Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 9, Issue 6 – 2015

Abstracts and Information about Authors

 Content of Issue

UDC 316.624.3


Hrys A.M.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


Association as a tool for transforming of deviant persons’ negative experience


Language: Ukrainian


Abstract. The article reveals features of use of associations during revision of negative experiences of persons with deviant behavior. Psychological and physiological mechanisms of association influence on a deviant person are analyzed deeply. A part of the author’s technique is presented aimed at work with systemic interconnections, named “I-image and a psychological trauma”. Examples of associative metaphorical maps aimed at transformation of negative experiences of a deviant person are described.


Key words: association, associative areas, traumatic experience, deviant behavior, associative methods.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 4-13 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Batuev A.S. Fiziologija vysshej nervnoj dejatel'nosti i sensornyh sistem / A.S. Batuev. Uchebnik dlja VUZov. - Izdatel'stvo «Piter», 2012. - 317 s.

2. Brokgauz –Efron // Bol'shaja sovetskaja enciklopedija: V 66 tomah (65 t. i 1 dop.) / Gl. red. O.Ju. Shmidt — 1-e izd. — M.: Sovetskaja jenciklopedija, 1926—1947.

3. Val'traud Kirshke “Klubnika za oknom”. / Kirshke Val'traud Associativnye karty dlja kommunikacii i tvorchestva. Moritc Jegetmejer – OH Verlag. Perevod. Russkoe izdanie. - 2010. – 240 s.

4. Gris' A. M. Teorіja і praktika pіdgotovki psihologіv do roboti z socіal'no dezadaptovanimi nepovnolіtnіmi: monogr. / A. M. Gris'. — K. : Geoprint, 2013. — 280 s.

5. Klimkova L. A. Associativnoe znachenie slov v hudozhestvennom tekste / L. A. Klimkova // Filologicheskie nauki. – 1991. – №1. – S. 45-54.

6. Psihologicheskij slovar' / pod red. V. V. Davydova i dr. – M. : Pedagogika, 1983. – S.24 – 26;

7. Sidorenko E. V. Motivacionnyj trening / E.V. Sidorenko. – SPb. : Rech', 2000. – 234 s.

8. Halkola U. Spektrokarty: kratkoe psihologicheskoe rukovodstvo po primeneniju v psihoterapii i psihologicheskom konsul'tirovanii / U. Halkola, A. I. Kopytin. — SPb. : Rech', 2012. — 78 s.

9. Jaroshevskij M.G. Istorija psihologii ot antichnosti do serediny XX veka. Ucheb.psosobie / M.G. Jaroshevskij. – M., 1996. – 416 s.

10. Fel'denkrajz M. Osoznavanie cherez dvizhenie: dvenadcat' prakticheskih urokov / M. Fel'denkrajz; Per. s anglijskogo – M.: Institut Obshhegumanitarnyh Issledovanij, 2009 – 224 s.


UDC 159.923.2


Matsenko V.F.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


General psychological problems of individuality formation in a post-industrial society


Language: Ukrainian


Abstract. The article observes the problem of origin and development of consciousness in the synergetic contest. The author discusses a history of origin the phenomenon of consciousness from the point of view the traditional psychology and the contemporary naturals sciences. The model of research, proposed by author, opens the new possibilities for understanding this phenomenon.


Key words: person, the synergy of post-structuralism, structural-functional.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 14-27 (pdf)


References transliterated


Adler A. Individual'naja psihologija / A. Adler. – M. : Prosveshhenie, 2000. – 270 s.

Anan'ev B. G. Izbrannye psihologicheskie trudy v 2-h t. / B.G. Anan'ev. – M. : Pedagogika, 1990. – 506 s.

Eliseev O.P. Metodicheskie ukazanija k praktike po psihologi / O.P. Eliseev. – L. : Izd. LGU, 1981. – 83 s.

Maksimenko S.D. Geneticheskaja psihologija / S.D. Maksimenko. – K. : Valker, 2010. – 340 s.

Maksimenko S.D. Obshhaja psihologija / S.D. Maksimenko. – K. : Valker, 1999. – 420 s.

Maksimenko S.D. Osnovi genetichnoї psihologії / S.D. Maksimenko. – K. : Valker, 1998. – 240 s.

Merlin V.S. Ocherki integral'nogo issledovanija individual'nosti / V.S. Merlin. – M., 1986. – 256 s.

Rozvitok pіznaval'nih procesіv ditini / Uporjadniki: S. Maksimenko, V. Macenko, O. Glavnik. – K., 2003. – 112 s.

Chepa M.-L.A. Trenirovka i razvitie vysshih psihologicheskih funkcij shkol'nika / M.-L.A. Chepa // Aktual'nye problemy psihologicheskoj sluzhbi. – Odessa, 1992. – S. 227–229.

UDC 159.923


Matsenko J.M.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


Subjective factors of psychological improvement of a person


Language: Ukrainian


Annotation. The paper presents results of a study of subjective factors of psychological improvement of a person and reveals importance of higher (spiritual) needs in this process.


Key word: psychological improvement, spiritual needs, spiritual development, spiritual evolution, enculturation


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 28-36 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Balenok V.S. Estetichne і priroda. – K., 1973.

2. Kak postroit’ svoe «Ja». Pod. Red. V.P. Zinchenko. – M.: Pedagogika, 1991.

3. Maksimenko S.D. Rozvitok psihіki v ontogenezі. – K.: Forum, 2002.

4. Neizvedannyj Dostoevskij. Literaturnoe nasledstvo. T.83. – M., 1971.

5. Problemy formirovanija sociogennyh potrebnostej / Pod. Red. Sh.N. Chhartishvili, N.S. Sardzheveladze. – Tbilisi: Mencieba, 1974.

6. Fradimen J., Frager R. Lichnost’ i lichnostnyj rost. – Vyp. 1,2,3,4. – M.: Izd-vo Rossijskogo otkrytogo un-ta, 1994.

7. Fromm E. Dusha cheloveka. – M.: Respublika. 1992. – 429 p.


UDC 316.613:159.92


Pavliuk M.M.


Uzhhorod National University


Self-dependence of future specialists: sources of formation and prospects of goal-oriented development


Language: Ukrainian


Annotation. The article discusses psychological mechanisms of self-dependency as a personal trait of future professionals; background for certain components of the self-dependence. Potentials of psychological theories of personality are revealed in the context of self-dependence nature as well as deep origins of the phenomenon of acquired helplessness as the opposite pole of self-dependency as a systemic trait of a personality. The prospects of their application for goal-oriented development of self-dependence of future specialists during their vocational training are determined.


Key words: self-dependence, future specialists, vocational training, acquired helplessness, components of self-dependence.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 37-44 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Bjutner K. Zhit' s agressivnymi det'mi / K. Bjutner ; per. s nem. – M. : Pedagogika, 1991. – 144 s.

2. Kulagina I.Ju., Koljuckij V.N. Vozrastnaja psihologija : [Polnyj zhiznennyj cikl razvitija cheloveka]. [Ucheb posobie dlja stud. Vuzov] / I.Ju. Kulagina, V.N. Koljuckij. – M., 2002. – 468 s. 50.

3. Muhina V. S. Vozrastnaja psihologija: fenomenologija razvitija : ucheb. dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij, obuch. po spec. "Pedagogika i psihologija", "Social'naja pedagogika", "Pedagogika" / V. S. Muhina. - 12-e izd., ster. - M. : Akademija, 2009. - 638 s. - (Vysshee obrazovanie).

4. Petrovskij V. A. Psihologija neadaptivnoj aktivnosti : Rossijskij otkrytyj un-t. / V. A. Petrovskij. – M: TOO «Gorbunok», 1992. – 80 s.

5. Polivanova K. N. Psihologija vozrastnyh krizisov / N. K. Polivanova. – M. : Akademija, 2000. – 184 s.

6. Prygin G.S. Psihologija samostojatel'nosti: Monografija. // G.S. Prygin - Izhevsk, Naberezhnye Chelny: Izd-vo Instituta upravlenija, 2009. - 408 s.

7. Ruppert Franc. Travma, svjaz' i semejnye rasstanovki. Ponjat' i iscelit' dushevnye rany. / Franc Ruppert. – M. : Institut konsul'tirovanija i sistemnyh reshenij, 2010. – 272 s.

8. Savchin M.V., Vasilenko L.P. Vіkova psihologіja: [Navchal'nij posіbnik] / M.V. Savchin, L.P. Vasilenko. – K.: Akademvidav, 2005. – 360 s.

9. Sidorenko E. V. Motivacionnyj trening / E.V. Sidorenko. – SPb. : Rech', 2000. – 234 s.

10. Uajnhold B. Protivozavisimost': begstvo ot blizosti / B. Uajnhold, Dzh. Uajnhold ; per. s angl. E. Babenko, G. Smolin. – Kamenec-Podol'skij : Aksioma, 2009. – 238 s.

11. Ciring. D. A. Samostojatel'nost' i bespomoshhnost' u studentov vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij [Tekst] / D. A. Ciring // Vyssh. obrazovanie segodnja. – 2008. - № 6. – S. 48-50.

12. Deci E. L. A motivational approach to self : Integration in personality / E. L. Deci, R. M. Ryan // Nebraska Symposium on Motivation : Vol. 38. Perspectives on motivation / [ed. R. Dienstbier]. – Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1991. –R. 237 – 288. 24.


UDC 316.733


Savina M.I.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


Organization and guidance for study of ethnic cultural factors that influence on formation of person’s gender concepts in an information society


Language: Ukrainian


Annotation. The article is devoted to the organization and methodological support study of factors influence the formation of ethnic cultural representations of gender identity in the information society. The conceptual basis of the study have an idea about the features of the psyche, including representations of gender identity in modern terms of information technology. The analysis that gender identification in modern conditions is influenced by new, modern ideas about gender roles men and women in society, which, in turn, formed through the process of globalization, the information society, the process of leveling folk traditions and norms of society.


Keywords: personality, gender, ethnicity, culture, ethnicity, gender representation, information society.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 45-56 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Antologiya gendernyih issledovaniy : Sb. per. / Sost. i komment. E. A. Gapovoy, A. R. Usmanovoy. – Minsk : Propilei, 2000. – 384 s.

2. Bern Sh. Gendernaya psihologiya / Sh. Bern – SPb. : Prayn-EVROZNAK, 2001. – S. 123–162.

3. Velesova kniga: Zb. praukr. pam’yatok I tis. do novoYi dobi – I tis. novoYi dobi / B. I. Yatsenko (ritm. per.). – K. : Veles, 2003. – 108 s.

4. Geodakyan V. A. Evolyutsionnyie teorii assimetrizatsii organizmov, mozga i tela / V. A. Geodakyan. – M. : In-t problem ekologii i evolyutsii im. A. N. Severtsova, RAN, 1991. – 230 s.

5. Koloshina T. Yu. Art-terapevticheskie tehniki v treninge: harakteristiki i ispolzovanie. Prakticheskoe posobie dlya trenera / T. Yu. Koloshina, A. A. Trus. – SPb. : Rech, 2010. – 189 s.

6. Kopyitin A. I. Sistemnaya art-terapiya / A. I. Kopyitin. – SPb. : Piter, 2001.

7. Kopyitin A. I. Rukovodstvo po gruppovoy art-terapii / A. I. Kopyitin. – SPb. : Rech, 2003.

8. Kornеv M. N., Kovalenko A. B. SotsIalna psihologIya: PIdruchnik. / M. N. KornEv, A. B. Kovalenko. – K., 1995. – 304 s.

9. Leontev A. A. Osnovyi psiholingvistiki / A. A. Leontev. – M., 2005. – 288 s.

10. Mitchell Dzh. Zhenskaya seksualnost / Dzh. Mitchell // Vvedenie v gendernyie issledovaniya : hrestomatiya / pod red. S. V. Zherebkina. – Harkov : HTsGI ; SPb. : Alleteyya. – Ch. 2. – S. 534–561.

11. Petrenko V. F. Osnovyi psihosemantiki: Ucheb. posobie. / V. F. Petrenko. – Smolensk : Izd-vo SGU, 1997. – 400 s.

12. Popova L. V. Gendernyie aspektyi samorealizatsii lichnosti : ucheb. posobie po spetskursu / L. V. Popova. – M. : Akademiya, 1996. – 450 s.

13. Praktikum po art-terapii: shkatulka mastera. Nauchno-metodicheskoe posobie. – Lugansk : Elton-2, 2013. – 160 s.

14. PushkarYova N. L. Gendernyie issledovaniya: rozhdenie, stanovlenie, metodyi i perspektivyi v sisteme istoricheskih nauk / N. L. PushkarYova // Zhenschina. Gender. Kultura / pod obsch. red. Z. A. Hotkinoy, N. L. PushkarYovoy, E. I. Trofimovoy. – M. : MGTsI, 1999. – S. 15–34.

15. Ruzov V. O. Semeynaya nektarologiya / V. O. Ruzov – M. : Filosofskaya kniga, 2007. – 150 s.

16. Horni K. Zhenskaya psihologiya / K. Horni – SPb. : Vost.-Evrop. in-t psihologii, 1993. – 340 s


UDC 159.923.2


Sokolyuk A. O.


Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»


The Complex Program Of Self-Determination’s Promoting Of Future Specialists’ Professional Development


Language: Ukrainian


The complex training program for psychological promoting of students’ self-determination of professional development is offers in the article. The key ideas of personality’s self-determination of professional development are present. The program is based on the idea of building value-semantic space of personality, which is conducive to internalization of self-development and self-realization values .


Keywords: educational environment, self-determination, self-realization, professional development, training program.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 57-64 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Zeer E. F. Psihologiya professiy / E,F.Zeer / Uchebn. posobie [3-e izd., pererab. i dop.]. – M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, Fond «Mir», 2006. – 336 s.

2. Leontev D.A. Samorealizatsiya i suschnostnyie silyi cheloveka / D. A. Leontev // Psihologiya s chelovecheskim litsom: gumanisticheskaya perspektiva v postsovetskoy psihologii [pod red. D. A. Leonteva, V.G.Schur]. – M.: Smyisl, 1997. – S. 156-176.

3. Perehod k Otkryitomu obrazovatelnomu prostranstvu. Fenomenologiya obrazovatelnyih innovatsiy / Pod red. G. N. Prozumentovoy. – Tomsk: Tomskiy gosudarstvennyiy universitet, 2005. – 484 s.

4. Rizhak L. Sistema osvIti v Ukrayini ta yiyi perspektivi: fIlosofskiy analiz / Lyudmila Rizhak // Visnik Lvivskogo universitetu. FIlosofski nauki. –2004. –Vip. 6. –S. 16–26.

5. Serdyuk L. Z. Kompleksna programa rozvitku motivatsiyi uchinnya ta profesiynogo stanovlennya maybutnogo fahivtsya u VNZ / L. Z. Serdyuk, O. I. Kupreeva // Aktualni problemi navchannya ta vihovannya lyudey z osoblivimi potrebami: Zb. nauk. prats. – # 10 (12). – K.:Universitet «Ukrayina», 2013. – S. 205-223.

6. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control / A. Bandura. – N.Y. : W.H.Freeman & Co, 1997. – 286 р.

7. Deci, E. L. Self–determined teaching: opportunities and obstacles / E. L. Deci, T. Kasser, R. M. Ryan ; In J.L. Bess (ed.) ; Teaching well and liking it. Motivation faculty to teach effectively. – Baltimore and London : The Johns Hopkins University Press. –1997. – P. 57-71.


UDC 159.922.4 : 323.1 + 654.19 : 323.21


Stepura I. V.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


TV of EU countries in dialogue between the society, broadcaster and state


Language: Ukrainian


Abstract. We consider the organizational structure of public service broadcasting in the background of historical events in European history. TV broadcasting is in close dependence on social as well as administrative and territorial structure. A group of predominantly monoethnic countries can be singled out, as well as a group of countries characterized by complex ethnical and social structure. Also, a group of states where the media serve as a tool of strengthening the national identity is marked out. The public councils, as a means of dialogue between the public, the audience, the journalist and the state, play a special role. The organizing of broadcasting promotes dialogue and understanding in plural societies of EU countries.


Key words: public service broadcasting, EU (European Union), social councils, TV


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 65-74 (pdf)


References transliterated


1.Andreev A.I. Shveytsarskoe tovarischestvo po prisyage: relikt proshlogo ili vospominanie o buduschem ? // Vestnik RAN. – 2007. –T.77. –#1 – s.84–89.

2.Vartanova E.L. Severnaya model v kontse stoletiya. Pechat, TV i radio stran Severnoy Evropyi mezhdu gosudarstvennyim i ryinochnyim regulirovaniem / E.L. Vartanova. – M. : MGU, 1997. – 184 s.

3.Vernigora S. M. Stanovlennya ta rozvitok telebachennya Frantsiyi: Istorichniy aspekt/ S. M.Vernigora // Naukovi zapiski Institutu zhurnalistiki. – K., 2011. – T. 43.– s. 52–58.

4. Vernigora S. M. Poshuk novitnih tehnologiy movlennya (na prikladi rozrobok i vprovadzhen frantsuzko-nimetskogo telekanalu ARTE) / S. M.Vernigora // Naukovi zapiski Institutu zhurnalistiki. – K., 2012. – T. 49. – S. 147– 150.

5. Zhitaryuk M.G. TB ta radiomovlennya za kordonom [TB Frantsiyi, Elektronni ZMI FRN], kurs lektsiy LNU im. I. Franka [Elektronniy resurs] / M.G.Zhitaryuk. – [Lviv, 2003–2005 rr.] – Rezhim dostupu : - ukr. ( 28.08.12)

6. Sedova Ya. Italyanki nachali kampaniyu protiv Berluskoni / Ya.Sedova [Elektronnyiy resurs] // Fokus. [Sayt zhurnala, data 09.04.11] – Rezhim dostupa : - rus. (28.08.12)

7. Teplyakova S. A. Televidenie i radio Norvegii : ot gosudarstvennogo k obschestvenno-pravovomu: Avtoref. kand. diss... polit. n. – SPb, 2008. – 18 s.

8.Meleschenko O. K. Istoriya zhurnalistiki Velikobritaniyi: Konspekt lektsiy / O. K.Meleschenko. – K. : VPTs “Kiyivskiy unsversitet”, 2010. – 238 s.

9.A European Television History / Jonathan Bignell, Andreas Fickers. – New Jersey–Boston–Berlin : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 – 288 p.


UDC 159.942


Tereshchuk A.D.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


Features of manifestation of person’s affective behaviour in times of crises of his/her development


Language: Ukrainian


Abstract. The article presents a brief overview of psychological characteristics of periods of personal crises and causes and consequences of emergence of affective behaviours. The structure of affectivity spheres is described as well as multi-level approach to study affective regulation of behaviour.


Key words: crisis, emotional disorders, affective behavior, affective manifestations, levels of affective behavior.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 75-83 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Vekker L. M. Psihika i realnost: edinaya teoriya psihicheskih pro¬tsessov /L.M. Vekker . – M.: Smyisl, 1998. – 670 s.

2. Gryizlov S.V. Osobennosti psihologicheskogo krizisa kak nerazreshimoy problemnoy situatsii i puti korrektsii [Elektronnyiy resurs] / S. V. Gryizlov // Sayt Instituta psihoterapii i klinicheskoy psihologii. – Rezhim dostupa:

3. Nikolskaya, O.S. Affektivnaya sfera cheloveka. Vzglyad skvoz prizmu detskogo autizma / O.S. Nikolskaya – M. : Tsentr lechebnoy pedagogiki, 2000. – 362 s.

4. Pavliy T.N. Diagnostika i korrektsiya emotsionalnoy sferyi u detey s ZPR / T.N. Pavliy. – Komsomolsk-na-Amure : Komsomolskiy-na-Amure GPI, 1997. – 99 s.

5. Prigozhin I. Poryadok iz haosa: Novyiy dialog cheloveka s prirodoy /I. Prigozhin, I. Stengers – M.: Progress, 1986. – 432 s.

6. Semago N.Ya. Rukovodstvo po psihologicheskoy diagnostike. Doshkolnyiy i mladshiy shkolnyiy vozrast: monografiya /N.Ya.Semago, M.M.Semago – M. : APKiPRO RF, 2000 263 s.



UDC 37.035 +053.6+056.49


Filonenko, L. A.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


Psychological-pedagogical influence on the process of formation of spirituality of minors in the social rehabilitation institution


Language: Ukrainian


The article considers the problems of social rehabilitation in psychological and pedagogical practice, socio-cultural and spiritual education of minors in a social rehabilitation institution.


Keywords: psychological-pedagogical influence, spirituality, socio disadaptive minors, social rehabilitation institution.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 84-92 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Matsenko Zh. M. DuhovnIst: fenomen psihologIYi ta ob'Ekt vihovannya. // Zh. M. Matsenko — K., OsvIta UkraYini. — 2010. — 100 s.


UDC 159.9


Chayka G.V.


G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine


Value-semantic sphere during periods of personality crisis


Language: Ukrainian


Abstract. The paper examines dynamics of the value-semantic sphere of an individual. It is shown that the value-sense sphere is a central formation of person’s psyche, which is a multi-level, hierarchical and dynamic system. Being relatively stable, the system can be changed due to both external (social environment) and internal (personal development) factors. Restructuring of the value-semantic sphere is seen as a vital crisis during which person’s inner world cames into disorder to a some degree, but successful overcoming of the crisis leads to personal growth.


Keywords: value-sense sphere, dynamic structure, crisis.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 93-101 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Abulhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Razvitie lichnosti v protsesse zhiznedeyatelnosti / K. A. Abulhanova-Slavskaya // Psihologiya formirovaniya i razvitiya lichnosti. – M.: Nauka, 1981. – S. 19–45

2. Bratus B.S. Anomalii lichnosti / B.S. Bratus. – M., 1988. – 301 s.

3. Breusenko O.A. Dinamika tsinnisno-smislovoyi sferi osobistosti v umovah ekzistentsialnoyi krizi 2000 r. : Avtoref. dis... kand. psihol. nauk, spets. 19.00.01. – K., 2000. – 20 s

4. Deeva N.A. Refleksivnyie mehanizmyi perezhivaniya krizisa i izmenenie tsennostno-smyislovoy sferyi : Avtoref. diss…. kand. psihol. nauk, spets. 19.00.01 Obschaya psihologiya, psihologiya lichnosti, istoriya psihologii. – Omsk, 2005.– 24 s.

5. Leontev D.A. Ocherk psihologii lichnosti. –M.: Smyisl, 1997. – 64s.

6. Magomed-Eminov M.Sh. Transformatsiya lichnosti / M.Sh.Magomed-Eminov. – M.: Psihoanaliticheskaya assotsiatsiya, 1998. – 496 s..

7. Moskalenko O.V. StukturnI komponenti tsinnisno-smislovoyi sferi osobistosti / Moskalenko O.V. // Visnik NTUU “KPI”. Filosofiya. Psihologiya. Pedagogika. –Vipusk 1. – 2013– s. 91–98.

8. Platonov K. K. Struktura i razvitie lichnosti / K. K. Platonov. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – [254 s.]. – s. 121.

9. Samyikina, N.Yu. Dinamika tsennostno-smyislovoy sferyi lichnosti v protsesse narkotizatsii: monografiya / N.Yu. Samyikina, M.E. Serebryakova. – Samara : Izd-vo «Univers grupp», 2007. – 148 s.

10. Seryiy A.V. Sistema lichnostnyih smyislov: struktura, funktsii, dinamika [Elektronnyiy resurs] / A.V.Seryiy. – Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2004. – 272 s. –Rezhim dostupa :

11. Seryiy A V. Tsennostno-smyislovaya sfera lichnosti / A V. Seryiy, M.S. Yanitskiy. – Kemerovo: Kemerovskiy gosudarstvennyiy universitet, 1999 – 92 s.

12. Sivrikova N. V. Osobennosti tsennostno-smyislovoy sferyi lichnosti v vozrastnyih krizisah vzroslosti [Elektronnyiy resurs] // V mire nauchnyih otkryitiy. – 2012. –#11.4(35). – S.234-249. – Rezhim dostupa:

13. Filosofskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar / pod red. L. F. IlichYova i dr. – M.: Sov. entsiklopediya, 1983 . – 840 s.

14. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smyisla: sbornik / V.Frankl; obsch. red. L.Ya. Gozmana i D. A. Leonteva. – M., 1990. – 368 s.

15. Chepa M.-L.A. Sinergetichne bachennya shlyahIv evolyutsiyi psiho-sotsIalnih sistem [Elektronniy resurs] / Chepa M.-L.A., sayt laboratoriyi Zagalnoyi ta etnichnoyi psihologiyi Institutu psihologiyi im. G.S.Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini. – Rezhim dostupu :

16. Evnina K.Yu. Pozitivnyie fenomenyi v tsennostno-smyislovoy sfere lichnosti [Elektronnyiy resurs]. // Sovremennyie problemyi nauki i obrazovaniya. – 2013. – # 2. – Rezhim dostupa:


UDC 159.9: 81.165.6


Chyhantsova O.A


Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»


Factors of effective mastering of foreign languages by university students


Language: Ukrainian


The article deals with the concept and role of foreign broadcasting and professional communication value of foreign students in higher education and non-language majors problem of formation of foreign students skills in non-verbal faculties. We consider the factors that help students master a foreign language in the process of adapting their freshman university. We study the factors effectively mastering foreign languages in high school.

Keywords: foreign language communication, the skills formation, motivation of learning a foreign language.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 102-109 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Boretska G. E. Suchasni tehnologiyi formuvannya anglomovnoyi kompetentsyiyi v govorinniv uchniv osnovnoyi i starshoyi shkoli / G. E. Boretska // Inozemni movi. – 2010. – #2. – S.23-26. 2. Buchatska S. M. Psihologichni osoblivostI pidgotovki studentiv z inozemnoyi movi / S. M. Buchatska // Zb. nauk. prats NADSPU #33. Ch.II. – Hmelnitskiy : Vid-vo Natsionalnoyi akademiyi DSPU, 2005. – S. 139-142.

3. Gaponenko L. P. Pedagogichni umovi formuvannya gotovnosti studentiv do Inshomovnogo spilkuvannya / L. P. Gaponenko // Naukovi zapiski. Seriya: Pedagogichni nauki. – Kirovograd: RVTs KDPU Im. V. Vinnichenka, 2002. – Vipusk 45. Chastina 1. – S. 77-79.

4. Grinchishin A. M. KomunIkativna spryamovanIst navchannya InozemnoYi movi maybutnIh fahIvtsIv mIzhnarodnih vIdnosin / A.M. Grinchishin // MaterIali naukovo-praktichnoYi. Konf. (1). – Hmelnitskiy: TUP, 2003. – S. 121-126.

5. Zontova S. E.KognItivniy pіdhіd do navchannya InshomovnoYi leksiki / S. E. Zontova / Problemi suchasnoYi pedagogіchnoYi osvіti: zb. nauk. prats. – Yalta: RVV KGU, 2005. – Vip.8, ch. 2. – S. 89

6. Kossov B. Psihologicheskaya podgotovka spetsialista / B. Kossov, S. Biryukov, I. Valeeva, I. Shuranova // Vyisshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 1999. №1. С.71 75.

7. Milrud R. P. Metodika prepodavaniya angliyskogo yazyika. English Teaching Methodology : ucheb. posob. dlya vuzov / R. P. Milrud. – 2-e izd., stereotip. – M. : Drofa, 2007. – 253 s.

8. Onufrieva I. L. PsihologIchniy aspekt navchannya Inshomovnogo movlennya doroslih / I. L Onufrieva, L. A. Onufrieva // Problemi suchasnoyi psihologiyi. - 2010. - Vip. 7. С.496 507.

9. Glezerman T. Balkoski V. Language, thought and the brain: Сognition and language / Series Editor: R.W. Rieber. – New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. – 331p.

10. Larsen – Freeman D. Teaching and Principles in Language Teaching. 2-nd ed./Russel N. Campell, William E. Rutherford. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. – 191 p.– Режим доступу:

11. Modern Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. A Common European Framework of Reference. – Режим доступу :

12. Shamne A.V. (2013) The conceptual model of psychosocial development in the period of adolescence // Science and Education a New Dimension: Pedagogy and Psychology. Vol. 3. – Режим доступу :


UDC 159.95


Scherbyna L.F.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Reorganization of psychic content during short-term psychological counselling


Language: Ukrainian


Reorganization of mental content is considered as one of the main objectives of short-term psychological counseling in the context of modern psychological paradigm. It is shown that basing approaches to the reorganization of mental content to "practical dialectic" and the principles of concluded knowledge provides environmentally friendly psychological interventions. Examples of Dianalysis reorganization are given.


Keywords: reorganization, mental content, environmentally friendly, short-term psychological counseling.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 110-117 (pdf)


References transliterated


1. Bogdanov A. A. Tektologiya: (Vseobschaya organizatsionnaya nauka) / Bogdanov A. A. ; [v 2-h kn. : kn. 1] ; [redkol. L. I. Abalkin (otv. red.) i dr.] / Otd-nie ekonomiki AN SSSR. In-t ekonomiki AN SSSR. – M. : Ekonomika, 1989. (Ekon. nasledie). – 304 s.

2. Zavyalov V. Yu. Elementarnyiy uchebnik dianaliza / V. Yu. Zavyalov. – Kirovograd : «Polium», 2003. – 480 s.

3. Klimchuk V. O. Suchasne psihologichne konsultuvannya ta psihoterapiya: diskurs sotsialnogo konstruktsionizmu / V. O. Klimchuk // Praktichna psihologiya ta sotsialna robota. – 2013. – # 2. – S. 63–68.

4. Leontev D. A. Neklassicheskiy vektor v sovremennoy psihologii / D. A. Leontev // Teoriya i metodologiya psihologii: Postneklassicheskaya perspektiva / Otv. red. A.L. Zhuravlev, A.V. Yurevich. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2007. – S. 74–94.

5. Shkola dianalizu [Elektronniy resurs] – Rezhim dostupu

6. Scherbina L. F. Dianaliz: psihoterapiya yak «rozumne zanyattya» / L. F. Scherbina // Praktichna psihologiya ta sotsialna robota. – 2005. – # 12. – S. 8–12.


UDC 316.61


Melnichyk O.B.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Psychological means for formation of professional intellect of future professionals in the social sphere during university training to social and psychological rehabilitation


Language: Ukrainian


Abstract. In this article psychological bases of professional training of future social support and social work specialists are analyses. Psychological aspects of formation of professional intelligence of the future social area specialists are determined as conditions of their effective professional activity and performing socially-psychological rehabilitation in social area. A model of psychological trainings of future social area specialists which includes the following series of psychological subjects is given: subjects, focused on the system of basic theoretical knowledge of practical psychology; subjects which include technological and creative component of professional intelligence in professional activity; subjects which determine personality and activity component of professional activity and professional intelligence.


Key words: psychological bases of professional training, professional training of social area specialists, professional intelligence, professional intelligence of social area specialists, socially-psychological rehabilitation.


Aktual_probl_psihol 2015, 9(6): 118-126 (pdf)


References transliterated

1. Boretska G. Є. Suchasnі tehnologії formuvannja anglomovnoї kompetencїї v govorіnnі v uchnіv osnovnoї і starshoї shkoli / G. Є. Borec'ka // Іnozemnі movi. – 2010. – №2. – P.23-26.

2. Buchatska S. M. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі pіdgotovki studentіv z іnozemnoї movi / S. M. Buchac'ka // zb. nauk. prac' №33. Ch.ІІ. – Hmel'nic'kij : Vid-vo Nacіonal'noї akademії DSPU, 2005. – p. 139-142.

3. Gaponenko L. P. Pedagogіchnі umovi formuvannja gotovnostі studentіv do іnshomovnogo spіlkuvannja / L. P. Gaponenko // Naukovі zapiski. Serіja: Pedagogіchnі nauki. – Kіrovograd: RVC KDPU іm. V. Vinnichenka, 2002. – Vipusk 45. Chastina 1. – P. 77-79.

4. Grinchishin A. M. Komunіkativna sprjamovanіst' navchannja іnozemnoї movi majbutnіh fahіvcіv mіzhnarodnih vіdnosin / A.M. Grinchishin // Materіali naukovo-praktichnoї. konf. (1), Hmel'nic'kij: TUP, 2003. – P. 121-126.

5. Zontova S. Є.Kognіtivnij pіdhіd do navchannja іnshomovnoї leksiki / S. Є. Zontova / Problemi suchasnoї pedagogіchnoї osvіti: zb. nauk. prac'. – Jalta: RVV KGU, 2005. – Vip.8, ch. 2. – P. 89- 93.

6. Kossov B. Psihologicheskaja podgotovka specialista / B. Kossov, S. Birjukov, I. Valeeva, I. Shuranova // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 1999. №1. S.71 75.

7. Mil'rud R. P. Metodika prepodavanija anglijskogo jazyka. English Teaching Methodology : ucheb. posob. dlja vuzov / R. P. Mil'rud. – 2-e izd., stereotip. – M. : Drofa, 2007. – 253 p.