Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 7. Environmental Psychology. Issue 41 – 2016


Content of Issue

UDC: [304+159.9] : 172 : 005.963
Borets Y.V.
Borets Yulia Vasilivna
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the Department of psychology of the Academy of the State penitentiary service

Socio-psychological essence and the structurally functional components of civic competence

Language: ukrainian
The article presents the results of theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of civic competence, defined socio-psychological essence of this category. Set forth the author’s vision of the model of civic competence, the main competence: social-cognitive, regulatory, and behavioral-activity. It is revealed that civic competence is the least studied psychologically. According to our definitions of civil competence is personal property, which recreates the level of expertise (skills, proficiency), erudition and congruent to the skill of the individual in the implementation of public and social life, even in non-professional spheres, legal and moral standards of modern people in civil society. Proposed a conceptual model of civic competence of future specialists sozonenko profile that includes core competencies: social-cognitive, regulatory, and behavioral-activity. Socio-psychological component of social-cognitive competence is a category of social perception, and functional manifestations of the social – psychological knowledge of the personality, in particular, social perception, reflection, common sense. As a socio-psychological component regulatory competence is the consistency of social interaction, as manifested through the level of formation of public morality and law. Behavioral and activity competence due to the personal activity of man. This competence is implemented in functional behavioral dispositions and value-semantic orientations of youth in the spheres of morality, law, economics and ecology. competence, psychosocial competence, civic engagement, civility, citizenship, civic competence , competence

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bedenko N. N. Social kompetentnosti of the individual in modern urban culture : dis. kand. philosophy. Sciences : 09.00.11 / Bedenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna ; Tver. state University – Tver, 2004. – 144 p.
2. Burkova L. V. a class Definition socosani professions / L. V. Burkova // Practical psychology and social work. − No. 7. – 2010. – P. 68-73.
3. Marchenko T. S. Acmeological approach to the development of professional competence of a teacher in the University by means of information and communication technologies / T. S. Marchenko. – Saint-Petersburg, 2010. – No. 128. – P. 55-62.
4. Polovtsian V. M. Social problems of young people / V. M.. / / Bulletin of the Chernihiv state pedagogical University. Series: Psychological Sciences / Chernihiv. state med. UN-t im. T. G. Shevchenko ; chapters. edited by M. A. socks. – Chernigov, 2009. – Vol. 74, vol. 2. – P. 94-98.
5. Radol V. Social maturity of the young teacher / VV Radul. – Kiev : Vyscha wk., 1997. – 269 p.
6. Semenyuk L. M. Psychology of civic engagement (characteristics and development conditions) / L. M. Semeniuk. – Moscow : MPSI ; Voronezh : MODEK, 2006. – 196 p.
7. Shangina L. I. Civic engagement of the middle class. Assessment of the importance of civic engagement / L. I. Shangina national security and defence; Centre for Rozumkova. – 2008. – No. 7. – P. 30-45.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 10-17 (pdf)


UDC: 364 – 786.64:355.422
Bukovska O.
Bukovsky Olga
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra of environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko

Reinterpretation and integration of combatants’ psycho-traumatic experience by the method of narration

Language: ukrainian
The article deals with the psychological help in understanding and reinterpretation traumatic experience gained in conditions of Ukrainian combatants’ fighting. The important factor in combatants’ rehabilitation process is psychotrauma integration as an integral part of the experience. The effective method to reinterpretate and integrate traumatic events into personal experience is narration. The range of traumatic events in Ukrainian society (violence, war and military conflicts, accidents and natural disasters) are complemented by collective traumas of generations that extant in the interpersonal context by grandparents who saw revolutions, repression and the two World Wars. Combatants’ traumatic events we divide into “victim’s”, “aggressor’s” and “witness’s” traumas. Depending on the nature of the trauma, personal and social context and event experience and interaction with the psychologist, we consider the priority in rehabilitation process security, stabilization and updating of internal and external resources. The important step is psychological assistance to combatants screening of the history of traumatic events and psychological diagnostics of actual mental state. Working with a particular trauma, it is important to help people to recover and organize verbal and nonverbal narration, integrate it into a completed personal story on all levels of body sensations, emotions, thoughts, space-time eventfulness. We must make it in a safe environmental way. As a result of intensive short-term systematic work on the integration of psychotrauma, it is usually significantly reduced their traumatic consequences, which are manifested in the flesh, cognition, behavior, and interactions with themselves, others and the world. The remaining manifestations are becoming more environmentally effective and affordable methods for regulation of body-sensory-motor and cognitive-behavioral directions. Practice shows us the emersion or restore “vitality”, “post-traumatic growth” , development of new resources of combatants’ personality. experience, psychotrauma, reinterpretation, integration, narration, narrative-exposure therapy, PTSD

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) [Electronic resource] the Center for narrative psychology and practice. – 2015. Mode of access:
2. Natalushko I. psychological trauma and the integration of experience [Electronic resource] Therapy and traumatherapie. – 2013. Mode of access:
3. Understanding and interpretation of life experience as a factor in the development of the personality: monograph / ed. V. Capello. – Kirovograd: imeks-LTD, 2013. – 276 p.
4. Sementsov K. S. Theoretical overview of the research experience of the individual as a psychological phenomenon / K. S. Sementsov // Bulletin of the Pskov state University. A series of “Socio-humanitarian and psycho-pedagogical science”. – 2012. - №1. - P. 91-97.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 18-25 (pdf)


UDC: 34 + 008+316.614.5+15 – 053.6
Bulgakovа О.
Bulgakovа Olena Yurіїvna
associate professor, candidate psichologіcal sciences, Associate Professor of sotsіalnoї robots that personnel management, Odesa

Psychological readiness for social interaction in dealing with individual psycho-diagnostic indicators

Language: ukrainian
The article reveals the essence of psychological readiness, social interaction, which is a structure of a high development of separate links which occur in conjunction with the formation of its other sub-levels. Described psychological char-sub-levels. Described psychological characteristics of students, differing by a high and low total score of psychological readiness for social interaction, analysis was carried out using the profiles method. From the main pool of study (1527 people) were selected 336 students with the maximum value of the overall indicator of psychological readiness for social interaction and 399 students with a minimum total score of psychological readiness for social interaction. Also describes the results of the diagnosis of psychological readiness for social interaction groups of students with different levels of readiness for social interaction. Considered averaged profiles of personality traits that are important in the process of formation of readiness for social interaction, namely the performance profiles of communicative tolerance, sociability, assertiveness, social intelligence, psychological barriers to public speaking. Identified a steady trend towards the formation of a high level of psychological readiness for social interaction in those students have high adaptability, the ability to control their own emotions, persistence in achieving goals, a tendency to take the initiative and to take responsibility in a relationship, the presence of advanced communication skills, tolerance, desire to avoid failures, emotional maturity. The low level of psychological readiness for social interaction is manifested in the lack of development of communicative tolerance, sociability, self-confidence, confidence in the meaninglessness of changes aimed at achieving life goals. psychological readiness, students, social interaction, emotional and communication skills

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Gerasіna S.V. Asertivna povedіnka jak peredumova formuvannja pochuttja vlasnoї gіdnostі ta samopovagi students'koї molodі / S.V.Gerasіna // Problemi suchasnoї psihologії . – 2010. – № 10. – S. 139 – 148.
2. Duraj-Novakova K. Formirovanie professional’noj gotovnosti studentov k pedagogicheskoj dejatel’nosti: avtoref. dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni doktora. ped. nauk: spec. 13.00.01 «Teorija i istorija pedagogiki» / Katerina Duraj-Novakova. – M., 1983. – 60 s.
3. D’jachenko M.I. Psihologicheskie problemy gotovnosti cheloveka k dejatel’nosti / M.I.D’jachenko, L.A.Kandybovich. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – 314 s.
4. Kapponi V. Kak delat’ vse po-svoemu, ili assertivnost’ – v zhizn’ / V.Kapponi, T.Novak. – SPb.: Piter, 1995. –186 s.
5. Koptjaeva O.N. Motivacionnaja gotovnost’ pedagogov k innovacionnoj dejatel’nosti: avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. psihol. nauk: spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogicheskaja psihologija» / O.N.Koptjaeva. – Jaroslavl’, 2009. – 25 s.
6. Kudashova L. A. Formirovanie moral’no-psihologicheskoj gotovnosti studentov vuzov – budushhih social’nyh rabotnikov – k professional’noj dejatel’nosti: avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kand. ped. nauk: spec. 13.00.01 «Obshhaja pedagogika, istorija pedagogiki i obrazovanija» / L.Ali.Kudashova. – Saratov, 2002. – 21 s.
7. Livenceva O. V. Psihologicheskaja gotovnost’ rukovoditelej srednego zvena k dejatel’nosti v neblagoprijatnyh situacijah (Na primere apparata upravlenija Burovoj kompanii): diss. ... kandidata psihol. nauk: 19.00.03 / Livenceva Ol’ga Vasil’evna. – M., 2002. – 213 c.
8. Pashukova T. I. Praktikum po obshhej psihologii dlja studentov pedagogicheskih vuzov: ucheb. posobie / T. I. Pashukova, A. I. Dopira, G. V. D’jakonov. — M.: In t prakt. psihologii, 1996. – 127 s.
9. Podoljak N.M. Іndivіdual’no-psihologіchnі osoblivostі asertivnostі osobistostі: dis. … kandidata psih. nauk: spec. 19.00.01 / Podoljak Natalіja Mihajlіvna. – Odesa, 2014. – 202 s.
10. Podoljak N.M. Faktorna struktura osobistostі asertivnih ta neasertivnih osіb / N. M. Podoljak // Nauka і osvіta. – 2013. – № 7. – S. 255 – 258.
11. Ponjatie psihologicheskoj gotovnosti lichnosti k professional’noj dejatel’nosti, razlichnye vzgljady na gotovnost’ raznyh avtorov. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:›8-34025.html
12. Romek V. G. Uverennost’ v sebe kak social’no-psihologicheskaja harakteristika lichnosti: diss. … kandidata psihol. nauk: 19.00.05 / Romek Vladimir Georgievich. – Rostov n/D: Izd-vo RGU, 1997. – 242 s.
13. Sannikova O.P. Jemocional’nost’ v strukture lichnosti / O. P. Sannikova. – Odessa: Hors, 1995. – 334 s.
14. Sannіkova O. P. Dіagnostika asertivnostі: rezul’tati aprobacії metodiki «TOKAS» / Sannіkova O.P., Sannіkov O.І., Podoljak N.M. // Nauka і osvіta: Naukovo-praktichnij zhurnal Pіvdennogo naukovogo centru APN Ukraїni. Tematichnij specvipusk: «Tradicії ta novacії suchasnoї osvіti v Ukraїnі». – 2013. – № 3/SHІІІ. – S. 140 – 144.
15. Sannіkova O. P. Scenіchnі bar’єri: diferencіal’no-psihologіchnij pіdhіd. Monografija / O.P.Sannіkova, A.O.Sannіkova – Odesa: VMV, 2014. – 238 s.
16. Tihomirova Ju. M. Teoreticheskij analiz strukturnyh komponentov psihologicheskoj gotovnosti k professional’noj dejatel’nosti / Ju. M. Tihomirova // Psihologicheskie nauki: teorija i praktika: materialy II mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (g. Moskva, mart 2014 g.). — M.: Buki-Vedi, 2014. — S. 6 – 9.
17. Fomin A. S. Problemy formirovanija psihologicheskoj gotovnosti k upravlencheskoj dejatel’nosti / A.S.Fomin // Juridicheskaja psihologija. – 2011. – №1. – S. 14 – 20.
18. Shamieva V.A. Assertivnost’ v stukture lichnosti sub#ekta adaptacii: avtoref. dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk: spec. 19.00.01 «Obshhaja psihologija, psihologija lichnosti, istorija psihologii» / V.A.Shamieva. –Habarovsk, 2009. – 20 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 26-38 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Vernik O.
Vernik Oleksii Leonidovich
candidate of psychological sciences, senjor research scientist of laboratory of ecological psychology G.S.Kostiuk Institute of psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv

Life-goals and life-tasks as a psychological basic of life activities of personality

Language: ukrainian
The article deals the main areas of psychological research of the life activities of personality in the context of life goals that it sets itself and the relevant objectives life tasks that it solves. Every day person live a life situations, which are included in certain everyday tasks and linked to the achievement of relevant life goals, which, in turn, is embedded in the realization of the main goal of life, of its meaning. Life activity can be considered a special psychological concept, which has its own specific meaning different from the categories of activities. Analyzes the psychological aspects of life activities, including: 1) three-tier structure of life activities - providing of life, organization of life and life-realization; 2) life goals and life tasks that are its foundation, and through that given the psychological structure of life; 3) life resources that play a special role in the definition of life goals, formulating and solving life tasks. They are foundation, interpretation and result of living situations. life activities, activity, everyday life, life goals, life tasks, life resources, life situation

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Abul'hanova K.A., Berezina T.N. Vremja lichnosti i vremja zhizni. – SPb. : Aletejja, 2001. – 304 s.
2. Vernіk O.L. Zhiznedejatel'nost' kak problema jekologicheskoj psihologii // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії. Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. Tom 7. Ekologіchna psihologіja. Vipusk 36. – 2014. – S. 93-102.
3. Vovchik-Blakitna O.O. Osoblivostі funkcіonuvannja sіm’ї jak socіoekologіchnoї sistemi u prostorі megapolіsu // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії. Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. Tom 7. Ekologіchna psihologіja. – Vipusk 40. – 2015. – S. 33-42
4. Karpinskij K. V. Zhiznedejatel'nost' kak forma aktivnosti sub#ekta zhizni // Metodologija i istorija psihologii. – Tom 5. Vypusk 1. – 2010. – S. 184-202.
5. Kozhevnikova E.Ju. Lichnostnye resursy preodolenija situacii social'no-jekonomicheskoj deprivacii. Avtoref. diss… kand. psihol. nauk. – Krasnodar, 2006. – 247 s.
6. Kokun O.M. Zmіst ta struktura psihologіchnoї gotovnostі fahіvcja do ekstremal'nih vidіv dіjal'nostі // Problemi ekstremal'noї ta krizovoї psihologії. – Vip. 7, 2010. – S. 182-190.
7. Krys'ko V.G. Psihologija. Kurs lekcij: uchebnoe posobie dlja VUZov. – M. : Infra-M, Vuzovskij uchebnik, 2013. – 320 s.
8. Leont'ev A.N. Psihologicheskie voprosy soznatel'nosti uchenija // Izvestija APN SSSR. – 1947. – Vyp. 7. – S. 3 – 40.
9. Lichnostnyj potencial: struktura i diagnostika / Pod red. D.A. Leont'eva. – M.: Smysl, 2011. – 675 s.
10. Petrova E.A. Mezhpokolennye otnoshenija kak resurs sovladajushhego povedenija. Diss …. kand. psihol. n. Kostroma, 2008. – 249 s.
11. Rudomіno-Dusjats'ka O.V. Ekologіchna psihologіja : navch. posіb. [dlja stud. vuzіv] / O. V. Rudomіno-Dusjats'ka – K. : Іn-t pіsljadipl. osv. KNU іm. T. Shevchenka, 2001. – 71 s.
12. Hazova S.A. Kognitivnye resursy sovladajushhego povedenija: Jempiricheskie issledovanija: Monografija.– Kostroma, 2010. – 150 s.
13. Chiksentmihaji M. V poiskah potoka. Psihologija vkljuchennosti v povsednevnost'. – M. : Al'pina non-fikshn, 2015. – 194 S.
14. Shvalb Ju.M. Psihologicheskie formy fiksacii zhiznennogo opyta // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Psihologіchna germenevtika / Za red. N.V.Chepelєvoї. – K.: Mіlenіum, 2005. – T. 2. – Vip. 3. – S. 14-20.
15. Shustov S.B. Teorija resursov i resursnye krizisy: proshloe, nastojashhee i budushhee: (analit. obzor) : ucheb. posobie. – Nizhnij Novgorod : NGPU, 2009. – 163 s.
16. Gibbons J. The Power of Resources: An Exercise in Inequality for Teaching Psychology of Women // Psychology of Women Quarterly, N 34, 2010. – P. 127-130.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 39-50 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Vovchyk-Blakytna O.
Vovchik-Blakytna Olena Oleksandrivna
candidate of psychological sciences, leading research scientist of laboratory ecological psychology G. S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology by NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

A view on the environmentally oriented life activity through the prism of personal determinants

Language: ukrainian
The problem of ecologyzation of vital activity of human as the world trend in base value-semantic constructs of the individual attitude to the world, the environment, and to himself. Ecologycally oriented life activity activity aimed at the development of environmental living conditions so as to achieve its physical, social and spiritual development potential in terms of both favorable and unfavorable effects of factors of environment Among the basic constructs that form a personal potential, an important role is personal autonomy, self-efficacy,tolerance of uncertainty relative, subjective vitality, control activities, reflexivity, optimism, coping strategies, resilience and optimism in life.The personal potential as an integral system of individual psychological characteristics of personality that underlies the individual’s ability to withdraw from persistent internal criteria and guidelines in life conditions. This feature of the individuals to identify themselves as autonomous and self-regulating subjects of activity that changes the world and is relatively stable and can flexibly respond to changes in the external and internal situation. Personality characteristics and their displays are integrated to a certain level of structural organization of the individual: emotional, cognitive, value-semantic. Optimistic, cheerful outlook of personality, full of faith in the future could be the basis for further development towards invironment orientation in its close and wider living space. Considering the constant transformation of the environment and the challenges of modern society is, optimism is intended to be a catalyst for environmentally oriented life and impede psychological injury and the formation of adequate activity of human, which is the creator of his own life story and co-creator of family history, history of country and all mankind. environmentally oriented life activity, personal determinants, potential of personality, optimism, psychological well-being

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Asmolov A.H. Psykholohyia lychnosty. Kulturno-ystorycheskoe ponymanye razvytyia cheloveka MHU, 1990
2. Leontiev D. A. //Pozytyvnaia psykholohyia - povestka dnia novoho stoletyia Psykholohyia. Zhurnal Vыsshei shkolы эkonomyky. 2012. T. 9, № 4. S. 36–58.
3. Leontiev D.A. Podkhod cherez pozytyvnыe chertы lychnosty: ot psykholohycheskoho blahopoluchyia k dobrodeteliam y sylam kharaktera // Lychnostnыi potentsyal: stru ktura y dyahnostyka / Pod red. D.A. Leonteva. M.: Smыsl, 2011. S. 76–91.
4. Leontiev D. A. Novyie orientiryi ponimaniya lichnosti v psihologii: ot neobhodimogo k vozmozhnomu // Voprosyi psihologii, 2011, # 1. — S. 16.
5. Muzdybaev K. K. Optymyzm y pessymyzm lychnosty (opыt sotsyoloho-psykholohycheskoho yssledovanyia). // Sotsyolohycheskye yssledovanyia, 2003. № 12, s. 87-96,
6. NosenkoE.L. Emotsiinyi intelekt: kontseptualizatsiia fenomenu, osnovni funktsii: Monohr./E.L.Nosenko, N.V.Kovryha; Dnipropetr.nats.un-t. – K.: Vyshcha shk., 2003.
7. Selyhman M. Novaia pozytyvnaia psykholohyia. –M.: Sofyia, 2006
8. Sotsialno-psykholohichni zasady stanovlennia ekolohichno oriientovanoho sposobu zhyttia osobystosti Monohrafiia Za redaktsiieiu Yu.M. Shvalba – Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka., 2015
9. Frankl V. Chelovek v poyskakh smysla. – M.: Prohress, 1990
10. Chyksentmykhaiy M. Potok: psykholohyia optymalnoho perezhyvanyia. – M.: Smysl; Alpyna non-fykshn, 2011
11. Shvalb Yu. M. Ekoloho-psykholohichni vymiry sposobu zhyttia / Yu. M. Shvalb // Aktualni problemy psykholohii: Zb. nauk. prats In-tu psykholohii im.H.S.Kostiuka NAPN Ukrainy – K., – T.7. – Vyp.5.– Ch.2. – S. 294-301.
12. Cloninger C.R., Zohar A.H. Personality and the perception of health and happiness // Journal of Affective Disorders. 2011. Vol. 128. P. 24–32.
13. Kahneman D, Tversky A. Shoices, values and frames — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. — 840

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 51-60 (pdf)


UDC: 378.016:159.923.2
Hirchenko O.
>Hirchenko Olena

Correlation between the individual-typological features and students’ national identity

Language: ukrainian
The article deals with the results of empirical research of correlation between individually-typological features and national identity of students of different specialties. Identified the differences of individually-typological features of students’ groups. Compared the results of students of primary education department, psychological-pedagogical and technological departments. National identity is the result of emotional and cognitive awareness of national identity, the identification of the individual features in comparison to the features of the representatives of own nation and separation from foreign nations, and deep personal experience of their nationality. One of the important stages of the national identity is the emergence in teenagers’ age and early adulthood of emotional and evaluative awareness of belonging to the national community. The study established the significant correlation between individual typological features of national identity and personality: the more a person is extravert and labile, the less it tends to move away from their own ethnic group. During the process of research of levels of ethnic identity, it was revealed that all respondents have insufficient knowledge and understanding of the nature of the ethnic characteristics of their own nation, its culture, traditions, not fully aware their belonging to the ethnic group, nation, etc. And also,increasingly they express negative feelings caused by their ethnicity. Outlining the results, we get the future prospects of the research of this problem, and it seems interesting to study gender manifestations of national identity. identity, identification, national identity

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Belynskaia E.P., Stefanenko T.H. Эtnycheskaia ydentychnost: poniatye, formyrovanye, modely yzmerenyi // Belynskaia E.P., Stefanenko T.H. Эtnycheskaia sotsyalyzatsyia podrostka. – M. – Voronezh, 2000. – S. 75-107.
2. Bychko O. Rehionalni osoblyvosti parametriv etnichnoi identychnosti studentskoi molodi // Sotsialna psykholohiia. – 2004. – № 3 (5). – S. 72-81.
3. Haponenkov S. Psykhoheometryia v nashei zhyzny (Psykhoheometrycheskyi test S. Dellynher) // Pomohy sebe sam. – aprel, 2007. – 54 s. Elektronnyi resurs. Rezhym dostupu://
4. Lovochkina A.M. Etnopsykholohiia: Navch. posibnyk. – K.: MAUP, 2002. – 144 s.
5. Liutak O.Z. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti formuvannia etnichnoi identychnosti // Zbirnyk nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy / Za red. S.D. Maksymenka. T.IKh., chast.2. – K., 2007. – S. 161-166.
6. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Sotsializatsiia osobystosti v konteksti etnokulturnoi paradyhmy // Etnos i kultura. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Plai, 2003. – № 1. – S. 85-90.
7. Soldatova H.U. Эtnycheskoe samosoznanye y эtnycheskaia ydentychnost // Soldatova H.U. Psykholohyia mezhэtnycheskoi napriazhennosty. – M., 1998. – S. 40-64.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 61-69 (pdf)


Dubinina D.
Dubinina Diana Emilivna
teacher of the cathedra o environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv

The correlation between personal determinants and methods of self-regulation of behavior with different levels of stress-resistance

Language: ukrainian
The article analyzes such notions as stress, ways of self-regulation and personal determinants. In the context of studying the problem, special attention is focused on the study of the correlation between personal determinants and methods of self-regulation. Theoretical analysis reveals that the problem of high-stressful conditions of modern life (social, political, economic, technological, etc.) affects the human psyche, their adaptation to the world, causing stress disorders and affecting the efficiency of educational activities. Care about reducing of mental stress, avoidance of additional stresses, personal stress and formation of self-conscious arbitrary human activity should be a prerequisite of the educational process, collateral preservation of mental and physical health. As a result of the empirical study of correlation between personal determinants and methods of self-regulation of behavior with different levels of stress, it is found that efficiency and students’ behavior in different stressful situations depends on the personal traits of emotional and volitional spheres (emotional stability, strength, self-confidence) and specific manifestations of mechanisms of self-regulation. In a dynamic, rapidly changing situations (like a session for students) they don’t ponder over their actions and behavior, and mostly act impulsive. stress-resistance, self-regulation, planning, self-control, emotional stability, regulatory flexibility, evaluation of results, modelling, self-confidence

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bodrov V.A, Informatsionnyiy stress /V.A.Bodrov. – M.: PER SE, 2000. – 498s.
2. Grinber Dzh. Upravlenie stressom /Dzh.Grinberg. – SPb.,2002. – 575s.
3. Konopkin O.A., Morosanova V.I. Stilevyie osobennosti regulyatsii deyatelnosti /O.A.Konopkin, V.I.Morosanova // Voprosyi psihologi. – 189. - № 5. – S.18 – 26
4. Morosanova V.I. Oprosnik «Stili samoregulyatsii povedeniya»(SSPM): Rukovodstvo/ V.I.Morosanova. – M.:2004. – 44s.
5. Raygorodskiy D.Ya. Prakticheskaya psihodIagnostika. Metodiki i tekstyi /D.Ya.Raygorodskiy. – M.:Bahrah, 2004. – 672s.
6. Sele G. Stress bez distressa /G.Sele. – M.: Progress, 1982. – 134s

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 70-76 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Diachok O.
Diachok Olga
postgraduate student of Department of developmental psychology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Socialization of adolescents in educational establishments

Language: ukrainian
The article discusses the problems that currently exist in schools of different types and associated with the socialization of students. The modern world is characterized by constant change. The school as an institution of socialization is also undergoing transformation. Many schools use scientific achievements and advice of scientists regarding the educational process. However, studies of effectiveness of new programs is not enough, thus there is a need for further research scientists in this area. The problems of the imperfections of school education are important for many countries. The development of secondary education in Ukraine takes place at all levels. In the educational system implemented reforms and preparing documents, where prescribed directions of development. However, in practice, this process is slow, schools do not have time and do not have sufficient resources to meet the needs of that society puts in front of them. This situation leads to the fact that today’s graduates are not prepared in the schools the necessary knowledge and skills they need for life. It is clear, that for a successful socialization of teenagers in educational institutions need to improve the education system. An important task is the implementation of programs in educational institutions, interactive training courses on current topics for teens. The modern school should be a space for teamwork, sharing experiences, thoughts and ideas. Measures should be implemented by experts from various fields, with the cooperation of managers and teaching staff of the school. socialization; educational socialization; national education; education; competence-based approach; independence; communicativeness; collaboration; critical thinking; creativity

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Natsional’na doktryna rozvytku osvity zatv. Ukazom Prezydenta Ukrayiny vid 17.04.2002 r. # 334/94 – K.: Doshkil’ne vykhovannya. – 2002. - # 7.
2. Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny vid 14 chervnya 2000 r. N 964 pro «Zatverdzhennya Polozhennya pro zahal’noosvitniy navchal’nyy zaklad» / Ofitsiynyy visnyk Ukrayiny – 2000 r., # 24, S. 168, stattya 1016, kod aktu 16092/2000.
3. Aver”yanova H.M. Osoblyvosti sotsializatsiyi molodi v umovakh transformatsiyi suspil’stva / H.M. Aver”yanova, N.M. Dembyts’ka, V.V. Moskalenko. – K. «PPP», 2005. – 307 s.
4. Baydarova O. Nastavnytstvo yak forma sotsial’noyi pidtrymky vypusknykiv internatnykh zakladiv / O. Baydarova // Visnyk Kyyivs’koho natsional’noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka: psykholohiya, pedahohika, sotsial’na robota. – K.: «Kyyivs’kyy universytet», 2012. – #3. – S. 64-67.
5. Vlasova O.I. Akmeolohichna model’ rozvytku obdarovanoho uchnya yak tsilisnoyi osobystosti / O.I. Vlasova // Psykholohiya i osobystist’. – K.: 2015. – #2 (8) Ch 1. – S. 230 – 242.
6. Hryn’ova M.V. Samorehulyatsiya: navchal’no-metodychnyy posibnyk / M.V. Hryn’ova. – P.: ASMI. -– 2008. – 268 s.
7. Zhyttyeva kompetentnist’ osobystosti: naukovo-metodychnyy prosibnyk / Za red. L.V. Sokhan’, I.H. Yermakova, H.M. Nesen – K.: Bohdana, 2003. – 520 s.
8. Zakurdayeva L.H. Sootnoshenye katehoryy «sotsyalyzatsyya», «sotsyal’naya kompetentnost’», «sotsyal’naya kompetentsyya» v obrazovanyy / L.H. Zakurdayeva – Ch. [Эlektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa:
9. Kal’ney V.A., Shyshov S.E. Tekhnolohyya monytorynha kachestva obuchenyya v systeme “uchytel’-uchenyk”. – M.: Pedahohycheskoe obshchestvo Rossyy, 1999. - 86 s.
10. Moskalenko V.V. Sotsializatsiya osobystosti: monohrafiya / V. Moskalenko. – K.: Feniks, 2013. – 540 s.
11. Novykova, L.Y. Kompetentsyy y kompetentnost’ - odno y to zhe?: professyonal’nыy slovaryk / L.Y. Novykova // Prepodavatel’. XXI vek: obshcheros. zhurn. o myre obrazovanyya. - 2005. - #1. - M. S. 49-51.
12. Raven D. Kompetentnost’ v sovremennom obshchestve: vыyavlenye, razvytye y realyzatsyya / D. Raven – M.: Kohyto-Tsentr, 2002. – 396 s.
13. Ratter M. Pomoshch’ trudnыm detyam / M. Ratter – M.: Prohress, 1987.–424 s.
14. Shvalb Yu. M. Psykholohichni mekhanizmy tsilepokladannya v uchboviy diyal’nosti: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya d-ra psykholoh. nauk : spets. 19.00.07 «Pedahohichna i vikova psykholohiya» / Yu. M. Shvalb. – K., 1997. – 32 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 77-87 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Jivogliadov Y.
Jivogliadov Yurii Oleksiiovich
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of department of psychology of university "KROK", Kyiv

Existential coaching «Navigation of Path»: psychological and psychotherapeutic looks

Language: ukrainian
The paper presents the views, principles and techniques of existential coaching model which was developed by the author. While passing existential coaching «Navigation of Path», our clients attain: personal navigation experience in situations answering the question «Why am I like this?» (Self-understanding of the experience); knowledge of development direction without losing touch with people (the experience of identity); mental maps and other psychological constructs of controlling the quality of their actions ( «sailing» self-mastering). According to the customers’ description, after passing an existential coaching, they can existentionalize more fully and more deeply penetrate into the meanings of current experiences. Within the ontic difficulties experiences of the present moment and the efforts of the searching for decisions, they approach the ontological foundation of their life (primarily freedom), in other words, discover life by themselves in a brand new way. Freedom of choice is experienced by them as an opportunity to find the inner presence of the current active «me» existence, coaching, navigation, path, psychotherapy, changes attitudes

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Binsvanger L. Jekzistencial'naja psihologija. Jekzistencija / Perju s angl. M. Zanadvorova, Ju. Ovchinnikovoj. – M. : Aprel' Press, Izd-vo JeKSMO – Press, 2001. Jekzistencial'no-analiticheskaja shkola mysli S.308 – 333.
2. Dorcen Je. van Prakticheskoe jekzistencial'noe konsul'tirovanie i psihoterapija. – Rostov-na-Donu, Associacija jekzistencial'nogo konsul'tirovanija, 2007. – 216 s.
3. Dilts R. Kouching s pomoshh'ju NLP, - SPb.:prajm – EVROZNAK, 2004. – 256 s.
4. Dilts R. Strategii geniev. t.t.1-3 / per. s angl. V.P. Chursina, - M.: Nezavisimaja firma «Klass», 10998. – 272 s., 192 s., 384 s.
5. Zhivogljadov Ju.A. Zhiznennyj kouching s ispol'zovaniem modeli «razvorachivanija zhizni» // Naukovі zapiski Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / Za red. akademіka S.D. Maksimenka. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2006. – Vip.. 28. – 540 s., s. 87 – 97.
6. Zhivogljadov Ju.O. Zhittєvij kouching: peredumovi, koncepcіja, metodologіja / Ju.A. Zhivogljadov // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії : zb. naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. Maksimenka S.D. – K. : Logos, 2008. – T. 7, vip. 14. – S. 97–101.
7. Zhivogljadov Ju.A. Probuzhdajushhij kouching: jekzistencial'nye izmerenija / Ju.A. Zhivogljadov // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії : zb. naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. Maksimenka S.D. – K. : Logos, 2008. – T. 7, vip. 15. – S. 83–89.
8. Zhivogljadov Ju.O. Ekzistencіjnij kouching jak praktika roboti z kategorієju «zhittja» / Ju.A. Zhivogljadov // Psihoterapіja. Suspіl'stvo. Vlada. Pravo : mat-li Naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії z mіzhnarodnoju uchastju. – Poltava, 4–6 lipnja 2008 r. – Poltava, 2008. – S. 77–88.
9. Zhivogljadov Ju.A. Zhiznennyj kouching kak jekzistencial'naja praktika // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії : zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni. – Zhitomir: «Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І.Franka» 2012. – Tom VII. Ekologіchna psihologіja. – Vipusk 29. – s. 169-184.
10. Kon G. Razmyshlenie i dejstvie v jekzistencial'noj psihoterapii s. 89-96 Jekzistencial'naja tradicija: filosofija, psihologija, psihoterapija1/2005 (6) s. 44-56
11. Kochjunas R. Kontury jekzistencial'noj psihoterapii Jekzistencial'naja tradicija: filosofija, psihologija, psihoterapija1/2008 (12) S. 44-56.
12. Mjej R. Jekzistencial'naja psihologija. Jekzistencija / Perju s angl. M. Zanadvorova, Ju. Ovchinnikovoj. – M. : Aprel' Press, Izd-vo JeKSMO – Press, 2001. – 624 s.
13. Sartr Zh. P. Bytie i nichto: Opyt fenomenologicheskoj ontologii / Per. s fr., predisl., primech. V. I. Koljadko. — M.: Respublika, 2000. — 638 s.
14. Spinelli Je. Materialy seminara po jekzistencial'noj psihoterapii v g. Birshtonas (Litva), 2003.
15. Jaspers K. Obshhaja psihopatologija / Per. s nem. L.O. Akopjana. — Moskva: Praktika, 1997. — 1056 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 88-102 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.8:88.3
Ivantsova N.
Ivantsova Natalia Borysivna
doctor of psychology, professor, Mykolaiv

Research of professional attitude as a conditions of personal development in a university

Language: ukrainian
The article considers the main task of training future professionals: To promote the formation and development of personality, largely associated with the formation of a professional orientation. We describe the characteristics of the attribute orientation of the person, which are fully characterized and professional orientation as it is a component. Clarification of the functions performed by professional orientation: the function of professional motivation, the motivation of the person to be active in the professional field, which in turn includes goal setting certain activities and determine its content. We consider the parameters that reflect the basic features of orientation of the person of the future expert: motivation for professional self-improvement, the desire to solve professionally meaningful tasks, the ability to establish links with others, the ability for professional mobilization of their activity, personal responsibility for the performance of professional activities, the ability to self-criticism, as well as to consistency of their actions with the actions of other people, the need to help people to solve their psychological problems and conflicts. attribute personality characteristics oriented, professional motivation, professional sphere, professional development, development of the personality, the personality, the functions of a professional orientation

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Krjagzhde S. P. Upravlenye formyrovanyem professyonal’nыh ynteresov / S. P. Krjagzhde // Voprosы psyhologyy. — 1985. — № 3. — S. 23-31.
2. Levytov N. A. Psyhotehnyka y professyonal’naja prygodnost’ / N. A. Levytov. — M., 1969.
3. Osnovy praktychnoi’ psyhologii’: pidruchnyk / [V. Panok, T. Tytarenko, N. Chepeljeva ta in.]. — K.: Lybid’, 1999. — 536 s.
4. Psyhologycheskoe soprovozhdenye vыbora professyy / pod red. L. M. Mytynoj.— M., 1998. — 181 s.
5. Rubynshtejn S. L. Osnovы obshhej psyhology / S.L. Rubynshtejn. — SPb.: Pyter, 2000. — 712 s.
6. Rubynshtejn S. L. Problemы obshhej psyhology / S.L. Rubynshtejn. — M. : Pedagogyka, 1976. — 416 s.
7. Smyrnov S. D. Pedagogyka y psyhologyja vыsshego obrazovanyja: ot dejatel’nosty k lychnosty: [uchebn. posobye dlja slushatelej fakul’tetov y ynstytutov povыshenyja kvalyfykacyy prepodavatelej vuzov y aspyrantov] / S. D. Smyrnov — M.: Aspekt-press, 1995. — 271 s. Socyologyja molodezhy / pod red. V. T. Lysovskogo. — M.: Yn-t molodezhy, 8. 1995. — Kn. 2. — 28 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 103-111 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:061.2:378
Kazarian P.
Kazarian Pavlo Ashotovich
postgraduate student of Mykolaiv National University of V. Suchomlynsky, Mykolaiv

Professional development of future psychologists

Language: ukrainian
In the article the features of professional development of future psychologists in the course of their professional training. This training provides inclusion of students in the professionally oriented psychologists practice. One of these practices is volunteering. Volunteering is seen as a special psychological and pedagogical resource for professional development of students-psychologists. The main features and trends of volunteer psychologists, and its impact on the professional development of their personality. professional development, professional training, professionally oriented practices, volunteering, future psychologist

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Antonova N. O. Psyhologichni osnovy rozvytku gotovnosti do profesijnoi’ dijal’nosti u majbutnih psyhologiv : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja dokt. psyhol. nauk : spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogichna i vikova psyhologija» / N. O. Antonova. – Kyi’v, 2012. – 43 s. 2. Bondarenko A. F. Psyhologycheskaja pomoshh’ : teoryja y praktyka : [uchebnoe posobye dlja studentov starshyh kursov psyhologycheskyh fakul’tetov y otdelenyj unyversytetov] / A. F. Bondarenko. – K. : Ukrtehpres, 1997. – 216 s. 3. Bondarenko A. F. Socyal’naja psyhoterapyja lychnosty (psyhosemantycheskyj podhod) / A. F. Bondarenko. – K. : KGPYYJa, 1991. – 189 s. 4. Ivancova N. B. G’eneza profesijnoi’ sprjamovanosti praktychnogo psyhologa: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja dokt. psyhol. nauk : spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogichna i vikova psyhologija» / N. B. Ivancova. – Kyi’v, 2012. – 43 s. 5. Ivancova N. B. G’eneza profesijnoi’ sprjamovanosti praktychnogo psyhologa : navch.-metod. posibn. / N. B. Ivancova. – K. : Vydavnychyj Dim «Slovo», 2013. – 344 s. 6. Karpylovs’ka S. Ja. Doslidzhennja stanu volonters’kogo ruhu zhinok, shho perenesly RMZ [Tekst] / S. Ja. Karpylovs’ka, N. V. Suprun // Problemy zagal’noi’ ta pedagogichnoi’ psyhologii’. Zbirnyk naukovyh prac’ Instytutu psyhologii’ im. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai’ny. / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka. - K.: [b.n.v.], 2001. - T. III, ch. 8. – S. 107-114. 7. Mel’nik N. Ju. Antycypacija studentamy gumanitarnyh special’nostej svojei’ profesijnoi’ identychnosti : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja kand. psyhol. nauk : spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogichna i vikova psyhologija» / N. Ju. Mel’nik. – Kyi’v, 2011. – 20 s. 8. Panok V. G. Zmist pidgotovky praktychnogo psyhologa / V. G. Panok // Osnovy praktychnoi’ psyhologii’ : pidruchnyk / [V. Panok, T. Tytarenko, N. Chepeljeva ta in.]. – K. : Lybid’, 1999. – S. 236 – 242. 9. Urshulja K. Psyhologichni mehanizmy rozvytku profesionalizmu social’nogo pracivnyka : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttja nauk. stupenja kand. psyhol. nauk : spec. 19.00.07 «Pedagogichna i vikova psyhologija» / K. Urshulja. – Kyi’v, 2012. – 18 s. 10. Chepeljeva N. V. Osobystisna pidgotovka praktykujuchogo psyhologa / N. V. Chepeljeva // Osnovy praktychnoi’ psyhologii’ : pidruchnyk / [V. Panok, T. Tytarenko, N. Chepeljeva ta in.]. – K. : Lybid’, 1999. – S. 242 - 249. 11. Chujko O. V. Osobystisne stanovlennja sub’jektiv profesijnoi’ dijal’nosti u socionomichnyh profesijah : monografija / O. V. Chujko. – K. : ADEF-Ukrayna, 2013. – 280 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 112-119 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Kyrpenko T.
Kyrpenko Tetiana Mykhailivna
candidate of psychology, research scientist of laboratory ecological psychology G. S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology by NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

The volitional function in the process of self-development person

Language: ukrainian
The article analyzes the characteristics of the process of self-development of person. Some basic approaches to the study of self-development of modern psychology were allocated. Were represented of research on the problem of strong-willed regulation. Are described individual features of manifestation the will. Has been described the nature and content of the self-development of personality. The process of self-development - is the process of purposeful activity of the person. It is a process of self-transformation, conscious process of volitional control their development. It includes a variety of purposes, ways and means according to the attitudes. Were identified of importance and function of volitional regulation. Will is the basis of social behavior and self-control in the process of self-development. We study the psychological mechanisms willed self-control. Individual style volitional regulation of personality is formed during the life of. It determines the success, effectiveness, quality of work and self-development of person. Is noted that the in the self-development of personality are the main its internal volitional efforts. Prospects for further research from the theoretical and practical point of view is to consider the formation of volitional regulation in childhood and high school years in the family and in social interaction. Self-change awareness has been identified as the main criteria for the development and self-development. It was determined the relevance of the research problem. Have been the Prospects identified for further research in this area. personality, will, self-development, self-control, perseverance, Self-determination

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Bozhovich L. I. Problemyi formirovaniya lichnosti: Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi / Pod red. D. I. Feldshteyna. 3-e izd. – M. : Moskovskiy psihol-sots. ins-t, Voronezh : NPO «MODEK», 2001. – S. 18—56.
2. Bochaver A. A. Issledovaniya zhiznennogo puti cheloveka v sovremennoy zarubezhnoy psihologii // Voprosyi psihologii. - 2008. - № 5. - S. 54-62.
3. Ilin E. P. Psihologiya voli / Ilin E. P. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – S. 17–195.
4. Leontev A. N. Volya / A. N. Leontev // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. – Ser. 14, Psihologiya. – 1993. – № 2. – S. 3– 14.
5. Kuhl J., Beckmann J. Historical perspectives in the study of action control // Action control: From cognition to behavior / Ed. by J. Kuhl, J. Beckmann. Berlin. N.Y. – 1985. – Р.178–185.
6. Selivanov V. I. Osnovnyie podhodyi k psihologicheskomu issledovaniyu volevoy aktivnosti lichnosti / V. I. Selivanov // Eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya volevoy aktivnosti. – Ryazan, 1986. – 138 s.
7. Silva M. N., Markland D. A., Minderico C. S., Vieira P.N., Castro M.M., Coutinho S.S., Santos T.C., Matos M.G., Sardinha L.B., Teixeira P.J. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate self-determination theory for exercise adherence and weight control: Rationale and intervention description // BMC Public Health. – 2008. – Vol. 8. – P. 234–247.
8. Shvalb Yu. M. Vozvraschenie k zabyitoy teme: problema voli v psihologii / Yu. M. Shvalb // zb. nauk. pr. AktualnI problemi psihologIYi. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2014. – Tom VII. EkologIchna psihologIya. – Vip. 37. – S. 186–199.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 120-127 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:343.914
Kulikova A.
Kulikova Anastasiia Oleksandrivna
Assistant Department of Applied Psychology of Mariupol State University, Mariupol

Transformation of women self-image depending on the term punishment

Language: ukrainian
In this article are represented theoretical and empirical analyses of the Self-image problem in the structure of women Self-conception which are in the institutions of confinement. Category “self-image” is considered by scientists of the position: the cognitive component characterizing the cognitive processes of the individual (M.Y.Boryshevskyy, L.V.Dolynska, P.R.Chamata et al.); Cognitive physical component “I” of the person (Ye.T.Sokolova, P.Ekman, M.Maltz et al.); integrated mapping system of personal attitudes (A.H.Asmolov, I.D.Beh, O.V.Skrypchenko et al.); understanding of man as a soul-spiritual beings (V.O.Tatenko et al.); metapsyholohichnoyi category of identity processes (A.V.Petrovskyy, M.H.Yaroshevskyy et al.). In our study the psychological concept of “self-image” is used as being a complex system reflects the personal attitudes of the individual to himself. Staying in places of confinement - a crisis situation. The crisis thus viewed as emotional and intellectual situation of stress, which requires a significant change in perceptions about the world and about themselves in a short period of time. The experience of the crisis situation in life can lead to constructive or destructive changes in self-image structure of self-concept of the individual. Due to the conditions of stay, specific local orders, especially the interaction with prisoners through norms and values of penal institutions is changing, both in the form of “I am Woman” and the “self-concept” in general. Self-image, Self-conception, mechanisms, transformation, the institutions of confinement, term for serving a punishment

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 128-136 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.2:502/504
Liovochkina A.
Liovochkina Antonina Mykhailivna
Professor of Department of Social Work Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Stereotypically ecological concepts, which are need rethinking

Language: ukrainian
The article deals with a number of stereotypes in environmental psychology and everyday environmental consciousness that today regarded as not corresponding to the real state of affairs both in the environment and in research in the field of ecology and environmental psychology, which is an obstacle in building concepts health and environmental development. They need a radical rethink and remove both from science and from ordinary consciousness. These ideas in environmental psychology includes the notion that the most harmful to the construction of the ecological relationships between humans and the environment are anthropocentric consciousness, and that the main source of anthropocentric consciousness is a monotheistic religion, particularly Christianity, and that it contributes to the consumer attitude to environment. The scientific and educational literature, the most common view is that to prevent ecological catastrophe must, above all, build environmental awareness in people. You need to give more knowledge on ecology - and that’s enough. But, as shown by our study, even fundamental knowledge of ecology and developed environmental consciousness is not a guarantee that a person will develop and protect the environment. We need to create conditions when a person begins to act for the protection, development and creation of elements of the environment. anthropocentrism; biocentrism; environmental awareness; environmental activities; ecological culture

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Ball H. O. Oriyentyry suchasnoho humanizmu (v suspil’niy, osvitniy, psykholohichniy sferakh) [Landmarks of modern humanism (in the social, educational, psychological areas)] / H.O. Ball – Zhytomyr: Volyn’, 2008. – 232s.
2. Boreyko V. E. Prorыv v эkolohycheskuyu эtyku [Breakthrough in the ecological ethics] / V. E. Boreyko. – 3-e yzd., dop. Ser. Okhrana dykoy pryrodы; Vыp. 36. – K.: Kyevskyy эkoloho-kul’turnыy tsentr, 2003. – 228 s.
3. Boreyko V. E. Kratkyy kurs эkolohycheskoy эtyky [Brief course of the ecological ethics] / V. E. Boreyko. - Ser. Okhrana dykoy pryrodы. Vыp. 40. – K.: Kyevskyy эkoloho-kul’turnыy tsentr, 2004. – 72 s.
4. Deryabo S. D., Yasvyn V. Ya. Эkolohycheskyy kryzys kak kryzys antropotsentrycheskoho soznanyya [The ecological crisis as a crisis of anthropocentric consciousness] / S. D. Deryabo, V. A. Yasvyn // Chelovek. – 1998. – # 1. – S. 34–41.
5. Kalmykov A. A., Kalmыkova A. V. Typolohyya otnoshenyy cheloveka y pryrody / A. A. Kalmykov, A. V. Kalmykova [The typology of the relationship between man and nature] // II Rossyyskaya konferentsyya po ekolohycheskoy psykholohyy (Moskva, 12–14 aprelya 2000 h.): Tezysy. – M.: Ekspotsentr ROSS, 2000. – S. 26–27.
6. Kryazh I. V. Dynamika ekolohichnykh ustanovok osobystosti u suchasnomu sviti [The dynamics of environmental attitudes of the personality in the contemporary world] / I. V. Kryazh // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi. Ekolohichna psykholohiya. zb. nauk. prats’ Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – Zhytomyr: ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2009. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya – Vyp. 20. – Ch. 1. – S. 215–221.
7. Kryazh Y. V. Psykholohyya hlobal’nыkh эkolohycheskykh yzmenenyy: monohrafyya [The psychology of global environmental change: a monograph] / Y. V. Kryazh. – Kh.: KhNU ymeny V. N. Karazyna, 2012. - 512 s.
8. L’ovochkina A. M. Kontseptual’nyy pidkhid do formuvannya ekolohichnoyi kul’tury suchasnoho sposobu zhyttya [The conceptual approach to the formation of ecological culture of modern lifestyle] / A. M. L’ovochkina //Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi: Zb. naukovykh prats’ Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka – K.: Lohos, 2006, T.7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya. - Vyp. 7. - S. 153-159.
9. L’ovochkina A. M. Cystema metodiv vykladannya navchal’noyi dystsypliny “Ekolohichna psykholohiya” [The system of teaching methods “Environmental Psychology”] / A. M. L’ovochkina // Teoretychni i prykladni problemy psykholohiyi: zb. nauk. prats’ Luhans’k: Vyd-vo SNU im. V. Dalya, 2006. # 4 (15). S. 98-103.
10. Mameshyna O. S. Myrovozzrenye v kontekste problem эkolohycheskoho obrazovanyya [Worldview issues in the context of the ecological education] / O. S. Mameshyna // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi: zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K.: Lohos, 2006. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya. – Vyp. 8. – S. 329–339.
11. Poslannya predstoyateliv pravoslavnykh tserkov: [elektronnyy resurs] - Rezhym dostupu:
12. Pravoslavye y эkolohyya [Orthodoxy and Ecology] / red. Y. Pchelyntsev. – M.: Yzd-vo: Otdel relyhyoznoho obrazovanyya y katekhyzatsyy MP, 1999. – 448 s.
13. Reymers N. F. Nadezhdы na vыzhyvanye chelovechestva: Kontseptual’naya эkolohyya [Hopes for the survival of humanity: Conceptual ecology] / N. F. Reymers. – M.: Yzdat. tsentr «Эkolohyya», «Rossyya molodaya», 1992. – 367 s.
14. Rudomino-Dusyat•s’ka O. V. Ekolohichna psykholohiya: naavchal’nyy posibnyk [Ecological Psychology: a textbook] / O. V. Rudomino-Dusyat•s’ka. – K.: Instytut pislyadyplomnoyi osvity KNU im. Tarasa Shevchenka, 2001. – 71 s.
15. Skrebets’ V. O. Ekolohichna psykholohiya u viddalenykh naslidkakh ekotekhnohennoyi katastrofy: monohrafiya [Ecological psychology in remote eco consequences of technological disasters: monograph] / V. O. Skrebets’ – K.: Slovo, 2004. – 440 s.
16. Shvalb Yu. M. Dynamyka myfolohem postchernobyl’skoho soznanyya [The dynamics of post-Chernobyl myths of consciousness] / Yu. M. Shvalb // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi. Ekolohichna psykholohiya: Zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K.: Lohos, 2006. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya – Vyp. 8. – S. 155–165.
17. Shvalb Yu. M. K opredelenyyu ponyatyy sredы y prostranstva zhyznedeyatel’nosty cheloveka [By the definition of the concepts of environment and human activity space]/ Yu. M. Shvalb // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi. zb. nauk. pr. In-tu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka APN Ukrayiny / Za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – K.:Lohos, 2006. – T. 7. Ekolohichna psykholohiya. – Vyp. 8. – S. 182–190.
18. Yasvyn V. A. Psykholohyya otnoshenyya k pryrode [Psychology relation to the nature] / V. A. Yasvyn. – M.: Smыsl, 2000. – 456 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 137-147 (pdf)


UDC: 504: 005.963 – 057.875
Munasypova-Motyash I.
Munasypova-Motyash Irina Anatoliivna
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv

Peculiarities of environmental competence and environmental facilities of students of different specialities

Language: ukrainian
The article examines the indicators of environmental competence and environmental facilities of students of psychological-pedagogical and physics and mathematics departments. The results of empirical research of formation the components of enviromental competence and indicators that express students’ environmental facilities. In general, the sample of respondents has the dominant value-semantic component of environmental competence. The least expressed components of enviromental competence are practical and active (students of psychological and pedagogical department) and emotional and volitional ( students of Physics and Mathematics department), – the development of different types and functions of environmental activities and their implementation, and volitional qualities needed for this implementation. There are statistically-significant differences in terms of components of the environmental competence: the students-psychologists’ value-semantic component of environmental competence is more developed than for students of physics and mathematics department. As for surveyed students’ environmental competence, the best samples are on the scale of ekocentrism, the next is the scale of anthropocentrism, and the smallest results are on such scale as environmental apathy. There are statistically significant differences in the manifestations of such environmental facility as environmental apathy. The results of empirical research of respondents of Physics and Mathematics department, who are more prone to denial and indifference to environmental issues, are much developed. environmental competence, environmental facility, ecocentric facility, anthropocentric facility, environmental apathy

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Baydenko V. I. Competences of professional education / V. I. Baydenko//the Higher education in Russia. – 2004. – No. 11. – Page 3-13. 2. Bilyk L.I. Ekologicheskaya otvetstvennost’: igraya uchimsya / L.I. Bilyk. - Cherkassy: Vertikal’; Kandich S. G. - 2004. - 320 s. 3. Zakhlebny A. N. Ecological competence – the new planned result of ecological education / A.N. Zakhlebny E. N. Dzyatkovskaya//Ecological education: to school, at school, out of school. – 2007. – No. 3. – Page 3-8. 4. Munasypova-Motyash І.A. Vzaєmozvyazok ekologіchnoї svіdomostі ta kompetentnostі starshoklasnikіv z osoblivostyami samoregulyacії їh dіyalnostі / І.A. Munasypova-Motyash // Vіsnik Chernіgіvskogo derzhavnogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu. Serіya: Psihologіchnі nauki: zb. nauk. prac. prac / gol. red. Nosko M.O. – Chernіgіv, 2015. – Vip. 128. – S. 183 – 187. 5. Skrebets V.O. Ekologіchna psihologіya: pіdruchnik / V.O. Skrebec, І.І. Shlіmakova. – K.: Vidavnichij dіm «Slovo», 2014. – 456 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 148-155 (pdf)


UDC: 159.955.4:159.9-051
Nosko L.
Nosko Liudmila Anatoliivna
Corresponding research laboratory psychology study them. I.Sinitsa, G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv

Empirical research reflexivity of students- psychologists

Language: ukrainian
The article presents the results of empirical research of reflexive psychology students. Analyzed data from a study overall level of reflexivity and its formation of the personality. Detected differential type reflection respondents. reflection, reflexivity skills, type of reflection, reflexivity, level of reflexivity

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Didkovs'kyj S. V. Ponjattja pro refleksiju jak mehanizm rozvytku kognityvnyh shem / S. V. Didkovs'kyj // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': Zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny. – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2014. – Tom VII. Ekologichna psyhologija. – Vypusk 35. – 330 s. – S. 55 – 64.
2. Karpov A. V. Psyhologyja refleksyvnыh mehanyzmov dejatel'nosty / A. V. Karpov. – M. : Yzd-vo «Ynstytut psyhologyy RAN», 2004. – 424 s. – S. 391 – 396.
3. Leont'ev D. A. Refleksyja «horoshaja» y «durnaja»: ot obъjasnytel'noj modely k dyfferencyal'noj dyagnostyke / D. A. Leont'ev, E. N. Osyn // Psyhologyja. Zhurnal Vыsshej shkolы эkonomyky. – 2014. – T. 11. - №4. – S. 110 - 135.
4. Orlova Y. V. Trenyng professyonal'nogo samopoznanyja: teoryja, dyagnostyka y praktyka pedagogycheskoj refleksyy / Y. V. Orlova. – SPb. : Rech', 2006. – 128 s. – S. 32 – 40.
5. Pychka E. B. Razvytye refleksyvnыh umenyj kak uslovye formyrovanyja professyonal'noj Ja-koncepcyy studentov pedagogycheskogo kolledzha avtoref. dys. na soyskanye nauch. stepeny kand. psyhol. nauk: spec. 19. 00. 07 «Pedagogycheskaja psyhologyja» / E. B. Pychka. – Ekaterynburg, 2009. – 20 s.
6. Shaposhnykova Ju. G. Psyhologichni osoblyvosti refleksyvnyh komponentiv u profesijnomu stanovlenni praktychnogo psyhologa: dys. … kandydata psyhol. nauk: 19. 00. 07 / Shaposhnykova Julija Gennadii'vna. – K., 2007. – 239 s.
7. Jakovleva E. A. Razvytye pedagogycheskoj refleksyy budushhyh prepodavatelej kolledzha v processe professyonal'noj podgotovky: avtoref. dys. na soyskanye nauch. stepeny kand. ped. nauk: spec. 13. 00. 01 «Obshhaja pedagogyka, ystoryja pedagogyky y obrazovanyja» / E. A. Jakovleva. – Ufa, 2005. – 22 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 156-164 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923
Panchenko V.
Panchenko Viktoriia Oleksandrivna
candidate of psychological sciences, senjor lecturer of department of general, developmental and social psychology Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv

Conditionality of professional adaptation of managers of commercial organizations by their hardiness

Language: ukrainian
The article under review deals with the results of the empiric research of the hardiness as the factor of the commercial organizations managers’ professional adaptation. The components of the commercial organizations managers’ hardiness and professional adaptation are being analyzed. The following components which favour the conditionality of the managers’ hardiness and their professional adaptation are under review: individual-semantic, social-communicative and professional-active one. The use of the regressive analysis gave the grounds to establish the dependency of the professional adaptation from hardiness; the professional adaptation and its components turned out to be the variable ones with the constant hardiness. It is proved that involvement is the most influential component of the managers’ hardiness in terms of the professional adaptation. The perspectives of the further research are defined, as well as the managers’ hardiness components’ specific features which lack development. It is reasonable to take the available link between the commercial organizations managers’ hardiness and professional adaptation into account during the practical psychological activity aimed at the hardiness general level and its separate components’ devel-opment which favours the respondents professional adaptation improvement. commercial organizations managers’professional adaptation, manager’s hardiness, individual-semantic, social-communicative, professional-active components of the hardiness adaptation condition

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Leontev D.A. Test zhiznestoykosti / D.A. Leontev, E.I. Rasskazova. – Moskva: Smyisl, 2006. – 63 s.
2. Leontev D.A. Test smyislozhiznennyih organizatsiy : metod.ruk. / D.A. Leontev. – Moskva : Smyisl, 1992. – 16 s.
3. Maddi S. Teorii lichnosti : sravnitelnyiy analiz / S. Maddi. – Sankt-Peterburg : Rech, 2002 – 539 s.
4. Nikiforov G.S. Psihologiya professionalnoy deyatelnosti / G.S. Nikiforov. – Sankt-Peterburg : SPbU, 1996. – 316 s.
5. Sobchik L.N. Vvedenie v psihologiyu individualnosti. Teoriya i praktika psihodiagnostiki / L.N. Sobchik.-Moskva: IPP-ISP,2001.-512s.
6. Titarenko T.M. ZhittEstiykist osobistosti: Sotsialna neobhidnist ta bezpeka / T.M. Titarenko, T.O. Larina.– K.: Marich, 2009.– 76 s.
7. Fominova A.N. Zhiznestoykost lichnosti : monografiya /A.N.Fominova. –Moskva : Prometey, 2012. – 152 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 165-172 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9 : 364-7
Piontkivska О.
Piontkivska Olena Georgiivna
postgraduate student of Department of social work, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

A comparative analysis of approaches to the definition of social activity of the elderly people in Ukraine and abroad

Language: ukrainian
This article analyzes the approaches to the definition of social activity of elderly people in Ukraine and abroad. The need for research is determined to the fact that the questions of support and development of social activity of the elderly are relevant, but not explored. The article analyzed and compared the main approaches to the definition of social activity of the elderly, studied the main forms of support of social activity of older people in Ukraine and in foreign countries. The purpose of this article is the definition of social activity of older people and comparative analysis of approaches to the definition of this concept on the local area and abroad. The article presents the main differences between the approaches to the support of social activity of elderly people. The article also discusses the current approach in the implementation of social work with elderly people, such as the idea of “aging in place”, the institutionalization of the system of care and support for older persons, the identification of conditions and factors of well-being and life satisfaction of elderly people, programmes aimed at balancing support for both physical and mental health of older people, the impact of social activity of older people to maintain cognitive functions, differentiation of concepts «social activity», «public activity», «community activity” etc. The article also describes the prospects for further research on this subject. social activity, social activity of elderly people, public activity, older age

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Vorob'ёv Ju. L. V poyskah smыsla y pravdы. Aktyvnost' y razvytye lychnosty / Ju. L. Vorob'ёv, B. N. Korolev. – M.: MGSU Sojuz. – T. 1. – 2003. – 500 s.
2. Grabovs'ka S. L., Cholij S. M. :[zb. nauk. pr. Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny]; za red. S. D. Maksymenka. – T. HII. – Chast. 1. – K., 2010. – S. 171–181
3. Kovtun N. M. Do problemy vyznachennja ponjattja «social'na aktyvnist'» / N. M. Kovtun // Ukrai'ns'ka polonistyka. Vypusk 11. Istoryko-filosofs'ki doslidzhennja, 2014 - S.129-137
4. Rubynshtejn S.L. Osnovы obshhej psyhologyy / S.L Rubynshtejn SPb.: Pyter, 2000. – 376 s.
5. Sociologo-pedagogichnyj slovnyk / Za red. V. V. Radula. − K.: «EksOb», 2004. – 304 s.
6. Jakuba E. A. Socyologyja / E. A. Jakuba. — Har'kov : Konstanta, 1996.— 192 s.
7. C. S. Marcum, / Age Differences in Daily Social Activities / RAND Working Paper Series No. WR-904, 2011
8. D. Glei, D. Landau, N. Goldman, Y.-L. Chuang, G. Rodríguez, and M. Weinstein / Participating in Social Activities Helps Preserve Cognitive Function: An Analysis of a Longitudinal, Population-Based Study of the Elderly / International Journal of Epidemiology 34.4 , 2005, - r. 864-871.
9. E. McAuley, B. Blissmer, D. X. Marquez, G. J. Jerome, A. F. Kramer, J.Katula /Social Relations, Physical Activity, and Well-Being in Older Adults /Preventive Medicine. 31(5), 2000, -p. 608-617
10. I.H.Yen, J.K. Shim, A.D.Martinez, J.C. Barker / Older people and social connectedness: how place and activities keep people engaged / J. Aging, 2012
11. U. Steinbach / Social Networks, Institutionalization, and Mortality Among Elderly People in the United States / J. Gerontol , 47, (4), 1992- p:183-190.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 173-181 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.6
Rudomino-Dusiatska O.
Rudomino-Dusiatska Olena Volodimirivna
candidate of psychological sciences, leading research scientist of laboratory ecological psychology G. S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology by NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ecological and psychological aspects of studies of personal and social identity

Language: ukrainian
The article deals with the problems of self-identity in terms of self in relation to external and internal factors of their daily activity. Relevance of the topic due to increased life destructive influence of modern humans on the environment. It is noted that the psychological condition of the greening of life is the ability of the individual to self-determination. An important factor of self - determination is the identity of the individual. In modern psychology the idea about availability of two main aspects of identity is dominated and based on social environment (social identity) and unique displays of personality (personal identity). Proved that the universal mechanisms support individual ideas about their identity is the personalization and psychological appropriation of objects of its life environment. We describe the effect of these mechanisms in everyday life. Showed the differences in the manifestations of the mechanisms of the personalization and psychological appropriation in conditions when the individual the focus on the social, or the personal self-determination dominates with personality. Theoretically substantiated the hypothesis that the displays that supports personal identity, cause environmental everyday life. psychology of life, personal identity, social identity, personalization, psychological appropriation

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Strategyja zhyzny / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja– M.: Mыsl', 1991. – 300 s. 2. Vernik O.L. Psyhologichni osoblyvosti obrazu dovkillja v svidomosti pidlitkiv. Dysertacija...kand. psyhol. nauk / O.L. Vernik– K.:, 2004. – 167 c. 3. Vlozhennыj trud / Psyhologyja. Slovar'. – 2-e yzd., yspr. y dop. – M.: Polytyzdat, 1990. – 494 s. – S. 54. 4.
1. 4. Gegel' G.V.F. Sochynenyja. T. 12: Lekcyy po эstetyke. Knyga pervaja / G.V.F. Gegel' — M.:, 1938. — 472s. 5. Dzhems U. Psyhologyja /U.Dzhems. — M.: Pedagogyka, 1991. — 369 s. 6. Nalchadzhjan A.A. Socyal'no-psyhologycheskaja adaptacyja lychnosty / A.A.Nalchadzhjan. — Erevan, Yzdatel'stvo AN Armjanskoj SSR, 1988. — 78 s. 7. Petrovskyj A.V. Voprosы teoryy y ystoryy psyhologyy / A.V.Petrovskyj. — M.: Pedagogyka, 1984. — 272 s. 8.
2. 8. Petrovskyj V.A. Lychnost' v psyhologyy: paradygma subъektnosty / V.A. Petrovskyj – Rostov-na-Donu, 1996. – 512 s. 8. Pavlenko V.Y. Predstavlenyja o sootnoshenyy socyal'noj y lychnostnoj ydentychnosty v sovremennoj zapadnoj psyhologyy /V.Y.Pavlenko // Voprosы psyhologyy. – 2000. – № 1. – S. 135-142. 9. Thostov A.Sh. Topologyja subъekta (opыt fenomenologycheskogo yssledovanyja) / A.Sh. Thostov // Vestnyk Moskovskogo Unyversyteta. Ser. 14, Psyhologyja. – 1994. – № 3. – S. 3-13. 10. Hejdmets M. Psyhologyja sredы: stanovlenye y poysk / M. Hejdmets // Tendencyy razvytyja psyhologycheskoj nauky. / Otv. red. B.F.Lomov, L.Y. Ancыferova – M.: Nauka, 1989. — S. 242 – 254. 11. Altman I. The Environment and Social Behavior: Privacy, Personal space, Territoriality and Crowding – Brooks Cole, Monterey, CA, 1975. – 256 p. 12. Brown B.B. Territoriality // D.Stokols and I.Altman (Eds.) Handbook of Environmental Psychology. – Vol.1. N.Y.: Wiley, 1987. – P. 505-531. 13. Tajfel H., Turner J. The social identity theory of intergroup behaviour//Psychology of Intergroup Relations, 2nd edn./Eds S. Worchel, W. Austin. Chi.: Nelson-Hall, 1986. – P. 7 – 24. 14. Turner J. Social comparison and social identity: Some prospects for intergroup behaviour // Europ. J. Soc.Psychol. – 1975. – № 5. – P. 5 – 34.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 182-193 (pdf)


UDC: 316.647.5 - 053.81
Skok A.
Skok Alla Georgiivna
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor department of general, developmental and social psychology Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv

The features of youth’s ethnic tolerance

Language: ukrainian
The article analyzes the phenomenon of ethnic tolerance of modern Ukrainian youth. In the context of studying the problem of ethnic tolerance, our attention is focused on the study of connection between the ethnic tolerance and young people’s individual typological characteristics and values. Theoretical analysis reveals that the problem of definitions of the concept of tolerance is ambiguous and contradictory. The concept «tolerance» is a multidimensional phenomenon with its own characteristics, which are studied from the viewpoint of various psychological approaches. In humanistic interpretation - a value and lifestyle, requiring a tolerant person to find responsible decisions in every situation. As for the cognitive approach, tolerance is a complex system of structuring by everyday consciousness, different, often contradictory, socially important objects. Within-centered approach, tolerance is the system of values, starting with the values of human rights and freedoms. Ethnic tolerance is seen as socio-psychological characteristic, which is the degree of acceptance - rejection of other ethnic groups. It is found that the level of social distance, that young people choose regarding to different nations is connected with expressing of their level of tolerance. By the minimum distance of social interaction young people include representatives of the following countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, France, USA and Canada. To maximum level of social interaction distance youth includes Russian representatives. The level of youth’s tolerance is associated with the individual personality indicators, such as spontaneity, aggressiveness and rigidity. The essential difference between the dominant values of respondents: for youth from big city the most important values are rest and material prosperity, and for youth from regional centers and villages - health. It is established the difference between the manifestations of ethnic tolerance of young people who live in various places and have different individually-typological features and value orientations. youth, tolerance, ethnic tolerance, social and psychological tolerance, social interaction distance, individually-typological features

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Moskalenko V. V. Socialna psyxologiya / V.V. Moskalenko. – K: Centr navchalnoyi literatury, 2005. – 624 s. 2. Sokolov V.M. Tolerantnost: sostoyanye y tendencyy / V.M. Sokolov // Socyologyya kulturы. Socyologycheskye yssledovanyya. − 2003. − № 8. − S. 54-63. 3. Bardyer G.L. Yntolerantnost y devyantnoe povedenye v byznese / G.L. Bardyer. − SPb: Norma, 2001. – 240 s. 4. Zalanovska L.I. Metodologiya doslidzhennya mizhetnichnoyi tolerantnosti students koyi molodi zaxidnogo ta sxidnogo regioniv Ukrayiny / L.I. Zalanovska //Visnyk Chernigivskogo nacionalnogo pedagogichnogo universytetu. – T.1. – Vyp. 105. – Chernigiv: ChNPU, 2012. – S.117-120. (Seriya: Psyxologichni nauky). 5. Shpuntov V.Y. Эtycheskaya tolerantnost kak fenomen kulturы [Tekst] / V.Y. Shpuntov // Myr na SK. – Ser. № 4. Kulturologyya, эtnokulturologyya, kulturnaya antropologyya, 2004. URL: /2010_2bg/50.pdf (data obrashhenyya: 20.10.16). 6. Yvkova Yu.P. Formyrovanye эtnycheskoj tolerantnosty starsheklassnykov v deyatelnosty klassnogo rukovodytelya: avtoref. dys. na pryobretenye nauchn. stepenykand. ped. nauk: 13.00.01 «Obshhaya pedagogyka, ystoryya pedagogyky» / Yu.P. Y`vkova. – Petrozavodsk, 2006. – 24 s. 7. Soldatova G.U. Psyxologyya mezhэtnycheskoj napryazhёnnosty`/ G.U. Soldatova. – M.: Smыsl, 1998. – 389 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 194-201 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6 - 159.9
Tkach T.
Tkach Tamara Volodymyrivna
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Polytechnic Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland

Social competence of the manager

Language: ukrainian
The article pays attention to the particular importance of social competence in the context of manager’s role. Possession and improvement of soft skills is nowadays extremely important, not only because of the proper individual functioning in society, but first of all in the perspective of the manager’s work. Social competence is extremely important for the welfare and development of managers. As regards the functioning of the unit, there are many planes on which one can observe the operation of social competence. The article raises issues both theoretical and practical associated with the formation of social competence. social competences, management standards, competence, organization, personnel management

Spysok vykorystanih dzherel
1. Doklad OON o chelovecheskom razvitii 2015 [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
2. Druker P.F. Menedzhment : per. s angl. / P.F. Druker, Dzh.A. Makyarello. – M.: Izd-vo OOO «I.D. Vilyams», 2010. – 704 s.
3. Zimnyaya I.A. Klyuchevyie kompetentsii – novaya paradigma rezultata obrazovaniya / I.A. Zimnyaya // Eydos : Internetzhurnal. – 2006. – [Elektronnyiy resurs]. –
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 202-212 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:364-7
Shwalb Y.
Shwalb Yurii Mykhailovich
Doctor of psychology, professor, head of laboratory ecological psychology G. S. Kostyuk Institute of psychology by NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Research of personality determinants of life activities

Language: ukrainian
The article states the presence of the transition to the new object of psychological research, which is associated with focusing attention on the life of the individual processes and, therefore, are considered emerging theoretical and methodological problems. It is proposed to use the method of organizational activity games for the study of complex populyativnyh objects to which, in particular, to the phenomenon of lifestyle as a stable form of organization of life of individuals and groups. We describe the procedure and the results of a study on the level of empirical data and the categorization of the basic concepts. It is shown that the system is determined by lifestyle, the leading ideas of Peace and Life devices that form the basic constructs of consciousness and allow the deployment of life as a person of integrity suprasituational lifestyle, purpose of life, life experience, research methodology, organizational-activity game

Spysok ispolzovanih istochnikov 1. Social’no-psyhologichni zasady stanovlennja ekologichno orijentovanogo sposobu zhyttja osobystosti : monografija / Ju.M. Shvalb, O.L. Vernik, O.O. Vovchyk-Blakytna, O.V. Rudomino-Dusjats’ka [ta in.]; za red. Ju.M. Shvalba. – K.: Pedagogichna dumka, 2015. – 216 s. 2. Ekologo-psyhologichni chynnyky jakosti zhyttja v umovah rozvytku suchasnogo suspil’stva : Kolektyvna monografija / : monografija / Ju.M. Shvalb, O.L. Vernik, O.O. Vovchyk-Blakytna, O.V. Rudomino-Dusjats’ka [ta in.]; za red. Ju. M. Shvalba. – Kirovograd : «Imeks-LTD», 2013. – 208 s. 3. Jekologo-psihologicheskie faktory sovremennogo obraza zhizni : Kollektivnaja monografija / : monografija / Ju.M. Shvalb, A.L. Vernik, O.N. Garnec, M.M. Zabrockij [i dr.]; pod red. Ju. M. Shvalba. – Zhitomir : Izd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franko», 2009. – 462 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 213-228 (pdf)


UDC: 159.072.533 : 159.923
Shlimakova І.І.
Shlimakova Irina Ivanivna
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv

Development and psychometric characteristics of questionnaire of human’s sensitivity to impacts

Language: ukrainian
The paper studies the problem of research the category of psychological impact. It is shown that as a scientific problem, the category of impact concentrates in itself the most pressing issues of psychological science, ranging from general questions about the essence of the mechanisms of human psyche and ending with methodological problems, ideological and practical nature. However, nowadays the phenomenon of impact is the least studied in the context of psychology either in theory or in terms of the availability of diagnostic tools. It is presented the procedures of development and validation of psychometric data about human’s sensitivity to impacts from diagnostic questionnaire, which we created in collaboration with V. Skrebtsem. It is described the purpose of the test and given that test makes possible to find out the human’s ability to perceive irritations that come either from the environment (impact factors of the environment, social and cultural impacts), or from the internal environment (self-impact). Presented the theoretical construct of questionnaire, described stimulus material, the logic of creation and processing the results. The basic scale (sensitivity: natural, social, cultural impacts and scale of self-impacts) and sub-scales of the test (positive sensitivity, negative sensitivity, tolerance and apathy). It is shown the information about the reliability, validity, credibility and standardization of questionnaire. It is proved that this questionnaire as a method of psychological assessment, meets modern psychometric requirements. impact, environmental-psychological impact, external impacts, internal impacts, psychometric requirements, reliability, validity, credibility, standardization

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel

1. Kovalev G. A. Three paradigms in psychology – three strategies psychological impact / G. A. Kovalev // Questions of psychology. – 1987. – № 3. – P. 14-50.
2. Metodyky dyahnostyky эmotsyonalnoi sferы: psykholohycheskyi praktykum / sost. O.V. Barkanova [seryia: Byblyoteka aktualnoi psykholohyy]. – Vыp.2. – Krasnoiarsk: Lytera-prynt, 2009. – 237 s.
3. Sergeev A. A. Тhe іnfluence as psychological phenomenon: a historiographical analysis / A. A. Sergeev, K. A. Komchatov, E. S. Kovalenko // Bulletin of the Volgograd state University. Sir. 11. Science. – 2013. – № 1 (5). – P. 84-87.
4. Skrebets V. A. Fundamentals of psycho-diagnostics : textbook / V. A. Skrebets. – 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. – K. : Publishing house “Word”, 2003. – 192 p.
5. Skrebets V. A. Ecological psychology in the long-term consequences of the disaster ecotechnodon : monograph / V. A. Skrebets. – K. : Publishing house “Slovo”, 2004. – 440 S.
6. Skrabets V. A. Methodological essence of the category of exposure in environmental psychology.. Skrabets // Actual problems of psychology : the CG. Sciences. St. T. 7. Environmental psychology / Institute of psychology. G. S. Kostyuk NAPs of Ukraine. – Zhitomir, 2008. – Vol. 15. – Pp. 274-280.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 229-236 (pdf)


UDC: 159.072.533 : 159.923
Kotyk I.
Borets Yulia Vasilivna

Social boundaries and reliable authenticity of the individual

Language: ukrainian
On the basis of theoretical analysis highlights the problem of social norms and normative regulation of human activities and characteristics of their interaction with the authenticity of the person. Specificity reliable authenticity of personality, ability to predictable behaviors related to the implementation of social relations in accordance with social norms and ideals, as well as their own responsible choice. The results of theoretical analysis developed provisions on the nature and content of reliable identity authentication as integral psychological formation, the unity motivational, random, cognitive components, the prevalence of normativity and sensitivity that are manifested in behavior and personality based on a symptom of mental and physical well-being; the system of psychological support as an integrated set of estimated somehow organized-regulatory behavior optimization specialist accordance with the set requirements and professional standards Convention, with its own structure, algorithm performance, laws, mechanisms, principles that form in its entirety holistic concept; on the need to optimize the process of psychological ensure reliable identity authentication through reasonably applied evaluation strategies and tactics, and constant analysis of the effectiveness of the implemented activities; uncovered significant aspects of the theory of the nature and content of reliable identity authentication, the concept of psychological support and optimization process, reducing conflicts between the existing problem and theoretical psychological knowledge about it; based on the specifics of the psychological mechanisms of regulation of behavior provide reliable authentication compared to professional and / or functional authenticity robust personality. Reliable genuine personality realized through psychological mechanisms related to the diagnosis of external and internal reality. Internal factor secure authentication is a professional diagnosis of reality as a basic mechanism of mental activity. Its effectiveness depends on the authenticity, social maturity, adequacy and sufficiency of individual professional, critical factors of professional conduct, risk of mental and physical well-being. External factor reliable identity authentication process to ensure it is a mechanism for continuous assessment of critically important in terms of professional activity risk behavior. With its focus on optimizing estimated regulatory compliance, secure identity authentication requirements established and accepted norms, the outer ring mechanism for continuous assessment psychological mechanism in the inner ring of continuous assessment, which serves more power Super-Ego, which leads to the actualization of subject-activity reflexive regulation of professional conduct in line with the established requirements of reliable authentication. dialogic interaction, reliable authenticity of the individual, a normative regulation of activities, social boundaries, social norms, joint activity

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2. Bobneva M. I. Normativnost' kak spetsifika sotsial'nogo / M. I. Bobneva // Sootnoshenie biologicheskogo i sotsial'nogo v cheloveke. M.: Nauka, 1975. 290 s.
3. Ivin A. A. Logika norm. /A. A. Ivin. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1973. 122 s.
4. Kotik І. O. Stanovlennya sotsіal'nikh mezh і osobistіsnoї nadіynostі lyudini / І. O. Kotik Nauka і navchal'niy protses. Materіali XVI Zvіtnoї naukovo-praktichnoї konferentsії, m.Vіnnitsya, 6-7 kvіtnya 2016 r.: nauk.-metod. zb. u ІІ chast. / Za zag. red. G.V.Davidenko. – Ch. 2. – Vіnnitsya: TOV «Nіlan-LTD», 2016. – S.6-11
5. Kotik І. O. Osobistіsna nadіynіst' u kontekstі norm ta їkh mezh / І. O. Kotik Materіali naukovo-praktichnoї konferentsії: «Psikhologіya rozvitku osobistostі: teorіya і praktika», 19 travnya 2016 roku / Za zag. red. G.V. Davidenko. Vіdp. red. ta uporyadnik І.O. Kotik. – Vіnnitsya : Nіlan-LTD, 2016. – S.17-22.
6. Lefevr V. Algebra sovesti / Vladimir Lefevr; per. so 2-go angl. izd. s dopoln. – M., Kogito-Tsentr, 2002. – 426 s.
7. Pen'kov E. M. Sotsial'nye normy regulyatory povedeniya lichnosti: Nekotorye voprosy metodologii i teorii. / E. M. Pen'kov. M.: Mysl', 1972. 198 s.
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 7(42): 237-249 (pdf)