifests itself; and as bothersome, tactical-promoting at the stage of stabilization of personal development and moderate manifestation of personal potential. The results of the study may be helpful for designing educators' personal educational pathway. The follow-up research will focus on the development of a system of psychological support for educators' designing and following personal educational pathway as well as for educators' personal potential development.

Keywords: personal educational pathway, personal potential, self-regulation potential, personal development, personal change.

References transliterated

1. Artem'eva E. Ju. Osnovy psihologii subektivnoj semantiki. Pod red. I. B. Haninoj. Moskva: Nauka; Smysl, 1999. 350 s.

2. Kovalev V. I. Kategorija vremeni v psihologii (lichnostnyj aspekt). Kategorii materialisticheskoj dialektiki v psihologii. Moskva : Nauka, 1988. S. 216–230.

3. G. S. Navchal'no-vyhovnyj proces I psyhichnyj rozvytok osobystosti. Kyi'v: Radjans'ka shkola, 1989. 608 s.

4. Leont'ev D. A. i dr., Lichnostnyj potencial: struktura i diagnostika. Moskva: Smysl, 2011. 675 s.

5. Lushin P. V. Lichnostnye izmenenija kak process: teorija i praktika. Odessa: Aspekt, 2005. 334 s.

6. Maksymenko S. D. Eksperymental'no-genetychnyj metod proektuvannja psyhologichnyh novoutvoren' ta samomodeljuvannja osobystosti / S. D. Maksymenko // Psyhologichnyj chasopys. - 2016. - в„– 1. - S. 5-16.

7. Maksymenko S. D. Eksperymental'no-genetychnyj metod proektuvannja psyhologichnyh novoutvoren' ta samomodeljuvannja osobystosti. Psyhologichnyj chasopys. №1. Kyi'v, 2016. S. 5–16.

8. Maksymenko S. D. Genetychna psyhologija osobystosti: psyhichnyj rozvytok i navchannja. Problemy suchasnoi' psyhologii': Zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Kam’janec'-Podil's'kogo nacional'nogo universytetu imeni Ivana Ogijenka, Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny / Za nauk. red. S. D. Maksymenka, L. A. Onufrijevoi'. Vyp. 31. Kam’janec'-Podil's'kyj: Aksioma, 2016. S. 7–19.

9. Romanenko O. V. Typologizacija ponjattja «antycypacija» v suchasnij psyhologichnij nauci. Jurydychna psyhologija. № 2. Kyi'v, 2015. S. 40–52.

10. Psyhologichni tehnologii' efektyvnogo funkcionuvannja ta rozvytku osobystosti : monografija. / za red. S. D. Maksymenka, S. B. Kuzikovoi', V. L. Zlyvkova. Sumy : Vyd-vo SumDPU imeni A. S. Makarenka, 2019. 540 s.

11. Suhenko Ja V. Semantychnyj dyferencial dlja ocinky osvitn'oi' trajektorii' osobystosti. Psycholinguistics. Psyholingvistyka. Psyholyngvystyka : Zbirnyk naukovyh prac'. Serija : Psyhologija. 24(1). Kam’janec'-Podil's'kyj : FOP Dombrovskaja Ja. M., 2018. S. 32–342.

12. Sukhenko Ya. V. Typolohiia indyvidualnykh osvitnikh traiektorii pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv. Psykholohiia i osobystist. Poltava : PNPU, 2019. № 2 (16). S. 132–147.

13. Sukhenko Ya. V. Osobystisnyi potentsial yak bazovyi vymir osobystisnoho rozvytku pedahohichnoho pratsivnyka. Teoriia i praktyka suchasnoi psykholohii : zbirnyk naukovykh prats Klasychnoho pryvatnoho universytetu. Zaporizhzhia: KPU, 2019. № 5. Tom. 2. S. 89–95.

13. Tytarenko T. M., Kochubeinyk O. M., Cheremnykh K. O. Psykholohichni praktyky konstruiuvannia zhyttia v umovakh postmodernoi sotsialnosti: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Milenium, 2014. 206. s.

14. Furman A. V. Teoriia osvitnoi diialnosti yak metasystema. Psykholohiia i suspilstvo. №3. Ternopil: TNEU, 2001. S. 105–144.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 251-261 (pdf)



UDC 159.98

Kharchenko N.A.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman

The role of the psychologist in the organization of dialogic interaction of students with different types of giftedness

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article is devoted to the analysis of the organization of dialogical interaction of children with different types of giftedness in the context of building elite education, outlines the role of the psychologist in the coordination of extracurricular activities of teenagers, considers the importance of social competence in the formation of the future Ukrainian elite. For nearly a century, scholars have sought to understand, measure, and explain giftedness. Succeeding theories and empirical investigations have often built on earlier work, complementing or sometimes clashing over conceptions of talent or contesting the mechanisms of talent development. Some have even suggested that giftedness itself is a misnomer, mistaken for the results of endless practice or social advantage. Conventional definitions of talent used by those scholars can therefore be placed on a continuum ranging from completely innate to completely acquired, but such a continuum still needs to be described. Second, we argue that the position of talent on the innate-acquired continuum has important implications for talent management in practice and can solve some of the ambiguities that still characterize the field. We argue that an organization’s position on this continuum entails important implications for its design of talent management practices, which we discuss extensively. Giftedness reflects the values of society; is typically manifested in actual outcomes, especially in adulthood; is specific to domains of endeavor; is the result of the coalescing of biological, pedagogical, psychological, and psychosocial factors; and is relative not just to the ordinary (e.g., a child with exceptional art ability com-pared to peers) but to the extraordinary (e.g., an artist who revolutionizes a field of art). In general, the training program we have implemented for the school press center has proved effective. This is evidenced not only by the regular publication of the newspaper and the coordinated work of the team, but also by the fact that many graduates subsequently became students of the faculties of journalism, publishing, etc. In addition, students who have selected IT-related majors are now working on TV channels, newspapers, and online publications. Thus, coordination of psychologists with the dialogic interaction of adolescents with different types of giftedness in extracurricular activities, promotes the development of adolescents' abilities, expanding their role repertoire, the formation of communicative competence, as well as social intelligence in general, which in general creates the conditions for becoming active and productive representatives of society of the Ukrainian elite.

Keywords: dialogic interaction, giftedness, social competence, team approach, educational process.

References transliterated

1. Vertgeymer M. Produktivnoye myshleniye / M. Vertgeymer; Per. s angl./ Obshch. red. S. F. Gorbova i V. P. Zinchenko. – M.: Progress, 1987. – 336 s. [in Russian].

2. Korolov D.K. Metodolohichni pryntsypy psykhodiahnostyky obdarovanosti Teoretyko-metodychni osnovy psykhodiahnostychnoho obstezhennia obdarovanykh ditei i molodi: metodychnyi posibnyk / Za red. R.O. Semenovoi. Zhytomyr: ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2013. S. 22-26. [in Ukrainian].

3. Muzyka O. L. Spivvidnoshennia zdibnostei ta obdarovanosti: subiektno-tsinnisnyi pidkhid. Aktualni problem psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H.S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T. Kh II. Psykholohiia tvorchosti. Vypusk 17. K.: Vydavnytstvo В«FeniksВ», 2013. S.223-233. [in Ukrainian]

4. Dai, D. Y., & Chen, F. (2013). Three paradigms of gifted education: In search of conceptual clarity in research and practice. Gifted Child Quarterly, 57(3), 151-168.

5. Ford, D. Y. (1998). The underrepresentation of minority students in gifted education: Problems and promises in recruitment and retention. The Journal of Special Education, 32(1), 4-14.

6. Meyers, M. C., Van Woerkom, M., & Dries, N. (2013). Talent—Innate or acquired? Theoretical considerations and their implications for talent management. Human Resource Management Review, 23(4), 305-321.

7. Subotnik, R. F., Olszewski-Kubilius, P., & Worrell, F. C. (2011). Rethinking giftedness and gifted education: A proposed direction forward based on psychological science. Psychological science in the public interest, 12(1), 3-54.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 262-268 (pdf)



UDC 159.9

Chaika G.V.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Positive impacts of computer games

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the overview of the studies conducted both in Ukraine and abroad in order to find the positive effects of computer games on their users. The article show that computer games influence human cognitive development: memory, attention, thinking and intellectual functions in general. There are studies that show that gamers have better attention, in particular, better concentration and selectivity, large volume and a wider field of attention. Gamers are able to make quick and confident decisions in an uncertain situation; moreover, a decision-making speed does not affect its correctness. Computer gamers can better handle multitasking. People who play computer games are more persistent in solving of complex problems and more open to new experiences. Also, computer games are effective in cognitive function supporting at aging.

The game can change an individual’s self-image and locus of control. Games reduce stress and boost mood. The impact of computer games on players’ social activity and their communication skills with the environment is discussed. It is suggested that computer games can be a safe place to experiments with social interactions for vulnerable people. It is shown that games can also stimulate imagination and creativity. Positive correlations between creativity and passion for computer games displayed by players of all ages suggest that a widespread view that computer game activities have a negative effect on the creative and intellectual abilities of children, adolescents and adults is most likely unfair.

The findings state that games can be useful for psychological development, though the purpose of their creation is purely entertaining. As a traditional game is a source of development for a young child, a computer game can stimulate certain personal characteristics and traits of an adult.

Keywords: computer games, gamers, psychological influences, cognitive development, fantasy, creativity.

References transliterated

1. Beck J., Wade M. Doigralis! Kak pokolenie gejmerov navsegda menyaet biznessredu. Moskow: Pretekst, 2006.

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11. Filatova A. Strelba, gonki i nasilie. Povyshayut li kompyuternye igry uroven agressii. Evolyuciya. 2019. URL:

12. Fomicheva, Yu. V. Psihologicheskie korrelyaty uvlechennosti kompyuternymi igrami / Yu. V. Fomicheva, A. G. Shmelev, I. V. Burmistrov // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 14, Psihologiya. — 1991. — № 3. — S. 27—39.

13. Anguera J.A. Video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults. Nature. 2013. Vol. 501. P. 97-101. doi:10.1038/nature124863

14. Barlett C.P., Vowels C.L., Shanteau J. et al. The effect of violent and nonviolent computer games on cognitive performance. Computers in Human Behavior . 2009. Vol. 25, N 1. P. 96—102.

15. Bavelier D., Green C.Sh., Dye M.W.G. Children, wired: For better and for worse. Neuron. 2010. Vol. 67. P. 692—701.

16. Bediou B., Adams D.M., Mayer R., Tipton E. Meta-Analysis of Action Video Game Impact on Perceptual, Attentional, and Cognitive Skills. Psychological Bulletin. November 2017. в„– 144(1). DOI: 10.1037/bul0000130

17. Boot W.R., Kramer A.F., Simons D.J. et al. The effects of video game playing on attention, memory and executive control. Acta Psychologica. 2008.Vol. 129. P. 387—398.

18. Donohue S.E., Woldorff M.G., Mitroff S.R. Video game players show more precise multisensory temporal processing abilities. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. 2010. Vol. 72, Nо 4. P. 1120—1129.

19. Dye M.W.G., Green C.Sh., Bavelier D. Increasing speed of processing with action video games. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2009. Nо 18. P. 321—326.

20. Feng J., Spence I., Pratt J. Playing an action video game reduces gender difference in spatial cognition. Psychological Science. 2007. Vol. 18. Nо 10. Р. 850—855.

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22. Gackenbach J., Dopko R. The relationship between video game play, dream bizarreness, and creativity. International Journal of Dream Research. 2012. Vol. 5. в„– 1. P. 23-36. doi:10.11588/ijodr.2012.1.9080

23. Green S., Bavelier D. Actionvideogame experience alters the spatial resolution of vision. Psychological Science. 2007. Vol. 18. Nо 1. P. 88—94.

24. Granic I., Lobel A., Engels R. The Benefit of Playing Video Game. American Psychologist. 2013. Vol.69, No 1. P.66-78 – DOI: 10.1037/a0034857

25. Hygen B.W., Belsky J., Stenseng F., Skalicka V., Kvande M.N., Zahl‐Thanem T., Wichstrøm L. Time Spent Gaming and Social Competence in Children: Reciprocal Effects Across Childhood. Child Development. 23 April 2019. URL:

26. Madigan J. Why Do People Play Jobs? The psychology of video games. August 13, 2017. URL:

27. Przybylski A.K., Weinstein N., Murayama K., Lynch M. F. The ideal Self at play: the appeal of video games that let you be all you can be. Psychological Science. December 2011. No 23(1). P. 69-76 - DOI: 10.1177/0956797611418676

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 269-278 (pdf)




Chykhantsova O.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Foreign language communication competence as a factor of personal development

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Life in this century has provided people with diversity and possibility in communication with the corresponding increase in intercultural communication. Therefore, foreign language teaching and learning in universities should not only be instrumental, but it should set a new goal to train students with intercultural communicative competence to meet the needs of our globalized world.

The field of foreign language learning has been an issue of debate for a long time. With the later trends in language teaching approaches and methodology, communicative competence has become the main aim for foreign language learning.

The article deals with the role of foreign language communicative competence and the problem of forming foreign language skills in communication that influence on the development of the person in the process of education in higher education institutions. Communicative competence means having ‘a competence to communicate’. This competence can be oral, written or even nonverbal. It is an inclusive term that refers to possessing the knowledge of the language as well as the skill to use the language in real life situations for fulfilling communicative needs.

It is determined that communicative competence implies the appropriate skills, the formation of which is a prerequisite for learning a foreign language in the educational environment. The results of the experiment allowed us to establish the psychological specificity of the process of mastering a foreign language.

Communicative competence is considered as a factor of personal development in the process of effective mastering of foreign languages. Foreign communicative competence is a recent notion and there is no clear consensus about what it is. Sometimes this term is referred to as global competence, international competence, multicultural competence, and so forth.

Keywords: personality, foreign communicative competence, mastery of a foreign language.

References transliterated

1. Boretska H. Ye. Suchasni tekhnolohii formuvannia anhlomovnoi kompetentsii v hovorinni v uchniv osnovnoi i starshoi shkoly. Inozemni movy, 2010. в„– 2. S. 23 26.

2. Buchatska S. M. Formuvannia psykholohichnoi hotovnosti studentiv do dilovoho spilkuvannia inozemnymy movamy: Dys. … na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.07 Pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiia / S. M. Buchatska. Khmelnytskyi, 2009. 205 s.

3. Volobuieva O. F. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti formuvannia kompetentsii v chytanni inozemnoiu movoiu maibutnikh ofitseriv-prykordonnykiv. Zbirnyk nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / red. S. D. Maksymenka. Kyiv, 2005. T. VII. Vyp. 6. S. 76 86.

4. Zaviriukha A. V. Psykholohichni problemy spilkuvannia inozemnoiu movoiu u studentiv nemovnykh navchalnykh zakladiv. Problemy zahalnoi ta pedahohichnoi psykholohii, 2007. T. 9. S. 356 360.

5. Koloda S. O. Shliakhy formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kompetentsii inozemnoiu movoiu iz zastosuvanniam merezhevykh tekhnolohii. Humanizatsiia navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats / red. V.I. Sypchenko. Sloviansk: SDPU, 2011. Vyp. 7. Ch. I. S. 174 182.

6. Moskalenko O. V. Suchasni pidkhody do navchannia inozemnoi movy u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh. Zbirnyk nauk. prats. Visnyk NTUU В«KPIВ». Filosofiia. Psykholohiia. Pedahohika, 2010. Vyp. 2. S. 566 571.

7. Nahorna N. P. Shliakhy pidvyshchennia motyvatsii uchniv do vyvchennia druhoi inozemnoi movy. Vseukr. hazeta dlia vchyteliv, vykladachiv, studentiv ta vsikh, khto vyvchaie nimetsku movu, 2012. в„– 8 (304). S. 17 19.

8. Onufriieva I. L., Onufriieva L. A. Psykholohichnyi aspekt navchannia inshomovnoho movlennia doroslykh. Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii, 2010. Vyp. 7. S. 496 507.

9. Saienko N. S. Navchannia inozemnoi movy studentiv nemovnykh spetsialnostei na osnovi osobystisno-diialnisnoho pidkhodu. Visnyk NTUU В«KPIВ». Filosofiia. Psykholohiia. Pedahohika, 2010. Vyp. 1. S. 224 228.

10. Psykholohichni tekhnolohii samodeterminatsii rozvytku osobystosti: monohrafiia / L. Z. Serdiuk ta in.; Instytut psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy, Kyiv, 2018. 192 s. URL: (data zvernennia: 20.11.2019).

11. Tomchuk M. I., Buchatska S. M. Psykholohichna hotovnist maibutnikh fakhivtsiv do dilovoho spilkuvannia inozemnymy movamy: monohrafiia. Vinnytsia: Vinnytska hazeta, 2010. 226 s.


12. Bolster A., Balandier-Brown P. Young learners of modern foreign languages and their transition to the secondary phase: a lost opportunity? Language Learning Journal, 2004. 30, Р . 35 41.


Chyhantsova Рћ. Foreign language learning of students with non-linguistic speciality. International Scientific Journal В«Euro-American scientific cooperationВ». Hamilton, 2014. в„– 5. P. 103 109.


Harmer J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson, 2012. 448 p.

Menke M. R., Paesani K. Analysing foreign language instructional materials through the lens of the multiliteracies framework. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 2019. Vol. 32. P. 34 49.



Petrie G. M., Avery L. Identifying our approaches to language learning technologies: improving professional development. English Teaching Forum, 2011. Vol. 49. № 3. Р. 2–17.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 279-286 (pdf)



UDC 159.928

Shcherbakova Рћ.Рћ.

State Institution "Institute for Children and Adolescents Health Care of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kharkov

Typology of the academic abilities of young children

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study of the typology of academically successful and academically unsuccessful students, which involves considering the relationship between the level of intelligence, creativity, internal and external motivation, as well as general and partial academic performance. Six types of academic abilities are characterized: for academically successful younger adolescents, these are “Academically gifted teens who are successful in schooling” and two compensatory types of “Externally motivated teens who are successful in schooling” and “Uncreative motivated teens who are successful in schooling”, for academically unsuccessful younger teens - “Ungifted unsuccessful in schooling teens”, “Intrinsically motivated partial successful in schooling teens”, “Amotivated unsuccessful in schooling" The features of the distribution of students of the gymnasium and students of the project "Intellect Ukraine" by types of academic abilities are determined.

Keywords: intelligence, creativity, motivation, academic ability, academic performance, younger adolescents.

References transliterated

1. Borysova E.M., Lohynova H.P. Dyahnostyka umstvennoho razvytyya na osnove kachestvennoho analyza testa. Voprosy psykholohyy, в„–2, 1986. S. 149-155.

2. Rukovodstvo k prymenenyyu hruppovoho yntellektualК№noho testa (HYT) dlya mladshykh podrostkov. M. 1993.

3. Shcherbakova O.O. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti adaptatsiyi akademichno zdibnykh ditey do navchannya u pochatkoviy shkoli. Dys. k.psykhol.n. KH.: KHNPU imeni H.S. Skovorody. 2015. 228 s.

4. Shcherbakova O. Psykhodiahnostyka akademichnoyi samorehulyatsiyi uchniv osnovnoyi shkoly. Visnyk KHNPU imeni H.S. Skovorody. Psykholohiya. Vyp. 57. Kharkiv: KHNPU, 2017. S. 355 - 362.

5. Mannheim K. and Stuart W. An introduction to the sociology of education. L., 1997.

6. Renzulli, J. S. The three-ring conception of giftedness: A developmental model for creative productivity. In R. J. Sternberg & J. E. Davidson (Eds.), Conceptions of giftedness 1986. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 53-92.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 287-293 (pdf)




UDC 159.955/.956.2+316.62

Husieva N.

Institute of Social and Political Psychology National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The notion of irractionality in scientific researches

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article on the basis of theoretical researches of interdisciplinary knowledge in psychology, sociology, philosophy and economic theory the notion of “irrationality” in comparison with the notion of “rationality” is revealed. The appeal to the processes of irrationality is caused by the deployment of numerous social processes under pressure. The purpose of the article is to define the notion of irrationality in terms of different scientific knowledge and to outline the directions of its study in the context of human behavior and decision making. It is argued that in the scientific literature, the phenomenon of irrationality is analyzed in terms of the extent to which cognitive processes are included in cognition, as well as the ability to predict and effectively select goals and means of its achievement. It is associated with rapid processes of emotional evaluation, where lack of consistency and systematicity can be combined with the presence of certain reactions patterns that are formed by the individual experience of the subject and may not always be amenable to logic, and the prognosis of cognition, thereby acquiring negative nuance and pointing to probable life risks. It is supposed that the persistence of the assessment of irrationality as a negatively presented social phenomenon may be related to the negative manifestation of its social consequences of the corresponding behavior of both individual and group subjects. It is concluded that the traditional study of the category of irrationality on the basis of opposition raises questions about the criterion of differentiation, such as: the possibility or lack of cognition itself, correlation with the sphere of conscious or unconscious, logical or illogical. It is argued that such a traditional description of the notion of “irrationality” in dichotomous categories limits the disclosure of its essential characteristics and hides the integration effects of its positive side. The distinguishing and study of these integration effects can extend further research of irrationality phenomenon, as well as its role in the context of decision-making, common sense, the development of daily life and life experience.

Keywords: irrationality, rationality, thinking, emotional evaluation, common sense, daily life.

References transliterated

1. Veber M. Osnovny`e socziologicheskie ponyatiya. Teoreticheskaya socziologiya: Antologiya: V 2 ch. / red. S. P. Ban`kovskaya. Moskva: Knizhny`j dom В«UniversitetВ», 2002. Ch.1. 424s.

2. Gert B. Raczional`noe i irraczional`noe v povedenii cheloveka. Moral` i raczional`nost` / red. R.G. Apersyan. Moskva: IFRAN, 1995. 197s.

3. Dobren`kov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. Socziologiya: v 3-ekh tomakh: slovar` po knige. Moskva: Socziologicheskij fakul`tet MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova. 2003-2004. URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

4. Ermolaeva M.V. Kul`turno-istoricheskij podkhod k fenomenu zhiznennogo opy`ta v starosti. Kul`turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya. 2010. Tom 6. № 1. c. 112–118. URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

5. Zelenskij V.V. Tolkovy`j slovar` po analiticheskoj psikhologii. Izdanie 3-e ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe. Moskva: Kogito-czentr, 2002. 336s.

6. Kaneman D., Slovik P., Tverski A. Prinyatie resheniya v neopredelyonnosti: Pravila i predubedzheniya / red. G.V. Sukhodal`skij per. s angl. Khar`kov: Institut prikladnoj psikhologii В«Gumanitarny`j czentrВ», 2005. 632 s.

7. Kolesov D. Psikhologiya smy`sla. Razvitie lichnosti. 2003. в„–1. s. 47-76

8. Levi-Bryul` L. Pervoby`tnoe my`shlenie. Psikhologiya my`shleniya / red.. Gippenrejter Yu.B., Petukhova V.V. Moskva: Izd-vo MGU, 1980. s. 130-140. URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

9. Leleko V. D. Kul`tura povsednevnosti. [Elektronij resurs] Sankt-Peterburgskij GUKiI, 2006 URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

10. Mudragej N.S. Raczional`noe i irraczional`noe - filosofskaya problema. Chitaya A. Shopengaue`ra. Voprosy` filosofii. 1994. в„–9. URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

11. Porus V. N. Raczional`nost`. Gumanitarnaya e`ncziklopediya: Konczepty` / otv. red. A. V. Ageev. [Elektronij resurs] Czentr gumanitarny`kh tekhnologij, 2002–2019 (poslednyaya redakcziya: 23.04.2019). URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

12. Rajzberg B. A., Lozovskij L.Sh., Starodubczeva E.B. Sovremenny`j e`konomicheskij slovar`. 2-e izd., ispr. Moskva: INFRA-M, 1999. 479 s.

13. Rubinshtejn S. L. Osnovy` obshhej psikhologii. V 2 t. Moskva: В«PedagogikaВ», 1989. T. 2. 328s.

14. Rutkevich E.D. Fenomenologicheskaya socziologiya znaniya. Moskva: В«NaukaВ», 1993. 270s.

15. Sikevich Z.V., Krokinskaya O.K., Possel` Yu.A. Soczial`noe bessoznatel`noe. Sankt-Peterburg. : В«PiterВ», 2005. 267s.

16. Tytarenko T. M. Zhyttievyi svit osobystosti: u mezhakh i za mezhamy budennosti. Kyiv: Lybid, 2003. – 376 s.

17. Trufanov D. O. Raczional`nost` kak socziologicheskaya problema. postneklassicheskij (universumny`j) pokhod. Socziologicheskie issledovaniya. [Elektronij resurs], 2013 URL: (data zvernennya: 29.11.2019)

18. Uznadze D. N. Obshhaya psikhologiya. / otv. red.. I.V. Imedadze, per. s gruz. E.Sh. Chomakhidze. Moskva: В«Smy`slВ», Sankt-Peterburg: В«PiterВ», 2004. 413 s.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 294-303 (pdf)



UDC 159.938

Zelenska Z.P.

Kyiv-Pechersk Lyceum в„– 171 В«LeaderВ», Kyiv

Exploring the gender differences in communication skills of primary school students

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article represents the results of an empirical study aimed at determining the gender differences in communication skills of primary school students. The communication has a great importance to primary school students because it is in the center of their lives, defining all other aspects of their behavior and activities in many ways. Empathy and affiliation are important psychological characteristics of interpersonal communication in adolescence.

It was found in the study that boys have more emotional barriers to communication and find it more difficult to manage their emotions than girls. Girls are more developed than boys with empathy for animals, for children, for works of art, for empathic tendencies and communicative qualities. It was also determined that the vast majority of primary school students have a low need for communication, which needs to be considered when developing a psycho-correction program.

The analysis of the obtained results indicates the necessity of corrective work with the pupils of primary school, aimed at increasing in them the level of manifestation of empathetic tendencies, the formation of self-regulation skills in communication and increasing the need for communication, as well as providing psychological conditions for overcoming and prevention emotional barriers to interpersonal communication.

The prospects for further research are to develop a psycho-correction program aimed at developing communication skills in primary school students.

Keywords: empathy, emotional barrier, teenager, gender differences, primary school student, communication skills, communicative control.

References transliterated

1. Andreeva G.M. Social'naja psihologija / G.M. Andreeva. – M.: Aspekt Press, 1996. – 376 s.

2. Gavrilova T.P. Ponjatie jempatii v zarubezhnoj psihologii. Istoricheskij obzor i sovremennoe sostojanie problemy. // Voprosy psihologii. 1975. в„–2. - S. 147-156.

3. Petrovskaja L.A. Kompetentnost' v obshhenii. Social'no-psihologicheskij trening / L.A. Petrovskaja. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1989. –216 s.

4. Psihologija. Slovar' / Pod obshh. red. A.V. Petrovskogo, M.G. Jaroshevskogo. - 2-e izd. ispr. I dop. - M.: Politizdat, 1990. – 494 s.

5. Tishhenko V. A. Formirovanie kommunikativnyh umenij uchashhihsja sredstvami informatiki // Informatika i obrazovanie / V. A. Tishhenko. – 2006. – № 5. – S. 114-119.

6. Fel'dshtejn D.I. Psihologija vzroslenija: strukturno-soderzhatel'nye harakteristiki processa razvitija lichnosti: Izbrannye trudy. – M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj institut: Flinta, 1999. - 672 s.

7. Jel'konin D. B., Dragunova T. V. Vozrastnye i individual'nye osobennosti mladshih podrostkov, - M.: Prosveshhenie, 1967. – 360 c.

8. Jusupov I. M. Psihologija jempatii (Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty): Dis... d-ra. psihol. nauk. / I.M. Jusupov. – S.-Peterb. Gos. Un-t. – SPb.,1995. – 252 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 304-311 (pdf)



UDC 159.9.072

Maksom K.

Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv

Features of the bullying structure in adolescence

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The main conceptual approaches to defining bullying as a socio-psychological phenomenon and bullying structure are considered in the article. Based on the results of the empirical study, the features of the bullying structure at different stages of adolescence were analyzed.

According to the results of the study, the following results were obtained: 1) In all classes, students who participated in the study showed manifestations of bullying by the students. 2) There was no bullying on the part of the teachers (only some students pointed to some cases of bullying, which characterizes the existence of single conflict situations, but excludes the presence of bullying on the part of the teachers). 3) "Observers" are the largest group in the bullying structure of both age groups. 4) "Bullies", "Assistants", and "Victims" were more pronounced in the younger teens group than senior school students group. 5) "Defenders" among the group of younger adolescents were found less than among the students of the senior school.

According to the results of the research, there was a tendency of lowering the frequency of bullying in senior school compared to the middle classes, as well as the change of the bullying structure. The senior school bullying structure is characterized by a blurring of roles, while in the early teens, the roles of individual students, especially the main ones ("aggressors" and "victims"), are clearly defined. This can be explained by the age of the respondents – communication with peers becomes especially important for adolescents, subsequently there is a desire to meet the requirements of others, to realize their deficiencies that interfere with communication. At the same time, there is a change in the forms of manifestation of abuse from open physical to verbal, and then to indirect manifestations.

Keywords: bullying, school violence, treatment, adolescence, bullying structure, "victim", "aggressor", "observer".

References transliterated

1. Olweus D. Bullying at school: Prevalence estimation, a useful evaluation design, and a new national initiative in Norway. 2004. No. 23. P. 5-17.

2. Kukharska N., Kukharskyi V. Zahrozy bezpetsi ditei u sotsialnykh merezhakh. Bezpeka informatsii. 2014. T. 20, в„– 2. S. 169-175. URL:

3. Norkina E. G. Metodika na vyiyavlenie В«Bulling-strukturyiВ». Tavricheskiy nauchnyiy obozrevatel. 2016. T. 8, в„– 3. S. 170-174.

4. Sydoruk I. Bulinh yak aktualna sotsialno-pedahohichna problema. Naukovyi visnyk Skhidnoievropeiskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Lesi Ukrainky. Pedahohichni nauky. 2015. в„– 1. S. 169-173. URL:

5. Stelmakh C. Antyhumanizm: vchytel yak fasylitator bulinhu v dytiachomu seredovyshchi. Naukovi zapysky UKU. Ch. 4: Pedahohika. Psykholohiia, vyp. 1. 2014. C. 293-302.

6. Stelmakh S. Bullinh u shkoli ta yoho naslidky. Humanizatsiia navchalno-vykhovnoho protsesu: zbirnyk naukovykh prats / red. prof. V.I. Sypchenka. Sloviansk: SDPU, 2011. Vyp. LVI. S. 431-440.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 312-318 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2

Mytrofanova S.S.

В«University of Modern KnowledgeВ», Kyiv

Professional self-identity as an element of self-consciousness of future psychologists.

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the course of this study, indicators of self-evaluation and self-identity of students with the basic education in psychology and in a non-psychology field were subjected to a comparative analysis. The number of respondents was 184 full-time and extramural psychology students with and without experience in practical psychology. Half of the respondents were persons continuing their professional education in the chosen field of specialization, the BEP group (basic education in psychology), and the other half were those gaining a second university degree under a bachelor’s program with a different specialization, the BEN group (basic education in a non-psychology field). The social “self” and reflexive “self” indicators are dominant in the BEN group, while a high level of adequate self-evaluation was observed in the BEP group. A statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of the “communicative “self”” indicator was established. In the BEN group, one-third of the students have low adequate self-evaluation “I am a real psychologist”, which means that in these respondents, the perception of themselves as a psychologist is only developing and complicating in the course of study. The level of their self-evaluation “I am a real psychologist” is lower than in BEP students. The latter have a better idea of their capabilities and better perception of their own positive qualities and weaknesses.

A conclusion was drawn that going through different life experience which bore upon the choice of profession and form of continuing study (higher education in the chosen or a different field of specialization) significantly affects the student’s self-evaluation indicators: the choice of education in psychology in the chosen field of specialization helps develop adequate self-evaluation, while the choice of a second university degree with a different specialization stems from the domination of inadequately high self-evaluation. The students who received basic education in a non-psychology field are only revealing the features of their personality, only cognizing themselves, somewhat idealizing their future professional activity.

Keywords: basic higher education, psychologists, self-consciousness, self-evaluation, self-identity, students.

References transliterated

1. Andrijchuk I. P. Formuvannia pozytyvnoi Ya-kontseptsii osobystosti majbutnikh praktychnykh psykholohiv u protsesi profesijnoi pidhotovk: dys. … kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.07. Kyiv, 2003. 192 s.

2. Boryshevskyj M.J. Teoretycheskye voprosy samosoznanyia lychnosty. Psykholohycheskye osobennosty samosoznanyia podrostka. Kyiv: Vyscha shkola, 1980. S. 5-38.

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4. Zakharova A.V. Psykholohyia formyrovanyia samootsenky. Mynsk: BHU, 1993. 99 s.

5. Kolobkova A.Y. Osobennosty samootsenky v sviazy s krytycheskym sobytyem poterej y otsutstvyem raboty (na materyale rabotaiuschykh y bezrabotnykh

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7. Svidens'ka H. M. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti rozvytku samosvidomosti osobystosti v period pidlitkovoi kryzy: avtoref. dys... kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.07. Kyiv. 2008. 19 s.

8. Chesnokova Y.Y. Problema samosoznanyia v psykholohyy: monohrafyia. Moskva: MHU, 1977. 246 s.

9. Yaspers K. Obschaia psykhopatolohyia / per. L.O. Akopian. Moskva: Praktyka, 1997. 1053 s.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 319-327 (pdf)


UDC 616.12-008.331.1-053.6:159.923

Misiura O.M.

National Children's Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdit", Kyiv

Internal picture of disease and the quality of life in adolescents with essential arterial hypertension

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The aim of this work was to establish the characteristics of the attitude to the disease and its impact on the quality of life of adolescents with essential hypertension. 45 adolescents (12 girls and 33 boys) aged 13-17 years (average 14.87 В± 1.30 years) were examined. In 25 adolescents, stable AH was detected, the rest had variable AH. Quality of life was assessed using SF-36, the attitude to the disease with the TOBOL method.

66.7% of girls and 63.3% of boys showed an adaptive type of attitude towards the disease. The remaining girls recorded the type of relationship with the intrapsychic block (anxious, neurasthenic, melancholic), while almost every third boy showed a diffuse and mixed type of attitude to the disease with a predominance of the scales of the interpsychic block (sensitivity, dysphoricity, egocentricity and paranoia). Anosognosia correlated with the values of the scales “Role-based emotional functioning”, “Social functioning” and “Mental health” (respectively r = 0.53; P <0.05, r = 0.48; P

Thus, Harmoniousness and anosognosia types of attitude toward the disease are associated with more higher quality of life for adolescents with essential hypertension, regardless of blood pressure. Disadaptive types of attitude towards the disease are inversely related to indicators of quality of life, which must be taken into account when developing a psychocorrection program.

Keywords: essential hypertension, adolescents, the types of attitude towards disease, quality of life.

References transliterated

1. Barna O.M., Lapshyn O.V. Trudnoshchi v likuvanni arterialnoi hipertenzii: yaki pytannia mozhe vyrishyty lerkanidypin? Liky Ukrainy. 2012. T. 164. №8. S. 28–32.

2. Vasserman L. Y., Yovlev B. V., Karpova Э. B., Vuks A. Ya. Usovershenstvovannaia metodyka dlia psykholohycheskoi dyahnostyky otnoshenyia k bolezny (TOBOL): posobye dlia vrachei. SPb.: Yzd-vo NYPY ym. V. M. Bekhtereva, 2002.— 31 с.

3. .Hlazыryna T.M., Porozhnykov P. A., Yatmanov A. N. Vlyianye otnoshenyia k bolezny y urovnia arteryalnoho davlenyia na uroven nervno-psykhycheskoi adaptatsyy u muzhchyn pryzыvnoho vozrasta. Medyko-byolohycheskye y sotsyalno-psykholohycheskye problemы bezopasnosty v chrezvыchainыkh sytuatsyiakh. 2017. №1. S. 62–65.

4. Hryhoreva Y. V., Evseenko V. V., Hryhorev V. Y., Yhumnov S. A. Osobennosty vnutrennei kartynы bolezny patsyentov s arteryalnoi hypertenzyei. Problemы zdorovia y эkolohyy. 2011. №3. S. 61–65.

5. Maidannyk V.H., Khaitovych M.V., Hlebova L.P. ta in. Diahnostyka ta likuvannia arterialnoi hipertenzii u ditei ta pidlitkiv: metodychni rekomendatsii. Mezhdunarodnыi zhurnal pedyatryy, akusherstva y hynekolohyy. 2014. № 6(1). S. 109–127.

6. Mysiura A. M., Khaitovych M. V. Lychnostnыe faktorы, snyzhaiushchye kachestvo zhyzny podrostkov s pervychnoi arteryalnoi hypertenzyei. Psykhyatryia, psykhoterapyia y klynycheskaia psykholohyia. 2018. №9. S. 170–176.

7. Fyrsova L. D. Psykholohycheskye reaktsyy na bolezn y pryverzhennost lechenyiu. Terapevtycheskaia hastroэnterolohyia. 2013. №8. S. 41–44.

8. Ajayi D.T., Adedokun B. O., Owoeye D. O., Akpa O. M. Treatment Satisfaction and Medication Adherence Among Hypertensive Patients Seeking Care in Selected Hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria. Arch Basic Appl Med. 2018. №6. P. 67–72.

9. Johnson H. M., Warner R. S., Bartels C. M., LaMantia J. N. "They're younger… it's harder." Primary providers' perspectives on hypertension management in young adults: a multicenter qualitative study. BMC Res Notes. 2017. №10. P. 9.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 328-334 (pdf)



UDC 159.9:371.3:343.8[477]

Nastoiasha U.V.

State Penitentiary Service Academy, Chernihiv

Social and psychological peculiarities of professional activity of employees of state criminal and executive service of Ukraine (state criminal and executive service of Ukraine)

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the disclosure of social and psychological features of the activity of a serviceman of the State Criminal and Executive Service (SCES). The purpose of the article was in the determination of the social and psychological features of the SCES employees' activity and to identify its injurious factors.The list of social and psychological features of the SCES serviceman which concern to as externally set working conditions of the institution (strict regulation, subordination, and compulsion), personal characteristics of employees (stress resistance, flexibility, etc.) as to specificity of their cooperation during discharging of service obligations (conditionality of the punishment article, rigid hierarchy) is excluded on the base of analysis It is established that the penitentiary service is connected with the necessity to work in the mode of high stress, and its stressfulness is conditioned by the specific environment of professional activity, which is manifested in the necessity to be constantly in contact with people who committed a crime.Service in the SCES requires the employees of a special organization of their activity and the ability of specific interpersonal communication, maintenances of a strict hierarchy, discipline, increased social and professional responsibility.

It is proved that the assertion of humanistic tasks in building a re-socializing direction of the enforcement of sentences service needs in a clarification of the identified contradictions, risks, and uncertainties during discharging of service obligations by employees of SCES.

Keywords: professional activity psychology, State Criminal and Executive Service, stressfactors, punishment.

References transliterated

1. Puzyrov M. S. Pryvatni penitentsiarni ustanovy: zarubizhnyi dosvid ta natsionalnyi pidkhid. Biuleten Ministerstva yustytsii Ukrainy. 2017. № 7. S. 32–37

2. Pro Derzhavnu kryminalno-vykonavchu sluzhbu Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy vid 23.06.2005 в„– 2713-IV (redaktsiia vid 01.01.2019). URL: (data zvernennia: 03.11.19).

3. Karavaev A.F. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie osnovy professionalnogo stanovleniya specialistov – sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del: metod. posob. COKR MVD Rossii. Moskva, 2005. 248 s.

4. Sait Derzhavnoi kryminalno-vykonavchoi sluzhby Ukrainy (data zvernennia: 03.11.19).

5. Cherkasova M.A. Psihologicheskij monitoring professionalnogo vygoraniya sotrudnikov ugolovno-ispolnitelnoj sistemy Rossii: avtoref. dis… kand. psihol. nauk.: 19.00.06 / Akademiya FSIN Rossii. Ryazan. 2014. 28 s.

6. Ahmedilin R.L. Osnovy penitenciarnoj psihologii: ucheb. posob./ Novokuzneck, 2013. 68 s

7. Wyatt Garry. Risktaking and riskavoiding behavior: Theim pact of some dispositionaland sit-uational variables. J. Psychology, 2013, Vol. 129, no. 4, p. 437-447.

8. Samojlov N.G. Vliyanie professionalnoj deyatelnosti na psihiku sotrudnikov pravoohranitelnoj deyatelnosti. Vestnik Harkovskogo nacionalnogo universiteta vnutrennih del. 2011. в„– 613. S. 286-296.

9. Cullen F.T., Link B.G., Wolfe N.T., Frank J. The social dimen sions of correctional off icer stress. Juistice Quarterly. 1985. Vol. 2.

10. Baranauskene I., Valajkene A. Vliyanie stressa na udovletvorennost rabotoj sotrudnikov ispravitelnyh uchrezhdenij. Nacionalnyj psihologicheskij zhurnal. 2011. в„–1(5) S. 66-69.

11. Baburin S.V., Oboturova N.S., Chirkov A.M. Metodologicheskie podhody k probleme psihologicheskogo stressa u sotrudnikov ispravitelnyh uchrezhdenij i osuzhdennyh. Vestnik instituta: prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie. 2014. № 1 (25). S. 50 – 57.

12. Libling A., Prajs D., Shefer G. Tyuremnyj rabotnik. London, В«RutledzhВ», 2012. 163s.

13. Otchet Shvedskomu Pravitelstvu o vizite v Shveciyu, vypolnennomu EKPP v period s 9 po 18 iyunya 2009 goda (EKPP/Inf (2009) 34), 2009 god, paragraf 33.

14. Libling A. Tyurmy i ih moralnoe vozdejstvie, Izdatelstvo Oksfordskogo universiteta, 2004. S. 378-379.

15. Evropejskij komitet po preduprezhdeniyu pytok i beschelovechnogo ili unizhayushego dostoinstvo obrasheniya ili nakazaniya (EKPP). 11-j Obshij Otchet po deyatelnosti EKPP (EKPP/Inf (2001) 16). 2001. p. 26.

16. Specialnyj Raport ES po pytkam. Issledovanie fenomena pytok, beschelovechnogo ili unizhayushego dostoyinstvo obrasheniya ili nakazaniya v mire, vklyuchaya ocenku ruslovij mest zaklyucheniya (A/HRC/13/39/Add.5), 2010. pp. 9, S. 229 – 237.

17. Mezhamerikanskaya komissiya po pravam cheloveka (MKPCh), Otchet MKPCh po situacii v otnoshenii lic, lishennyh svobody v Gondurase, 2013. S. 33.

18. UNP OON / Vsemirnaya organizaciya zdravoohraneniya, Nadlezhashee upravlenie zdravoohraneniem v mestah zaklyucheniya v 21 veke: Analiticheskaya zapiska po organizacii zdravoohraneniya v tyurmah. (oktyabr 2013). p. 2-3.

19. Beznosov S.P. Professionalnye deformacii: dis… d-ra psihol. nauk: 19.00.03 / Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet. 1997. 398 c

20. Cvetkova N.A., Kulakova S.V. Issledovanie stressoustojchivosti i zhiznestojkosti sotrudnikov ugolovno-ispolnitelnoj sistemy. Psihologiya i pravo: elektron. nauch. izdat. 2019. Tom 9. № 2. S. 112–129. doi:10.17759/psylaw.2019090208

21. Marishuk V.L., Evdokimov V.I. Povedenie i samoregulyaciya cheloveka v usloviyah stressa. Sankt-Peterburg: izd. dom В«SentyabrВ», 2001. 260 s.

22. Martynov A.I. Formirovanie psihologicheskoj gotovnosti lichnosti k professionalnoj deyatelnosti v ekstremalnyh usloviyah: avtoref. dis… d-ra filosofii: 19.00.05 / Mezhdunar. Kadrovaya akad. Kiev, 1998. 19 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 335-345 (pdf)



UDC 150.928

Snizhna M.A.

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

The role of personal values of the visually gifted teenagers in adaptation to the educational environment

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article considers the role of personal values of a visually gifted personality in the regulation of its social and psychological adaptation to the educational environment. It has been established that age-related crises and internal conflicts complicate the personal development of the gifted and their professional improvement. The necessity of value support of visually gifted adolescents is substantiated.

Keywords: gifted adolescents, visual giftedness, personal values, internal conflicts of the value sphere.

References transliterated

1. Bozhovych L. Y. Lychnost y ee formyrovanye v detskom vozraste. SPb.: Pyter, 2008. 248 s.

2. Kerrel S. Hruppovaia psykhoterapyia podrostkov. SPB: Pyter, 2002. 223 s.

3. Muzyka O.L. Metodyka "Profil tsinnisnoi svidomosti obdarovanoi sosbystostiВ»: teoretychni peredumovy y rezultaty aprobatsii. Aktualni problemy psykholohii. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. Vypusk 15. Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2019.

4. RС‹balko E.A. Stanovlenye lychnosty // Sotsyalnaia psykholohyia lychnosty. L.: Obshchestvo В«ZnanyeВ», 1974. S. 20-31.

5. Seryi A.V. Psykholohycheskye mekhanyzmС‹ funktsyonyrovanyia tsennostnС‹kh smС‹slov. URL:

6. Smetaniak V.I. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti tsinnisnoho samovyznachennia starshoklasnykiv : Avtoref. dys.. kand. psykhol. nauk: 19.00.07 / Prykarpat. un-t im. V.Stefanyka. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2003. 20 c.

7. Snizhna M.A. Vikovi osoblyvosti vnutrishnikh konfliktiv tsinnisnoi sfery obrazotvorcho obdarovanykh pidlitkiv. Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu psykholohii imeni H. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy. T.VI: Psykholohiia obdarovanosti. Vypusk 14. Kyiv-Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2018 S .39-402

8. Snizhna M.A. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti stvorennia osvitnoho seredovyshcha dlia obrazotvorcho obdarovanykh pidlitkiv. Osvitnie seredovyshche yak chynnyk stanovlennia obdarovanoi osobystosti: monohrafiia za red. R.O. Semenovoi. K.-Kirovohrad: Imeks-LTD, 2014. S.198-221.

9. Hoffman, M. Empathy and moral development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 346-350 (pdf)



UDC 159.9:37.018.593

Teslenko V.N.

“KROK” University, Kyiv

Prevention of professional burnout of teachers in public and private schools

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article examines the professional burnout syndrome as a system of cognitive, affective and behavioral factors. The concept of an eco-approach based on three principles is proposed: 1) as a part of the professional choice that begins at the stage of the professionalization; 2) as a part of the life process, the success of which depends on the harmonization of the external (meta-social, social, narrow-professional) and the internal (psychological) resources; 3) as a consideration of the profound and procedural aspects of the burnout. The complex of methods for the research of the internal psychological resources of the professional burnout is presented and its results are described on the basis of the analysis of the comparative pedagogical characteristics of educational establishments of different forms of the ownership.

Keywords: pedagogical professionalism, competence, internal psychological resources, personal development, eco-approach.

References transliterated

1. Zeer E. F. Psihologiya professiy: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd. M.: Delovaya kn., 2003. 336 s.

2. Sidorov P. V. Sindrom emotsionalnogo vyigoraniya. Med. gazeta. 2005. 8 iyunya (№ 43). S. 32–40.

3. Meskon M. Osnovyi menedjmenta: [elektronnoe izdanie] / Maykl Meskon, Maykl Albert, Franklin Hedouri; [perevod s angliyskogo]. M.: Delo, 2004. 800 s.

4. Viner N. Kibernetika, ili upravlenie i svyaz v jivotnom i mashine / pod. red. G. N. Povarova. [2-e izd.] M.: Nauka; Glavnaya redaktsiya izdaniya dlya zarubejnyih stran, 1983. 344 s.

5. Shalaev V. P. Sinergetika sotsialnyih kommunikatsiy v sovremennom obschestve: sb. materialov / pod obschey redaktsiey professora V. P. Shalaeva. Yoshkar-Ola: MarGTU, 2001. 195 s.

6. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smyisla: sb. / [per. s angl. i nem. obsch. red. L. YA. Gozmana, D. A. Leonteva; vstup. statya D. A. Leonteva]. M.: Progress, 1990. 368 s.

7. Skerderud F. Bespokoystvo. Puteshestvie v sebya. Samara: Bahrah-M, 2003. 480 s.

8. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti bazovykh kopinh-stratehii ta osobystisnykh kopinh-resursiv pratsivnykiv pozhezhno-riatuvalnykh pidrozdiliv MNS Ukrainy: monohrafiia / O. O. Nazarov [ta in.]. Kh.: Un-t tsyv. zakhystu Ukrainy, 2008. 221 s.

9. Maslou A. Samoaktualizatsiya lichnosti i obrazovanie; [per. s angl., predisl. G. A. Balla]. Kiev – Donetsk, 1994. 52 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 351-359 (pdf)



UDC 159.942.5-056.265:17.022.1

Ulko N.M.

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

Influence of life losses, on change of value meanings of psycho-traumatic personality

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of the traumatic experience on the subsequent life of the person, in particular, its value and semantic sphere.There is conducteda theoretical and empirical analysis of the losses that a person suffers as a result of living an emotionally traumatic situation.As shown by sections of empirical research, the first place is the loss, which is about deadly danger and feelings of helplessness.Also, presented the position on positive assimilation of emotional trauma in the context of further individual-personal development.

Traumatic experiences, as shown by the experience of psychotherapeutic work with displaced persons and participants of the Anti-Terrorist Operation, especially those related to the object of traumatization, activated, as a rule, other displaced traumas and losses and actualized inconsciousness old incomprehensible and not comprehended mental (emotional) trauma.It is obvious that in psychotherapeutic work, it is important to correlate existing experiences and previous, more ancient, connected with different life losses.We were able to track, that as soon as the opportunity to refer to the history of the person and to identify in it the connection with the past unprocessedand unspecified trauma- the processing of emotional traumas and losses became possible.

The person in his life path has a different experience of emotional traumas and related losses - physical, personal, psychological, social, spiritual, as well as his own experience of overcoming them.As a result, the personality has an "after-traumatic psychological growth", in the process of changing her attitude to himself, to others, to revise vital values, to find new meanings for existence.

Therefore, our further research will address a more in-depth and thorough examination of the problem of the relationship between losses, their emotional living, and positive assimilation in the context of a new meaning-building of further individual and personal development.

Keywords: loss, psycho-trauma, traumatic situation, emotional trauma, psycho-traumatic personality, "post-traumatic psychological growth".

References transliterated

1. Volkan Vamik, E. Zintl Zhizn' posle utraty: Psihologiya gorevaniya / red. K.V. YAgnyuk; per. s angl. K.V. Kurkina. Moskva: В«Kogito-CentrВ», 2007. 160 s. (sovremennaya psihoterapiya).

2. Dzhons E. Voennyj shok i teoriya Frejda o nevrozah. K psihoanalizu voennyh nevrozov: Sbornik statej [tekst] / Z. Frejd, SH. Ferenci, K. Abraham, E. Dzhons; per. s angl. i nem. Izhevsk: ERGO, 2012. S.73-95.

3. Kolodzin B. Kak zhit' posle psihicheskoj travmy. URL: (data zvernennya: 17.03.2018).

4. K psihoanalizu voennyh nevrozov: Sbornik statej [tekst] / Z. Frejd, SH. Ferenci, K. Abraham, E. Dzhons; per. s angl. i nem. Izhevsk: ERGO, 2012. 104 s.

5. Trubicyna L.V. Process travmy. Moskva: Smysl; CHeRo, 2005. 218 s.

6. Frejd Z. Tormozhenie, simptom i trevoga. Isteriya i strah; per. s nem. A. M. Bokovikov. Moskva: OOO «Firma STD», 2006. S. 227–308.

7. Caruth Cathy. Trauma and Experience Introduction. Trauma: Explorations in Memory. Baltimore; London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. URL:

8. Caruth Cathy. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History. Baltimore; London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. URL:

9. Crossley M. L. Introducing narrative psychology. Self, trauma and the construction of meaning. Philadelphia: Open university press, 2000. URL:

10. Eyerman Ron. Cultural Trauma: Emotion and Narration / ed. C. Alexander Jeffrey, N. Jacobs Ronald, and Philip Smith. - The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Sociology, 2017. URL: (data zvernennya: 10.05.2019).

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 360-368 (pdf)



UDC 159.923.2:331.548 - 053.6

Fedorenko L.P.

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

Psychological support for improving the effectiveness of rural school graduates professional self-determination

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the approaches to understanding the psychological essence and structure of high school students professional self-determination, forms and methods of its activation. The specifics and conditions for increasing the efficiency of rural school graduates professional self-determination are revealed. The theoretical model of psychological support of rural school graduates is presented in order to increase the effectiveness of their professional self-determination, which involves the activation of high school students to overcome difficulties in this process, work with parents of graduates to ensure their constructive family interaction, as well as to activate the educational form of educational institutions in the educational environment. that will help them to successfully choose their profession and build a professional career after graduation.

Keywords: professional self-determination, psychological support, professional orientation, professional choice, educational work, activation of professional self-determination.

References transliterated

1. Hinzburh M. R. Psykholohichnyi zmist zhyttievoho polia osobystosti starshoho pidlitka. Svit psykholohii ta psykholohiia u sviti. 1995. в„– 3. S. 23 - 30.

2. Hutsan L. Suchasni problemy profesiinoho samovyznachennia uchnivskoi molodi. Aktualni problemy profesiinoi oriientatsii ta profesiinoho navchannia naselennia: materialy V Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii (24 lystopada 2011 r., m. Kyiv). Kyiv : IPK DSZU, 2011. S. 40 - 48.

3. Eremkin Yu.L. Formirovanie lichnosti uchaschegosya starshih klassov kak sub'ekta professionalnogo samoopredeleniya: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.01 Ryazan, 2003. 184 c.

4. Zakatnov D. O. Tekhnolohii pidhotovky uchnivskoi molodi do profesiinoho samovyznachennia: monohrafiia. Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka, 2012. 160 s.

5. Prohrama dlia zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladiv «Pobudova kariery» (dlia 10 – 11 klasiv zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladiv) (70 hod.) / I.D.Bekh (naukovyi konsultant), O.V.Melnyk, L.A.Hutsan, O.L.Morin, I.I.Tkachuk, O.V.Skalko, S.M.Diatlenko, M.L.Shabdinov. Trudova pidhotovka v zakladakh osvity. Kyiv: NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2008. №3 (55). S. 43-56.

6. Profesiina oriientatsiia starshoklasnykiv: teoriia i praktyka: naukovo metodychnyi posibnyk [dlia vchyteliv] / O.V.Melnyk ta in.; Kyiv: В«Chetverta khvylaВ». 2009. Vyp. в„– 1. 223 s.

7. Stanovskih Z.L. RefleksivnI komponenti profesIynogo samoviznachennya starshoklasnikIv: dis. … kandid. psihol. nauk: 19.00.07. / NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Kyiv, 2005. 271s.

8. Fedorenko L. P. Difficulties of professional self-determination of high school students in village schools. ZbС–rnik naukovih prats В«Theory and practice of ordinary psychologyВ». Zaporizhzhia. 2018. в„– 2. S. 177-181.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 369-379 (pdf)




Chornyi A.M.

The National Academy of The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Khmelnitsky

Psychological Peculiarities of Problem-Based Learning Usage In the Vocational Training System

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the peculiarities of using of problem-based learning in the vocational training system.

A detailed analysis of the organization conditions of the educational process have been carried out. The requirements have been revealed which allow positive results’ achievement when performing problematic tasks. Characteristics of problem-based learning, main principles and components of problem situations have been formulated.

Emphasis have been placed on the requirements that the tutor should take into account when dealing with problem situations during the problem-based learning. The classification of problem situations, the structure of the method of problem-based learning have been formed.

Levels of problems have been formulated by which the tutor, in modeling the future lesson, predicts the degree of participation of the students in solving the educational problem. Depending on the levels of difficulty, the type of cognitive activity, the levels of students' mental development have been distinguished. A number of learning situations that put the student in an active position in the class have been revealed.

A number of methods for vocational training conducting have been substantiated. Certain restrictions have been revealed which are imposed on problem-based learning conducting.

Keywords: vocational training, problem-based learning, problem task, problem situation, method, level of difficulty, lesson, methodology.

References transliterated

1. Antonenko T. L. Psychological bases of formation of value-semantic sphere of personality of the future specialist: the dissertation author's abstract for the degree of Doctor of Psychological Sciences. Kyiv: Law, 2019. 42 p.

2. Baranovska L. V. Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School: educ. manual. Kyiv: NAU Publishing House, 2015. 240 p.

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2019, 6(16): 380-391 (pdf)



UDC 377.3.015.31:614.253.5-056.87

Shevchenko Рћ.

Cherkasy Medical Academy, Cherkasy

Features of resilience of future nurses in working with severe somatic patients: value-motivational aspect

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study of the value-motivational component of future nurses' resilience in working with severe somatic patients. The criterion (value attitude to the development of resistance in work with severe somatic patients), indicators (the need to work with severe somatic patients; the desire to psychologically prepare for such work; to develop psychological stability, resilience; value assumptions about the meaningfulness, self-worth, and ability to manage life events, including in the context of developing resilience) and appropriate research methods.

The results of the study of the value-motivational component of resilience are characterized. The results of factor analysis of the needs for future nurses in the context of work with severe somatic patients are analyzed. The results of the cluster analysis, which revealed the distribution of the investigated nurses by the generalized indicators of world assumptions, are highlighted. In addition, the percentage distribution of the nurses surveyed who wish to work with severely ill patients was analyzed. Data on generalization of research results and levels of development of the studied component as a whole are presented. Insufficient level of development of value-motivational component of future nurses' resilience in work with severe somatic patients has been determined.

The results of the analysis of variance reveal the peculiarities of the development of the value-motivational component of nurses' resilience, depending on the course of study.

The expediency of promoting the development of the value-motivational component of the resilience of future nurses in the work with severe somatic patients during specially organized psychological training was stated.

Keywords: nurses, resilience, severe somatic patients, needs of professional activity, world assumptions.

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