Actual Problems of Psychology. Volume 7. Environmental Psychology. Issue 44 – 2017
UDC: 17+502 : 159.92(045)
Borets Y.V.
Borets Yulia Vasilivna
candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor of psychology of the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Moral and economic psychological and ontological competence civic competence
The article examines the psychological characteristics of moral, psychological and ontological competence civic competence. The world of modern civilization is ecologically crisis that threatens the extinction of all life on Earth. Therefore, the salvation of mankind is conscious, moral, economic and legal activities of ev- ery citizen. This means that modern people are interested in psycho-ontological moral competencies-environmental, legal and economic trends. It is considered that the quality and standard of living depends on social progress and scientific and technological revolution. By the way, as the notion of progress and perfor- mance of technology is mainly linked to the economic state of society, its material production, use of natural resources and biological ecosystems. Material prog- ress and the development of new technologies has led to a sharp increase of wel- fare of inhabitants of the developed countries and the design of post-industrial “consumer society”. Research and conceptual regulation of environmentally relevant behavior, it was shown that along with procolophonia aspirations can manifest and others – the material and installation of consumer, financial and economic dominance the like. Dynamic-semantic relevance can be used given the relevant competence as the essential meaning of the system of regulation of public life. Environmental determinants the ontological competence civic competence, as socially significant and relevant, provide clarification of the levels of formation of ecological consciousness, environmental attitudes regarding global environ- mental threats, psychological components of the readiness of the individual to environmental action.
Keywords: competence, civic competence, moral competence, and eco- nomic competence, moral norms, psychological mechanisms, senso-value ap- proach, the cognitive sphere
Garanina Zh. G. Psihologicheskaya kompetentnost buduschego spetsialista : na materiale ekonomiko-upravlencheskih professiy : dis. kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.03 / Zhanna Grigorevna Garanina. – Kazan, 1999. – 183 s. Goncharova-Goryanska M. SotsIalna kompetentnIst: ponyattya, zmIst, shlyahi formuvannya v doslIdzhennyah zarubIzhnih avtorIv / M. Goncharova- Goryanska // RIdna shk. – 2004. – # 7-8. – S. 71–74. Leontev A. N. Deyatelnost i lichnost / A. N. Leontev // Hrestomatiya po psihologii lichnosti : v 2 t. / red.-sost. D. M. Raygorodskiy. – 2-e izd. dop. – Samara, 1999. – T. 2. – S. 165–196. Polovets V. M. SotsIalnI problemi molodI / V. M. Polovets // VIsnik ChernIgIvskogo derzhavnogo pedagogIchnogo unIversitetu. SerIya: PsihologIchnI nauki / ChernIgIv. derzh. ped. un-t Im. T. G. Shevchenka ; golov. red. M. O. Nosko. – ChernIgIv, 2009. – Vip. 74, t. 2. – S. 94–98. Skrebets V. O. Ekologo-ekonomIchnI y moralno-pravovI vimIri zdorovogo gluzdu u povsyakdennI ta metodika Yih dIagnostiki / V. O. Skrebets // VIsnik ChernIgIvskogo natsIonalnogo pedagogIchnogo unIversitetu. SerIya: PsihologIchnI nauki / ChernIgIv. nats. ped. un-t Im. T. G. Shevchenka ; golov. red. M. O. Nosko. – ChernIgIv, 2012. – Vip. 105, t. 2. – S. 134–144.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 12-20 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Bukovska O.O.
Bukovsky Olga
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra of environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv, Ukraine
«Crisis life situations» in psychologists’ rehabilitation practice
The article deals with the psychological rehabilitation practice to help the individual in crisis situations. We understand «crisis» as a problem that the individuals have, which they can’t escape and which they can’t solve in a short period of time and familiar way. This condition, which arose as a result of the accumulation of unresolved important issues, controversies or events that led to the loss of meaning previous lifestyle, behavior and activity. Saying «life crisis situation», we talk about the circumstances that led to personal crisis. The important factor in the rehabilitation process is psychologist’s understanding the essence of the crisis situation in life and severity of individual experiences. The success of rehabilitation, which aim is to see the restoration of physical, social and psychological health, is in deep and comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in intrapsychological experience and overcome the circumstances that go beyond everyday life rehab. The important role in psychological practice is given to stages of individual’s responses, that define the strategy and direction of professional intervention. Every life crisis is the important opportunity for correction life, fi it with new content. It requires conscious solving the problem of the sense of life; leads to acceptance of reality as it really is, requiring abandonment of illusions. A person with a productive attitude, what is focused on psychological rehabilitation, makes it much easier because person has no fear of novelty, they believe in the possibility of growth, self-improvement and they’re ready to seek new meanings. The effective method of rehabilitation process in crisis situations is a narrative method as the important way of rethinking and integration of stressful circumstances in personal experience.
Keywords: :crisis,crisissituations,frustration,confl stress,rehabilitation, integration, stressful circumstances, narration
Albehova Y. Tekhnyky adaptatsyy k krytycheskym sytuatsyiam / Y. Albehova // Psykhotekhnolohyy v sotsyalnoi rabote / [Pod red. V. V. Kozlova]. – Yaroslavl : MAPN, 1998. – S. 18-24. Vasyliuk F. E. Psykholohyia perezhyvanyia (analyz preodolenyia kryty- cheskykh sytuatsyi) / Fedor Efymovych Vasyliuk. – M. : MHU, 1984. – 200s. Zaika V. M. Dynamichna model osobystisnykh transformatsii v umovakh podolannia kryzovykh staniv osobystosti / Vitalii Zaika // Sotsialna psykholo- hiia. – 2009. – № 1. – S. 69-76. Safonova L. V. Soderzhanye y metodyka psykhosotsyalnoi rabotы : ucheb. posobye dlia stud. vыssh. ucheb. zavedenyi / L. V. Safonova. – M. : Yzd. tsentr «Akademyia», 2006. – 224 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 21-29 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Vernik O.
Vernik Olexii
Researcher, Laboratory of Environmental Psychology G.S.Kostiuk Institute ofPsychology NAPS Ukraine, associate professor of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
The problem of the ""way of life"" in a psychological research
The article analyzes the development of the concept of “life path” in a psychological study. Approaches to its definition, functions and structure within different national and foreign schools are traced. It is proposed to delineate the concepts of the way of life of the individual, dividing them into three groups. In the first life way it is understood the objective stage of human development - superstructure over social cycles and biological ontogenesis. In the second - the product of consciousness, which reflects the life of the man himself. The third group included approaches in which the way of life is realized by the directed activity of the individual to his own life in his integrity. In this case, the subjective picture of the way of life is understood as the product of awareness of the personality of his own life as a certain integrity in the process of his residence. article deals with the psychological rehabilitation practice to help the individual in crisis situations. We understand «crisis» as a problem that the individuals have, which they can’t escape and which they can’t solve in a short period of time and familiar way. This condition, which arose as a result of the accumulation of unresolved important issues, controversies or events that led to the loss of meaning previous lifestyle, behavior and activity. Saying «life crisis situation», we talk about the circumstances that led to personal crisis. The important factor in the rehabilitation process is psychologist’s understanding the essence of the crisis situation in life and severity of individual experiences. The success of rehabilitation, which aim is to see the restoration of physical, social and psychological health, is in deep and comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms involved in intrapsychological experience and overcome the circumstances that go beyond everyday life rehab. The important role in psychological practice is given to stages of individual’s responses, that define the strategy and direction of professional intervention. Every life crisis is the important opportunity for correction life, fi it with new content. It requires conscious solving the problem of the sense of life; leads to acceptance of reality as it really is, requiring abandonment of illusions. A person with a productive attitude, what is focused on psychological rehabilitation, makes it much easier because person has no fear of novelty, they believe in the possibility of growth, self-improvement and they’re ready to seek new meanings. The effective method of rehabilitation process in crisis situations is a narrative method as the important way of rethinking and integration of stressful circumstances in personal experience.
Keywords: life path, livelihoods, personality, consciousness, activity, event, life choices, way of life
Beitrage zur speziellen Psychologie auf Grund einer Messenuntersuchung, ”Z. Psychol.“, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 51, 1906–1909 (sumisno z Wiersma E.); The Course of Human Life: A Study of Goals in the Humanistic Perspective / ed. by C. Buhler, F. Massarik. N.Y., 1968 Abul’hanova K. A., Berezyna T.N. Vremja lychnosty y vremja zhyzny. - SPb.: Aletejja, 2001. - 304 s. Abul’hanova-Slavskaja K.A. O subъekte psyhycheskoj dejatel’nosty. – M., 1973. Abul’hanova-SlavskajaK.A.Razvytyelychnostyvprocessezhyznedejatel’nosty // Psyhologyja formyrovanyja y razvytyja lychnosty. – M., 1981. – S. 19-45. Abul’hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Strategyja zhyzny. – M. : Mыsl’, 1991. – 158 s. Anan’ev B. G. O problemah sovremennogo chelovekoznanyja. M., 1977. 380 s. Anan’ev B. G. Chelovek kak predmet poznanyja. – SPb. : Pyter, 2001. – 272 s. Ancyferova L. Y. Metodologycheskye problemы psyhologyy razvytyja. V kn.: Pryncypы razvytyja v psyhologyy. M.: Nauka, 1978 Bestuzhev-Lada Y. V. 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Sobыtyja, obstojatel’stva zhyznennogo puty y razvytye lychnosty // Psyhologyja zhyznennogo puty lychnosty: metodologycheskye, teoretycheskye, metodycheskye y prykladnыe problemы. Sbornyk nauchnыh statej. ./Uchrezhdenye obrazovanyja “Grodnenskyj gos. un-t ym. Ja.Kupalы”; nauch. red.: N.A. Logynova, K.V. Karpynskyj.- Grodno : GrGU, 2012. - 433 s. –El. resurs: 159n-loginova-sobyitiya-obstoyatelstva-36809.html Maksymenko S.D. Zagal’na psyhologija: Navchal’nyj posibnyk. — Vydannja druge, pereroblene ta dopovnene. — Kyi’v: «Centr navchal’noi’ literatury», 2004. — 272 s. Maljarov N.A. Zhyznennыj put’ cheloveka: opredelenye y soderzhanye ponjatyja // Эlektronnыj nauchnыj zhurnal «Lychnost’ v menjajushhemsja myre: zdorov’e, adaptacyja, razvytye», № 2, 2013. – S. 8-21. El. resurs: soderzhanie-ponyatiya. Panok V.G. Zhyttjevyj shljah osobystosti jak kategorija prykladnoi’ psyhologii’ // Naukovyj visnyk Mykolai’vs’kogo derzhavnogo universytetu imeni V. O. Suhomlyns’kogo. 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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 30-50 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Vovchyk-Blakytna O.O.
Vovchyk-Blakytna Olena
Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Environmental Psychology G.S.Kostiuk Institute ofPsychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Leisure as an ecological space for the intergenerational interaction
The article deals with the topic of family leisure, which is positioned as a com- ponent of interpersonal communication between children and grandparents. The psychological filling of the leisure category and the peculiarity of intergen- erational interaction are analyzed. The developing potential of such interaction is revealed, in particular the communication of children and grandparents within multi-generational family. which today seems insuffi articulated in mod- ern psychological science, activated in pedagogical practice. Intergenerational interaction represented by the mechanisms of transgenera- tion (the transfer and acceptance of elements of experience in the direction from the eldest to the younger) and the prefiguration ( the admission by grandparents some elements from the experience of the younger ones) has a good development resource, especially during the joint leisure activities of children with grandpar- ents. The formula of the developing space of interaction between the child and grandparents includes the following elements: the characteristic of space envi- ronment, where the owners are representatives of the older generation; a time gap - from insignificant to long, a variety of classes in various spheres of human activity
Keywords: leisure, family environment, intergenerational interaction, ecopsychological approach, developmental environment
Vovchyk-Blakytna O.O., Hurlyeva T.S. Dialoh mizh doroslymy i dit’my yak umova podolannya nehatyvnoho vplyvu sotsiokul’turnoho seredovysh- cha / O.O. Vovchyk-Blakytna, T.S. Hurlyeva // Aktual’ni problemy psyk- holohiyi : Zbirnyk nauk. prats’ Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H.S.Kostyuka юNAPN Ukrayiny. Ekolohichna psykholohiya T.VII. Vyp. 32. – S.39-47. Y.S. Kon.Rebenok y obshchestvo. - M.: Glavnaya redaktsyya vostochnoy lyteraturы yzd-va «Nauka»,1988. - 270 s. 3. Myklyaeva A.V. Psykholohyya mezhvozrastnыkh otnoshenyy. Monohrafyya. – MO.: SVYVT, 2014. – M. Yzd-vo Pero, 2014. Shvalb Yu.M. Ekoloho-psykholohichni vymiry sposobu zhyttya / Yu.M. Shvalb // Aktual’ni problemy psykholohiyi: Zb.nauk.prats’ In-tu psykholo- hiyi im. H.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny – K.,2006 – T.7. – Vyp.5.– Ch.2. – S.294-301. Strel’tsov Yu.A. Kul’turolohyya dosuha. — M.: MHUK, 2002 Kaplan M. Leisure: theory and policy. - N.Y., 1975. Minuchin, S. (1974). Families and family therapy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Neulinger, J. The psychology of leisure. Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.1978. Veal A.I. Leisure and the future. — N.Y., 1987.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 51-60 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.63:316.334.56(045)
Heneralova O.
Heneralova Olena
senior lecturer, Practical Psychology Chair, Mariupol State University. Mariupol, Ukraine
Social exclusion of elderly people in contemporary urban environment
The article is devoted to the analysis of social exclusion of the elderly: causes, consequences, ways of overcoming of this process in the modern Ukrainian so- ciety. It gives the statistical data telling about common demographic trend of in- creasing number of elderly people in the world, including Ukraine. Physiological, psychological, and social changes that are inherent to the elderly are identified. In connection with these transformations, social exclusion has a number of features. The article examines approaches to the study of exclusion as a socio- psychological phenomenon: economic, sociological, political, legal, psychological and interdisciplinary. It draws attention to the ambiguity of the definition of the phenomenon, examines the dynamics of the semantic filling of the concept “ex- clusion”. Analysis of publications in the field of studies on different aspects of ex- clusion and inclusion allowed us to detect phenomena that accompany or exclu- sion or manifest itself as its constituent aspects: age segregation, gerontophobia, ageism, social deprivation. Also socio-geographic characteristics of exclusion are highlighted; the fact is stated that the highest risk of exclusion is present in big cities. In this regard, the features of living in a large city, the problems associated with the phenomenon of exclusion and self-exclusive of elderly are discussed. Formulated tasks aimed at the development of positive attitudes towards elderly people (inclusion).
Keywords: the ageing of the population, elderly person, exclusion, inclu- sion, situation and state of social exclusion, age segregation, gerontophobia, ageism, social deprivation, urban environment
Borodkin F. M. Sotsialnye eksklyuzii / F. M. Borodkin // Sotsiologicheskiy zhurnal. – 2000. – № 3/4. – S. 5-17. Dziuba T. M. Psykholohiia doroslosti z osnovamy herontopsykholohii. Navchalnyi posibnyk / T. M. Dziuba, O. H. Kovalenko. – K.: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2013. – 264 s. Doklad Departamenta po ekonomicheskim i sotsialnym voprosam Sekretariata OON: 10 vazhnykh faktov o demograficheskoy situatsii v mire [Elektronnyy resurs] – Rezhim dostupa: id921. Informatsiia pro robotu z zhyteliamy starshoho pokolinnia v m. Mariupoli. / Ofitsiinyi sait Mariupolskoi miskoi rady. – Rezhym dostupu: http:// Krasnova O. V. Sotsialnaya psikhologiya starosti: ucheb. posobie dlya stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedeniy / O. V. Krasnova, A. G. Liders. – M.: Izdatelskiy tsentr «Akademiya», 2002. – 288 s. Lendri Ch. Kreativnyy gorod / Ch. Lendri, per. s angl. V. Gnedovskogo, Khrustalevoy. – M.: Klassika - XXI vek, 2011. – 399 s. Maksimova S. G. Sotsialnaya eksklyuziya lits starshikh vozrastnykh grupp: sotsialno-ekonomicheskie aspekty / S. G. Maksimova, O. Ye. Noyanzina, M. Maksimova, D. K. Shcheglova // Vestnik Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. – 2015. – № 5 (127). – S. 180-181. Naselenie Ukrainy 2017. Chislennost naseleniya Ukrainy [Elektronnyy resurs] / Departament po ekonomicheskim i sotsialnym voprosam OON: Otdel narodonaselennya. – Rezhim dostupa: Nevaeva D. A. Osobennosti sotsialnoy eksklyuzii lits pozhilogo vozrasta / D. A. Nevaeva // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – Vypusk № 2 (58) / tom 2 / 2014. – S. 141-146. Oksamitnaya S. Sotsialnaya eksklyuziya v Ukraine na nachalnoy stadii restavratsii kapitalizma / S. Oksamitnaya, V. Khmelko // Sotsiologiya, teoriya, metody, marketing. – 2004. – № 3. – S. 66-77. Pirogov S. V. Sotsiologiya goroda / S. V. Pirogov. – M.: Novyy uchebnik, 2004. – 208 s. Saponov D. I. Sotsialnaya eksklyuziya pozhilykh: k razrabotke modeli izmereniya / D. I. Saponov, A. A. Smolkin // Monitoring obshchestvennogo mneniya: ekonomicheskie i sotsialnye peremeny. – 2012. - № 5. – S. 81-94. Shmidt V. R. Mezhdistsiplinarnyy podkhod k probleme sotsialnoy eksklyuzii / V. R. Shmidt // Zhurnal issledovaniy sotsialnoy politiki. – 2004. – T. 2. - № 4. – S. 547-566.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 61-71 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.4:159.923.2-057.875(045)
Hirchenko Olena
candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the cathedra of environmental psychology and mental health Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. Shevchenko, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Gender and age mediation of ethnic identity
Thearticlehighlightstheactualethnicidentityproblemingendermanifestation. Ethnic identity and conceptually meaningful phenomena are linked with national identity, ethnic identity, ethnicity.Considered the notion of ethnic identity with a meaningful interpretations. According to the most common, it is a part of person social identity. Studied, that ethnic identity has its own formation mechanisms, such as inheritance, coercion and free choice.Analyzed the age dynamics of ethnic identity and relationship of gender and certain psychological phenomenon. Empirically proved that the expression mark of cognitive component of ethnic identity is more expressed among representatives of youth, because during this period, unlike the teens, it is characterized by the motivated ethnicity choice. Determined the significant differences between respondents of adolescent and youth in terms of ethnic bigotry: the students’ is higher. In general, the trend is evident, according to which teenagers tend to exercise «polar» types of ethnic identity (hypo-, hiper-identity). In adolescence are prevailing normal ethnic identity indexes. It was determined that the types of ethnic identity of the respondents with different types of gender-role behavior significantly different. Particularly marked the differences ofmasculine and undifferentiated typesof individuals.
Keywords: gender, ethnic identity, individually-typological features, nation, folk, ethnic group
Bayburin A.K. Etnicheskie stereotipyi muzhskogo i zhenskogo povedeniya / A.K. Bayburin, I.S. Kon. – SPb.: Nauka, 1991. – 320 s. Belinskaya E.P. Etnicheskaya sotsializatsiya podrostka / E.P. Belinskaya, T.G. Stefanenko. – Voronezh.: NPO «MODEK», 2011. – 270 s. Bendas T.V Gendernaya psihologiya: Uchebnoe posobie / T.V. Bendas. –SPb.: Piter, 2006. – 431 s. Govorun T.V. Genderna psihologIya: Navchalniy posIbnik / T.V. Govorun, O.M. KIkInezhdI. – K.: Vidavnichiy tsentr «AkademIya», 2010. – 308 s. Mandel B.R. Etnopsihologiya: uchebnoe posobie / B.R. Mandel. – 2–e izd., ster. – M.: Flinta, 2014. – 156 s. Stefanenko T.G. Etnopsihologiya: Uchebnik dlya vuzov / T.G. Stefanenko. – 4–e izd., ispr. i dop. – M.: Aspekt Press, 2009. – 368 s. Formuvannya natsIonalnoYi IdentichnostI uchnIvskoYi molodI zasobami suspIlstvoznavchih distsiplIn: naukovo–metodichnI materIali / A.M. StarEva, N.A. Storchak, O.M. Karaulna, D.L. Desyatov, O.V. Volos. – MikolaYiv: OIPPO, 2015. – 711 s. Hotinets V.Yu. Etnicheskoe samosoznanie / V.Yu. Hotinets. – SPb., 2000. – 235 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 72-80 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Honcharenko Y.V.
Тhe concepts of organization of live space of personality in situation of uncertainty
The content of the concepts of live space of personality, the situation of un- certainty and life strategy in the article are revealed. The main theoretical ap- proaches to the study of the problems of live space are considered. The structural components of a situation of uncertainty are highlighted. The ways of life space organization are analyzed. The types of life strategies of personality in the face of uncertainty are defined. It is considered, the problem of personality’s life strate- gies as a way of own life organization is little studied, in particular in a situation of uncertainty. It is noted, that from the very beginning of the research in scientific circula- tion, two concepts coexist: ‘tolerance to uncertainty’ and ‘intolerance to uncer- tainty’. They are seen as a life strategy of personality in a situation of uncertainty, thanks to which person makes different life choices, self-identified, feels stressed and structures own life. It is defined that the life strategy acts as a way of reach- ing a decision, matching their own personal characteristics to external circum- stances, the opportunity to represent their own experiences, ideas, principles, taking into account the features of the actual life situation, its requirements and restrictions.
Keywords: life space of personality, situation of uncertainty, ways of life space organization, life strategy, tolerance to uncertainty
Goncharenko YU.V. Vivchennya zhittєvogo prostoru osobistostі: fіlosofs'ko- psihologіchnij aspekt / YU.V. Goncharenko // Naukovij vіsnik Hersons'kogo derzhavnogo unіversitetu. Serіya : Psihologіchnі nauki. – 2016. – Vip. 1. – S. 130–134 Gusev A. I. Tolerantnost' k neopredelennosti kak sostavlyayushchaya lichnostnogo potenciala / A.I. Gusev // Lichnostnyj potencial: struktura i diagnostika / Pod red. D.A.Leont'eva. – M.: Smysl, 2011. – S. 300 -330 Levin K. Teorija polja v social'nyh naukah / K. Levin. – Sankt - Peterburg: Rech', 2000. – 368 s. Levin K. Topologijaiteorijapolja/ K. Levin// Hrestomatijapoistoriipsihologi / Pod red. P.Ja. Gal'perina, A.N. Zhdan / K. Levin. – Moskva: Moskovskij universitet, 1980. – S. 121–131. Lushin P. V. Neviznachenіst' і tipi stavlennya do neї: situacіya psihologіchnoї dopomogi / P.V. Lushin // Psihologіchne konsul'tuvannya і psihoterapіya. – 2016 – T. 1, № 5 – S. 33 – 40 Parfenova N. B. O podhodah k klassifikacii i diagnostike zhiznennyh situacij [Elektronnij resurs] / N. B. Parfenova // Vestnik Pskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Social'no-gumanitarnye nauki.. – 2009. – Rezhim dostupu do resursu: podhodah-k-klassifikatsii-i-diagnostike-zhiznennyh-situatsiy Peregonchuk N. V. Situacіya neviznachenostі perekhіdnogo perіodu rozvitku suspіl'stvayakpsihologіchnaumovaformuvannyaprofesіjnoїkompetentnostі majbutn'ogo psihologa [Elektronnij resurs] / N. V. Peregonchuk // ScienceRise. -2016. - № 3(1). - S. 41-45. - Rezhim dostupu: ua/UJRN/texc_2016_3(1) 9. Socіal'no - psihologіchnі zasadi stanovlennya ekologіchno orієntovanogo sposobu zhittya osobistostі: monografіya / YU. M.SHvalb, O. L. Vernіk, O. O. Vovchik-Blakitka, O. V. Rudomіno-Dusyats'ka [ta іn.]; za red. YU.M. SHvalba. – Kiїv: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2015. – 216 s. Titarenko T. M. ZHittєvij svіt osobistostі: u mezhah і za mezhami budennostі / T. M. Titarenko. – K. : DP Specіalіzovane vidavnictvo «Libіd'», 2003. – 376 s. Thomae H. Psychologische Biographic als Synthese idiographischer und nomothetischer Forschung. Ibidem, 1987. S.108-116. Hasanov M. R. ZHiznennoe prostranstvo cheloveka / M. R. Hasanov // [Elektronnij resurs] Sovremennye issledovaniya social'nyh problem. – 2011. – № 4. – T.8. – Rezhim dostupu: zhiznennoe-prostranstvo-cheloveka Shvalb Yu. M. K opredelenyyu ponyatyy sredы y prostranstva zhyznedeyatel'nosty cheloveka / Yu. M. Shvalb // Ekolohichna psykholohiya / Za red. Shvalba Yu.M / Yu. M. Shvalb. – Kyyiv: Stalker, 2006. – (Khrestomatiya). – S. 490.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 81-91 (pdf)
UDC: 159.93
Kyrpenko T.M.
Kyrpenko Tetiana
Doctor of Psychological Science, Associate Researcher, Laboratory of Environmental G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology by National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Current state and prospects for the study of volitional regulation of the personality in psychological research
The article describes the history of the psychological and philosophical stud- ies of the phenomenon of “will”. Defined theory will in the domestic and foreign psychology. Were defined the main directions of this research. relevance of the research topic was justified. It was found that the results of external vill regu- lation are the specific achievements of man: victory, achievement, success, and the like. Inside of this changes in the personality, for example, a new attitude toward themselves, develop their own capabilities, increasing their competence, professionalism, emotional stability in their professional activities, to achieve self-changes. We study the the psychological mechanisms willed self-control in an extreme situation. It is stated that the willed self-control is important in ad- aptation and self-control. It was determined that the main function of the will is the conscious regulation of the activity of ability to live in extreme conditions. Is ascertained that insufficiently studies on the structure of strong-willed regulation of activities of ability to live in extreme conditions, its types, kinds. Determined the relevance of the study were the problems and prospects for further research in this direction. Prospects for further research from the theoretical and practical point of view, we consider the problem of the formation of strong-willed regula- tion in childhood and school years in the family and social interaction, study of the structure of strong-willed regulation of activities of ability to live in extreme conditions. Prospects for further research is to study the genesis of strong-willed regulation within all age periods of human life. This will greatly enhance and re- fine knowledge of its manifestations.
Keywords: personality, freedom, voluntarism, motivation, psychic regula- tion, value, social setting
Bozhovich L. I. Problemyi formirovaniya lichnosti: Izbrannyie psiholog- icheskie trudyi / Pod red. D. I. Feldshteyna. 3-e izd. – M. : Moskovskiy psihol- sots. ins-t, Voronezh : NPO «MODEK», 2001. – S. 18—56. Borishevskiy M. I. Razvitie samoregulyatsii povedeniya shkolnikov. Avtoref. diss. doktora psihol. nauk. – M. : AST, 1990. – 40 s. Ilin E. P. Psihologiya voli / Ilin E. P. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – S. 17–195. Leontev A. N. Volya / A. N. Leontev // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. – Ser. 14, Psihologiya. – 1993. – № 2. – S. 3– 14. Kuhl J., Beckmann J. Historical perspectives in the study of action control // Action control: From cognition to behavior / Ed. by J. Kuhl, J. Beckmann. Berlin. N.Y. – 1985. – Р.178–185. Selivanov V. I. Osnovnyie podhodyi k psihologicheskomu issledovaniyu vole- voy aktivnosti lichnosti / V. I. Selivanov // Eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya volevoy aktivnosti. – Ryazan, 1986. – 138 s. Silva M. N., Markland D. A., Minderico C. S., Vieira P.N., Castro M.M., Coutinho S.S., Santos T.C., Matos M.G., Sardinha L.B., Teixeira P.J. A ran- domized controlled trial to evaluate self-determination theory for exercise ad- herence and weight control: Rationale and intervention description // BMC Public Health. – 2008. – Vol. 8. – P. 234–247. Shvalb Yu. M. Vozvraschenie k zabyitoy teme: problema voli v psihologii / Yu. M. Shvalb // zb. nauk. pr. AktualnI problemi psihologIYi. – Zhitomir : Vid-vo ZhDU Im. I. Franka, 2014. – Tom VII. EkologIchna psihologIya. – Vip. 37. – S. 186–199.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 92-101 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.63:128
Kovalenko-Kobylanska I.G.
Kovalenko-Kobylanska Irina
PhD in Psychology Sciences, senior researcher of the Department of Modern Information Technologies of Education. G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology, NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Influence of psychological novel formations of gerontogenesis on actualization of the intellectual sphere
The article deals with the problem of inter-determination of intellectual development during the period of gerontogenesis and psychological novel formations of this period. The urgency is caused by degree of influence of psychological novel formations on the pattern of aging of the person and peculiarities of their socialization. The purpose of the article is to get acquainted with results of the experimental research of inter-determination of cognitive development and psychological novel formations during the period of gerontogenesis. The research included 257 subjects aged 56-97 years, 58% of whom were women and 42% were men. The methods of introspection, phenomenological analysis, clinical conversation, testing were used. The results of the research showed that destructive psychological novel formations have a significant effect on decrease of the cognitive potential, in turn, degrading intellect contributes to de-intellectualization of all mental processes, which leads to decrease in the degree of awareness of what is happening. During the research, it was proved that the prevailing factor of the intellectual development effectiveness is not the age of the old man but the particularity of their psychological novel formations. The possibility of correction of destructive psychological novel formations duringtheperiodofgerontogenesisisprovedexperimentallyduetoincreaseinthe intellectual level of the person. The research aimed at studying the psychological characteristics of the person during the period of gerontogenesis is a necessary condition for creating a society for all.
Keywords: gerontogenes, intelligence� intellectual development, psychoo-- logical novel formation
Dityuk P.P. Sytuatyvna aktyvnist”, vidnosna sub’yektnist” ta svoboda vyboru [Situational activity, relative subjectness and freedom of choice] [Elektronnyj resurs] / P.P.Dityuk //Texnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu. – T.2, № 5 ( 16) 2017. Rezhym dostupu: Dityk_Pavlo_Pavlovych_Sytuatyvna_aktyvnist_vidnosna_subjektnist_ta_ svoboda_vyboru.pdf Intelektual”nyj rozvytok doroslyx u virtual”nomu osvitn”omu prostori : monohrafiya [The intellectual development of adults in virtual educational space] [Elektronnyj resurs] / M.L. Smul”son, Yu.M.Lotoc”ka, M.M.Nazar, P.P.Dityuk, I.H.Kovalenko-Kobylyans”ka [ta in.] ; za red. M. L. Smul»son. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 221 s. – Rezhym dostupu: http://lib.iitta. Karpov A.V. Psihologija soznanija: Metasistemnyj podhod / A.V. Karpov. [Psychology of Consciousness: The Metasystem Approach] – M.: RAO, 2011. – 1088 s. Kovalenko-Kobylyans”ka I. H. Sub’yektna aktyvnist” lyudyny v period hheerr-- ontohenezu v umovax osvitn”oho prostoru Internet [Subject activity of a person during a period of gerontogenesis in conditions of educational space of Internet] [Elektronnyj resurs] / // Texnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu/ T.2, №2 (13), 2016 – Rezhym dostupu ogy_intellect_develop/issue/view/18 Lotoc’ka Ju.M. Psihologіchna jakіst’ zhittja jak naslіdok nashih viborіv [Psychological life quality as consequence of our solutions ] [Elektronnij resurs] / Ju.M.Lotoc’ka //Tehnologії rozvitku іntelektu. – T.2, # 5 ( 16) 2017. Rezhim dostupu: velop/issue/view/10 Mescheryakov D.S. Rivni rozvytku sub”yektnosti [Elektronnyy resurs] / D.S. Mescheryakov // Virtual’nyy osvitniy prostir: psykholohichni problemy : V Mizhnar. nauk-prakt. internet-konf., 10-31 travnya. 2017 r. : tezy dopov. – Rezhym dostupu: fault/files/zagruzheni/mescher yakov_dmytro_2017.pdf Mashbyc” Yu.I. Psyxolohichnyj mexanizm dovyznachennya uchbovoyi zada- chi: sutnist” i evrystychnyj potencial [ The psychological mechanism of ad- ditional determination of educational problems: the nature and heuristic po- tential] / Yu.I.Mashbyc” // Teoriya i texnolohiya proektuvannya navchal”nyx system: Zb. nauk. prac”. – K, 2002. –Vyp. 3. – S. 3 – 17. Nazar M.M. Sub’yektna aktyvnist” v konteksti formuvannya komunikatyvnoyi kompetentnosti [Communicative competence’s forming and development of subject activity] [Elektronnyj resurs] / M.M.Nazar // Texnolohiyi rozvytku intelektu – T. 2, № 1 (12)/ – 2016. [Rezhym dostupu] index.php/technology_intellect_develop/issue/view/17 Smul”son M.L. Psyxolohiya rozvytku intelektu: monohrafiya [Psychology of intellect development] / M.L. Smul”son. – K.: Nora-Druk, 2003. – 298 s. Smulson M.L. Intelekt i mental’ni modeli svitu. // Naukovi zapysky. Seriya “Psykholohiya i pedahohika”. Tematychnyy vypusk “Suchasni doslidzhennya kohnityvnoyi psykholohiyi” – Ostroh: Vyd-vo Natsional’noho universytetu “Ostroh”, 2009. – Vyp.12. – S. 38 – 49 Holodnaja M.A. Psihologija intellekta. Paradoksy issledovanija [Psychology of the intellect. Paradoxes of research] /M.A.Holodnaja– Moskva – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. un-ta, 1997. – 392 s. Chepelyeva N.V. Dyskursyvni zasoby samoproektuvannya osobystosti [Discourse means of personality self-designing] / N.V. Chepelyeva // Naukovi zapysky. Seriya «Psyxolohiya i pedahohika». Tematychnyj vypusk «Aktual”ni problemy kohnityvnoyi psyxolohiyi». – Ostroh: Vyd-vo Nacional”noho uni- versytetu «Ostroz”ka akademiya», 2013. – Vyp. 24. – S. 7 – 11.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 102-110 (pdf)
UDC: 316.621
Komar T.O.
Ethnic stereotypes of the University students
A theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of mentality, social stereotypes and archetypes is carried out and their differences and correlation are analyzed. The mentality as an integrative ethnopsychological sign of a nation and the reasons for the genesis of social styles that lead to the polarization of Ukrainian society are disclosed. In the experimental part, ethnic affiliative tendencies, ethnic self-awareness, ethnic identity of students from different regions of Ukraine and their transfor- mation in conditions of interethnic tension are empirically investigated.
Keywords: students, mentality, ethnic stereotypes, ethnic identity, ethnic affi associative maps of Ukraine, national success, the collective uncon- sciousness.
Asmolov A.G., SHlyagina E.I. Nacional’nyj harakter i individual’nost’: opyt ehtnopsihologicheskogo analiza / A.G. Asmolov, E.I.SHlyagina // Psihologicheskie problemy individual’nosti. - M.: Pedagogika, 1984. – 176s. Andreeva G.M. Psihologiya social’nogo poznaniya : Ucheb. po-sobie dlya studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij / G.M. An-dreeva. – M.: Aspekt-Press, 2000. – 288 s. Bayazitov R.F. Avtoritarnyj stereotip: sushchnost’ i pro-yavleniya v social’nyh vzaimodejstviyah: [Monografiya] / R.F. Bayazitov. – Nizhnekamsk : Izd-vo NMI, 2006. – 175 s. Gnatenko P.I. EHtnicheskie ustanovki i ehtnicheskie stereotipy / P.I. Gnatenko, V.N. Pavlenko. – Dnepropetrovsk: DGU, 1995. – 200 s. Gnatenko P. Nacіonal’nij harakter / P. Gnatenko. – K., Dnіpro, 1992. -234s. Sociologicheskij ehnciklopedicheskij slovar’: na russkom, anglijskom, nemeckom, francuzkom i cheshskom yazykah / Red-koordinator akad. G. V. Osipov. – M. : Izdat. gruppa INFRA-M-NORMA, 1998. – 488 s. Korostelina K.V. Social’no-psihologicheskie korni ehtnicheskih problem / K.V. Korostelina // ZHurnal prakti-kuyushchego psihologa. – 1999. – № 5. – S. 109-133. Popkov V.D. Stereotipy i predrassudki: ih vliyanie na pro-cess mezhkul’turnoj kommunikacii / V.D. Popkov // ZHur-nal sociologii i social’noj antropologii. – 2002. – t.V. CHerednіchenko O. A. Osnovnі risi mental’nostі ukraїncіv ta їh vіdobrazhennya u romanі-dilogії Volodimira Drozda «Listya zemlі» / O. A. CHerednіchenko // Nauk. zap. Harkіv. nac. ped. un-tu іm. G. Skovorodi. Serіya : Lіteraturoznavstvo. – 2010. – Vip. 4, ch. 1. – S. 135.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 111-120 (pdf)
UDC: 316.47-055.2(477)(045)
Kulikova A.O.
Kulikova Anastasiia
the getter Institut of psychology of G.S. Kostiuk NAPN of Ukraine, Kiev, the assistant to department of practical psychology of the Mariupol state university, Mariupol, Ukraine
Divorce as a factor of changes in self-image of women
The paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of divorce as a factor of change in self-image of women. Recent studies refl the critical state of the institution of marriage, the manifestations of which are negative indicators reproduction, reducing the number of marriages, the high frequency-marital relationships (adultery), the constant increase in the number of divorces and broken families, increased popularity of «alternative» forms of marriage (gay, open, family-single, marriage of the distance, etc.), increased tolerance to various options neoseksualnyh practices and others. Divorce - marriage break - according to research is one of the first places on the scale of stress. This is a time of crisis in family life when couples crumbling relationship when two due to family conflicts or awareness of emotional detachment, decided to leave to live apart or to resume the search for personal happiness. Restriction or gap interpersonal relationships, personal expectations violate the normal course of life and can be one of the causes of social and psychological desadaptation. Divorce itself consists of several stages: the emergence of thoughts about divorce, decision-making, application and legal divorce divorce situation associated with severe emotional experiences, with changing the image of «I am Woman», lower self-esteem, there is a distrust of the opposite sex, generated new fears characteristic is unstable emotional state, affective reactions possible exclusion and so on.
Keywords: Self-image, divorce, сhanged, desadaptation, emotional distress, complex life circumstances, Diffi life circumstances, self-concept
The collection of theses of reports ІІ the International cadet and student's scientific conference «Culture as a phenomenon of human spirit (versatility and scientific judgment)» / Problems of stressful situations of the individual in young marriage. Psychology of treason and divorce / O.O. Kurovsky – Lviv: I LIE BZhD, 2013. – Page 288-291 Iksanova L.P. Features of the relations of the spouses living in the unregistered marriage // Psychology of the 21st century: International interuniversity scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students / L.P. Iksanova – SPb., 2003. – Page 225-227. Puzko V. I., Ushakova E.G. Crisis of motherhood as values in the modern world // the Moscow psychotherapeutic magazine / V.I. Puzko, E.G. Ushakov –М., 2002. – №. 3 – Page 18-30. Phillips Ch.T. Inseparability of the rights and duties was weeded here mutual conditionality of male and female roles in a family // by Feminism and a family / Ch.T. Phillips – M., 2002. – Page 125-130. Maddock J.W. Families Before and After Perestroika. Russian and U.S. Perspectives / Maddock J.W., Hogan M.J., Antonov A.I., Matskovsky M.S. – NY., 1994. – 79 p. Padzhakovskа К. The perversion / Lane with English K.S. Dorokhina // К. Padzhakovskа – M.: LLC Publishing House Prospectus, 2002. – 78 pages. Dubas M.K. Training of youth for family life: gender measurement // Gender: realities and prospects in the Ukrainian society: All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference. Kiev, on December 11-13, 2003. / M.K. Dubas – К., 2003. – Page 228-230. Levanova I.L. Personal features of spouses from sexually deadapted couples / messenger of Kharkiv university. Psychology series // I.L. Levanova – Kh.,1999. – №. 432. – Page 201-203. Kovalyov S.V. Psychology of a modern family / S.V. Kovalyov – M., 1988. – 208 pages. Humanization of teaching and educational process: Collection of scientific works. – release XLI / For professional V.І. Sipchenka / Subjective experience of a divorce as a destructive factor in professional activity of fe- male tutors // D. Zubtsov – Sloviansk: SDPU, 2008. – Page 274-279. Donets О.І. Features self-perception women after the divorce / О.І. Donets // Scientific magazine «Young Scientist». – Kherson: Gelvetika, 2015. – №. 2(17). – Page 380-383 Holmes T.H. The social readjustment rating scale/ T.H. Holmes, R.H. Rahe // Journal of Psychosomatic Research. – 1967. – Vol. 11. – Page 213-218. Schneider L.B. Family psychology: Manual for higher education institu- tions/ L.B. Schneider. – [2nd prod.]. – M.: Academic Project; Yekaterinburg: Business book, 2006. – 768 pages. Gіbner S.M. Neurotic, personal and sexual frustration at the divorced lonely men and their psychotherapeutic correction: avtoref. yew. on receiving sciences. degrees edging. medical sciences: special 19.00.04 «Medical psychology» / S.M. Gіbner. – X., 2006. – 18 pages. Rotenberg V.S. Search activity and adaptation / V.S. Rotenberg, V.V. Arshavsky – M.: Science, 1984. – 192 pages
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 121-132 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Liovochkina A.M.
Liovochkina Antonina
Doctor of psychology, professor of Department of Social Work Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Psychological and methodological features of formation of stress resistance of future social workers
The article is devoted to the solution of psychological problems of forming the readiness of future social workers to certain peculiarities of professional activity, namely, the formation of the ability to act in stressful situations, which are often encountered by professionals working in the field of social work. Stress situation is considered as causing a special mental state, which is a kind of form of reflection by the subject of a complex, extreme situation in which it is located. It is emphasized on the necessity of formation and development of stress resistance, which, in its turn, consists of four components: cognitive, conative, emotional and motivational. It is noted that the ability to adequately behave in difficult situations in professional activities, demonstrates not only his endurance and tolerance, which should testify to the professionalism of a social worker, but also prevents his professional deformation and contributes to the preservation of health. The program of formation and development of stress-resistance of future social workers is offered. The operation of this program is planned within the framework of the discipline “Social work with victims of emergencies and migrants”, which is obligatory for studying within the educational level “bachelor” of the specialty “Social work”
Keywords: social work stress stress resistance components of stress resistance stressful situation in the professional activities of a social worker professional burnout.
Ababkov V.A. Adaptatsyya k stressu: osnovы teoryy, dyahnostyky, terapyy / V.A.Ababkov, M.Pere. — S.Pb.: Rech', 2004. — 166 s. Alyev Kh. Zashchyta ot stressa. Kak sokhranyt’ y realyzovat’ sebya v sovremennыkh uslovyyakh./ Kh. Alyev – M.: Martyn, 1996. - 239 Berdnyk H. B. Doslidzhennya stresostiykosti osobystosti maybutn’oho praktychnoho psykholoha v protsesi profesiynoyi pidhotovky u VNZ / H. B. Berdnyk // Visnyk pislyadyplomnoyi osvity. - 2009. - Vyp. 11(2). - S. 19-28. Vodop’yanova N.E. Psykhodyahnostyka stressa / N.E.Vodop’yanova.- SPb.: Pyter, 2009.-336 s. Hremlynh S. Praktykum po upravlenyyu stressom / S.Hremlynh, S.Auэrbakh. — S.Pb.: Pyter, 2002. — 240 s. Dubchak H.M. Rozuminnyaprofesiynoyistresostiykostiupsykholohichniy literaturi/H.M.Dubchak// Naukovyyvisnyk Chernivets’kohouniversytetu : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats’.- Vyp. 649. Pedahohika ta psykholohiya.- Chernivtsi : Chernivets’kyy nats. universytet, 2014.- S.39-47 Karvasarskyy B.D. (obshchaya red.) Psykhoterapevtycheskaya эntsyklopedyya. / B.D. Karvasarskyy – SPb.: Pyter Kom., 1998. – 752 s. Kytaev-Smыk L.A. - Psykholohyya stressa. Psykholohycheskaya antropolohyya stressa. 2-e yzd. (Akademycheskyy Proekt, 2009, 943s. Kokun O.M. Psykholohiya profesiynoho stanovlennya suchasnoho fakhivtsya : monohrafiya / O.M.Kokun. - K.: DP «Inform.- analit. ahent·stvo, 2012.- 200s. / Kraynyuk V.M. Psykholohiya stresostiykosti osobystosti / V.M. Kraynyuk. - K.: Nika - Tsentr, 2007.- 432 s. Malkyna-Pыkh Y.H. Эkstremal’nыe sytuatsyy. – M.: Yzd-vo Эksmo, 2005.– 960 s. Osypova A.A. Obshchaya psykhokorrektsyya: Uchebnoe posobye dlya studentov vuzov. – M., TTs «Sfera», 2000. – 510s. Perlz F. S., Hudmen P., Khefferlyn R. Praktykum po heshtal’t-terapyy / F.Perlz P. Hudmen, R. Khefferlyn – 240 s. Psykholohyya эkstremal’nыkh sytuatsyy: Khrestomatyya/ Sost. A.E. Taras, K.V.Sel’chenok. Mynsk, Kharvest, 1999. – 620s. Rodzhers K. Vz·hlyad na psykhoterapyyu. Stanovlenye cheloveka. – M.: Prohress-Unyvers, 1994 . – 478 s. Sel’e H. Stress bez dystressa / H. Sel’e - M.: Prohress, 1982. – 122s. Stolyarenko A.M. Эkstremal’naya psykhopedahohyka: Ucheb. posobye dlya vuzov. – M.: YuNYTY-DANA, 2002. – 607 s. Tytarenko T. M., Lyepikhova L. A., Klyapets’ O. Ya. Formuvannya v molodi nastanov na zdorovyy sposib zhyttya: Metodychni rekomendatsiyi / T.M.Tytarenko, L.A.Lyepikhova, O.Ya.Klyapets’- K.: Milenium, 2006. - 124 s. Cherepanova E.M., Psykholohycheskyy stress. M., Akademyya, 1996. 20.Shcherbatыkh Yu.V. Psykholohyya stressa y metodы korrektsyy / Yu.Z. Shcherbatыkh.- SPb.: Pyter, 2006. – 256 c. References transl
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 133-144 (pdf)
UDC: 159.923.2.5.922.6
Mazurenko K.V.
Mazurenko Kateryna
Lecturer at Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Psychology Department, Chair of General Psychology, PhD, Kyiv, Ukraine
The leading activity as element of subject’ lifestyle psychological analyses in the view of the subject-activity approach (formulation of the problem)
The crisis of modern social institutes, like education and professional regu- lation, needs psychological analysis of human activities they are dedicated. In accordance to activity theory by A.N.Leontiev, these activities, named leading activities, determinate appearance and development the most important psychic formations in the relevant age. In preschool game child takes possession of hu- man acts with subjects and symbol thinking is developed in this process. In school education child deals with social-culture consciousness and theoretical thinking is developed in this process. In professional work process human self-conscious- ness, self-realization are formed. Motive for the conquest of the world is realized in any leading activity. In this process, by S.L.Rubinshtein ideas, human is a sub- ject of activity, in means “author”, “initiator”, “owner”. The problem lyes in the fact, that leading activity psychological analyses does not take into account that the subject of activity is the subject of lifestyle in the same time and leading activ- ity is closely connected with other subject activities. Review of leading activity as element of subject’ lifestyle sets psychological analyses tasks of research subject of lifestyle as internal condition of leading activity and leading activity as hole subject of lifestyle determinant. Under the internal conditions it is understood the level of subject’ activity (by D.B.Bogoyavlenskaya, A.V.Petrovskiy), proper- ties of integral individuality (by V.S.Merlin) and subjective plan of activity (by B.F.Lomov). Leading activity connection with quality of life research becomes the base of psychological recommendations to social institutes design and deter- mines the social relevance of the study.
Keywords: psychological characteristics of children of primary school age Ecological trail environmental educational environment� environmental awareness ecological culture.
Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. (1983). Intellektualnaya aktivnost kak problema tvorchestva. Rostov-n/Donu: Izd-vo RGU [In Russian]. Brushlinskiy A.V. (2006). Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi. M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN» [In Russian]. Vodopyanova N.E., Naumova T.S. (2015). Intrasub’ektnyie faktoryi ustoychivosti k professionalnomu vyigoraniya molodyih spetsialistov [Subject’ internal factors of young specialists resistance to professional burnout]. Sovremennyie issledovaniya sotsialnyih problem (elektronnyiy nauchnyiy zhurnal) — Modern Research of Social Problems, 1(45), Р. 148- 158. Retrieved from faktory-ustoychivosti-k-professionalnomu-vygoraniyu-molodyh- spetsialistov.pdf [In Russian]. Davyidov V.V. (1992). Psihologicheskaya teoriya uchebnoy deyatelnosti i metodov nachalnogo obucheniya, osnovannyih na soderzhatelnom obobschenii. Tomsk: Peleng [In Russian]. Didenko G.O. (2015). Stil zhittya u sotsIalno-psihologichnomu vimiri [The lifestyle in social and psychological view]. Young Scientists, 1(41), 229-232. [In Ukrainian]. Ilin E.P. (2012). Psihologiya vzroslosti. SPb.: Piter, 2012. [In Russian]. Leontev A.N. (1975). Deyatelnost. Soznanie. Lichnost. M.: Politizdat [In Russian]. Leontev A.M. (1981). Problemyi razvitiya psihiki. M.: MGU [In Russian]. Lomov B.F. (1984). Metodologicheskie i teoreticheskie problemyi psihologii. M.: Nauka [In Russian]. Merlin V.S. (1986). Ocherk integralnogo issledovaniya individualnosti. M.: Pedagogika [In Russian]. Muradyan O.S. (2012). Sposib zhittya yak sistema sotsialnoyi diyi: sproba kontseptualizatsiyi [The lifestyle as the system of social act: the conceptualization attempt]. Sotsiologichni studiyi — Sociological studios, 1, 81-87. [In Ukrainian]. Orlova E.A. (2002). Sotsiokulturnoe prostranstvo obyidennoy zhizni. Metodicheskoe posobie po kursu «Kulturnaya antropologiya». M. [In Russian]. Petrovskiy V.A. (1996). Lichnost v psihologii: paradigma sub’ektnosti. Rostov n/D: Feniks [In Russian]. Rubinshteyn S.L. (1957). Byitie i soznanie: O meste psihicheskogo vo vseobschey vzaimosvyazi yavleniy materialnogo mira. M.: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR [In Russian]. Tolochek V.A. (2005). Sovremennaya psihologiya truda. Uchebnoe posobie. SPb.: Piter, [In Russian]. Shvalb Yu.M. (2015). Prostorovo-psihologichna organizatsiya seredovischa buttya i zhittedlyalnosti [Spatially psychological organization of the environment of life and life]. Aktualni problemi psihologiyi: Zbirnik naukovih prats Institutu psihologiyi imeni G.S. Kostyuka. – Ekologichna psihologiya. — Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. — Environmental Psychology, Vol. VII, 40, 198-207. [In Ukrainian].
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 145-154 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.73 : 614.876
Maksymov M.V.
Maksymov Mykola
psychology faculty Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ecological music space person as a factor of formation
In the article the problem of environmental communications musical space and forming the human person. We show that the basis of aesthetic affects reac- tions are caused by human art and experienced with all the reality and power, but find yourself easing in activity. This is possible to achieve optimal conditions for supporting human psychological balance with the environment. This happens because the unconscious compensation settings Set consciousness. Otherwise consciousness suppressed unconscious impulses and the human soul is satu- rated with conflicting states destructive impulses which at any time can get out of control and push people to immoral or criminal acts. Thus, the musical art - is the activity that allows for harmonization of the internal to the external, that is an important part of identity formation. One of the causes of variation in hu- man behavior and improper adherence to social norms is the influence of the media, cinema, music and more. An integral part of these means of infl is a musical space. The negative impact of the lack of vision of creating an area of contemporary music amplified accumulation disharmonious sound-aggressive environment. The existence of human communication musical tastes of harmony and personal maturity, which gives reason to identify ways of identity formation by means of music. Appreciation and recognition of classical music as an important element of their spiritual baggage occur in humans as a result of a prosotsialnyh maturity of the plants chosen lifestyle, due to the system of value orientations of individuals.
Keywords: ecology, music space, the formation of the human person, art, values individual
Bikhovs’kiy G. Víd katarsisu do tvoru mistetstva // Psychoanalis and Culture. – N.-Y., 1955. Vygotskiy L.S. Psikhologiya iskusstva / 1Pod red. M.G. Yaroshevskogo. – M.: Pedagogika, 1987. – 344 s. Gabrichevskiy A.G. Opyty po ontologii iskusstva / A.G. Gabrichevskiy // Voprosy filosofii. 1994. -№ 3. - S. 134-147. Kazantseva L.P. Soderzhaniye muzykal’nogo proizvedeniya v kontekste khu- dozhestvennoy kul’tury / L.P. Kazantseva. Astrakhan’: GP AO IPK Volga, 2005. - 112 s. Kirchik I.A. Problemy analiza muzykal’nogo vremeni -prostranstva / I.A. Kirchik // Muzykal’noye iskusstvo i nauka M.: Muzyka, 1987. Vyp. 1.-S. 85- 97. Maslou A. Samoaktualizatsiya // Psikhologiya lichnosti: Teksty. – M., 1982. — 362 s. Minayev Ye.A. Muzykal’no-informatsionnoye pole v evolyutsionnykh protses- sakh iskusstva: avtoref. dis. d-ra iskusstvovedeniya / Ye.A. Minayev. M.: Izd- vo RAM im. Gnesinykh, 2000.-66 s. Nazaykinskiy Ye.V. Zvukovoy mir muziki M.: Muzyka, 1988 – 254 s. Orlov G.A. Vremya i prostranstvo v muzyke / G.A. Orlov // Problemy muzykal’noy nauki. M.: Muzyka, 1972. Vyp. 1. - S. 358-394. T. 6. M.: “Nauka”, 1981. Turgenev I. S. Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy i pisem v tridtsati tomakh. T. 6. M.: “Nauka”, 1981.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 155-163 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Maksymov N.Yu.
Maksymov Natalia
doctor of psychological sciences, professor, professor of social science department of sociology and pedagogy faculty of psychology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Psychological factors ecologicity of the family system
In the article the problem of psychological factors determining environmen- tal family system. It is shown that environmental violations functioning of the family as a system is due to the failure or improper performance spouses fam- ily functions. This leads to the fact that the family is disharmonious (problem), and further dysfunctional. Dysfunctional family in a broad sense is a system that determines the curvature of personal development, and therefore, maladaptive, deviant behavior or neurotic disorder one or more of its members. It is proved that the ability to perform their family functions infl by a number of ob- jective and subjective factors. Among the objective factors should first be noted economic. The income level of most of the population does not allow to fully sat- isfy the material needs of the family, which is one of the causes of conflict in the family. Another objective factor is social instability resulting from changes in the social system, and the fact that the generation of today’s youth and young adults is at the intersection of two cultural and ideological infl s. The criteria by which to determine the degree of environmental compatibility of family relationships, namely respect for difference; sincerity of expression and feelings; dynamic relationships; exchange of roles; compliance with the limits of the individual; Openness family; emotional and spiritual intimacy.
Keywords: family system, family functions, criteria for environmental family relationships, neurotic disorders, deviant behavior
Vitaker K. Polnochnyye razmyshleniya semeynogo terapevta / K. Vitaker. – M.: Klass, 1997. Rodzhers K. Psikhologiya supruzheskikh otnosheniy / K. Rodzhers. – M., 2002. Satir V. Psikhoterapiya sem’i / V. Satir; per. s angl. – SPb. : Rech’, 2000.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 164-172 (pdf)
UDC: 159.942+159.922.2]:37.018.1–053.6(045)
Munasypova-Motyash I.A.
Munasypova-Motyash Іrina
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of ecological psychology and psychical health Chernigiv national pedagogical university of T.G. Shevchenko, Chernigiv, Ukraine
The relationship of emotional intelligence and environmental consciousness of teenagers with various types of family education
In the article the problem of correlation of emotional intelligence and envi- ronmental consciousness of adolescents depending on the type of family educa- tion is considered. The results of empirical research of interrelation of indicators of emotional intelligence and ecological consciousness of adolescents with differ- ent type of relationship with mothers are shown. A greater number of relationships between indicators of emotional intel- ligence and environmental consciousness of adolescents with an autonomous type of family education are identified. These results can be explained by the fact that teens who experienced the autonomous parenting style are more in- dependent, they take vital decisions and build relationships with the environ- ment, in contrast to students with a positive type of parenting. The latter often rely on adults and trust them to solve their problems. Also adolescents with a positive type of education are more focused on the self than on the environ- ment. Instead, students with autonomous type of parenting that feel lack of attention from parents (indifference, rejection of the adolescent as a person), reproduce the mental state of experiencing the environment regardless of ex- ternal reminding of it, are interested in environmental issues, feel them (the desire to preserve the environment, compassion for homeless animals, desire to help living beings). The prospect for further research is the study and com- parison of the leading ecological settings, indicators of ecological competence, the level of formation of involvement, and the dominant mental states of teens with positive and autonomous types of education.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, environmental awareness, relevance, infantilism, escapism, ecopsychology dispositions, types of family education, positive, directive, hostile, and autonomous
Andreeva I.N. O stanovlenii ponjatija «jemocionalnyj intellekt» / I.N. Andreeva // Voprosy psihologii. – 2008. – №5. – S. 83 – 95. Vorobeva L.I., Petrovskij V.A., Feldshtejn D.I. Psihologicheskaja rol i mesto podrostkovogovozrastavontogeneze// Psihologijasovremennogopodrostka. – M., 1987. – 240 s. Gercov A. Prakticheskaja psihologija dlja podrostkov i roditelej / A. Gercov. SPb. : Piter, 2006. – S. 168 – 196. Melnichuk І. Geneza emocіjnih porushen u dіtej rіznogo vіku ta statі: avtoref. diss. … kandidat psihologіchnih nauk. / І. Melnichuk. – Harkіv, 2003. – 15 s. Psihologija cheloveka ot rozhdenija do smerti: Serija psihologicheskaja inciklopedija // pod red. A.A. Rean. / SPb.: «Izdatelstvo AST», 2015. – 656 s. Rogov Є.І. Nastіlna kniga praktichnogo psihologa: Ucheb. posіbnik: U 2 kn. - 2-e vid., Pererab. і dop. / Є.І. Rogov. – M.: Guma-nіt. vid. centr VLADOS. - Kn. 1: Sistema roboti psihologa z dіtmi rіznogo vіku. – 384 s. Skrebec V.O., Shlіmakova І.І. Ekologіchna psihologіja. Pіdruchnik dlja studentіv ta vikladachіv vishhih navchal'nih zakladіv. / V.O. Skrebec, І.І. Shlіmakova. – K. : Vidavnichij dіm «Slovo», 2014. – 434 s. Jakobson P. Izuchenie chuvstv u detej i podrostkov/ P. Jakobson. – M.: Izd- vo APN RS FSR, 1961. – 216 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 173-182 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Mysnikova E.A.
Mysnikova Elvina
an assistant professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of Zabaikalskiy State University, Chita, Russia
On the Resilience of the Youth Population Living in Ecologically Adverse Areas
The article summarizes the findings of researching resilience of youth popula- tion in ecologically adverse areas of Zabaikalskiy Krai. The topicality of the given research comes from the fact that ecologically adverse environment strains adap- tation mechanisms of human development and the outcomes of such a tension require a thorough examination. Being one the constituent parts of vitality, the construct of resilience represents a set of skills and attitudes allowing to effec- tively find a way out of difficult real-life situations. Taking into account ranging of the areas owing to some natural (“pollution”, physical environment of the area) and social (social status) factors we have analyzed and supervised the empirical data collection by comparing it to the indicators of the psychological adaptation of the research subjects living in similar or different conditions of the inhabitable environment. In the empirical part of the study we have applied both survey and test methods. In the given research conducted in the Laboratory of the Regional Studies of Psyche of Zabaikalskiy State University resilience is regarded as an in- dicator of social and psychological level of psychological adaptation. The research relies upon the principle of consistency and implements V. I. Panov’s eco-psy- chological approach to psychic development as well as the resilience test by D.A. Leontiev and E.I. Rasskazova (the adaptation of Muddy’s test). The population variability of the psyche of the test subjects is also being analyzed. The results of the conducted research show the tendency for the resilience indicators to float to the lower bounds of the adaptive norm.
Keywords: resilience, vitality, psychological adaptation, youth popula- tion, environmental adversity
Agadzhanjan N.A., Gomboeva N.G. Adaptacija, jekologija i zdorov’e naseleni- ja razlichnyh jetnicheskih grupp Vostochnogo Zabajkal’ja: Nauchnoe izdanie. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN; Chita: Izd-vo ZabGPU, 2005. 152 s. Kaznacheev V.P. Sovremennye aspekty adaptacii. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980. 192 s. Lebedev V.I. Lichnost’ v jekstremal’nyh uslovijah. M.: Politizdat, 1989. 303 s. Leont’ev D.A., Rasskazova E.I. Test zhiznestojkosti. M.: Smysl, 2006. 63 s. Medvedev V.I. Ustojchivost’ fiziologicheskih i psihologicheskih funkcij che- loveka pri dejstvii jekstremal’nyh faktorov. L., 1982. 103 s. Nalivajko T. V. Issledovanie zhiznestojkosti i ee svjazej so svojstvami lichnos- ti: avtoref. dis. … kand. psihol. nauk. Jaroslavl’. 2006. 23 s. Panov V.I. Jekologicheskaja psihologija: Opyt postroenija metodologii. M.: Nauka, 2004. 197 s. Prohorenko E.A. Kompleksnoe issledovanie adaptacionnyh vozmozhnostej organizma studentov v uslovijah jekologicheskogo neblagopoluchija: av- toreferat diss. … kand. biol. nauk. Ul'janovsk, 2012. Psihologicheskaja adaptacija cheloveka v oslozhnennyh uslovijah zhiznennoj sredy: kollektivnaja monografija / pod nauchnoj red. N.M. Saraevoj; Zabajkal. gos. un-t. Chita: ZabGU, 2014. 339s. Stecishin R.I. Lichnostno-psihologicheskie resursy zhiznestojkosti (na prim- ere lichnosti vracha-klinicista): diss. ... kand. psihol. nauk. Krasnodar, 2008. 189 s. Fominova A. N. Zhiznestojkost' lichnosti. Monografija. MPGU, Izdatel'stvo «Prometej», 2012. Ciring D.A. Issledovanie zhiznestojkosti u bespomoshhnyh i samostojatel'nyh podrostkov // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2009. № 323. S. 336-342. Janickij M.S. Adaptacionnyj process: psihologicheskie mehanizmy i za- konomernosti dinamiki: uchebnoe posobie. Kemerovo: Kemerovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 1999. 84 s. Maddi S., Kobasa S. The Hardy Executive: Health under Stress. Homewood (IL): Dow Jones-Irwin, 1984.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 183-192 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Pavlenko O.V.
Pavlenko Oksana
department of practical psychology of the Mariupol state university, Mariupol, Ukraine
Features psychosemantic space of vital experience
The article discusses the study of semantic space of the psychological category of life experience by the method of semantic differential. The factors that are key in building a personality of his experience. These factors are emotional, meaning- ful and conceptual components of experience. The analysis of the significance of these components for members of the control and experimental groups. Revealed the predominance of the semantic components of life experience for immigrants and meaningful for the residents of the stable regions of Ukraine. Analyzed the willingness of selected groups to receive a new experience. It is revealed that the greatest willingness is shown by the residents of the border zone ATO territories, the lowest - soldiers who are serving in the ATO area.
Keywords: life experience, semantic differential, semantic space of life ex- perience, the components of life experience, openness to new experience
Artem’eva E.Ju. Opisanie struktur subektivnogo opyta: kontekst i zadachi / E.Ju. Artem’eva, Ju.K. Strelkov, V.P. Serkin // Myshlenie. Obshhenie. Opyt. Mezhvuzovskij tematicheskij sbornik. – Jaroslavl’: JarGU, 1983. – S.99–108. Drobot O.V. Profesіjna svіdomіst’ kerіvnika: navchal’nij posіbnik / O.V. Drobot. – K.: Talkom, 2016. –339 s. Laktіonov O.M. Koordinati іndivіdual’nogo dosvіdu / O.M.Laktіonov. – Harkіv: HNU іmenі V.N. Karazіna, 2010. –366 s. Osgud Ch. Prilozhenie metodiki semanticheskogo differenciala k issledovanijam po jestetike i smezhnym problemam / Ch. Osgud, Dzh. Susi, P. Tannenbaum. // Semiotika i iskusstvometrija. –M.: Mir, 1972. Petrenko V.F. Vvedenie v jeksperimental’nuju psihosemantiku: issledovanie form reprezentacii v obydennom soznanii / V.F. Petrenko. – M. : MGU, 1983. – 176 s. Shvalb Ju. M. Psihologicheskie formy fiksacii zhiznennogo opyta / Ju. M. Shvalb // Aktual’nі problemi psihologії: Psihologіchna germenevtika / Za red. N. V.Chepelєva. – K.: Mіlenіum, 2005. – T. 2. – Vip. 3. – S. 14-20.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 193-203 (pdf)
UDC: 316.621
Piontkivska O.G.
Piontkivska Olena
Department of Social Work Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
Valuable orientations of public active of the elderly people
The article is devoted to the analysis of value orientations of social active el- derly people. The relevance of the study is determined to the fact that the ques- tions of support and development of social activity of the elderly are relevant, but not explored. Proceeding from this, a need arises for studying value orientations as one of the factors of the social activity of the elderly. The article contains the main directions of research of social activity of elderly people by domestic and foreign scientists. The article describes the main methods of studying the value orientations of elderly people, used by the author. The results of the study of val- ue orientations of socially active elderly people are presented. The indicated ways of further use of the results obtained.
Keywords: social activity of elderly people, public activity, value orienta- tions, elderly age
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 204-212 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922-053.6]:34(045)
Panchenko T.S.
Panchenko Tamara
Chernigiv national pedagogical university of T.G. Shevchenko, Chernigiv, Ukraine
Peculiarities of legal consciousness of urban and rural youth
The article is devoted to studying of features of urban and rural youth’s legal consciousness. Structure is considered, factors infl the level of develop- ment of legal consciousness are defined in the article. The main attention is paid to features of the social environment, namely of urban and rural communities as factor, causing peculiarities of development of youth’s legal consciousness.It is defined that formality of relations that causes isolation and loneliness of urban population, impersonality and depersonalization; heterogeneity that causes tol- erant, even indifferent attitude towards other people; weakness of social control are distinctive features of urban community. Membership in rural community is personally significant for individuals; homogeneity that causes preservation and transmitting traditions from generation to generation; tight social control are typical for it. These values are shown to members of communities and fixed in the form of their valuable orientations and social settings. They define pecu- liarities of legal consciousness of youth.Empirical research has proved existence of distinctions in legal consciousness of urban and rural youth. The rural youth is more inclined to manifestation of positive types of the attitude towards the law and the legal phenomena than the urban youth. In social ideas about the law of rural youth emotional components of reflection of this legal category that indicates bigger personal importance of it in value system of youth are revealed. While the urban youth looks at it through a prism of perfection and shows prag- matical attitude towards the law.
Keywords: legal consciousness, attitude towards law and legal phenom- ena, legal socialization, social and psychological factors of legal consciousness, rural youth, urban youth
Havrylovska K.P. Osobystist yak subiekt aktyvnosti u protsesi pravovoi sotsializatsii/ K.P. Havrylovska // Problemy zahalnoi ta pedahohichnoi psykholohii. Zb. nauk. prats Instytutu psykholohii im. H.S. Kostiuka APN Ukrainy. – T. VI, vyp. 3. – S.75-79. Hubeladze I.H. Silska molod u misti: poshuk identychnosti: monohrafiia/ I.H. Hubeladze. – K.: Milenium, 2015. – 238s. Diduk I. A. Pravovi uiavlennia molodi yak rezultat vidobrazhennia realnosti / I.A. Diduk // Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii. Zb. statei. – K., 2007. – Vyp. 18 (21). – S. 169-180. Dukhnevych V.M. Polityko-pravova svidomist osobystosti ta stanovlennia hromadianskoi pozytsii molodi / V. M.Dukhnevych // Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii: zb. statei. – Vyp. 35(38). – K.: Milenium. 2015.– S. 216-230.5. 5. Enikeev M.I. Osnovyobshhejijuridicheskojpsihologii: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Jurist#, 1996. – 631 s. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Yurydychna psykholohiia: Navchalnyi posibnyk / L.E. Orban-Lembryk, V.V. Koshchynets. – Chernivtsi: Knyhy-KhKhI, 2007. – 448 s. Pochebut L.G. Vzaimoponimanie kul'tur: Metodologija i metody jetnicheskoj i kross-kul'turnoj psihologii. Psihologija mezhjetnicheskoj tolerantnosti: Uchebnoe posobie / L.G. Pochebut. – SPb: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 2005. – S. 214-218. Ratinov A.R. Pravovaja psihologija i prestupnoe povedenie. Teorija i metodologija issledovanija / A.R. Ratinov, G.H. Efremova. – Krasnojarsk: Izd-vo Krasnojarskogo un-ta, 1988. – 256 s. Sivers Z.F. Uiavlennia molodi pro vlasni prava yak pokaznyk ochikuvan instytutsionalnoi spravedlyvosti / Z.F. Sivers // Naukovi studii iz sotsialnoi ta politychnoi psykholohii: zb. statei. – Vyp. 35(38). – K.: Milenium. 2015. – S. 175-186. Sokhan I.O. Psykholohichni osoblyvosti moralno-pravovoi sotsializatsii studentiv. Avtoreferat na zdobuttia…kand. psykhol.n. Spetsialnist: 19.00.05 – sotsialna psykholohiia; psykholohiia sotsialnoi roboty. – K, 2010. – 22 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 213-222 (pdf)
UDC: 140.8:316.3
Popovych O.V.
Popovych Olena
Doctor of Philosophy, professor of Applied Psychology Mariupol State University, Mariupol
Models of interaction of anomalous phenomena and society in their historical development: ecological dimensions
Analyzed the phenomenon of human anomalies as a social institution, which is built on the principles of harmonous model that captures the interaction of «anomalous phenomena» and society at all stages of the historical development of mankind. In the article, the multi-level system «carrier of anomaly – environ- ment» is considered in the open air on the principles of ecopsychology (Schwalb Yu.M.). The author of the article presents the results of the organizational and activity game «eco-oriented orientation of evolution of the modern city».
Keywords: abnormal phenomenon, people with special needs, compensa- tion, society, globalization, recreational, environment, identifi
Iljustrovana istorija zaboboniv i chaklunstva. Vid davnyny do nashyh dniv / uklad. A. Leman. – K. : Lybid’, 1991. – 671 s. Karson R. Anormal'naja psihologija / R. Karson, Dzh. Batcher, S. Mineka. – 11-e izd. – SPb. : Piter, 2004. – 1167 s. Kosjak V. A. Jepistemologija chelovecheskoj telesnosti / V. A. Kosjak. – Sumy: Univ. kn., 2002. – 362 s. Platon. Timej / Platon // Sobr. soch. : v 3 t. – M. : Mysl', 1971. – T. Z, ch. 1. — S. 455–542. Spenser G. Sinteticheskaja filosofija : per. s angl. / G. Spenser. – M. : Inostr. lit., 1977. – 791 s. Tokarev S. A. Rannie formy religii / S. A. Tokarev. – M. : Politizdat, 1990. – 622 s. Filosofija kul'tury. Stanovlenie i razvitie / pod red. M. S. Kagana, Ju. V. Pe¬rova, V. V. Prozerskogo, Z.P. Jurovskoj. – SPb. : Lan', 1998. – 448 s. Frezer D. D. Zolotaja vetv': issledovanie magii i religii / D. D. Frezer ; per. s angl. M. K. Ryklina. – M. : Politizdat, 1986. – 703 s. – (B-ka ateist. lit.). Shekspir, V. Korol' Lir / Vil'jam Shekspir ; [per. Maksyma Ryl's'kogo] // Tvo– ry : v 6t. T. 5.–K. : Dnipro. 1986.–S. 235–343. The Penguin ENGLISH DICTIONARY. New. fully updated third edition. – Penguin Books, 2007. – 1498 p. White, Leslie. The Concept of Cultural Systems: A Key to Understanding Tribes and Nations / Leslie White. –New York : Columbia University Press, 1975. – 192 p.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 223-232 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.6
Rudomino-Dusiatska O.V.
Rudomino-Dusiatska O.V.
Candidate of Psychology, Leading Research Scientist of Laboratory Environmental Psychology G.S.Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Organizational-methodical bases of research of identity of a person as determinants of ecologically-oriented daily activity
Тhe article deals with the problems of psychological adaptation of a person in the urban environment. Traditionally, adaptation is studied as a passive response to the action of urban stressors. The limitations of this approach are shown, which led to the appearance of a new interpretation of adaptation. Psychological adaptation is the process of finding a balance between the interacting parties - the person and the urban environment, in which the active side is a person. It is shown that the important factor of adaptation to urban life is the activity of citizens themselves, aimed at adapting the objects of urban infrastructure to their social and cultural needs. In this sense, it is advisable not to talk about adapting a person to the city, but about his adaptation in the city. An effective means of hu- man adaptation in the city is the organization by citizens themselves of modern public spaces that correspond to the trends of mobility and individuality.
Keywords: psychological adaptation, theories of psychological adaptation of a person in the city, urban stressors, public urban spaces and territories
Ball G.A. Ponjatye adaptacyy y ego znachenye dlja psyhologyy lychnosty / G.A.Ball // Voprosы psyhologyy. — № 1. — 1989. — S. 118-122. Gold D. Psyhologyja y geografyja: Osnovы povedencheskoj geografyy /D.Gold — M.: Progress, 1990. — 304 s. Kostjuk G. S. Razvytye y vospytanye / G.S.Kostjuk // Obshhye osnovы pedagogyky. — M.: Prosveshhenye, 1967. — S. 139 - 197. Markovych D.Zh. Socyal'naja эkologyja / D.Zh.Markovych — M.: Prosveshhenye, 1991. — 173 s. Nalchadzhjan A. A. Socyal'no-psyhycheskaja adaptacyja lychnosty: formы, mehanyzmы y strategyy / A.A.Nalchadzhjan — Erevan: Yzdatel'stvo AN Armjanskoj SSR, 1988. — 263 s. Percyk E.N. Sreda cheloveka: Predvydymoe budushhee / E.N.Percyk —M.: Mыsl', 1990. — 365 s. Psyhologyja y arhytektura: tezysы konferencyy v Lohusalu. — Tallynn, 1983. — Ch. 1 — 203 s. Ch.2 — 212 s. Sennet R. Padenye publychnogo cheloveka. / R. Sennet. — M.: Logos, 2002. — 424 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 233-241 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9.07
Sarayeva N.M., Sukhanov A.A.
Sarayeva Nadiia
Doctor Science (Psychology), senior lecturer, professor of the Transbaikalian State University, the department of theoretical and applied psychology, Chita, Russia
Eco-psychological Approach In Studying Human Resilience
The study of human resilience becomes topical because of many risks to sus- tain it in global ecological crisis and social instability. The notion of resilience is comparatively new in psychology and it is hard to study due to its interdisci- plinary character. In psychology, it is viewed from various methodological ap- proaches, which causes diversity of its content interpretation. Referring to eco- psychological approach to psychic development (V.I. Panov) the authors of the given paper bring forth the research problem in a new way. Resilience is under- stood as a systemic property of man – living environment system which allows to overcome reducing its content only to biological or otherwise only to personality characteristics. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the necessity to ap- ply the described approach to analyzing the notion of resilience. The basic meth- od, applied to achieve the purpose, is comparing theoretical and methodological grounds in resilience studies in psychology and pedagogics. The study results in discovering an opportunity to detail and model the content of resilience notion as a term to denote a complex psycho-social phenomenon. This approach allows to develop the interdisciplinary notion in the context of psychological ecology, environmental psychology.
Keywords: human’s resilience, eco-psychological approach, man – liv- ing environment system, systemic property, bio-psycho-social phenomenon, a model of resilience
Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Soznanie kak zhiznennaja sposobnost' lichnosti / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. —2009. — T. 30. — № 1. — S. 32—43. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Strategii zhizni / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja – M.: Mysl', 1991. – 299 s. Anan'ev B.G. CHelovek kak predmet poznanija / B.G. Anan'ev. – L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta, 1968. – 339 s. Vilenskaja G.A. Rol' kontrolja povedenija v razvitii zhiznesposobnosti de- tej rannego vozrasta / G.A. Vilenskaja // ZHiznesposobnost' cheloveka: individual'nye, professional'nyeisocial'nyeaspekty/[Otv. red. A.V. Mahnach, L.G. Dikaja]. — M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2016. – S. 60 – 74. Vygotskij L.S. Voprosy teorii i istorii psihologii / L.S. Vygotskij. Sobr. soch. v 6 t. – T. 1. – M.: Pedagogika,1982. – 488 s. Galazhinskij JE.V., Sistemno-dinamicheskij podhod k issledovaniju zhizne- sposobnosti cheloveka / JE.V. Galazhinskij, E.A. 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Social'no-psihologicheskij podhod k ponimaniju konstrukta «zhiznesposobnost' lichnosti» / A.A. Nesterova // ZHiznesposobnost' che- loveka: individual'nye, professional'nye i social'nye aspekty / [Otv. red. A. V. Mahnach, L. G. Dikaja]. — M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2016. – S. 49 – 59. Nestik T.A. ZHiznesposobnost' social'noj gruppy: osnovnye podhody k izucheniju / T.A. Nestik // ZHiznesposobnost' cheloveka: individual'nye, professional'nye i social'nye aspekty / [Otv. red. A. V. Mahnach, L. G. Dikaja]. M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2016. – S. 120 – 131. Panov V.I. JEkologicheskaja psihologija: Opyt postroenija metodologii / V.I. Panov. – M.: Nauka, 2004. – 197 s. Razumovskij O.S. Problema zhiznesposobnosti sistem / O.S. Razumovskij, M.JU. Hazov // Gumanitarnye nauki v Sibiri. — 1998. — № 1.— S. 3—7. Ryl'skaja E.A. ZHiznesposobnost' kak potencial celostnosti cheloveka i ego bytija: integrativnyj podhod / E.A. 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Dejatel'nost' i sposobnosti / V.D. SHadrikov. – M.: Logos, 1994. – 320 s. Bronfenbrenner, U. The ecology of human development / U. Bronfenbrenner. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 1979. — 330 p.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 242-255 (pdf)
UDC: 376:502.132(045)
Skok A.H.
Skok Alla
Chernigiv national pedagogical university of T.G. Shevchenko, Chernigiv, Ukraine
Ecologization of educational enviroment in context of inclusive education
The article is devoted to consideration of ecologization of educational en- vironment in the context of inclusive education and improvement of practical psychologists’ training for work with children with special needs. Inclusive ed- ucation is not only a field of school psychologists’ activity, but also increasing factor of their role in creation of complete support system based on ecological approach that unites children and teachers. The ecological approach is accented on opportunities of children, but not on their restriction. Those which don’t dam- age physical, mental and moral health of listeners are considered to be ecological educational technologies. Psychologist in educational institutions goes along with changes of school company culture and helps teachers adapt to work with children with special needs. But, first of all, the psychologist has to acquire knowledge, skills of work with such children on the basis of the tolerant attitude towards them. Nowadays humanitarization of education content is important, it is expressed in strengthening of the subject matters that form student’s spiritual culture, in enrichment of the disciplines taught in higher educational institutions with ecological and socially important components. Relations of cooperation, coau- thorship, respect, attention towards another people, sincerity are in the basis of humanistic oriented education. Humanistic content of education, use of ecologi- cal educational technologies will allow future psychologists to create tolerance as readiness to work with children with special needs. Results of the empirical research “Tolerance in Social Work” are presented in the article.
Keywords: ecologization of educational environment, inclusive education, ecological Educational Technology, tolerance, practical psychologist, social pedagogue
Asmolov A.G. Tolerantnost': razlichnye paradigmy analiza / A.G. Asmolov // Tolerantnost' v obshhestvennom soznanii Rossii. – M., 1998. Bardier G.L. Nauchnye osnovy social'noj psihologii tolerantnosti: Uchebnoe posobie / G.L. Bardier. – SPb.: Izd-vo «MIRS», 2007. – 100 s. Bardier G.L. Psihologicheskoe soprovozhdenie projavlenij intolerantnosti i tolerantnosti v molodjozhnoj srede / G.L. Bardier. – SPb: NPCSP «Doverie», 2011. – 56 s. Kapska A.I. Deiakiosoblyvostiformuvanniastudentivdoprofesiinoidiialnosti / A.I. Kapska // Modeliuvannia vykhovnoi diialnosti v systemi profesiinoi pidhotovky studentiv. Teoriia, praktyka, prohramy. – K., 1998.. Loshakova I.I. Integracija v uslovijah differenciacii: problemy іnkljuzivnogo obuchenija detej-invalidov/ I.I. Loshakova, E.R. Jarskaja-Smirnova // Socіal'no-psihologicheskie problemy obrazovanija netipichnyh detej. – Saratov: Izd-vo Pedagogicheskogo instituta STU, 2002. – S. 15-21. Nikitina N.I. Metodika i tehnologija raboty social'nogo pedagoga / N.I Nikitina, M.F. Gluhova. – M.: VLADOS, 2005. – 399 s. Tolerantnoe soznanie i formirovanie tolerantnyh otnoshenij (teorija i praktika):Sb. nauch.-metod.statej. – M.: Izd-vo Moskovskogo psihologo- social'nogo instituta, Voronezh: Izd-vo NPO «MODEK», 2003. – 367 s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 256-264 (pdf)
UDC: 159.98 (045)
Tyshchenko L.V.
Sukhanov Aleksey
candidate Science (Psychology), senior lecturer of the Transbaikalian State University, the department of theoretical and applied psychology, Chita, Russia
The psychological structure of mental model of manager as a factor of eco-oriented management activities
The article considers management as a separate and specific form of human activity. It shows the dialectical relationship of specifics of organization of think- ing of the subject of management and the parameters of process of control. The article presents the analysis of the psychological structure of mental model of the manager acting within the framework of traditional management. The funda- mental differences of the mental model of the subject of eco-oriented manage- ment are discussed. Such categories as “management idea” and “management mission” are analyzed. The basic principles of management idea and manage- ment mission are identified. The article shows the differences in results and impact of management activities carried out under the auspices of the Idea and Mission. It confirms one of the basic theses of psychological science regarding consciousness as a particular tool of creation of the world in which human lives.
Keywords: management, subject of management activity, mental model, management idea, management mission, principles of management, SMD- methodology, SMD-approach, “artificial” objects and processes, “natural” objects and processes, managerial thinking, natural scientifi thinking, socio- cultural space socio-ecological-economic system
Zinchenko A.P. Putevoditel' po osnovnym ponyatiyam i skhemam metodologii Organizacii, Rukovodstva i Upravleniya: hrestomatiya po rabotam G.P. SHCHedrovickogo [Tekst] / A.P. Zinchenko, A.G. Reus. – M.: Delo, 2004. – 208 s. O'Konnor Dzh. Iskusstvo sistemnogo myshleniya: Neobhodimye znaniya o sistemah i tvorcheskom podhode k resheniyu problem / Dzhozef O'Konnor i Ian Makdermott. — M.: Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2006. — 256 s. SHvalbYU.M.Kopredeleniyuponyatijsredyiprostranstvazhiznedeyatel'nosti cheloveka / YU.M. SHvalb. // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukraїni – Tom 7 – ekologіchna psihologіya, vipusk 2. – 2004. – S. 183-190. SHCHedrovic'kij G.P. Orgupravlencheskoe myshlenie: ideologiya, metodologiya, tekhnologiya: kurs lekcij [Tekst] / G.P. SHCHedrovickij // Arhiv G.P. SHCHedrovickogo. – M.: Izd-vo «Put'», 2003 – T.4. – 477 s. SHCHedrovickij P.G. Organizacionnoe proektirovanie v sisteme upravlencheskoj deyatel'nosti [Tekst] / P.G. SHCHedrovickij // Problemy upravleniya. Koncept: sbornik statej. – M., 1998. – S. 20-38.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 265-273 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9-343.951
Tkach T.V.
Tyshchenko Liliia
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology Mariupol State University, Mariupol, Ukraine
Neuropsychological bases of economics and law
Psychology as a science is developing rapidly and new approaches are con- stantly emerging (e.g. neuropsychology). This paper aims to present research ap- proaches in neuropsychology and their possible application to law. Although still a young discipline, neuroeconomics has made some interesting contributions to economic theory. Criminal law is often interested in mental states of individuals, such as defendants, prisoners, witnesses and prospective jurors. For instance, lawyers may have to answer questions such as the following. Scientists present a wide variety of possible neuropsychology and law intersections. In practical sense, evidence suggests that the number of cases involving neuropsychology implications is rapidly increasing. Hereupon, this requires a spacious savvy in both spheres of law and neuropsychology.
Keywords: psychological methods, economic man, neuroeconomics, law, neuroscience, neuropsychology, neurolaw
Globus N.V. Osobo opasnyie prestupniki: Prestupleniya, kotoryie potryasli mir / N.V.Globus / / Izdatelskiy dom: Literatura. 1997. – 436s. Baskin H, Edersheim G, Price H. (2007). Is a picture worth a thousand words? Neuroimaging in the courtroom. American Journal of Law & Medicine 2007. Goodenough, Oliver R.and Micaela Tucker (2010). Law and Cognitive Neuroscience. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol. 6, pp. 61-92, 2010. Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (2000). Choices, values, and frames. Cambridge University Press. (KT). Morse, S. J. 2004 New neuroscience, old problems. In Neuroscience and the law: brain, mind, and the scales of justice (ed. B. Garland), pp. 157–198. New York: Dana Press. Neurolaw – nowa nauka czy science-fiction? neurolaw-nowa-nauka-czy-science-fiction-26062. Tаkahashi T. Molecular neuroeconomics of crime and punishment: implica- tions for neurolaw. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2012; 33:667-73 Taylor J. Sherrod (1997). Neurolaw: Brain and spinal cord injuries. ATLA Press.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 274-282 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922.62-056.29
Chuchrii I.V.
Tkach Tamara
profesor, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza, Rzeszów, Polska
Features of the psychological mechanisms of a social adaptation of youth with disabilities
The results of a theoretical analysis of a problem of the psychological mecha- nisms of a social adaptation of youth with disabilities in the article are presented. Emotional, cognitive, behavioral, communicative and axiological psychological mechanisms of a social adaptation are highlighted. It is established that psycho- logical mechanisms are formed during social development, as a result of the suc- cessful course of which adaptive psychological mechanisms are formed, and in the case of adaptation complications, protective and non-adaptive mechanisms are formed. According to the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of psy- chological mechanisms of a social adaptation, it is assumed that young people with disabilities are dominated by non-adaptive and available protective mecha- nisms. Learning psychological mechanisms for a social adaptation will help to de- velop strategies for the psychological help to young people with disabilities.
Keywords: social adaptation, psychological mechanisms, youth with dis- abilities, , protective mechanisms
Leont»ov V.H. Motyvacyya y psyxolohycheskye mexanyzmы ee formyrovanyya. – Novosybyrsk: HP «Novosybyrskyj polyhrafkombynat», 2002. – 264s. NabyullynaR.R., Tuxtarova Y.V. Mexanyzmы psyxolohycheskoj zashhytы y sovladanyya so stressom (opredelenye, struktura, funkcyy, vydы, psyxoterapevtycheskaya korrekcyya). Uchebnoe posobye/ RR.Nabyullyna, Y.V. Tuxtarova. – Kazan», 2003, S. 23-29. Nalchadzhyan A.A. Psyxolohycheskaya adaptacyya: mexanyzmы y stratehyy /A.A. Nalchadzhyan. – 2-e yzd., pererab. Y dop. – M.: Эksmo, 2010. – 368s. – (Psyxolohycheskoe obrazovanye).; s.-365. Psyxolohichna encyklopediya / Avtor-uporyadnyk O.M.Stepanov. – K.: «Akademvydav», 2006. – 424s. Psyxoterapevtycheskaya эncyklopedyya /B.D. Karvasarskyj. - S.-Pb.:Pyter, 2000.; s.245. Rozum S.Y. Psyxolohyya socyalyzacyy y socyal»noj adaptacyy cheloveka /S.Y.Rozum. – SPb.: Rech», 2007. – 365s.; s.-265. Tomchuk M.I., Chuxrij I.V. Psyxolohiya materiv, yaki vyxovuyut» dytynu z invalidnistyu. – Monohrafiya / M.I.Tomchuk, I.V. Chuxrij – Vinnycya:VOIPOPP, 2015. – 276s. Xoxlina O.P. osnovni katehoriyi special»noyi psyxolohiyi /Xoxlina O.P.// Naukovyj chasopys NPU imeni M.P.Dr imeni M.P.Drahomanova, 2006. - №6. – S.151-159 X»ell L., Zyhler D. Teoryy lychnosty /L.X»ell, D.Zyhler. – 3-e yzd. – SPb.: Pyter, 2008. – 607s.: yl. – (Seryya «Mastera psyxolohy»); s.129. Shvalb Yu.M., Tyshhenko L.V. Majbutnye i s»ohodennya studentiv z obmezhenymy funkcional»nymy mozhlyvostyamy: psyxolohichni aspekty. Monohrafiya /Shvalb Yu.M., Tyshhenko L.V. – K.: Osnova, 2015. – 240s.; s. 69. Shevcov A.H. Osvitni osnovy reabilitolohiyi: [monohrafiya] / Andrij Harrijovych Shevcov. – K.: «MP Lesya», 2009. – 483s.
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 283-292 (pdf)
UDC: 159.9
Shwalb J.M.
Chuchrii Inna
Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University by Mykhailo Kotsyubinskyi, Vinnitsa, Ukraine
The Space of becoming of social abilities of personality
The article analyzes approaches to the problem of the becoming and develop- ment of the social abilities of the personality in the space-sphering methodol- ogy. An attempt is made to comprehend the psychological essence of space and spheres of life activity of a person. It is proposed to consider the space of social- ization of personality through four basic spheres of social relations and interac- tions. This space is structured according to the parameter “artificial - natural” and mediating mechanisms. Such an approach allows us to analyze a whole series of psychological charac- teristics of the social space of a person’s life. In particular, the efforts and activi- ties of a particular person, as a way of support of spheres of his life; the principle of focusing and associated procedures for out from and reentry to the sphere of activity; psychological integrity of the social space of life and ways to support it; passivity - activity of the personality in interactions with social spheres.
Keywords: abilities, life activity, personality, space, sphere, social abilities, social relations, social interactions
Vlasova O.I. Psyhologijasocial’nyhzdibnostej: struktura, dynamika, chynnyky rozvytku Monografija. – K. Vydavnycho-poligrafichnyj centr «Kyi’vs’kyj universytet», 2005. -308 s. Volkov P.D. Sreda kak kontekst sushhestvovanyja obъekta nauchnogo yssledovanyja v ramkah parametrycheskogo prostranstva. – zh. Myr psyhologyy, № 4 (76), 2013, s. 35- 41 Drydze T. M. Jazыk y socyal'naja psyhologyja. Yzd. 2, dop. — M.: URSS, 2009. — S. 240. Zdibnosti, tvorchist', obdarovanist': teorija, metodyka, rezul'taty doslidzhen' / Za red. V.O.Moljako, O.L.Muzyky. – Zhytomyr. Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s. Kunc, G., O’Donnel S. Upravlenye: systemnыj y sytuacyonnыj analyz upravlencheskyh funkcyj; v 2 t. / G. Kunc, S. O’Donnel. — M.: Progress, 1981. — T. 2 — 512 s. Nartova-Bochaver S. K. Psyhologycheskoe prostranstvo lychnosty: Monografyja. — M.: Prometej, 2005. — 312 s. Rejmers N.F. Populjarnij byologycheskyj slovar’ – M., Nauka, 1991, - 538 s. Socyologija: korotkyj encyklopedychnyj slovnyk – K.: Ukr. Centr duhovn. kul’tury, 1998, - 736 s. – El. resurs: NPp-311.htm
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 293-308 (pdf)
UDC: 159.922
Shestopalova O.P
Psychological mechanisms of formation of models of reasonable consumption of youth in the interests of sustainable development of the city
Derjabo S.D., Jasvin V.A. Jekologicheskaja pedagogika i psihologija. /S.D.Derjabo, V.A. Jasvin. Rostov-na-Donu, 1996. - 187 s. Cvetkova I. V. Diagnostika jekologicheskoj kul’tury mladshego shkol’nika / I.V. Cvetkova. // Mir psihologii i psihologija v mire. 1995.-№ 2. -34—40s. Fukujama F. Nashe postchelovecheskoe budushhee: posledstvija bioteh- nologicheskoj revoljucii / F.Fukujama; Per. s angl. M.B.Levina.- M.: OOO «Izdatel’stvo ACT»: OAO «LJuKS», 2004. 349 s. - (Philosophy).
Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 309-314 (pdf)
UDC: 316.46.058.5 : 37.011.3 – 051(045)
Shlimakova I.I.
Manipulative influence in professional activity of pedagogical workers
Topicality problem of manipulating people’s consciousness is highlighted, informative essence of phenomenon “manipulation” is defi features of ma- nipulative influence in the course of pedagogical interaction are considered in the article. It is theoretically clarified that in the process of use of manipulative technologies in the educational sphere, manipulation, most often appears as a type of control, at the same time control can be carried out by teachers over pu- pils (students), and vice versa. Typical manipulations most of which often are met in educational institutions are defined: provoking protective responses; provoking disorganization; pull at a feeling of inevitability; pull at partner’s im- patience; lead-time of discussion, etc. In such situations manipulators often fall back on Machiavellianism. A number of predicted vectors in multidimensional system of manipulating in educational sphere, in particular: “teacher-pupil”, “lecturer-student”, “head- master-subordinate” are empirically analyzed. It is set that in general falling back on manipulative actions of teachers and headmasters of general educational in stitutions is shown at the medium level with a tendency to high meanings while lecturers of higher education institutions – at the medium level with a tendency to low meanings. At the level of tendency with slim majority headmasters of schools are more inclined to manifestation of manipulative actions, lectures of higher educational institutions fall back less.
Keywords: influence, manipulative behaviour, manipulator, Machiavellianism, pedagogical interaction, pupil, teacher, lecturer, headmaster
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Aktual_probl_psihol 2017, 7(44): 315-323 (pdf)