Actual Problems of Psychology: Scientific Papers of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine. –
 Vol. IX. Common Psychology. Ethnic Psychology. History of Psychology. –  Issue 9. – 2016.



UDC: 159.23
Maksimenko S.D., Serdiuk L.Z.
Maksymenko Serhiy Dmytrovych, Dr. of Science (Psychology), Professor, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Director of Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Serdiuk Liudmyla Zaharіvna, Dr. of Science (Psychology), Professor, Head of Laboratory of Psychology of Personality, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological Bases of Personal Self-Realization: Structure and Function

The article reveals the psychological foundations of the self-realization phenomenon. It is determines that personal self-realization as a self-determined phenomenon is determined by a complex of interconnected personal indicators, including the value of self-development, integral perception of a personal life course, self-acceptance and so on. Psychological meaning of personal self-realization is defined, namely: psychological aspects of self-actualization that support understanding of personal meaning of self-realization. Importance to study objective laws of the process of personal self-realization through its value-semantic mediation is substantiated. An important factor of personal self-realization is internal motivation, caused by personal creativity, self-guidance, desires for self-development, a high-status position in social contact, knowledge
Keywords: self-realization, motivation, synergy, self-determination, self-organization

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Maksimenko S. D. Psihologіja vnutrіshn'ogo svіtu / S. D. Maksimenko // Rozvitok osobistіsnoї aktivnostі : teoretichnі aspekti : zb. nauk. pr. / za red. akad. S. D. Maksimenka. – K. : Mіlenіum, 2005. – S. 3-32. Maksimenko, S.D. Genezis sushhestvovanija lichnosti / S.D Maksimenko. – K. : Izd-vo OOO «KMM», 2006. – 239 s. Maslou, A. Motivacija i lichnost' / A. Maslou. – 3-e izd. – SPb. : Piter, 2008. – 352 s. Serdjuk L. Z. Osobistіsnij modus samorealіzacії majbutnіh fahіvcіv / L. Z. Serdjuk // Vіsnik pіsljadiplomnoї osvіti: zb. nauk. pr./ Un-t. menedzh. osvіti NAPN Ukraїni; redkol.: O. L. Anufrієva [ta іn.]. – Vip. 10(23)/ golov. red. V. V. Olіjnik. – K.:ATOPOL, 2014. – S. 239-248. Stolin V. V. Samosoznanie lichnosti / V. V. Stolin. – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 1983.– 308 s. Bandura A. Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. – N.Y.: W.H.Freeman & Co, 1997. Deci E. L., Ryan R. M. Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. – New York: Plenium press, 1985. Deci E. L., Ryan, R. M. The «what» and «why» of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior // Psychological Inquiry. –Vol. 11, 2000. –P.227-268. Osin E., Boniwell I. Self-determination and well-being. Poster presented at the Self-Determination Conference. Ghent, Belgium, 2010. Rogers K. R. Psychotherapy and personality change / K.R. Rogers, R.F. Dymond. – Chicago, 1954. – 344 p. Seligman M. E. P., Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology // American psychologist. Vol.55/1, 2000. – P.5-14.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 6-13 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2
Chepeleva N.V.
Chepelеva Natalіja Vasilіvna, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Psychology), Professor, Deputy Director of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The research of self-designing of personality in the context of post-non-classical psychology

The paper covers the problems of personality that are considered from the perspective of the post-non-classical methodological approach, which tends to construe personality as a cultural object formed through the processes of self-creation, self-designing and self-determination. The evidence is given that understanding and interpretation of socio-cultural and life experience promote the formation of personality as a discursive subject. Is shown that the main discursive forms, which may implement the personal design, are narratives, myths, legends about yourself, personal concepts
Keywords: post-non-classical psychology, personality self-designing, narrative, discourse, personal experience, sense, interpretation

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Rozin V.M. Lichnost' kak uchreditel' i menedzher «sebja» i sub#ekt kul'tury / V.M. Rozin // Chelovek kak sub#ekt kul'tury. – M.: Nauka, 2002. – S. 42 – 112. 2. Sarbin T.R. Narrаtiv kak bazovaja metafora dlja psihologii / T.R. Sarbin // Postneklassicheskaja psihologija. – 2004 – №1. – S. 6 – 28. 3. Chepeleva N.V. Narativnoe konstruirovanie identichnosti lichnosti / N.V. Chepeleva // Problemy psihologicheskoj germenevtiki / Pod red. Chepelevoj N.V. – K.: NPU іmenі M.P. Dragomanova, 2009. – S. 181 – 193.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 13-20 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923
Anisimova A. O.
Anisimova Anna O., Candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of psychology of Open international university of human development «Ukraine»

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological features of self-determination of the professional becoming of future specialists

The article presents an integrated program of promotion the self-determination of professional development of future specialists that is one of the most important tasks of professional training of students at the university. The proposed program focuses on development of positive self-attitude, competence and self-efficacy of the personality, the formation of a reflexive culture, the ability for holistic, creative self-understanding as a subject of private life, personal and professional self-development and self-realization. Verified the effectiveness of the proposed program
Keywords: professional development, self-determination, self-realization, professional identity, self-efficacy, psychological well-being of the personality

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Zeer, Je.F. Psihologija professij / Je.F.Zeer / Uchebn. posobie [3-e izd., pererab. i dop.]. – M.: Akademicheskij proekt, Fond «Mir», 2006. – 336 s. 2. Serdjuk, L. Z. Kompleksna programa rozvitku motivacії uchіnnja ta profesіjnogo stanovlennja majbutn'ogo fahіvcja u VNZ / L. Z. Serdjuk, O. І. Kuprєєva // Aktual'nі problemi navchannja ta vihovannja ljudej z osoblivimi potrebami: Zb. nauk. prac'. – № 10 (12). – K.:Unіversitet «Ukraїna», 2013. – S. 205-223. 3. Serdjuk L.Z. Psihologіchnі chinniki samodetermіnacії profesіjnogo stanovlennja osobistostі / L.Z.Serdjuk, A.O. Sokoljuk // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії : zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іn-tu psihologії G.S.Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – K., Nіzhin: PP Lisenko, 2015. – Tom ІH. – Zagal'na psihologіja. Іstorichna psihologіja. Etnіchna psihologіja. –Vip. 7. – S. 317-322. 4. Sokoljuk A.O. Osobistіsno-profesіjnij rozvitok majbutn'ogo fahіvcja jak sub’єkta profesіjnogo stanovlennja / A.O. Sokoljuk // Osvіta regіonu. – №3(36), 2014. – K.:Unіversitet «Ukraїna». – S.99-104. 5. Student kak sub#ekt samorazvitija i otnoshenija k uchebno-professional'noj dejatel'nosti / V. G. Maralov, O. A. Voronina, E. P. Kiseleva i dr. / pod red. V. G. Maralova. – M. : Akademicheskij Proekt ; Mir, 2011. – 190 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 21-29 (pdf)


UDC: 159.925.3- 054.6
Babii N.F.
Babіj Mуkola Fedorovуch, PhD (Psychology), Аssociate professor of educational psychology of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern National University, Lutsk, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Context-modular training: theoretical aspects

The article refers to the fact that the existing system of the material in the course of professional training of future psychologists can not meet the requirements of the present, and because it is almost lost its relevance. Current events put much more specific tasks, decide which professional is possible only if the skillful mastery of specific knowledge and skills. There is an urgent need to replace it with one that would contribute to greater self-activity of students in the assimilation of knowledge. Experience shows that the most effective way to increase the level of high school education is to create an environment in which the student could take an active personal position and would be fully revealed as the subject of learning activities. Thus acquired scientific experience will have high practical potential, it is not imposed from the outside and formed in the course of self-search. In this regard, it is promising context - modular training. The modules cover a certain professional direction. The module system consists of a set of problems that meet the student during the training, and that he will decide in the performance of professional duties. In this case, using a wide range of training sessions, the teacher and the student's own motivation to stimulate the student to independent search for solutions in certain situations
Keywords: vocational training, personality genesis, context module, knowledge, training activities

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Verbickij A.A. Aktivnoe obuchenie v vysshej shkole: kontekstnyj podhod. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1991. – 207 s. 2. Ladenko I.S. Igrovoe modelirovanie: metodologiya i praktika. / I.S. Ladenko. – Novosibirsk.: NGU, 1987. - 136 s. 3. Il'enkov E.V. CHto zhe takoe lichnost'. / E. V. Il'enkov / – M.: Nauka, 1983. – 345 s. 4. Rean A.A. Psihologiya i pedagogika/ A. A. Rean, N. V. Bordovskaya, S. I. Rozum – SPb.: Piter, 2000. - 432 s. 5. CHobіt'ko M.G. Tekhnologії osobistіsno-orієntovanoї profesіjnoї osvіti. /M.G.CHobіt'ko. – K. : Nіka-Centr, 2005. – 88 s 6. YUcyavichene P. Teoriya i praktika modul'nogo obucheniya. / P. YUcyavichene – Kaunas: SHviesa, 1989. – 272 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 29-37 (pdf)


UDC: 378.442.2(477)
Balakhtar V.V.
Balakhtar Valentyna Vіzіtorіvna, PhD (Pedagogу), Assistant professor of the department of social work and personnel service of BSFEU Bukovinian State Finance and Economics University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Manipulative influence on the formation of the professional’s personality in the learning process at the universities

The article analyzed the peculiarities of the manipulative influence on the formation of the professional’s personality in the learning process at the universities which caused by the hereditary factors, mental properties and qualities; the influence of the social environment, the specific circumstances and takes place in succession within all life. The essence of the formation of the professional’s personality in the learning process at the universities, uncovering of the potential possibilities of growing youth and active familiarization of the social experience have been found out. The full professional settling can be possible only through the art of manipulation, i.e. to control the behavior using purposeful impact of mastering the professional knowledge and skills, learning the appropriate professional functions and roles, that reflect the unity of ideas about themselves and attitude as a professional; and could be characterized by emotional experiences and revealed in the professional behavior
Keywords: manipulative influence, the formation of professional’s personality, a learning process in high school (university), the objects of manipulative influence, personal growth, professional formation of personality, values, lifestyle, cultural norms, spiritual and moral sphere

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Balahtar V., Pіren M. Rol' manіpuljativnogo vplivu v procesі perepіdgotovki derzhavnih sluzhbovcіv na osnovі єvropejs'kih cіnnostej : materіali shhorіchnoї naukovo-praktichnoї konferencії za mіzhnarodnoju uchastju «Єvropejs'kі principi і standarti pіdgotovki publіchnih upravlіncіv: orієntiri dlja Ukraїni» (Kiїv, 5-6 listopada 2015 r.) / za zag. red.. Ju.V.Kovbasjuka, M.M.Bіlins'koї, V.M.Soroko, L.AGaєvs'koї . – Kiїv, NADU, 2015. – 312 s. – [S. 211-212]. 2. Balahtar V. Socіal'nij pracіvnik jak sub’єkt zdіjsnennja derzhavnoї molodіzhnoї polіtiki [Tekst] : zb. nauk. prac' : Aktual'nі problemi pіdgotovki suchasnogo vchitelja / Valentina Balahtar // Umans'kij pedagogіchnij unіversitet іmenі Pavla Tichini. – Uman', 2013. – S. 314-318. 3. Bessonov B.N. Ideologija duhovnogo podavlenija / B.N. Bessonov. – M.: vid-vo MGU, 1971. – 295 s. 4. Vіrna Zh. P. Motivacіjno-smislova reguljacіja u profesіonalіzacії psihologa : monografіja. / Vіrna Zh. P. – Luc'k : Red-vid. vіdd. «Vezha» Volin. derzh. un-tu іm. L.Ukraїnki, 2003. – 320 s. 5. Znakov V.V. Makiavelizm, manipultivnoe povedenie i vzaimoponimanie v mezhlichnostnom obshhenii / V.V.Znakov // Voprosy psihologii. – M., 2002. – №6. – S. 45-54. 6. Pal'shkova І. O. Formuvannja ta stanovlennja profesіjnoї іdentichnostі majbutn'ogo vchitelja jak odna z problem suchasnoї osvіti v Ukraїnі [Elektronnij resurs] / І. O. Pal'shkova // Pedagogіka formuvannja tvorchoї osobistostі u vishhіj і zagal'noosvіtnіj shkolah. – 2013. – Vip. 30. – S. 26-264. – Rezhim dostupu: 7. Pankratov V.N. Psihotehnologija upravlenija ljud'mi: prakt rukovodstvo / V.N.Pankratov. – M. : Izd-vo Instituta psihoterapii, 2001. – 336 s. 8. Pristupa V. Movlennєvі taktiki manіpuljacії u pedagogіchnomu diskursі / Vіtalіj Pristupa // Іmіdzh suchasnogo pedagoga. – 2013. – №5. – S. 35-37. 9. Tatenko V. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі mehanіzmi vplivu ljudini na ljudinu / V. Tatenko // Socіal'na psihologіja. – 2003. – №1. – S. 60-72. 10. Filatov A.V. Filatov, Filatova V.N. Osnovy raspoznanija i protivodejstvija manipuljacii soznaniem / A.V.Filatov, V.N.Filatova. – M. : Sente, 2004. – 200 s. 11. Shiller G. Manipuljatory soznaniem / Per. s angl; Nauch. red. Ja. N. Zasurskij.– M.: Mysl', 1980. – 326 s. 12. Shejnov V.P. skrytoe upravlenie chelovekom / V.P.Shejnov. – Mn.: Harvest, 2003. – 848 s. 13. Shnejder L.B. Professional'naja identichnost': teorija, jeksperiment, tre- ning : uchebnoe posobie / L.B. Shnejder. – M. ; Voronezh, 2004. – S. 354-366.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 37-43 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:329.78(477)
Baliuta V.V.
Baliuta Victoria Valentynіvna, Postgraduate Student of Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological Problems of Youth’s Political Participation: Factors and Classification

The article exposes the basic scientific interpretation of the concept named “political participation” and conducts the analysis of these approaches. The main attributes and types of political participation are revealed as well. The author emphasizes the relevance of this phenomenon investigation in the modern political process. The psychological factors that affect the level and types of young people’s political participation are analyzed. Special attention is devoted to the careful consideration and analysis of the value system’s impact into a personal political perception which in turn determines political participation. In addition, it’s analyzed not only some rational factor of political participation and behavior, but also irrational ones. The article raises the question of political and psychological alienation, which in turn may play as a prerequisite for the radicalization of political behavior. The author points to some up-to-date sophisticated types of political participation, which increasingly acquire some network character. The author shows that a young generation’s political participation should be considered as an integrated phenomenon of a political life. It’s analyzed some peculiarities in the genezis of political participation and why it is so inseparable while the whole process of politcal perception and our political life. It’s reasoned the practical importance of its phenomenon investigation in relation to an opportunity of its prediction and influence on it. The prospects for further research on a current issue are stated
Keywords: youth, political participation, psychological factors, political actor, social maturity, political socialization

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Olshanskyj D. Osnovy politicheskoj psyhologii : [Uchebnoe posobye dlja vuzov] / D. Olshanskyj. – Ekaterinburg : Delovaja kniga, 2001. – 496 p. Rozenfeld Ju. Politologija / Ju. Rozenfeld, L. Gerasina, N. Osipova. – Harkiv : Pravo, 2001. – 436 p. Karmajns E. Politicheskoe povedenie: obshhie problemy // Politicheskaja nauka / E. Karmajns, R. Hakfeld. - Novye napravlenija. M., 2002. Socyalnaja psyhologija / [pod obcsh. red. E. Belinskoj]. – M. : Nauka, 2002. – 246 p. Chirun S. Polytycheskaja aktivnost i politicheskoe uchastie molodiezhy: problemy i vozmozhnosti // Vestnyk Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta / S. Chirun. – Tomsk, 2010. – Issue # 332. P. 50-54. Shestopal E. Vospriyatie obrazov vlasti: politiko-psyhologycheskiy analiz / E. Shestopal // Polis. – M. : Izdatelstvo zhurnala “Polis”, 1995. # 4. – P. 171-184. Janickyiy M. Cennostnie orientacii lichnosti kak dinamicheskaja sistema / M. Janickiy. – Kemerovo, 2000. Almond G. The Politics of the Developing Areas / G. Almond. – Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1960. – 348 p. Huntington S. Political Order in Changing Societies / S. Huntington. – N.Y. : New York Press, 1968. – 549 p. Inglehart R. Human Beliefs and Values: A Cross-Cultural Sourcebook based on the 1999-2002 values Surveys., Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 2004. Key V. Politics, Parties and Pressure Groups / V. Key.-New York, 1964. Lane R.A. Political Life and How People Get Involved in Politics / R. A. Lane. – Glencoe, Illinois, 1965. - 347 P. Mannheim K. Diagnosis of Our Time: Wartime Essays of a Sociologist / K. Mannheim. - L., 1943. – 190 Р. Nagel J.N. Participation /J.N. Nagel.– New York: House Print Press, 1976. Verba S. Participation and Political Equality: A Seven-Nation Comparison / S. Verba, N. Nie, J. Kim.- New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 43-50 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2
Bieriushcheva I.L.
Bieriushcheva Іryna Leonіdіvna, Postgraduate Student of Institute of Social and Political Psychology, Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogic Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Locus of control as personal determinants of communicative addiction of housewives

This article highlights the problem of control localization as personal determinants of communicative addiction of housewives. Based on the theoretical analysis of the classical and modern inter-externality studies in psychological science it has been determined that control localization is regarded as an important integral characteristic of the individual, the mark of connection of relationship with self and the relationship with the world. It has been conjectured that among the personal determinants of housewives` communicative addiction the locus of control is the important factor. In the context of this study, the locus of control is considered as a cognitive component of communication depending on the individual, which directly affects the constructiveness of its communicative behavior. The empirical part of the article presents the results of studies that reveal the relationship between the performance of communicative addiction and the locus of control of housewives. The results of the study of control locus of communicative-addicted and not addicted housewives have shown qualitative differences. We prove that the locus of control, as a personal characteristic affects the manifestation of communicative addiction of housewives in the interpersonal relationships
Keywords: housewife, internality, woman, communicative addiction, locus of control, personal determinants, level of subjective control, externality

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bazhin E.F., Golynkina E.A., EHtkind A.M. Metod issledovaniya urovnya subektivnogo kontrolya // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1984. – Tom 5. – № 3. – S. 152-153. 2. Kondakov I.M. EHksperimental'noe issledovanie struktury i lichnostnogo konteksta lokusa kontrolya / I. M. Kondakov, M. N. Nilopec // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1995. – T. 16. – № 1. – S. 43-52. 3. Kuznecova YU.S. Izuchenie osobennostej lokus kontrolya lichnosti kak sposoba prinyatiya otvetstvennosti za svoyu zhizn' (na primere studentov VUZa) // ZHurn. nauch. publ. aspirantov i doktorantov. – 20.08.07 [EHlektronnyj resurs]. – URL: (05.06.16). 4. Leont'ev D.A. Test zhiznestojkosti / D.A. Leont'ev, E.I. Rasskazova. – M.: Smysl, 2006. – 63 s. 5. Magun V.S. O vzaimosvyazyah gotovnosti cheloveka k sobstvennym usiliyam i ozhidaemoj im pomoshch'yu / V.S. Magun // Psihologicheskij zhurnal / Red. A.V. Brushlinskij, I.O. Aleksandrov, I.I. CHesnokova. – 1991. – Tom 12 – №6. – S. 40-55. 6. Rean A.A. Psihologiya i psihodiagnostika lichnosti. Teoriya, metody issledovaniya, praktikum / Artur Rean – SPb.: Prajm-EVROZNAK 2006. – 416 s. 7. Sannіkova O.P. Komunіkativna kreativnіst' іnternalіv і eksternalіv: porіvnyal'na harakteristika / O. P. Sannіkova, І. A. Stracins'ka // Nauka і osvіta. – 2013. – № 3. – S. 149-153. 8. H'ell L. Teorii lichnosti / L. H'ell, D.Zigler. – SPb.: Piter, 2002. – 608 s. 9. Bornstein R.F. The dependent personality. N.Y.: Guilford Press, 1993. – R. vii, 21-27, 175-178.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 50-58 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.27:331.556.4
Blynova O.
Blynova Olena Evgenіvna, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), professor, Head of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Kherson State University, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Socio-psychological bases of adaptation of forced migrants

The article is devoted to substantiation of social-psychological principles of adaptation internally displaced persons in modern conditions of Ukrainian society. It is shown that adaptation is a stressful process, as a result, there are changes of personality, reduced self-estimation, level of aspiration, breaking of stereotypes, value orientation and social adjustment. The adaptation of forced migrants to the changing conditions of life is defined as the restructuring of psychological traits of personality, behavior and activities of the subject under adaptation in response to the new social environment, and changing the social environment itself when satisfying adaptive needs of forced migrants for their complete mutual activity and development. Analyzed psychological problems and mental disorders of forced migrants; it is shown that they have complex nature and affect all major areas of personality: emotional, cognitive, behavioral, motivational -demanded, communicative. Stated that specially formed psychologically comfortable environment, organized with accounting of specific social problems and psychological state of migrants, can alleviate arising difficulties of sociocultural adaptation, to promote the integration of migrants in the host community. Prospects for further research is to develop a comprehensive program of social and psychological support adaptation of forced migrants. It is shown that the solution of this problem is characterized by social significance and helps stabilize the socio-economic situation in the host regions
Keywords: migration, internally displaced persons, forced migrants, social-psychological adaptation

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Blynova O.Je. Psyhologichni chynnyky stresu akul'turacii' migrantiv / O.Je. Blynova // Nauka i osvita : Naukovo-praktychnyj zhurnal Pivdennogo naukovogo Centru NAPN Ukrai'ny [gol. red. O.Ja. Chebykin]. – 2010. – № 3/LXXXX, kviten'. – S.12-16. 2. Buhlina L.Ju. Narushenija psihicheskoj adaptacii u russkojazychnyh vynuzhdennyh migrantov / L.Ju. Buhlina // Social'no-psihologicheskaja adaptacija migrantov v sovremennom mire : Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / Otv. red. V.V. Konstantinov. – Penza: PGPU im. V.G. Belinskogo, 2012. – 252 s. 3. Vojnalovych I. A. Vymusheni pereselenci: zarubizhnyj dosvid, stan i realizacija i'h prav v Ukrai'ni [Elektronnyj resurs] / I.A. Vojnalovych, M.O. Krymova, L.V. Shhetinina // Instytucijnyj repozytarij KNEU. – Rezhym dostupu: 4. Konstantinov V.V. Zavisimost' uspeshnosti social'no-psihologicheskoj adaptacii vynuzhdennyh migrantov k novym uslovijam zhizni ot tipa prozhivanija [Tekst] : dis. … kand. psihol. nauk / V.V. Konstantinov. – Samara, 2004. – 165 s. 5. Malynovs'ka O. A. Ukrai'na, Jevropa, migracija: migracii' naselennja Ukrai'ny v umovah rozshyrennja JeS // O. A. Malynovs'ka. – K. : Blank-Pres, 2004. – 172 s. 6. Nadraga V.I. Problemy vymushenoi' vnutrishn'oi' migracii' naselennja v konteksti koncepcii' «suspil'stva ryzyku» / V.I. Nadraga // Ukrai'ns'kyj socium. – 2015. – №1(52). – S.135–140. 7. Orban-Lembryk L.E. Vplyv migracijnyh procesiv na povedinkovi projavy osobystosti / L.E. Orban-Lembryk // Zbirnyk naukovyh prac': filosofija, sociologija, psyhologija. – Ivano-Frankivs'k : VDV CIT, 2008. – Vyp.13. – Ch.1. – S. 3–15. 8. Palagina N.S. Osobennosti social'no-psihologicheskoj adaptacii vynuzhdennyh migrantov v preodolenii zhiznennogo krizisa: diss. … kandidata psihol. nauk: 19.00.05./ Palagina Nina Stepanovna. – Taganrog, 2007. – 175 s. 9. Soldatova G.U. Sociokul'turnaja adaptacija i psihologicheskoe zdorov'e vynuzhdennyh migrantov / G.U. Soldatova, L.A. Shajgerova // Psihologicheskaja pomoshh' migrantam v Rossii: issledovanija i praktika ; [Pod red. G. U. Soldatovoj i dr.] – M. : Izd-vo MGU, 2003. – S.14–53. 10. Shul'ga N.A. Velikoe pereselennja narodov: repatrianty, bezhency, trudovye migranty / N.A. Shul'ga. – K. : Institut sociologii NAN Ukrainy, 2002. – 700 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 58-66 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.61
Bondarchuk O. I.
Bondarchuk Olena Ivanivna, Doctor of Science (Psychology), professor, Head of Chair of Management Psychology SHEE «University of educational management» NAPN Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The spirituality in the structure of value orientations of school leaders

The article deals with the meaning and the place of spirituality in the structure of value orientations of school leaders The results of the factor analysis of the structure of value orientations heads of educational organizations are shown. It notes the contradictory character of the structure of value orientations heads of educational institutions; a mismatch value orientations in relation to management goals mission of their professional activities and the tasks of education; the opposition of value of interesting work and freedom; sphere of family life and an active, productive life personality; the values self-sufficiency and development work on yourself; personality desire to achieve perfection in everything and the value of health. The features of spirituality of managers depending on gender, age, experience of management, type of school are determined. According to this it is concluded that the development of spirituality of leaders of educational organizations in terms of postgraduate pedagogical education is very actual. The structure of development of spirituality of leaders of educational organizations (cognitive, affective and conative components) is shown. The stages of self-development and development of value-sense sphere leaders of educational organizations are determined. Stated that the initiation of spirituality of managers in terms of postgraduate education is the possible by internalization of external social influences such as: own example and direct teaching, so-called «psychological inoculation» etc. In further studies it is possible to analyze the psychological readiness of teachers of institutions postgraduate pedagogical education to development of spirituality of leaders of educational organizations etc
Keywords: value orientations; heads of educational institutions; spirituality, postgraduate education

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Ball G. O. Psihologija v raciogumanisticheskoj perspektive : izbr. trudy / G. O. Ball. – K. : Osnova, 2006. – 408 s. 2. Beh І. D. Vihovannja osobistostі: Shodzhennja do duhovnostі : nauk. vidannja. / І. D. Beh. – K. : Libіd', 2006. – 272 s. 3. Bondarenko O. F. Sub’єktnіst' jak etichnij vimіr: u poshukah vіtchiznjanoї tradicії u psihoterapії / O. F. Bondarenko // Ljudina. Sub’єkt. Vchinok : fіlosofs'ko - psihologіchnі studії : [zb. nauk. prac' / red. V.O. Tatenko]. – K. : Libіd', 2006. – S. 52–69. 4. Bondarchuk O. І. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі osnovi osobistіsnogo rozvitku kerіvnikіv zagal'noosvіtnіh navchal'nih zakladіv u profesіjnіj dіjal'nostі : monografіja / O. І. Bondarchuk. – K. : Nauk. svіt, 2008. – 318 s. 5. Vihovannja duhovnostі osobistostі : navch.-metod. posіb. / [M. J. Borishevs'kij, L. І. Pilipenko, O. І. Pen'kova ta іn.] ; za zag. red. M. J. Borishevs'kogo. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 104 s. 6. Gotovceva N. G. Vlijanie lichnostno-professional'noj samoaktualizacii na formirovanie cennostnyh orientacij budushhih pedagogov / N. G. Gotovceva // Jelektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie «Trudy MGTA: jelektronnyj zhurnal 7. Karamushka L. M. Tehnologії pіdgotovki personalu osvіtnіh organіzacіj do roboti v umovah socіal'no-ekonomіchnih zmіn / L. M. Karamushka // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: zb. nauk. pr. Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – 2008. – T. І, Ch. 20. – S. 12–16. 8. Karpenko Z. S. Aksіologіchna psihologіja osobistostі : monografіja / Z. S. Karpenko. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k : Lіleja-NV, 2009. – 512 c. 9. Kolіsnik O. P. Psihologіja duhovnogo samorozvitku osobistostі : monografіja / O. P. Kolіsnik. – Luc'k : Vezha, 2007. – 388 s. 10. Leont'ev D. A. Metodika izuchenija cennostnyh orientacij / D. A. Leont'ev . – M. : Smysl, 1992. – 17 c. 11. Maksimenko S.D. Genezis sushhestvovanija lichnosti / S.D. Maksimenko. – K. : KMM, 2006. – 240 s. 12. Pomitkіn E. O. Psihologіja duhovnogo rozvitku osobistostі : monografіja / E. O. Pomitkіn. – K. : Nash chas, 2007. – 280 s. 13. Psihologіchna pіdgotovka kerіvnikіv osvіtnіh organіzacіj do dіjal'nostі v umovah zmіn : posіbnik / O. І. Bondarchuk, L. M. Karamushka, A. S. Moskal'ova ta іn.; za nauk. red. O. І. Bondarchuk – K., 2014. – 194 s. [Elektronnij resurs]. – Rezhim dostupu: 14. Radchuk G. K. Problemi stanovlennja aksіosferi osobistostі v osvіtn'omu seredovishhі / Aktual'nі problemi psihologії : zb. nauk. pr. Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni; za red. S. D. Makisimenka. – 2007. – T. IX, Vip. 34. – S. 338–344. 15. Serdjuk L. Z. Samotvorennja osobistostі jak cіlіsnij samodetermіnovanij fenomen / L. Z.Serdjuk // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії zb. nauk. pr. Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni; za red. S. D. Makisimenka. – 2015. – T. 7, Vip. 38. – S. 422–431. 16. Bondarchuk O. Changes of professional value orientations of teachers in the system of postgraduate education / O. Bondarchuk, A. Pecherska // Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary Approach. – 2013. – 3(1). – Р. 66–78.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 66-76 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.6
Bruhovetska О. V.
Brukhovetska Оlexandra Victorivna, PhD (Psychology), associate professor, doctoral student of department of general and applied psychology of University of educational management of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Features of secondary school principals' ethnic tolerance

The article deals with the categories of 'spirituality' and 'tolerance'. The author presents the definitions of the concepts of 'ethnic tolerance' and leader's ethnic tolerance'. The author presents the results of empirical research on the levels of secondary school principals' ethnic tolerance. It was found that secondary school principals' ethnic tolerance was underdeveloped and influenced by their gender and age characteristics. The author makes a conclusion about the need for a special secondary school principals' ethnic tolerance development training in the system of postgraduate education
Keywords: spirituality, tolerance, ethnic tolerance, secondary school principals

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Avksent'eva A. V. Jetnicheskie problemy sovremennosti i kul'tura mezhnacional'nogo obshhenija / A. V. Avksent'eva. – M. : Bonfim, 2001. – 231 s. 2. Brjuhovec'ka O.V. Problema profesіjnoї tolerantnostі kerіvnikіv osvіtnіh organіzacіj / O.V. Brjuhovec'ka // Vіsnik pіsljadiplomnoї osvіti : zb. nauk. prac' / Un-t menedzh. osvіti NAPN Ukraїni / [redkol. : O.L. Anufrієva ta іn.]. – K., 2005. – Vip. 3 (16) / [golov. red. V.V. Olіjnik]. – 2011. – S. 214-219. 3. Gershunskij B. S. Tolerantnost' v sisteme cennostno-celevyh prioritetov obrazovanija / B. S. Gershunskij // Pedagogika. – 2003. – №1. – S. 3-10. 4. Deklaracіja principіv tolerantnostі : (General'na konferencіja JuNESKO vіd 16.11.1995) [Elektronnij resurs] : – Rezhim dostupu: http//www.zakon.rada. 5. Psihodiagnostika tolerantnosti lichnosti [Tekst] / pod red. G. Soldatovoj, L. Shajgerovoj. – M. : Smysl, 2008. – S. 94-97. 6. Rahmanin V. S. Demokratija i tolerantnost' : [monografija] / V. S. Rahmanin. – Voronezh : Voronezhskij gosuniversitet, 2002. – 402 s. 7. Soldatova G. U. V. Mozhet li «drugoj» stat' drugom? Trening po profilaktike ksenofobii / G. U. Soldatova, A. V. Makarchuk. – M. : Genezis, 2006. – 256 s. 8. Fedorenko L. G. Tolerantnost' v obshheobrazovatel'noj shkole / L. G. Fedorenko. – M. : KARO, 2006. – 146 s. 9. Shtumpf S. P. Duhovnost' kak sociokul'turnyj fenomen: aksiologicheskaja napravlennost' i perspektivy razvitija / S. P. Shtumpf. – Krasnojarsk, 2007. – 325 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 76-84 (pdf)


UDC: 316.621
Bugaewskij K.A.
Bugaewskiy Konstantin Anatolievich, PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Novokakhovsky Humanities Institute, New Kakhovka, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The role of the family in the formation of spiritual mature person

The article presents the results of the study of foreign and Ukrainian university students, whose goal was to determine the level of influence of family on the formation of their personality characteristics. When analyzing the results obtained, it was determined that among foreign students the impact of family and family relations was significantly higher than in the Ukrainian students. The most actively celebrate the influence of the family as the most authoritative factors influence the formation of their spirituality and harmonious development of personality, students from India and Muslim state in Africa (Morocco, Tunisia) and Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It is confidently asserted 100% of boys and girls among international students. Among the most active Ukrainian students noted the impact on family formation and establishment of their spirituality and personal characteristics of students living in rural areas, the vast majority of these were girls. Among the prevailing factors of its formation and spiritual development of the individual international students, primarily determine the influence of religion, ethnic, cultural and family traditions. Ukrainian students in the first place put the impact of social relations, then – family ties. Then go to the extent of decrease – national and cultural traditions. Religious affiliation and influence of the dominant religion is one of the last places as a factor in the formation of spirituality and personality. The results of the survey among national and local medical students, unfortunately showed that more responsible and conscious relationship to the family as to the sources of the youth spirituality and identity, recorded in foreign students. Students from India and Muslim countries undeniable mark and the dominant influence of family and religion on them and try to keep these values while studying in other countries as part of his personality. Unfortunately, the majority of respondents Ukrainian students, family influence on the formation of spiritual and personal components deformed and humiliated
Keywords: individual, family, spirituality, formation, impact, students

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Belous O. V. Social'no-psihologicheskie problemy formirovanija lichnosti rebenka v sem'e // Semejnaja psihologija i semejnaja terapija. / O.V.Belous. – 2008. – № 2. – рр. 23–26. 2. Beh I.M. Duhovni cinnosti v rozvytku osobystosti // Pedagogika i psyhologija. – 1997. – № 1. – рр. 116–118. 3. Blohina S.A. Rol' sem’i v razvitii lichnosti / S.A. Blohina // Pedagogika: tradicii i innovacii: materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (oktjabr' 2011 g.). – Cheljabinsk, 2011. – рр. 124–127. 4. Boryshevs'kyj M.J. Duhovni cinnosti v stanovlenni osobystosti gromadjanyna // Pedagogika i psyhologija. – 1997. – № 1. – рр. 144–146. 5. Djadjunova I.A. K voprosu o socializacii detej / I.A. Djadjunova // Nachal'naja shkola. – 2007. – № 10. – рр. 23–26. 6. Lopatin A.R. Sem'ja kak social'no-kul'turnyj fenomen / A.R. Lopatin, S.Ju. Sveshnikov // Vestnik PSTGU. Serija 4: Pedagogika. Psihologija. – 2009. – № 15. – рр. 18–27. 7. Komenskij Ja.A. Izbrannye pedagogicheskie sochinenija. – M., 1939-1941. – T. 2. – рр. 124–125. 8. Stel'mahovych M.T. Ukrai'ns'ka rodynna pedagogika. – K., 2006. – 305 р. 9. Oreshina I. A. Rol' ideala v duhovno-nravstvennom stanovlenii sovremennoj uchashhejsja molodezhi // Uchenye zapiski. Jelekt. nauchnyj zhurnal Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2010. – № 2 (14). – рр. 12–16. 10. Postovyj V.T. Suchasna sim’ja i i'i' pedagogika. – K., 1994. – 63 р. 11. Sova M.O. Psyhologija sim’i': Navchal'nyj posibnyk. M. O. Sova, S. O. Djenizhna. – K. : 2014. – 212 р. 12. Social'na pedagogika : Pidruchnyk. // Za red. A.J. Kaps'koi'. – K.: Centr navchal'noi' literatury, 2003. – 256 р.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 84-92 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.015
Buherko J.M.
BuherkoYaroslavaMykolaіvna, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, doctorate of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The Personality Spirituality Deep-Psychological Aspects

In the paper the spirituality is considered asan essentially human dimension of the human existence whose roots hide in the depth of the unconscious personality sphere. The knowledge development features about psycho-spiritual reality are analyzed with reference to the scientific psychological thought logic in the late XIX - early XX century. A retrospective analysis is carried out to understanding this phenomenonin the light of the depth psychology achievements. A thoughtscheme investigated here displays features of the development of the notion about the psychospiritual human reality in the time. Four components of the human psychic reality are formulated and characterized: a collective unconscious, individual unconscious, psychics functional and dynamic properties, and spirit as unconscious based on the archetypes human essence. One of Jungian psychology central concepts - Self as the archetype of integrity has been analyzed. Theharmonious relationship between Ego and Selfis shown to be an evidence of the individual spiritual health,a favorable factor for the human spiritual potential development. The holistic nature of the human psyche is uncovered as a unity of the complementary conscious and unconsciouslayers which cancel each other. It is shown that infringement relationships between them make preconditions for forming a human psyche stabilized internal contradictions. This conditions cause the libido energy is blocked, spontaneous activity mortido orientation increases, and spiritual and creative potential barriers create. V.N. Kolesnikov idea of the spirituality as unconsciousbasic deep power is considered, and the psychoanalysis spiritual strategy defined him is complemented by a T.S. Yatsenko deep knowledge phenomenological method directing to identification objectively-disintegration processes in human psyche. A deep psychocorrection is shown to activate the process of positive disintegration and psyche secondary integration at a higher level of the subject progress that develop the individual capacity to make more deep dialogue with his own psyche, liberate a locked libido energy, and direct it to disclose own internal potential
Keywords: the deep psychology, spiritual unconscious, psychospiritual reality, psychodynamical approach, psychoanalysis, spirit, spirituality

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Zelenskiy V. Bazovyy kurs analiticheskoy psihologii, ili Yungianskiy breviariy / Valeriy Zelenskiy. – M. : Kogito-Tsentr, 2004. – 256 s. 2. Kakabadze V. L. Teoreticheskie problemy glubinnoy psihologi / V. L. Kakabadze. – Tbilisi : Metsniereba, 1982 . – 184 s. 3. Kolesnikov V.N. Lektsii po psihologi individualnosti / V. N. Kolesnikov. – M. : Izdatelstvo «Institutpsihologi», 1996. – 224 s. 4. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskahsmysla / ViktorFrankl. – M. : Progress, 1990. – 368 s. 5. Yung K. G. Arhetipi i kolektivne nesvidome / Karl Gustav Yung. – Lviv : Vidavnitstvo «Astrolyabiya», 2013. – 588 s. 6. Yung K. G. O psihologii bessoznatelnogo // K. G. Yung. Psihologiya bessoznatelnogo. – M.: Kanon+ROOI «Reabilitatsiya», 2012. – 320 s. 7. Yatsenko T.S. Metodologiya glubinno-korrektsionnoy podgotovki psihologa / T. S. Yatsenko, A. V. Gluzman. – Dnepropetrovsk : Izd-vo «Innovatsiya», 2015. – 396 s. 8. Frankl V.E. Derunbewufite Gott: Psychotherapie und Religion. 7 verand. Aufl. Munchen : Kosel, 1988. – 156 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 92-99 (pdf)


UDC: 316.64
Vasiutynskyi V.O.
Vasiutynskyi Vadym Oleksandrovych, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Chief researcher of Institute of Social and Political Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological basis of productive potential of individualism and collectivism

A productive potential of individualism and collectivism is considered as an activity agent’s ability to produce necessary or desirable things, to achieve his/her goals and perform everyday tasks by using either dispositional advantages of the individualistic lifestyle or communication advantages of the collectivist one. During the series of surveys it has been shown that the modern Ukrainian youth’s ideas of collectivism appears as an attractive value which focuses on effective social and personal identification, awareness of the meaning of life, achieving success, structuring interpersonal relationships, and involvement in social life context. However, the problem of individualism and collectivism is at a periphery of the citizens’ value orientations. This is particularly significant because of stereotyping both categories, especially collectivism. Pragmatic meaning of individualism and collectivism is to provide opportunities for personal development and efficiency of activity. On the one hand, this is due to the collective and on the other – it may be realized as a result of the person’s own efforts. At the heart of the productive potential of individualism are such features as internal energy and rational egoism. The basis of collectivism is constituted with cooperative readiness and communicative sensitivity. Internal energy appears as a combination of responsibility for one’s achievements and sufficient or high vitality, providing active individual’s position. Rational egoism is interpreted as a person’s ability of taking care of him/herself while taking into consideration the others’ needs. Cooperative readiness is a person’s tendency to go into productive contact with other people, to build productive relationships, and to allocate and coordinate appropriate functions. Communicative sensitivity ensures successful accession to the space of common activities through focus on mutual likes and dislikes, acceptance and contempt, approval and condemnation
Keywords: individualism, collectivism, productive potential, internal energy, rational selfishness, cooperative readiness, communicative sensitivity

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Bandura A. Exercise of personal and collective efficacy in changing societies / Albert Bandura // Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies / Ed. by Albert Bandura. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. – P. 1–45. Earley Ch. East meets west meets Mideast: Further explorations of collectivistic and individualistic work groups / P. Christopher Earley // Academy of Management Journal. – 1993. –Vol. 36. – No. 2. – P. 319–348. Earley Ch. Self or Group? Cultural Effects of Training on Self-Efficacy and Performance / P. Christopher Earley // Administrative Science Quarterly. – 1994. –Vol. 39. – No. 1. – P. 89–117. Goncalo A. Individualism–collectivism and group creativity / Jack A. Goncalo, Barry M. Staw // Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. – 2006. – № 100. – P. 96–109. Petersen, D. Social capital / Dana Petersen // Encyclopedia of Governance / Ed. Mark Bevir. – Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2007. – Vol. II. – P. 873–874. Brunkhorst H. Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community / Hauke Brunkhorst. – Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: The MIT Press, 2005. Vasiutynskyi V. O. Kolektyvizm u prostori tsinnisnykh orientatsii molodi // Aktualni problemy rozvytku orhanizatsiinoi ta ekonomichnoi psykholohii v Ukraini: Tezy ІІ Vseukr. konhr. z orhanizats. ta ekonom. psykhol. – K. – Kamianets-Podilskyi, 2015a. – S. 24–25. Vasiutynskyi V. O. Psykholohichna struktura sotsialnykh uiavlen pro indyvidyalizm i kolektyvizm // Nauk. visn. Chernivetsk. un-tu. – Vyp. 743. Pedahohika ta psykholohiia. – 2015b. – S. 19–23. Vasiutynskyi V. O. Tsinnisnyi zmist indyvidyalizmu i kolektyvizmu v uiavlenniakh peresichnykh hromadian // Problemy politychnoi psykholohii: Zb. nauk. prats. – Vyp. 2 (16). – K.: Milenium, 2015v. – S. 136–145.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 100-107 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Volnushkina G.V.
Volnushkіna Galina Volodimirіvna, Senior lecturer of Psychology Department of Open International University of Human Development ‘Ukraine’, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychosocial features of students’ adaptation to study at higher educational institutions

In the article the essence of the mechanism of adaptation reveals social and psychological characteristics of the process, described possible causes maladjustment university students. The results of empirical research of features passing the adaptation process of the students in the first year in high school
Keywords: psychological readiness for learning, motives of choice of profession, adaptation, exclusion, frustration, self-regulation, stress resistance

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Aleksєєva T.V. Psihologіchnі faktori ta proyavi procesu adaptacії studentіv do navchannya u vishchomu navchal'nomu zakladі: Avtoref. dis. kand. psihol. nauk: 19.00.01 / T.V. Aleksєєva; Kiїv. nac. un-t іm. T.SHevchenka. – K., 2004. – 20 s. 2. Kaliteevskaya E.V. Adaptaciya i razvitie: vybor psihoterapevticheskoj stratngii/ E. Kaliteevskaya // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1995. – t.10.  № 1. – S. 27-33. 3. Kinelev S.V. Adaptaciya lichnosti kak social'noe yavlenie/S.V.Kinelev // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1991. – t. 12. – № 4. – S. 41-49. 4. Petrova N.I. Uroven' samoaktualizacii studentov i ih social'no-psihologicheskaya adaptacіya/N.I.Petrova // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2003. – t.24 - №3. – S. 116-120. 5. Rean A.A., Kudashev A.R., Baranov A.A. Psihologiya adaptacii lichnosti. Analiz. Teoriya. Praktika // SPb.: prajm-EVRO-Znak, 2006. – 242 s. 6. Rozov V.І. Formuvannya і rozvitok mekhanіzmіv adaptivnoї psihofіzіologіchnoї samoregulyacії u studentіv /V.І.Rozov // Problemi vishchoї shkoli. Nauk.-metod. zb. – K., 1994. – Vip.. 81.  S. 87-92. 7. Slobotchikov I.M. Perezhivanie odinochestva v kontekste problem psihologicheskoj adaptacii studentov psihologo-pedagogicheskih vuzov/ I.M.Slobotchikov // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovaniya. – 2005. – №4. – S. 71-77.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 107-116 (pdf)


UDC: 156.9
Volodarska N.D.
Volodarskaya Natalіya Dmуtrіvna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Fellow, Senior Researcher of P.R. Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Gestalt approach of therapy of self-determination of personality

Analysis of the research of self-determination of personality was carried out in this article. Theoretical and methodological bases of research problems were obtained. Ways of psychological assistance to the person who was in crisis situations (in form of group and individual) are determined. Possibilities, forms and methods of work including gender, age and socio-culture features are considered. Methods of the Gestalt approach of therapy of a dialog-phenomenological model, its components and relations are analyzed. The features of pregnancy principle in a context of influence of social environment on individual life strategies in a crisis situation were determined. Society influence on an activation of life sense searching of personality, construction of new goals and perspectives, reevaluation of values were shown. The phenomenological concept of intentionality, where mind or consciousness of human is regarded as intention and not rejected from the content, which is thought or intentioned. New contacts with environment create a breakthrough in creation of new interpretation of fields and form a new integrated self-organizing model of relations. It gives a new impulse to formation at personality new life perspectives and strategies for achieving them. It is repeated in every new crisis situation - a new breakthrough in changing behavior stereotypes, thoughts and perspectives
Keywords: self-determination, crisis situation, determination of personality, theoretical and methodological bases of the Gestalt approach

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Vyhotskyy L. S. Ystorycheskyy smysl psykholohycheskoho kryzysa / Vyhotskyy L. S. / – Soch. v 6-ty tomakh. T.1 Voprosy teoryy y ystoryy psykholohyy.  M., 1982, S. 291437. 2. Volodars'ka N.D. Aktivízatsíya protsesu samotvorennya metodami grupovoí̈ terapíí̈ / N.D.Volodars'ka // Problemi gumanítarnikh nauk: Zb. nauk. prats' Drogobits'kogo derzhavnogo pedagogíchnogo uníversitetu ímení Ívana Franka) Red. kol. Nadíya Skotna (golovniy redaktor). Í. Galyan (redaktor rozdílu) ta ín. – Drogobich: Redaktsíyno-vidavnichiy víddíl DDPU ímení Ívana Franka.  2014.  Vipusk tridtsyat' tretíy. Psikhologíya.  S. 1728. 3. Hyppenreyter YU.B. Obshchatʹsya s rebenkom. Kak? // YU.B.Hyppenreyter.-M.: AST, 2008. 240 s. 4. Dyler H. Heshtalʹtterapyya postmoderna: za predelamy yndyvydualyzma // Dyler H. / - M.: Smysl; CheRo, 2005. – 489 s. 5. Kalytyevskaya E.R. Fylosofyya heshtalʹt-podkhoda // E.R. Kalytyevskaya, D.Khlomov /  M.: Yzdatelʹstvo MHY, 2008.  25 s. 6. Leontʹev D.A. Znachenye y lychnostnyy smysl: dve storony odnoy medaly / D.A.Leontʹev // Psykhol. Zhurnal. -M.- 1996. – T 17.-№ 5.  S. 372377.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 117-123 (pdf)


UDC: 156.9
Halian A.I.
Halian Andrii Ihorovych, Рostgraduate Student, Master of psychology of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Methodical aspects of the study of the personal adaptation resource in the process of preparing future health professionals to their profession

The article highlights methodical aspects of the study of the personal adaptation resource in professional training of future health professionals. It is noted that the adaptive personality resource is realized through motivational-value potential (self-esteem, professional identity, professional motivation, personality orientation), regulatory capacity (self-control, localization of control, mechanisms to protect the “Self”, adaptive coping mechanisms) and emotional potential (psychological resilience, stress tolerance, anxiety, aggression, frustration). The author has characterized techniques that enable us to operationalize the potentials mentioned above. Motivational-value potential of a future health professional can be explained by the orientation of personality to the system-creating property of personality that determines its mental composition. Regulatory capacity, that is represented by regulatory resources in different forms of human activity, is seen as a certain functional potential ensuring a high level of achievement. This potential is operationalized through the use of a technique intended to diagnose coping strategies of personality's behavior. At the same time, studying control over action gives an opportunity to penetrate into the regulatory mechanism of choice, explaining why some people can finish the situation of choice by implementing intentions into action, while others – cannot. The article analyzes techniques how to study emotional potential of adaptive personality resource. It is affirmed that research on psychological resources which ensure successful adaptation may be considered as a step towards solving the problem of preparing future professionals to their profession
Keywords: adaptive personality resource, professional activity, motivational-value potential, regulatory capacity, emotional potential, self-development, self-fulfillment

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bodrov V.A. Problema preodolenija stressa. Chast' 1 : «Copping stress» i teoreticheskie podhody k ego izucheniju / V.A. Bodrov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2006. – T. 27, №1. – C. 122–133. 2. Vlasova O.G. Psihicheskij resurs cheloveka kak sub#ekta truda : sistemnyj podhod / O.G. Vlasova // Vestnik SevKavGTU. Ser.: Gumanitarnye nauki. –2005. – № 2 (14). – S. 89–98. 3. Galazhinskij Je.V. Samorealizacija lichnosti kak predmet psihologicheskogo poznanija / Je.V. Galazhinskij // Ezhegodnik rossijskogo psihologicheskogo obshhestva («Psihologija i ee prilozhenija»). – T. 9. Vyp. 2. – M., 2002. – S. 225–226. 5. Dikaja L.G. Adaptacija: metodologicheskie problemy i osnovnye napravlenija issledovanij / L.G. Dikaja // Psihologija adaptacii i social'naja sreda : sovremennye podhody, problemy, i perspektivy / otv. red. L.G. Dikaja, A.L. Zhuravlev. – M. : Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2007. – S. 17-42. 6. Dodonov B.I. Jemocija kak cennost' / B.I. Dodonov. – M. : Politizdat, 1978. – 272 s. 7. Klochko V.E. Samorealizacija lichnosti : sistemnyj vzgljad / V.E. Klochko, Je.V. Galazhinskij. – Tomsk : Izd-vo TGU, 1999. – 91 s. 8. Korytova G.S. Zashhitno-sovladajushhee povedenie sub#ekta v professional'noj dejatel'nosti : dis.... d-ra psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / G.S. Korytova ; Irkut. gos. ped. un-t. – Irkutsk, 2007. – 533 s. 9. Krjukova T.L. Psihologija sovpadajushhego povedenija v raznye periody zhizni : dis... d-ra psihol. nauk : 19.00.13 / T.L. Krjukova ; Kostrom. gos. un-t. – Kostroma, 2005. – 473 s. 10. Oprosnik «Kontrol' za dejstviem» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa : 11. Platonov K.K. Struktura i razvitie lichnosti / K.K. Platonov. – M. : Nauka, 1986. – 256 s. 12. Prjazhnikov N. Aktivizirujushhaja proforientacionnaja metodika [Jelektronnyj resurs] / N. Prjazhnikov. – Rezhim dostupa : 13. Rubinshtejn S.L. Osnovy obshhej psihologii / S.L. Rubinshtejn. – SPb. : Piter, 1999. – 679 s. 14. Fetiskin N.P. Diagnostika «jemocional'nogo intellekta» (N. Holl) / N.P. Fetiskin, V.V. Kozlov, G.M. Manujlov / Social'no-psihologicheskaja diagnostika razvitija lichnosti i malyh grupp. – M. : Izd-vo Instituta Psihoterapii, 2002. – C. 57–59.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 124-132 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2 : 128 : 159.955.4
Halian І.М.
Halian Ihor Myhailovych, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Existential well-being as an indicator of existential fulfillment of future teachers

The article explores the issue of psychological well-being in the context of existential fulfillment as interdependent categories. It is pointed out to the hedonistic and eudaemonistic nature of psychological well-being. Within the hedonistic approach (which implies not only bodily satisfaction but also satisfaction derived from achieving significant goals), “experiencing happiness” or “subjective well-being” of a person, that are consonant with the cognitive theory of mind, is an indicator of psychological well-being. According to the eudaemonistic (happiness, bliss) approach, psychological well-being is considered as fullness of personal fulfillment in specific life conditions and circumstances, finding “creative synthesis” between the compliance with the demands of the social environment and the development of one’s own individuality. It is stated that psychological well-being is an integral indicator of the extent to which a person is focused on implementing basic components of positive existence, as well as the extent to which this orientation is implemented. The author has diagnosed the presence of the average level of psychological well-being in future teachers, which indicates the formation of their holistic, realistic view of life, openness to new experience, ingenuousness and naturalness of their emotional experience. It is assumed that the overall moderate level of psychological well-being of future teachers is achieved, primarily, due to the feeling that they are able to realize their capacity for self-development and personal growth and a sense of mutual support. It was found out that the smaller the difference between subjective accessibility of important terminal values is, the higher the actual psychological well-being is
Keywords: psychological well-being, existence, existential fulfillment, self-acceptance, self-actualization, personal growth

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Halian I.M. Typy smysloutvorennja majbutnih pedagogiv / I.M. Halian // Naukovyj visnyk Chernivec'kogo universytetu : zb. nauk. prac'. Vyp. 743. Pedagogika ta psyhologija. – Chernivci : Chernivec'kyj nac. un-t, 2015. – S. 37–41. 2. Krivcova S.V. Shkala jekzistencii (Existenzskala) A. Ljengle i K.Orgler / S.V. Krivcova, A. Ljengle, K. Orgler // Jekzistencial'nyj analiz. – 2009. – №1. – S. 141–180. 3. Lepeshinskij N.N. Adaptacija oprosnika «Shkala psihologicheskogo blagopoluchija» K. Riff. / N.N. Lepeshinskij // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2007. – №3. – S.24–37. 4. Majnina I.N. Adaptacija oprosnika «Shkala jekzistencii» (Existenzskala; ESK) k russkojazychnoj vyborke / I.N. Majnina // Jekzistencial'nyj analiz. – 2009. – №1. – S. 171–170. 5. Maslou A. Jekzistencial'naja psihologija – chto v nej est' dlja nas? / A. Maslou // Jekzistencial'naja psihologija. Jekzistencija : / per. s angl. M. Zanadvorova, Ju. Ovchinnikovoj. – M. : Aprel' Presse, Izd-vo JeKSMO-Press, 2001. – 624 s. 6. Rodzhers K. Dve rashodjashhiesja tendencii / K. Rodzhers // Jekzistencial'naja psihologija. Jekzistencija : / per. s angl. M. Zanadvorova, Ju. Ovchinnikovoj. – M. : Aprel' Presse, Izd-vo JeKSMO-Press, 2001. – S. 68–74. 7. Fesenko P.P. Osmyslennost' zhizni i psihologicheskoe blagopoluchie lichnosti : avtoref. dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.01 / P.P.Fesenko. – M. : RGGU, 2005 – 20 s. 8. Shevelenkova T.D. Psihologicheskoe blagopoluchie lichnosti / T.D. Shevelenkova, P.P. Fesenko // Psihologicheskaja diagnostika. – 2005. – №3. – S. 95–121. 9. Jerikson Je. Detstvo i obshhestvo / Je. Jerikson. – SPb. : Lenato, 1997. – 592 s. 10. Jung K.G. Stanovlenie lichnosti / K.G. Jung / Psihologija lichnosti v trudah zarubezhnyh psihologov ; / sost. i obshhaja redakcija A.A. Reana. – SPb. : Piter, 2000. – 320 s. 11. Allport G.W. Comment on earlier chapter / G.W. Allport // Existential psychology. – [2-nd ed.]. – N.Y. : Random Hauss, 1969. – P. 93–98. Bradburn N. The Structure of Psychological Well-Being / N. Bradburn. – Chicago : Aldine Pub. Co., 1969. – 320 p. Diener E. Cross-cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self-esteem. // E. Diener // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 1995. – Vol. 68. – P. 653–663. Ryff CD. The structure of psychological well-being revisited / C.D. Ryff, C.L.M. Keyes // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 1995. – Vol. 69. – P. 719–727.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 132-139 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Gresko V.V.
Gresko Victoria Volodymyrivna, Master of Psychology of Psychology Department of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Correlation of perfectionism and self-actualization of physician

The article examines the psychological characteristics of perfectionism and self-actualization of person, reveals their psychological mechanisms. Self-actualization is a necessary attribute of human development. But unproductive subjective strategies of self-improvement - perfectionism causes difficulties in the process of self-actualization of a person.The article presents the results of empirical research of perfectionism and self-actualization of a person, their relationship. Development of a person and self-actualization requires a certain average level of perfectionism focused on themselves, indicating the nomination of adequate requirements and tasks, normal self-esteem, and progressive development and self-actualization. Excessively high rates of perfectionism or its specific components slow down and make the process of formation of identity and self-actualization impossible.During the research, found that perfectionism focused on a positive effect on self-actualization, there is a source of motivation to internal changes, and the development of personality. This high socio-imperative perfectionism prevents of self-actualization of a person, because it force person to blindly follow social norms, requirements of other peopleand severely limits the scope of development of the individual
Keywords: perfectionism, types of perfectionism, self-actualization, self-actualization, self-actualization level, doctors, subject-oriented perfectionism, object-oriented perfectionism, socially imperative perfectionism

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bratanich B.V., Il'chenko I.H. Samoaktualizatsiya osobystosti ta osvita / B.V.Bratanich, I.H.Il'chenko. //Filosofs'ki problemy osvity . - 2011. - #2. - S. 13 – 20. 2. Huseynova, N. O. Doslidzhennya yavyshcha samoaktualizatsiyi u psykholohichnomu dyskursi / N. O. Huseynova //Naukovyy visnyk Khersons'koho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriya : Psykholohichni nauky. - Kherson, 2014. - Vyp.1.,Tom 1. – S. 25-30. 3. Yl'yn E. P. Rabota y lychnost'. Trudoholyzm, perfektsyonyzm, len' / E. P. Yl'yn //Seryya ""Mastera psykholohyy""  SPb.: 2011.  224s. 4. Maslou A. Samoaktualyzatsyya – oryentyr dlya lychnostnoho rosta [Эlektronnыy resurs] / A. Maslou, A. V. Lazukyn. – Rezhym dostupa : /samoal.htm. 5. Chala O. A Perfektsionizm yak determinanta destruktyvnoyi konfliktnosti yunatstva / O. A. Chala // Visnyk psykholohiyi i pedahohiky [Elektronnyy resurs]. –K. : Pedahohichnyy instytut Kyyivs'koho universytetu imeni Borysa Hrinchenka, Instytut lyudyny Kyyivs'koho universytetu imeni Borysa Hrinchenka, 2015. – Vypusk 15.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 139-147 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Grys A.M.
Grys Antonina Mykhailivna, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Laboratoty of socially non-adapted minors of of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The structure and interconnection in the system of ‘The image I and character’ as psychological mechanisms of socialization of individuals with deviant behavior

The article is a logical continuation of previous scientific researches in the context of determination of psychological adaptation mechanisms of underage people related; it is forwarded on deep study of theoretical and applied aspects of the model, developed by the author, of deviants’ adaptation to the contemporary socio-cultural environment. The article is devoted to coverage of the structure and functional relationships in of the components of the “self-image and personal traits” adaptation model in health and psychopathology that can become a reference for understanding of psychological mechanisms of re-socialization of people with deviant behaviour. Disclosure of functional mechanisms of relationships between self-image and personal traits will help to clarify a depth of personality disorders of minors with deviant behaviour and to facilitate selection of adequate psychological tools to work with them. Applicability of psychological theories in practice of psychological support is discussed. Possibility to use the ""Stern self"" concept in the structure of personal traits is substantiated, it should be developed, because it allows such a person in his/her quiet periods to think logically, to form his/her beliefs, principles that are then used to understand his/her own emotional system in situations of anxiety and panic. Differentiation between emotions and intellect has many fine gradations, so it is important for a psychologist to define this feature of each client
Keywords: self-image, personal traits, deviant behaviour, psychological support, re-socialization

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Gris' A. M. Teorіja і praktika pіdgotovki psihologіv do roboti z socіal'no dezadaptovanimi nepovnolіtnіmi: monografіja / A. M. Gris'. – K. : Geoprint, 2013. – 280 s. 2. Stiven M. Dzhonson. Psihoterapija haraktera / M. Dzhonson. Stiven – M.: Korvet, 2013 – 352 s. 3. Teorija semejnyh sistem Mjurreja Bouena: Osnovnye ponjatija, metody i klinicheskaja praktika. 2-e izd. Stereotip. – M.: «Kogito-Centr», 2008. – 496 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 147-157 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.6
Danilyuk I.V., Kurapov A.O.
Danilіuk Ivan Vasyliovych, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Dean of Psychology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kurapov A.O., Рostgraduate Student of Psychology Department of National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The specifics of psychological characteristics' correlation with the selection of the acculturation strategies in youth

This article describes international students’ dependencies and connections of acculturation strategies. There are 4 main acculturation strategies: assimilation, separation, marginalization and integration. The article also shows possible ways and predictions of acculturation strategies’ selection, basing on the measured psychological characteristics. These characteristics include: level of anxiety and depression, level of neurotism and psychotism, extroversion and introversion. Results of a research allow predicting possible outcomes of intercultural interaction and at this point we are working on creating training for students, who make an academic travel abroad in order to stabilize and rise up their adaptation and make the study process smoother and more effective
Keywords: acculturation, youth age, acculturation strategies, acculturative stress, adaptation, intercultural psychology

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Baklushinskiy S.A. Osobennosti formirovaniya etnicheskoy identichnosti v megapolise / S.A. Baklushinskiy, N.G. Orlova // Etnos. Identichnost. Obrazovanie / red. V.S. Sobkina. – M. : Tsentr Sociologii obrazovania RAO, 1998. – T.IV. – Vip.VI. – S.248-267 Bahta V.M. Problema akkulturacii v sovremennoy entograficheskoy literature SShA / V.M. Bahta // Sovremennaya amerikanskaya etnografiya. – M. : Izd-vo Akademii Nauk SSSr. – 1963. – S.184-222. Berry D. Akkulturacia I psihologicheskaya adaptacia: obzor problemi / D. Berry // Razvitielichnosti. – 2001. – #4. – S.183-194 Kon I.S. Psihologiya yunosheskogo vozrasta / I.S. Kon – M. : prosveshchenie. – 1979. – 90 s. Kornev M.N. Socialna psichologiya: Pidruchnik / M.N. Kornev, A.B. Kovalenko – K. : 1995. – 394 s. Lebedeva N.M. Metodi etnicheskoy I kross-kulturnoy psihologii / N.M. Lebedeva, A.N. Tatarko – M. : Visshaya shkola ekonomiki. – 2001. – 342 s. Sholohov I.A. Psihologicheskie problemi adaptacii uchashcheysa molodezhi za rubezhom / I.A. Sholohov // Razvitie lichnosti. – 1999. – #2. – S.72-85 Berry J. W. Acculturative stress: The role of ecology, culture and differentiation / J. W. Berry, R. C. Annis // Journal of Cross–Cultural Psychology. – 1974. – № 5. – P. 382–406. Marin G. Acculturation / G. Marin, P. Balls–Organista, K. Chung – 2001, Washington, DC : АРА Books. – 248 р. Redfield R. Memorandum for the Study of Acculturation / R. Redfield, R. Linton, M. J. Herskovits // «Amerikan Anthropologist». – 1936. – Vol. 38. – P. 149-152.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 157-166 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6
Dembytska N.M.
Dembytska Nataliia Mikolaїvna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Research Fellow, Leader Research Fellow of Laboratory of organizational and social psychology of G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The child’s economic socialization in a space of family relationships

The article is devoted to the substantiation of basic theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of child’s economic socialization in the space of a low-income family as problem of social psychology. Socialized influence of family relations on the development of child’s economic culture is explained in terms of cultural-active, structural-functional, subjectness, behavioral and intersubjectness approaches. It causes the child value matrix of attitudes to the economy, to themselves and others as actors of material and spiritual appropriation of economic benefits. It determines the forming of generalized image of the human host, form the core of the economic views and ideas about family, about yourself and others in relations related to appropriation of economic benefits. It determines the formation of a child's generalized image of a host-man. It is the core of the personal economic views and ideas about family, themself and others in relations of economic benefits appropriation. It is shown that the economic culture of the family determines the child strategies of operating of economic benefits. Specified range of methodological approaches to the understanding of child’s economic socialization in the family makes it possible to present it as a process of formation and development of individual economic culture. It is a system of social and psychological qualities which provide productive authentic personality functioning in the system of relations of economic benefits appropriation. Obviously, the economic culture the features of family sets the directions of socialization of child as an actor of an economy. The logic of our discussion represents an attempt to overcome the monopoly of adaptive-deterministic canon of the socialization psychology and offer subject-transforming vector in explaining the problems of child economic socialization. It is possible due to strengthening its by system and intersubjectness methodology

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Zhuravlev A.L., Kupreychenko A.B. Sotsialno-psihologicheskoe prostranstvo lichnosti / A.L. Zhuravlev, A.B.KKupreychenko. – M.: Izd-vo «IP RAN», 2012. – 496 s. Lyudyna. Sub""yekt. Vchynok: Filosofs'ko-psykholohichni studiyi / Za – K.: Lybid', 2006. – S. 11 - 36. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni zakonomirnosti stanovlennya ekonomichnoyi kul'tury molodi: monohrafiya / V.V. Moskalenko, O.V. Lavrenko, N.M. Dembyts'ka, I.K. Zubiashvili [ta in.]; za red. V.V.Moskalenko – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 405 s. Sotsial'no-psykholohichni problemy stanovlennya sub""yekta ekonomichnoyi sotsializatsiyi: monohrafiya. /T.V. Hovorun, N.M. Dembyts'ka, I.K. Zubiashvili, L.M. Karamushka, O.V. Lavrenko, O.O. Mishchenko, V.V. Moskalenko, Yu.Zh. Shayhorodskyy./ Red. V.V. Moskalenko; Kirovohrad. 2012. – 205 c. Sub'ekt, lichnost i psihologiya chelovecheskogo byitiya/Pod red..V.V.Znakova i Z.I.Ryabikinoy. – M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologi RAN», 2005.–S.9–44.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 166-172 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
V.B. Dzhedzia
Dzhedzea Vladyslav Badrijovych, Postgraduate Student of G.S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological aspects of emergence of occupational choice crisis of future teachers

Financial security and social prestige of teacher’s work is not appropriate to it difficulty and public value. As a result, teachers at different stages of professional development are influenced by a very high risk of grave crises, personal professional deformations. Teachers can experience the first crisis of professional development - the occupational choice crisis - especially sharply. Further professional development of teachers depends on successful overcoming of such crisis. This necessitates development of psychological principles of its prevention and overcoming. The occupational choice crisis is one of types of crises of personal professional formation that occurs during education at professional educational institutions. Its characteristic features are: dissatisfaction with some themes or educational subject, doubt as for correctness of professional choice. Despite a considerable number of studies in psychology and pedagogy made in pedagogical universities, we should state that practical researches concerning the ways to prevent and overcome the occupational choice crisis of teachers are nearly absent. Researches in Ukrainian universities demonstrate a rather stable dynamics of decrease of students’ intention to work as a teacher after graduation. That is, we could argue that the occupational choice crisis of future teachers tends to strengthen during educational period
Keywords: professional crisis, occupational choice crisis, professional development, future teachers

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Bodalev A.A. Mezhlichnostnoe obshhenie i opredeljajushhie ego faktory / A.A. Bodalev // Obshhenie i formirovanie lichnosti shkol'nika. Opyt jeksperimental'nogo psihologicheskogo issledovanija / Pod red. A.A. Bodaleva, R.L. Krichevskogo. – M.: Pedagogika, 1987. – S. 817.  Gricuk O.V. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі dinamіki emocіjnogo vigorjannja vchitelіv: avtoref. dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.07 / O. V. Gricuk ; Hark. nac. ped. un-t іm. G.S. Skovorodi. – H., 2010. – 21 s. Zajchikova T.V. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі determіnanti sindromu ""profesіjnogo vigorannja"" u vchitelіv: Avtoref. dis... kand. psihol. nauk: 19.00.05 / T.V. Zajchikova ; Іn-t psihologії іm. G.S.Kostjuka APN Ukraїni. – K., 2005. – 20 s. Zeer Je.F. Psihologija professional'nogo razvitija: Uchebn. posobie / Je.F. Zeer. – 2-e izd. – M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2007. – 240 s. Zemba A. Kryza zavershennja navchannja (kryza vypusknyka) / A. Zemba // Osobystisni kryzy students'kogo viku: Zb. nauk. st. – Luc'k: Redakcijno-vydavnychyj viddil ""Vezha"", 2001. – S. 6071. Kokun O.M. Optymizacija adaptacijnyh mozhlyvostej ljudyny: psyho-fiziologichnyj aspekt zabezpechennja dijal'nosti: Monografija / O.M. Kokun. – K.: Milenium, 2004. – 265 s. Nazaruk N.V. Psyhologichni zasoby profilaktyky ""profesijnogo vygorannja"" vchytelja: Avtoref. dys... kand. psyhol. nauk: 19.00.07 / N.V. Nazaruk ; Prykarpat. nac. un-t im. V.Stefanyka. – Ivano-Frankivs'k, 2007. – 20 s. Panasenko N.M. Osoblyvosti rozvytku motyvacijnoi' ta konfliktologichnoi' skladovyh profesijnoi' kompetentnosti vchyteliv. / N.M. Panasenko, M.V. Vojtovych // Aktual'ni problemy psyhologii': Zbirnyk naukovyh prac' Instytutu psyhologii' imeni G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukrai'ny. – 2012. – Tom. V: Psyhofiziologija. Psyhologija praci. Eksperymental'na psyhologija. – Vypusk 12. – S. 176 – 184. Povarenkov Ju.P. Sistemogeneticheskaja koncepcija professional'nogo stanovlenija cheloveka / Ju.P. Povarenkov // Ideja sistemnosti v sovremennoj psihologii / Pod red. V.A. Barabanshhikova. – M.: Izd–vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2005. – S. 360-384. Psihofіzіologіchne zabezpechennja gotovnostі studentіv do pedagogіchnoї dіjal'nostі: Monografіja / Za red. O.M. Kokuna. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2008. – 296 s. Prjazhnikov N.S. Psihologija truda i chelovecheskogo dostoinstva / N.S. Prjazhnikov, E.Ju. Prjazhnikova. - 3-e izd. – M.: Akademija, 2005.  480 s. Semichenko V.A. Psihologіchna struktura pedagogіchnoї dіjal'nostі: Navch. posіb / V.A. Semichenko, V.S. Zasluzhenjuk. - K.: Vidavnicho-polіgrafіchnij centr ""Kiїvs'kij unіversitet"", 2000. – Ch. 2. – 231s. Symanjuk Je.Je. Psihologicheskie bar'ery professional'nogo razvitija lichnosti. Praktiko-orientirovannaja monografija / Je.Je. Sy-manjuk. – M.: Moskovskij psihologo-social'nyj institut, 2005. – 252 s. Titarenko T.M. Zhittєva kriza ochima psihologa // Psihologіja zhittєvoї krizi: monografіja / T.M.Titarenko. – K. : Agropromvidav Ukraїni, 1998. – S. 8 - 68. Hazratova N. Psihologіchnі problemi ta osobistіsnі krizi students'kogo vіku / N. Hazratova // Osobistіsnі krizi students'kogo vіku: Zb. nauk. st. – Luc'k: Redakcіjno-vidavnichij vіddіl ""Vezha"", 2001. – S. 7 - 21.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 173-179 (pdf)


UDC: 159.964.21
Dovgan N.O.
Dovgan Natalia Oleksandrivna, PhD (Psychology), Researcher of Laboratory of psychology of communication of Institute of social and political psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Social dialogue and its purpose in relationships between generations

The article presents the theoretical analysis of possibilities of the social dialogue in direct and indirect forms at different levels of subject-subject interactions: macro (social dialogues between the state and the civil society), meso (as communicative interactions of social groups, civic, professional, ethnic and political organizations), micro (individual communications), where acts for functioning of social relations as social partnerships determine stabilization opportunities and developmental prospects. Possibilities are discussed to use the social dialogue in relationships between generations (parents-children) as an optimal form for development and regulation in the communicative space of social group interactions, as the social dialogue is a complex system capable for self-organization and self-development that ensures effective communication and promotes mutual understanding between generations through understanding of motives, values, world view of different generations. The meaning of the ""social"" dialogue term is revealed as the one that finds social specifics of social subsystems and makes it possible to solve the problem of personal and social relations through interlocutory space organization. The necessity to develop dialogue techniques, to form dialogueness as an actual quality, to estimate skills for adequate understanding of communicative intentions in a family and the society, as well as in time and space is substantiated

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Anan'ev B. G. Chelovek kak predmet poznanyja / B. G. Anan'ev – SPb. : Pyter, 2001.  S. 93. 2. Ahyezer A. S. Marksova koncepcyja vosproyzvodstva v svete sovremennoj fylosofyy y nauky // Ahyezer A. S.; Rjabova M. Э.; Savkyn N. S. Fylosofyja y obshhestvo. Vыpusk №4 (44) / 2006.  S.45-46. 3. Bol'shoj slovar' po socyologyy, proekt [Эlektronnыj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa :- 4. Vыgotskyj L. S. Znakovыe operacyy y organyzacyja psyhycheskyh processov / L. S. Vыgotskyj // Sobranye sochynenyj: V 6-ty t. T. 6. Nauchnoe nasledstvo / Pod red. M. G. Jaroshevskogo.  M. : Pedagogyka, 1984.  400 s. 5. Glossaryj sovremennogo obrazovanyja. Pod red. E. Ju. Usyk. Narodnaja Ukraynskaja akademyja. 2014 g. [Эlektronnыj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa :, 6. Dergachev V. A. Geoэkonomycheskyj slovar'-spravochnyk / V. A. Dergachev  Odessa, YPRЭЭY NANU, 2004.  177 s. 7. Korepanova E. V. Psyhologycheskoe soderzhanye razvyvajushhyh funkcyj dyaloga / E. V. Korepanova // Vestnyk TGU, vыpusk 4 (48), 2007.  S. 185-189 8. Kurbatov V. Y. Socyal'nыj dyalog v garmonyzacyy socyal'nыh otnoshenyj / V. Y. Kurbatov // Vestnyk Adыgejskogo gosudarstvennogo unyversyteta. Seryja 1 : Regyonovedenye: fylosofyja, ystoryja, socyologyja, jurysprudencyja, polytologyja, kul'turologyja, Vыpusk № 2 / 2012, [Эlektronnыj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa : 9. Lyfynceva T. P. Fylosofyja dyaloga Martyna Bubera / T. P. Lyfynceva. – M., 1999 – 133 s. 10. Novejshyj fylosofskyj slovar' / Sost. A. A. Grycanov.  Mn. : Yzd. V. M. Skakun, 1998.  S. 191 11. Ozadovs'ka L. Dialog / Filosofs'kyj encyklopedychnyj slovnyk / L. Ozadovs'ka. – K. : Abrys, 2002. – 744 s. 12. Petroje O. M. Scial'nyj dialog u derzhavnomu upravlinni: jevropejs'kyj dosvid ta ukrai'ns'ki realii' / Petroje O. M. : monografija. – K. : NADU, 2012. – S. 24. 13. Problemы ontologyy v sovremennoj burzhuaznoj fylosofyy / red. T. A. Kuz'myna. – Ryga : Zynatne, 1988. - 334 s. 14. Sokolov A. V. Obshhaja teoryja socyal'noj kommunykacyy / A. V. Sokolov [Эlektronnыj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa : 15. Socyologyja: Эncyklopedyja / Sost. A. A. Grycanov, V. L. Abushenko, G. M. Evel'kyn, G. N. Sokolova, O. V. Tereshhenko., 2003 g. [Эlektronnыj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa :- 16. Fedorov A. A. Vvedenye v teoryju y ystoryju kul'turы / A. A. Fedorov Slovar', 2012 g. [Эlektronnыj resurs]. – Rezhym dostupa : 17. Cvyh V. F. Social'nyj dialog: osnovni pidhody do vyznachennja / V. F. Cvyh, D. V. Nelipa // Visnyk Kyi'vs'kogo nacional'nogo universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka, Filosofija. Politologija. 81-83 / 2006, S. 182185. 18. Shykyna, T. S. Dyalog kak kategoryja socyal'noj fylosofyy / Tat'jana Sergeevna Shykyna, avtoref. dys. kand. fylosofskyh nauk : 09.00.11. – Saransk, 2012.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 179-187 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Drygus M.T.
Drygus Maria Trokhymivna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Associate, senior researcher of the Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The concept of psychic development proposed by G.S. Кostiuk within the personal efficiency paradigm

The article presents the theoretical and methodological analysis of the “psychic development” concept proposed by G.S. Kostiuk within the personal efficiency approach. The core problems of psychic development determination are revealed, they reflect the basic ideas of personal efficiency formation. The roles of natural, object and social environment as well as of internal conditions for psychic development are highlighted. The scientist described a child innovatively as an active agent of activities aimed at his/her own self-development. The article emphasizes that the “personal self-movement” concept, which G.S. Kostyuk put into the centre of his approach, is the key to the coherent conceptual construction of children’s psychic development. The statuses of “self-development” and “self-movement” ideas are determined within the personal efficiency approach as well as the idea of person's control over his/her own psychic development. The conceptual analysis of psychic development, remarkable vision by G.S. Kostiuk of its psychological content, performed distinctive description of the nature of its development and constitutional elements, the fruitful idea of self-motion and disclosure by the scientists of origin and flow of ""self-movement of a developing personality"" as well as the put forward idea of person's control over his/her own psychic development, all this facts contain implicitly an architecture of personal efficiency formation.
Keywords: personality development, self-development, self-movement, personal efficiency, genesis, educational space

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Drigus M.T. Do problemi teoretiko-psihologіchnih zasad doslіdzhennja psihologіchnih mehanіzmіv osobistіsnoї efektivnostі shkoljara / M.T. Drigus // Osobistіst' u suchasnomu svіtі. ІІІ Vseukraїns'kij psihologіchnij kongres z mіzhnarodnoju uchastju. – K.: DP “Іnformacіjno-analіtichne agentstvo”, 2015. – Ch. 2. – S. 161–164. 2. Kostjuk G.S. Pro rol' spadkovostі, seredovishha і vihovannja v psihіchnomu rozvitku ditini / G.S. Kostjuk // Pracі resp. nauk. konf. z pedagogіki і psihologії / za zag. red. prof. G.S. Kostjuka. – K: Rad. shkola, 1941. – T. II. Psihologіja. – S. 3–45. 3. Kostjuk G. S. Navchal'no-vihovnij proces і psihіchnij rozvitok osobistostі / Grigorіj Silovich Kostjuk ; za red. L. M. Prokolієnko. – K. : Radjans'ka shkola, 1989. – 608 s. 4. Koffka K. Osnovy psihicheskogo razvitija / K. Koffka. – M. – L., 1934. – 257 s. 5. Maksimenko S.D. Osobistіst': prognoz rozvitku і zhittєvij shljah / S.D. Maksimenko // Psihologіchne oposeredkuvannja pedagogіchnih vplivіv na rozvitok osobistіsnoї aktivnostі v osvіtn'omu prostorі: Metod. rekom. / S.D. Maksimenko [ta іn.]; Іnstitut psihologії іm. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni. – K. : DP “Іnformacіjno-analіtichne agentstvo”, 2008. – S. 4–35. Musіjaka N.І. Doslіdzhennja stanovlennja ocіnkovih stavlen' jak mehanіzmu osobistіsnoї efektivnostі shkoljara / N.І. Musіjaka // Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo ZhDU іm. І. Franka, 2015. – T.VI. Psihologіja obdarovanostі. – Vipusk 11. – S. 203–212. Serdjuk L.Z. Rozvitok v ukraїns'kіj psihologії provіdnih іdej G.S. Kostjuka / L.Z. Serdjuk // Stanovlennja psihologіchnoї dumki v Ukraїnі: provіdnі іdeї ta іstorіja rozvitku : kolektivna monografіja / V.V. Turban, L.Z. Serdjuk, Ju.T. Rozhdestvens'kij [ta іn.] ; za red. V.V. Turban. – K.- Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2014. – S. 218–235. Stanovlennja osobistіsnoї efektivnostі uchnіv v ontogenetichnomu vimіrі : monografіja [Elektronnij resurs] / za red. M.T. Drigus. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2015. – 161 s. – Rezhim dostupu: Tishhenko S.P. Smislovі utvorennja v sistemі “Ja” jak predmet psihologіchnogo doslіdzhennja / S.P. Tishhenko // Problemi zagal'noї ta pedagogіchnoї psihologії : Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / Za red. Maksimenka S.D. – K., 2002. – T. IV, ch. 5. – S. 247–252. Shtern V. Psihologija rannego detstva. – M., 1922. – 237 s. Javors'ka-Vєtrova І.V. Dinamіka rozvitku refleksivnostі jak mehanіzmu stanovlennja osobistіsnoї efektivnostі na mezhі molodshogo shkіl'nogo і pіdlіtkovogo vіku / І.V. Javors'ka-Vєtrova // Naukovij vіsnik Chernіvec'kogo unіversitetu: Zbіrnik naukovih prac'. Vip. 743. Pedagogіka ta psihologіja. – Chernіvcі: Chernіvec'kij nac. u-t, 2015. – S. 296–301.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 187-194 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:378-051
Dubchak G.M.
Dubchak Halyna Myhailivna, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor, habilitation candidante of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological features of the manifestations of resistance to stress of students

Article concerns very actual problem of resistance to stress of modern students. It is found that modern students are characterized by a high and average level of assessment of personal resources: average assessment of personal gains is significantly higher than the assessment of losses.There is revealed a significant correlation between the gender and assessments of personal losses:women’s assessment is statistically lower than men’s.At the same time, women assess much higher their gains than losses. There is revealed a significant connection between gender and level of resourceness of students: index of resourcenessis statistically higher by women than by men, what may show stronger resistance to stress among women. It is found that modern students are characterized by a low and medium level of mental stress, in addition women‘s level of tension is significantly higher than men’s level of tension. There is revealed a significant correlation between the level of mental stress and indicators of resourceness: students with low level of mental stress have higher index of resourceness and higher indicator of gains and lower indicator of losses
Keywords: training of specialists, students, stress, resistance to stress, mental tension level, personal resources, evaluation of losses and gains of personal resources

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Vodop'janova N.E. Psihodiagnostika stressa / N.E.Vodop'janova.  SPb., 2009.  336 s. 2. Kokun O.M. Psyhologija profesijnogo stanovlennja suchasnogo fahivcja : monografija / O.M.Kokun.  K.: DP «Inform.-analit. agentstvo, 2012.  200 s. 3. Krajnjuk V.M. Psyhologija stresostijkosti osobystosti / V.M. Krajnjuk.  K.: Nika  Centr, 2007.  432 s. 4. Hutornaja M.L. Razvitie stressoustojchivosti studentov v uslovijah intellektual'nyh ispytanij: avtoref. dis… d-ra psihol. nauk: 19.00.13 / M.L.Hutornaja.  Tambov, 2007.  24 s. 5. Shherbatyh Ju. V. Jekzamenacionnyj stress / Ju. V. Shherbatyh.  Voronezh, 2000.  120 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 195-202 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9:316.77,159.9:37.015.3
Dutkevich T.V.
Dutkevich Tetiana Viktorivna, PhD (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Department of Educational Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The еthical value оrientation as a сomponent of future teachers’ interpersonal сonflicts realizing

It was showed that the study of future teachers’ ethical value orientation as a component of interpersonal conflicts realizing is an important part of their positive conflict behavior forming. The indicators of investigated ethical values orientation were disclosed. They are the correlation between selfish and humanistic values, their firmness, the aspiration to consent and tolerance. It were used such methods as value ranging, tendency to norms disturbance scale of “Determination of Tendency to deviant behavior” questionnaire by A.N.Orel, “Diagnostic of communicative attitudes” by V.V.Boyko, “Diagnostic of communicative tolerance” by V.V.Boyko. It was presented the results of empirical study of 135 third year students of physics and mathematics and pedagogical university departments. It was established that 16,3% of studying students have high level of ethical value orientation of interpersonal conflicts realizing, 53,3% of them have average level and 30,4% nave low level. It was revealed by empirical way that near third part of future teachers with a low level of moral value trend at interpersonal conflicts realizing is rather dangerous phenomena which badly influences at pedagogues’ professional becoming. It was shown that pedagogical profession requires the resistant and high moral teachers’ values which provide constructive educational interpersonal relations with colleagues, pupils and their parents. It was considered the importance the pedagogues’ ability to make humanistic oriented choices, to defense the spiritual values, to assert them while conflict situations, to solve communicative problems regarding the principles of children interests protection and providing all terms for their development, to differentiate clearly the cases of possible compromises and solid incompliance. The empirical data revealed the necessity of proper forming work
Keywords: value, orientation, realizing, interpersonal conflict, tolerance, selfish and humanistic values

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Batrachenko I.G., Konovalova O.A. Spryjmannja ta ochikuvannja v strukturi konfliktu // Konflikty v suspil'stvi: Diagnostyka i profilaktyka / Tezy III-i' Mizhn. nauk.-prakt. konf / za red. M.I.Piren, A.M.Zel'nyc'kogo ta in. – K. – Chernivci, 1995. – S. 31-34. 2. Beh I.D. Duhovni cinnosti v rozvytku osobystosti / I.D. Beh // Pedagogika i psyhologija. – 1997. – №1. – S. 124-129. 3. Boryshevs'kyj M.J. Duhovni cinnosti jak determinanty samoaktyvnosti osobystosti u vyhovanni j samovyhovanni // Psyhologija samoaktyvnosti uchniv u vyhovnomu procesi: Navch.-metod. posibn. / Za red. M.J.Boryshevs'kogo. – K.: ZMN, 1998. ― S. 182-190. 4. Dolyns'ka L.V. Psyhologija cinnisnyh orijentacij majbutn'ogo vchytelja / L.V.Dolyns'ka, N.P.Maksymchuk. – Kam’janec'-Podil's'kyj: FOP Sysyn O.V., 2008. – 124 s. 5. Vysidalko N.L. Sensytyvnist' sensorno-perceptyvnoi' sfery studenta / N.L.Vysidalko // Problemy zagal'noi' ta pedagogichnoi' psyhologii': zb. nauk. prac' Instytutu psyhologii' im. G.S.Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny / za red. Maksymenka S.D. – K.: firma «GNOZIS». – 2006. – t. VIII, ch. 9. – S. 84-90. 6. Grіshyna N.V. Psіhologіja konflіkta. – SPb., M., Har'kov, Mynsk: PYTER, 2000. – 464 s. 7. Dutkevych T.V. Osoblyvosti social'no-perceptyvnogo obrazu mizhosobystisnogo konfliktu / T.V.Dutkevych // Problemy suchasnoi' psyhologii': zb. nauk. pr. Kam'janec'-Podil's'kogo nacional'nogo universytetu im. I.Ogijenka, Instytutu psyhologii' im. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny / za red. S.D. Maksymenka, L.A. Onufrijevoi'. – Vyp. 8. – Kam'janec'-Podil's'kyj: Aksioma, 2010. – S. 288-297. 8. Kas'jan V.I. Filosofija. Vidpovidi na pytannja ekzamenacijnyh biletiv / V.I.Kas'jan. –K.: Znannja, 2008. – 347 s. 9. Kozhuhar' G.S. Problema tolerantnostі v mezhlіchnostnom obshhenіі / G.S.Kozhuhar' // Voprosy psіhologіі. – №2. – 2006. – S.3-12. 10. Koshova I.V. Vplyv interpretacijnyh shem na rozvytok i zavershennja konfliktnyh sytuacij / I.V.Koshova // Naukovi zapysky Instytutu psyhologii' im. G.S. Kostjuka APNU. – Vyp. 26. – T. 2. – K.: Glavnyk, 2005. – S. 384389. 11. Krіstall G. Affektіvnaja tolerantnost' / G.Krystall // Zhurnal praktіcheskoj psіhologіі і psіhoanalyza, 2001. – №3. – S. 56-66. 12. Leont'ev D.A. Psіhologіja smysla (prіroda, stroenіe і dіnamіka smyslovoj real'nostі) / D.A. Leont'ev. – M.: Smysl, 2003. – 487 s. 13. Lozhkin G.V. Prakticheskaja psihologіja konflikta / G.V.Lozhkіn, N.Y.Povjakel'. – K.: MAUP, 2002. – 256 s. 14. Mashhenko N.I. Social'nyj intelekt i stanovlennja profesijnoi' uspishnosti studentiv / N.I. Mashhenko // Problemy zagal'noi' ta pedagogichnoi' psyhologii': Zb. nauk. prac' Instytutu psyhologii' im. G.S.Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny / za red. Maksymenka S.D. – K.: firma «GNOZIS». – 2006. – t. VIII, ch. 9. – S. 221-225. 15. Piren M.I. Konfliktologija : navch. posibnyk / M.I.Piren. – K.: Akademija, 2007. – 452 s. 16. Radchuk G. Aksiopsyhologija vyshhoi' shkoly. Monografija / G.K.Radchuk. – Ternopil': TNPU, 2009. – 415 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 202-208 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.876
Zbrozhyk E.V.
Zbrozhyk E.V. Scientific correspondent of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Іvannіkova Ganna Vasilіvna, Senior lecturer of Psychology Department of Open International University of Human Development ‘Ukraine’, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Medical-psychological correction of women who delivered preterm infants

In the article the principles of organization of psycho assistance to women who gave birth to premature babies. Analyzes modern medical technologies that contribute to increasing the number of premature babies. By emphasizing that the study of perinatal psyholohiyiyi prove the necessity of harmonious contact of mother and child dyad and see this as a single socio-biological system. The author proposed system of psychological and physical rehabilitation, in which mother and child are medical factors to each other on the background of individualized treatment and recovery facilities, which determined the purpose of our study: improving the efficiency of nursing preterm infants by developing and implementing a comprehensive program of psychological treatment in biosociological system ""mother-child"
Keywords: birth, premature baby, psychocorrection of mothers, biosocial system ""mother-child"

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Praktichniy posIbnik z neonatologIYi/ PId red. G. Sudakara, Ezutachana, D.O. Dobryanskogo: per z angl. - LvIv:, 2002. - S. 344 2. Dobryakov I.V. Hrestomatiya po perinatalnoy psihologii: Psihologiya beremennosti, rodov i poslerodovogo perioda / Sost. A.N. Vasina. - M.: Izd-vo URAO, 2005. - S.38 – 41. 3. Znamenska T.K., KurIlIna T.V. OsnovnI pIdhodi do navchannya I trenIngu pri vprovadzhennI metodu mati - kenguru v pedIatrichnu praktiku // NeonatologIya, hIrurgIya ta perinatalna meditsina. - 2013. - #1(7). - S. 140 - 148 4. Znamenskaya T.K., Zbrozhik E.V. Psihologicheskie aspektyi vzaimodeystviya meditsinskogo personala pri okazanii spetsializirovannoy pomoschi // Prilozhenie k zhurnalu perinatologiya i pediatriya. - 2010. - #4(44). - S.92 5. Znamenska T.K. Moya mama – «kenguru» //Argumentyi i faktyi. Zdorove. - # 12 (449). – 2003. – S. 2 6. Znamenska T.K., KurilIna T.V. NedonoshenIy ditinI potrIbna… «mama-kenguru» // Budmo zdorovI. - # 12. – 2001. – s. 20-21 7. KozyavkIn V.I. Metod KozyavkIna - sistema IntensivnoYi neyrofIzIologIchnoYi reabIlItItsIYi //PosIbnik reabIlItologa. - LvIv - Truskavets, 2011. - S.240 8. Luk’yanova I.S., Medvedenko G.F., Zhuravel I.A., Sopko Ya.O. VrodzhenI vadi rozvitku: prenatalnI ta postnatalnI aspekti //mistetstvo lIkuvannya. – 2007. - # 1 (37). – S. 24-26 9. Tkachenko V.B., Pisareva S.P. Vliyanie kompleksnoy programmyi psiho-somaticheskoy reabilitatsii na sostoyanie ploda u beremennyih grupp riska razvitiya preeklampsii // Aktualnyie problemyi perinatologii i psihologii roditelstva. Tematicheskiy vyipusk zhurnala «Prakticheskaya psihologiya». – M. - # 2 (36). – 2008. – S. 83-85.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 208-213 (pdf)


UDC: 159.943+355
Ivanovа O.A.
Ivanovа Olena Anatoliivna, Researcher of the Department of Social Sciences NUOU after Ivan Chernyakhovsky, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The model of female soldier’s conduct self-regulation

In the article the essence and structure of self-regulation of behavior women in uniform as external and internal arbitrary involuntary purposeful human activity of multi-determination. It includes various spheres of human mental multifunctional integral in their interaction under operating conditions, the rate of rational and efficient use of available mental resources. The structural-functional model of self-regulation of behavior of female soldiers, which are types, forms, levels, tools and behaviors, the relationship established mechanisms for self-regulation of behavior with appropriate psychological characteristics.The model reflects the hierarchical levels by involuntary and arbitrary forms of self-regulation mechanisms are sequentially formed in the personal and professional development, and agreed with the individual structural components and the logic of development of individual level to the level of the military profession. The mechanisms of self-regulation of female soldier’s behavior and their components are at appropriate levels of sensory-perceptual, operational and technical, motivational and evaluative and reflective-estimated. In this case, these levels occur through involuntary and arbitrary forms of self-regulation of behavior. Involuntary correspond sensory-perceptual and emotional (basal) component of operational and technical level, and arbitrary - volitional component of operational and technical level, motivational value-reflexive and evaluative level
Keywords: behavior, self-regulation, mechanisms of self-regulation, self-regulation model, female soldiers

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja, K. A. O subekte psihicheskoj dejatel'nosti / K. A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja. – M., 1973. – 288 s. 2. Asmolov, A. G. Psihologija lichnosti: [uchebnik] / A. G. Asmolov. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1990. – 367 s. 3. Viskovatova, T. P. Sovremennye podhody k probleme reguljacii psihicheskih sostojanij lichnosti / T. P. Viskovatova // Vіsnik ONU. Ser.: Psihologіja. – 2013. – T. 18, vip. 4(30). – S. 55–59. 4. Gabdreeva, G. Sh. Metody reguljacii psihicheskogo sostojanija / G. Sh. Gabdreeva. – Moskva-Sankt-Peterburg, 2004 // Psihologija sostojanij : hrestomatija : uchebnoe posobie / red. A. O. Prohorov. – Moskva : Per Sje ; Sankt-Peterburg : Rech', 2004. – S. 516–530. 5. Gaponenko, L. Rozvitok refleksії jak psihologіchnogo mehanіzmu korekcії profesіjnoї povedіnki u pedagogіchnomu spіlkuvannі / L. Gaponenko // Rіdna shkola. – 2002. – № 4. – S. 14–16. 6. Znakov, V. V. Samoponimanie subekta kak kognitivnaja i jekzistencial'naja problema / V. V. Znakov // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2005. – T. 26. № 1. – S. 18–28. 7. Il'in, E. P. Pishologija voli / E. P. Il'in. – 2-e izd. – SPb.: Piter, 2009. – 368 s. 8. Konopkin, O. A. Psihologicheskie mehanizmy reguljacii dejatel'nosti / O. A. Konopkin. – M.: LENAND, 2011. – 320 s. 9. Kornilova, T. V. Samoreguljacija i lichnostno-motivacionnaja reguljacija prinjatija reshenij / T. V. Kornilova // Sub#ekt i lichnost' v psihologii samoreguljacii / Pod red. V. I. Morosanovoj. – M.-Stavropol': PI RAO, SevKavGTU, 2007. – S. 181–194. 10. Kotyrlo, V. K. K voprosu o genezise proizvol'nosti psihicheskih processov / V. K. Kotyrlo // Problemy psihologii voli: materia¬ly IV nauch. konf. – Rjazan', 1974. – S. 87–94. 11. Kuchmєєv, O. O. Osnovnі rіvnі reguljacії іndivіdual'noї povedіnki zhіnki / O. O. Kuchmєєv // Problemi zagal'noї ta pedagogіchnoї psihologії : zbіrnik naukovih prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іm. G. S. Kostjuka APN Ukraїni / za red. S. D. Maksimenka. – K., 2006. – T. VІІІ, chast. 8. – S. 131–137. 12. Leont'ev, A. N. Dejatel'nost'. Soznanie. Lichnost' / A. N. Leont'ev. – M.: Politizdat, 1975. – 304 s. 13. Leont'ev, D. A. Lichnostnyj potencial kak potencial samoreguljacii // Uchenye zapiski kafedry obshhej psihologii MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova. Vyp. 2 / Pod red. B. S. Bratusja, E. E. Sokolovoj. M.: Smysl, 2006. – S. 85–105. 14. Rubinshtejn, S. L. Problemy obshhej psiholo¬gii / S. L. Rubinshtejn. – M., 1973. – 423 s. 15. Sergienko, E. A. Kontrol' povedenija kak sub#ektnaja reguljacija / E. A. Sergienko, G. A. Vilenskaja, Ju. V. Kovaleva. – M.: Izd-vo “Institut psihologii RAN”, 2010. – 352 s. 16. Holodnaja M. A. Kognitivnye stili. O prirode individual'nogo uma. – 2-e izd. – SPb.: Piter, 2004. – 384 s. 17. Chereneva, E. A. Problema voli i proizvol'nosti v psihologii / E. A. Chereneva // Vestnik Burjatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2001. – № 5. – S. 39–42. 18. Shapar', V. B. Novejshij psihologicheskij slovar' / V. B. Shapar', V. E. Rossoha, O. V. Shapar'; Pod obshhej red. V. B. Shaparja. – Izd. 2-e. – Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2006. – 808 s. 19. Jurchuk, V. V. Sovremennyj slovar' po psiholo¬gii / V. V. Jurchuk. – Minsk: Jelajda, 2000. – 704 s. 20. Bandura A. Regulation of cognitive processes through perceived self-efficacy / A. Bandura // Developmental Psychology. – 1989. – Vol. 25. – P. 729–735.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 213-222 (pdf)


UDC: 925: 159.923
Ivashkevych E.Z.
Ivashkevych Eduard Zenonovych, Phd (Psychology), Assistant Professor of the Department of General Psychology and Psychological diagnostics of Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Non-verbal approaches to diagnostics of social intellect of a person and the structure of social intellect of a teacher

The article describes nonverbal approaches to diagnostics of social intellect of a person. In the article the author’s conception of social intellect of the teacher was proposed. It shows us that social intellect of the teacher includes cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures. It was emphasized that cognitive substructure of social intellect involved a set of fairly stable knowledge, assessment, rules of interpretation of events, human behavior, their relationships, etc. Social intellect is based on the existing system of interpretation on micro-structural and macro-structural levels. In this article the structure and peculiarities of emphatic component of social intellect of a teacher were described. Emphatic component of social intellect is largely dependent on what shape of the behavior the person chooses as a priority that he/she expects his/her business associated with the complex of interpretative value in relation to the world of the person
Keywords: intellect, social intellect, non-verbal approaches, cognitive, mnemonic and emphatic substructures of social intellect

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Kunicyna V.N., Kazarinova N.V. Mezhlichnostnoe obshhenie : [uchebnik dlja vuzov] / Valentina Nikolaevna Kunicyna, N.V. Kazarinova, V.M. Pogol'sha. – SPb. : Piter, 2002. – 544 s. 2. Archer D., Akert R.M. The encoding of meaning: A test of three theories of social interaction. Sociological Inquiry [Text] / D. Archer, R.M. Akert. – 1980. – P. 419 p. 3. Cantor N., Harlow R. Social intelligence and personality: Flexible life-task pursuit. Personality and intelligence [Text] / N. Cantor, R. Harlow. – 1994. – P. 137-168. 4. Day D.H. Infant perception of the invariant size of approaching and regeding objects [Text] / D.H. Day II Developmental Psychology. 1981. – 306 p. 5. Eysenck H.J., Eysenck M.W. Personality and individual differences [Text] / H.J. Eysenck, M.W. Eysenck. – N.-Y. : Plenum Press, 1985. – 178 p. 6. Gardner H. Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligens [Text] / H. Gardner. – L. : Heinemann, 1983. – 294 p. 7. Hendricks M., Guilford J.P., Hoepfher R. Measuring creative social intelligence [Text] / M. Hendricks, J.P. Guilford, R. Hoepfher // Report from the psychological laboratory. – Los Angeles : University of Southern California, 1969. – 177 p. 8. Kihlstrom J.F., Cantor N. Social Intelligence / J.F. Kihlstrom, N. Cantor / 9. Mussen P.H., Conder J.J. Child development and personality [Text] / P.H. Mussen, J.J. Conder. – N.-Y., 1985. – 188 p. 10. Smith H.G. Sensitivity Training [Text] / H.G. Smith. – N.-Y., 1970. – 291 p. 11. Sternberg R. General intellectual ability [Text] / Robert J. Sternberg // Human abilities by R. Sternberg. – 1985. – P. 5–31.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 222-231 (pdf)


UDC: 159.920.7:[965-12]
Ivashkevych I.V.
Ivashkevych Iryna Vladyslavivna, Researcher of the department of Pedagogical and Age Psychology of Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The peculiarities of the legal activity and the structure of the professional competence of the lawyer

The article deals with a theoretical analysis of scientific literature; the main characteristics of the legal activity were summarized. The peculiarities of the legal activity of the lawyer were determined. It was proposed the author’s definition of a professional competence of a lawyer, the structure of his/her professional competence was determined. It was shown that the professional competence of a future lawyer is a personal individual quality that was consisted of structural components, which in turn contained components that, taken together, defined a psychological category that somehow determined the development of the professional competence of a lawyer. It was indicated that the lawyer’s professional competence was consisted of the following components: 1) a motivational target component; 2) a cognitive component; 3) a social component; 4) axiological component; 5) auto-psychological component. The author of the article describes the structure of a motivational target component of the professional competence of a specialist of legal scope, which includes: a motivation to perform legal activities; a motivation to succeed; the ability to set goals and to achieve them; professional self-determination, which is the criterion for successful realization of the professional activity; professional orientation as a psychological orientation of students performing professional activities, including contextual and motivational sides; professional readiness of students as a condition characterized by scientific, theoretical, psychological, legal and also by physical readiness. It was determined that a cognitive component of the professional competence of a specialist of legal sphere of the activity involved the development of knowledge, abilities and skills of the person, significant professional experience, and also highlighted the development of the ability to use these knowledge and skills, frames of the professional experience in practice. It was noted that the structure of social component of the professional competence of the lawyer consisted of communicative competence, emotional and expressive peculiarities of the person and the characteristics of motor-volitional sphere of a specialist. In the article it was determined that basic substructural elements of auto-psychological component of the professional competence of the lawyer were: a professional self-determination and self-actualization of a lawyer, which in general could be described as a long process of person’s attitude to his/her profession and to himself/herself as a (potential or real) subject of the professional activity or professionalism in a whole
Keywords: the professional competence, a motivational target component, a cognitive component, a social component, axiological component, auto-psychological component

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bodalyov A.A. Lichnost' i obshhenie : [izbrannye psixologicheskie trudy] [Tekst] / Aleksej Aleksandrovich Bodalyov // [izd. 2-e, pererab. i dop.]. – M. : Mezhdunarodnaya ped. akademiya, 1995. – 328 s. 2. Vasil'ev V.L. Yuridicheskaya psixologiya [Tekst] / Vladislav Leonidovich Vasil'ev. – M. : Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1991. – 464 s. 3. Dulov A.V. Osnovy psixologicheskogo analiza na predvaritel'nom sledstvii [Tekst] / Andrej Vasil'evich Dulov. – M. : Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1973. – 168 s. 4. Klimov E.A. Individual'nyj stil' deyatel'nosti [Tekst] / Evgenij Aleksandrovich Klimov. – Kazan' : Izd-vo Kazsh. un-ta, 1969. – 278 s. 5. L'vova N.V. Proizvodstvennaya praktika kak sredstvo formirovaniya professional'noj kompetentnosti budushhego yurista [E'lektronnyj resurs] : Dis. ... kand. ped. nauk : 13.00.08 / Nataliya Viktorovna L'vova. – Volgograd : RGB, 2009. – 243 c. – (Iz fondov Rossijskoj Gosudarstvennoj Biblioteki). 6. Romanov V.V. Yuridicheskaya psixologiya [Tekst] / Vladimir Vladimirovich Romanov. – M. : Yurist, 2000. – 488 s. 7. Smuĺson M.L., Nazar M.M. Mudrisť jak psycholohičný fenomen : [Elektronný resurs] / Maryna Lazarivna Smuĺson, Maksym Mykolajovyč Nazar, Natalija Mykolajivna Mechtichanova. – 8. Cmuĺson M.L. Proektuvannia dystancijnych rozvyvaĺnych seredovyšč [Elektronný resurs] / Maryna Lazarivna Smuĺson. –

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 231-241 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.32
Kazibekova V.F.
Kazibekova Vіktorіya Fedorіvna, PhD (Psychology), assistant Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The dynamics of the value of motherhood in women

Results of research of the dynamics of the value of motherhood at students, pregnant women awaiting first child, and women-mothers described in the article. It was determined that the awareness of the role of the content and functions of the mother, as well as the value of motherhood for a woman from the first (student) to the third (women-mothers) group is increases. It was found that there is focus bias in emphasis from the importance of professional development (at students) to the implementation of the individual personality realization (at women-mothers). It is proved that women perceive all the values, attitudes and reactions associated with raising a child with providing reliable and favorable conditions for its development as a more important and more valuable
Keywords: value, motherhood, dynamics, trends of research motherhood, motherhood awareness

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bazhenova O.V. Gotovnost' k materinstvu: vydelenie faktorov, uslovij psihologicheskogo riska dlja budushhego razvitija rebenka / O.V. Bazhenova, L.L. Baz, O.A. Kopyl // Sinaps. – 2003. – № 4. – S.35–42. 2. Brutman V.I. Formirovanie blagosklonnosti materi k rebenku v period beremennosti / V.I. Brutman, M.S. Radionova // Voprosy psihologii. – 1997. – №6.– S.38–47. 3. Brutman V.I. Predposylki deviantnogo materinskogo povedenija / V.I. Brutman, A.Ja. Varga, I.Ju. Hamitova // Psihol. zhurnal – 2000. – T. 21. – № 2. – S.79–87. 4. Vinnikott D.V. Malen'kie deti i ih materi / D.V. Vinnikot. – M. : Klass, 1998. – 182s. 5. Kodac'ka N.O. Problemne pole doslіdzhennja negativnoї materins'koї povedіnki / N.O. Kodac'ka // Socіologіja. – 2009. – №5 (67). – veresen'-zhovten'. – S. 3547. 6. Filippova G.G. Rebjonok dlja roditelej i roditeli dlja rebjonka / G.G. Filippova // Sem'ja i shkola. – 2001. –№7-8. – S.7-9. 7. Filippova G.G. Trudnaja radost' materinstva / G.G. Filippova // Sem'ja i shkola. – 2001. – №1-2. – S.7-9. 8. Homentauskas G.T. Sem'ja glazami rebjonka / G.T. Homentauskas. – M. : Pedagogika, 1989. – 157s. 9. Jerikson Je. Detstvo i obshhestvo / Jerik Jerikson. – SPb. : Lenato AST, 1996. – 389s. 10. Shnejder L.B. Psihologija semejnyh otnoshenij / L.B. Shnejder. – M. : Aprel'-press, izd-vo JeKSMO-Press, 2000. – 512s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 241-250 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923:392.3
Kapustyuk Olena
Kapustyuk Olena, PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Senior Research of the laboratory of psychology training of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Subject of family relations and his individual psychological space

The article deals with providing the analysis of the theories of personal space as a subject of the scientific analysis; notions about the principles of construction and borders of a personal psychological space at various stages of a life cycle of family relations (premarital, a newly-married couple and a stage of family relations with small children) and problems of domination and submission as one of the aspects of modification of a personality psychological space in the system of family relations
Keywords: personal psychological space, family relations, domination and submission, borders of ""I"

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Grebenshhikova T.A., Zachesova I.A. Realizacija otnoshenij dominirovanija-podchinenija mezhdu chlenami sem'i v povsednevnom diskurse // Jeksperimental'naja psihologija. 2011. T.4. №4. S.75–88. 2. Druzhinin V. N. Psihologija sem'i. Ekaterinburg: Delovaja kniga, 2000. 3. Kolosov A. Psihologіchnij prostіr osobistostі kvalіfіkovanogo sportsmena. – Rezhim dostupu: 4. Kronik A.A., Horoshilova E.A. Diagnostika vzaimoponimanija v znachimyh otnoshenijah // Voprosy psihologii. - 1987. - № 1. - S. 128 - 137. 5. Lozhkіn G.V., Voljanjuk N.Ju. Psihologіchna distancіja jak faktor organіzacіjnogo klіmatu // Socіal'na psihologіja. - 2003. - № 4 (6). - S.36 - 42. 6. Nartova-Bochaver S. K. Psihologicheskoe prostranstvo lichnosti: Monografija. — M.: Prometej, 2005. — 312 s. 7. Nartova-Bochaver S.K. Ponjatie ""psihologicheskoe prostranstvo lichnosti"": obosnovanie i prikladnoe znachenie // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. - T.24 - 2003. - № 6. - S.27 - 36. 8. Perlz F. Vnutri i vne pomojnogo vedra: Radost'. Pechal'. Haos. Mudrost'. - M.: Izd-vo Instituta psihoterapii, 2001. - 224 s.,11 9. Smirnikova O. V. Social'no-psihologicheskie osobennosti dominirovanija-podchinenija v supruzheskoj pare : avtoref. dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : (19.00.05); Mosk. otkrytyj soc. un-t. - Kursk : [b. i.], 2005. - 22 s. 10. Smironova N. V. Modeli vzaimodejstvija suprugov i ih udovletvorennost' brakrm: Dis. Kand. Psihol. Nauk. S – P., 2005. 11. Halіl' Dzhebran, «Prorok». – Rezhim dostupu: 12. Celujko V. M. Buti razom ne mozhna rozluchatisja: Jak vrjatuvati stosunki. – Rezhim dostupu: Celuiiko_-_Byt'_vmeste_nel'zya_rasstavat'sya. _Kak_spasti_otnosheniya.html#label1

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 250-258 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Karmalyuk S.P.
Karmaliuk Sergiy Pavlovуch, PhD (History), Assistant professor of the department of social work and personnel service of Bukovinian State Finance and Economics University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The implementation of youth policy in Ukraine in modern conditions, psychosocial and regional aspects

Government policy for young people is the most noticeable. Most of its problems solved at the regional level. The most important of these is to create the necessary conditions for social formation and development of boys and girls. This study is designed to examine the mechanism of the involvement of the younger generation in the process of socialization. Today the state youth policy is significantly different from the policy of previous years. We can say that the government policy for young people is a new phenomenon in the life of Ukrainian society. And in today's social, humanitarian and political science, the question still remains an open issue
Keywords: youth policy, regional authorities, socialization

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Zvit pro robotu upravlinnia u spravakh sim’i ta molodi za 8 misiatsiv 1999 r. : lyst vid 15.09.1999 r. / Zaporizka oblasna derzhavna administratsiia ; Upravlinnia u spravakh sim’i ta molodi [Elektronnyi resurs] – Rezhym dostupu : 2. Horun D. Ukrainsko-polske rehionalne spivrobitnytstvo / D. Horun // Nova polityka : nauk.-publits. zhurnal. – 1999. – №3. – S. 1417. 3. Dosvid rozrobky ta zdiisnennia rehionalnoi molodizhnoi polityky: osnovni problemy ta shliakhy yikh podolannia : nauk. zvit / UkrNDI problem molodi ; ker. temy Ia.V. Nemyrivskyi. – K., 1996. 4. Ielenskyi V.Ie. Netradytsiini relihiini rukhy, techii i hromady v suchasnii Ukraini i molod / V.Ie. Yelenskyi, V.D. Bondarenko, V.P. Perebenesiuk // Molod Ukrainy: stan, problemy, shliakhy rozv’iazannia : zb. nauk. publikatsii Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu pro-blem molodi za pidsumkamy vykonannia naukovykh prohram i proektiv u 1995 r. – K. : A.L.D., 1996. – Vyp. 5. – S. 172-190. 5. Ielenskyi V.Ie. Relihiia. Tserkva. Molod / V.Ie. Yelenskyi, V.P. Perebenesiuk. – K. : A.L.D, 1996. – 160 s. 6. Ot natsyonalnыkh, rehyonalnыkh y munytsypalnыkh struktur k razvytyiu molodezhnoi ynytsyatyvы. – Briussel, 1995. – 175 s. 7. Perebenesiuk V.P. Problemy relihiinosti molodi Ukrainy: stan, tendentsii, prohnoz / V.P. Perebenesiuk, V.Ie. Yelenskyi // Molod Ukrainy: stan, problemy, shliakhy rozv’iazannia : zb. nauk. publikatsii Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu problem molodi za pidsum-kamy vykonannia naukovykh prohram i proektiv u 1994 rotsi. – K.: A.L.D., 1995. – Vyp. 4. – S. 5868. 8. Perebenesiuk V.P. Relihiini orhanizatsii i molod / V.P. Perebenesiuk, V.D. Bondarenko // Molod Ukrainy: stan, problemy, shliakhy rozv’iazannia : zb. nauk. publikatsii Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho instytutu problem molodi za pidsumkamy vykonannia naukovykh pro-hram i proektiv u 1993 rotsi. – K. : A.L.D., 1994. – Vyp. 3. – S.7486. 9. Pro stanovyshche molodi v Ukraini (za pidsumkamy 1998 r.): Shchorichna dopovid Prezydentovi Ukrainy, Verkhovnii Radi Ukrainy, Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy / uporiad. O.M. Balakirieva, O.A. Haniukov, V.A. Holovenko [ta in.]. – K. : PrintXPress, 1999. – 154 s. 10. Realnost y perspektyvы razvytyia molodezhnoho dvyzhenyia v Donetskoi oblasty : mate-ryalы nauch.-prakt. semynara. – Donetsk, 1998. – 76 s. 11. Saienko Iu.I. Sotsialna polityka v period transformatsii suspilstva / Iu.I. Saienko // Sotsi-alna polityka v Ukraini ta suchasni stratehii adaptatsii naselennia : zb. nauk. st. – K. : NVF “Studtsentr”/ NIKA-Tsentr, 1998. –C. 69. 12. Serdiuk L.Z. Psykholohiia motyvatsii uchinnia maibutnikh fakhivtsiv: systemno - synerhetychnyi pidkhid, monohrafiia. – K.: Universytet «Ukraina», 2012.  323 s. 13. Maksymenko S.D. Henezys sushchestvovanyia lychnosty / S.D.Maksymenko. – K.: Yzd-vo OO «KMM»,2006.  240 s. 14. Karamushka L.M., Moskalov M.V. Psykholohiia pidhotovky Maibutnikh maibutnikh menedzhe-riv do upravlinnia zminamy v orhanizatsii: monohrafiia – K.: - Lviv : Spolom, 2011. – 216 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 258-267 (pdf)


UDC: 159.992.923
Kyrylenko T.S.,Yurchynska H.K.
Kyrylenko Taisa Sergyivna, PhD (Psychology), Аssistant professor of Department of general psychology of Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Yurchynska Hanna Kyrylivna, PhD (Psychology), Аssistant professor of Department of general psychology of Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Personality’s Self-Knowledge in the Context of Professional and Spiritual Burnout

The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of self-knowledge as the systemic psychological phenomenon and the instrument of professional and spiritual personality’s burnout investigation. Burnout consists in the absence of perceived meaning in professional and spiritual dimensions. It demands the formation of new existential ground of personality that may be shaped by means of different techniques. The article highlights such techniques of the creative psychodramatic dramatization, and self-analysis of life-categories within the framework of existential approach
Keywords: self-knowledge, professional burnout, spiritual burnout, psychodrama, existential approach

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Abulhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Strategiya zhizni / K. Abulhanova-Slavskaya. - M. Myisl, 1991. – 299 s. 2. Avramenko M.L. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi «Profilaktyka profesiynoho vyhorannya pratsivnykiv sotsial'noyi sfery» / Za zahal'noyu redaktsiyeyu kandydata medychnykh nauk M.L.Avramenka – Vseukrayins'kyy tsentr profesiynoyi reabilitatsiyi invalidiv – Lyutizh: 2008. - 53 s. 3. Vodopyanova N.E., Starchenkova E.S. Sindrom vyigoraniya: diagnostika i profilaktika / N.E. Vodopyanova, E.S. Starchenkova. – SPb.: Piter, 2005. 4. Grishina N.V. Pomagayuschie otnosheniya: professionalnyie i ekzistentsialnyie problemyi. / N.V. Grishina // Psihologicheskte problemyi samorealizatsii lichnosti. Pod red. A.A. Kryilova i L.A. Korostyilevoy. SPb, 1997. 5. Kyrylenko T.S., L'oshenko O.A. Psykholohiya samopiznannya / T.S. Kyrylenko, O.A. L'oshenko // K. : KVTs «Kyyivs'kyy universytet», 2015. - s. 5. Kolyadenko N. Syndrom profesiynoho vyhorannya u medychnykh pratsivnykiv/ N.Kolyadenko // Upravlinnya zakladamy okhorony zdorov'ya. - 2013 , №3, s.47- 55. 6. Kulikov L.V. Zdorove i subektivnoe boagopoluchie / L.V.Kulikov // Psihologiya zdorovya. Pod red. G.S.Nikiforova.SPb., 2003. 7. Matsenko Zh.M. Dukhovnist': fenomen psykholohiyi ta ob'yekt vykhovannya. K.: Osvita Ukrayiny. - 2010. – 100s. 8. Orel V.E. Fenomen «vyigorannya» vzarubezhnoy psihologii: empiricheskie issledovaniya i perspektivyi / V.E. Orel // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal. – 2001.- T.22, №1. – s. 90-101. 9. Osuhova N.G., Kozhevnikova V.V. Vozvraschenie k zhizni: Metodicheskie materialyi dlya veduschih treningov i seminarov po profilaktike professionalnogo vyigoraniya // Pomosch pomoschniku: sotsialno-psihologicheskoe soprovozhdenie sotsialnyih rabotnikov / Pod red. N.G.Osuhovoy. – M.: Izd-vo «Amigo-press», 2006. – S.96 – 112. 10. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskah smyisla /V. Frankl – M.: Progress, 1996. - S.367.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 267-277 (pdf)


UDC: 159.91
Klimenko V.V.

Language: Ukrainian

Psycho-physiological resources of spirituality personality

The exchange of energy, substances with the environment and generation of information society bounces in the human psyche live signals, two-way communication with their sources and build the image of a more or less adequate to the subject, but no matter. In relations with the subject of it through the sense of man opens its sources of energy (gnosis - tasks and problems), the unity of good and evil (moral and immoral) and the flows of energy and information aesthetic effects. In every sense, all three work together and depend on the situation. The idea of a tripartite composition: subject, predicate and linking. Ligament unites them at the judgment: sentence - thought in a language shell. The act of thought - linguistic and mental unit is accompanied by feelings that are independent of language and meaning is, or image, or concept. The word may denote dissimilar items. The concept system of thoughts (judgments), the understanding of the present subject matter, and not a Ghost. To form a concept - to roll his system of propositions; define the concept - to expand his judgment. A symbol is a language structure (the synthesis of the thoughts, feelings and images) - information-energy education, design, and begets in man the infinite phenomena of the subject, and governs the actions that acts an intermediary between the secret depths of the spirit, and reality. The noosphere is a learned part of the logo of the mechanisms of the psyche: plant transformation not of the living for the living; the animals - the preservation of the harmony of nature and their own well-being; poetic - makes alive - feeling, thoughts and images in the spiritual world. The spirit creates the soul from coppice of the noosphere
Keywords: spirituality, image, feeling, thought, concept, symbol

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Dekart R. Izbr. proizv.- M., 1950. 2. Klimenko V. V. Lyudina і noosfera. - K.: Al'fa, 1993.- 274 s. 3. Klimenko V. V. Mekhanіzmi psihomotoriki lyudini. - K., 1997.- 192 s. 4. Klimenko V. V. Psihologicheskie testy talanta. - H.: Folio, 1996.- 414 s. 5. Klimenko V. V. Kak vospityvat' vunderkinda.- H.: Folio, 1996.- 463 s. 6. Klimenko V. V. Mekhanіzm tvorchostі: chi mozhna jogo rozvivati. – Kiїv, “SHkol'nyj mir”, 2001. - 96 s. 7. Klimenko V.V. Psihologіya tvorchostі – K.: Centr navchal'noї lіteraturi, 2006, - 480 s. 8. Klimenko V. V. Psihologіya sportu. - K.: Akademіya, 2007.- 437 s. 9. Klimenko V. V. Psihofіzіologіchnі mekhanіzmi praksisu lyudini. K.: Vidavnichij Dom «Slovo», 2013. – 640 s. 10. Sechenov I. M. EHlementy mysli // Izbr. proizved.: fiziologiya i psihologiya.- M., 1952.- T. 1.- S. 272-427. 11. Uhtomskij A.A. Uchenie o dominante. // Sobr. soch

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 277-292 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938
Kokun O.M.
Kokun Oleg Matvіjovych, Doctor of Science (Psychology), Professor, Deputy Director of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

General factors of personal professional self-fulfilment

The article presents the empirical research aimed at identifying of general factors of personal professional self-fulfilment. This research allows us to determine three factors of professional self-fulfilment of skilled people depending on their influence power. Satisfaction with own professional activities and health are the mostly speaking predictors of achieving of high levels of professional self-fulfilment, general one as well as internal and external professional self-fulfilment separately for the first group. The regression models including these two indicators are highly predictability (R = 0,80 - 0,88; R2 = 0,63 - 0,77). In addition, the next 5 of 14 scales of Shostrom’s POI are the most important factors of ""the overall level of professional self-fulfilment"" of skilled people (R = 0,97, R2 = 0,94): sociability, feeling reactivity, orientation in time, need for creativity and liking yourself (listed in the order of importance). The second group, as for the three generalized indicators of professional self-fulfilment, includes: communication and organizational skills; ""satisfaction with a chosen profession and own work"" and ""level of professional self-efficiency” (R = 0,70 - 0,75; R2 = 0,5 - 0,57). In addition, the article determines that the main factor of ""external professional self-fulfilment"" of skilled people is an indicator on the “nature of man"" scale, as the main factor of ""internal professional self-fulfilment"" is an indicator on the ""self actualizing values"" scale. The third group includes the ""professional internal motivation"" indicator of the technique and ""reduction of personal achievements"" as a negative factor
Keywords: self-fulfilment, professional self-fulfilment, professional development, factors of self-fulfilment, skilled people

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Alonceva A.I. Samoosushhestvlenie lichnosti v junosheskom vozraste / A.I. Alonceva // Vektor nauki TGU. – 2011. – № 3(6). – S. 23 – 25. Bol'shakova A.M. Osobystisna realizovanist' ljudyny v ontogenezi: avtoref. dys. ... d-ra psyhol. nauk : 19.00.07 / A.M. Bol'shakova; Klasych. pryvat. un-t. – Zaporizhzhja, 2011. – 36 s. Kokun O.M. Teoretyko-metodologichni ta praktychni zasady dystancijnoi' psyhodiagnostyky v profesijnij sferi / O.M. Kokun // Praktychna psyhologija ta social'na robota. – 2010. – № 7. – S. 65 – 68. Kokun O.M. Psyhologija profesijnogo stanovlennja suchasnogo fahivcja: Monografija / O.M. Kokun. – K.: DP ""Inform.-analit. agenstvo"", 2012. – 200 s. Lukina E.A. Osobennosti samoosushhestvlenija cheloveka v raznye periody vzroslosti : Dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk : 19.00.13 / E.A. Lukina. – SPb., 2006 – 258 s. Psixofіzіologіchnі zakonomіrnostі profesіjnogo samozdіjsnennya osobistostі : monografіya [elektronnij resurs] / O.M. Kokun, V.V. Klimenko, O.M. Kornіyaka, O.R. Malxazov [ta іn.] ; za red. O.M. Kokuna. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2015. – 297 s. – rezhim dostupu: Gewirth A. Self-Fulfillment / A. Gewirth. – Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 2009. – 235 p. 

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 292-301 (pdf)


Kondratenko L.O.
Kondratenko Larysa Oleksandrivna, Phd (Psychology), Researcher of the laboratory of psychodiagnostics and scientific psychological information of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The development of views on the nature of ‘psychological mechanism’ in the national psychology of the twentieth century

In the article analyzed the peculiarities of views on the nature of ""psychological mechanism"" in the national psychology of the twentieth century. Stated that in this period russian and later soviet psychology survived many difficult events, that directly influenced the choice of psychologists his methodological approaches. During the first thirty years of the last century, the development of psychological science in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union took place under significant influence of the such grand figures as V.M Bekhterev, I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov, and therefore the explanation of psychological phenomena often were subjected to descriptive process of reflex (reaction) to stimuli, not the mechanism of the phenomenon as a whole.. Interesting approaches to explaining the nature of psychological mechanisms left L.S. Vygotsky and M.Y. Basov. It is shown that in the Soviet Union, during of the considerable period of time, development of psychology views on the nature of psychological mechanisms determined by political influence on science. Starting from the 30s to mid 60s of the twentieth century declared the existence of only physiological mechanisms of psychic phenomena. Only in the last thirty years of the last century began an active search for a purely psychological mechanisms but a common approach to the definition of this concept has not been found, though the research contributed to the development of the conceptual apparatus of psychology and solving complex methodological problems
Keywords: psychological mechanism, history of psychology, conceptual apparatus of science, methodology

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Boyko E.I. Mehanizmyi umstvennoy deyatelnosti (Dinamicheskie vremennyie svyazi) / E.I. Boyko – M.: Pedagogika, 1976. – 248 s 2. EtimologIchniy slovnik ukraYinskoYi movi: V 7t. – T.3. – K.: Naukova dumka, 1989. -552 s. 3. Galperin P.Ya. O predmete psihologii (doklad na zasedanii moskovskogo otdeleniya obschestva psihologov)/P.Ya.Galperin // Voprosyi psihologii – 2002.– # 5. – s.4-13. 4. Galperin P.Ya. Vvedenie v psihologiyu / P.Ya.Galperin. – M.: Izd.-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1976. – 150 s. 5. Kondratenko L.O. Poshuki osnovnih psihologIchnih mehanIzmIv u robotah L.S. Vigotskogo ta M.Ya.Basova 20-h rokIv HH storIchchya // NaukovI zapiski Institutu psihologIYi Im.G.S.Kostyuka APN UkraYini / za red.akad. S.D.Maksimenka. – K.: NIka-Tsentr, 2010. – Vip.38. – s.142 6. Lebedev A.N.Konstanta M.I.Livanova v kolichestvennom opisanii psihologicheskih yavleniy // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal, 1997, # 6 , s.96-105 7. Platonov K.K. Kratkiy slovar sistemyi psihologicheskih ponyatiy/ K.K.Platonov -2-e izd.,pererab. i dop. M.:Vyisshaya shkola,1984. - 174 s. 8. Ponomarev Ya. A. O ponyatii ""psihologicheskiy mehanizm resheniya tvorcheskih zadach"" / Ya.A.Ponomarev // Psihologicheskiy zhurnal.– 1996.– No 6.– S. 19–29. 9. Psihologiiya: Slovar / Pod, M.G.Yaroshevskogo. – 2-e izd.ispr., i dop. – M.:Politizdat, 1990. – 494 s 10. Sergeev K.K .Obschaya psihologiya kak tochnaya nauka / K.K.Sergeev - Herson : [b. v.], 1995. - 238s 11. Vilyunas V.K. Psihologicheskie mehanizmyi motivatsii cheloveka/ V.K.Vilyunas. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1990. – 288 s. 12. Yurevich A.V. Estestvennonauchnaya i gumanitarnaya paradigmyi v psihologii, ili raskachannyiy mayatnik / A.V.Yurevich // Voprosyi psihologii. – 2005. – # 2. – S.147-151 13. Zalevskaya A.A. V.Vedenie v psiholingvistiku/A.A.Zalevskaya. M.: Rossiyskiy gos. gumanitarnyiy universitet,2000 - 382 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 301-308 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Korniyaka O.M., Gomonyuk V.O.
Korniyaka Olga Mykolaivna, Doctor of Science (Psychology), chief scientific researcher of Laboratory of The Age Psychophysiology of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Gomonjuk Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, Scientific researcher of Laboratory of The Age Psychophysiology of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychology of professional self-fulfilment of university lecturers

Life success of scientists and educators is directly related to the need of their continuous personal and professional growth, self-fulfilment as a process and as an outcome of life goal achieving. According to the presented study, an agent of educational and scientific activities should have some knowledge and skills, special abilities, personally meaningful and professionally important qualities. They are evidence of his/her professional competence and include, in addition to basic professional knowledge and skills, communicative (speech, social, perceptive, interactive), psychological, educational, scientific and other skills. Moreover, general, specific and individual characteristics of the communicative competence structure reflect psychological readiness and communicative preparedness of such a professional person to communicate with those who are around him/her for professional activity fulfilment. The following can become an evidence of professional self-fulfilment: widespread use by the professional community of special experience and creative achievements, acquired by an agent of education and science in the process of dialogic, ""intellectual"" by its nature, communication. As for the scientific and pedagogical professions, these achievements are related to mandatory teaching, cognitive, scientific, social, communicative and methodical efficiency, creativity and competence in activities of comparatively young professionals as well as mature ones
Keywords: професійне самоздійснення, особистісне самоздійснення, комунікативна компетентність, креативність, ініціативність, рефлексивність, фахівець науково-педагогічного профілю

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Antsyiferova L.I. Razvitie lichnosti spetsialista kak sub'ekta svoey professionalnoy zhizni / L.I. Antsyiferova // Psihologicheskie osnovyi professionalnoy deyatelnosti: hrestomatiya / Sost. V.A. Bodrov. – M.: PER SE; Logos, 2007. – S. 499 – 507. 2. Galazhinskiy E.V. Sistemnaya determinatsiya samorealizatsii lichnosti: Dis. … d-ra psihol. nauk: 19.00.01 / E.V. Galazhinskiy. – Tomsk, 2002. – 320 s. 3. Esareva Z.F. Dinamika nauchnogo tvorchestva prepodavateley v zavisimosti ot vozrasta / Z.F. Esareva // Vozrastnaya psihologiya vzroslyih: Tez. dokl. k nauch. konf., 27 – 29 oktyabrya 1971. – L., 1971. – Vip.2. 4. Zeer E.F. Psihologiya professiy: Uchebn. Posobie / E.F. Zeer. – Izd. 3-e, pererab. i dop. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt; Fond «Mir», 2005. – 336 s. 5. Zeer E.F., Syimanyuk E.E. Psihologiya sotsialnyih destruktsiy: Uchebn. posobie dlya vuzov / E.F. Zeer, E.E. Syimanyuk. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt; Ekaterinburg: Delovaya kniga, 2005. – 240 s. 6. Ivanova E.M. Psihologiya professionalnoy deyatelnosti /E.M. Ivanova. – M.: Perse, 2011. – 336 s. 7. Klochko V.E. Samoorganizatsiya v psihologicheskih sistemah: problemyi stanovlennya mentalnogo prostranstva lichnosti (Vvedenie v transspektivnyiy analiz) / V.E. Klochko. – Tomsk: Tomskiy gos. un-t, 2005. – 174 s. 8. Kokun O.M. Zhittеve ta profesіyne samozdіysnennya yak predmet doslіdzhennya suchasnoуi psihologіуi / O.M. Kokun // Praktichna psihologіya ta sotsіalna robota. – 2013. – # 9. – S. 1 – 5. 9. KornIyaka O.M. Psihologіchnі osoblivostі rozvitku komunіkativnoуi kompetentnostI pedagogіv і psihologіv u perIod уih profesіynoуi adaptatsіуi // PsiholIngvіstika: Zb. nauk. prats. – Pereyaslav-Hmelnitskiy: PP “SKD”, 2010. – Vip. 7. – S.31 – 40. 10. KornIyaka O.M. Porіvnyalniy anaіIz rozvitku komunіkativnoуi kompetentnostі fahіvtsya u perіod yogo pervinnoуi I vtorinnoуi profesіonalIzatsіуi // Problemi suchasnoуYi psihologіуi: Zb. nauk. prats. – Kam’yanets-PodIlskiy: AksIoma, 2011. 11. KornIyaka O.M. AktualnI psihologIchnI aspekti profesIynogo samozdIysnennya vikladacha vischoYi shkoli / O.M. KornIyaka // Problemi osvIti: nauk. zb. – K., 2014. – Vip. 78. –Ch.2. – S.13 – 21. 12. Loginova I.O. Psihologiya zhiznennogo samoosuschestvleniya /I.O. Loginova. – M.: Izd-vo SGU, 2009. – 279 s. 13. Loginova I.O. Zhiznennoe samoosuschestvlenie cheloveka: sistemno-antropologicheskiy kontekst: Avtoref. diss. … d-ra psihol. nauk / I.O. Loginova. – Tomsk, 2010. – 38 s. 14. Lukina E.A. Osobennosti samoosuschestvleniya cheloveka v raznyie periodyi vzroslosti: Dis. ... kand. psihol. nauk: 19.00.13 / E.A. Lukina. – SPb., 2006 –258 s. 15. Maksimenko S.D. Geneza zdIysnennya osobistostі: MonografIya / S.D. Maksimenko. – K.: Vid-vo TOV «KMM», 2006. – 240 s. 16. Psihologicheskie osnovyi professionalnoy deyatelnosti: hrestomatiya / Sost. V.A. Bodrov. – M.: PER SE; Logos, 2007. – 855 s. 17. Psihologiya obscheniya. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar / Pod obsch. red. A.A. Bodaleva. – M.: Izd-vo «Kogito-Tsentr», 2011. – 600 s. 18. Samohvalova A.G. Delovoe obschenie: sekretyi effektivnyih kommunikatsiy: uchebnoe posobie / A.G. Samohvalova. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – SPb.: Rech, 2012. – S. 310 – 324. 19. Starovoytenko E.B. Kulturnaya psihologiya lichnosti: Monografiya /E.B. Starovoytenko. – M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt; Gaudeamus, 2007. – 310 s. 20. Chuba O.E. Usvіdomlennya profesіynogo viboru maybutnіmi vchitelyami yak chinnik samozdIysnennya osobistostI: Avtoref. dis. … kand. psihol. nauk /O.E. Chuba. – K., 2010. – 20 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 308-319 (pdf)


UDC: 316.612
Korchakova N.V.
Korchakova Nataliia Viktorivna, PhD (Psychology), Associated Professor of Department of Psychology of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Development of long-term forms of prosocial behavior in the late adulthood

This article is devoted to the issue of features of long-term forms of prosocial behavior at late adulthood. The purpose of it is to highlight the main areas of psychological analysis of volunteer activity in this age, to trace the impact of prosocial activity on the elderly people’s well-being. The author proves the expediency of ontogenetic approach to this problem and highlights the main areas of current researches on the study of volunteering as form of prosocial behavior. The analytical analysis of researches highlights that the problem of age-related aspects of volunteering is not studied enough in the field of psychology. Researchers distinguish six potential areas of activity of the elderly: family and household activity, educational activity, organization of leisure-time, socio-political activity, work and volunteer activity. The author discusses the problem of effect of volunteering as a form of prosocial activity on the physical and mental well-being of older adults, the role of this activity in the searching a new meaning of life in this age. The one of the problems in this age period is more free time but less social participation. The results of foreign researches demonstrate that through the volunteer work the elderly can expand their social circle and boost their self-affirmation. Through volunteer activities, they can also maintain normal physical functioning, as well as good interaction with the society. As noted in previous researches active prosocial behavior helps elderly people in boosting their self-affirmation and relieving their stress. Besides physical and psychological satisfaction, they can also realize their potential and be reassured of their value. Volunteering can lower their stress, frustration, and anxiety. Thus, volunteering is seen as an important way of using spiritual and employment potential of older people. It is noted that volunteering is important in the larger context of successful aging. The author outlines the issues for future research, such as psychological readiness of elderly people to different types of volunteer activities, determination of prosocial activity in this age, etc
Keywords: prosocial behavior, voluntireeng, late adulthood, prosocial activity, identity, long-term forms of helping behavior

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Menedzhment volonters'kih grup vіd A do Ja:navch-metod posіbnik /Za red. T. L. Ljah. – K., Vorso-04, 2012. – 288 s. 2. Shhanina E. V. Social'naja aktivnost' pozhilyh ljudej v sovremennom rossijskom obshhestve (region. aspekt): [Tekst]: diss. ... kand. soc. nauk : 22.00.04 / E. V. Shhanina. – Penza, 2006. – 160 s. 3. Finkelstein M. A. Correlates of Satisfaction in Older Volunteers: A Motivational Perspective / M. A. Finkelstein // International Journal of Volunteer Administration, 2007. – vol. 24, no. 56-12. – рр. 6–13. 4. Greenslade J. H. The prediction of above-average participation in volunteerism: a test of the theory of planned behaviour and the volunteers functions inventory in older Australian adults / J. H Greenslade ., K. M. White // The Journal of Social Psychology. – 2005. – vol. 145, no. 2. – рр. 155–172. 5. Greenfield E. A. Formal Volunteering as a Protective Factor for Older Adults' Psychological Well-Being / E. A. Greenfield, N. F. Marks // Journals of Gerontology. – 2004 . – vol. 59 (5). – S 258–264.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 319-326 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Krainikov E.V., Prokopovich E.M., Trutenko N.A.
Krajnіkov Eduard Vladislavovych, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of Department of Psychology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Prokopovich Eugene Mykhailovych, PhD (Psychology), Assistant professor of, Department of Psychology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Trutenko Natalіya Andrіivna, Psychologist, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Features of own body image in women with different types of early attachment

The article studies the impact of the early attachment’s type to the image of body in women. We conducted an empirical study showed that the forming of image of the body mostly depends on relationships with mother, their quality and depth. They also determine the level of child’s self-attitude in the future, which also affected by the image of her body. Further factors adjusting the image of the human body will expectations and attitude to the body image of significant people; the relationships with them are also determined by the of individual’s internal working model of attachment. The data is the basis of recommendations for correction work to the appropriate categories of clients
Keywords: body image, attachment, self, relationship with mother, autosympathy, perfectionism, interest in Self

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Burns R. Development of self-concept and training / Robert Burns. – Moscow : Progress, 1986. – 422 p. Winnokott D.W. Young children and their mothers / Donald Winnicott. – M. : Nezavisimaya firma ""Klass"", 1998. – 80 p. Vygotsky L.S. On psychological systems / Lev Vygotsky // Coll. works. in 6 vols. – T. 1. – Moscow : Pedagogy, 1982. – 487 p. Ilchik O.A. The Russian-language adaptation techniques “Scale assessment of eating” / O.A.Ilchik, S.V. Sivukha, O.A. Skugarevsky, S. Suihi // Psychiatry, psychotherapy and clinical psychology: an international scientific journal. – 2011. – № 1. – P. 39–50. Kalynovska V.V. ""The Other Side"" visual appeal: a study of its own body image components in students of BSM / V.V. Kalynovska, O.A. Skugarevsky // Belarusian Journal of Medicine. – 2004. – № 3. – P. 46–48. Leontiev A.N. Activities. Consciousness. Personality / Alexey Leontiev. – M. : Prosvescheniye, 1975. – 352 p. Skugarevsky O.A. The image of own body: the development of tools for the evaluation / O.A. Skugarevsky, S.V. Sivukha // Psychologicheskiy Journal. – 2006. – № 2. – P. 40–48. Sokolova E.T. Self-awareness and self-esteem of the individual anomalies / E.T. Sokolova. – Moscow : Izdatel’stvo MGU, 1989. – 210 p. Yaremchuk M. Features affection in parent-child relationships and love relationships at the senior teenagers / M.V. Yaremchuk // Psychological Science and Education. – 2005. – № 3. – P. 86–94. Psylab. Encyclopedia psychodiagnosis: A. Klevtsov Questionnaire of the Self [Electronic resource] / A. Klevtsov. – Electron. dani (1 file). – 2014. – Access Mode:Опросник_самоотношения Psylab. Psychodiagnosis Encyclopedia: A. Klevtsov. Multifactorial questionnaire for the study of personality [Electronic resource] / A. Klevtsov. – Electron. dani (1 file). – 2014. – Access:Сокращенный_многофакторный_опросник_для_исследования_личности

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 326-334 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923
Kuprieieva О.
Kuprieieva Olga Illivna, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, assistant professor of the Department Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher School, Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Coping-behavior as resources of psychological stability of students with disabilities

The article presents the results of the study aimed at identifying the specific coping strategies of students with disabilities. A comparative analysis coping strategies of students with disabilities and healthy students. It is revealed that the most severe coping strategy of students with disabilities - protective self-monitoring. We investigated the relationship of coping strategies with students personal characteristics: resilience, self-attitudes and life purport orientations
Keywords: coping strategies, hardiness, self-attitudes, life purport orientations, resources of the person, students with disabilities

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Vasilyuk, F. E. Tipologiya perezhivaniya razlichnyh kriticheskih situacij / F. E. Vasilyuk // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 1995. – T. 16, № 5. – S. 104–114. 2. Kryukova, T.L., Zhuravleva, A. L., Sergienko, E. A. Sovladayushchee povedenie: Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy / T. L. Kryukovoj, A.L. ZHuravleva, E.A. Sergienko. M.: Izd-vo «Institut psihologii RAN», 2008.  474 s. 3. Leont'ev, D.A., Aleksandrova, L.A., Lebedeva, A.A. Specifika resursov i mekhanizmov psihologicheskoj ustojchivosti studentov s OVZ v usloviyah inklyuzivnogo obrazovaniya /D.A. Leont'ev, L.A. Aleksandrova, A.A. Lebedeva // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie, 2011.  № 3.  S.8093. 4. Nartova-Bochaver, S.K. «Coping-behavior» v sisteme ponyatij psihologii lichnosti /S.K. Nartova-Bochaver // Psihologichnskij zhurnal, 1997.  T. №5.  S. 253-282. 5. Romanova, E.V., Tolkacheva, O.N. Sravnitel'noe issledovanie koping-strategij, osobennostej mezhlichnostnih otnoshenij i smyslozhiznennyh orientacij u lic s vrozhdennymi i priobretennymi zabolevaniya oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata / E.V. Romanova, O.N. Tolkacheva // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2105.  Seriya 12.  Vyp. 4.  S.87-98.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 335-343 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2
Lytvynenko I.S., Chugueva I.E.
Lytvynenko Іrina Sergііvna, PhD (Psychology), associate professor, associate professor of department of psychology and pedagogy, Faculty of preschool and primary education of V.O. Sukhomlynsky mykolaiv national university, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Chugueva Іnna Euvgenіvna, PhD (Psychology), Associate professor of department of psychology and pedagogy Faculty of preschool and primary education V.O. Sukhomlynsky mykolaiv national university, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The development of patriotism as component of training of future practicing psychologists

The article deals with one of the urgent problems of modern Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian education in particular –the problem of patriotic education of students. This fact is especially true for future practicing psychologists whose profession is humanistic-directional one and occurs in various social spheres. In a crisis society in a period of instability and various transformations, accompanied by numerous economic and human costs, the consciousness of young people should not be in existential vacuum. It should be filled with specific, clear meanings which will help to maintain optimism, perspective, confidence in the future. In the article there are reflected the views of scientists on the phenomenon of ""patriot,"" ""patriotism,"" there are indicated the basic principles and approaches to patriotic education, which are reflected in public documents, and also the authors present some practical steps for working with students-psychologists in the field of patriotic education. Formation of patriotism in the consciousness of future professional ""experts on the human soul"" should be the core of all educational work, using person-centered approach. One of the effective ways of formation of patriotism as values in the consciousness of students-psychologists is to increase spiritual component of personality. The practical results of patriotism demonstrate that a systematic approach in organizing and conducting the extracurricular patriotic work contributes to the students of psychology the sense of unity with the Ukrainian people, development of national consciousness and the manifestation of spiritual intentions
Keywords: patriot, patriotism, national consciousness, action, students, professional preparation

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Ananev B. G. Izbrannyie psihologicheskie trudyi. / Pod red. A. A. Bodaleva. – M., 1980. – 420 s. 2. Bekh I. D. Vykhovannya osobystosti: U 2 kn. Kn. 2: osobysto oriyentovanyy pidkhid: naukovo-praktychni zasady. / I. D. Bekh. – K.: Lybid', 2003.–344 s. 3. Bekh I. D. Osobystist' u prostori dukhovnoho rozvytku: navch. posib. / I. D. Bekh. – K.: Akademvydav, 2012. – 256. 4. Bekh I. D. Prohrama ukrayins'koho patriotychnoho vykhovannya ditey ta uchnivs'koyi molodi / I. D. Bekh, K. I. Chorna. – K., 2014. – 30 s. 5. Boryshevs'kyy M. Y. Doroha do sebe: Vid osnov sub""yektnosti do vershyn dukhovnosti: monohrafiya. / M. Y. Boryshevs'kyy. – K.: Akademvydav, 2010. – 416 s. 6. Politolohiya: terminy, ponyattya, personaliyi, skhemy. Tablytsi. / Uklaly: V. M. Picha, N. M. Khoma. Naukova redaktsiya V. M. Pichi. – K.: Karavella, L'viv: Novyy Svit – 2000. – 320 s. 7. Rubinshteyn S. L. Osnovyi obschey psihologi. V 2 T. T.1. / S. L. Rubinshteyn. – M.: Pedagogika, - 1989. – 488 s. 8. Suchasnyy tlumachnyy slovnyk ukrayins'koyi movy. / Za zah. red. V. V. Dubichyns'koho. – Kh. : «Shkola». – 2008. – 1008s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 343-350 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Melnychuk O.B.
Melnychuk Oksana Bohdanivna, PhD (Psychology), Associate professor, Manager of department of a particular psychology and management psychology of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Professional intelligence and spiritual personality development of a future social sphere specialist

In this article the phenomenon of professional intelligence as the basis of spirituality and the process of spiritual personality development of future social sphere specialists is analysed. The features of professional intelligence as a component of the system of inner determinants, which mediate the main tendencies of formation and spiritual development of future social sphere specialists, are revealed. The phenomenon of spirituality of personality is studied from the standpoint of modern scientific knowledge. It is shown, that spirituality includes a system of integrated features of different areas of personality: cognitive and intellectual, emotional and sensual, motivational, volitional, behavioural, existential, etc., and ensures the human ability to personality development and self-improvement. It is justified, that the study of spirituality in the context of professional intelligence of future social sphere specialists involves consideration of the specific tasks of the sphere. The role of professional intelligence of such specialists as the basis of inner spiritual instances, which will determine the features of professional activity and interaction with different client categories on grounds of morality, humanism, kindness, etc., is revealed. The components of the professional intelligence, which ensure personality spiritual development of future social sphere specialists in the process of university training, are determined: 1) a specific system of theoretical and practical knowledge; 2) highly-qualified skills of professional work with different client categories; 3) a systematic understanding of professional tasks and abilities, social order on professional activity in this sphere; 4) developed intellectual mechanisms of psychic self-regulation in professional activity, consciousness of the system of spiritual senses and values. It is shown, that the personality spirituality development of a future social sphere specialist is possible only in case of active implementation of innovative technologies of their professional intelligence formation and development, which are based on spiritual and moral values, a system of pro-social value orientations, etc
Keywords: professional intelligence, professional intelligence of future social sphere specialists, personality spirituality, spiritual values, spiritual value orientations, spiritual personality development, formation of spiritual values of future social sphere specialists, spiritual personality development of a future social sphere specialist

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Beh I. D. Duhovni cinnosti v rozvytku osobystosti / I. D. Beh // Pedagogika i psyhologija. – 1997. – № 1. – S. 124-129. 2. Bratus B. S. Nachala Hrystyanskoj psyhologyy: Uchebnoe posobye dlja vuzov / B. S. Bratus, V. L. Voejkov, S. L. Vorobev y dr. – M.: Nauka, 1995. – 269 s. 3. Zelychenko A. Y. / A. Y. Zelychenko// Psyhologyja duhovnosty. – M.: Yzdatelstvo Trnaspersonalnogo Ynstytuta, 1996 g. – 400 s. 4. Kolisnyk O. Duhovnyj samorozvytok osobystosti / O. Kolisnyk // Socialna psyhologija. – 2006. – № 1 (15). 5. Lukrecij Kar T. O prirode veshhej / T. Lukrecij Kar. – M.: Hudozh. lit., 1983. – 365 s. 6. Melnichuk O. B. Empatіja v strukturі profesіjnogo іntelektu majbutnіh fahіvcіv socіal'noї sferi / O. B. Melnichuk // Problemi suchasnoї psihologіі: Zbіrnik naukovih prac Kamjane-Podіlskogo nacіonalnogo unіversitetu іmenі Іvana Ogіеnka, Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S.Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni / za nauk. red. S. D. Maksimenka, L. A. Onufrієvoі. – Vip. 31. – Kamjanec-Podіls'kij: Aksіoma, 2016. – S. 213-226. 7. Melnichuk O.B. Socіalnі cіnnostі jak kumuljativnі chinniki profesіjnogo іntelektu majbutnіh fahіvcіv socіal'noї sferi / O. B. Mel'nichuk // Naukovij zhurnal «Molodij vchenij». – Vidavnichij dіm «Gelvetika», 2015. – №11(26). Chastina 3. – S.120-125. 8. Pomitkіn E.O. /E.O.Pomitkіn // Psihologіja duhovnogo rozvitku osobistostі: Monografіja. – K.: Nash chas, 2005. – 280 s. 9. Pomitkіn E.O. Princip duhovnostі u pіdgotovcі majbutnіh profesіonalіv // Psihologіja osobistіsno orієntovanoї profesіjnoї pіdgotovki uchnіvs'koї molodі: Naukovo-metodichnij posіbnik (Za red. V.V.Ribalki). – Kiіv, Ternopіl: Pіdruchniki і posіbniki, 2002. – S. 53-65. 10. Psihologіchnі zakonomіrnostі rozvitku duhovnostі osobistostі: monografіja / M. J. Borishevs'kij, O.V.Shevchenko, N. D. Volodars'ka [ta іn.]; Іnstitut psihologії іmenі G. S. Kostjuka, Laboratorіja psihologії osobistostі іmenі P. R. Chamati. – K.: Pedagogіchna dumka, 2011. – 199 s. 11. Savchin M.V. Duhovna paradigma praktichnoї psihologіі / M.V. Savchin // Naukovij chasopis NPU іmenі M.P.Dragomanova. Serіja №12. Psihologіchnі nauki: zb. nauk. prac. – №17 (41). – 2007. – S. 30-36.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 350-357 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.5
Muzyka O.L.
Musyka Olexandr Leonidovych, PhD (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Laboratoty of psychology of giftedness of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Spirituality of a gifted person: subjective-value approach to research

The article attempts to operationalize the concept of ""spirituality"" from the standpoint of subjective-value analysis. As operational descriptors are considered personal values – the persobn’s ideas of the social frames and individual instrumental opportunities to meet personal needs. In accordance with the results of theoretical analysis are distinguished the needs, which differ a gifted person among the others and characterize it as a separate psychological type. These are needs in knowledge, recognition, creativity, the development of skills, in subjectivity, self-identity, the meaning of life. Social context of these needs gratification is set by interaction with the reference entities, and instrumental opportunities are provided by capabilities development. Much of virtual reference people in the referentiality structure of talented people can be considered as an indicator of focus on general human values. For a gifted personality inherent is a value attitude to their own abilities, which are continuously developing and improving lifelong. The combination of personal values in the value consciousness of a gifted person which are formed in reference relations (moral values) and those related to the development of abilities (activity-values), forms the subjective values that determine the activity inside. Subject-value type of self-adjustment that is inherent to a gifted individual, determines the features of its spiritual intentions. They are distinguished by high standards, focus on human values, inner determination and effectiveness
Keywords: a gifted person, subjective-value analysis, personal values, spiritual values

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Ball G. O. Ratsiogumanistichna orientatsiya v analizi rozv’yazuvannya tsinnisnih koliziy / Ball Georgiy Oleksiyovich // Aktualni problemi psihologiyi. – T. 11. Psihologiya osobistosti. Psihologichna dopomoga osobistosti. – Vip. 7. – Ch. 1. – K., 2013. – S. 12-18. Borishevskiy M.Y. Etyudi psihologa. Spogadi (Per aspera ad astra) / Miroslav Borishevskiy. – Sumi: Vid-vo SumDPU imeni A. S. Makarenka, 2014. – 224 s. Bratus B. S. K probleme nravstvennogo soznaniya v kulture uhodyashchego veka / B. S. Bratus // Voprocy psihologii. – 1993. – №1. – C. 3-11. Karpenko Z. S. Duhovnist yak predmet aksiopsihologichnih studiy / Z. S. Karpenko // Duhovnist u stanovlenni ta rozvitku osobistosti : materiali VIII Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktichnoyi konferentsiyi (Ivano-Frankivsk, 9-11 zhovtnya 2014 r.). – S.274-282. – Rezhim dostupu: Muzika O.L. Tsinnisna svidomist i rozvitok obdarovanosti / O.L. Muzika. – K.: Mizhnarodna finansova agentsiya, 1997. – 24 s. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskiy D.N. Voprosy psihologii tvorchestva: Pushkin, Geyne, Gete, Chehov. K psihologii mysli i tvorchestva. Izd. 3-e.– M.: Knyazhiy dom «LIBROKOM», 2009. – 304 s. Ribalka V.V. Duhovnist i duhovna kultura u stanovlenni tvorcho obdarovanoyi osobistosti / Valentin Vasilovich Ribalka // Osvita ta rozvitok obdarovanoyi osobistosti, 2013. – №8-9 (15-16). – S.108-113. Romenets V.A. Psihologiya tvorchosti / V.A. Romenets. – K.: Libid, 2004. – 288 s. Savchin M.V. Doslidzhennya osobistosti v konteksti duhovnoyi paradigmi psihologiyi / Miroslav Savchin // Psihologiya osobistosti. – 2011. – № 1 (2). – S.191-199. Sikorskiy I. A. Darovitost i talantlivost v svete obektivnogo issledovaniya po dannym psihofiziologicheskih korrelyativov / Prof. I.A. Sikorskiy. – K.: Tip. S.V. Kulzhenko, 1912. – 30 s. Shadrikov V.D. Psihologiya deyatelnosti i sposobnosti cheloveka / V.D. Shadrikov. – M.: Izd. korporatsiya «Logos», 1996. – 320 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 357-367 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938
Pavlenko T.V.
Pavlenko Tetiana Valeriivna, Postgraduate Studend of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The main psychological approaches of the definition of ‘communication’

The article reveals the relevance and importance of communication in person's life. The concept of communication"" was analyzed, its main structural components were determined and its comparison with the concept of ""dialogue"" was conducted. its characteristics and importance of communication in person's life were studied. also the main approaches to the studying of communication in the psychological literature were studied
Keywords: communication, power, communicative activities, approaches, communication structure

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bebik V. M. Іnformacіjno-komunіkacіjnij menedzhment u global'nomu suspіl'stvі: psihologіja, tehnologії, tehnіka pablіk rilejshnz: Monogr. – K.: MAUP, 2005. – 440 s. 2. Bell D. Social'nye ramki informacionnogo obshhestva / D. Bell // Novaja tehnokraticheskaja volna na Zapade : [sb. st. : perevody] / sost. i vstup. st P. S. Gurevicha. – M., 1986. – S. 330–342. 3. Bіdjuk O. V. Komunіkativnі vektori prikladnogo psihoanalіzu [Elektronnij resurs] / O. V. Bіdjuk // Nauk. zap. Nac. un-tu ”Ostroz'ka akademіja”. Kul'tura і socіal'nі komunіkacії : zb. nauk. pr. / Nac. un-t ”Ostroz'ka akademіja”. – Ostrog, 2010. – Vip. 2. – S. 3–11. – Rezhim dostupu: 4. Zaharchuk N. V. Problema kul'turi ta mіzhkul'turnoї komunіkacії u fіlosofs'ko-socіologіchnomu aspektі / N. V. Zaharchuk // Vіsnik Nacіonal'nogo tehnіchnogo unіversitetu Ukraїni «Kiїvs'kij polіtehnіchnij іn- stitut». Fіlosofіja. Psihologіja. Pedagogіka: Zb. na- uk. prac'. – K.: 2008. – № 3 (24). – S. 174–178. 5. Zaharchuk N. V. Analіz psihologіchnih pіdhodіv shhodo doslіdzhennja procesu pіdgotovki studentіv do mіzhkul'turnoї komunіkacії/ N. V. Zaharchuk // Komp'juterna pіdtrimka navchal'nih disciplin u serednіj і vishhіj shkolі: materіali Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. 15-18 listop. 2004 r. - Lugans'k : Al'ma-mater, 2004. – S. 65. – Rezhim dostupu: Koneckaja V.P. Sociologija kommunikacii: Ucheb./ V. P. Koneckaja// - M.: Mezhdunar. un-t Biznesa i Upravlenija, 1997.  304 s. 7. Kajljuk Є. M. Psihologіja upravlіnnja: navch. posіb / Є. M. Kajljuk, G. G. Fesenko//. - Hark. nac. akad. mіs'k. gosp-va. – 2-ge vid. pererob. ta dop. – H. : HNAMG, 2012. – 202 s. 8. Kolupaєva K. O. Osoblivostі komunіkativnoї kul'turi osobistostі shkoljara / K. O. Kolupaєva // Rezhim dostupu: 9. Kosheljuk O. V. Komunіkativnij psihoanalіz jak medіa-tehnologіja / O. V. Kosheljuk // Derzhava ta regіoni. Socіal'nі komunіkacії. - 2013. - № 2. - S. 16-20. - Rezhim dostupu: 10. Kuz'menko V. U., Mіs'kova G. Teoretichnij analіz problemi rozvitku komunіkativnih zdіbnostej pіdlіtkіv / V.U. Kuz'menko, G. Mіs'kova // Mіzhnarodnij naukovij forum: socіologіja, psihologіja, pedagogіka, menedzhment. – Vip. 10 : zbіrnik naukovih prac'. – Kiїv : Vid-vo NPU іmenі M. P. Dragomanova, 2012. – S. 95-102 11. Lavruhіna T. V. Spіvvіdnoshennja ponjat' «komunіkacіja» «spіlkuvannja» «komunіkativna kompetentnіst'» u suchasnіj pedagogіchnіj naucі/ T. V. Lavruhіna //Dostizhenija nauki za poslednie gody. Novye narabotki. –2015.  S. 95-97 // Rezhim dostupu: 12. Lisina M. I. Genezis form obshhenija u detej / M. I. Lisina // Princip razvitija v psihologii. – M. : Nauka, 1978. – S. 268–294. 13. Leont'ev A. N. DEJaTEL''NOST''. SOZNANIE. LIChNOST''/ A. N. Leont'ev. - M.: Politizdat, 1975. – 304 s. 14. Lomov B. F. Obshhenie kak problema obshhej psihologii / B. F. Lomov // Metodologicheskie problemy social'noj psihologii. – M. : Nauka, 1975. – 249 s. 15. Moljako V. O., Muzika O. L. Zdіbnostі, tvorchіst', obdarovanіst': teorіja, metodika, rezul'tati doslіdzhen' / Za red. V.O. Moljako, O.L. Muziki. – Zhitomir: Vid-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s. 16. Muzika O. L. Sub’єktno-cіnnіsnij analіz rozvitku tvorcho obdarovanoї osobistostі termіnologіchnij aspekt/ O. L. Muzika// Vіsnik Prikarpats'kogo unіversitetu. Fіlosofs'kі і psihologіchnі nauki. Spec. vipusk. – Іv.-Frankіvs'k: VDV CІT, 2008. – S. 59 – 64. 17. Nіkіtochkіna І. V., Shpіl'chak O. Predmet і ob’єkt teorії komunіkacії; Koneckaja V. P. Sociologija kommunikacii : uchebnik / V.P. Koneckaja. – M. : Mezhdunarodnyj un-t biznesa i upr., 1997. – 302 s. 18. Nіkolaєnko S., Nіkolaєnko Sv.Problema spіlkuvannja jak dіjal'nostі / S. Nіkolaєnko, Sv. Nіkolaєnko // Svіtogljad - Fіlosofіja - Relіgіja: Zb. nauk. pr. – Sumi: DVNZ ""UABS NBU"", 2011. – № 2(2). – S. 85-93 19. Pustovіt L. O. Slovnik іnshomovnih slіv: 23000 slіv ta termіnologіchnih slovospoluchen' [Tekst] / za red. L. O. Pustovіt ; L. O. Pustovіt, O. І Skopnenko, G. M. Sjuta, T. V Cimbaljuk. - K.: Dovіra, 2000. - 1018 s 20. Rіzun V. V. Teorіja masovoї komunіkacії: pіdruch. dlja stud. galuzі “zhurnalіstika ta іnformacіja” / V.V. Rіzun. – K.: Vidavnichij centr “Prosvіta”, 2008.– 260 s. 21. Senchekova T. Komunіkacіja jak chinnik dіalogu kul'tur [Elektronnij resurs] / T. Senchekova // Derzhava і suspіl'stvo. – S. 379-384. – Rezhim dostupu do zhurn.:

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 368-376 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Pavliuk M.M.
Pavliuk Marіya Mihajlіvna, PhD (Psychology), Associate professor of Department of Psychology of SAPM, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Components of future specialists’ independence

The article examines the components of future specialists’ independence, representing different levels of manifestation of subjectness characterized by combinations of emotional, cognitive, motivational and volitional features. The phenomenon of independence is highlighted that reveals the most subjective personal characteristics, components of his/her efforts that define peculiarities of his/her actions and deeds, relations and communication, activities and behaviour, other forms of activity and personal life in general. The components of independence shall be studied on the base of the principles of consistency and integrity of human psyche; and the separated components shall be examined in their mutual relationship as parts of a system. The systemic of independence is substantiated, which is defined, on the one hand, by internal organization and relationships of the structural components, on the other hand, by the fact that independence, adaptability and personal helplessness determine subjectivity levels, implemented in a subject’s specific activity. The conclusion is made on a four-component structure of independence that includes motivational, volitional, emotional and cognitive components, which have a complex relationship in adolescence and are characterized by the leading role of the motivational component, having the closest ties with the volitional component. Special attention is paid to the value - semantic constituent of the motivational component that plays the dominant role in the structure.
Keywords: components of independence, activity, independence, set of symptoms, subjectness

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Typology of personality activity / K.A Albuhanova-Slavskaya // psychological journal. - 1985 - Vol 6, № 5.  P. 3-18. 2. Vedeneeva E.V. Motyvatsyonnыy component lychnostnoy bespomoschnosty on raznыh vozrastnыh stages [Text]: Author. Dis. ... Candidate. psychologist. Sciences: 19.00.13 / Vedeneeva E. .; Chelyab. state. Univ. - Chelyabinsk, 20091 - 26 sec. 3. Salvatore R. Maddi Smыsloobrazovanye in the process Adoption of Solutions / // S.R.Maddy psychological journal. - 2005. - Vol 26, №6. - 2005. - s.87-99. 4. Ciringa, DA Vыuchennaya bespomoschnost and zhyznennыe events [Text] / DA Ciringa // Vestnik institute of psychology and pedagogy; Pod Society. Ed. S. Repin;, Chelyab. state. Univ .- Vol. 1.- P. 155-159 5. Chebrovskaya S.V. Psychological terms the formative samostoyatelnosty studentov [Text]: Dis. ... Candidate. Psychology. Sciences: 19.00.07 / SV Chebrovskaya. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 2003 157 s. - Byblyohr .: p. 132-145.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 376-384 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2
Panfilov D.A.
Panfilov Dmуtrо, Postgraduate Student of Institute of Social and Political psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Existential fundamentals as regulators of a person’s behavior in a conflict

Regulation of a person’s behavior in a conflict situation is considered in the article. Basic mechanisms of avoid the realizing of existential fundamentals are illustrated. Conflicts situations as a result of the defense mechanism impact and regulated directly by realization of existential fundamentals are being analyzed. Existential psychology examines the basic givens of human being. The existential givens are basic facts of a life of any person which cannot be canceled or avoided, it is a direct awareness of existential anxiety. Main of them are: freedom, loneliness, death, absurdity, choice, responsibility and closeness. Each existential reality has its specific defense mechanisms. Protective mechanisms of human awareness of isolation anxiety are: symbiotic relationships, sadism/masochism, life in the minds of others, social conformity / conquering leadership. The protective mechanisms of absurdity may be: religious fanaticism, fatalism, compulsive activity, merging with some idea. The choice applies to freedom, but has its own specific defense mechanisms: delay, distortion, bargaining between alternatives, not selected alternatives, narrowing perspective. We identified the following protective mechanisms: symbiosis; retroflection; identification with social Person; compulsorily; psychological games; ambivalence. We have identified two regulatory behavior of the individual in a situation of a conflict in the confrontation with the existential givens: 1. Adjust the behavior in the situation directly related to the existential given. 2. The situations are not directly connected with the realization of existential givens. They are derivative with respect to defense mechanisms caused by the confrontation with the existential givens
Keywords: existential fundamentals, conflict, existential fear, death, isolation

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Zhiginas N. V. Personologicheskij podhod v konsul'tirovanii krizisnyh sostojanij. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta//Vypusk № 7 (148). – 2014. – S. 226-230. 2. Jalom I. Jekzistencial'naja psihoterapija /Per. s angl. T.S. Drabkinoj. – M. : Nezavisimaja firma “Klass”, 1999. – 576 s. 3. Kochjunas R. Kontury jekzistencial'noj terapii. // Jekzistencial'naja tradicija: filosofija, psihologija, psihoterapija. – №2 (11). – 2007. – S. 134 4. K'erkegor S. Strah i trepet. – M. : ""Respublika"", 1993. – S. 13-112. 5. Sartr Zh.-P. Ocherk teorii jemocij // Psihologija jemocij. Teksty. – M., 1993. – S. 44 6. Kjubler-Ross Je. O smerti i umiranii. Per. s ang. – K. : ""Sofija"", 2001. – 320 s. 7. Ljengle, A. Zhizn', napolnennaja smyslom. Prikladnaja logoterapija: nauchnoe izdanie / Al'frid Ljengle ; per. so vtorogo nem. izd.: A. Bokovikov, S. Hal'brunner, A. Loktionova. – M. : Genezis, 2004. – 127 s. 8. Maddi S. Teorii lichnosti: sravnitel'nyj analiz. – SPb. : Rech', 2002. – 128 s. 9. Mjej R. Proishozhdenie jekzistencial'noj psihologii. /R. Mjej; per. I. Avidon, A. Batustin, P. Rumjanceva. – M. : JeKSMO, 2006. – S. 166 10. Tillih P. Sistematicheskaja teologija. – T. 1–2 (Perevod s angl. T.P. Lifincevoj). – M., SPb., 2000. – S. 412 11. Frankl V. Volja k smyslu. – M. : JeKSMO, 2000. – 231 s. 12. Hajdegger M. Bytie i vremja = SeinundZeit / Per. [s nem. i primech.] V. V. Bibihina. – M. : AdMarginem, 1997. – 451 s. 13. Dorcen Je. van Prakticheskoe jekzistencial'noe konsul'tirovanie i psihoterapija. – Rostov-na-Donu : Associacija jekzistencial'nogo konsul'tirovanija, 2007. – 216 s. 14. Fromm Je. Begstvo ot svobody. Moskva : Aspekt Press, 1990. – 308 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 384-393 (pdf)


UDC: 159. 923. 2
Penkova О.
Penkova Olena Ivanivna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Fellow, Senior Researcher of P.R.Chamaty Laboratory of person’s psychology of Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological aspects of self-regulation

An analysis of the literature showed that self-regulation - it is a conscious, purposeful planning, conversion and implementation of the subject's own actions and proceedings in accordance with personally meaningful goals, actual needs. Due to the complexity of this phenomenon in the literature, there are different approaches which clearly presents authentic methodological constructs, concepts, research methods for understanding the special sphere of human development in ontogenesis
Keywords: personality, self-regulation , self-determination, reflection, behavior, values

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K.A. Lichnostnye tipy myshlenija / K.A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja // Kognitivnaja psihologija. – M.: Nauka, 1986. – S. 154-178. 2. Anan'ev B.G. CHelovek kak predmet poznanija / B.G. Anan'ev – L.: LGU, 1968. – 338 s. 3. Ancyferova L.I. Metodologicheskie principy i problemy psihologii / L.I. Ancyferova // Psihologicheskij zhurnal. – T. 20. – № 1. – S. 6-19. 4. Bodalev A.A Psihologija o lichnosti / A.A. Bodalev – M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1988. – 188s. 5. Borishevs'kij M.J. Osobistіst' u vimіrah samosvіdomostі: [monografіja] / M.J. Borishevs'kij. – Sumi: Vidavnichij budinok «Ellada», 2012 – 608 s. 6. Derkach A.A. Samorealizacija – osnovanie akmeologicheskogo razvitija: monografіja / A.A. Derkach, JE.V. Sajko. – M.: MPSI; Voronezh: MODJEK,  2010. – 224 s. 7. Korostyleva L.A. Psihologija samorealizacii lichnosti: zatrudnenija v professional'noj sfere / L.A. Korostyleva. – SPb. Rech', 2005. – 222 s. 8. Leont'ev D.A. Strukturnaja organizacija smyslovoj sfery lichnosti: avtoref. Dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk / D.A. Leont'ev. – M.: 1988. – 23 s. 9. Merlin V.S. Ocherk integral'nogo issledovanija individual'nosti / V.S. Merlin. – M.: Pedagogika, 1986. – 254 s. 10. Mislavskij JU.A. Samoreguljacija i aktivnost' lichnosti v junosheskom vozraste / JU.A. Mislavskij . – M.: Pedagogika, 1991. –152 s. 11. Problemy soznanija. Materialy simpoziuma. – M., 1966. – S. 217-228. 12. Rubinshtejn S.L. Problemy obwej psihologii / S.L. Rubinshtejn // Otv. red. E.V. SHorohova. – M.: Pedagogika, 1976. – 416s. 13. Serdjuk L. Z. Psihologіja motivacії uchіnnja majbutnіh fіhіvcіv: sistemno-sinergetichnij pіdhіd: monografіja / L.Z. Serdjuk. – K.: Unіversitet «Ukraїna», 2012 – 323 s. 14. CHesnokova I.I. Problemy samosoznanija v psihologii / I.I. CHesnokova. – M : Nauka, 1977. 15. SHorohova E.V. Problemy «JA» i samosoznanie / E.V. SHorohova // Problemy soznanija. Materialy simposiuma. – M., 1966. – C. 217228.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 393-399 (pdf)


Petrenko I.V.
Petrenko Iryna Volodymyrivna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of the psychology of communication of Institute of Social and Political Psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Disclosure by the subjects of communication the authorial intentionality in the process of dialogic interaction

The article is devoted disclosure to the principle of dialogical participation, according to which the dialogue is considered in view of its cognitive, intentional and pragmatic components. It is shown that the main function of the dialogue is to identify by the subjects of communicate their own intentionality, understanding the problems set before them, and the ways of their solution. Social dialogue is considered as a process of internal preparedness to participation in the form of interactive communication to transform the social environment. Proposed the typology of the authorial intentionality, and highlights those features of communicative intentions that define the peculiarities of social dialogue in education. Substantiate the expediency of using technology SWOT-analysis for the construction of forms of dialogue, which provide an effective communicative interaction between the actors in the education space. In the course of empirical research traced trends of dialogic participation in the system ""student – school education"". Discovered intentional criteria, which determining the content of dialogic interaction of communication in the area of education: socio-psychological, organizational, communication, professional competence, personality. Moreover, the procedure of investigation within this technology has a constructive impact on subjects, causing their internal transformation. Using this technique confirmed that the process of dialogic participation communicant are positive / negative context in addressing the issue of problem or situation; image modelling the desired result; plan their actions; demonstrate the ability to move in this direction, the implementation of planned activities
Keywords: dialogue, partnership, authorial intentionality, communicative interaction, dialogic participation

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Petrenko І.V. Doslіdzhennja procesu dіalogіchnoї particіpacії u prostorі osvіti /І.V. Petrenko// Aktual'nі problemi psihologії: Psihofіzіologіja. Psihologіja pracі. Eksperimental'na psihologіja: zb. nauk. prac' Іnstitutu psihologії іmenі G.S. Kostjuka NAPN Ukraїni/ za red. S.D. Maksimenka. – K.: DP «Іnformacіjno-analіtichne agentstvo», 2015. – T.V. – Vip. 15. – S. 183-190. 2. Roman'ko I.N. Izuchenie organizacionnoj participacii kak sostavljajushhej processa kommunikacii v organizacijah [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Psihologicheskie issledovanija: jelektron. nauch. zhurn. – 2011. – N 2(16). – URL: 4. SWOT-analiz: polnoe rukovodstvo [Elektronnij resurs]. Rezhim dostupu:

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 399-406 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.316.6
Pytliuk-Smerechynska O.
Pytliuk-Smerechynska Oleksandra Dmytrivna, PhD, Associate professor, head of Department of art theory and history of Mychailo Boiychuk Kiev state Institute of decorative and applied art and design, Kiev, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Mechanisms of formation of psychological dependence on computer games

The article reveals the psychological characteristics of a person dependent on computer games. Various solutions for the issue of primary and secondary preventive measures against addictive gaming behaviour are discussed. Four stages of psychological dependence on computer games are described, each of which has its own peculiarities and dynamics. The mechanism of game addiction formation based on unconscious aspirations and needs is described. The study of mechanisms of computer game addiction formation of young people is presented. Some recommendations are proposed as for primary and secondary preventive measures against addictive gaming behaviour
Keywords: computer game addiction, stage of psychological dependence, motivation of gaming behaviour, the mechanism of formation of game addiction, prevention of addiction

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Belavyna Y.H. Vospryiatye rebenkom kompiutera y kompiuternыkh yhr // Voprosы psykholohyy, 1993, № 3, S.6269. 4 2. Bodker S. Vzaymodeistvye cheloveka s kompiuterom s pozytsyy teoryy deiatelnosty // Psykhol.zhurnal, 1993, T.14, № 4, S.7181. 3. Borovykov A.M. «Modus kontrolia kak faktor stressoustoichyvosty pry kompiuteryzatsyy professyonalnoi deiatelnosty». Psykholohycheskyi zhurnal t.21, №1, 2000,  S.7568. 4. Hureva L.P. Psykholohycheskye posledstvyia kompiuteryzatsyy: funktsyonalnыi, ontohenetycheskyi y ystorycheskyi aspektы // Voprosы psykholohyy, 1993, № 3,  S.516. 20 5. Vykenteva E. Kompiuter kak dyahnoz. Эpydemyia эlektronnoi narkomanyy // Ezhenedelnaia hazeta yntellyhentsyy. № 12 (7220) 6  12 aprelia 2000 h. 25 6. Melnyk Э.V. O pryrode boleznei zavysymosty (alkoholyzm, narkomanyia, «kompiuteromanyia» y druhye), Odessa, 1998.  246 s. 40 7. Psykholohyia zavysymosty: Khrestomatyia/ Sost. K.V. Selchenok. – Mn.: Kharvest, 2004. – 592 s. 52 8. Shapkyn S.A. Kompiuternaia yhra: novaia oblast psykholohycheskykh yssledovanyi  1999, том 20, №1, S. 86102. 65

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 406-414 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Piren M.I.
Pіren Marіya Іvanіvna, Doctor of Science (Sociology), Head of Department of Social Work and Personnel Policy Bukovyna State Finance and Economics University, honored worker of science and technology.

Language: Ukrainian

Through the introduction of European values in the personnel policy management culture in the modern Ukrainian society:cotsio psychological approach

The article analyzes the problems required by the changes in Ukraine on the vector of European development and changes in psychology of political and dictatorial elite and also by Ukrainian people on the psychology of public people. Ukraine gained independence, but the question rose about the nationwide channel - to build a sovereign, independent state based on the European democratic values type. The problems of the state’s modernization and strengthening of civil society cannot be realized without the democratization of modern personnel policies in the system of the management culture
Keywords: European values, political and dictatorial elite, democracy, staff, ideological foundations, elite, multi-ethnic society, management, personnel policy, citizenship, psychological sets

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Zakon Ukraїni pro prіoritetnі naprjamki іnnovacіjnoї dіjal'nostі v Ukraїnі. – Rezhim dostupu: 5-17 2. Pro strategіju derzhavnoї kadrovoї polіtiki na 2012-2020: Ukaz Prezidenta Ukraїni vіd 1 ljut. 2012 r. №45/2012. – Rezhim dostupu: 3. Borishevs'kij M.J. Osobistіst' u vimіrah samosvіdomostі [monografіja] / M.J. Borishevs'kij. – Sumi6 Vidavnichij budinok «Ellada», 2012. – 608 s. 4. Karamushka L.M., Moskal'ov M.V. Psihologіja pіdgotovki majbutnіh menedzherіv do upravlіnnja zmіnami v organіzacії: monografіja – K.: - L'vіv : Spolom, 2011. – 216 s. 5. Klok K. Konec menedzhmenta i stanovlenie organizacionnoj demokratii / K.Klok, Dzh.Goldsmit. – SPb.: Piter, 2003. – 368. 6. Kremen' V.G. Fіlosofіja ljudinocentrizmu v osvіtn'omu prostorі / V.G. Kremen'. – 2-ge vid. – K.: Znannja Ukraїni, 2011. – 520 s. 7. Krims'kij S.B. Zapiti fіlosofs'kih smislіv / S.B. Krims'kij. – K.: PARAPAN, 2003. – 240 s. 8. Maksimenko S.D. Genezis sushhestvovanija lichnosti / S.D.Maksimenko. – K.: Izd-vo OO «KMM»,2006.- 240 s. 9. Orban-Lembrik L.E. Psihologіja upravlіnnja: posіbnik. – K.: Akademvidav, 2003. – 568 s. 10. Pіren M.І. Derzhavna kadrova polіtika: shljahi elіtizacії [Navchal'ne vidannja]: Monografіja / M.І.Pіren. – K.: «Talkom», 2014. – 253 s. 11. Pіren M.І. Menedzhment і marketing u dіjal'nostі derzhavnoї vladi: navch. posіb. / M.І.Pіren. – K.: «Talkom», 2013. – 210 s. 12. Puhkal O.G. Modernіzacіja derzhavnogo upravlіnnja v kontekstі rozvitku gromadjans'kogo suspіl'stva v Ukraїnі: monografіja / O.G. Puhkal. – K.: Vidavnicho-polіgrafіchnij centr «Kiїvs'kij unіversitet», 2010. – 287 s. 13. Savchin M.V. Duhovnij potencіal ljudini (Navchal'ne vidannja) [monografіja]. – Vid. 2-ge, per., dop. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k: Mіsto NV, 2010. – 508 s. 14. Serdjuk L.Z. Psihologіja motivacії uchіnnja majbutnіh fahіvcіv: sistemno - sinergetichnij pіdhіd, monografіja. – K.: Unіversitet «Ukraїna», 2012. 323 s. 15. Shhokіn G. Zakoni Socіal'nogo rozvitku і upravlіnnja / Shhokіn K.: MAUP, 2006. – 192 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 414-420 (pdf)


UDC: 316.6/.47:159.923.2
Popovych I.S.
Popovych Igor Stepanovych, PhD (Psychology), Associate professor, associate professor of pedagogy, psychology and educational management of department of Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological analysis of structural-functional model of social expectations of the personality

In the article it is attempted to realize psychological analysis of structural-functional model of social expectations of the personality. The author implemented a systematic approach to the study of social expectations of the personality, which provides the emphasizing of three components: social-psychological characteristics of individual awareness concerning predictable course of events, social-psychological characteristics of expected attitude of the individual towards participants of interpersonal interaction and social-psychological characteristics of the individual regulation of expected performance. It is revealed essence and psychological semantic features of all components of the model, and their relationship with the structural elements. It is determined the following functions of structural functional models of social expectations of personality: reconstructive, descriptive, measuring, epistemological, interpretational, prognostic, representative, criterial, heuristic, ascertaining. It is concluded that social expectations are cross-cutting mental processes and it is necessary to study them as trinity of process status and properties. It is indicated that this approach in particular allows to suggest about the psychological dimensions of social expectations of the personality that is a strategic objective of the study of psychology of social expectations of the personality
Keywords: social expectations of personality, structural and functional model, modeling, expectations of object, subject of expectations, expected future model

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Psykholohycheskyy slovar' (2003). [Psychological glossary] / avt.-sost. V. N. Koporulyna, M. N. Smyrnova, N. O. Hordeeva, L. M. Balabanova ; Pod obshch. red. Y. L. Neymera. – Rostov-na-Donu : Fenyks. – 640 s. (In Ukrainian). 2. Psykholohichna entsyklopediya (2006). [Psychological encyclopedia] : nauk. vydannya / Avtor-uporyadnyk Oleksandr Maksymovych Stepanov. – K. : Akademvydav. – 424 s. – (Seriya «Entsyklopediya erudyta»). (In Ukrainian). 3. Nykandrov V. V. (2003). Eksperymental'naya psykholohyya [Experimental Psychology] : ucheb. posob. / Vyktor Vyktorovych Nykandrov. – SPb. : Rech'. – 480 s. – (Seryya «Uchebnoe posobye»). (In Russian). 4. Slovnyk ukrayins'koyi movy (1975). [Ukrainian dictionary] : v 11 t. / [redak. L. K. Artem""yeva, M. M. Druchenko ta in.]. – K. : Naukova dumka. – T. 5. – 840 s. (In Ukrainian). 5. Slovnyk ukrayins'koyi movy (1975). [Ukrainian dictionary] : v 11 t. / [redak. L. K. Artem""yeva, M. M. Druchenko ta in.]. – K. : Naukova dumka. – T. 6. – 832 s. (In Ukrainian). 6. Velykyy tlumachnyy slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins'koyi movy (2007). [Great definition dictionary of modern ukrainian language] : 6-e vyd. (z. dod. na CD): 250 000 / [uklad. i holov. red. V. T. Busel]. – K. ; Irpin' : Perun, – 1736 s. (In Ukrainian). 7. Slovar' psykholoha-praktyka (2001). [Dictionary of psychologist expert] / [sost. S. Y. Holovyn]. – 2-e yzd., pererab. y dop. – Mynsk : Kharvest. – 976 s. (In Russian). 8. Shtoff V. A. (1966). Modelyrovanye y fylosofyya [Modeling and philosophy] / Vyktor Aleksandrovych Shtoff. – M. ; L. : Nauka. – 302 s. (In Russian).

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 420-431 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Prokopovych E.M., Lapteva G.R.

Language: Ukrainian

Research of spiritual self-realization of future psychologist

The problem of spiritual self-realization of future psychologists occupies an important place in the human sciences, but the psychological status it acquired recently. A special place in the professional training of future psychologists belongs the spiritual self-realization of psychologists. The spiritual self-realization of students of psychology in terms of higher education provides playback implementation livelihoods of individual major components of spiritual values, namely humanistic values, aesthetic, ecological, self-knowledge and self-improvement. Research key indicators of spiritual potential in the future structure of personality psychologists as part of spiritual self allows the following conclusions: The bulk of the students future psychologists is insufficient and the average level of spiritual potential of the individual. Indicators of orientation to the spiritual values of students with different spiritual potential indicate that the students-psychologists the most advanced knowledge and values self (introspection, contemplation, self-awareness); next position occupied ecological values (focus on individual purity, desire to save the planet from environmental disaster); responsibility and self-realization (opening own personal potential in the service of neighbor, homeland, humanity, nature, God); less studied is important for aesthetic values (beauty, harmony, perfection in nature and in man) and humanistic values (focus on goodness, charity). As for the value of self, it is the least pronounced in the future structure of personality psychologist. So, in the future, we continue to explore the spiritual self-realization of students-psychologists for disclosing more complete picture of this concept
Keywords: spirituality, spiritual self-realization, spiritual potential, personality

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Pomitkіn E. O. Psihologіchna dіagnostika duhovnogo potencіalu osobistostі : posіbnik / E. O. Pomitkіn. – Kіrovograd : Іmeks-LTD, 2013. – 144 s. 2. Pomitkіn E. O. Duhovno-osobistіsnij pіdhіd u procesі aktivіzacії tvorchogo rozvitku vchitelya / E. O. Pomitkіn // Pedagogіchnij proces: teorіya і praktika / Zbіrnik naukovih prac'. Vipusk 2. - Kiїv – 2010. – S.241-250. 3. Pomitkіn E. O. / Psihologіya duhovnogo rozvitku osobistostі. – Monografіya / E. O. Pomitkіn. – K. : Vnutrіshnіj svіt, 2012. – 280 s. – Bіblіogr.: s. 252-278. 4. Ribalka V. V. Osobistіsnij pіdhіd u profіl'nomu navchannі starshoklasnikіv : [monografіya] / V. V. Ribalka // za red. G. O. Balla. – K., 1998. – S. 424. 5. Ribalka V. V. Teorії osobistostі u vіtchiznyanіj psihologії ta pedagogіcі : [Navchal'nij posіbnik]. – Odesa : Bukaєv Vadim Vіktorovich, 2009. – 575 s. 6. Savchin M. V. Doslіdzhennya osobistostі v kontekstі duhovnoї paradigmi psihologії / M. V. Savchin // Psihologіya osobistostі. – 2001. - №1 (2). - S. 191-199. 7. Savchin M. V. Duhovnij potencіal lyudini / M. V. Savchin. − Іvano-Frankіvs'k, 2001. – 203 s. 8.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 431-437 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.075
Pugachev D.L.
Pugachev Dmytro Leonіdovych, Postgraduate Studend of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Problems of formation of spirituality and self-realization of the person of teenagers in a new social paradigm

The objective of this article was to identify and assess potential threats that the new social paradigm may pose to formation of spiritual core of modern teenagers - virtualization of interpersonal communication, escape to the virtual world and the changes in the perception of familiar things through manipulation of the media and the Internet. Examples of the conscious refusal to fulfill one’s gender roles in such a technologically and economically advanced country like Japan were given. The relation to the education of children in LGBT families adopted in many countries was further criticized and assessed. The lack of common rules, when there is no clear set of criteria permissibility has been named as one of the major problems of society virtualization. That, in our opinion, greatly complicates the self-realization is in adolescence. Virtual space where permissiveness is bordered with artificial and sometimes inappropriate rules is often a difficult challenge for the formation of spirituality, because the world where there are no boundaries of what is permitted can produce an emptiness in the «self-image» of a teenager. A so-called «Overton Window» which restructures the public opinion of a whole generation of young people around the world rather immerses the formation of spirituality of a teenager in chaos than opens new perspectives for self-realization. In this perspective the article deals with targeted attack on anonymity and freedom of the Internet by the US government that impends to take total control of the personal life of every person on the planet in future
Keywords: Internet, spirituality, self-realization, gender roles, values orientations

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Kapustina A. N. Marginalizacija lichnosti kak otrazhenie krizisa sovremennogo obshhestva / A. N. Kapustina // Lichnost', sem'ja, i obshhestvo: voprosy pedagogiki i psihologii sbornik statej po materialam LХI mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii № 2 (59) Fevral' 2016 g. 2. «Young Japanese «decline to fall in love» [Elektronnij resurs]: Іnformacіjna Іnternet agencіja BBС.- Rezhim dostupu: 3. «Seksual'naja kontrrevoljucija. Kak «sindrom celibata» gubit jekonomiku Japonii» [Elektronnij resurs]: Rezhim dostupu: 4. «Mamin kaming-aut, papin gej-parad» [Elektronnij resurs]: Rezhim dostupu: 5. Statistichnі danі [Elektronnij resurs]: Wikipedia.- Rezhim dostupu:Статистические_данные_о_сексуальной_ориентации 6. Ljutes D. Desjat' voprosov o gejah i lesbijankah [Elektronnij resurs] / D. Ljutes.- Rezhim dostupu:знания-сила/наука/ 7. Vіkno Overtonu / [Elektronnij resurs]: Wikipedia.- Rezhim dostupu:Окно_Овертона 8. Sandomirs'kij M. Є. Socіal'no-psihologіchnі problemi suchasnogo ljudstva [Elektronnij resurs] / M. Je. Sandomirs'kij.- Rezhim dostupu: 9. Rashidov S.F. Cіnnіsna svіdomіst' suchasnogo studentstva ta problemi її vihovannja / S. F. Rashidov // Vіsnik Lugans'kogo nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu іmenі Tarasa Shevchenka. Pedagogіchnі nauki.  2013.  № 13(2). – 217223 s. 10. Bondar T. S. Struktura suchasnogoruhovogodozvіlljapіdlіtkіv: stan ta aktual'nі problemi / T. S. Bondar // Vіsnik Lugans'kogo nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu іmenі Tarasa Shevchenka. Pedagogіchnі nauki. - 2013. - № 8(1). - 93-101s. - Rezhim dostupu: 11. Solodka O. M. Aktual'nі problemi rozvitku suchasnogo іnformacіjnogo suspіl'stva / O. M. Solodka // Іnformacіjna bezpeka ljudini, suspіl'stva, derzhavi.  2014.  № 1. – 2126s. 12. Sociologija veshhej. Sbornik statej / Pod red. V. Vahshtajna. – M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Territorija budushhego», 2006. – 392s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 437-445 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Liuda Radzevičienė, Vaida Aleknavičiūtė-Ablonskė, Agnė Savenkovienė, Ilona Dobrovolskytė, Lina Miliūnienė
Liuda Radzevičienė,
Vaida Aleknavičiūtė-Ablonskė,
Agnė Savenkovienė,
Ilona Dobrovolskytė,
Lina Miliūnienė,
Šiauliai University, Šiauliai, Lithuania

Language: Ukrainian

The effect of hippotherapy for person after coma

The present research has been based on the case study. The changes of balance in trunk muscles, body mobility were evaluated during the hippotherapy sessions. During hypotherapy activities such as touching various parts of the horse’s body (e.g. the neck, flank, back) or reaching for an object (e.g. ball or ring), which involves crossing the midline while maintaining appropriate balance and posture are performed. Positive results were set up in isometric grip strength accordingly in right and in left hands 47 and 2 % and functional mobility in 50%. We found out greater EMG of RA, EO, LT and MF muscles in right vs left side during walking, and RA, LT during riding. We presume that increased grasping muscle strength is related with the increased trunk muscle strength and increased ability to maintain upright position
Keywords: Awakening after coma, trunk muscles, functional mobility, hippotherapy


Adamas, SA., Pickering, RM., Ashburn, A. Lincoln, LB. (1997). The scalability of the Rivermead Motor Assessment in nonacute stroke patients. Clin Rehabil February, 1997 (11), 52-59. Bracher, M. (2000). Therapeutic Horse Riding: What has this to do with Occupational Therapists? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63 (6), 277. Bohannon, R.W., Larkin, P.A. (1985). Lower extremity weight bearing under various standing conditions in independently ambulatory patients with hemiparesis. Phys. Ther., 6, 1323–1325. Bukowska-Johnson, G. (2011). Hippotherapy as one of the forms of rehabilitation. Journal of Health Promotion and Recreation (3), 5. Champagne, A., Descarreaux, M., and Lafond, D. (2008). Back and hip extensor muscles fatigue in healthy subjects: task dependency effect of two variants of the Sorensen test. European Spine Journal, 17, 1721–1726. Cirstea, MC, Levin, MF. (2000). Compensatory strategies for reaching in stroke. Brain, 123 (5), 940–953. Cromert, ME. (2010). On the role of transversus abdominis in trunk motor control []. Dickstein, R., Heves, Y., Laufer, Y., Ben-Haim, Z.  (2010). Activation of selected trunk muscles during symmetric  functional  activities  in  poststroke  hemiparetic  and hemiplegic patients. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 66 (2), 218–219. Ekstrom, R., Donatelli, R. A., Carp, K. C. (2007). Electromyographic Analysis of Core Trunk, Hip, and Thigh Muscles During 9 Rehabilitation Exercises. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 37 (12), 754 – 762. Fujimoto, S. T., Longhia, L., Saatmana, K. E., McIntosh, T. K. (2004). Motor and cognitive function evaluation following experimental traumatic brain injury. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 28 (4), 365–378. Harris, R., Karthikbabu, S., Chakrapani, M., Prem, V. (2013). A review on assessment and treatment of the trunk in stroke. Neura Regeneration Research, 5(25), 1974–1977. Keren, O., Reznik, J., Groswasser, Z. (2000). Combined motor disturbances following severe traumatic brain injury: an integrative long-term treatment approach. Brain injury, 15 (7), 633-638. Dusik, L. A., Menard, M. R., Cooke, Ch., Fairburn, S. M., Beach, G. N. (1993). Concurrent Validity of the ERGOS Work Simulator Versus Conventional Functional Capacity Evaluation Techniques in a Workers’ Compensation Population. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 35 (8), 68-76. Pereira, LM., Marcucci, FC., Oliveira Menacho, M., Garanhani, RM., Lavado, EL., Cardoso, JR. (2010). Electromyographic activity of selected trunk muscles in subjects with and without hemiparesis during therapeutic exercise. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 21 (2011), 327–332. Powell, J., Heslin, J, Greenwood, R. (2002). Community based rehabilitation after severe traumatic brain injury: a randomised controlled trial. Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry; 72, 193-202. Rebbeca, D., Park, ES., Rha, DW., Jung, S. (2012). Effects of Hippotherapy on Gross Motor Function and Functional Performance of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Medical Journal, 55(6), 1376-1742. Reeves, NP., Narendra, KS., Cholewski, J. (2007). Spine stability: the six blind men and elephant. Clinical Biomechanic, 22, 266-274. Saavedra, S. L., Donkelaar, P., Woollacott, M. H. (2012). Learning about gravity: segmental assessment of upright control as infants develop independent sitting. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108, 2215–2229. Sackley, C.M. (1991). Falls, sway, and symmetry of weight-bearing after stroke. Int. Disabil. Stud., 13, 1–4. Sterba, J. (2007). Does horseback riding therapy or therapist-directed hippotherapy rehabilitate children with cerebral palsy? Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 2007 (49), 68-73. Teasdale, G. M. (1995). Head injury. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 58, 526 – 539. Wu, Ch., Yang, Ch., Wu, L. (2013). Unilateral versus bilateral robot-assisted rehabilitation on arm-trunk control and functions post stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of a Neuro Engineering and Rehabilitation, 10, 35 - 110.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 445-453 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.32
Saveliuk N.M.
Savelyuk Natalia Mykhailivna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Lecturer, Doctoral Student of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Senior Lecturer of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Kremenets Regiоnal Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy named after Taras Shevchenko, Kremenets, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological types of comprehending the prayer “Our Father”

The article gives a brief overview of the theoretical works on the psychology of the prayer. The author outlines the results of the empirical research of psychological types of comprehending the well-known Christian prayer “Our Father”. It is noted that in modern Ukrainian publications, devoted to the psychology of religion, the prayer is frequently defined as believers’ appealing to God, to supernatural powers and to saints with their requests, gratitude and praise (V. Dokash, O. Matlasevych, V. Moskalets and others); and in foreign publications the prayer is associated not only with the canonical traditions of spiritual purification and the improvement of a person, but also with her daily communication with others and with herself; it is connected with cognitive acts and motivation, with overcoming the stress and psychological health, with coping and adaptation (B. Spilka, K. Ladd). The author’s methods of empirical research enabled to get 99 religiously oriented texts, that is individual students’ interpretations of the prayer “Our Father”, which first were analyzed integrally and semantically with the aim to outline fundamental psychological types of its comprehension, and further went through a more detailed content analysis. Thus, the author took into account the well-known theory by C.G. Jung on four fundamental psychological functions: thinking, emotions (feelings), feelings (perception) and intuition. The research substantiates and outlines 12 major types: “rational”, “rational and perceptive”, “rational and metaphorical”, “rational and evaluative”, “rational and critical”, “emotional and evaluative”, “emotional and metaphorical”, “perceptual and metaphorical”, “perceptual and evaluative”, “evaluative and metaphorical”, “intuitive and syncretistic” and “controversial”
Keywords: prayer, the prayer “Our Father”, comprehension, thinking, emotions, perception, intuition, values, metaphor

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Vasiljuk F.E. Perezhivanie i molitva (Opyt obshhepsihologicheskogo issledovanija) / F.E. Vasiljuk. – M.: Smysl, 2005. – 191 s. 2. Dokash V.І. Psihologіja relіgії: [Navchal'nij posіbnik] / V.І. Dokash. – Chernіvcі: Chernіvec'kij nac. un-t, 2012. – 464 s. 3. Makselon Ju. Psihologіja z vikladom osnov psihologії relіgії / Makselon Ju. – L'vіv: Svіchado, 1998. – 319 s. 4. Matlasevich O.V. Psihologіja relіgії: [Navchal'nij posіbnik] / O.V. Matlasevich. – Ostrog: Vid-vo Nacіonal'nogo unіversitetu «Ostroz'ka akademіja», 2012. – 350 s. 5. Moskalec' V.P. Psihologіja relіgії: [Posіbnik] / V.P. Moskalec'. – K.: Akademvidav, 2004. – 240 s. 6. Predko O.І. Psihologіja relіgії: [Pіdruchnik] / O.І. Predko. – K.: Akademvidav, 2008. – 344 s. 7. Spilka B. Psihologija molitvy. Nauchnyj podhod / B. Spilka, K.L. Ljedd; Per. s angl. A.A. Kiselevoj. – H.: Izd-vo «Gumanitarnyj centr», 2015. – 256 s. 8. Jung K.G. Psihologicheskie tipy / K.G. Jung; per. s nem. S. Lorie; pod obshh. red. V.V. Zelenskogo. – SPb.: Azbuka, 2001. – 407 s. 9. Johnson P.E. Psychology of Religion. – Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1945. – 288 p. 10. Sionap T., Francis L.J. The Psychology of Prayer: A Review of Empirical Research / International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Hare and Wellbeing // Ed. M. de Souza, L. J. Francis, J. O’Higgins-Norman, D. Scott. – N.: Springer, 2009. – Part I, volume 3. – P. 247-267.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 453-460 (pdf)


UDC: 154.4:351.745.5+158
Savchenko Anna
Savchenko Anna,PhD student of Laboratory of Psychology learning of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Analysis of psychological determinants of socionomics features of judge

The article describes the factors that determine the success of the communication component of a judge. This article is devoted to the actual problem analysis of individual judges in the context of professional activities socionomical content that reflects the principles of active approach of psychology. The aim is to ascertain the theoretical analysis of the specific correlation of activity and personal approaches to the study of individual judges based on psychological determinism
Keywords: determinism, person, activity, judge socionomical professions, activity

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Gottsdanker R. Osnovyi psihologicheskogo eksperimenta: Uchebnoe posobie: Per. s angl. - M.: Moskovskiy un-t, 1982. - 464 s. 2. Druzhinin V.N. Eksperimentalnaya psihologiya: Uchebnoe posobie. - M.: INFRA-M, 1997. - 256 s. 3. Dulov A.V. Sudebnaya psihologiya: uchebnoe posobie / A.V.Dulov – [2-e izd., ispr. i dop.] – Minsk : Vyisheysh. shk., 1975. – 464 s. 4. Kempbell D.. Modeli eksperimentov v sotsialnoy psihologii i prikladnyih issledovaniyah: Per. s angl. - M.: Progress, 1980. - 391 s. 5. Marchak V. Ya. PsihologIchnI aspekti viboru profesIYi suddI / V. Ya. Marchak // TeorIya ta praktika yuridichnoYi osvIti : Zb. materIalIv I Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf., KiYiv, 20 kvItnya 2012 r.. – K. : Vidavnitstvo Evropeyskogo unIversitetu, 2012. – S. 115–121. 6. OrganIzatsIya psihologIchnogo obstezhennya kandidatIv na posadu suddI : metodichnI rekomendatsIYi / O. K. Chernovskiy, V. Ya. Marchak, A. V. FedIna. – ChernIvtsI : ChernIvetskiy nats. un-t Im. Yu. Fedkovicha, 2012. – 32 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 461-467 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923:130.122
Savchyn M.V.
Savchyn Myroslav Vasyliovych, Dr. of Science (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Drogobych pedagogical university, Drohobych, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The analysis of the person’s ability to believe in the context of the spiritual paradigm of psychology

In the context of the spiritual paradigm of psychology a person’s inner world consists of I-spiritual and psyche as an acquired during his lifetime component. The spirit is characterized as a real and living substance centre of a person’s inner world and is irrational, out-of-the-rational and superrational in its ontological nature. The person’s ability is viewed as the capability to maintain the functioning, formation and development of his own inner world (self-activity), his own life and the lives of other people in the outer world (activity). The gist of the faith of transcendental nature is displayed in a person’s subtle vision of the invisible matter of all existing in him things and in the world as well as the certainty about the reality of the spiritual sphere. The faith becomes apparent in the revelation of God by a person, the dialogue with God, the Love of God, and a person’s spiritual development. The faith of transcendental faith is different from the faith of a human mind and scientific knowledge and this fact is shown in their different ontological essence and different determination of a person’s activity, which is direct in a human mind and science and mediate in faith. Religious faith differs from a religious feeling, where there is a contradictory combination of faith and weak faith. There is some difference between the strong and weak faith. The dynamics of faith is caused by a person’s orientation to the spiritual I or to the outer world and his own psyche. The preconditions of strong faith are a person’s humility, attention to one’s own spiritual state, avoiding physical satisfaction and cooperation with evil spirits. The consequences of this type of faith are a person’s cure and harmony, improvement of life. The orientation of the psychological practice to the ability of a person to believe increases its effectiveness and the stability of results
Keywords: mind, spirituality, dynamics of faith, spiritual paradigm, personality, strong faith, weak faith, transcendental faith

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Andreev D.A. Roza Myra / D.A. Andreev. – M. : Redaktsyia zhurnala „Ura-nyia”, 1998. – 608 s. 2. Bratus B.S. Psykholohyia: dushepopechenye y nauka / /chten_00/ bratus.htm. 3. Ievdokymov Pavlo. Nezbahnenna Bozha liubov Per. z frants. / P.Ievdokymov – K. : DUKh i LITERA, 2004, 2004. – 132 s 4. Ylchenko V. Y. Fenomen sakralnoho v ystoryko-kulturnom prostranstve / V. Y. Ylchenko, V. M. Sheliuto. – K. : AO «YTN», 2002. – 325 s. 5. Kordunova N. O Psykholohichni osoblyvosti stanovlennia dukhovnykh tsinnostei starshoklasnykiv u protsesi navchannia : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk, stupenia kand. psykholohichnykh nauk : 19.00.07. / N. O. Kordunova. – K., 2001. – 20 s. 6. Losskyi V. N. Bohoslovye y Bohovydenye / Pod obshch. red. Vlady¬myra Pysliakova. M.: Yzd-vo Sviato-Vladymyrskoho bratstva, 2000. 7. Manerov V. X. O metodolohyy khrystyanskoi psykholohyy /X. Manerov // Slovo : pravoslavnyi obrazovatelnsh portal [Zlektronnii resurs]. 8. Marsel H. Byt y ymet : per. S frants. / H. Marsel. – Novocherkask : Ahentstvo SAHUNA, 1994. – 160 s. 9. Molytvoslov / uklad. Vasyliianska Liturhiina Komisiia. – Rym ; Toronto : Vyd-vo OO. Vasyliian, 1990. – 1373 s. 10. Morhun A. N. Reshenye psykhofyzyolohycheskoi problemy v svia-tootecheskom uchenyy o dushe (na prymere uchenyia vyzantyiskoho myslytelia XIV veka sviatytelia Hryhoryia Palamy) / A. N. Morhun // Ystoryia otechestvennoi y myrovoi psykholohycheskoi mysly: Postyhaia proshloe, ponymat nastoiashchee»predvydet budushchee: m-ly mezh- dunar. konf. po ystoryy psykholohyy «IV moskovskye vstrechy», 26– 29 yiunia 2006 h. / otv. red. A. L. Zhuravlev, V. A. Koltsova, Yu. N. Oleinyk. – M. : Yzd-vo «Ynstytut psykholohyy RAN». 2006. – S. 409–412., 14–22 11. Moskalets V. P. Kompleksy bazovoi osobystosti suchasnoi Ukrainy / V. P. Moskalets // Metodolohichni i teoretychni problemy psykholohii: khrestomatiia / uporiad. 3. S. Karpenko, I. M. Hoian. – Ivano-Frankivsk : Plai, 2000. – S. 380–395. 12. Moskalets V. P. Psykholohichnyi zmist dukhovnosti i dukhovnist mystetstva / V. P. Moskalets // Mentalnist. Dukhovnist. Samorozvytok osobystosti. – I chast. – III rozd. – K., 1994. – S. 284–286. 13. Nesmelov V. Y. Vera y znanye s tochky zrenyia hnoseolohyy / V. Y. Nesmelov. – Kazan, 1913. – 110 s. 14. Protopresvyter A.Shmeman. Yevkharystyia Taynstva Tsarstva. Vtoroe yzd. – M. Polomnyn. – 304 s. 15. Savchyn M.V. Dukhovna paradyhma psykholohii : monohrafiia / Myroslav Savchyn. – K. : Akademvydav, 2013. –224 s. (Seriia «Monohraf»); Metodolohemy psykholohii : monohrafiia / Myroslav Savchyn. – K. : Akademvydav, 2013. – 224 s. – (Seriia «Monohraf»). 16. Savchyn M.V. Dukhovnyi potentsial liudyny. (Navchalne vydannia): (mo-nohrafiia). – Vyd. 2-he, per., dop. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Mistok NV, 2010. – 508 s. 17. Savchyn M.V. Metodolohemy psykholohii / Monohrafiia // Naukove vydannia Seriia «Monohraf», spilnyi proekt iz VTs «Akademvydav». – Kyiv. – 221 – s. (14 dr. ark.). 18. Tatenko V. O. Suchasna psykholohiia: teoretychno-metodolohichni problemy: [navch.posib.] / V. O.Tatenko. – K. : Vyd-vo Nats. aviats. un-tu «NAU-druk», 2009. – 288 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 468-476 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923
Serdiuk L.Z., Іvannіkova G.V.
Serdiuk Liudmyla Zaharіvna, Dr. of Science (Psychology), Professor, Head of Laboratory of Psychology of Personality, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAPS of Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological wel-being as a factor of personal social security

The article discusses the phenomenon of personal psychological well-being as an integral formation that is expressed in a degree of person’s orientation to implementation of the main components of his/her positive functioning, as well as in a degree of actualization of such an orientation that is perceived subjectively as satisfaction with him/herself and his/her life, which, in turn, is a personal internal resource and the most important factor of his/her social security. Instability and complexity of socio-economic conditions of personal development poses a threat for his/her social security as a prerequisite for full development of his/her vital forces, labour and intellectual abilities, professional and personal self-realization
Keywords: personal social security, psychological well-being, personal inner resources, personal potential

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Voronina, A. V. Ocenka psihologicheskogo blagopoluchija shkol'nikov v sisteme pro-filakticheskoj i korrekcionnoj raboty psihologicheskoj sluzhby : avtoref. dis. na soisk. nauch. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk : spec. 05.02.08 / A. V. Voronina. – Tomsk, 2002. –16 s. 2. Panina, E. N. Vzaimosvjaz' suverennosti psihologicheskogo prostranstva i sub#ektiv-nogo blagopoluchija lichnosti / E. N. Panina // Vestnik Krasnojarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija «Gumanitarnye nauki». – 2006. – № 3/2. – S.89-91. 3. Fesenko, P. P. Osmyslennost' zhizni i psihologicheskoe blagopoluchie lichnosti : avtoref. dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk : spec. 19.00.01. / P. P. Fesenko. – M. , 2005. – 16 s. 4. Chiksentmihaji, M. Potok : psihologija optimal'nogo perezhivanija / M. Chiksentmihaji ; per. s angl.  M. : Smysl : Al'pina non-fikshn, 2011.  461 s. 5. Shamionov, R. M. Psihologija sub#ektivnogo blagopoluchija (k razrabotke integrativnoj koncepcii) [Jelektron, resurs] / R. M. Shamionov. – Rezhim dostupa: 6. Deci E. L. The ""What"" and ""Why"" of Goal Pursuits : Human Needs and the Self–Determination of Behavior personality / E. Deci, R. Ryan // Psychological Inquiry, 2000. –Vol. 11. – № 4. – P. 227-268. 7. Reis, H. T. Daily well–being : the role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness / H. T. Reis, K. M. Sheldon, S. L. Gable, J. Roscoe // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. –2000. – № 26.– P. 419-435. 8. Ryff, C. D. The contours of positive human health / C. D. Ryff, B. Singer // Psychological Inquiry. –1998. –Vol. 9. – P. 719-727. 9. Serdiuk, L. Psychological well-being of future specialists in the integrated educational environment and the factors of its formation / L. Serdiuk // Social welfare : interdisciplinary approach. – 2011. – 1(1). – P. 44-51.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 477-484 (pdf)


UDC: 159:301
Spiridonov S.V.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychoanalytic theory of internal conflicts

The deep crisis that the country is going through a complicated socio-economic and political situation lead to radical changes taking place in the mental life of people, particularly affecting the emergence of complex contradictions in the inner world of man. Because urgency is the study on internal personal conflicts in the psychoanalytic theories. The article deals with the essence of internal personal conflict areas in the major psychoanalytic theories of personality. It reveals the impact structures, I, I top by Sigmund Freud, inferiority complex by Alfred Adler, basal anxiety by Karen Horney, mental regression to lower levels of consciousness Hyustafom Carl Jung, psychosocial crises by Eric Erickson on the occurrence of internal personal conflicts
Keywords: intra-personal conflict, psychoanalytic theory, it is, I'm on top I inferiority complex, basal anxiety, psychosocial crisis

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Antsupov A.J. Conflict resolution: Textbook for Universities / A.J. Antsupov, A.I.  Shipilova.  M .: UNITY, 2000.  551 p. S. 61-63, 292-229. 2. Grishina NV Psychology conflict / NV Grishin. - 2nd ed.  SPb .: Peter, 2008.  544 p: ill. - (Series ""Masters of Psychology""). P. 55-65. 3. Kozyrev GI Introduction to Conflict / GI Kozyrev.  M.: VLADOS, 1999. - S.144-146. 4. Hell L. Theories of personality / Hell L., D. Zyhler.  3rd ultrasound.  SPb .: Peter, 2007. - 607 p .: ill. - (Series ""Masters of Psychology""). - S. 105-269. 5. I and Ono, philosophical science. Religion. Yezoteryka / Sigmund Freud.  Moscow: Eksmo, 2015. - 864 p. - (Anthology of thought). 6. Zeigarnik B. Theories of personality in psychology zarubezhnoy / BV Zeigarnik.  M., Publishing House of Moscow. University Press, 1982.  S. 128. 7. Jung Yu. Psychological Types / K. Yu Jung / Per. s Nam.  M. ""Unyversytetskaya book"" LLC ""Firma"" Publishing ACT », 1998.  720 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 484-496 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9. 01
Tavrovetska N.
Tavrovetska Nataliia Ivanivna, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of Practical Psychology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Structural components of personality life path characteristics

The article deals with actual problem of Theoretical Psychology – chronological structuring the life path of the individual. Traced the structural characteristics of personality life path as a fundamental category of personality psychology, specified in such psychological phenomena as life goals, life events, life strategies, life situations, life attitudes, life program and life aspirations. Designated following structural characteristics of life. One of the basic concepts of psychology of the life path is the category of ""life strategy"" – a permanent coordination of the personality and character and way of the life, building life anew on the basis of their individual capabilities and data and those acquired in life. During the analysis category ""life orientation"" determined that it is the part and to some extent the result of the formation of life strategy. Life orientation is characterized as individual's inner world depends on the outside world, which consist in constructing own existence, namely, subjective involvement in the subjective situation. It was determined that one of the basic elements of life strategy is life position of the personality – a complex system of personal attitude (up to society, to communities, to which belonging, to work, people, to himself), directives and motives, which a personality is guided in its activities, goals and values, which aims this activity, a complex of capabilities for life organization, solving its contradictions. The points of benchmark on the life path is life situations, events and crises. In the works of many authors life situation is considered as an important episode in the individual life path that could determine the future life direction. Considered various theoretical and applied approaches on the basic concepts of life path, reflecting the complexity, systemically-conceptuality, multidimensionality this category
Keywords: life path life strategy, life goals, life aspirations, life attitudes, life situations

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja K. A. Strategyja zhyzny / K. A. Abul'hanova-Slavskaja – M. : «Mыsl'», 1991. – 299 s. 2. Anan'ev B. G. Chelovek kak predmet poznanyja / B. G. Anan'ev. // Yzbrannыe psyhologycheskye trudы : v 2-h t. – M. : Pedagogyka, 1980. – T. 1. – S. 16-178. 3. Ball G.O. Fenomen vyboru v konteksti social'noi' povedinky / G.O. Ball // Social'na psyhologija. – 2005. – № 1. – S. 3-13. 4. Golovaha E.Y. Zhyznennaja perspektyva y professyonal'noe samoopredelenye molodezhy / E.Y. Golovaha. – K. : Naukova dumka, 1988. – 143s. 5. Jermakov I.G. Zhyttjevyj proekt osobystosti : vid teorii' do praktyky : praktyko zorijentovanyj posibnyk. / I.G. Jermakov, D.O. Puzikov. – K. : Osvita Ukrai'ny, 2007. – 212 s. 6. Kononko O.L. Psyhologichni osnovy osobystisnogo stanovlennja doshkil'nyka (systemnyj pidhid). / O.L. Kononko. – K. : Stylos, 2000. – 336 s. – (In-t psyhologii' im. G.S. Kostjuka APN Ukrai'ny, In-t problem vyhovannja APN Ukrai'ny). 7. Korzhova E.Ju. Psyhologyja zhyznennыh oryentacyj cheloveka / E.Ju. Korzhova. – SPb. : Yzd-vo RHGA, 2006. – 384 s. 8. Maksymenko S.D. Zhyttjevyj shljah osobystosti jak bazova kategorija genetychnoi' psyhologii' / S. D. Maksymenko // Naukovyj visnyk Mykolai'vs'kogo derzhavnogo universytetu imeni V. O. Suhomlyns'kogo. Serija : Psyhologichni nauky. – 2014. – Vyp. 2.12. – S. 5-13. 9. Martыnjuk Y.O. Zhyznennыe cely lychnosty : ponjatye, struktura, mehanyzmы formyrovanyja / Y.O. Martыnjuk. – K. : Naukova dumka, 1990. – 318 s. 10. Nyzovskyh N.A. Chelovek kak avtor samogo sebja: psyhosemantycheskoe yssledovanye zhyznennыh pryncypov v strukture samorazvyvajushhejsja lychnosty / N.A. Nyzovskyh. – M. : Smыsl, 2007. – 225 s. 11. Panok V. G. Psyhologija zhyttjevogo shljahu osobystosti : monografija / V. G. Panok, G. V. Rud'. – K. : Nika-Centr, 2006. – 280 s. 12. Reznyk T. E. Zhyznennыe strategyy lychnosty : poysk al'ternatyv [Эlektronnыj resurs] / T.E. Reznyk, Ju.M. Reznyk // Socys. – 1995. – № 4. – S. 100 – 105. – Rezhym dostupu: http: // 13. Rubynshtejn S. L. Chelovek y myr / S. L. Rubynshtejn // Problemы obshhej psyhologyy. – M. : Pedagogyka, 1973. – S. 255-385. 14. Tytarenko T. M. Zhyttjevyj svit osobystosti: u mezhah i za mezhamy budennosti / T. M. Tytarenko. – K. : DP Specializovane vydavnyctvo ""Lybid'"", 2003. – 376 s. 15. Tytarenko T. M. Zhyttjevi zavdannja jak praktyky samokonstytujuvannja osobystosti / T.M. Tytarenko // Social'na psyhologija. – 2008. – №6 (32). – S. 3-11. 16. Chepeljeva N.V. Osobystyj dosvid sub’jekta u konteksti psyhologichnoi' germenevtyky / N.V. Chepeljeva // Ljudyna. Sub’jekt. Vchynok : Filosofs'ko-psyhologichni studii'. – K. : Lybid', 2006. – S. 280-302.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 496-506 (pdf)


UDC: 159.942
Tereshchuk A.D.
Tereshchuk Angelіna Dmytrіvna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Research Fellow, Senior Fellow of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Emotional aspects of person's behaviour in crisis challenges of modern time

Times of crises are a source of self-adjustment of a system. The article discusses how meaningful adequate understanding by a person of his/her own life stimulates searching for constructive exits from a crisis and mobilize internal resources to certain changes into the direction of personal evolution. The most important condition of crises is endangerment of major life goals, plans that leads to forced correction of personal life roadmaps, re-programming of life activities, The article determines that times of person’s developmental crisis can be one of the determining factors of personal emotional behaviour. The social and psychological factors are studied that contribute to emotional stress relieve: focusing on technical details of a problem or tactics, but not on outcome significance; reducing of future activity importance, lowering of subjective importance of an event or reassessment of the situation in general; acquisition of additional information that removes situational uncertainty; development of a reserve strategy to achieve the goal in case of failure; setting aside of the goal for the time being if there is awareness of impossibility to achieve it with existing knowledge and tools. The article substantiate that emotions are a part of human psychological activities, a part of personal ""I"". Modern people in their actions are often guided not by emotions but mainly by mind; but, in many situations, the impact of emotions on human behaviour is anyway great. A general desire to maintain a positive emotional state is the key to health, vitality and success in any activity
Keywords: crisis, crisis states, personality, behaviour, emotions, affective symptoms

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Vygotskij L.S. Psihologija razvitija cheloveka. / L.S. Vygotskij // M.: Izd-vo Smysl; Izd-vo Jeksmo, 2005. – 1136 s. 2. Vygotskij L.S. Problema vozrasta / L.S. Vygotskij // Sobranie sochinenij: V 6 t. – M., 1984 (b) – T.4. – s. 244-268. 3. Gryzlov S.V. Osobennosti psihologicheskogo krizisa kak nerazreshimoj problemnoj situacii i puti korrekcii [Jelektronnyj resurs] / S.V. Gryzlov // Sajt Instituta psihoterapii i klinicheskoj psihologii. – Rezhim dostupa: 4. Groff S. Sovremennyj global'nyj krizis est', v sushhnosti, krizis duhovnyj. Interv'ju Moskovskomu psihoterapevticheskomu zhurnalu / S. Groff//Konsul'tativnaja psihologija i psihoterapija. 2007. № 4. - s.68–81. 5. Zhyttjevi kryzy osobystosti: Nauk.-metod. posibnyk: U 2 t. /V.M. Donij, G.M. Nesen, L.V. Sohan', I.G. Jermakov ta in. – K.: IZMN, 1998. – Ch.2. – 568 s. 6. Leont'ev A.N. Potrebnosty, motyvы y эmocyy. Psyhologyja эmocyj [Tekstы] / A.N. Leont'ev // Pod red. V. K. Vyljunasa, Ju.B. Gypenrejter. – M.: Yzd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 1984. – 168 s. 7. Ljusyn D.V. Sposobnost' k ponymanyju эmocyj: Psyhometrycheskyj y kognytyvnыj aspektы [Tekst] / D.V. Ljusyn // Socyal'noe poznanye v эpohu bыstrыh polytycheskyh y эkonomycheskyh peremen / Pod red. G.A. Emel'janova – M.: Smыsl, 2000. – S. 38-48. 8. Nosenko E.L., Kovryga N.V. Emocijna rozumnist' jak determinanta uspishnosti zhyttjedijal'nosti ljudyny i shljahy i'i' operacionalizacii' / E.L. Nosenko, N.V. Kovryga // Visn. Dnipropetr. un-tu. Ser. «Pedagogika i psyhologija». – 2000. – Vyp. 6. – S. 3-9. 9. Psyhologyja zhyznennogo uspeha. Opыt socyal'no-psyhologycheskogo analyza preodolenyja krytycheskyh sytuacyj / L.V. Sohan', E.Y. Golovaha, R.A. Anufryeva y dr. – K.: Yn-t socyologyy NAN Ukraynы, 1995. – 149 s. 10. Psyhologyja. Uchebnyk dlja gumanytarnыh vuzov / Pod red. V.N. Druzhynyna. – SPb.: Pyter, 2001. – 656 s. 11. Tereshhuk A.D. Psyhosynergetychni osoblyvosti emocijnoi' sfery v kryzovyj period rozvytku ljudyny / A.D. Tereshhuk // Materialy III Vseukrai'ns'koi' zaochnoi' serpnevoi' internet-konferencii' osvitjan “Psyhosynergetychni osoblyvosti stalyh ta kryzovyh periodiv zhyttja ljudyny” (11 serpnja 2014 roku). – Rezhym dostupu: 12. Goleman D. Emotional intelligence / D. Goleman // N.Y.: Random House Publishing Group, 2006. – p. 384.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 506-513 (pdf)


UDC: 159.938.3:378
Titova K.V.
Titova Kateryna Valeriivna, Master of Department of psychology of Department of General Psychology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Typology ways of human behavior actualization and overcoming fear

It has been found in the article that from all analyzed ways of human behavior which express fear the most productive ways are those, which exist at the level of the essential existence. Since it encourages people to be responsible for their own lives and their awareness of feelings, it leads people to making their own decision. It has been proved that depending on the degree of the threat not only the intensity of fear changes, but also the ways people deal with it. The results of empirical study of individual psychological characteristics of experiencing fear have been shown here. The ways of dealing with fear can be divided into three types, depending on the combination of two personal characteristics: neuroticism and exclusion
Keywords: fear, experience, individual personal traits, typology, overcoming

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Dahl, V. I. O pover'yakh, sueveriyakh i predrassudkakh russkoho naroda [About beliefs, superstitions and prejudices the russian nation]. – 2-e yzd. – SPb. : M. O. Volf, 1980. – 148 p. (rus). Kasumov, T. K., Hasanova, L. K. (2014). Strakhy v zhyzny y zhyzn v strakhe [The fears in life and life in the fear] // Voprosy fylosofiy [Questions of Philosophy]. – 2014. – № 1. – P. 34–46 (rus). Kozlov, V. V., Bubeev, Ju. A. Izmenennyie sostoyaniya soznaniya: psihologiya i fiziologiya [Altered states of consciousness: the psychology and physiology]. – M. : AST & others, 1997. – 198 p. (rus). Manokha, I. P. Psykholohiya potayemnoho “Ya” [Psychology of secret “I”]. – K. : Polihrafknyha, 2001. – 446 p. (ukr). Melnikov, V. M., Yampolskiy, L. T. Vvedenie v eksperimentalnuyu psihologiyu lichnosti : ucheb. posobie dlya slushateley IPK, prepodavateley ped. distsiplin un-tov i ped. in-tov [Introduction to experimental psychology of personality : studies. handbook]. – M. : Prosveschenie, 1985. – 320 p. (rus). Myronchak, K. V. Vplyv chynnyku usvidomlennya smerti na pobudovu osobystistyu svoho zhyttyevoho stsenariyu [The influence factor on building awareness of the death of his individual life script] // Visnyk Natsional'noho universytetu oborony Ukrayiny : zb. nauk. prats' [Bulletin of the National Defence University of Ukraine : coll. science papers]. – K. : NUOU, 2014. – Vol. 5(42). – 360 p. – P. 285–290 (ukr). Perlz, F. S. Ego, golod i agressiya [Ego, hunger and aggression]. – M. : Smyisl, 2000. – 358 p. (rus). Podshyvaylov, F. M. Psykholohichni chynnyky rozvytku motyvatsiynoyi sfery osobystosti maybutn'oho psykholoha : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. psykhol. nauk : spets. 19.00.07 “Pedahohichna ta vikova psykholohiya” [Psychological factors of motivational sphere of personality of future of a psychologist : abstract of dis. on competition sciences. degree candidate. Psychology. Sciences specials. 19.00.07 ""Educational and Developmental Psychology""] ; Kyyivs'kyy universytet im. B. Hrinchenka [Kyiv University B. Grinchenko]. – K., 2015. – 22 p. (ukr). Podshyvaylov, F. M. Sootnoshenie motivatsii dostizheniya uspeha i motivatsii izbeganiya neudach: ot bipolyarnosti v teorii k kvadripolyarnosti na praktike [The ratio of motivation for success and motivation of avoiding failure: from bipolarity in theory to practice quad polar] // Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi : zb. nauk. prats' In-tu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny [Actual problems of psychology : coll. science works of Inst psychology G. S. Kostiuk NAPS Ukraine]. – K. : Feniks, 2014. – T. XII. Psykholohiya tvorchosti [Psychology of creativity]. – Vol. 20. – P. 284–293 (rus). Riman, F. Osnovnyie formyi straha: issledovanie v oblasti glubinnoy psihologii [Basic forms of fear: a study in the field of depth psychology] – 2-nd ed., ster. – M. : Akademiya, 2007. – 192 p. (rus). Tillih, P. Muzhestvo byit [The courage to be] // Simvol [Symbol]. – Paris, 1992. – # 28 (July). – P. 7–119 (rus). Toftul, M. H. Boyahuznytstvo [Cowardice] // Suchasnyy slovnyk z etyky : slovnyk [Modern dictionary of ethics : dictionary]. – Zhytomyr : Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2014. – 416 p. – P. 65–66 (ukr). Frolova, O. S. Fenomen straha v kulture : dis. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. filos. nauk : spets. 24.00.01 «Teoriya i istoriya kulturyi» [The phenomenon of fear in the culture : dis. on PhD degree in philosophy sciences : spec. 24.00.01 ""Theory and History of Culture""] ; RGU. – R.-n.-D., 2006. – 133 p. (rus). Yalom, I. D. Ekzistentsialnaya psihoterapiya [Existential psychotherapy]. – M. : Rimis, 2008. – 608 p. (rus).

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 513-524 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.73 – 053.4
Usyk D.B.
Usіk Dmytro Borysovych, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Department of Experimental Psychology of Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology, A.S.Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Sumy, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological features of self-direction at the senior preschool age (experimental results)

The investigation of behavior self-regulation in preschool age is one the most important in modern psychological science. The development conditions of voluntary behavior and self-regulation are relevant for the research. The article deals with the various approaches to the problem of self-regulation. The theoretical analysis determines the following indicators of self-direction: voluntary behavior, self-appraisal peculiarities, the arbitrariness of cognitive processes, and orientation in time. Based on these indicators, the structure of a research, methodical complex of self-direction is defined in the following units: behavioral, cognitive, temporal, emotional and reflexive. The diagnostic appliances for the study of these indicators are selected. The results of the self-direction research are analyzed: assessment of anxiety level; distribution of preschoolers in terms of the development level of voluntary behavior (two methods); the study of preschoolers’ self-appraisal and their distribution on differentiated levels of self-appraisal; the study of the behavior control models in terms of types of subject control of the child; the results of preschoolers distribution in terms of the ability to orient in time; the study of voluntary memory. The correlation analysis was carried out to identify the relationships between indicators of self-regulation. The differences are revealed in the self-regulation indexes of senior preschool children of different sexes: girls have more rapid development of self-regulation components comparing with boys. The prospect of further research is in identifying certain typological profiles, which would reflect the differences between preschoolers groups with different rates of self-direction
Keywords: self-regulation of behavior, anxiety, self-esteem, correlation link, arbitrariness of behavior, autonomy of subjective regulation

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Gutkyna N.Y. Psyhologycheskaja gotovnost' k shkole/ N.Y. Gutkyna. – 3-e yzd., pererab. y dop. – M.: Akademycheskyj Proekt, 2000. – 184 s. 2. Ovcharova R.V. Praktycheskaja psyhologyja v nachal'noj shkole/ R.V. Ovcharova . – M.: TC «Sfera», 1996. – 240 s. 3. Problemы doshkol'noj ygrы: psyhologo-pedagogycheskyj aspekt/Pod red. N.N. Podъjakova, N.Ja. Myhajlenko. – M., 1987. – 339 s. 4. Ryhterman, T. D. Formyrovanye predstavlenyj o vremeny u detej doshkol'nogo vozrasta/ T. D. Ryhterman. – 2-e yzd., dorab. – M. : Prosveshhenye, 1991. – 48 s. 5. Flejvell Dzh. H. Genetycheskaja psyhologyja Zhana Pyazhe/ Dzh. H. Flejvell. – M., 1967. – 414 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 524-533 (pdf)


UDC: 378.1:656-052
Chaika O.I.
Chaika Oksana Ivanivna, Postgraduate Student of Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkov, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Personal self-esteem of psychophysiological resource in professional activity of air traffic controllers

Personal self-esteem of psychophysiological resource in professional activity of air traffic controllers is an urgent problem of nowadays. The success in professional reliability of ATCs’ activity depends on the ability independently and adequately estimate their own professional qualities and resources. This article deals with the potential professional reliability. Particular attention is paid to important professional qualities that the ATC controller can adequately estimate and which are important for objective and effective activity. The ability to flexibly and efficiently shift to emergency conditions, while adapting quickly to changing circumstances, is critical to the success of organizations that deal with human life, and to every organization operating in a complex reality, and is vital for saving lives, preserving reputation and returning to normal functioning. Correct psychophysiological training will in one hand increase the ability for adequate self-esteeme and the self-control of ATCs’ psychophysical resource, which in other hand will provide the professional reliability in unusual or extreme situations
Keywords: reliability of professional activity, memory, attention, visual-motor coordination, simultaneous capacity, psycho-emotional stability, self-esteem

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Andryanova V. E., Rumyanceva V. Y. O nekotorыx professy`onal`no znachymыx svojstvax dyspetchera AS UVD// Problemi ynzhenernoj psyxologyy. Vыp. III. Specyalnie problemi ynzhenernoj psyxologyy. Ch.1, L., 1984.  S. 92 – 94. 2. Dykaya L.G. Psyxycheskaya samoregulyacyya funkcyonalnogo sostoyany`ya cheloveka (systemno-deyatelnostnыj podxod) / L.G. Dykaya. M.: Y`zd-vo «Ynstytut psyxologyy RAN», 2003.  318 s. 3. Ylyn E.P. Dyfferencyalnaya psyxologyya professyonalnoj deyatelnosty` / E.P. Ylyn. SPb.: Yzd-vo «Pyter», 2008.  432 s. 4. Lomov B.F. Systemnost v psyxologyy / B.F. Lomov. M.: Yzd-vo «Ynstytut praktycheskoj psyxologyy`»; Voronezh: NPO «MODЭK», 1996. – 364 s. 5. Mashy`n V.A. Psyxycheskaya nagruzka, psyxycheskoe napryazhenye y funkcyonalnoe sostoyanye operatorov system upravlenyya / V.A. Mashyn // Voprosы psyxologyy. 2007. # 6.  S. 8696. 6. Safonov V.K., Suvorov G.B. Proyavlenye svojstv lychnosty y nervnoj systemы v deyatelnosty avyadyspetchera / V.K. Safonov, G.B. Suvorov / Lychnost y deyatelnost. Eksperymetalnaya y pry`kladnaya psyxologyya. Vыp. 11. L., 1982. – 320 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 533-540 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9.01
Chykhantsova O.A.
Chykhantsova Olena Anatoliivna, PhD (Psychology), Senior Researcher of P.R. Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Spirituality as a resource of hardiness of personality

Article deals with the investigation of the relationship of hardiness and spirituality. Considered the feature of concepts of ‘hardiness’ and ‘spirituality’. Analyzed the contemporary theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concept of ‘hardiness’. Considered the phenomenon of spirituality as a resource of hardiness of the personality. Determined that the hardiness connected with the formation of deeper value orientations which are connected with the realities of the present and analyzed the relationship of hardiness with personal values and spirituality of the individual. Vitality is a basic characteristic of the personality, which increases the success of the activity, cognitive activity, physical endurance, improves mental and physical health. It is an internal resource that is subservient to the man, a setting that gives the value and meaning of the life in all circumstances, as well as gives spirituality. So, we can say that spiritual beliefs shape their system of values and attitudes to difficult life’s situations. We assume that the influence of the spiritual on people’s behavior in a stressful situation may be different depending on to which denominations belong the respondents
Keywords: the hardiness of personality, spirituality, mental health

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Bogomaz S.A., Balanev D.Ju. Zhiznestojkost kak komponent innovacionnogo potenciala cheloveka. Rezhim dostupu : 2. Borishevskij M.J. Doroga do sebe : Vіd osnov sub’ektyvnostі do vershyn duhovnostі : monografіja / Miroslav Borishevs'kij. – K.: Akademvydav, 2010. – 416 s. 3. Vyhovannja duhovnostі osobystostі: Naukovo-metodychnyj posіbnyk / M.J. Boryshevs'kij, N.D. Volodars'ka, O.І. Pen'kova ta іn. Za zagal'noju redakcієju M.J. Boryshevs'kogo. – K.: Polіgrafіja, 2011. – 194 s. 4. Savchin M.V. Duhovnyj potencіal ljudyny / M.V. Savchin; Red.: O. Pіl'ko. – Іvano-Frankіvs'k : Plaj. Vid-vo Prikarp. un-tu, 2001. – 204 s. 5. Serdiuk L.Z. Samotvorennja osobystostі jak cіlіsnyj samodetermіnovanyj fenomen. Rezhim dostupu: 6. Surozhskij A. Dostich' svoej vysoty // Moskovskij psihoterapevticheskij zhurnal. – 2005.  №3. – S. 5 19. 7. Titarenko T.M. Zhittєstіjkіst' osobistostі: socіal'na neobhіdnіst' і bezpeka / T.M. Titarenko, T.O. Larіna ; navch. posіb. – K., 2009. – 76 s. 8. Fominova A. N. Zhiznestojkost' lichnosti / A. N. Fominova – Moskva : MPGU, Prometej, 2012. – 121 s. 9. Kobasa S. Stressful life events, personality and health // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. – 1979.  № 37.  P. 1-11. 10. Kobasa S. C., Maddi S. R., Kahn S. Hardiness and Health: A Prospective Study // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 42. No. 1. – 1982. – P. 168-177. 11. Maddi S. Hardiness: An operationalization of existential courage. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. – 2004.  Apr. 44. – Р. 279-298. 12. Maddi S. The story of hardiness: Twenty years of theorizing, research, and practice. – 2002. – P. 175-185. 13. Maddi S. R., Brow M., Khoshaba D. M., Vaitkus M. The relationship of hardiness and religiosity in depression and anger // Consulting Psychology Journal, 2006. Vol. 58.  P. 148-161; 14. Maddi, S.R., Harvey, R.H., Khoshaba, D. M., Lu, J. H., Persico, M., & Brow, M. The personality construct of hardiness, III: Relationships with repression, innovativeness, authoritarianism, and performance. Journal of Personality. – 2006.  Р. 74, 575-598. 15. Maddi S. The personality construct of hardiness / R. Harvey, D. Khoshaba, J. Lu, M. Persico // Journal of Research in Personality. – 2002.  №36. – 7285. 16. Solcova I. Daily stress coping strategies: An effect of Hardiness / I. Solcova, P. Tomanek // Studia Psychologica. – 1994. – Vol 36. – №5. – Р. 390-392. 17. Tierney M. An investigation into modification of personality hardiness in staff nurses / M. Tierney, M. Lavelle // Journal of Nursing Staff Development. – 1997. – Vol. 13. – P. 212-217.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 540-547 (pdf)


UDC: 159.9
Shamych O.M.
Shamych Oleksandr Mykhailovych, Ph.D of Pedagogical Sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Rehabilitation of Open International University of Human Development ‘Ukraine’, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Psychological peculiarities of self-realization in sports activities for people with disabilities

The article discuss psychological peculiarities of self-realization of people with disabilities in modern society as an aspect of the social issue of ""peer to peer"" integration. Psychological opportunities of sportive activities that create conditions for development of personal potential and reserves for life goal achievement, self-improvement and self-realization are revealed. Psychological characteristics of sportive trainings and competitions are highlighted as a factor of personal development in Paralympics
Keywords: self-realization, self-understanding, disability, paralympics

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Bojko G. M. Samoorganіzacіja sportsmenіv visokoї kvalіfіkacії jak sub’єktіv dіjal'nostі v paralіmpіjs'komu sportі / G. M. Bojko // Vіsnik Chernіgіvs'kogo nacіonal'nogo pedagogіchnogo unіversitetu. Ser. : Pedagogіchnі nauki. Fіzichne vihovannja ta sport. - 2014. - Vip. 118(1). - S. 28-31. Brіskіn Ju. A. Sport іnvalіdіv : Pіdruch. / Ju. A. Brіskіn. - K. : Olіmp. l-ra, 2006. - 264 c. Kulik A.A. Lichnostnyj potencial kak psihologicheskoe uslovie kachestva zhizni (na primere sportsmenov - paralimpijcev) / A.A.Kulik // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2014. - № 4 (60). – T. 1. – S . 130 - 134. Leont'ev D.A. Lichnostnyj potencial: struktura i diagnostika / pod. red. D.A. Leont'eva. M.: Smysl, 2011. – 675 s. Mar'jasova D.A. Psihicheskaja adaptacija sportsmenov-invalidov s porazheniem oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata : avtoref. diss... kand. med. nauk: 14.01.06; 14.03.11 / D.A. Mar'jasova. – M., 2013. – 25 s. Maslov D. V. Zhenshhiny v paralimpijskom dvizhenii, shtrih k «psihologicheskomu portretu» / D. V. Maslov, A. A. Rudovskij // Materialy I Vserossijskogo kongressa «Medicina dlja sporta». – M., 2011. – S. 269 - 276. Serdjuk L.Z. Psihologіja motivacії uchіnnja majbutnіh fahіvcіv: sistemno-sinergetichnij pіdhіd / L.Z.Serdjuk. – K. : Unіversitet «Ukraїna», 2012. – 323 s. Shuba V.V. Psihologo-pedagogіchna organіzacіja navchal'no-trenuval'nogo procesu paralіmpіjcіv z urazhennjam oporno-ruhovogo aparatu / V. V. Shuba // Pedagogіka, psihologіja ta mediko-bіologіchnі problemi fіzichnogo vihovannja і sportu. - 2012. - № 7. - S. 126-129. Brasile F.N. Psychological factors that influence participation in wheelchair basketball / F.N. Brasile // Palaestra. – 1988. - №  3. – P. 16 – 27. Coakley J.J. Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies / J.J.Coakley. – Boston: McGrawHill, 2008. – 688 p. Daďova K. Introduction to adapted physical activities / K. Daďova. – Prague: Charles University, 2007. - 82 p. Dieffenbach K.D. More Similar than Different: The Psychological Environment of Paralympic / K.D. Dieffenbach, T.A. Statler // Sport. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. – 2012. - № 3. – P. 109 - 118. Falcao W. Coaches’ Perceptions of Team Cohesion in Paralympic Sports / W. Falcao, G. Bloom, T. Loughead // Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. – 2015. - № 32. – P. 206 – 222. Huang C. Negotiating Identities Through Disability / C. Huang, I. Brittain // Sociology of Sport Journal. – 2006. - № 23. – P. 352 – 375. Omar-Fauzee M.S. The Participation Motive in the Paralympics / M.S. Omar-Fauzee, M. Manisah, G. Soh Kim, I. Norazillah // Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences. – 2010. – Vol. 2, № 1. – P. 250 – 272. Roeder L.K. Selected attentional and interpersonal characteristics of wheelchair athletes / L.K. Roeder, P.M. Aufsesser // Palaestra. – 1986. - № 2. – P. 28 - 44. Van de Vliet P. Paralympic athlete’s health / P. Van de Vliet // British Journal of Sports Medicine. - 2012. – № 46. – P. 458 – 459.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 547-554 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922.8: 159.923.2
Shamne A.V.
Shamne Anzhelika Vladimirovna, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor of Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Institut, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The dichotomy as a way of scientific thinking and the method of research of psychosocial development of personality

In the article are considered the features of dichotomous analysis as a modern method of research. The dichotomy is considered as a property and method of the study of systemic psychological phenomena. Two aspects of dichotomous analysis in psychology are considered: the definition of dichotomy for theoretical and methodological analysis of concepts, categories and theories; the using of dichotomy for the analysis of the system psychological phenomena and the explanation of the personality development. There are considered the features of using the method of dichotomy in psychodynamic, humanistic, individual, existential psychology. The dichotomies content of psychosocial development is analyzed at three levels: methodological (paradigmatic), theoretical (specifically-scientific) and empirical (in adolescence). It is proved that the dichotomy ""individual – social"", ""determination – self-determination"", ""external – internal"" record basic contradictions in understanding the structure of psychosocial development and ensure the process of building the semantic space of the concept. Based on the empirical data is proved that the dichotomy of psychosocial development reflect the content of age-related tasks of growing up. The essence of psychosocial development in adolescence is finding in optimal solution of the functional dichotomies of development: personal – social (the dichotomy of ""striving for superiority – social interest""), internal – external (the dichotomy of ""self-actualization – conditional value""), determination – self-determination (the dichotomy of ""fatalism – authorship of life"")
Keywords: psychosocial development, personality, growing up, adolescence, dichotomy, dichotomous analysis

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

1. Berulava G.A. Metodologija sovremennoj psihologii : [monografija] / G.A. Berulava. – Moskva : MPSI ; Voronezh : MODJeK, 2009. – 216 s. 2. Bogdanovich N. V. Sub#ekt kak kategorija otechestvennoj psihologii : avtoref. dis. na soiskanie nauch. stepeni kand. psihol. nauk / N. V. Bogdanovich ; Institut psihologi RAN. – Moskva, 2003. – 19 s. 3. Ganzen V.A. Sistemnye opisanija v psihologii / Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ganzen. – Leningrad : Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1984. – 187 s. 4. Gulenko V.V. Sintez i antisintez poljarnostej: gnoseologicheskie dihotomii / [Elektronnij resurs] / V.V. Gulenko. – Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashhenija: 21.03.2014). 5. Kapustin S. A. Kriterii normal'noj i anomal'noj lichnosti v psihoterapii i psihologicheskom konsul'tirovanii / Sergej Aleksandrovich Kapustin. – Moskva : Kogito-Centr, 2014. – 239 s. 6. Krajg G. Psihologija razvitija / Grjejs Krajg ; [per. s angl. N. Mal'ginoj i dr.]. – Sankt-Peterburg : Piter, 2000. – 992 s. 7. Ozherel'eva T. A. Obshhij analiz oppozicionnyh modelej / T.A. Ozherel'eva // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental'nyh issledovanij. – 2014. – № 11. – S. 746–749. 8. Platonov K.K. O jazyke psihologicheskoj nauki / K.K. Platonov // Kategorii, principy i metody psihologii. Psihicheskie processy. Tezisy nauchnyh soobshhenij k VI Vsesojuznomu s#ezdu Obshhestva psihologov SSSR. – Moskva, 1983. – S. 26–30. 9. Rogovin M. S. Vvedenie v psihologiju / M. S. Rogovin. – Moskva : Vysshaja shkola, 1969. – 284 s. 10. Sardzhveladze N.I. Lichnost' i ee vzaimodejstvie s social'noj sredoj: monografija / N. I. Sardzhveladze. – Tbilisi : Mecniereba, 1989. – 267 s. 11. Svechkareva V. R. Dihotomija kak metodologicheskij princip strukturirovanija i modelirovanija global'noj civilizacii / V.R. Svechkareva // Simmetrii: teoreticheskij i metodologicheskij aspekty : sb. nauch. tr. II mezhdunarodnogo seminara. – Astrahan', 2007. – S. 302–311. 12. Tkachenko O.M. Principi ta kategorії psihologії : monografіja / O.M.Tkachenko. – Kiїv : Gol. vid. VO «Vishha shkola», 1979. – 198 s. 13. H'ell L. Teorii lichnosti / L. H'ell, D. Zigler. – Sankt-Peterburg : Piter Press, 1997. – 608 s. 14. Shamne A.V. Teorіja ta praktika psihosocіal'nogo rozvitku u pіdlіtkovo-junac'komu vіcі [monografіja] / A.V. Shamne. – Kiїv : TOV VNP «Іnterservіs», 2015. – 488 s.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 554-560 (pdf)


UDC: 378: 37.06+316.4
Shevchenko K.O.
Shevchenko Kateryna Oleksandrivna, Postgraduate Student of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Communication of teachers self-efficacy and facilitative competence

The article deals with the problem of teacher’s self-efficacy and its interrelation with facilitative competence as an integrated feature that promotes partner relations in humanistic educational space. The results of empirical research of self-efficacy level of students of the Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University are presented. An analysis of peculiarities of teacher’s self-efficacy was accomplished to disclose the mechanisms of its interrelation with the ability of pedagogical influence and successful achievement of the goals of the educational process. The author interprets teacher-facilitator’s self-efficacy as a facilitative competence and appreciation of its effective implementation in the educational space at the same time. Self-efficacy of a teacher is a main aspect in the effectiveness of educational activity in all its forms and determining factor in the formation of facilitative competence of future teachers. In spite of that low level of self-efficacy of significant part of the examined students-future teachers was found, which indicates the urgent need for its improvement. According to the author, the self-efficacy of the future teacher can be increased by the facilitative training, that promotes the development of personality and the formation of the teacher-facilitator’s professional identity and thus – creating situations of success that strengthen teacher’s self-confidence. Considering prospects for further research of the problems described in the article, we have to note that development and implementation of the program of socio-pedagogical training aimed at developing abilities and skills of facilitative interactions are tasks that sets the author for future research initiatives
Keywords: teacher’s self-efficacy, facilitative competence, pedagogical facilitation, self-improvement, subject-subject interaction, facilitative influence

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Bandura A. Social cognitive theory. In R. Vasta (Ed.), Annals of child development (Vol. 6,). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. – 1989.  pp. 1-60. Avdeeva I.N. Smyslovye ustanovki uchitelja-fasilitatora: bazovoe soderzhanie i puti formirovanija / I.N. Avdeeva // Mir psihologii. – 2013. – № 3. – P. 177-190. Bondarchuk O.I. The organizational and professional features of self-efficacy of managers of educational organizations / O.I. Bondarchuk // Problems of Modern Psychology : Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine. – Issue 27. – Kamianets-Podilskyi : Aksioma, 2015. – Р. 57–69. Kremeshna T. I. Profesiina kompetentnist yak skladova pedahohichnoi samoefektyvnosti maibutnikh vchyteliv muzyky / T. I. Kremeshna // Visnyk Cherkaskoho universytetu: Seriia pedahohichni nauky. – 2006. – Issue 84. – P. 60–64. Kremeshna T.I. Pedahohichna samoefektyvnist: shliakh do uspishnoho vykladannia: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk / T. I. Kremeshna. – Uman, 2010. – 168 p. Krichevskij R. L. Samojeffektivnost' i akmeologicheskij podhod k issledovaniju lichnosti/ R. L. Krichevskij // Akmeologija. – 2001. – № 1. – P. 47–52. Lipinska N. F. Samoefektyvnist osobystosti yak dzherelo yii aktyvnosti / N. F. Lipinska // Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Psykholohiia. – 2014. – . 19, Issue. 1. – P. 180-185. Makarenko I.Y. Rol samoefektyvnosti pedahoha v zabezpechenni yoho vysokykh profesiinykh dosiahnen / I.Y. Makarenko // Pedahohika formuvannia tvorchoi osobystosti u vyshchii i zahalnoosvitnii shkolakh. - 2014. – Issue. 37. – P. 263-269. A.H. Maslow. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971. Retrieved from https://www. Ognev A. S. Teoreticheskie osnovy psihologii sub’ektogeneza / A.S. Ognev. – K., 1997. – 121p. H'ell L., Zigler D. Teorii lichnosti: osnovnye polozhenija, issledovanija i primenenie / L. H'ell, D. Zigler. – SPb.: Piter Press, 1997. – 608 p. Shaposhnyk D. O. Resursy teorii samoefektyvnosti osobystosti u suchasnii psykholohii / D. O. Shaposhnyk // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina. Seriia : Psykholohiia. - 2011. - # 937, Issue. 45. – P. 302-305.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 561-568 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923.2:81’276.2
Shyrokoradyuk L.
Shyrokoradiuk Liliia Anatoliivna, PhD (Psychology), Assistant professor of psychology of V. Gnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The ribaldry is as a factor of animosity and prepossession

The article review a social-psychological phenomena of ribaldry as a force which provokes enemy attitude both on interpersonal communication level and on international gender contacts level. Invective vocabulary is such means which brings to nought patriotic feelings, complicate forming valuable citizen’s characteristics. Because the ribaldry is instrument or manifestation of cynic position to the events of own life and/or social life. On event of origin the ribaldry was means of sublimation physical aggression and has positive role in formation a human as social creature. However, with time, especially today, the ribaldry invites physical aggression and is verbal demonstration of prepossession.  Prepossession causes a lot of racial, national, social ribaldry. Nowadays there are ribaldries which demonstrate enmity to religious brands, political parties, subcultures. The ribaldry is universal means of depreciating human. By depreciating human by parts we eventually depreciate human in total. The ribaldry denies personal capacity. There are such ribaldries which deny human being and depose non-existence. The ribaldry dip a person into the world where exist necessity of external determination and repression of liberty. This is the world where the originality of person is being destroyed. With the help of brutal statements human humiliates as sexual partner. This is demonstration of disrespectfulness and careless attitude. Taking into consideration such big amount of negative meanings we should struggle with invective. We should stop uncensorious attitude to ribaldry, justifying it by pressure in society and psychology facilitation after its using
Keywords: ribaldry, invective vocabulary, verbal aggression, animosity, prepossession, ethnic stereotype

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Abramyan L. A. Oskorblenye y nakazanye: slovo y delo // Эtnycheskye stereotypu povedenyya. – L.: Nauka, 1985. – S. 279 – 296. Baronyn A. S. Etnopsyxologya: Ucheb. posobye. / A. Baronyn. – K.: MAUP, 2000. – 116 s. Vstup do filosofiyi: Navchalnyj posibnyk dlya stud. navch. zakl. / A. O. Luzan. – K.: CzUL, 2013. – 136 s. Drydze T. M. Yazuk y socyalnaya psyhologyya / Pod red. prof. A. A. Leonteva. – M.: Vusshaya shkola, 1980. – 311 s. Zhelvys V. Y`. Ynvektyva: oput tematycheskoj y funkcyonalnoj klassyfykacyy // Эtnycheskye stereotypu povedenyya / Pod red. A. K. Bajburyna. – L.: Nauka, 1985. – S. 296 – 322. Zhelvys V. Y`. Pole brany. Skvernoslovye kak aktualnaya problema / V. Zhelvys. – M.: Ladomyr, 1997. – 346 s. Kon Y. S. Vvedenye v seksologyyu / Y. Kon. – M.: Medycyna, 1988. – S. 101–104. / V. Zhelvys. – M.: Ladomyr, 1997. – 346 s. Leontev A. A. Psyxolyngvystycheskye edynyczu y porozhdenye rechevogo vuskazuvanyya / A. Leontev. – M.: Nauka, 1969. – S. 134. Leontev A. N. Deyatelnost`. Soznanye. Lychnost // Leontev A. N. Yzbr. psyxologycheskye sochynenyya: V 2-x t. – M.: Pedagogyka, 1983. – T. 2. – 304 s. Luryya A. R. Yazuk y soznanye / Pod red. E. D. Xomskoj. – M.: MGU, 1979. 11. Svyate Py`smo Starogo i Novogo Zavitu. – K.: Nove zhyttya, 1992. – 1087 s. 12. Starodub T. Slovo – ne gorobecz… Pro osoblyvosti vzhyvannya lajlyvoyi leksyky v suchasnij ukrayinskij movi // Ternopil. – 1995. – #3. – S. 58 –59. Tatenko V. A. Psyxologyya v subъektnom yzmerenyy: Monografyya / V. Tatenko – K.: Prosvita, 1996. – 404 s. Jackson J. H. On Affections of Speech from Disease of the Brain // Selected Writings of John Hughlings Jackson. – L.: Staples Press, 1958. – 510 p.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 568-575 (pdf)


UDC: 316.0
Shmanko O.
Shmanko Oleg Volodymyrovych, PhD (History), Аssistant professor, Аssistant professor of the department of social work and personnel service of Bukovinian State Finance and Economics University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

The transformation problems of the civil values in the modern youth and the ways of its formation on conditions of transitional Ukrainian society

The article defined the peculiarities of the value orientations formation of Ukrainian youth in the transit Ukrainian society. It was denoted that on conditions when the old-fashioned stereotypes still didn’t withdraw into the past and new European stereotypes still were not strengthened, there is a danger of value estrangement and filling this gap by the negative elements. The analysis of the turbulences’ impact on the socialization of youth determined the plural ways of the overcoming (motivation) of the crisis situations, caused by the turbulences’ negative impact on the human socio-cultural precision. The given results of the sociological survey on the attitude of the young generation to the European value, the special attention was paid to the civil component of this phenomenon. It was well-founded the reason why youth are much more open to new experiences and focused on their own needs than the older generation. The researcher determined that the socio-cultural implementation is possible under conditions of the human satisfaction of the spiritual needs, not material, because culture is a driving method of becoming a human. The results showed that the vast majority of youth in the future rely mainly on themselves, i.e. in the last period the important role in motivating aspirations of the Ukrainian youth take place the orientations, related to self-affirmation. The young Ukrainian people actively seeking to build a career, to succeed in education, science, business, showing competence and professionalism in compliance with social standards, get new experiences and fun
Keywords: European values, civil values, youth socialization, an estrangement, anomia, youth policy

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Artemonova T. Osnovni dukhovni priorytety studentskoi molodi: napriamy transformatsii / T. Artemonova // Vyshcha osvita Ukrainy. – 2008. – №1 – S.72-75. Voropaieva V.H. Teoretyko-metodolohichni zasady rozvytku tsinnisnykh oriientatsii suchasnoi molodi v umovakh transformatsii suchasnoho suspilstva / V.H. Voropaieva // Humanitarnyi visnyk Zaporizkoi derzhavnoi inzhenernoi akademii. – 2013. – Vyp.55. – S. 257-267. Piren M. Tsinnisni oriientatsii molodi v ukrainskomu suspilstvi na suchasnomu etapi / M. Piren, O. Tsiliuryk // Ukrainskyi naukovyi zhurnal «Osvita rehionu». [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu: Piren M.I. Yevropeiski tsinnosti – bazova osnova reformuvannia derzhavnoi kadrovoi polityky v Ukraini / M.I. Piren //Derzhavna sluzhba v Ukraini: dosvid, problemy, perspektyvy: /Za zah. red. Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konfer. (m. Kyiv, 24 chervnia 2015 r.) – K.: Vyd-vo Lira, 2015. – S.82-87. Savchuk O.V. Dynamika tsinnisnykh oriientatsii ukrainskoi molodi / O.V. Savchuk [Elektronnyi resurs]. Rezhym dostupu: Skok M.A. Tsinnisni oriientatsii osobystosti suchasnoho studenta / M.A. Skok // Visnyk ChDPU. Seriia: Psykholohichni nauky : [zb. nauk. prats] / [Hol. red. M.O. Nosko; Chernihivskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet im. T.H. Shevchenka]. – Chernihiv: Red.-vyd. tsentr ChDPU, 2002. – Vyp. 11. – S. 128-132. Tseliakova O.M. Dukhovnist i tsinnisni oriientatsii studentskoi molodi Ukrainy v transformatsiinomu suspilstvi / O.M. Tseliakova // Humanitarnyi visnyk Zaporizkoi derzhavnoi inzhenernoi akademii. – 2009. – Vyp.38. – S. 222-233. Shaposhnykova I.V. Formuvannia tsinnisnykh oriientatsii suchasnoi ukrainskoi molodi / I.V. Shaposhnykova // Sotsialni tekhnolohii: aktualni problemy teorii ta praktyky. mizhvuziv. zb. nauk. pr. / Klasych. pryvat. un-t. – Zaporizhzhia: Astroprynt, 2013. – Vyp.57. – S. 181-187. Rokeach M. The Nature of Human Values / M. Rokeach. – New York: The Free Press, 1973. – 438 p. Shmanko O.V. Problema tsinnisnoho vidchuzhennia suchasnoi ukrainskoi molodi ta shliakhy yii podolannia / O.V. Shmanko //Informatsiini tekhnolohii, ekonomika ta pravo: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku. (ITEP-2016): materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii molodykh vchenykh ta studentiv, 14-15 kvitnia 2016 r. / Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, PVNZ «Bukovynskyi universytet». – Chernivtsi: Knyhy – KhKhI, 2016. – S.6668 Liudmyla Serdiuk. Personal-semantic characteristics of higher school students’motivation /Social welfare. Interdisciplinary approach, 2(1), 2012. – P. 5662.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 575-582 (pdf)


UDC: 159.942.5
Shcherbak T.I., Scherba A.P.
Shcherbak Tetyana Ivanivna, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology Department of A. S. Makarenko Sumy state pedagogical university, Sumy, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Development of Emotional Intelligence in the Period of Professional Training of Psychologists

The phenomenon of emotional intelligence is considered in the article. The relevance of the study of emotional intelligence and its development in the training of future specialists has been emphasized. The ideas of emotional intelligence have been given out in the concepts of N. Kovriga., E. Nosenko, V. Fedorchuk, S. Derevyanko, A. Dvoynina, G. Danylova. The functions of emotional intelligence in the area of emotional health and in communicative behavior have been overviewed. Peculiarities of influence of emotional intelligence on preparing for professional careers in cognitive (idea of himself and of others), emotional (emotional health), behavioral (communicative behavior) of students areas have been highlighted. Models of educational process, which aims to develop components of emotional intelligence have been given. The basic stages of development of emotional intelligence of students-psychologists have been illuminated. The main types of work, that should be used to develop the emotional intelligence of students-psychologists have been presented. Opportunities for developing skills of emotional knowledge of university practices, classroom and independent work determined. The great potential of the training method in the formation of emotional intelligence have been specified on. It has been shown that to achieve by emotional intelligence techniques of effective psychological tool of psychologist is necessary to take account of the gender factor that determines fundamentally different formulation of the problem of professional training of psychologists-male and female
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional competence, emotions, feelings, empathy, reflection, training

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

Dvojnin A. M. Jemocional'nyj intellekt i refleksivnost' studentov-psihologov / A. M. Dvojnin , G. I. Danilova // Vestnik PSTGU IV: Pedagogika. Psihologija, Vyp. 1 (24)., 2012. – S. 121–134. Grudcina M. V. Jemocional'nyj intellekt kak faktor jeffektivnosti professional'noj podgotovki / M. V. Grudcina. Gorizonti osvіti. Psihologіja. Pedagogіka [Tekst]: naukovo-metodichnij zhurnal. # 1, Sevastopol' : RIBJeST, 2012. – S. 14-18. Derev""yanko S. P. Emotsiynyy intelekt yak chynnyk sotsial'no-psykholohichnoyi adaptatsiyi osobystosti do student·s'koho seredovyshcha : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya naukovoho stupenya kand. psykhol. nauk / S. P. Derev""yanko. – K., 2009. – 20 s. Zaryts'ka V. V. Neobkhidnist' rozvytku emotsiynoho intelektu osobystosti v protsesi yiyi pidhotovky do profesiynoyi diyal'nosti / V. V. Zaryts'ka // Visnyk Odes'koho natsional'noho universytetu. Seriya : Psykholohiya. – 2010. – T. 15. – Vyp. 16. – S. 13–24 Meshcheryakova Y. N. Formyrovanye эmotsyonal'noho yntellekta studentov-psykholohov v protsesse obuchenyya v vuze / Y. N. Meshcheryakova // Vestnyk THU. – 2010. – Vыp. 1. – S. 157–161. Nosenko E. L. Emotsiynyy intelekt: kontseptualizatsiya fenomenu, osnovni funktsii : monohrafiya / E. L. Nosenko, N. V. Kovryha. – K. : Vyshcha shkola, 2003. – 126 s. Fedorchuk V. M. Emotsiyna kompetentnist' psykholoha / V. M. Fedorchuk // Problemy suchasnoyi psykholohiyi : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' KPNU imeni Ivana Ohiyenka, Instytutu psykholohiyi im. H. S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny. – 2012. – Vypusk 17. – S. 623–630.

Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 582-589 (pdf)


UDC: 159.923
Yablonska T.M.
Yablonska Tetyana Mуkolaіvna, Doctor of Science (Psychology), Senior Researcher of P.R. Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Child-parent relationship as a factor of child’s identity

The article analyzes the features of child-parent relationship as a factor of child’s identity. Child-parent relationship is defined as a special kind of continuous and lasting interpersonal relationships characterized by strong emotional significance for both the child and parents, age variability, the balance of the polar positions, need care and responsibility, so as to cause mental development and socialization of the child. In modern psychological studies of this phenomenon is often analyzed using categories such as parental attitude, parental attitude, character interaction style family education, which is considered in the context of understanding that they create the preconditions for the formation child’s “Me”, developing his identity. Found that the parents’ adoption of the child's leads to partial acceptance or rejection of themselves, their parents and the family as a whole, the source of threats to the integrity child’s “Me”. The attitude of parents largely determines its image and “Me”and self-position that are part of identity; parents influence a child by broadcast their expectations and attitudes, specific assessments and standards, patterns and ideals that are presented in the content of family education and the methods of control. At the same time, engaging the system of family relationships and becoming the subject of relationships, the child is able to selectively respond differentially respond to certain influences, ultimately making it the subject of his own development. The development of the child’s identity in the family is conditioned by the extent of the relationship the child has the possibility of really mastering system entity performing certain values, not forced object relations; thus play an important role of parenting style
Keywords: child-parent relationships, identity, style of family education, parental attitudes, parental position

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

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Aktual_probl_psihol 2016, 9(9): 589-598 (pdf)


UDC: 159.922
Yavorska-Vietrova I.V.
Yavorska-Vietrova Iryna Viktorivna, Ph.D (Psychology), Senior Associate, Senior researcher of Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality of Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Language: Ukrainian

Dynamics of pupil’s retrospective reflection formation during the period of transition from primary to secondary school

Reflection is discussed as one of the psychological mechanisms of pupil’s personal efficiency formation. It is shown that three types of personal reflection can be distinguished: situational, retrospective and prospective. It is determined that retrospective reflection presents personal attitude to performed mental searches, discovered strategies for task solution, determined causes of errors and ""understanding and rethinking of a one-time self-image"". The analysis of retrospective reflection of 3-6-class pupils, having different personal efficiency, is performed. The obtained data allows us to determine five levels of retrospective reflection: low, below average, average, upper average and high. Pupils with low and average learning efficiency have, in general, the tendency to analyze the contents and results of their activities. However, during the transition period (at the end of primary school year and at early secondary school years), pupils, especially those who have average learning efficiency, show destructive tendencies in development of this type of reflection that is a factor of reducing of personal efficiency of such pupils. Pupils with high efficiency show direct correlation between development of ability to understand performed activities, to analyse made mistakes and to assess themselves in the past and successfulness increasing, productive personal formation as an agent of learning activities
Keywords: personality, personal efficiency, reflection, retrospective reflection, level of retrospective reflection, primary school age, adolescence

Spуsok vуkorуstanуh dzherel

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