Actual Problems of Psychology, Volume 1, Issue 50 – 2018
Abstracts and Information about Authors
UDC 159.00
Agacheva Yu.
Communal Higher Educational Institution "Kherson Academy of Continuing Education", Kherson.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Analyzed the weight of attraction among the factors affecting the efficiency of co-distribution activities of students and harmonious inter-relationships. The differences important influence intraattraction group, efficiency co-distribution activities and regulation inter-group relationships of different types. singled out and analyzed the phenomenon intrahrupovoyi attractions as one of the factors efficiency co-distribution of students and regulating intra relations.
Today especially important problems of teacher shall effectively co-distribution of students in the classroom. In this connection the question arises about the prerequisites of educational subgroups on the basis of which the co-distribution activities.
Among such assumptions scientists particular importance to the presence of high level of intra attractions.
A harmonizing influence of Attraction on interpersonal interaction in co-distribution of a relative, substantially contributing to the improvement of relationship satisfaction, but does not guarantee the efficiency of group activities. The main goal of educational co-distribution of students is a combination of harmonious interpersonal relationships with high-performance interaction, avoiding harmony as compensations due to efficiency and vice versa.
Keywords: attraction, co-distribution activities, the effectiveness of co-distribution activities, regulation intercompany relationships.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 5-17 (pdf)
Balakhtar V.
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article highlights the peculiarities of social and psychological support of the personality of Social Work specialists. The essence of the concepts of "professionalization", "support", "social and psychological support" is considered. The level of professional development according to its stage ("self-determination as a specialist", "the stage of self-design (life-design) of the professional way", "self-regulation in professional activity", "self-development, self-affirmation and self-improvement in professional activity", " the self-realization of a specialist as a professional, the achievement of "ackme", "the reflection of professional experience and self-expression of the meaning of a further life path") based on the results of the empirical research have been determined.
Keywords: Social Work specialist, the professional formation, social and psychological support
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 17-26 (pdf)
UDC 159.953.5
Balashov E.
National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Theoretical and practical aspects of the term of reflexivity in learning activities of the higher educational institutions students have been analyzed in the article. The main kinds, functions and forms of reflexivity have been characterized, and the barriers for personal reflexivity have been determined. The issue of development of such components of reflexivity as system reflexivity, introspection, quasi reflexivity, self reflexivity and socio reflexivity have been described and empirically evaluated. It was determined that reflexivity plays an important role in learning activities of the students as it allows them plan own educational activities, execute and critically analyze them, execute corrections to it when necessary.
It was empirically evaluated that the level of reflexivity of the students of the National University of Ostroh Academy is average. Statistical comparison of the average meaning of reflexivity of the students of the 1st and the 6th years has confirmed statistical validity of the development of students’ personal reflexivity during studying. We have evaluated that the levels of system reflexivity and self reflexivity of the students are average, and the level of socio reflexivity is equal to normal.
Theoretical and methodological recommendation for improving the development of reflexivity of the higher educational institution students in their educational activities have been worked out on the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical evaluation.
Keywords: reflexivity, educational activity of students, kinds of reflexivity, functions of reflexivity, forms of reflexivity, system reflexivity, introspection, quasi reflexivity, self reflexivity, socio reflexivity.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 26-44 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.07
Blohina I.1, Moskalenko O.2
1National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv.
2National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article analyzes the current state of research on the phenomenon of addictive behavior, which is formed as a result of prolonged and uncontrolled use of computers and directly Internet resources. The authors emphasize the existence of the problem of Internet addiction in the modern student environment. Features of Internet addiction, types and characteristics of Internet addiction are characterized. One of the methods of studying this phenomenon among students was a survey. As a result of processing and interpreting empirical data, four groups of respondents were identified with varying degrees of Internet addiction. The specificity of each group is determined by a combination of such indicators: the amount of time spent in the Internet space; online goal; affective changes as a result of excessive stay in the network; deterioration of work / study / household performance due to excessive use of the Internet; changes in the process of direct communication. Research results confirm the urgency of the problem of Internet addiction, which requires urgent solutions by developing means of prevention and reducing the scale of this type of addiction.
Keywords: addiction, Internet addiction, types of Internet addiction, Internet addiction indicators, Internet space, student youth.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 45-53 (pdf)
Borisyuk A.1, Timofeyeva M.2, Pavlyuk O.3, Mikheev A.4
1Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University", Chernivtsi.
2Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University. Chernivtsi.
3Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi.
4Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine "Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article is devoted to the actual problem of psychology– the preservation of the mental and psychological health of a young person, through the prism of understanding, awareness and harmonization of intrapersonal conflicts. The article summarizes the scientific knowledge of contemporary psychologists on the problem of the study of intrapersonal conflicts (later IPC). IPCs can create unhealthy attitudes towards oneself, to society, which cause to a number of internal problems of development: violation of adaptation, self-affirmation, self-realization of medical students, etc. The difficulties of personal formation are not specific and are mainly related not to the chosen specialty, but with the age-old period, during which we chose profession and study at a higher educational establishment. Hence, the difficulties of self-determination, and the various problems that are complicated by the simultaneous flow of separation processes typical of growing up are brought about.Also important are the various IPCs, which lie in the sphere of interpersonal communication: the struggle for leadership, the distribution of roles in the group, the search for friends, the first love, the change of partners, for someone - the formation of the family and the birth of a child. The aim of the article is to analyze the research of modern psychologists on the occurrence of IPCs of medical students, which is due to the peculiarities of professional development, as well as the analysis of IPC in the value-semantic sphere, the formation of the professional identity and the motivation field of a student-physician. In our research, we used the methods of analysis and theoretical generalization, self-assessment research methods that allow us to study the peculiarities of the problem of this study.
Keywords: intrapersonal conflict, professional identity, crisis of personality, value-semantic sphere of student-physician, self-esteem.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 54-66 (pdf)
UDC 159.98
Voropayev Y.
Kharkiv National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts, Kharkiv.
Language: Russian.
Summary: Artistic activity, including art pedagogy, means professional search of moderate willpower, which characterizes its “mastery”. These efforts are productive, because they are directed to upbringing high level of skill and to its application, which allows to solve significant creative tasks “using games”. In this article mechanisms allowing an artist to reduce the scale and even avoid the violence entrenched in our lives, which is interpreted here as subjective sense of trouble from exceeding the individual effort rate (over oneself, over a spectator, colleague, student), sometimes imperceptible even to the creator itself, which has also a negative impact on creativity, are showed.
Problems, raised in work, are formulated during the experiment in Kharkov National University of Arts named by I.P.Kotlyarevsky, in the course of which pedagogues and students are testing the methods aimed at improving the artistic plastics. The conclusion of this study was the following: non-violence in the work of an artist is directly proportional to the regularity and stretch of the volitional act in time; optimal level of motivation; intensity of ideomotor mechanisms; agility or innervative-reactive processes mastery; dominant role formation. Thereby here non-violence is not a moral precept, but an important condition, an effective mechanism for professional growth.
Keywords: artistic creativity psychology, art pedagogy, volitional processes, non-violence.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 66-75 (pdf)
UDC 159.92: 316.62
Harkavets S.
Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Severodonesk.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article deals with the problem of individual socio-normative existence. The concepts «norm» and «social norm», their manifestations in the real life of people are analysed. It is established that social norms are a functional algorithm for manifesting the virtuous, desirable, socially-approved behaviour of individuals. It is determined that the socio-normative existence of the individual is the product of harmonizing the action of social norms and its internal intentions. Modern transformations of norms and their socio-psychological installations that determine the normative crisis in the information society are considered. The ways of overcoming the crisis of social normality are suggested and the main aspects of the subsequent scientific research are outlined.
Key words: algorithm of functioning, virtual reality, information society, norm, social norm, social situation, social and normative activity.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 75-84 (pdf)
UDC 159.942.5
Gud A.
Bar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after Mikhail Hrushevsky, Bar.
Language: Ukrainian.
The article outlines the main theories and scientific approaches of foreign and domestic psychologists, which reveal the phenomenology of emotions. The subject of discussions is the influence of emotions on the formation and development of the individual, providing life and functioning in society through emotional experience, attitude, reflection. In modern scientific interpretations the definite terms of the personality have received somewhat different accents. Thus, experience is considered as a universal psychic ability of a mentally healthy person which accompanies all of his activities and processes of communication; attitude - active, conscious, integral, selective, experience-based relationship of personality with different sides of reality; reflection - the property of matter, which consists in the ability of material objects to respond to actions, influences. The basic theoretical concepts of emotions are defined by K. Isard's doctrine of psychodynamic, dimensian, cognitive, socio-cognitive, cognitive-physiological approaches. The psychodynamic theory of the effects of M. Klein, S. Freud, G. Hall was laid on the basis of the psychodynamic approach: cognitive - M. Klein; dimensian - G. Spencer, E. Duffy, D. Lindsley; neurocultural - P. Ekman, which entirely reveal the doctrine of emotions and their differentiation. Of particular interest is the research of emotion due to the communicative sphere. In the process of such interaction there is an active knowledge of reality, the formation of the subject's emotional attitude toward this reality, to other people, to himself. An important role in the transmission of communicative information belongs to non-verbal and verbal means (facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, voice intonation, etc.). It is they that characterize the intensity of identifying human emotional experiences, revealing the ability to recognize themselves and the world of the environment. A verbal description of an expression is an example, which includes only those features that are understood by the subject, there are some constants for it in recognizing emotions on the face. The number of his signs, testifies to the cognitive capabilities of the subject, of his ability to deliberately isolate the signs of expression and emotions.
Keywords: emotions, emotional experience, relations, reflection, emotional sphere, communicative sphere, facial expressions, emotions theory.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 84-94 (pdf)
UDC 159.923/.928:159.9.07
Demchuk O.1, Druzhynina I.2
1Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne.
2Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article offers terminological aspects of «empathy».An analysis of leading research and psychological approaches to the definition of the essence of this concept is presented. A systemic study of the phenomenon of empathy has been carried out. It is empathy as the ability of man to empathy is the emotional basis of the formation of moral qualities of the individual. It develops simultaneously with the level of personality development, its ability to understand the state of another. At the same time, this phenomenon is associated with psychological neoplasms and sociogenic needs of a person. Traditional interpretation of the phenomenon of empathy as «understanding the inner world of another person and emotional involvement in her life» makes it possible to determine empathy not only as a result of the integration of elements of cognitive and emotional processes, but also as a manifestation of the attitude of another person as the highest value.
In most modern studies, the concept of «social empathy» has a very different meaning, sometimes even the opposite of its original meaning. The desire for greater concretization, certainty of the concept, the occurrence of essential differences (especially when it concerns the specific conditions of life of the subject of empathic experience) makes it necessary to investigate the main approaches to the identified psychological definition.
Due to the complexity of the political, economic, social sphere, the low level of morality of our society, etc., many scholars and practitioners in Ukraine paid their professional attention to social empathy as an important means of self-actualization of student youth.
Depending on temperament and personal psychological qualities, all people have a different tendency to empathy. The deepest sensation of empathy is experienced by introverted individuals, prone to melancholy.
We believe that social empathy is an important means of self-realization. Self-realization of the personality is a multidimensional concept, which in psychological theories is considered as process, need, form, purpose and result. Under self-realization we mean active interaction with the surrounding socio-cultural environment, as a result of which students develop intercultural communicative competence, social activity increases, professional self-determination is actualized, potential opportunities in cognitive, value-operational, emotional-volitional and communicative-behavioral spheres develop. Empathy is one of the important components of the cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres of self-realization. It greatly facilitates the integration of students into the socio-cultural environment; therefore, the study of empathy, in our opinion, is important and relevant.
Keywords: empathy, emotional processes, value, knowledge of the inner world, social development, relationship.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 95-102 (pdf)
UDC [159.922.8-058.862]:376
Demchuk O.1, Lazarchuk V.2
1Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne.
2Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article outlines the psychological peculiarities of the personality of the adolescent in the conditions of a boarding school for orphans and children deprived of parental care. The problem of personal growth in terms of deprivation of social interaction is one of the most relevant in Ukrainian society. Traditional psychological and pedagogical support for closed institutions has exhausted its resource, since it does not positively affect the sphere of consciousness of a minor. However, there is no system of psychological and pedagogical support of such minors in social infrastructure, therefore, the problem of "stigmatization" requires careful analysis in the framework of various scientific approaches. The leading research paradigms and psychological and pedagogical approaches to the definition of the essence of this problem are analyzed. Systemic study of the phenomenon of normative personal development in adolescence is carried out.
Keywords: teens, boarding school, self-affirmation, interpersonal relationships, aggressiveness, orphans, children deprived of parental care, deprivation.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 102-112 (pdf)
UDC 159. 9.07
Zavhorodnya O.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: It is shown that the ratio-humanistic orientation in the methodology of human studies proposed by Georgy Ball has a significant scientific potential in view of the methodological problems of modern psychology. In the context of Ball's creative heritage, in particular, the ideas that he expressed, but which were not sufficiently developed in his writings, we proposed an integrative-existential approach. The principles of integrative-existential approach are outlined. Integrative-existential approach, its methods, expanded and technologically specified in relation to the study of actual psychological problems, can be effective in the formation of strategies for the facilitation of integration processes in psychology.
Keywords: Georgy Ball, ratio-humanistic methodological orientation, personality, spiritual-existential dimension, existential-integrative approach, analytical procedures, facilitation of integration processes.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 113-122 (pdf)
UDC 159.98
Zlivkov V.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: This article is devoted to the phenomenon of post-truth, which means the formation of social mood in the form of dissemination of information, which operates not facts, but the emotions of the person who is acquainted with it. Post-truth is a political culture in which debate is framed largely by appeals to emotion disconnected from the details of policy, and by the repeated assertion of talking points to which factual rebuttals are ignored. Post-truth differs from traditional contesting and falsifying of facts by relegating facts and expert opinions to be of secondary importance relative to appeal to emotion. While this has been described as a contemporary problem, some observers have described it as a long-standing part of political life that was less notable before the advent of the Internet and related social changes. Commonly proposed explanations for post‐truth include changes in political culture, in the structure of information in the digital age and universal cognitive weaknesses that limit people's capacity for critical thought. While all these are likely important factors, they do not account for the role of culture in creating and sustaining post‐truth. In fact, it is likely that culture, especially in the form of metacognition, or thought about thought, plays an important role by providing knowledge practices, techniques for allocating attention, and especially competing theories of truth. It is established that the post-Soviet area this concept is extremely negative, mostly political context, while foreign practice, is more about the era of postmodernism or the so-called "era post-truth" within which shaped modern educational and psychological practice. It is determined that in the post-truth period, practically all scientific fields become interdisciplinary, the discussion between them is encouraged, and the educational process and psychological assistance are aimed at the formation of a free, independent, critical-minded, thinking and responsible, socially active citizen.
Keywords: postmodernism, post-truth, identity, discourse, educational practices, interdisciplinary research.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 122-131 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.075
Zlyvkov V.1, Dykhovychnyi O.2, Kruglova N.3, Lukomska S.4, Kotukh O.5
1H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
2National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv.
3National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv.
4H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
5H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: English.
Summary: Authenticity is an important quality of the English language teachers who, along with identity, forms the basis of their professional competence. However, in Ukraine there are no adapted diagnostic methods for personality authenticity study. This article deals with the peculiarities of the use of multidimensional models for adaptation of foreign psychological questionnaires are considered. The concept of teacher’s authenticity is analyzed, in particular in the context of professional identity and emotional well-being. The modern item response theory is described as due to the focus of the theory on the item, as opposed to the test-level focus of classical test theory. Thus IRT models the response of each examinee of a given ability to each item in the test. According to the results of the reliability check of Authenticity Scale in the Ukrainian translation, this methodology is a reliable tool for authenticity research (α = 0.93). The multidimensional models are used for tasks that allow a step-by-step interpretation, namely this method is the Authenticity Scale (A.M. Wood, P.A. Linley). It is concluded that teachers are characterized by an average level of authenticity, which testifies to the understanding of the teachers of their true self, but the impossibility of its best to show, due to certain requirements for professional pedagogical activities.
Keywords: item response theory, multidimensional models, teacher’s authenticity, psychological well-being, pedagogical measurements.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 132-141 (pdf)
UDC 159.925:373.5.011.3
Ivashkevych E.
Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne.
Language: English.
Summary: The author of the research worked out the structure of the teacher’s social intelligence, identified and substantiated psychological determinants for the development of personal qualities of teachers, the peculiarities of using by the teachers cognitive styles of the activities which would determine the high level of the development of social intelligence.
We mean that a social intelligence of a teacher is a complex personality neoplasm, which contains cognitive, systemic and integral substructures. Systemic substructures are communicative and prognostic competence, which in turn contain integral components, in particular, mechanisms of anticipation, decentralization, intellectual initiation, decision-making, planning, control and self-control, reflection, and etc. At the same time, the communicative competence and the ability of a teacher that are a part of a substructure of cognitive competence of a specialist (the ability to understand and to predict the effects of the behavior of people, the ability to summarize logically important features and various nonverbal reactions of a person; the ability to understand changes in verbal reactions of a person depending on the context of a social situation, which caused them; the ability to understand the logic of the development of the situation of interpersonal interaction, the importance of the behavior of different people in these situations, and also a personal and intellectual reflection) are presented, first of all, on the micro-level of social intelligence, prognostic competence and empathy – on the meso-level, whereas the mechanisms of anticipation, decentralization, intellectual initiation, decision-making, planning, control and self-control, reflection, etc., ensuring the functioning of social intelligence, there are on the macro-level.
Keywords: the social intelligence, the artistic intelligence, the information intelligence, micro-, meso- and macro-levels of social intelligence, communicative competence, prognostic competence, empathy, reflection, cognitive, mnemonic and empathic aspects of social intelligence, psychological types of the person.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 141-152 (pdf)
UDC 159. 9: 130.2
Kopylov S.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: A leading methodological task of modern psychological knowledge is it’s integration that’s logic can’t consist in the unification of different approaches those are equally important not any in it’s formal eclectic connection. Therefore, the dialogic creative communication on the level of grounds is an adequate form of integrating relations between diverse orientations, conceptions and so on. That’s need first of all to outline a common subject and a mode of it’s analysis that is to say to define universal ontological and cognizing ideas of today (essential characteristics of human being and knowledge) as landmarks of humanities. These ideas, being the ground of diversе psychological approachs, object one to another but at the same time are mutually supplemental in the potentiality. It is possible to take as a starting-point to construct a logical model of these complex relations the concept of culture. Very efficient interpretation of this concept is the philosophical conception of V.Bibler. On the base of this conception of culture (as dialogue of cultures, as mode of human᾿s autodetermination, as apprehension of world “for a first time”, as sphere of works) an article outline definitions of psychics and certain leading psychological categories that’s can be a subject of integrating dialogue. The author suppose the logic of this dialogue (“dialogic” of psychological research and of divers approach’s interaction) have to elaborate at the same time as logic of it’s “trans-duction” (utmost transition), logic of it’s mutuel substantiation and logic of paradox.
Keywords: integrating dialogue, logic model, culture, work, personality, universal psychological abilities.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 153-165 (pdf)
UDC 159. 9
Kotukh O.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian
Summary: The article examines different approaches to the study of the concept of "authenticity". The result of the empirical research of authenticity and the actual updating of the personality of students of psychologists of 1-5 courses is. Information is given about the levels of identity of students of higher educational institutions. The average values for the parameters of self-actualization in the five groups of the subjects are given, statistically significant distinctions between the groups are determined according to the parameters of competence in time, support, value orientations, flexibility of behavior, self-esteem, self-acceptance, acceptance of aggression, contact, creativity. The expediency of promoting the development of the authenticity of students of higher education establishments is stated.
Keywords: authenticity, future specialist, psychologist, self-actualization, personal self-actualization parameters, personality, authentic personality
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 165-174 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.2-053.6:316.4
Kraieva O.
Kyiv Boris Grinchenko University, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Results of an empirical research of transformation of the identity of teens of 13-14 years presented by the psychological factors connected with self-relation at a stage of experience of crisis of identity are presented in the offered article. Empirical results of crisis aspects of identity are given behind intrinsic psychological factors which are systematized according to psychological characteristics: personal identity (a factor "Intelligence", "Uneasiness", "Self-confidence"), social (a factor "Behavior", "A situation at school", "Communication", "Happiness and satisfaction", "Situation in family"), physical identity (a factor "Appearance") teens of different ages groups at the stage of experiencing of crisis of identity.
The analysis of results of a research completely appropriately detects the fact of existence of psychological changes in identity of teens of fourteen years as a result of transition of crisis of identity. As a part of identity of teens of the studied groups, collision of teens of thirteen years with the fact of crisis of identity which action, thanks to the allocated investigative manifestation, is played substantially in fourteen years is noted.
The results got the empirical way, allow to reveal the main statistical differences in structure of identity of teens of thirteen and fourteen years at the stage of crisis of identity.
Keywords: identity; crisis of identity; self-relation; personal identity; social identity; physical identity; factor "Intelligence"; factor "Uneasiness"; factor "Self-confidence"; factor "Behavior"; factor "Situation at school"; factor of "Communication"; factor "Happiness and satisfaction"; factor of "Situation in family"; factor "Appearance".
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 175-186 (pdf)
UDC 159.972
Lukomska S.
H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Traumatic life events are common among persons. In recent years there has been a growing awarenessof the importance of trauma in shaping the course ofpeople's lives. Restoring social and behavioral functioning after disasters and situations of masscasualty has been extensively explored overthe last few decades. According to classical conditioning theory, the traumatic event serves as an unconditioned stimulus that evokes an immediate and "hardwired" response from the organism (unconditioned response).Physiological activation during stressful events may play a central role in the pathogenesis of illness. No evidence–based consensus has been reached to date with regard toeffective interventions for use in the immediate and the post mass traumaphases. Because a traumatic or highly stressful event often causes profound changes in a person's outlook, often stays highly accessible for years, and often comes to mind spontaneously in response to internal and external cues, it may be perceived as a major causal agent and thus as a highly salient turning point in the person's life. However, at the same time, having a trauma as a salient turning point in the life story may lead to oversimplifications. It may cause the person to focus on those aspects of his or her current life conditions that can be explained by reference to the trauma, and to ignore aspects that defy such causal attributions.Weidentified five empirically supported intervention principles that should be usedto guide and inform intervention and prevention efforts at the early to stages: a sense of safety, calming, a sense of self– andcommunity efficacy, connectedness,hope. Scarcity of available resources, inequities in their distribution, and inefficiencies in their use pose the three main obstacles to better mental health, especially in low-income and middle-income countries.
Keywords: trauma, PTSD, DSM-5, mental health, stress-related disorders, trauma related disorders,stress recovery.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 187-198 (pdf)
UDC 159.956.2
Maksimenko S.1, Gubenko A.2
1H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
2H. S. Kostiuk Institute of psychology of NAЕS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Creativity as a phenomenon should be considered as a process of formation and genesis of new ideas. This fact prompts to turn to the genetic-modeling method developed by academician S. Maksimenko. This method made it possible to distinguish the embryonic nuclear protosem from which this new theory originates as the initial “cell” of the creative process, in accordance with the principle of isolating the original “cell”. In addition, he helped to distinguish such structural components of the creative process as the catalytic polysemantic field of discovery, the collective embryonic-genetic strategy of thinking and the genetic semantogram, within the framework of which the genesis of new scientific ideas and its psychological analysis are carried out.
Keywords: scientific discovery, embryonic nuclear protosem of discovery, collective embryonic-genetic strategy of thinking, genetic-modeling method.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 199-209 (pdf)
UDC 159.9-316.6
Marusynets M.1, Smuk O.
1National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov, Kyiv.
2Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article attempts to uncover the phenomenon of deprivation of loss of trust in children brought up in institutional care institutions. The main theoretical approaches to the study of the phenomenon of "deprivation" and its varieties are analyzed.
The analysis of the problems associated with their role and functions in the process of formation and development of the personality an orphan child has been carried out. It has been established that the process of the formation such a category of children occurs in a state of social and mental deprivation, which negatively affects the development of the emotional-personal sphere, communication, self-acceptance and self-esteem. As a result, children have deformed many of the key attitudes caused by full-fledged socialization, to which they include social and trustful attitudes towards the world. Children who are brought up outside the family experience deprivation caused by mental and personal development, which is manifested in the deformation of the children's basic trust in the world. As an important neoplasm, such deformity occurs in young children and is manifested in aggressiveness, suspicion, and inability to autonomous life. As a result, the further development of children's trusting relationships is deformed, since the formation of important personal qualities - autonomy, initiative, social competence, ability to work, gender identity - are fundamentally impossible, or have a deprived character. This is confirmed by studies that indicate that people who have suffered maternal deprivation in childhood continue to have distrust of all people, except for members of their micro group, who have suffered the same thing. The formation of inadequate social expectations, focus on the recognition in their environment through physical strength, aggression and asocial forms of behavior. The sense of responsibility, attitude to one’s own life time, living according to group moral norms, orientation to group conscience and surety lay an imprint on the children's self-consciousness on the model of the behavior of teachers and service personnel. Merging with a specific person (educator, parents, teacher), as well as with a group of people (the “we” is well-known for children) often blocks, and sometimes makes it impossible for the child to develop autonomy, initiative and responsibility for their behavior.
Keywords: deprivation, social and mental derivation, the identity of children are not orphans, loss of confidence in the world, institutional institutions of guardianship.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 209-222 (pdf)
UDC 159.98
Melnik O.
Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Veterans of War, Cherkasy.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: This article is devoted to the actual problem of the present –the features of combatants social adaptation. It’s describes approaches to the study of the psychological aspects of social adaptation and its correlates, in particular, coping strategies, post-traumatic growth, resiliency, viability and psychological well-being. The link between the influence of traumatic events on the social adaptation of participants in combat operations, the ways of rehabilitation of persons with different types of adaptation is determined, in particular, it is stated that under favorable conditions (social support, lack of invalidating physical injuries, basic viability and adaptive coping), the participants of the fighting have the opportunity to integrate into post-war life, taking into account the experience gained in the war. In the absence of favorable conditions, the need for comprehensive medical and psychological rehabilitation of participants in combat operations becomes urgent.According to the results of the empirical study, the age-specific features of PTSD (avoidance and intrusion), the severity of post-traumatic growth and its association with the traumatic event have been determined.It was established that Antiterrorist Operation personnel’s experience the action of a number of strong stressors, which are accompanied by stress factors directly in the area of hostilities. At the same time, few potentially projective factor provides participants of ATO of all ages from traumatic disorders.In order to social adaptation in the post-war life, ATO combatants should include traumatic experiences in their own world, but not deny them, considered as the part of theirs experiences.
Keywords: ATO combatants, social adaptation, PTSD, posttraumaticgrowth, hardiness, resiliency, psychological wellbeing.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 222-232 (pdf)
UDC 159.98
Melnik O.1, Lukomska S.1
1Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Veterans of War, Cherkasy
2Institute of Psychology named after G. Kostiuk NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Well-being is a complex construct that concerns optimal experience and functioning. The concept of well-being refers to optimal psychological functioning and experience. Current research on well-being has been derived from two general perspectives: the hedonic approach, which focuses on happiness and defines well-being in terms of pleasure attainment and pain avoidance; and the eudaimonic approach, which focuses on meaning and self-realization and defines well-being in terms of the degree to which a person is fully functioning. The hedonic viewpoint focuses on subjective well-being, which is frequently equated with happiness and is formally defined as more positive affect, less negative affect, and greater life satisfaction. In contrast, the eudaimonic viewpoint focuses on psychological well-being, which is defined more broadly in terms of the fully functioning person and has been operationalized either as a set of six dimensions, as happiness plus meaningfulness, or as a set of wellness variables such as self-actualization and vitality. The results of empirical research of psychological well-being of ATO participants of different age are analyzed. It was established that participants of ATO aged 20-30 years are characterized by a high level of psychological well-being, in particular, such components as personal growth and positive relationships; age group of ATO participants from 31 to 45 years - its components as positive relations, autonomy and management of others; the lowest rates for psychological well-being are in the age group older than 45, which is largely due to problems with somatic health and lack of social support.
Keywords: ATO combatants, social adaptation, eudemonia, hedonia, satisfaction with life, quality of life, psychological well-being.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 233-242 (pdf)
UDC 167.1
Papucha М.
Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University, Nizhyn.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Theoretical-methodological aspects of reductionism in psychological cognition are analysed in the article. Following aspects were distinguished: 1) attraction to authority and aspiration for paradigmality; 2) accentation of problems of past or future phenomenonal existence; 3) tendencies towards posterization and averaging of scientifically-psychological facts; 4) "fear of substantionality"; 5) global principle of mediation and mistrust of science to direct. Views of different scientists and methodologies of psychological cognition are analysed in application to the indicated problems. In particular, views of L.S. Vygotsky are studied in relation to theoretical-methodological problems of psychology and his aspiration to create "general psychology" which would become a foundation for diverse psychological researches. The article stresses that rapid development of very different directions in psyche researches creates unique possibilities for new scientific facts to be opened and comprehended, as well as new laws and principles to be established. It is underlined that the problem exists as a researcher’s problem, namely his/her competence, freedom and responsibility. It is mentioned that a psyche (psychology) can be studied with different aims: applied, concretely-empiric, analytical (when actually not psychical phenomena are investigated but texts about them), etc. Within the limits of each aim research plans can be different, and "mediation" really can be justified within the context of a certain system of research tasks. Thus, however, this system outlines and limits space of interpretations and deductions, thus an attempt of abstracting, when performing some concretely-applied tasks, will be methodologically illiterate. Conclusion is drawn, that reductional tendencies themselves must not be overcame, but must be reflected and taken into account.
Keywords: methodology, science, psychology, reduction, paradigm, consciousness, psyche.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 242-254 (pdf)
UDC 159.9:378.14
Pasichnyk I.1, Kalamazh V.1
1National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh.
2National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article deals with a problem of determining the effectiveness of group project activity of students while learning a foreign language of professional orientation. On the basis of personal-activity and competence approaches, the main components of the logical structure of determining the effectiveness of the GPA during the study of a foreign language have been singled out: aim and basic tasks; functions (motivational, diagnostic, control-evaluative, prognostic); subjects (student, project group, instructor and external expert); objects of analysis (product and process of GPA, results of GPA, group cooperation); stages of determining the effectiveness of GPA (preparation, design, basic, presentation, reflection); criteria of analysis of group project effectiveness (quality of product and process of GPA, quality of group cooperation, dynamic of subject-professional, personal and metasubject results); methods and means of evaluation’s effectiveness; levels of GPA’s effectiveness.
Keywords: effectiveness of group project activity; professional competence, key competencies, GPA effectiveness.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 255-265 (pdf)
UDC 159.922
Perepelitsa A.
National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article is devoted to the problem of computer game activity. The psychological approaches of foreign and domestic researches on the positive and negative influence of computer games on the human psyche are considered. The types of computer games and psychological factors that can contribute to the formation of dependence on them are analyzed. The psychological features of the younger adolescence as a potentially dangerous age group for cyber-addiction are accentuated and theoretically substantiated.
Keywords: psychology, computer game, addiction, cyber-addiction, personality traits, psychological factors, motive.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 265-279 (pdf)
UDC 371.132:376.4
Sizko G.
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Berdyansk.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: Humane personality must be different philosophical wisdom and nobleness. That is why the humane treatment involves constant moral self-improvement. Overcoming own shortcomings ideologists consider humanity as caretakers of others, a kind of activity for the benefit of people.
Concerning the process of personality development, some psychologists and educators understand this phrase realization of inherent instincts and properties of human.
The research component of humane treatment can determine the conditions that promote understanding through a subjective image of a man with mental and physical disabilities, volitional self-corrective behavior. Different spectra of negative attitudes towards persons with disabilities are considered in this article, in particular, barriers of reflection, barriers to attitudes, and psychological barriers that arise during interaction with such people.
It were analyzed factors that provoke appearance and development of negative attitude, such as genetic determinants (instinct, preservation of identity and aspiration for self-identification) and, in fact, psychological determinants (disgust, fear, helplessness, anxiety, hatred, hostility, antipathy, stress, dislike, striving for dominance and differentiation).
It were proposed ways to overcome psychological barriers during interaction with people with disabilities. Namely, the recognition that every person, whether adult or child, is unique and because of its uniqueness, occupies an individual and unique place in the life of society. In this regard, people with a status of a disabled person should be called as people with disabilities, thus recognizing their equality and the right to freedom of choice.
Keywords: barrier of reflection; barrier of attitude; psychological barrier; disabilities; a person with a disability; interaction; intolerance, special education.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 279-287 (pdf)
UDC 159.923.3
Stepura E.
Institute of Psychology named after G. Kostyuk NAPS Ukraine, Kyiv.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article draws attention to the connection of optimism with authoritarianism in the context of human existence in social crisis conditions. The problem of the link between optimism and success in the political activity is investigated. The author underlines the role of optimism and availability of deep personal convictions of a politician for the effective activity in a social crisis period. At the same time, attention is paid to the connection of authoritarianism with optimism and religiousness, which is a possible human worldview pillar. It is shown that it is important in the investigation of these connections to take into account the sociocultural context of a person's existence. It is also noted that it is essential to analyze the connection between optimism, concerning scientific progress and social development, with the Orthodoxy of religious beliefs. The ambiguity of these links is shown on concrete examples, which may have a meaningful value for social development, because religion has a significant impact on its followers' life and on the whole of society. The peculiarities of the connection between optimism and authoritarianism are ambiguously manifested in the totalitarian society. The author investigates some social and political factors that contribute to the creation of person's optimistic or pessimistic attitudes and corresponding psychic states in totalitarian societies. It is shown that the tendency of totalitarian systems to use violent methods for establishing their power always creates an atmosphere of frustration, despair, helplessness and hopelessness in the society, which in turn has a negative impact on the general mental health of the population. But in the society there is always a system of counteraction, there is always people who resist to learn to be helpless, who produce certain specific strategies to undermine the totalitarian society's negative effects, and these strategies are reflected in certain systems of ideas, which are opposed to the official ideology. The purpose of these strategies is to counter the feeling of helplessness and despair, and to find opportunities for optimism among the unfavorable social life conditions.
Keywords: optimism, religiosity, learned helplessness, authoritarianism, totalitarian system, opposition ideologies.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 287-297 (pdf)
UDC 159.9.01
Tavrovetska N.I.
Kherson State University, Kherson.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article is devoted to the analysis of the main components of the individual’s life position. The author gives her own vision of a constructive life position of the individual, who can effectively solve a variety of crisis situations. The author emphasizes that it is precisely in crisis life periods, that a fundamental change in the individual's attitude of life takes place, when a person realizes / does not realize his sense of existence, loses stable perceptions of himself and others, the impossibility of realizing vital values, strategies and expectations.
The article states that during the transformation of life position, its constructive components are affected: basic beliefs (for the sake of achieving a sense of security, the individual constructs life experience on the basis of the implicit internal structure of persistent beliefs), existential fullness (an integral characteristic of the individual associated with a sense of fullness of sense of life), semantic loss / personal alienation (violation of semantic connections in the structure of the individual’s lifeworld), subject - object orientations in life situations (person’s ability to realize his own internal activity). The author highlights that the correction / development of these constructs can be both conditions and the result of a constructive attitude of the individual’s life position.
Keywords: life position, basic beliefs, existential fullness (sense of life), semantic loss, personal alienation, subject - object orientations.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 298-310 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Tyron E.
State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyiv.
Short term friendly relationships as a form of interpersonal relations in small Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: In this article we give a theoretical substantiation of the expediency of forming the ability to establish friendly relations for successful professional activities. It was found out that the process of their establishment is associated with such affinities as: the attraction of belonging to the group, the desire for social support, the urge to communicate. We identified the stages of development of friendly relations, the principles of their formation, the factors of influence. This provided an opportunity to underline the skills and abilities which should be shaped and corrected. The specifics of professional activity, when the individual interacts in a situation of isolation for a limited period of time, has led to distinguishing a separate psychological phenomenon – short-term friendly relations. The investigation of the progress of the establishing short-term friendly relationships was carried out among the members of the crews in maritime merchant fleet. As a result of the investigation we state that short-term friendly relationships is a form of personal interaction based on the principles of free choice, trust and moderate honesty, satisfying the desire for group membership, communication and social support, takes a limited period of time in a small informal group and conditioned by professional necessity.
Keywords: short-term friendly relations, small informal group, specialists in extreme occupations, need for affiliation, communication and social support.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 310-321 (pdf)
UDC 159.98
Kharchenko N.1, Chornaya T.1
1Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna, Uman.
2Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna, Uman.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: This article is devoted to the actual issues of forming the emotional environment of a child of preschool age, which are analyzed in detail O.V. Zaporozhets The emotionally developing environment is a set of general and specific pedagogical conditions that provide emotional support and the stabilization of an emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the group that create the appropriate emotional mood, diversify the development of the emotional sphere of children and promote the mastery of emotional regulation skills. The article states that the successful development of emotions of a child of an early age is the basis for self-realization of her as a person. It is determined that the creation of appropriate pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions should contribute to the optimization of the emotional development of young children.
Keywords: preschool age, O.V. Zaporozhets, emotions, feelings, emotional environment, game.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 322-329 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Cherkaska E.
Secondary school of 1-3 degrees № 132, Kiev.
Language: Ukrainian.
Summary: The article provides a brief analysis of psychological studies of emotional stability, its indicators and the correlation with other components of the teacher’s professional competence. Emotional stability is considered as an integral part of the professional competence of the teacher and the emotional culture of the profession. The examples of teachers the emotional stability and the importance of communicative skills and self-regulation skills in the education system. For the development of emotional stability, modern psychological science offers many ways to which can be attributed: internal methods of self-regulation, neuromuscular relaxation, respiratory exercises, behavioral psychotherapy, group trainings, etc.
Keywords: emotionality, mental stress, internal intelligence, pedagogical activity, self-regulation, effectiveness of professional activity, stress resistance.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 329-341 (pdf)
UDC 159.9
Shevchenko R.
Reception of the President of Ukraine of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Summary: The article attempts to reveal important problems of the management of women in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars and highlights the issues of women's management, which until recently did not pay enough attention in the field of management psychology, sociology and other sciences. The range of issues that have social-social inquiry and need urgent elucidation, theoretical and practical elaboration are defined. In particular: participation of women in the first roles; the distribution of the simultaneous fulfillment by women of the role of wife, mother and leader; preservation of the functions of women's role in the conditions of social crisis change and migration; load volume and distribution of time for their execution and leisure; imitation of a woman-manager of male-style leadership; the meaning of women's style of management; Portrait of a woman-leader of the XXI century. There are three stages of adaptation of women to new conditions: social shock (characterized by social apathy, outbreak of crime, the desire to follow the stereotypes of behavior that prevail in the former system); the mobilization of adaptive reserves (characterized by adjustments or changes in life goals-values, the development of innovative behavior patterns, the choice of one of many ways to achieve their goals); answers to the "challenge of the environment". The main types of decision-making by the heads of different levels, both men and women, are substantiated: mathematical - it involves the application of economic-mathematical methods and normative theories describing the optimal solutions in management (business structure, economics, market relations, educational institutions); cybernetic - predict the convergence of the concept of "science of management" and "art of management"; writing specific recommendations that will help the manager to make the right decisions; psychological - study the influence of the typical and individual peculiarities of the person who makes the decision. The regularity of the demand for a woman's style of leadership, which fully corresponds to the modern conditions of their life, is stated, and the most important factors that contribute to the effective development of the role functions of the "business woman" in the field of management are identified.
Keywords: women-managers, male managers, "business woman", management, psychology of management, organizational psychology.
Actual_probl_psihol 2018, 14(1): 341-352 (pdf)